Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 30, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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iP8U8i 8vinv rmnxr, or
H, A. CliAKKB. I). W. G'UAIU.
Tcrmsi of NnlrcrlitIoii,
One copy, otic year (A3 niimlicrc) $2.50
Otio copy, fix months (5l numbers) 1.25
Omicopy, thrco months (IHnnmhers,) t Tfi
HAliKM, FRIDAY, MAUCII 30, 1877.
How to Clear off Grub Land.
"Wo started nn inquiry some tlmo
hIiico, iih to wlmt means could bo io
Hortcd to to clear grub land. If at
any tlmo of the year brush could lo
cut aim not jjrow nfjam. wo liavo re
ceived no Hatlsfiiclory answer, but air.
Dan. Clark gives u.s information that is
valuable, and a llttlo experiment will
test tno question fully, ami if it is .sus
tained that brush can bo killed off that
easy, it will bo of immense importance)
to all Oregon.
Some years ngo Mr. Dan. Clark was
preparing to stall feed beef caltlo the
followlni; winter and lie had wood
cut to bo used in cooking food for thorn.
Ho not a man to work tho latter part
of May and told him to cut oil' all the
brush on a piece of land, clear as lie
went, and mako it all into wood that
was possible. As near as .Mr. Clark
can remember the work extended
through the latter part of May, and
tho early part of June, and all tho
brush was blushed down on il acres of
laud. Some was fir and of thrifty
young growth; there was oak of pretty
good size, somo of It, and also hazel
and willow. AH was cut down clean
and nono of it ever grow. Blneo then
(ho slumps liuvo rotted, except homo
of (ho larger llr.s, and tho ground lias
been plowed up and cultivated. It ap
pear, (hen, (hat (ho lime (o kill brush
of all sorts, is (o cut it in tho full vege
l.itlon, early in tho summer or lato In
the Spring.
Wo suggest dial many persons try
Urn experiment of cutting more or
less brush, at different times through
the Spring and Summer, and if only a
rod square is thus cleared it will an
swer as a lest of a very important mat
tor. The true way will be to keep an
account, in writing, when each piece
was cut oil", ho as todetermlno tho real
time when it can be cut and not grow.
Another Important point to bo decid
ed Is whether In thu years when
Spring comes earlier than usual, as is
the case at (he present time, It willpiot
ho necessary to cut tho brush earlier, to
miM the season. Wo propose to make
this experiment for our.self, on hill land,
and wo Invite others to do thohumo on
all kinds of laud, and dlHereut locali
ties. If laud can bo cleared in this
way it can bo immediately made
available as pasture, and at small ex
pense, and a few yearn time will rot
(ho roots m that a plow can bo Used to
advantage, and thus save the much
greater expense of grubbing.
From Douglaa County.
Ten Mir.E, March 21th, 1877.
Ki). Fahmkii: I fico (but tbo Mel; ques
lion la 81111 open. I sen In the FAUMiut of
March 10th , that a Mr. J. J. Flnlaysoti ill veti
tho Darwinian theory a poko In tho ribs,
llo asks tho question: From whonco catno
tho ticks. Ho nays aomo hold that ttioy
como from oak Rrubs, but ho flays that ho
cut oak grubbH all day on tho 0th o f Fobru
arr nml ho failed to find any ticks; thoroforo
aasordlng to his modo of reasoning thoro nro
no tlckn on oak grubs, Now up heroin
l)ouj;las count', thoro nro ticks on oak, fir
and lin.ol grubs, also on tho grass. I think
ticks, nftor thoy have mndo a lodgement on
animals, breed on tuom, as for wings per
haps they havo thorn, but I havo novor run
acioss a tick with wings. Now, why ho at
tacks tho Itov. Mr. Drown, I do not soo, but
I suppose tho raid llrown can take caro of
hlimolf. My friond should know that a
qulbblo is no argumont, Ho snys IT Mr.
Clias. O. K., of Chohalls, W. T.j knows that
ticks como from oak grubs, and tho llov. Dr.
Hiown bollovos tho dovolopmontof yoars to
bo demonstrated, and king Solomon declares
man a beast, It may turn out that man cauio
from inonkoyH. Now, Mr. Fdltor, some
moil aro torribly oxcltod ovor (ho Law of
Involution; thoy soom to think that It would
bo bad Indood If It should bo demonstrated
that tho gomiH homo camo up by slow do
grros to thoir proftout Htnto from a lower
specie- of animals. I think If Mr. Flnlay
son would read carefully two volumos on
ComiiIo Fhlllotophy, wrltton by John FIko,
ho will not caro to talk so lightly of Mr.
Darwin's theory of progress.
xiisuoau isiovoi on mo mono or gottmg
rat oi gruus, unions ouo nas time to wait;
In that chmj cut thorn down, burn thorn up,
turn snoop nn,nud thoy will keep tho sprout
down, and In thrco years tho land can bo
plowed .
Wo havo had a splendid Winter horo no
snow, no Ice, and scarcely any front. 2 Thoro
N u lartfo arna sown to wlioat and oats,
which looks llrtt rate. Tho times are very
hard, inonoy scarce. I havo boon trying to
get some of my neighbors to take tho Fa it
mi:k, but money is no hard to got; thoy say
they will wait Mil after harvest. I am glad
to hoar that you havo consolidated tho Cut
tuiutor with tho Faumjui. It. M. Guit.vuv.
nrcatlifiis iTllaama without Injury.
Thcro Is no cxipfrsratlon In tho statement that
thousands of persons rcsldliizfrotu oar) cur's end to
another In fever and ague reirlons on thl Continent
andilsctrhcro, hrcathu nlr more or less Imprcenatcd
with miasma, without Incurring th disease, simply
and only becnuso they are. in tho htblt of nlne Hos-
tetter k ritnmach Hlttcri n a prcventltc. It ha fre
quently happened, and tho fact has hecn amply attest
by tho parties therasches, that persons surrounded
on nit Rides by neighbors sunerlne; Iho tortures or this
shhurlnj and bnriilni: plajnic, hate enloyid absolute
Immunity from It. thanks to tho protection Afforded
by tliu Hitters. Nor Is that standard mitt febrllo cor
dial less ofllcaclous In remedying than In nreventtng
chill and fever, blltlous remittent, and disorders of
a kindred tjpo. Taken between tho paroxysms. It
speedily mitigate their violence, and eventually pre
ctits their rccurruicc. These facts, convincing es
tablished by oldenco. appeal with peculiar force to
traveler and sojourners In malarious dlstrlots.
A. L. ST! N SON,
Book and Job Printer,
Old Senate Chamber, .Salem.
lr Aix kinds of Printing neatly cxecntrd.
and at reasonable rates. March 30tf.
"Which combine tho greatest strength
with nxtromo Lltrlitnoss nud Durnlilllfv
iSiSsaSsegtJOIIN DEERE is tho Solo Patcnteo of the
l(IN'E,fijEVi'totite(l Block nud Welded Frog, nud their
x'iow lstuooniy jl-jow so jiiiuio, mo atmres
nud Mould-boards nro also hardened hy a pa
tont process peculiar to thn DEERE PLOWS.
Nolo Auciita for
io a r I v Pro lit from
12 limn, by hatcblntr
cirjrs and raisins: poultry by
mpftfift nf lmrn mnrtttrf.
'IhnContonulalaiid svrrral Oold Medals.
nud IS Diplomas, hsv been awarded to
rrolVitsnr A. Corbctt, No. 7 Warren street.
N. , Testimonials and Catalogue sent
on reccpt of 3 cent stamp. ?
NOTAKV I'UIIMC. ileal Ktnto Aaont.
and Collector ort.'lnliiin. will ttroiimtlvat-
lis care. .MAKl.Mi
tend to am. hus-ncss entrusted to h
1'ost omce. IioToftnon, Oa-.
tf--"E!r' m Tl ' !? KBB3tJ BM lr jS tniimf'rt4 Jt wfvrltvt. f F ft 111 V ' J
svt - - - t.-v kVT wil.-" - . a.- r-jm.-i ri .n m .'B-tncu'-iir. 'niiaiw
mmmm mwvw
Tlio Greatest Labor-riavlng Iinplenieuts yet Invented. Ono Hutulred nml Fifty
sold in Oregon In Til roe .Months, hon lkain, Iron Frame, Irou Wheels. Every
Farmer in tho State is interested. Solo Agents for tho
Sola.-uittle2c OF" , r m Wagons,
And Light Spring Wagons,
Clydesdale Stallion,
Sired by Nethcrby, dam by bay Wallace, w III stand
lor Marcs at thu Farm of tho proprietor,
INro.x 3VIo3VIiaxxK-t7-illo,
Yasiiiim. county. $30 to Itmurc. pajablo when
llin . la tf It... . 1... 1.. f..4
tiiu iiiuiu in niiunn iu i)V til !Utt'
'nA fjv
Deoro Poerloss
Wo hint n cull tho othor iliiy from n (Vituul
who litis iihvuyH lnum u uood worker for tho
l'Aii.Miut, una ho uIIiuUhI to tho way ioo
plo titlk iiliout (ho I'jijior. Kor liist.mco; it
ut'lKhliui nf his soDK'limrn lliul the f.H'iy
.itHtod In our columns of loss mo to him
tlnui nsunl, hiiiI ho(xtohH (llM.iiKiln(mout
u ml nwMit; hut tho uo.M wool; .samothlii);
In It irotm vikluntilo to him, ivot him
soiuolliliiK to think .ibottt nml utility ovor,
anil hols ilollKhtOkl. It Is Into Mint tho lu.
Mint (loon not iilwnyH posses tqii.tl lutorost,
littt if i t'nitiitt I lie onc ii'iu eoiiilittn.
It thoy would tin tl.ulr Mono nml loll thoir
Al it regular nioolln oi'lluito OnitiKO, No.
lib. 1'. of H., hold March 2lt, 1877, tho fol
IowIiik jironmblo ittul rosotutlous worounan-
ImoiiHly udojitwl:
WhoroaH, tho ovIIh thnt How from tho uao
ofnlcohollodrlnkH aro dully IncrntHlnir, iih
Is plainly to bonoou In tho lncruso of crimp,
cipocliilly umoiiKthoyoiith of our litlr yotuif;
Anil wliorens, It lius bocomo nn Impuni
tlvo uoccHHlty ttmt hoiiio meatiN bo (IuvIhoiI
whoruuy thtH i;mwhiK oyll eun bo chookod,
nml In tlmo wholly destroyed; tliuroforo,
bo It
Kviiolvod. hy Itutlo Clrnnpo.Nn. MS, of tho
1'HtnuiHof lIUNhtttulry, Tlintwoiiro In litvor
of a HcoiiMiIrtw iv(pilrlUK onch pothim who
buy, uoIIh, or llspono of In nny nmnnor
wluuovcr, uny wIiioh, NplrltuouN, or mail
I'ljuorH to lliMt promiro a Hcoiiho from tho
county clork of tho oonnty In which ho or
huo ronldiM, Hiilil llcmibo to bo not IcbH thuti
llvo liiinitrod ilollurn por utinuni.
Kusiilvcd, That It bo nmdo thn duty of tno
countv chirk to publish Hombnuiiually In
tho olllulul nownpupor ol'tho county u lint of
tho minion ofnll poraous who hnvotukuuoitt
Midi llcoiifio.
Ituiolvod, Thnt nil mnuoyn nrlslnt; trout
tho miiIo of NUch llconse, ns well nsnll inoiitiyH
colloctod iih lliui.s for tho violation of Mich
lii'oiiho lnw. bo p.ild into tho common Nchool
IiiihI ol'iiald county.
Itosolvod. Thnt tho nbovo proninblo mid
roHoln'.lousboHpro.ul on tho mtmitoj of tho
(InuiKO, nud n copy tilgucd bv tho Mnstor
nud .Siuinitiiry bo emit to tha lytforout iiowh
pnpor.i of tho Htuto, with tho request that
thoy publish tho bmiin,
J. A. HiniAiUHo.v, Mttator.
M. ItK'ii.iiinoN.Sco.
Tho Trausnortation Question.
D.w.hAH, Mnroh '21, 1S77.
i:i, K.vttMtut: I solid you tho following
KoMiUilloim for pitblloatlou :
Wo, tho coiumlttoo, nppolntod to drnft
lo.snlutioim u.xpioH.sivo of tho hcntlnunitb of
D.dlni Ur.uiKt, No, 01, 1. of II., hi rog.ud to
tiuufipartutlon on tho Wlllamolto Klvor beg
le.tvo to report iih followii :
Wlmrons, Tho pooplo hnvo bcon grossly
Imnonod unoii by tho O.N. N. Co. In bulnir
I'ompolltHl to pay oxorbltniu tiolaht tlmtns
.noil ns tho Independent lino was stnrlud tho
O, S, N, Co. rodueod frelghtH to it dewioo Mint
woiim not pity ruuiimg osponai's, mituue.si
lv lor tho purnocoof riiunliig tho ludopou
limit lino till the trade, unit lutliritiir tho tut-
ii ro by tho p.i-t wo nro loreoit to thoeoueltm-
hiidii topicM ns itiey mo won posieu on, men i blMttl iliuii bofor; Theroloio,
Half Brolher to Caledonia Chief, Hie
fastest Trotting Stallion in Canada,
Slrod by Ilnwo'l Itotal (IcorL-c. I)jm bv old II.irl.ti
way, thu celebrated Irish Ulood Horse, will stand for
jaiires in
East Portland,
At Iho Stable nf JOHN ritAZlIll, from April 15th
to .Inly 1st, 1STT. $10 to liiMiro. pn)alile whin
thu Maro I known in bo In 'oal. fib 10r tlioScu
noii, pajnblo nt thu tlmo of sen Ice.
Sond for Special ClroulnrN.
and Buckoyo Grain Drills, and,
Soedora, and
nil hIv.uh nud prlccw.
K'oitluiiil, Sept. 38.
March it), 1SI7.
xiiit: iitxroi?'rii:r
Trotting and Draft Stallion,
thu firm of J. W. NcmiiiHIi, Dixie, l'olk
county, mid nt DUItlUN J: C'O.'tt htalile. In Samm,
on Friday and Saturday of each week, nfiur thu luth
or April
TKIIM8 For tho Season. 12 o at tho ond or tho
reason. INSUHANCR. 3,'., a)iihlu uhen iho
Maro Is known to bo i Ith foal, or when thu owner
t-a partud with her. All bill pijaliln In colder In
Marcs Irom it dlst.nico im nil red and cm id for at tl
per week hut tic rUk taken.
lckirltloii nml I'cttlirrce.-lli.Acu Stiian
iii.ii Is III li.iml .1 laches t.lirb. V ors old, and wi IkIis
uteri. TOO lbs. Wo bred by Voso Itctno'ds. Ksq
Wins'nw, Maine. Ills dam wan IlonmnV Mi'enyir,
by btone McsseiiRer, by Wlntliron Messeuuvr, by lui
tiortci Mesn'iiccr The Ituynold's Slaru. dara c f
llLACK HTllANOlUt. welj;lied 1.8.V1 pounds, ami
was a tluu lumplu of tho Mcrstncvr stock
III.ACK HTlMNUKIt wa sired Iw tho Wyer's
horse, a bay stalllou weli;hlust.S-V) pounds, and get
ter of ait extra line of trvitlnc colts. Ctpablo of
trotting himself In U.'.O foramllu, and Ins icpeatrd
lv niadi his half rnllu In J:10 Ho wa rirttl bydcii
Unos, out of a Messencrr maro, weU'hliic J.mo
pounds lILAUIv hTUANUKU ha n very powerful
set of limbs, ery straight, with pimbiel and kneu
Joint low down, tho bonu processes mid muscles
perfect ram pics of his Kmnd fire, (leu. Knox.
tho K.vitMi.u would itlw.iyx havo sott.othUie,
ol prlitio lnurtxt lu Its rolutniH. '-Ii'm it
poor iitlo tlmt don't work both wnyN," you
Our frlotul npoko ofiiHhoil cMiuiuunltMt
tlcili, lu tho p.tp:ir l.t wonU, tin piiHhlni;
ito'uitl vittuo, nud ho will llml honui vory
tniportnut fuctN told (hit wool; by tl, V.
(illison, of l.tuo county, it to killing 1'roiicli
pink nml fern, Hint urn worth KiuiwIiik. It
U this pliilu Mittt'iiU'iit ol houit'ly oxputhuiio
lli.it kIvos vitltui to iMnituunltMtloiis, i,r vory
low mo wImi iiiioiit;li to lift u io tit In tf tout
ii'lvatil:t.;o on llfo and IU dutlt'i. tiUo us
tho tact you h.no uii'iiiiiuImp1 11 ot yon
xud tho 1'.umi:i; will pohiii moro uluo
mid do moid (;ood,
Sai.km Twi.iih Wo uudootuud Uutt tho
couiot hotvmm tho oily of S.tlviit nud tho
Wltbiou )ulr, rolixtUo to tholltltHo; Will
miu'H A von mi mid Mitilon S.p.i,tro,livo Hiutl
ly lixn bottlod by ukiihiiiioiU, tho city pity
uiKfocM, It will nlko ho himu by ctiurt pro
otodliiK publUhid olkowhtto (hut u uuiubor
of kuUh lmvo boon ao tiled by huul-ownora of
thin oily pity I ok oonut,
"Willantotto Farmer" OlHco Moved.
AflBrthUilato tho olllco of tho Faumiui
will bo reinovcxl to ()ruy'n Uuildlug, on Suto
Slrcot, over tho toto of Mr. Joliu IhiKhos,
In tho muio building oootiplod by the Job
1'rlutluK olllco of i:. M. Wlto.
liOMolvotl, 'Hint mi nUidiro ourtolvp.t to
tiupport tho lndopoudoni lino of IioUn mi
Iouk us thoir clitrn'OH nro loitsonnblo, and
tlmt wo wlUulntw our p.tlrou.iio Irmu uuir
ohnuti', milium, wiiri'liousiuuou wlo do not
oxclublvoly Ntipport tho ludopondont lino,
llosolvetl, Thnt it cony ot tho lorooliiK bo
fiirulsliod to tho Dallas femuer nml Wn.
i.vMirm: Kaiimiui, for puhllc.ttlou with tho
rnpio.it thitl othur vnlloy jntpora copy,
MoMt.NN l).tl!ON,
K. 1). DKi.AsiiMiir,
John tl. Ituowx, Sec.
Liun Couuty Council.
Thonoxt iiirothiK or I. Inn County lhn.1
iinis Council, V. ot II., will bo hold In
All toy, on tho 'Jd Mond.ty lu April, nt
J o'clock i', St. Fiunk lMKi:,&'ecy,
A Il0'a l.Kll'HU rjlOM HllAVKUrON.
Muster W. O, Tuckor who sttyit ho U"Jut
u boy" wrltot us; "Wo lmvo hAtl so much
r;lti tho pooplo could hnrdly koI around.
Tho bchool ut lUuvortou will bo out tho IWtli
dny of Mitrch. Tho school will kIvo n pub.
lio exhibition; all tiro invited to ttttoud.
Thoro aro about 43 scholars. Mr. W. It.
Dunbar lectured ut Keedsvlllo last nl;litto a
largo attendance. Tho tlrancs in Washing
ton County aro: ltoavortou Jraui;o, No. 100;
Itutto Orange. No. US; Itillsboro (IratiKiv
No. 73. Tho Itutto autt HllUboro meet at 10
o'clock. The water has been so hitch that
Mr. J. S. McKay could not ruu the mill. An
hoou at tho aim begins to shine, the farmers
will gotoutofdoora to sun the tuoaa oil' their
back, 1 like your paper very much,"
tliowrr bcti IVilltfivo from Kentucky will nr
rtvi'ltiOaliriiiiilaforKxhlblttoii and htle during thu
month of March.
V.ieso itiilmtU are Imported by Ihu owner. W. .1.
lAl.i:. of )nillli, Kmti.iky ni.tl will bo superior
to an) .tuimt's of the kind ut Imported.
Tlu'V nro all l'lttMU'M .InUrt nf llm KlHlo-imo
T tlieie .Itcks In been nxhllilte.1 nt all tho not
Pairs, and has xou Hi I'UtsiT I'KKMir.MS.
liter) tiiioof thuo.lackilsof Iho IIKS1' 1'tsllroe.
and they are i lie finest nulaut In ei-v wuy In all
Kentucky, a SuU that lit devoted morn tlmo, mo
in), nml i-ire In r.tlsln; J.tcks than all tho other
Mstcs of the Vnton
These .lacks htw promt themseUus tho VF.UV
111T of UretMers. as Mulo cot bj them out of ordi
nary Mures wllluent.-ii It) han.1 hlli, nnliuil tint
UsteroMat .Wiainl ii cicti.
Ttieoe am rtl will be wor hv tho special notice of
Dnvders In ill liar' of tho Pscltlc nvtl
Mr. l.YI.K will have his Stck on oxtil'iltl m In
San 1'rauciscx about t!io 13:1, to tho SOt tt of March,
ami they cm bo s.eii at the largo Stock Van! of
Mi'r Lbyd & Itui-nrs, comer Pill Sirret Jiiiirilon
of Hates Vnliev and M irket Mreel. Iho tiesi (took-
jardofstn Francisco, wheru purwb.tecs can exam-
I no thtm
fine lot
te tIo.
Mr. I. I.K ainlrlpAte brlnalnj on, 'n a
ol Sll'fltrilOltX I'ATt'l.K, of Itl.'h rrttUre
IIKKKSIillti: hWIXU. and KKSl'lVKV M
Mit;i.r. an or the ur, lust stork
ltl the ji'aii of Mr l. i to btlns ouly thu YMIY
I1S!T s'l'tit'K of tacn kind, and unl the hell, ntcti
as can bo iri.srauteed to be such.
Catauooi es Ualiu I'l w. l'cituinci s of all the an.
Iin.il will bo usuly lor thu CYiiuluatlon of all who
dtlrot secure tnl stock, which the tmporier 1
tonildeiit will bo the FINKST LOT OK SVOCK of
KOHMA. Ml. Lt tc will bate. In addition to tho lVillcree n(
tilt ftOCk, til AIUNTTK t'HUll ICATl frOllt IhU OtU-
cer of tho best iiutltuiion in tho Stite. k'ltitii;
stroiitf jiiwf of tho reliability of Mr. Lvlk as a Block
breeder, aid of the excellence of hi Mock
After a ul able ituo in the Kxulbitton of thl
Stock, what I not sold at 1'iiiatk ttK, there will
bo a lariik 1'L'HLIO hALK at thu best cttcn place In
Callforiiia. Of iho tlmo mil plicu of tfcl Sale, duo
notice will bo j:len.
All per n who wish information respectlii); the
number and character, or price of those nitwits, are
invited to cair.on or address the Kdttor of too Cau
rttusu Kahmiii, mu Francisco, who will cheerfully
render all luformaltou promptly.
Stoolc Brcoilor,
Xauvillo, ly.
DB 30LOt 33oi-7"caL !
See that our Trade Mark is on oachiPacliage!
Jot Black j and ALL COLORS.
3M:i2cci s.eaLcB.3?- for tjs
Tor Sale !y thu Ascitis:
xnd JOHN HUGHES, Salom,
SIOG)9 SNEffifi & CO.,
WIilci.nJo DriiKBlstN, and Dcnloi-N lu I'rtlKtN, Jis, ami GIukn
NO. rilO.NT STItl'.ET. , . . ror, , '
And Countorbalanco Separators.
i.tumu ,vi -mi at BAt.i;at, OIIKUON, OCTOliEIt 7, 13:n.. b. I'ELTON
oLHi. Vteu l'n!rt.r.i s W s i it n.n . v .. ..,.' VX. i-. w-'
xoliis. Yieo 1'ie.Iiioi.t : W is. Himiut k..,... ,..' . ' ""' , u. ni-
HoracPowor o T s V-Vi VJ J2&FS J ,y
...ZTa . . T . iTTi. . , i .x ' - . " '- gpA, , M. J-E.
".J ' ?!'A5t.a" ;. oi urt--ou lion ul woodm uiutL-nal. 'nil. iitu , iTi 1T.Tr"Ti reVVTui
" " TV" "VEb Tliu UKA1.N. Kor further panlcuUr. addre;:' Th'R S?..4 ?."? 52;
, -"-- - .V.W ..WM.. W1 V, V.
balkm, warcn wiy
Odce moved over 11REYMAN UllOS. NEW STOIIE
OClce hour boa 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
IS hereby clven that I hae been duly appointea
administrator of tho cwte or A. P. Vllr. do
ceased. All person havlnc claim acalntt said es.
tato are requested to present Uem to tuc at toy ofBcu
lu alcm. Marlon county, Oregon, with proper onch
er, within lx month irom thu date of this notice.
iurcn?, lbi,w4 Admlmitrator of iala estate.
ft fill 2 ?? f Week to Agent. (10 OulJt Fnt