WILBAMETTE FARMER. I. 0. Q. T. DIRECTORY Grand Ofllccra. U. W. C. T. W. H. Dunbtr. Sllvcrton. O. W. !. Conn. Mrs. 8. 0. McClung, KuRcnc City. O, V. V. T. Joanna L,yio. nana. O. 8e'y T. II. Crawford. Portland. O. A. Scc'y-L. Stai.nu, Mnnroo O.Trea. Kmrna Kcllojfi:, Portland. U. Chap. ltov. J. K. N. Hell, Ashland. G. Mar. J. V. Stranpp, Horclmru. G. D. Mar. Aiinlo E. Underwood. Cottage Grove. G. Giurd Mary Curtwrlght, The Ballet. G. Ben. T. F. Ilarton, Amity. O. Mopk. L- C. . Ktilier, Stnyton. P. G. W. C. T. Tllnion Ford, Salem. Supt. Juvenile Templars Mr. M. K. lloxtcr, For . est Grove. Slnto Deputy G. V. C. Ts. Hoy. J. II. N. Hell, Afliland. Wm. lltiffell, Wet ton. Capt. O. C. AppleRilc. Llnkvlllc. II. II. Allen, Hlcy. , Allen. llalscy T. II. Haiidley, lllllsboro. Aea Shrevo, Dallas. II. V. Hrubbe, Wilbur, Wm. Grant, Lebanon. Ituv. J. W. Miller, Italian. , ltov. K. W. Dixon, Canyonvlllc Itcv.J. 8. McCain, Eupeiio. Wm. llarmou, Tho Unites. Wm. 11. Carter. Corvallls. W. 8. .Tame Portland L. .1, House, fiummcrvllle. 11. F. Ktmp. Independence. W. 8. McMocn, Canyon City. T. II. Crawford, Portland. V. It. Fox, Astoria. l.Ilurt, Crcsrtoll. .l.K. Houston. Junction, ltov. II. C. Jenkins, Monroe. C. It. Walker. Astoria. II. N. McKlnney, llakcr City. Levi I.cland. Oregon CUv. ice it. woiraru. uoqnuiouiiy. A. A. Mathews, Looking urns. t.. n. I'lulier. Htavton. llcv. K. llnyc. La Grande. W. II. I.lvermorc, 8t. John. DlKtrlrt Deputy G. V,C.T. W. T. Illches, Turner. W. II. O'Oonald, Portland. J. 8. Cnckelrcaso, Itoscburj;. II. V. Lake, Kaitle Creek, lames I'oiTcy, Halcai. .tames L'rwln, Fort Klamath. Hon. .1. A. I'rtiMt, Pendleton. L. U. Iljal, Albany. A. .1. Ilatlow. Cartw rlcht's. Mr. Anna V. Spencer. Gardner. I. P. Tapper. Mnrshilrld. E.G. 1'aiiulig, lllllsboro. .Subordinate liOdccn. A'o. Xamt. 1xlgi Vtpiilj. Aitilnf. .. Excelsior W H Carter Corvallls lU..WeteniHtar V M Wndsworth Albany 11. .Capital Geo A Kdes Salem 12,. Multnomah John II Garrison.. ...Porllind 17.. lllllsboro Hit Humphrey Hlllsbnro SI. .La Creole Jcnulu Logan Dallas nil. .Silver KOItnmsby Sllvcrton .".!i..ltosn EmllyM Vaudervert....8alc:n !().. Astort'i Thos. Juwctt"" .Astoria 11. .Morning Star Miss 8. T IUrrlson.lIueiia Vista 4') Marlon 8 Hatch Hubbard Ii7..Mllwnuke John Packer K. Portland Li.. Fountain WTWllllamiou..K. Portland (,1..Kii"t Portland J M Claggctt E. Portland 7I..Vnl Fontls JKPCaitt Zona tO..Jnliu Day M V Thompson... Canyon City Ml. .Nonpareil Mrs 8 TWSIcnrns... Cortland til. .I.onu Star W A Mill Clackamas H7..Ultr.i Montiitio....Wm Harrison Ilaker Cltv UK). .Marshal I.uclan Kverets Pendleton llS..IIrooklyn lames Mcllnw...B. Portland ltK..4hcrldaii Til Falconer Sheridan 12il..I)am3'cm MartlmJ Earl Damascus l.'M. . Forest (lroe I'll llHford Forest Grovo l.Vl..SprliiKilcld PA Kennedy Sprlii'jfleld 1&.1.. Valley PTbtarr ........ llalsey in. .Weston James Klrkpatrlck... .Weston lVi..Dclavan Mlnenn i Starr ..Junction 1111 llni-mnti Will Mlrhell .TllOlHl C lBi..Unlon .y.'..VSr,Vr Vl'l"1 Kil..Elkton WW Wells .Klkton 17S .Laurel l'l Palmer ..Srotwhiirir 17!)..PaclHc W WCUhcnrt .Uottairuliiwu 131. .Mount Pleasant.. .John Polty Creswcll lS.1..Fall Creek G M Ncet Dexter m.-GMndl'Mlrle llFltoiid i-W1') lS'I..Ashland AD Helman.... ...... Ashlati.l int.. Klamath Charles Lynch. .tort Klamath l!HI..Ublih W' DC aprgett :.1bMc.m 1117.. Eden MrsHDJonei........Plicinlx 1!IJ.. Looking Glass J II Martin.... Looking Glass 2. .Tangent Haulier. ..J J Ueinl Tangent 2 11.. Portland MrsCACobuni 111r'1n1 3)7..Ilrldgcport 2 "lwr V.YI)Mi,i!' 2l8..0choco TOIHKer ...Prl iicjlllo 2i:i..Hevlval James Flnnfgan..Pratrlo City 2l4..I.eland Holier. Eakln ..Union Ut7.. Goshen J Handtaker Goshen 31(1. .Canyon O W CatchlCR....Canyoiivlll 2i()..Myrtle J M nmlth.... '.Myrlfo Creek 2i7..Marsbllcld FWA Craln Marshfleld 2iS..Coiiullle W W Hayes CcmiiiIIIo 310.. Onward J W l'roiist. .?" 211. .Pass Creek Iulsa F.nsley Drain 31.1.. Sweet Homo Charles Craft Sweet Homo 2 H.. Eagle Creek John Vaucurm... Eagle i Creek 2TI..AUA K Gilliam Pilot ltock 2tl..Dlllgcuco SPGarrlgiios Heppncr 3IS..Abiiia W'mHCiss..........hllertoii 3l7..CrawforJsv!ll e ...ltobert Glass. .Cmwfordsvo 230..11niHUStlllo AW Stananl rnwusv to 2.M.. Center 0 F. Parrlsli Urowinvlllo SSL.Mobawk ....i' D Hardlsty Mohawk 3.tt..Socnccr Creek IA Hodgcn bpeneer Creek 3V5..Monrfio LJ Starr ...Monroe 2VI..Voodbiiru H 8 llonuey Woodburn 2.17..Crjtal KllWIIiuot Heavcrton S.. Amity James A Likens. ...... .Amity SVi. .Green Mountain ..Wm. Itussoll Cartwrlghl's 3-11.. West Union David Lenox.. ...Weft linloii 2d J Trlnmiih M W llllams Independent 2H..Ge vals I 8 Punloia .('".r?u Sill,. Table Hock A Morrison Sam's alley sum. .Carlton Sumner Carr Car ton .lit n, .11,. .1 Gl.Nealo Ilcthel 8iH. . Paradise Sprlugs-CO Hosford .K. Portland iii...inpLomllle FKasshtfcr lack.oinlllo "Til.-Mlll Creuk W M Chandler .Elkhoni 37 1.. Lake Creek 27J..Hojue lllver.. .Irene Williams. ,Tho Ilayuanl., Dniilel I'.nrlcl. . .... Ilnlrey ..Woodvllle ..Cornelius 37il,. Cornelius. 277..0cean.... 27S..MIlllcnnri ....GHlllackwell . .(ianluer Mry It Smith Marrhlwld 2S-1..I level mil 2il.,l)ier'rfek ... 2s:..ial;l:iii'l 3-d-H.iwvll l'nilrlo J-il..lnir.lclo ,..Y JIOooil L-leU'ianu ..barab Cockclrease..ltoschure; ..II A Wallace Oakland ...la, A. Kays.. .How ell 1'raUlo ..A V Learned St. .'otins ... J L Wilder Slate Creek 2VN..SUti-l'rtek n..W It lamCiiK....J V linruey rtiiiiiio 27.. nul.ii.ee loUnZe ........... ..mm on 8v..l'Uii.Mit Hill SIo.es Woodward... W es j n 2'.l..StcSIIuuv lie ... Emll 11-irles McSllumll o JI..U tirande I ASIcWborter....UOraiide sril . .8iimmsr llle J II Illnehart . . .bumicervllle yci.. Dunbar N S lllank The Cove 8V.. Philomath Win Hartleis Phllnmatli U..Nev Era Dr. J. Cano...;L.....Ncw Ln Correspoudenco from tho G. W. C. T. IIu.i.tmoRO, Mach 10th, 1ST". l!n. Pahmkii! Uurlnu tho nafci woek I havo travoloil oxtenslvoly In this (Washing- tonj and Yamhill countlos and I llnd tho furmern nctlvoly ongaped lu farm work and proparlnc far huge Holds of grain, oto. I havo nover been tlner fiolds of whoat any whereat this season of thoyoar, and every thing blda fair now for a muob. larger ylold lhauever baforo. Tho roccnt heavy rains havo Mtt somo back," with their early Spring plowiug but tbo "tldo is out now" and tho fields aro full of workmon lu every dlroction. The Ordor of Good Templars in this coun ty Ib dolug nobly and exerts a good Inlluenco upon tho people. The Lodge here, No,17, is ono of tho very best In tho State, and has In its membership nearly all of tue Jnuuen tlal people of the city. During this term there bos been added to Its roll of member Bhip some fifteen new names. Judge Hum phrey, Hon. O. T. Toiler, T. B. iUddley, Shertfl Morgan, County Clerk Leuelllng, tho postmUtroB Mary Brown, and many Athens are active members of IhU Lodge. At Cornellm I found tbo Mlates Smith, tho Mte'es Cornelius and a few olhors work ing valiantly for tho causo. After tho pub lic lecluro at tho lnttor pltico all prosont woro Invited to au oyator supper proparod and given freo by tho sistors of the Lodgo. At 'ost Union tho Lodgo is nlao in a pros porous condition and tbo Mcek, Victor's, Titus', Lonoxs. Hon. 13. E. Frttnung and others aro actively engaged in the work of tho order. Thoro also did wo havo rofreah meuls served up in abundauco and all seemed to enjoy thomselvos. Owing to a display of matrimonial Intent on tho part of soruo of tho cltlzotis of Forost Urovo, I did not havo tho ploasuroof visit ing that placo. A Wedding was to tako placoln the church on tho ovoulug I had ap pointed for tbo locturo and so to provent a OJlllsIon I withdrow. Urotbcr llayloy and slstor Shlploy woro madoono and tho happy young couplo havo tho host wlshos oi all who know thoui . Tho Lodgo at tho Grovo undor tho man agement of Slstor Hoxtor, llro. Buford and others is moving along In Its determined way. In hasto, W. H. DUNlUll. B. lMIoud,L. 1). ofNo.ISS, wrllos: "Our Lodgo is prospering finely. Wo havo sue coodod in driving tho whisky mill from Irving and tho people of tho community aro nearly all our frloudu " Hro. 11, W. Fra.ior reports tho Lodgo at Milton in a flourishing condition nudtwo moro initluted Inst mooting. slstors Fauulo Myor, of Ashland; Joauna Lylo, of D.tllas; Salllo Cockolrease, of Deer Creek; Kliftibotu J, Ilrndlny, of Cleavoland; llro. J. A, Lyklus,of Amity; Sylvcstor, of Contro Lodgo, Chandler, of Mill Creek; 0. II. Hood, Tho Dalloi; P. II. Fox, of lllllsboro; and ltov. J. It. N. Doll, from Jackson, all bond encouraging reports from tholr locali ties. DECISIONS lly tho Grand Worthy Chiol. 1st. (nation. A person makes applica tion ton Lodgo for momborshlp by Initiation is balloted for and elected, and lu duo tlmo presents himself in tlionuto room for iulttntlon tho 1 W. 0. T. waits upon him nud propounds tho usual preparatory ques tions, and ho refuses to glvo an ullirmutlvo auswor to ooo or moro of tho questions, what nhould tho Lodgo do undor nuili cir cuinBtauccs ? tiMiccr. Tho 1 W. O.T. Miould (aftor no tifying tho appllcautof tho ell'ocl of auuh ro fuxal) return to tho Lndgo room and report tho fuel to tho W.O.T. who would Immedi ately direct tho marehal to repair to tho onto room nntl request tho neraon torotlro notifying him thai ho could not bo lultlatod. 2nd. ThoW. C. T. lu anuounulng to tho Lodge tho result of a balloting upon tv "prop osition for momborshlp" or a motion to ox pol, suspend, reprimand, rtobllgalo or upon nnyauetlon wuoro ball ballots aro used, should stnto only tho reault and not inuko mention In detail oi tno votes lornuangainHt tho question and tho Chief hltiiKolf is as muou In duty bound to voto In 6tich cases as any uiemuor oi tno j.oiiro. k. isoniy wiieu it voto ! bolug I liken by tfco "usual sIrii" that tho Chief has tho casting voto. Whou tho voto Is bolug taken by tho yeah and nays or by ball ballots or In olc-ctlou of olllcorH ho liRH no right to tho deciding voto In cauo of n tiu. ltd. Whou a mombcr tonders his resigna tion of inemborHhlp in tho Iodgo ho Miould Immediately retlro and cannot bo permitted to visit his own or nny other Lodgo oven though ho is in pon&oKslon of tho l'.W,, ex cept ho may wish to return to his Lodgo lo request n permission to withdraw his resig nation. Uh. No mombor u.tu boatlowoa to set in tho Lodgo without tho P.W. (uulcvs they nto lu possoi-sion of n Traveling Card and tho A.T.W.) No member Is ontltlod to tho P. W. until his quarterly dues aro paid. Otio mombor cannot vouch for another ouoand this practice that has boon in uso lu somo localities must bo discontinued. It h tho duty of h member of our Order to keop him self supplied with tho P, W. or an order from his W.C.T. tor tho samo and If ho does not do this ho caunot visit a Lodgo oven though all tho mouther were ready to vouch for him. 5th. After it Cloaraueo Card has boen voted ii member ho should retlro from tho Lodgo and has no right to visit ix Lodgo again milehs ho U propoiod oloctod and auln become it member by deposit of Card or by initiation lu cao tho Card expires. I)i:iawauk. Tim locnboptlon movomont lu gaining ktieugth with tho pooplo. A largo public meotlug wnt recently hold in Wil mington, nltouded by l.'-'OO peoplo and rd drosses by Mrs. Jnno K. Wooden and others, at which tho following reiolutlona woro adopted: Whereas, As this Is a government of tho peoplo ruled by tho niujunty; and, Wlionias Our dotuoUio triiiKjullllty and gononil wellaro aro ditturhod by an occupa tion forblddou of Ood aud u ciiimi to man; ttieroforo, bo It Kt.aolvud, That, In order to lurm a moro perfect government and etabllsh justlco, wo, tho peoplo, Irrespective of lmrty and pollti cl prolorouco.askotour prehent legislature protection against liceuMMl crime. Unsolved, That to thli end vo respectfully request tho pro-.ent law-making wor lo HUUmit to a voto of tho peoplo tho question ofliceiiho or no license ot thosaloot lutoxl- eatltiB liquors. Kcolvod, That a oopy of thoso ieolutioi s l.o sent to tlia LegUlaturo Inpiax Tkuiutouv A Woman's Tpnipor nuct. I'nton, tho llrtt ono In tho T..rritory, hiiubwiu organized lu Ottawa MU-.lon, In dian Territory, with Mrs. Joseph itid. u Chlppowa Iiidmu, as prosideut; Miss l.m ma Sowsom, secretary. ATeuiporanco League has boon working Bucofsfullv (or three yonrs, HuperlntondoJ by Josiph Wind, a tulf-bloodod Indian, sou ofthelato Chief, Elder .lumen Wind. Mu tiouul Tcmpcrnnee Advocate. Tho Right Worthy Grand Lodgo ofOood Templars holds Its annual meeting in l'ort lund Me., on tho fourth Tuesday In May, and delegAtos have already been chosen from a largo number oi urauu ougea. Foolishly spent, money paid for children's shoes not protected by SILVEKTIl'S. Two weeks is about the time It takes a smart ac tive child to ventllata the toe or a shoe. SILVER TIPS tbo only preventive. Also try Wire Quilted Soles. B. J. Spratllng baa Uen appointed pot 4sterHBothel,TloeMcGrw mlgnea. SEND UB THE RECEIPI8. Wo rocotvo word occasionally from porsons who woro subscribers to tho Oregon Cultiva tor, that thoy havo receipts for subscription paid that havo not boon crodlted. Wo aro sending out postal cards to all who woro BubscriborH of that paper, Informing thorn how tholr accounts stood at tho tlmo whou wopurchasod. In caso thoro Is ouy mis tako In accounts as wo recolvo thorn, wo will tako It as a favor If those intorestod will glvo us immodlato uotico, and whoro subscribers havo rccoipts wo request that thoy shall bo sent to us, for a rocolpt for monoy paid is Just osgood to us as cash lu baud. Tho rc coipts will bo kept carelully by us In caso thoy shall ovor bo wanted, and wo will Im mediately Bond back a uoto that tho samo is in our hands, and crodlted on tho account. Wo havo lo pay thoso Cittcii'afor accounts ottrsolvos, by tho tortus of purchase, uuloss tho subscribers can show that they havo boon paid, and of course wo oro responsible Whoro tho subscriber ttrefors to do so ho can sond tbo recolpt to uh through tho hands of any agent of tho I'AUMr.tt, or of the post mostor, who thou will bo wlttioss of tho Rondlng. Wo wish to correct all errors ii mediately, and thoreforo urge all to oxamluo tho account sont them and ioso no tlmo In reporting errors. SALEM FERRY. Notlco Is given that tho ferry across tho Wil lamottc Illyor at Salem Is again In good working ordor and proparod to accomtnodato tho public. Its proprietors return thanks for tho osslstauco so kindly reudorod by frleuds lu Rotting tho ciblo strotchod, alter tho late high water. Samim Fiittnv Company. D. D. Preltyman this woek loft us a beauti ful bouquot, composed of about a dozen kinds ofllowers, taken from his gardou, llo says thoro was not a weolt tho past winter that tlowors in his garden have not boon in bloom. l'roni u Dtatliiuulnlied Jurlnt. "Ihuvo trlod tho Pvhuvian bviiuiMtud tho result fully sustains youryrodltlon. It hns made a now man of mo, Infused Into my Nystom now vigor and onorgy. I am no longortromulous atid doblliuitcd as whou you last saw mo, but Ktrongor, hcarllor, and with larger capacity for labor, monlal ami physical, than at any tlmo during tho last tlvo yearn." fvoiu uy an uruggtsiH. X IlcmnrUalilo Cure. Wkst Townhknu. Vt May 1 1, 1S00. Mkmhh, S. W. Foww: it Sons: Gontlotnon. Several yenrH sluco I look n sovorocold, which sottled on my lungs, whoro it romaluod without rolnxntlon. I was thou lu Massachusetts, and growing worse and becoming uutblo to attend to my busluosH 1 ret u mod homo and comtuoueod (.oarchlng in earnest for somo medloluo whloli would retoro my lost health. I con sulted physicians, I tried many romtalleH, but. obtained no hell), but dally itrow worio. I bad a torriblo cough, and raised a good deal or blood. Iliad profuto night hwoiV.h, and hovoro pain In my side. I continued lu this stato for months, and bocamu no weak that it was with great dllllculty 1 could walk, whou I wasadvlsod to try Wivtah'h Hai-sam ni tvii.il CiiKiuiY. and to mv ureat Joy I noon found that this remedy had arrestod tho dlsoaso. I continued to uso tho J1.vt.sam to tho axtout of Vllvorltpttles, and havo sluco then experienced rl-dllllculty or lungs. I boliovo tho IUi.sam saved my life, and I shall over hold It In high estimation. Yours truly, Lkwih Phim.ps. Aro phntitl !y Mauo.s 1'rooi.u In Aaiorlcn. Hco VIcU'N 'ntnlauc VJ lllutrnll(in. only 'J ct VlcU'N I'lornl (iiilrte, jitarirly. SSc livear. VlvU'k I'lowrr mid Vfucfnlilo (Juriteii, SUrtr: with tlcjant cloth rovirr, fl. All my iiiilillcatluii uro prlnti-d in Kiik1IIi and OorMiac. AtlJrc, .UMBS VU'IJ, fi!i ltiKlif.;r. N. j. Great Reduction IN RUBBER BOOTS AND SIIOKS! .1Iii'h Long Uiilibur HuotM, $I.U( ' BCneo " :.JiO Hioys' " a.no DIcit'M Ai'ctlt'N, - - 1.75 Woiiien'M Over-Shoes, .50 JOHN W. GILBERT. Halkm, March 3. 2" STATE IAIR, .1 .877. OomiiMMHsine: jot. h. POST STAKES: I'or ii Veur Oliln. I'rcnliim of $Vn for J eir old, lirod In Orccon or W'u. lit iiLTtrm Territory ili'lmf ononillu. Kntmncu i-a, Imlf forfeit; en'ruuua to 1)9 atdJ to llio purr. 'Jc, clo.e, ami usmo tli Colt, wltU lro ami ibm, May Irt, lb". ..., lt iirumluin t'H w 'M ri'inluiil. oi haUaco. S4 prvuiluui, rcmalml.r of Make. 1'mnluuu t'lvcn on following condition ami grad ed accordingly: k., , . IfBtUrt .".. fSOOtt) If4itart ')' If a urt ") II itrtart vmou It lurt V to In tti9 Pott Htalcc for running and trottlni;. all etartcn rliail lio bona tide and luve lievu lu tratuln. For 3 Year Old. Premium of 100 for 4 year oldi. mllo Ueatf 3 In p. for uoret. mare or gehlluK. bred in Oreijrm or an IQKton Territory. &mnnco, t; uu iuiivi,. trance money added to tliu iiune. Untrle to cliite, and uamo the colt, wltti lire aud dam. May lt, lit premium.... $W 00 id premium, , of baUnce. d premium, remainder ot Make. tame condition u runolDg I'ot Btake. Entrle mace wltb tho andenlgned, at Salem. ticcreUnr Oregon bute Ak'I boclity, GARDEN CITY For 1876. -STTP HAVK ON HANI), AND AUK RGCGIVINU. THE IAH0E8T STOCK OV THK ABOVE ! CELE W lira edPiowsevcr mi.o trdtothePaclilec.nM. Tho uccci of lieso Plows last year exceeded any Mais ovc, ! before Known , In this 'State. Thoso now on band are made with now and special linprovemenl. Warrnntcil Superior to any Plow In the United States S THE GARDEN CITY SULKY PLOW , Cutting 11 aiul 1U IiicIicm, with :-Iioihc Attacliincnt, ami ". .",..?.!,? rolling Cutter, is without n rival. It lina been so thoroughly tested that wo w unino its opurntlon itt ntiy soli lit the State. These PIowh nre sold with that gitaiiintj . Cay Sotttl for ClretilafH and Prleo Llsts."KDR wmsemFj -'"? mat &mmj f SALEM, Sept. as, 1ST0. TSTgtw Store. LITOHFIELD&" MANNING, DCALEIIS IN FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVZBZOXffS AND Country Produce, FLOUR, FEED, BACON & LARD, llcltcil, Term i, Ca-li, or 1 1 r ST. Ciinili:iiinoiit o- cipilvnloiit. Ju'M C tmi fAUUKLOWRIt. AND liy tl" lOO or lOOO. OA1IUAOU l'bANTS. 50c jicrlW): OAULIKLOWKIl (I nr llli; Tinniito plaiiu, IJn'c vncli, or f l.fio pr IUI drown nt my Urwn liourr. two ami a Imlf mllvK cait from Haluia. Ulmomit nltownl to l)inluri. mnrlrnn IIKXTKU F1F.LU. Tho Cclcbralcd ThoroiiKbbred Stallion DR. UNDSLEY w ILL STAND Till! KNHUINO 8KAS0N AT SALEM, From March 10th to July 10th. Maron can bo taken to tlu Llyery Stable of llean .t Dvldou. or ru-nt I mh) JAMIW P. IIYIIBK. Salem. to 80MB PINB llllEKDINO FOWLS, niii.liiliiL of (lolil and Silver Siuiu- uled Poland, (lold and Silver Simn kIimI llamlmn;!'. and otlier. Tlio Ywnr aro perpetual layer, and iiti rcttcru niniinu them. Tlieo fovvli" nn, a.xrcllL-iit breeders, aud ualrrof .- iliemur their vhk for hreedliici'ur ' tioH'i' will tm Mippllcil by tho under. lulled lo ull thofu ile.lr in' Ilium, mi iikkiiiihiuu MTIIIUI HIVKIIN, term Jaltim'i naiem, ureKou. Alio, a WKLL-THAINKI) XJil'Cl DOR, Tun year old. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, C'O.lliHURCJIALi STREET. Balem. April SO. 1813. d.twtl WHEAT AND OATS Choppod into Food, SPox Ono-Tontli Toll. . ..Aixi-... Sasli, Boors, Blinds, 3VroxxlcXlaa.(5 , Turning. .Stall work, ItcriNteutlN, IliucuiiH, MtiiulM, Tnlili'M, PAWNING miLIiS, And ull liliMlK ot Fiirnltiiio, AtlUD ItOCK I'ltlCKS. ShopatArlciillnralWmka batldUK. hulein. IfetiyJ O. F. UKNNIN. RAY. FRIEDMAN & CO., While they are selling General Merchandise cheap, yet they will sell their present stock of Boots and shoes, on hand, at cost prices. Also, Trade or Gash paid for Hides. .yWW VV,i?.jl?T77 fei ' mJjfif fy.;.yj PLOWS, IMPROVED NEWTON WAGONS, All Sizes, JMoxxltox 3E3xoclOnBt Seeders and Cultivators, ALA-Dntvr nmnv CULTIVATORS AND HARROWS. T. CUMNIMOIIA3II & CO. RRILROftDJURSERY. Prunes and Plums made a Specialty. 200,000 FRUIT TREES Tor Sale TIiIn Scumoii, CONHINTINC1 OF Apple, Pom-, Quiiico, Plum, Prune, Pouch, Cherry, CJrupo vines. Currant, IlIuclcberrioH. Uiispbonies (oinht vurl otltw), Stniwhorrloi, Che.stnul, IVIul herry, JJluelc tuitl Wlilto Wnliiut, Jliukory, Kutrur ruplo, IToney Lo cust, l.omlmrtly Poplar, Jrountuln Ash, Woeplnj,' Willow, Snowball tmd LllacliH, Iloneysueklos anil Ivy. Arbor Vitiu, Italian Cypress, Coition Cypress, very lino, Pines, anil Cetlar J)eotlar,ParIcuntliuH,JaponIca or Kim Troo, Torty varlotiosof Roses, Flow nrhiLr Hlirniw mill Plants of all kinds. HtiKllsh lluw seeds for hudKlng. also Kn(rllsh Privet Plants, for fancy 1 ledges. Now I call special attention to the Amsden June Peach, Klfteou days earlier than any other Peach known. I havo only about two yearllti',' trees of this Peach. Prlco, SI ouch, SlOportloz. 2,500 dormant butl.4 of this Peach; prlco iMe each. S'J5 per hundred, $200 per thoti.Miutl. I also havo ti fow trees of tho aioiiut Voi'iioii Pcnr. This Pour Is ono of the most valuablo now Kail Pears In cultivation. Price or trees, 1 each. Ort'Kou Champion (looseberry. Thl berry I worth all oilier (looebcorlea for prof. It. a It I n line Ian:" l'rry, and tliu mo.tlpnillllo beirereer Prlco of plant". l.W perdoz., flu per huntiiti. Iti'il WnrrliiRton (loosclicrry. ThI I Iho lircet of all (Joineberrlj;, itpil I a blood red, veiy ornamental, and nil eicellent berry. I'rlco or pUut, U eeut each, t'l per dozen. Ponoli QooclllnK, I'or humlrtd. $l: per thoiiMiid, ). I'rlso Llli rent freu to any nddre. I'luiii itiitl l'ruiic Trees on l'catlt Uoots. I rliilm tli it tho Teach root I fur nupirlor to I'ltim root Tor i?rartliiK' ptiine nud plum on, for lbeo ri;n ron: . Y'Hiiiutrr havo any fproiii to delroy tliu llio or your tree. Tho pruno ami plum niccecil bulleriiu pencil thin on plum. :i. Thu iiruiieund plum lieuryouiiucroii luncli root, and the fruit lof better iiuallty Sly brother ha a i'riine orchard of KJ trerH in pencil root lle yiar old that liml forty pouiuU i tho tree Oil ceafou. Ill tree un very lurlfly and due, I can liow any man peach root that arutweii-ly-llvu year old. perfectly round and healthy. Testimony In mvorortlio reath Itoot. McMlNNVIIXK, Oct. 8S,r.u. II. W. 1'ur.TTVMAN.- Dear Sir: Your nolo In iiKard to I'lum tree on I'eadi root. U at hand. Ihaoit number of larue, healthy I'liim tree rweuly j ear old, (trailed on peach root They bau never priut'il. uud bear extremely well. I would not havo a plum or prune Ireuiinlc It wn onptach rimj. 1 Your.ru.pctfiilly, W. T. Nkwiiv. Auentx I'or mv Nuraery. I). I MahrUey. I'oitlaml: Woo.ley &!. UvaU: I. Mlrbnel, Wheatland: Mr II A .IiiilUlii. Luwiie; KW Whipple, CotUiKO Urove; S llerry. McMlnnWlIu. H. W. PRETTYMAN, 1'roprtetorof Ilallroml .Hiir;ry. IJAHT ItUITLANl). Or. uovimr HOP ROOTS. apl.lOXXlOXT.M Zloclvtotiou. Only 5 pur Thousand ' Orders l'romntly rilled. Addre.. It. H. HOIINBH, IsjOtn-l Irvltili, lane 'o NOTICE. I'miTUNl), Kebruary 13. ISTI. TIIK LAND DKPAUTMhNr'oK 1 IJ oflKOON nud California llailroad , O. havluij Uke l c barku oi Oie OKKOON DKI'AltTMKNT" of the l'Klt MANKNT BXIUHITIUN at thy MAJN'JKNrKNo NIAL IIUILDINO at I'hlladelphla. will take cha im of and exhibit, free of expeme, any of thu V of the Held, foreat, mlne,nnd maniilactoile of ur. i L'on, 1'arllea UelrmK io nun """"-,""," inlty will addrei the undertiKued. iUUhk lha nnriortunltv article or ample offend l. BOHULZB. LandAijemO.aCMt.H. 1 feimul M :I " : '