Tu t-(oe ClECLE. Conducted by MW j Haiti K II. Clarke. Woman's Rights. Ono day at school I told tlio boys 'Twas wrong to chow tobacco; Ono six yoars old, Grown vory bold, Prosumod to clvo his voto. Hays ho, " I saw A follow chaw Bjcauso ho had tho toothache 'Tnln't novor wrong For any ono To chaw that that has tho toothaoho." Tho school agrood With him; indood Ills logic charuiod tho urchins. Quito puwlod, I Could ocarce ronly At first to his abortions. A happy thought llowover brought Itollof from Greoloy's natuosako. "lloraco,"lsald, "If a girl Instoad Should chanco to haro tho tootliacbo And want to chow, What should sho do?" Llko oldor onos by tlmo unschoolod, Ho Bcratchod his head, And thon ho snld, "Sho'd oughtor liavo tho tooth pulled. " At tho Stilo. Sot doop In tho hawthorn hodgorow stands tho old rustic stilo; Uoyond It tho breezy uplands Ho strotchlng many a muo; Abovo It tho palo, wild rosos, sproad fairy nanus to meotj Bolow U, tho Hcurlot poppy Haunts, with tho daisies at Its foot; j Uoaldo It, tho bright brown rlvorstlrs tho HI- los uimu tuo sodgOH, iiuu hiiirh 10 iuo muo lorGOfiiio-uoia mm liostlo on willow lodgos. Ovor tho hill whoro tho hoathor glowod to a f juirplo Hush, And tho irorsos Unshod lliolr lavish gold 'tnld tho Dink of tho bllborry bush, Tracing tho nioadow pithway whoro tho BconteiVhay was swoot, Through tho wavo9 of tho bearded barley,and 1 tuo sou cool oi grnon wnoac, Grncolul, nnd gay, and gullaitt, with tho lov- I nr'rf encor snillo. llo strodo through tho July minshlno, to hoop ins tryst at most llo. Amid tho fir bolos glancing, hor robos whlto foldhm showed. Tho bluoboll rang Its prophet chime, by tho wludliur wav slut trodo: Tho slcylnrk poised abovo her, shook out Its Joyous song, jButtorllloH whlto nnd bluo and gold horaldod l hor alone: COn hor ohcok a wavering color, on hor Up a i uiiiionugsmiio, Irjho stood In tlio July sunshlno, kooplug hor irysiuwiioHiiio. Flower and bird will fmlonuddlo, nnd Sum merand Wlntor chance, Many n heavy doom may llo hi tho futuro's mystical rango, Altiny a gllttor nnd glory tho coming yoars may uriug, Many a wild and varying uotojfroui tho groat llfo Imrn mav rluir. BJlutoh! thoso two young loyors, lot forluuo s irowuorsniiio, tWIll searco know an hour moro purely swoot than tho tryst thoy kopt at tho stilo. McKENZIE. iv jkssii: o. i). Letter r. Di:ak Fitn:xn: Tlio noxt Autumn f tho Ynrncths sold tltolr plnco to Mrs. jLoroy's oldest son, Amos, who toro down tho old shun ty n nil built a'noat k'ottngo in its place. Ho then married j cousin Nellie, nnd thoy resided thoro. Sureo yours njrotlioy huilt tho beautiful ! resldonco that now crowns tlio hill. I bojan to attend school with Harry that Autumn, nnd, ns It was now to me, I onjoyed it very much. I, of coulee, formed many acquaintances, but thought tho most of Lou Dyers. Al though four years oldor than I, wo wcro tho best of friends and aro yet. In Juno, at tho closo of school, sho ac companied mo home. .Didn't wo havo .splendid times, though? I had a skill' that father had presented to mo on my fourteenth birthday, and I taught Lou Iiow to row, timl wo wont hoatrldiug nearly ovory day. Aftor sho had boon nt our homo two weeks, tho river be gan to rNo rapidly. 3Inndny evonlng wo sat on the front plns:::a watching tho turbulent waters in tho moonlight, and telling of our afternoon's tramp after strawberries, and woro complaining of our empty baskets and tired foot. "I'll tell you what wo'lldo!" said father suddenly. "There aro just lots of them ovor on tho other side of tlio butto; and, Harry, to-morrow you and I can rldo over, find a good placo to mmp, look aftor tho stock a Httlo, thon if all nro well, we'll Jump into tho wagon,' go, nnd stay till Saturday. What say you Mothor?" "I think we'd onjoy it very much," sho replied. "Twould bo capital!" exclaimed Harry. " Uut if Amos and Nell woro ' only hero," ho added, In a tono of regret. Ye, but they will nonreturn from Salem until Friday ovoniiig." I return ed. Then wo began to plan for our excur sion, and tho evening passed quickly. Tno noxt morning wo woro up early for a great deal had to bo done, and Father aud ' Hal.' wanted to got off be fore tho heat of day. Tho river had risen rapidly, and was nearly to our lower garden. " I fear that wo aro going to have trouble with tho McKenzie," said Fa ther, as ho surveyed its dark sullen vls ago. "Oh, 1 guess It will run down in a day or two," said Harry, as ho mount ed his horse. And off thoy went. I snatched my bonnet and ran down to see If my skiff was all right. Yes, 'twas thoro, but tho stnko to which 1 had tied it was surrounded by water; 60 1 sat mo down, and drawing off my shoos nnd stockings wnded out to It and pulled my littlo boat to land. While thus occupied, a thought struck me. Mrs. Loroy's cottago was on lower ground than ours, might not tho water bo around it V Quickly donning my shoes, nnd returning to tho house, I told Mother nnd Lou my fears. " I don't think tho water has reached it yet, but it will very soon, and you and Lou had bettor go for Mrs. Leroy and Jamie Immediately." Away wo went, and gotting Inlo my skiff, rowed with nil our might. It was a quarter or a mile nnd we woro soon. in sight of tho tiny cot. Tho enemy had crept within ten inches of tholloor frightening littlo Jamlo as It camo si lently upward; but as his mother stood in tho doorway watching our efforts to row tho boat through tho shallow water, sho exclaimed: "I know thoLotd would send somo ono to rescue us! Jamlo wns awfully scared, but I trusted in God." Wo could got our craft no nearer than threo yards from tho door, so I once more drew off my shoes and stock ings, and waded out after a plank, with which I made a shaky walk for Mrs. Leroy and Jamie, from tho door to our boat. Aftor thoy woro safely seated, I closed tho door, and scrambled inlo my skill", and wo started, Lou tak ing tho oars. "Oh! my kitty! my poor, dear kitty! Wo'vo left her, and sho'll bo drowned! Oh!-o-o-! my kl-It-ty!" howled Jamie. " JJl'ess tho child! lot us go back and got his kitten," laughed Lou, as sho turned tho boat around. I waded back and found Pussiocutlcd up under tho kitchen stove, enjoying a nap. I pick ed her up, and deposited hor in hor littlo mastor'rt lap. As wo again start ed, I picked up a long polo which float ed near tho boat, saying: "Lou, I'll steer with this." All! 'twas well that 1 did, for, a few moments later, a largo treo that had boon uprooted by tho Hood camo drift ing toward us. Lou and I woro seated with our backs to it, when Jnmlo cried, "Just look at that big log, Hortonso!J 1 turned Instantly. " To tho loft, Lou, quick!" I cried, as I pushed my polo against It. Sho Instantly 'oboyed, and wo woro naval. 33ut, If it had not boon for hor presenco oi mum nnu my polo, wo would havo been overturned in tho boiling tide. Wo soon roaohed homo, whoro Mothor cordially welcomed Mrs. Leroy, Jamie, and his kitten. " The water would havo been up in tho houso In another hour, don't you think so?" asked Lou, as wo entered my room. " Yes, and wo must return Immedl ly." "Why! what for'."' sho asked. "Tho water will carry tho houso away, unless securely fastened, for didn't you notlco how It shook? arid wo'll havo to hurry and go," I replied. Mother demurred a littlo when wo told hor our plans, but finally consented. Onco moro wo sot out for tho littlo cot tage; our boat was loaded with chains and ropes, and, having procured an other pair of oars, wo were both at work. 1 assure you, 't was no easy task to H'curo tho ropes around tho logs of which tho foundation was built; but, with hammer nnd spikes, wo worked for nearly two hours. "Jm'm so hungry! nro n't you?" said Lou, (alter wo had succeeded in first fastening a chain to the houso, aud then securing it to a stout oak that grow near.) " Yes, may bo wo can find something to eat In tho houso," I returned. Wo accordingly entered tho kitchen, and' began to f-earch; there wo found somo bread and butter, to which wo helped our.-elves, meanwhllo noticing if there was anything within reach of the de stroyer. Mrs. Leroy had moved all of her furniture, bedding, clothes, etc., into tho loft, but tho stovo still remain ed on tho lower floor, "Tho water will ru-t that stovo bad ly," was our first thought. " Wo might take all that wo can of It," remarked my companion; so wo took tho lids, doors, aud hearth. " It is screwed to gether; If wo only had a screw-driver, wo could tako it to pieces, and then carry it up there," said I, ns wo camo down; "but, if wo can't find one, a a blunt-pointed knlfo will do." Then we began to search, butin vain. " Won't this do?" said Lou, holding up a knife, tho point of which hadbc-uu broken off. WILLAMETTE FABMF.R "Just the thing," Innswered, solzlng it, nnd hurrying to tho stove. In a fow moments wo hnd It stowed with tho other household. Wo now prepared to return home. " Won't somo of our friends open their eyes when thoy hear of this day's doings?" laughed my friend, as wo seated ourselves In tho boat. Oh, how rejoiced wo were to got homo nnd rest! Mrs. Leroy was glad that wo had put hor stove away. The next day, Lou and I woro too much fa tigued, from our unusual exertions, to go ovor to tho Butto; but the following Monday wo all went, nnd enjoyed the trip vory much; hut 1 will tell you of It in my next letter. So, good night! To be continual.) Tho King and tho Farmer. King Frederick of Prussia, when he was out riding ono day, saw an old far mer, who was plowing a Hold and sing ing cheerfully ovor his work. "You must bo well off. old man," cried tho king. "Docs this aero bo long'to you on which you so Industri ously labor?" "No, sir," replied tho old man, who, of courso had no idea ho was speaking to tho king; "lam not so rich as that. I plow for wnges." "How much do you earn a day?" asked tho king. "Fight groschon," roturncd tho man. That would bo about twenty cents of our money. "That Is vory little," said tho king. "Can you got along with it?" "(Jot along! yes, indeed, and havo somothlng left." "How over do you manage?" "Well," nald tho farmer, smiling, "I will toll you. Two groschon aro for myself and wife: with two I pay my oltl debtd, two J lend nnd two 1 give away for tho Lord's sake." "This Is a mystery which I cannot .solve." said tho king. "Thon t must solve It for you" repli ed tho farmer. I havo two old parents at home, who kept mo aud cared for mo when I was young and weak and needed caro. Now that thoy aro old nnd weak, I am glad to keep nnd caro for thorn. That Is my debt, and It costs mo two groschon n, day to pay It. Two moro I spend on children's schooling. If they aro living whon their mother and 1 nro old, thoy will keep as and nay back what I loud. Then with my last two groschon I support my two sick slstors. who cannot work for them selves. 01 courso I not compelled to give thoiu tho money; but 1 do It for tho Lord's sake." "Well doue,old man,"crlcd the king ns ho finished. "Now, I nni going to glvo you something to guess. Havo you ovor soon mo before?" "In less than five minutes you shall sco mo fifty times, and carry in youtpockot llfty of my llkonossos." "Tills is' Indeed a rlddlo which I can not guess," said tho farmer. "Then I will solvo It for you," ro turncd tho king: and with that ho nut his hand into his pocket, nnd pulled out fifty gold pieces, placed them In tho hand of tho farmer. "Tho coin Is genuine," said tho king "for It also comes from our Lord (Jod. aud I am his paymaster. I bid you good-by." And ho rodo oil", leaving tho good old man overwhelmed with surprise and delight. CHOICE RECIPES. A ItRMAiiiii: lti:.Mi:i)V. For frock Ios, pimples, or spots, wator-crossos bruised, aud tho Julco applied to tho face or other parts troubled. Another Remedy. DIssolvo a littlo borax and sugar in somo lemon juice, nnd apply to tho face and wash with castllo soap. Plain Sukt Pi'ddino. Tako ono pound and a half of common flour, half a pound of binif suot chopped vory flue, two eggs well beaten, ono pint of now milk: mix. Havo ready a bowl well greased; put in your pudding; tie down with n cloth; boll steadily for two hours. United lemon peel Improves It. Another tecolpt is as follows. Ono cup sunt, ono raisins, all chopped Due; ono molasses, ono sweet milk, threo cups Hour, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, (ono or all us desired,) ono toiispoonful soda dNolved In tho milk. Holl or steam steadily threo hours. Liquid or hard fauco an preferred. Damson Jam. Tako tho damsons and weigh them; to overy pound of fruit put throo-quarters of a pound of white sugar; boll fast twenty minutes; tako out tho stones while boiling, crude them, nnd throw In the kernels; they will Impiovo tho flavor of tho Jam; keep stirring while boiling to pre vent bnrnlmr. Nr.wi'oitT Dl.vnc-Manci:. To ono quart of milk add ono ounce, or half a box, of gelatine; .soak until dissolved not less than two hours add a huiall cup of whlto sugar, and placo ovor tho flro. When tho sugar and gelatine aro mixed with tho milk, and tho blanc mange is gently boiling retnovo nnd add ono wino-glass of sherry wlno aud half a tc.vspoouful of extract of lemon. Stir while cooling to prevent tho cream rising to the top. When cool pour in to molds nnd bet on Ice. "What Ms the trouble among our young mm ?" Around hero It so in a to be that there are six working days between every two Sundays, and they ftel that Is an uu lust dispensation, and that tbero ought to be more Sundays. A notice In California paper says two hundred and fifty mon are agonizing for work and likely to auUer, in Yuba county. They can only get f2,50 yer day In gold coin. BREVITIES. An astonishing caso of respiration Tho shoemaker who breathes his last. When parents yield up their daugh ters In marriage they do It with miss glvings. A dull minister in tho pulpit is asoro trial, but the soprano in the choir is a &onrer. Tlio spring stylo of hand organ has only ono stop. It begins in tho morn ing nnd stops at night. Donntl Is to havo a monument don ated to him in Florence because he found so many comets. Tho letter "O" is called tho most charitable of all tho alphabet, because it is found oftonor than any other In "doing good." "Will tho coming man stenl?" nsks tho Chicago Time. Probably not. Thoro won't bo anything left for the poor fellow to take. It is said the stomachs of persons liv ing on the sea coast, where oysters nnd clams nro abundant, rlso and fall with tho tide. Thrrmnn who feels the meanest now-a-days Is ho who with tho now hat on his head tries to keep tho old ono out of sight under his Spring overcoat. Nearly all tho post-olllcos in Texas are now In charge of females. It work ed so well that tho males now arrive aim depart ovory hour in tho day. Woman's Rights, &c. Kn. Faiimhu: Whllo roadlug tho Fahmku ovor I soo an artlclo on what girls shall road, from slslor Caullllowor, commenting on SIslor Iloanpolo's sayings on tho pamo sub ject. Slstor C. seems to bo afraid of wo man's rights, whllo Sister 11, rathor favors thorn. ThoSlstors havoawldo Hold for ar gumontand lot them pitch In, for wo aro glad to hoar from tliom on that subject. 1 don't think thatSIslor 0. looks at this quo. Hon, called Woman's Rights, In thotruo light, for at prosont wo havo no rights. Whon a woman is loft a widow, what Is her doom? Why, thon comos tho administra tor and takos hold of what proporty shoand horhusdand had mado togothor. llo ad ministers undor tho protouso of saving It for tho chlldron. Who gots this oslato, nlno times out of Ion? Tho olllcors, that novor earned ono cont of It, and tho woman aud chlldron may work hard for a living. Now lot tho wife bo call od from tlmo to otornlty: who administers on tho oslato? No body; It all bolongs to tho man. Whoro Is tho equal rights? Wo havo none. It Is all ajonosldod thing. I don't think thatSIslor O. nood bo afraid of woman's rights. An long as man havo all tho law-making In tholr own hands thoy will keop this mattor straight. New, lot us turn to what girls shall read. I don't soo why girls should not read anything that Is good; history of all kinds suoh as may bo chosen for tho bonoflt of tho family. Tho heads of ovory household chooso tholr own roadlng mattor and suoh ns Is not good for girls to road Is not lit for boys to road. Now, as to roadlng Mrs. A. J. Dunlway's papor, I don't soo that It will do thorn any particular good or harm, for whon tholr minds maturo thoy will havo a mind of tholr own and road what thoy chooso and takosldos as it stills them. It Is our duty as mothors to glvo our daughtors all tho Instruction religiously, morally aud practically that lies In our powor for tho coming coutost which Is work ing Its way through tho political world as fast as tlmo can roll his wheels around, Tho tlmo Is not far distant whon women will havo tholr rights or thoy will sink lower than thoy now stand. As to onual rights; now Sister 0, aud It,. I would bn glut! to hoar from you again through tho Kaumiui, for It Is our onlyjway of communicating, ns wo aro unknown to oach other. As wo aro all mothers wo should bo iutorestod hi this mattor of groat Importance as to tho training of our girls. Wo should lurnish our chil dren with all tho good books to road that lies In our JMjwor, aud suoh othoramiiso monts an wo think best. I sayplontyof good Journals to read aud somotlmosa maga zine would ploaso them vory much, and plenty of good niuslo would hoof great ad vantago. Mas, K, Waldo Hills. To XincUoM. .1IHS. Die. Clt.VHJ lii now iri'ian-i) In re ceive intlent nt her ulllce. In haium. During tlio putt jiur rliu lii Imil cxtt'iii'lvu prnctlcu at Dr. Ariann' iouiilnr Mullcil Iiifllt ut nt I'tirllmul. In treating Uiliua. aiKl'fVul couililunt of atlordliij; itllif In nuxt rati; of a chronic cimrnctur. SjivcUI nttm Hon paid lof.'nulo wcakiiciu ninl nun on irotratmn. In connection with lier Irvtlniriit, i-liou.c, tlio rclc lirntitl Mftllcatid Bluctrlc Vupor llutliH, which aid Mwtly In tllcclliu; cure. Ulllcu ami residence, p. u. corner of Cintcr nml Hummer rtrtct, bulem, X. .A.. &xrxltlxr .IVxrtlmt, Silcm. Oru;(n, (leuler In Stereoscope nnd Hlerco. ccoplc Vlcwn, uiid Scene of Salem and the. rurround liiir country, Llfo.idzu 1'hotoraphn, In India Ink, Oil or Wulur Color. foil Beaver Glen Nursery. as A ( UOICi: COI.M.IT.'ON or G. W.TllWT, Proprietor, M'llLI.THTV, ftiurlou Co. Or PvliOntf SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and Near-Sigutcd, MiootliiK-Uluanea fur Hportmnen, HTKEI., HIIA'KR, AND GOM) PKAMK8. I AM prepired to lupply Hpeclaclen to lit all eye, at price to ult. V. V. OTAKT1N, Jeweler .t Opttdun, lisnk Ulock, Hutu fit. Hilem, May 10, 167b. m J."A. 8TRA.TTOW, Attorney at Law. SALEM. OKEQON. Office on Bute Street, ovpoili to Ucoaett Uouec, PROPRIETARY EDICINES or BR. OIANDLER, F.K.S.A., Lata Phytlctan to St. George' tnd 8(. Bvlhalo- niBw'i HotplUlj, London, Curator fa St. Elizabeth'!, etc. Afttr vKiri of the titoit rahorlau re ncarch mul intcstijjatlon, ami after tho practical application m i rriumrnc 10 r1011- jrnnrls of patients, flto. Chaiulttr, A.M., Jir.J.. noic vrrnenlt to tho American ttub- Ifo the fotfowlna rcmrdlc, h($ tola !- tiavcrii and property t the efficacy oftchtclt 4a ntttsteil in tho voluminous quantity of tcatlmoitalt, tho unsolicited offering of suffering and discouraged patients, tcl hare not only received relief aud benefit Jrom their continued use, but hate been. Titdlcmtty cured of ailments and chronic) complaints, tclilch havo been atljudged by the most eminent physicians as liopeless. THE WONDERFUL EQYPTIAN BLOOD-PURIFIER. IUENAR. 37ilt incomparable DEPtmATiri: la n nowerful At.TSltATjril. XONIV. Jii- VHVTIC, ntAVllOKtaiV.nnd A1T.UI- J1ST, combining virtues which rentier it inratuablo and never-falling, and by its continued use will thoroughly eradi cate all diseases of the blood. Its Ingre dients are of a purely harmless extrac tion, the prodttets gathered from remote Egyptian l'rovlnces, aud where there Is the slightest taint of disease In the sys tem, it nerer falls in ejecting that dlseasa through the medium of the skin, or ex prlllng it through tho many and various) channels of tho body, thereby (iMoteliirr. and, indeed, forclnn all tho organs Inlv their proper normal and functional con dition. A very brief space of time telle convince any patient using it, of its mi doublett reliability and wonderful cura tive properties, it being, most unquestion ably, the very aemo of medical triumphs and the yreatest discovery of the present age, in the treatment of every dlttasn where the blood itself is primarily tht neat of the lesion or disorder, such am SOHOl'VIiA and tho thousand aud ona causes that lead to this terrible affliction, of which all etrlllted communities aro cognisant, for lllbltcal Truth has assert ed that the "Sins of tho fathers shall visit even unto the third and fourth aen rratlnns, and to HMtOKl!tt-lHWX AXIS XSFEVIILKO COXSTJTVTIOXN it is a. powerful rejuvenator, causing the wrcelt of man oner more to assume tho tlod-llho lurm of nuinhood. J-or CUTANEOUS niNKASEH, VJIIX- a 11 v msoitDf.ns, constipation on VOSTIVXNKSS, I.IVVH ANlt ltlliSl.V COM1T..IINTS, UKNKUAT. ANU NKIIV- ttus m:nxj.iT jttti; 11 ma TJs.tr, n.Axmtr.An uni.aiiukments, evi aimrioHATOUti vanvuh. svvnvr, Art'r.imoNH ov xim bones, inih j.ent vi.oF.ns, vr.atAi.t: oojir- VLAINTS (and to the gentler sea it is n fmoit long sought for by sensitive, suscep tible, and delleafa females, as it taken direct action upon their ailments) AN1P at.Ij rtnttus hv ctutONia iuskask J. lrilJUlt TtlE ItTMOli IS THE NEAT Of THE THOUH1.E, it is invaluable. A. perwreranee with this remedy will prova 11 fioffffre and permanent cure for tmtl.I.S and h'EYr.US and all JIALA JUATj POISONS. Thousands of Testimonials atlcst the truth of these claims. J'rlee, One Hollar, in largo bottle, or six bottles, $S. mmmm DYSPEPSIA. GASTIIOIV. flASTlWN' is a safe, speedy, and poul tice cure for that most depressing of ail ments, and nbrlefcourseof treatment will restore the digestive organs to their pris tine strength, and promote the healthy action of the stomach and intestines. Tm nervous irritability of literary and all persons pursuing a sedentary life, is speedlltl removed by this agent. Tho stomach is restored to health and the key note of the system will onco more respond in the performance of labor. Price, On Jpottar, in large bottle, or to bottle, 98, BRONCHITIS AND LUNQ AFFECTIONS. TRACIIEOIV. A slight so-ealled cold wilt oft time lead to a serious cough, which, uncared for or badly treated, must have hut una result it must eventuate in a settled casa of IIHONOHITI8, or what is worse, tha deadly CONSUMPTION. To all sufferlnu front haras sing cough and expectoration, THAOIIEON offers a sound, reliable, and permanent relief. It augments expecto ration, and enable tho patient to expel that terribly septus deposit, which, if left without Judicious treatment, must com municate it poison to the vesicular sub stance of tho lung, degenerating and de stroying that most essential of organs, and ultimate only in an early " ' timely death. Tit AV 11 EON has no couul, much less a superior, and its use will not only remore tha deposit, thereby affordtuy treat relief, but heals the membrane and enves the patient in possession of healthy lung tlssuv. Price, fifty Cents per bottle, or six uffic;j a.ov. PILES. Hemorrhoids. VILO.V. Many causes tend to produce this pain fill and distressing state. Tho blood is retnrdid in its return 1 tho ton frequent use of drustlo purgatives tends to produco congestion of (lie bowels, torptil action of tho liver, and numrtous othir causes urn the source of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual has tittn prestutid to the public, which would rapidly ullevlulo symptoms and ultimately provo an efftet ive cure. Jn 1'IEON wo have a remedy which not only acts almost instantly, but will remove tha largest tumors of the parts (Piles) by absorption, and many who havo received iiof only benefit, but havo been radically cured, have been assured (prior to using thl treatment) by emi nent surgeons that tho only relief they ever rould expect in life, would be by an operation, and removing it or them from the body Oil a procedure which necessttat t d the 1. 11 Ife. Thl remedy has been hailed with delight, and is now prescribed by many practising physicians, who are cog nlninf of its merits, a tho only known sure euro r PILES. J'rlee, IHfty Cent per packugc, onto for tf.fl. inn Aitovn itEMEnrrs Ann thorough in tha eradication of tho illjjrr cnt and various t.mladtrs ilcnomlimtiil, and are tho result of patient, searching, laborious, anil selenllflo investigation, 1 mbraclng a period of many years, in JJnrope mid America. If tha spiel llo directions are compiled with, thousands of patients will bear wit ness to their lelattro merits, and corrob orate every assertion, Wlusre there aro many complications of disease, and iia t tents so desire, Hit. CHANOLElt wilt be pleased to glvo all injormutlon, and truit by letter if necessary. Uescrlptlve and Explanatory Circu lar of the abovo remedies sent on receipt or stamp. If tha J'JtOPlt IETAH i JUEltltllNEH are not on sale at your particular druggist's, tend order lis DR. CHANDLER, 1479 Broadway, Vew-York City. FOR SALE, One Good Lever Power, SUITAIII.E FOIl ONE OH KOUlt II0HHK8-0AJ" lie lined for tawlnj; wood, clioppln leed, puroi lutrwiter or thrinfeiiisr strain. It ran Co ciu In tipo- radon at my ihoti In eoutti fJalcui. Daiem,rD, w, itni, II. B, JOKY. I y h I 4 ' 1 V? v i . m , tJ&s0-3hxitim