IShHSSJbS' ! .f I t I II. I " V ) 1 f. . e WILLAMETTE FARMER. PVTl0Hs Of HJsBNDtlY' DiaEOTORY. OKI'IClCHSoitlic NATIONAL (JltANMIi, JziMfVr-Joliii T. .Tone, llnrlan. l'hllllp(. Ark. OitvtttrJ.J Woodman, I'nw I'nw, an Huron, Mich. , , UclinirS. H Hmcillcy. C'rccn, Howard, In. Sttnnnl-A.A. Vanillin, Mi'injililx.Tciiu. Ain't tfteMW'J Moillmer Whitehead, MlddlobUBb, tiomerpot, N. J. . , , , . ,, MittiiMn-H. II Kill. Kprltybornuijh. Warren. O. TrriitnicrV. M. McIJoucll, Wayne, Steuben, N. . .Stciftttnj-O. II. Ki-lli-y. LoiileUile, Ky. UtilflufiKr-O. Dinwiddle, Ortlimtl drove, Iiul. I.'eivt .Mri...IoliliT, .loiic, Uirloii, I'lillllim. Ark. 7rt-Mr. simticl K. Aihnii', Monllttllo, Minn. J)inonu- Mrs llaney (loddard, North dranby. G't. ImiI-j .ln'hlnnt .SttiiurtliUr Caroline A. Hull, J,oulsvl)!c, Ky. KXKrt'TIVK t'OJISMTTKK. I). Wyfltt Aiken, dlmlrniiiri,) Cokeebury, H. U, K. II. Miaiiltlnrid. ul)iniiu- low. Dudley T. C'lid'c, I'hri'imint. N. II. Alourod tiili-r, Hoili KnllP, Wlillei-lde. III. V. II. Chambers, Uawuuhcu, Iluriill. Ala, Olllerr of Oregon Male iranc. MatUr Win. I'yrup, htlo. Oeeiwi-A, It. HIilii-y, ( Ijrtm-rr-yti. V.. N. Hunt MrittnriiT. t. llntlilfoii. Hnlem Atnrant-W. II. Tlioma, Wnlli Walln, W. T. Af'ltlttnl Nltnurtl-U. W. Illddlu, CatijoliUllc. :hii1iIiiV. It. Gray, Anlorla. 7Vfi-S. I., t'orlland, f'nt-AVwr-A. II. Oraliam, I'lthcr'r Landing, Clarl; rnimty, W. T. Mm- Mr. II. A. Miller. Jacki-onvlllc. IKmrnna- Mw, H I). Durham, McMwmlile. YMi-.Mr.K. A. Krlly. Kiwi Portland. . , Arif'y A"'t Atriuml Mri", UioiKla (Smith, Hood lllver, WVco roim y. ... Kitciillo fmiiiiilli" Wm. CyniP, Silo; It. flow, DnlliH:K. I.. Hmllli, Hood lllUT. Afdfc llHfliHH A'jml 8. P. Leo. I'orlland. Stato Graugo Doputioo for 1877 It. Htnplcy, Omvieo. .-Mioiiumy. Multnomah District Pomona Grange. TblaGrango was organized In Kast Port land on tho llrst Wodnosday in March, by A. K. Shipley, Doputy Grand Mnstor. Tho following Is a list of tho officers, togothor with tho arangoH to which thoy oolong: A. It.Shlploy, M., Oswego; Cyrus lluckman, O., Multnomah; John A. Klchardson, Ij., Ilutto; J. Johnson, 8., Kvonlng Star; Mr. Mungor, A.S., Actno; IMympton Kolly, 0., Evening Star; A. II. Wheolor.T., 1'owoll's Valloyf M. 0. Nicholas, sou., UevortonjJ. Moor, G.K., Multnomahr Mrs. K. II. Heath, C, Ilutto; Mrs. K. Slavln, P., Actno; Mrs. O. K. Hhlploy, V., Oswogo; Mrs. 0. Clark, li.A.S., Multnomah. Tho officers woroln htallod on tho third Monday In March. This Clrango contains forty-ulno charter mom bora, and would havo numberod moro If tho wcathor had not boon so stormy on tho day of our organization. Many lntorobting speeches woro mado on tho day of our In stallation, and I was much pleaded to seo that tho ladles aro not going to lotthogontlo men do all tho talking. Our no.xt mooting is at Kast Portland, on tho second l-'rldiy In May, at ton o'cltck. Mils. U.K. Sutri.nv. Oiwogo, March 'M, lb7. tho opon your rows with a short bull tongue, llfteon luchos wlJe; drop tho seed twelvo lnchoB apart, and covor carefully With tho harrow; by tho llrst dayof July you can turn In your calves or cows on a pasturo that will bo ongorly dovoured; graze Hdown closo by contiuuod pasturing until Octobor, and then turn In your hogs and carefully watch tho rosult. Afror you havo glutted your Iiors break up tho ground again thor oughly and harrow smoothly, and you will ropoat tho success of the past year In having nnoxcollont pasturo, with a sure crop of nuts In tho fall. It would holp tho crop to run two or three times between tho rows, with n bull tonguo whon ohula Is two or three Inches hlcli. Plant at nuv tlmo from January to April. Ono slnglo nut will product) ono nlnt. and for richness is eoual io ono mtart of corn; ndmlrablo lor poultry, and eagerly dovoured by chlldron without any 111 or-foots. llittOflct. nrxTii.i. A lloldc Corvnllls I'MI'KAMAI. . llnocli bltli vino Iliillo O'n-iilc J! WlUnd.ill OrcsmiClly llllt'lll.A. Kxitt$. . ..C'ortnlliK .MyrtluC'itok.... Drain' Klatlon. ....Kftpt I'oMbuid Unrt INirltanil ....l!iitlollt; .... ....Hiildlmlty rnlilil . ...lacl.oiilllu Jaclo!iltlu ....ItlcKnal Hnlci:i . ...Uooi-o I.nU' lackroiivJIlt) ...Kcrliytlllu Jackfontlllu .1 W liny (1 M Oaidnur MUI.TNIIMAII Pljniiitoii ICully.., MAIIION, V I'(.'fttli'iiiaii..., (i w limn J.M I.MIN. .IN T .Miller"... riit.i;. I'A Piittnrpoi i.aki:. ,t ,1 C'liarltim i i : i 1 1 1 is i ; . Daniel KleHiT... I.ANK. Jumua W.MatlocIs (loi'lieii I INN, It A Irvlnu I.elianoii All.nny Juliii Cml.. ...'. TKl' 'I'lio I'nllca IHJDiuliiini..'.? MiMlimvlll.i ,1 HlllllMBllMI (J.iilon ,. .... I It ItliM luirt Can) mi City I'liiijon City iiii.rtiniA. 0 W.Mixwi'll Uoliimlila City TIIXAMOOH. .. , ., .. ,. . . H v Hold rillaniook Nortli nmlilll IMIAlll.l.A. ,IH Wlilli Wirtoi Wtcloli .IIIcuryHlinieder.... Jtl WA8IIIMITIIN TK.IIItlTOIIV. II MIX. H Itnnt imrouwr IIILI'MniA. ICI'UicIn I)t)liiii ttlllTMAN. .. ., ,,. Ii b Itlnuor Cuirus ( oir.ix riiKHMlD. M . (liioilili KImw I'lKlirK. HH Miiikliini... TMIUl'TltN. I, (1 Alilnilt I! LoncinlKt .. . .In IhiK llnrlm Heutliu bealtlu i.r.wia. IjM PleriMin I'laiiiiato VAMMA, OP Cook Kllenrliuns Iuniiy rntiuty wliero tliu Hrjutly iimliitril l not llio inimt onltalilo. ur.d tlm (IraUKva of Ihu locality w III Vrnporly Imllcntu to mo n cliolio. I III lm ilrnd. for In ninny liiitanco I lunnlieen iiiiiikhi io iihiku u uoliitmentii wltliout UiiohIi'iIkosh to lltnen'. WM. CYKUS, Iatcr OriTon Statu Ornnuo, V. of II. County Grange Mooting, V. of H. It will bo necessary for ovory Subordinate Orango in Marlon county, during March, or at their next mooting, to elect thrto dele gates to atlond a county meeting to bo hold In Salom on tho Rccond Monday hi April noxt.nt tho hour ol 10 o'clock u. in., In tho (Irango Hall, for tho purposo of electing ronresontatlvos to tho Stato Grange, which meets In May nest. O'oo proceedings of Ust Slato Grnngo, page CO, for Instructions.) a.W. llf.NT, Uopttty. o tho Subordinate Granges of Oregon atato urango. Tho Sourolnry of ouch Orango will leai.o Komi tlioimmosof Mnstor nnilSccrotiiryolect lor lh77, to Sto. of S. U. us foou ns practl-i-iiblo, giving tho nddro-iH of Muster and Secretary, County nml Slato, or Territory. My so doing you will obllgo T. Ii. I)aviiios-, Sec. O. S. O., P. of II. Post olllco nddrsns: Salom, Marion Co,, Oregon. ...ChelitllK Point. ...oiwniiU., ....Yilrn Olymplu POMOXA (MAX (IK MA HI OX COfXTV. (l.W. limit, MaMer; !, 0. (Ileim. Kee'j. Miel5 mi tho tlrrt Wediuiday of eat Ii montli, nt tho iolnl that may tio fixed at last mevtlnj;- L'ud mid Ith SaturdayN, lt, Nt and 'Jnd Siitttr- Mooting of Subordintito GrnnBoo I.INNCOl'XTY. Hope, No.-t, meets In Albany, on tliu 1st nud USutiiriliiVN of eiuih mouth, ut 10 u. in. Oak Plain, .'o. II, In llaUoy, Hud mid Itli HMuriliiyHiilll a. in. lliiiimir, No, UK, In Criiwlonlsvlllo, 1st nud Ilrd SiitunhiyN, atU p. m. Nynu'iiMti No. '-'t, t Millers Station, Ith Saturday, at 1 p.m. , , Lebanon No. L'l, ut Lebanon, 'Jd mid Ith Satnrdiiy, at 10 u. in (Irauif Prulrlo No. 10, Itli Saturday. Knox Ilutto No. !.', Ut mul Unl Siitur- llllVM. Sautlam No. JIT, ut 10 a. m. ltrowtmvlllo No. llllVH. 'hingent, No. 7, 1st and :ird Fridays, at 10 "I- . ... Marilsliutg, No. 11, 1st and Ilrd Salur- iIiivm, at 10 a, m. Shedd, No, tl, 1st and M KatuidayN, at 10 a. in. Happy hruio No. 10, 1st Saturday, ut 11 o'ulook a, in. lliirmonv No. SI, ilrd Saturday, regularly, except III Nov. Doo., Jan., Kelt,, and Miuvb, when tlmy meet the Ut Friday. IlKNTON COUNTY. Soap Cnsik No 1 1, 1st Saturday at 10 a, in. WllUmotto No. W, lxtTliurHday, at 10 u.iu Phllomalh, No I a, lthS.iturilay,at lOu.iu. LANK COUNTY. tronswiill, No. ill, ilrd Satiinlay, monthly. Kiiiauio, X. M, in llugoiui City, ilrd Sat Uy,ut Ida. in. Charity, No. 70, '-M Saturday. Oosluui, No. 101, UtSaturtlay.ul lOoVlooK. Junction City, No. CI, l!ud Saturday, at 1 l. in. MoKeiulo, No. 107, Camp Creek, 'Jd Satur day. POLK COUNTY. Oak Point, Xo.'il, 1st and ilrd SatunUys. MAH10X COUNT Y Alilimn, No i:, Ith Satimlay. Jtook Point, No IS. ild Saturday, at 1 p. in. ilutto Crvek, No. SJ, 3rd Saturday, at 10 ii. in. WAS II I NOTON COUNTY. l!(Avotton No. UX), iiHHits 1st, Saturday, at JO o'oluok. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Notice ls hereby given to the Masters of tho dltltmiiit' milHirtlliniio tirungtvs of Linn I'otiuly, that It U their duty to elect tlir tlelegatos from tuoli (irango to atoud a con vention In Albany, on tho kocouiI Monday hi April, lh77, at 10 o'olouk a. ni,,fortlit iurHMonr elecllug represeittutlvivi to the State OrauKu, which meuls In Salem on the Jtmrth Tuesdiy hi May, 1S77. i, A, 1YK Deputy, Ground Oil Cako. Stock brccdora and farmors do not iicem to upprecliito tho valuablo matorials ut their hands, oin Inenlly ndapted us a food for their animals. In fact, tho n vertigo fnrinor does not M'oui to real lo tho Importaneo that hangs upon ptopor diet and food for his live stock, If ho fiiml.shos them hay, and per Imps aomu fow stalks, ho seems Mttlslled that ho is doing nnt only bin duty to the animal, but tho best thing ho can for him self. Oil cake, as u fond, has not ns yet eonio Into usu, us it would bo mippotcd Us merits would huvu longslnco suggested and demanded; and to this day tho product of tho numerous mills of tho country goo abroad to tnul market, whoro tho value of tho article Is appreciated. Oil cako Is n mtisolo-makiug substance, containing ns It doos u largo proportion of nitrogenous prop erty, which outers Into tho animals tissues. Many of the foods In common use nro dell clout In this elemont, nud tho nil cako Is of great valtto to mix with such materials, Tho Kugllsh cattlo-fuedurs havo demon strated Us worth, and depend upon It lurgoly to give quick development to their prime iiiilinuls growing them from 1,100 Io l,bC0 pounds ut tho agrvs of two and two and a half years. Our Kugllsh friends havo found tho value especially of mixing roots and tho oil meal or cako. American brooders aro slow hi employing either. In fact, tho root orop Is iiulto us slow hi coming into use us tho cako. If tho roots uro neglected, tho cako would bo adopted, us corn Is not coustl tutedoftliomosloHHontial properties to realize tho most from tho eattlo when feeding It iiloiui. It will do us a ilnishlng process when fattening for tho Hlaughter, but Is not the best for a foundation to build upon. Corn is tho main dependence by reason of Its bo lug tho great Maple crop; but u pound or two of oil meal each day to each uiihual will glvo tho corn a greater value hi tho results renlUod. Oil cako Is enilnonlly ndapted for young animals not ulouu calves and colts, but sheep, pigs nud other young stock. It Is claimed that skim milk and oil meal will develop a calf almost iquul to the milk of tho mother, and tho oil ealto will do much to keen cowh in condition, and restore tho spirit and general health that has worn down by a long milking Benson. There Is u close connection between tho llax crop and utock interests that all lnterehted In stock enterprise would do well to study, Jltoei v nud Hii-m. Tho Chufa. So much Is Hiild from tlmo to time upon this edible, Introduced years ago, but of late, almost dlneardiu'., that woimoto from a cor resH)tideut of the Louisville OmnTJcJiirni, who gives his experience with this loiuge plant, and, edible tiller. In the North, wo may say the plant does no', survive tho win ter, and U only valuable as t curiosity. In relation to this plant tho correspondent says: Chufa is of Spanish origin, and Is far moro valuable to tho tanner than any nut, grain or tuber, hi tho propagation of bogs that has ever been planted, its yield Is simply enor imu& without cultivation, and during the slimmer months utlords a pasture superior to anything the Southern States has ever used, Hut it Is injurious to laud for all turc urming purKes, as when onon sconed to the ground It will (hi in? oplnlou) bo lm iHwMlilo to eradicate It. Put no acre of tho laud will be moro profitable than the one eodod lofciiufh: with the experience of two crops I venture tho siiugestlou to the farui em, with a view to help them, by htatiug practically and truthfully what 1 know or tho truly valuablo, and nt tho tnuio time, dauiterxuis nut. Select a snot of irround ad jacent to your promise, tnat you may not regard too iiigliiy, aim sulsoit ii weti;suiooin u ou witu neayy irou-iootueu narrow, tuiu Pacts AiioUTltussiA- Until qultolatoly no body has cared to know anything about tho political history cfltussla Such subjects as iho llnout, tho Siberian mines, or tho scan dals of Itussian princesses havo, It is true, possessed nn Interost for Kagllsh roadors; but a systomatlo work on Itussla has nover uppoarod until now, and It comes at nn an coptlblo tlmo, for tho public is at lust Inter ested in this groat Empire. Tho author of tho work In question, which has Just boon pttbllshod hi London under tho title of "Itus sla," Is a Mr. D. Mackenzie Wallaco, and ho lias succoouou in presenting in an easily ut gestablo form a groat amount of Informa tion. Ills opinion ol tho Ilusslan clergy is a low ono, ami, becauso ho rogards thorn as In Unholy inferior to Protestant pastors, ho looks upon tho promoters of n scheme to tinlto tlio Anglican and tho Itusslau Churchos ns oycr-hangulnc, and warns "simplo-niluded, woll-mouulng pcoplo" that "tho priest is un absurdity." In tho north of Itussla It appears that tho condition of tho poasnntry Is most uuonvlable, tho united toll of n latnlly hi hunting nnd fishing only realizing about $00 per annum, out of which moro tlt.ui 10 goes to pay tnxes. Mr. Wal lace draws n curious distinction botnoontbo manners of a ItusMun purvonu morchuut and our own. Ills ostentation dltlers from ICngllxh snobherynntl an Aiuotlcan shoddy Ism. Ho delights It Is true, In gaudy recep tion rnomH,mtgnlllcautdlnuors, fnsttrottor.s, ami costly lurs, but ho never ntlects to bo moro tliati wnnt ho roally Is. lie wears n costumo which marks Ills actual posi tion, and "ho has u plnin uuull'ected manner and KomotlmnH u ci rutin (pilot dignity which, contrasts favorably with tho alfeuted maunci ol' those nobles of the lowor ranks who mnko pretensions to being highly educated, and strive to adopt tho outward forms of French culture." 1)0 A Lrni.l). Mirny n Christian dostroys his penco nnd usefulness becauso hu is not willing to do llttlo things. Ho wants to s1e.ik and pray woll, eloquently, cdlfylngly or not ut all. Ilocauso no can't do some tning grout, ho woti't do anything. Ho must sit lu tho highest co:itor nowhore. Now, no brother Is lit tc do large, unions ho is willing to do llttlo, things. Ho must bo falthtul hi tho least, or ho will nover bo use ful In tho greatest. Can you mnko u good miiifsterout of a poor laynihti, or a good elder oqt of it man who in unwilling to do tho lousl houorublo duty of a church? If nil noio willing to add u little to u prayer-meet-lug, u Sunday School, or to tho strength and I ii II nonce of tho church, tlioro woulil not be so many praying to bo cnciimhI. If wo were willing to bo weak, mukoiiluipluprayorinnd speeches when wo can do no bettor, wo should pray oltonor, bettor and Inovei v way do moro good. Happy is tho man who is willing to do a little, to bo tho servant of nil u door-keeper, llro-builder, lump-lltght-er, anything that will aoivo Christ in tho house of God. Tho Illinois Stato Partners' Association, at a lito meeting, adoptod tho following plat form: Itesolved, That tho Illinois Slato F.innors' Association hereby substantially reatnrms Its past action on tho currency question, us oxpressed iu tho following resolutions: First Wo demand a legal-tender- curren cy, receivable for all debts, both public tint private, and issued dhecll.v by tho United States government In sufficient volume to nnswor all tho demands of trado, and mado iutoicliniiiteiiblo with government bunds bearing u low rato ol intercut. Second Opposition to all banks or Issno. Third That wo demand tho freo coluugo of gold and silver, end all mounB,both in--tallio and paper, to bo endowed by law with tho full Itiuotiou ol motioy and a legal-ton-dor lor all debts and tuymonts whaiMiovor. Fourth That wo demand of our totmtors nnd representatives In congress to ptss mioh laws as wlllcirry out tho Intention of tho foregoing resolutions. Clackamas County. MastorsofSubordluatoOranges lu Clacka mas county nro notllltd that It Is tho dutyof buuordlimto U ranges to oiect, tnoir umenuos to attend a convention hi Oregon City on tho second Monday iu April next, at 10 o'clock A. M., for tho purposo of olectlng Hopresent tatlves to tho Stato Graugo, to bo hold in Salom ou tho 1th Tuosday in May, 1877. N. W. 1UXDALL, Deputy. To CojorButter. Mil. A. A', OlIKKVUIt Kdltor of tho New itiuilutiil Kiirmcr. In that paper or Mov. Uth, ad lfee all Ji.ilrynii-11 to use Wells, lliclianlsoii & Co.'s PERFECTED BUTTER COLOR Uo F.i)f, "It ts tho ftrnniseft, purcft. and cheapest butter coloring u havo eer itud. For nil that wu can fee, It Is iibsolutely perftct. It fhonld entirely piipcrpedo the use or lairots, and all prcpatatlons of aniiatto," It Rives tho evict erutda of tho hctt Jersey butter. It it puro Intense, ecunotnlinl, nr.d ham no taito or rmtll. Ills an imiircement nn our "Golden Ex tuct," lictngncomiiliifttloii of tho bright yellow col orlriL' tiritic pie of llio n.imlellon b!otom, nud It Is greiitly superior to carrots, etc , giving a better color, and no .oilc. UO A siiinplo MitlMcteiit to color II 11 V puiiiiilK ol'llullcr will t to liny wil ilrcxr. piiHipnlil, on receljit of ten cents, Kery Dalrjinaii who wlfhes to rcallo thuhlvbcrt price rlioiild che It a trial new. Addrctn avi:lls, Kie'ii.vuDsoN .v .. M1 ICiirllnutoii, A'rrinoiit. Paiiiioni'.I). Markham, who was soutenc ed to tho penitentiary, was pardoned recent ly by tlov. Chadwlck, Tho young man Moyo, snntoucod to three yours in tho Penitentiary, from Llun county, tins also been pardonod. O. II. Sheldon has sold his farm (forty (even acres) to John Carpontor, recently from Wisconsin. Tho land Ij about two mllos from Salom, near tho Penitentiary, nud tho prlco paid was $ 1,200 cash $$U iW pernors. VALVAIIM: I.Ml'OllTATIONOt' IjlVKSrOCIC Tho following mombors of tho bovlno nobil ity bolonglng to tho shorthorn family will arrlvo bv tho North Pacific on Thursday noxt: "Lord of tho Forrest," Allyssun's Lord," "Star or tho West," "Lord Hill Hurst," "Master Mason," "Cnsslms," "Lord of Fvo Oaks," "Lord Oroyhno," "Waterloo Prince," "Lord of tho Hills," ton in all, and valued at tho Custom House nt $1,000. Tnev hnvo nn.v number ol Lords Dukes nnd Duchesses lu tholr long list of ancestors, weiosolectod from tho herd of S. O. Hood,Kq., of Portlnnd,and nro Intend ed for Mr. Harper's Kauiloop ittmoli. Ftc loria Colontat. N0ETH SALEM BT0EE. "W. TL.. VjJD10, AT TUi: IIIIICK STORE, HAS JUST ItKCEIV cd a full nortmeutol G-ertoral Merchandise, Dry GoodSj Grrooones, Boots & Shoos, Hardware, Clothing CitCGlatrd for tho Oty and Conntry Trado. lloncht a low, nnd will bo cold nt as S.MAI.I, A 1'IturiT, ar thoto who ni,I, AT COST. C"Oooil9 delivered to my cart nt tno eltv freu ot charcc. NoSv STORE. I ll.VVi: I'VKfHASK!) TIIC KNTIUR Inti-frf t of M(-ri. Yeaton ,v I.oiiRhary Iu tho I'lirniliiri. .Store ou tliu et rlilo or m fcS J.T St. e'fiiiimerrlnl Ntvci-t. Niilem. "3& TT V ami Khali ItiH'p on band n OKNEHAI, AS--3 hOUTMKNT of Rood for tho retail trade. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY rarlnr & !iiiiubcr ScIh, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, ROCKERS. &C, Ily tho t or rluglo piece. Repairing and Jobbing DONE IN THE 1IKST MANNEIt, And at reatonablo prlco, a I am a practical workman JOHN GRAY. Salem. July 1 J. l.vy THE FASHION. i:n. A literary souloly calling themselves "Tho Mount Hood Dobatine; Society," havo mot regularly turouuh tho wlntoroucoa week, and havo beou woll at tended. Tho ladles meothiK occasionally with them. On tho ovouIiik of the 17th thoy discussed the subject, "Ilokolved, That fash Ion lsu router evil, tliati IntoxicatltiK drink." At tho closo, the followhiK lines woro rer.d, eonipoioi! by Mis. Stacy 1 1. Ihirford: Oh, the fashion tho fashion, how It dazzles our hlKht An wo K11.11 through cauh hall on sotuo festival ulKht; Was thero ovor hitch apltico foroxtravanueo 1. 1 re, As is found ou Fifteen Mils, with tho ladies so talrV Here moiu than ono man has met a i-ad f.ito Ity ti Iuk to live hi an elegant state, And dro.-s wile and daughters hi lollyuud hills, While the poor follow Is left now to foot up tho hills. Hero's a hard-worklnir farmer who nays as ho Kon, Ami has Miiiiotlilup; to drink Just to warm lip Ills 11(140, Hut w lint Is still wo rue, is his daughter's bad cold, Which was taken this way ir llio truth must bo told Uv wearing tlht shoes, of tho very bot calf, Which measured In number only six and a half. Yes, thero Is another, just over tlm way W ho h is over on hand still i few debus to pay, Hut lm mhiht havo been rich for tho rest ot his lho, If ho nover had married n fashionabla wife, Hut hero Is tho trouble, hero U all that's tliu matter : Shu Is wai.liii; hi moaus both by dress and by platter. hi the tlve years that's past, they nro tol.lnir out ton duo calico and make buttor all 'round She has bad aud woru Kowns, Sho might stay at homo uiut cuoese, And hunt up tho eggs nud Uke care of the bees, And bo some moro holp to her loving old spoiuo, Youuk men should uko warning, before 'tis toi) late, And wisely keep out of this sad married stato, Aud give tho twirls time to learn moro com- yum keuse. To patch up tholr drtsses nud tavo a few uce, For ht tho present high cost of tobacco ami Kin, Tho uhamxa for m poor man aro terribly thlu. Homo - Made aud Hand-Mado J O O T S . V VOL- WANT A OOOD-FITTINO FINE HOOT )ou can bu accommodated by calllni; At AriiiNtruiig's Shop, On Stato Street, oppo.lto WILLIS'S HOOK STOUE. An. Wonu Waunantki). 1'ilce ItrM-oNAin.K. Ilepnlrlim nnVj ami iiromiulu ilont. Civi: Mk a Cam.. InclMf) W.11. AK.nsrittlMi, Audit lor the U'lllatiictlo l'lirmer. Albtny Amity Afbl.iud llolhuu Iliteua VUia llrowiii'vlllu Illltt4lll Caii)iiiii'lty Caii)onIlli) Coiiutllui'lly..., OuluV Valley.... (MalKiin kfmfiirdsllle.., Cove Corv.illl l'roi'i'll... .... I'lackauun Camp Creel; VM.t Dexter Dr.ilu l) Ill) ton ...... ... ....1 1: llannnn ...UHUetchell '.I II Mioilrldce l ell l)avl Wm Well, J WHobart W It Ktrk J W llacbeUut Ulllthluehait , WT llrlircii I'rl MatlcKin W 11 Cl.irke It J Morr.oii Itolurt OlaH , .........II I' KcixUII ..H Woodward Itocoo Knox W A Mills O It llammcriley J DMDuthrlo S HamUiker Krvwron.V Drain HKoibe ...BC ll.idaway Elktoil ;-A .""hie Kiij;eno Jehn .McCluuu' Ko Valley All tiardner Fort tlrove b llif;tie. W LCuril l,obeu J ILindaher i,.l.,,.'1!"0 Haley .,.TJ lllacb Harrl.butu' hlnim smith llllltlHiro A Luelllui; lleimer Morrow .fc Herren liulependviice ..............W L llodsjln Jiiuetlou Miitth, llraitleld & Co., W L Lemon JackonNlllo M i'etrron Ktiu' Vulley Conner A t'rcuo Jetrerion John W Holauil LewUvtlle II C McTlmmond Lifayette Hr 1'opplcton. A H Henry I.otunon S1I ClaiiGhton Menroo '' Kelev McMinnWllo JHMorrlf, A Held Monmouth w aterhouo Nccly Wm Moreland New Era ........J Cato NcwelUtlle I'V Catlcman North Yamhill DO Stewart OiUand... hK Itavmond Owii;o.. A It bhlpley Utt " " "unnuvi Jl IMCOI1 ............ OrejonClty... reudletoa 1'eoria. Pilot ltock rortUnd rrlnelllo.... Terrydile HicLreal ItoK-bnrx Soto Sthrrton Shedd' SprtntleM.... hibllmliy Sweet Home.. Sheridan Tanst-ni....... Tho DiUes.... Tamer Viie oa er. . . . WUlimt-ttd Fort. W A Whitman Dr. I II lrtine S V Leo, Agent Stalo Hrance OMPilnsle Mctirew'i Moro FA I'atterfon Tho Smith F V Jonc, Tho M linker Tltttlblvinl W M I'ow en, C 1! Wheeler A 1 Hovey John Downing Hen Mark ...V.'.V.V.V.V.V.'.."!! '..i-'S lu'rzee SL brook WM Illll-ary ....... .S W Urown, H II Denure " ' t IVIll In. .............. ......' .. ....p Walla Wall J ? .V Waldo v :.-.:,,; y ? , Kldi'r VcccaUi J KElUson, BS Applojratc MILWAUKIE NUESEEY, real est Variety ol' PRUI T T REDS In Oie;oii, Oonsistmg of Applo, Pertr, Poach, Plum, Pxuno, Cherry, Grape, Chorry Ourrant, Lnwton BlaokberryaspliGrxy and Strawberry Soto, California Walnut, Blade Walnut, Butternut, &, Filbert, WHICH WILL Hi: SOLD LOW, FOK CASH. s Nov. LUELLING & SON, Proprietor MllwauUlc Nurtcry. l, ls;o. IS. S T K A iT G Importer nud Dealer hi rT-llJIlimifTWiJ Iinproved R a 31 g e sv COOK. PARLOB, AM JJOX STOVES, And . Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper W A R Ifl, Union block. Commercial Strut. SA.KM, OliEUOX. IHi:si'i:cTFlTI.Y INFOIIM ALL MY OLD friend nnd crutomcr tbnt 1 havu returned bul ue. nud Invite the public petieialiy to c-ill sud exam Ino my Flock nud kurn un price-. No:l lbtutr Salem Flouring Mills. HKST FAMILY FLOUK, BAKEH'3 BXTKA, XXX. fiUPfillKINK AND UIIAIIAM, MIDDLINGS, UHAN, AND SHOUTS, GouHtuntly on Iluncl. IIllflioHt Zrloo In CASH Paid for Wheat ATALLTIMES. Sept 13tf O. KINNEY, Acont 8. F. M. Co KMTAULIN1IKU 1865. Willamette Nurserv, a. W. WALLING & SON, I'ItOI'ltIETOH3, Oswego, Olaokamas co., Oregon. WAITING'S II f i PEACH PLUM, Xlu Itullun Prime, And the but varieties of C'ltiin, I'rtine, l'cacli, Pcnr, Cltcri'3-,. Nut and Shade Trees, IN FILL ASSOItTMENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. P. O. SUXiLXVAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPEHA HOUSE, SALEM. , E, corner, at beAd of Hairs. fcy Mrs. Rohrer's New Romedy TOB. THE LUNOS ISXKETJXO WITH WOXDSRVUt. SUCCESS I THIS TUltELY VEGETABLE HEMEDY HAS ,C41''Hn the relief ami euro of CoBRbf . Coldf . Aiih ScWU''JCre? WhooplnB Cou"h. M tli- il , Puced .one remarCable nhi. bolu bv dmcBlf t cenera v. I'rcnared onlv h JOHN L.MUKlUlYVSlcTmoutb.Or. To whom all letter of bu.ine should bo addrmed. For Sale! . TIIR VIR TlPlni.-ir. . .. ;tT,i,rn,rni.:r:i"" :.r'.rY",lutuv.r.' s"i?. II r.v: ""' 'ureit, inucrirawo fliuallon. Ii arransivl. and i-m.n.i. i..3 JTl,:":: V"K I LEU WILLIS. I'atto&'i Hlock btato St., txu.ii. cpit