IHrtWta- j jtxyttvmttal JEttracsi. '- -&2j Vk....5;.si Sis i I'' I I ' i . f i J ?T M WILLAMETTE FARMER. Sevhiik Aitmotionb. Ono of tho most distressing cases wo havo hoard, of doatha of cblldron from diphtheria, has occurod In the family of Mr. J. I. Thompson of Indopond otco whoro four bolovodchlldron liavofullon victims oftho dlsoaso. Wo had hoped tho ravaKoaof tho fill destroyor from that causo Jiad ceased, but wo oro also obliged to record tho death from diphtheria of two Interesting children hi tho family of Mr. Gllllngham, of this city. School Ulhiuc Mr. Frank 12. lIodgklnH liab announcod that ho will bo a cnndldato for school clork of tho 21th district, Miulon Co, which includes Salem and ylolnltv. Mr. Jlodgkins is vory competent, and if elected will makoa good clork. Wosoll S. ll.Konnedy'H JIi:mkocic Sin;:!' IMP, tho Ijost and uhoapcit din l:novn, and will condjj valuublo book to Hheop owners lroo on application. J. McUhakiin eV Co., Portland, Orogon. tiirUTin. Wo call attention of our readers, who aro in need of llowors, plants or trees, to tho ad vertisement of Storm, Harrison A Co., ol Palnesylllo, J.ako County, O. They havo boon In tho business noarly a quartor of a contury. Thoy aro successfully shipping to uvory Stato In tho Union. Send lor their catalogues, which they lurnlsh Ireo. Wo understand thut tho Davidson brldgo noiir liuonii Vista, Isjust about demolished owing to tho lalo high water. Tho Local Froduco Market. Whout Htlll remains at ono dollar a bushel, and will hardly drop below that before harvest. IUIh aro ready sale at CO centH a bushel; liny Is not In much demand, and ton ton brought to town would hnrdly llud salo, it load, now and then, may bo hold at $112 to $11. "Mill food Is high, brnii$17,r0u ton. Apples aro in good supply at !17Ji cts, potatoes havo boon sold as low as !W cts and munt drop to iilicts as soon as roads gel better and tho sup ply increasos; oggs aro li" cIh a doen. Sug ars remain atthoadvauco herelolro stated. HODGE, SNELL & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST S, IVo. 75 Front Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, I1EALE11S IN Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, IlliCIIAX'S Cresylic Sheep Bip, Carbolic Sheep Bip TIPTO.V aV KI'KTT'S SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosive Sublimate, Arsenic, Sulph. Zinc, Carbolic Acid, Ac, REMEDIES FOR The Prevention and Cni;e of Scab, etc. HODGE'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. SURE AND RELIABLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OP GOPHERS, SQUIRRELS, RATS, MICH, CROWS, AC. Safer. Itettcr, ami Cheaper than Strychnine, I'lioftphoriiN, Ar- Nenlc, or oilier prcpara- tloiiH an a Hlnglo trial will convince. SOLD I1Y DEALERS GENERALLY, AND BY HODGE, SNELL & CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 73 Front nntl 70 First St.. POUTIjAND. YOU "WANT A "LADY" &AJE1.3ML IJVEJrPX-ipEiJMCJEJISrTCSt, ?JV -.V.i- Portland Produco Mnrkct. Wo copy llio following Ironi tliu Ori'Koninn of tho 'is : Wliont Tlio niiirknt In vory tjulut and uv- orimoiiilotmloiiH ?! WMl !)," pur con lul. I'loiir Host hruiiilH f." ftO.ifl (H) por Mil,; otilnlilo mid country LmiuilH, $: liTniS.GU; lino and Mipnrllnoi 91 7fmr 00. OiiIh l!('Mt,liO.H)'J common, riTiiOUo. liny t'liolco tlmotiiy, Imlud. glfinlil; looso llitiri. Uncoil Hides l-al.'iu ImtiiH, l.'lnIUo; hIioiiI dorn, lOu. I.itril OioKoii-iiiudu, fiOHli, In Hum, HUIlco pr id; in koks, i-iii.ic. UhlukuiiH ft! fi(U?l ;() jior dozen. Ilnltor UL'a:i."o; CIioono, l.'.ilCo. 1'Kn I1 l -'' I"" 'lo.. I'ofitooN :i(l lo .Tic. HODGE'S CELEBRATED Gopher & Squirrel Killer. D3lT.xo Stone, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &0. Country Order Solicited. AND PARTICULAR A'lTENTION GIVEN TO THE PROMPT DISPATCH OP GOODS. to limit c Von Iiniit) Tho"I.nit), cxiin cany, iiitk uit.wi; Known. llnctlaree. Hlncns mlild'c of August Hardy, healthy, prodirmo nnd ever) -u'licro rollnfilc, Nln)iars tested, and atprnv cd by tlio lief t Horticulturists In tho Union. Strong year Mants (I, bo slnRlc: I5 doz.; $100 per loo. 2) ear plants, $3 tingle; jldor.; $130 per loo. pre paid, hy mall or express. Circular? and price-lift of GO Vurlctlc ol' UratiPN True. GEO W. CAJU'lliLL. Delaware, Ohio. G. W. DIMICK, IInl)lartl, Clarion Co., Or., nnsEDcn or Shorthorn & Devon Cattle, BERKSHIRE PIGS, I Llt;-lit JBrmnnli CIiIoIccuh. Young Stock for Sale. Pli; at tho farm. ..1. and phlppcd for .!. Mcht IIIIIMItlll LIIIHCIl?; t.(MI L'llCII. PlllIUt.U, IT pi 1UC UHLU, FRKSII E(I(1H. rarcfully packed nnd f hipped, f 1..V) pcrunvn. I imvu tried F0erl or tlio non-fiueri1, nnd ilnd thn Llulit Ilrnmaha inual to them rnni'Kf, and far lienor for tliu table. (. W. DIMICK. iiis Oilt Groo Stock Farm, AUrth 8, 1ST FOR- TUB PIjEASAZVTON SU-ATII. Ik'uoniiiiondL'il I)) (lie highest authority for the cure of NTor vous Oo tool p 1 a i n t S) NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Fains and Aches of all Kinds. For Sftlo Toy JOHN HUGH ES -DEALER 1N- kUII I'ruiii'Uco illiirkct. lUV TKI.KOIIAI'll, Han l'tnucii-co, March 'JT. Flour- Kitmjolitilhtf, i i!.vj,7 -r. Wlu'it -Vnry iln'l, nmiu ollerlnj;. Not ocrftU. can bo olitalncil for hlilpplnn, milling, (. i lUQS 13, OaW- (t Kft-i -a, llnrluy Itruwlui:, l Hal It); feed, 1 40i(l 13. l.t'Kal Tenders, USUI Imylni;; wyit rullliiK. Liverpool wlual market lo-dity-IOit 7dails Od for rivornu-o California, 104 KMiMti" :ld for Club. Trees IMiiiKii. HprliiK l,Mi free. F. K. i'iionix, lilnomliiKton Nurtory, III. 30 Caid with nnv nams neatly urlntiil thereon enl to any addreri upon receipt of 'J 5 Cent, Hilda it-cent Uinii, Addrert, v. ,i. (,'i.aiikk, rtaltm, Oni;on. Ifl. ft i um r...i.. ltVlll(lM..fc, 1W4(1( I MWt .M. 111., L'UM tn. MlM tOilM lllniUM T0KJ. lUimiMII n.r. ui,lnil'im,ll.i Final Sottlomont. TVJOTICKlKhewhyijUeathatJ.M llrn, Admin XI Idratur of llm Kftnloof Jnnpli A WtlKht, h ihU day riled liln Dual account, und riaturday, the I Ith Uy or April, at II o'clock a. in. of ntld day han In en ilxtil for lirarliu; tho fame, '1 hen foro nil perioiii In Irri'ftiil In raid eMalu art ruiilliMl lo appear III tho 4'onnly Court of Marlon County on or before tho raid daynnd rhowcaium, Ifuny ihero he, why Mldaciouut rhoiildnot hoalhnud, JNO. O. PKKIILKS, Man h HI, 1H77 I. County IiuIkc. Administrator's Notioo. flllllj uiulerrlk'nid, hixlin; hem duly apNiliileil by X tho Count) Court nf Marlon i until), Oregon, '! mliilclruliir of llioe.lntoof II C Da) Ion, latoof lutld ounly, ileieninl, Ihen foro nil perron hatluuclalmr ULiiiii.i .uu einio w ill pim.0 prereut l no muiu to Ihoadiululiitriitorat hlrrealdeuro, near lluhkard, In mlil i ouiily, within rlx nioiiilm from IliU dale, nnd perroiiK owlui: raid eatuto will plivie iiiuko liumeill iitoia)meut I., V. DAYTON, Adm'r. Maicha.1. s77wlp.l IMIilS, OILS, WI1VPOW GLASS, AND BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Stato Stroot, Snlom, Orogon. FLAXSEED 5,000 BUSHELS -or- I FURNISHED EREE OF CHARGE vow THE EVANS SULKY PLOW: Iron Beam. Iron Frame, Iron Wheels Easily Operated The Latest and BEST Sulky Plow in tho Market. Has the Hitoh and Draft direct from the end of tho Beam. Arrangod to work throe Horses abreast. Tools, tne DEiajst 3F3o3co.iTLiaaa At tho Orogon Stato Fair, 1876. tST Soo tlio a3"7A.:iNri5 tooforo Voxi Taxxy : a THE OLIVER CHILLED 3IETAL PLOW, Will Scour where others fail. LIGHTEST DRAFT PLOW im ported. Ask your Neighbora about them. A PULL AHSOUTMKNT OP Tlin EXTRA-HARDENED At'knowlctlgcil by nil intelligent Farmcra ad tlio UliST Steel Plow nuule. We have a full assortment of ever) thing in our line : Hill-side Plows, Left-hand Plows, Cultivators," Har rows, Buckeye Broad-cast Seeders, Buckeye Grain Drills, BAiN Farm Wagons, Spring naguiioi ravine run ksiino, r vifcafjic Grist KfS ills, Mishawaka Ring grinder Chopping-iysillo, & Victor Scales, Cider Mills, &c, &c. unr Gootla aro all FIRST-CLASS not rubbish Hint will not soil In California. C3?" Send for our Catalogue ami Price Ll.st. "ia KNAPP, BUKKELL & CO. rorllniid, Oregon, Oct. J, ihfd. w.wrATusnroiiD. 3, w. wriTiinnroiu). Wertherford & Go., Wbolctalo nnd Ratal! Dealer In DRUOS. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Patent Medicines CHEMICALS. IE erfum eyy TOILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal porpoeca. Modioinoo Oompoundod, and Proscriptions Filled. Weatherford & CotJ A Itcward of 20,000 Una been ollcrretl by Conjircn for thu bcrt anil rnot durable wo'hod of draw Inc U'nter from Wells ir Cln. tiriiii. SHOOTS & COLWELL Imvo been uwanled tlio nbc con their J2X.J?A.TSTlTXGr RUBBER BUCKET PUMP. FcStf Commorclil f trcot. NALE.tl. Notice toJax-PayersI A 1.1. l'KllhONH OWINtl TANKS IN MAIMON IV. t'oimtv, nui.l nj tlio mmo beloro tho IUI day ol MAIU'll, 17, k tho DclUtimenl l,lit Mill ho .1 A, 1IAKKII, Sherill of .Miulon t'ounty. noidooiii Ml tlml time MirctrJ-, IhTiwl Clyd 'I'l... 11...,. I. ,,..... V II..ICI....I xiiu iiaiitinuiiiD iuiiiil; iiiiu-umi esdalo Stallions, ROMANCE & ADVENTURE, fllllK lUOI'KltT OF WILLIAM (MIALMKltN L will .mii4 m Ooruolln X'ox-xxx, t ornelliu, Whliii;loii lomit), tliu enriilni; noon, from Airll ll to Jul) t.t. They Kitiutl two ilrt ore juluiiimt the iWeron Mate Fair Ut lull, for tho bit (hriv.ve.iroM draft toll and Ike bel Itrrn lem. rhllMhtiO lo Inaiiro. i)nhlo hn the nureU known to ho In f.ial. Mare dl'pomt of be foro loalliic, to Ik tvtld for u In foal, whSJMl WM OUALMKKS. AFAK.tlKII HKCKNTl.V AKKIVRD, ,he. to rout siVfWXXX. Auawvr itat In turn., Gallon, .Ito of tunu. amoiiut of arable J. Cmnilm.-i.aiu A To , FortUuil mhlilnj Sowing in the Spring of 1877. THE KEST CHOP POK CHANGE OP LAND, Fl Southern Planter & Farmer llll'MJIonu, VIIKJIMA. -IHlKF'AOiIK'Ut.TUIIAL JOUItNAL tK TIIK J boiilh.detottil to AerlruliniK. m.l ii.,..i....i turo and llural Aflalr; mbnrlptloii t) per ear In JHrin In i'mt) hoiiih,deotii to itaiK'r. wu hiv. vir..i..i. 'rills III eor imrtloii of lli Mate for ale. betid tlttUiti for ilr.rrliHlui Il.t. UK'Kl.SbO.N A C1IRWNINO, ItlctuouJ, Ya. -i AX STlTHHLB EQUAL TO SUMMER FALLOW FOJl WHEAT, IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE FLAX -RAISERS Ixx tlx JE3tvte! FAIR, AVERAGE LAND WILL PRODUCE A GOOD CROP. THE BEST LAND, WELL PRE PARED AND SOWED TO FLAX, WILL YIELD LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY CASES FROM 20 to 30 Bushels to the aore, the profit from the same being muoh greater than that derived from any other crop. Priutod instructions regarding tho preparation of tho land sowing, harvesting, and prioes, ftiruisheatoaU applicants ' , OIL CAKE MEAL 10 o .HlxSRiyiiMwJCSaW. for tho renvoi! thnt It t tlio moit twrfcrt nnd ilosltnblu rump In Ufo. Thin EXI'ANIIISO lU'CKKT Is tho only ono thnt 1. or can bo I'ntentcd Tho prlnclplo ol cipantlon t thin Tho Hiibhcr, i.thn of nn Inch tlitclc, I placid between two CONVhXKn l'LATES, UttoDiiIiMsctlivrwItlinrcrcn; thoulMi tielns full i.t In tho centre, preri hardcut In tho center, which caiiH' tho ltubber to expand, to that It can ho ItKADlLY ADJU8TKU TO ANY SIZED TUDE. from IV to 3 Inchc. to as to produco tho lean por ! ,,i0(r.K!1?.,.1,Bn.a .cl mnko a perfect acuum. Tho rtylo "f OUlt CUHU, lanowanddelrablo, wltlin ventila ted Top, admlttluK frco circulation of air. Foul and )oIouou kbc arc iiulekly rcmoed by this MACIC PUMP. It I known that tho no of Impu.ro Water cauecu wore ilcknct and death than all other eauf e com blued. Wocballencotho world to producoa I'ump rUMPqM8 0Ur J'xl'rtNUIJ, IIUUUEH BUCKET Tho ilubbcr that wono In pnro Vulcanized White Ilubher. oft and elastic. Tho metal part of tho burk ct It FINE IIHA8H. which U INDKSTJtUCTlULE by any acids found In watir. Thla pump. In all Its pari. m,.,,,,'.v1emo !. 'Impllclly. DHAWINO MOltE WA TEU IN A OIVEN TlSlE; WITH LESS l'OWBK THAN ANY OTHEIt FUMI' NOW IN USE, ond IsiiMcrobst.ncted hy Irccxlnz If properly adjusted, 1I,,'.c.lv?.t l'in"l Ju.3, 13. I'rlco ia for Curb Willi Heel, Spout and Orlpo, and first 13 feet or plpu and chain, and 50 ct. per f ot for all below tho first IS feet. For I'ump, or County, Tow n orbtato Jllsht Address, MIDDAl'GH & DEARDSLEY, Salem, Oregon. JOHN MINTO. onEEDrrt or MERINO SHEEP, Mr annual Catalosiio of Vsetablo and Flower seed ror isTt will bo ready by January, and sent fnti. to nil J ho apply. Customers or lust suonnitd not write ,." i"!Cet 0I1C of ",0 lrcn collections or cgo tabio reed ej er sent out by any seed -oiiso In Amcrlc i a Urijo iKirtlon of which were crown on ray six seed rutins t'riitfril illrtitioiH jor niltlrallt , vn tnru lwla'ic All soul sold Irom my establishment war ranteil to lo both fresh an1 true lo name; so far, that should It prove other. Iso, I will nniltho order srntls. As tho otljjlnal Introducer ol the Hubbard and Mar blehead himashes, tho Marhlehead Cabbages, und n score i or otner new vei-tables. I Invito tho lmtronaso of iitf irAo nrr uiulout lohait tlttli t,tilf,th ti-.t.aud ortnt rtrjfhtttlnuii. Nrw'MiiETni.tAl'i.cuLT. , .. JawlsJ II. tliitoouv. iK-yiwU Marhlcheail. Mass. Premium Seed Potatoes. '2 MO l.fiO l.no l.oo 1,00 .7ft Will hn furnialinrl fn )0 paid for in FUx Seed, if dosirod. Address, all contractors, Or, ALIIANY FAIIMKUS' CO., JA.UH1 III.AKK1.Y, PIOiAEEK Aunsv, n ...... : " : J. o. 1'ArxmwoN, waujl wivU. Fr.ORM .. rv . Viv7is.iil.VV "'aowo; .MNU A BhLL, Comaius; OHi CO., feulctu, Oregon, SnowllnUv, iter biiNhcI, r.illl'lll, m . . K.Miu Karly Vviiuoiit, lli'ou-iicll'N Kcntily, . Compton'M Sui'iirlsc, Early IVoncNiicli, I.UIU Iloso, Lnrly noae, Dlmlck, Rnrnct niul KIiir ol tlio Cnrlles. This s my prlco ror them, sacked and nut nn it. car at Hubbard. All warranted to bo true to name. ..,....,.. uiuii, .uiiiii iu ums or ten uol lar and upward may bo sent by express at mv e. pedse-otherwlse in nsilsttreil leVer. Address fetim J. M. DIMICK, Hubbard, Or REAL ESTATE LOANS. OKEGOX AND WASfllXCTOX Trust Investment Company OP SCOTLAND. mills Company Is prepvrtd to nesotlato loans In fixed periods or jeats. or reps) able by hair-narly In stAllraeats. For terms, annlv to ' jyin. norWr WILLI. .IAM liEID, Manacer, 8Flwt6tn-t X'orBiiid. Tnjw.n p.eo-uro inoucr n? to tho Wool-Orowers of Urt'xou nnd tho adjolnlnc Territories tho chanco to purchase THOItOlOHIIltEO MKHINOS. and as- ,V,'.r.l!lr,?.r,icf'i1dVorc'lc,a!.b" ,bcy ". and will en vTftVSr t',:.Vl.l ?l!?ep f Jho same miallty aril alno at .11UL.11 UIIKA11 I HAPU tho city. I. an -.-K" ..ILL. t.o imnnrV.;.!. k..mi;.v.i"r. . .,"-'u.",." i"r"F or Sheop ollered lu tho market aro cordially Incited. liAddress j0HN MINTO, i,AIlv.?.,.73,,!?l??!?.f5iIVj?,.rAn1'0'ho Hock can ti,v;.:.:v.i0",1',u lmwi, adjoin me Sa cm. ulii'vtfA 1rb0 "cl! all.,lu "'mo placo, or at tl ,"a!iemefK,io.A1.' m,,M MB,h or,I,0el, RAILR0AD LANDS. XIIornl Xormsl LOW I'HICKM LONG TI.tlKJ low intkukst: T one? !!S?M?AI,,y0RJIA "AILIIOAD CO. ral term.- ol mtfoJ.',aIe "P0.""" folUiwInc llbo the batanV.? .?l5.of tli pr,co ln ca8t,i Interest on arterial." ?mi ltJVu ofen Per cent, ono year uIykpKursrSnclJo,hprlncl,aunll,D," t O A i' ? i (,r""'l " P. CIIULZB, Land .ueni u. & c. it. .. Foitland. Oreiron. SALEM FOUNDRY. & AInoliiuo Shop, 8ALKM OltEGON. B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. T,?S'.M.i8. GRIST MILLS, Winery mdetoTrr." Machinery repalrci'.t a short short iinii 5 antl .,ron Cwgs fnrnlshedat ANKH an DUAl'Kita. KATC1LER, and BTICKEItS and JUavtwti (Nucceaaor to A.N. Gilbert Co.) C. UZLA.FOVAGE. ..Dealer In.. ' BOOTS & SHOES, u f?m.t ir m '.