Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 30, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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YAmiiilt.. Mr. A. Sutton writes us from
Amity, March 20, its follows: " Tho woatbor
Is lovoly In Yamhill now; not much plow
lug going on, on nccount of tho rocont ralus.
Tho wlutor has been so tnlltl thoro Is a proat
deal of complaint of wild oa's taking wheat
that his boen sown during winter. Tho
South Yamhill river has beon vsry high, and
has torn away considerable fonclug. Wheat
Is soiling quickly tit ono dollar per hushol tit
Dayton, my nearest shlpplug point."
lho London Ganlcn says that Covont
Garden Market Is 11 lied high with barrels
of Amorlcan npplts, which uro moro abun
dant now than over known belore. Tho
English tipplo crop was Miiall tho past sea
sou , and apples being very abuudatit hole,
they havo pourod Into lho London market,
thoro aro largo eupplbs also Irom Franco
aud Holland, tho Jointer bolng sold at ono
dollar yer bushel. slid ib latter lower.
Ainorlcnu apples, If ttnod, sell much higher.
Tho lloobuJg liulrjtcnttciit of lho lOih
lust, says: Yostordav wo WKncssed thoorush
lug of soino oro hi a common druggist's
mortar, which was ipilto rich. It cstuo from
tho Fullortou lodgi, located 20 miles this
sldoof thoLuckv Queen, and was brought
lu by Goorgo ltoss. Tho oro was washed
outaftor crushing tn ti gold pan, in tho
bottom or which romalned tlfty or moro
particles of lino gold. Such oro would as
Bay about 3U00 to tho ton.
Whon farmer Budgo road that hull paint
ed by Kosa Uonhotir sold for Uvo thousand
dollars, ho remarked to his wlfo that ho
.II.IhK 1mi. ii (inn. nt MntMf. ftnlllll fin tmit-
IUUU . CCU 11V..T I. WHI l . riaa a V . .rv. n - v--
lvouhancotho valuo ot tho aulmnl, but If
11080 didn't chargo moro tnan leu ooiiars no
would got hor to p.ilut his bull lu tho spring.
And his economical wllo replied that slio
thought ho might paint It himself and eavo
his ton dollars.
A Shock. no Aitaiii. Tho McMlnnvillo
Kejiortcr, March 15, says: Yesterday tho
body of n female Infant was found lu tho
mill-race, near Sax's Untiring mill. Tho
body wiw found a Cow leot abovo tho mill,
resting against n screen In tho nice, which
catches tho litter that tloals down tho stream,
and which has to bo cleared of tho rubbish
dint irntlinr.s tlinro. several times u day. A
mu olMr. Konnlo, tho inlllor, was clearing
this phico out with n ralto, whon ho drew
m t tho uhnstlv unfortunato bundle. Tho
body wis wrapped lu n nleco of blanket
which wus pinned, mill bore no marks of
vlolonco. it must imvo noon withiieu to tno
itolnt whero it was found, within n low
tours, as tho screen was cleared out sovoral
limes tho day boforo. This is conclusive
ovidotico that tho body must hnvo drlllod
ngnlnstlho screen on Tuesday night; but
uoyonu mis tin is mystery..
Now Is tho tlmo of year for l'noumonla,
Lung Fever, Coughs, Colds, and fatal ro
dulls of predisposition to Consumption and
other Throat and Lung DIho.-mo. Jl3.citi:i:'s
Guiiman Svnri' has been used In this neigh
borhood for tho ptst two or throo years with
out it mIiirIo failure to euro. If you havo not
used this iiievllcliuiyoursolf,gotoyour Drug
gist and usk him of its wonderful success among
his ctistojiors. Throo doses witl rollovo tho
worst e.iso. If you have no faith lu any med
icine, Just buy it Sample liottlo of Uosciu.i.'k
G human SYltri' for 10 cents and try It . ltcg
nlar nlzi bottlo 75 eont.s. Don't neglect u
cough to b.ivo "." cents.
Notico Pioneers.
Tlio Hoard
ogon lMonoor
of Directors of tho Or
Association nro request-
oil to moot at tho ollico of tho Oregon
Stuto Agricultural Society, nt '2 o'clock
j).ni., of tho 1st Friday of April.
Friends of tho Organization respect
fully Invited. J. JIkxky Hitow.v.
VUaW.vM, mlHMttf mil SOD nil. MiUn ft I If Itwf,
tJK S") VitlM, JU ' 14 ltwhdM IWO-liif l'U. Itu- I J
ttrta!iin,tUU ATlfftC4Uloffu,rr. IWtAUt tLl, ih
arAU.ftllrtf( Fruit u4t4MBU) Trw,brt.,fW AU
axonna, nAiuuscw & co., Q
roiaciviUc, J-ako Co., Ohio.
- mm
Stubborn Couflri3 and Colds yioid
promptly to tho healing and cura
tive properties of ir. Jojho'h Jlx
pcciornnt. It loosens nnd promotes
tho expectoration of Irritating mat
ter, mitigates much pain and dis
tress, mid checks lullanimatlon.
Asthma, Bronchitis, anil Throat
TrOUblOS nro nt onco rollovod by
Jr. JnymN Exiretorniit. It re-
movos constriction of tho Bronchial
tubes, loosons phlegm, soothes and
heals tho mucous membrane, arrests
any feverish tendenoy, and liolps to
forward a gradual euro.
Consumption, Plourisy, ami Ltinrj
Affections aro generally controlled
nnd ameliorated by nr, Jiij'uv'n lis-tx-ctornnt.
It saves tho lungs from
much Irritation nnd distress, by ro
lloving thont of tho irritating matters
by which thoy nro clogged, it also
suppresses Inilammatlon and gives
tho affected parts a chanco to heal.
Whooping Counh.Croup and Hoarse
ness aro ofllcaclously treated by lir.
Jayuc'n Expectorant. It removes
dlflleulty of breathing and oppres
sion in tho throat or lungs, promotes
tho ejection of mucus and subduo
tho vlolcnco of theso complaints at
tho outset. It Is a Safo Family Cura
tive, of long-established reputation,
and whero promptly administered,
has enabled many to escape serious
Lung Affections.
T. A. DAVIS & CO., Wholwtle AcenU. I'ortLtnd
Orvzon. ocWmi
on. C. Y. CHASE,
XKEVBT Lt.Col., UteBorReon U.S. VolasUen. -JD
OClcc. UarUin'c biodc uv tuin. 7r
H mL " , mhmfM M n O LHW
A Local Returning Board.
Thoy woro playing poker, and Pomp hold
a fullliand. His eyos gllstoned with con
scious triumph as ho put up a ton-cant auto
and gazed at his partner expectantly.
"I raises dat ton conts," retimrkou Pete.
'I goes it quarter more," Insinuated Pomp.
"I stand you, and raises nuuder quarter,"
roplled Poto.
"1 continues on do war path, and Hops
down tho Inst thirty cents," answered Pomp,
planing six nlckles on lho table.
'Iklvorsde pile and calls you," remark
ed Pete.
"Full hand," said Pomp, turning his
cards. "What you got?"
"A pair, nnd do ;nino am undecided."
"What's dat? UnilucldedT Diohoro child
takes do pile."
Not by along chalk. DIs ensn will now
bo rolerrrd to do returnlu board, who will
(X'tmlua Into do t urtlcltloi-H. D-ir'H plenty
more good cards lu do pack, aim why didn't
1 alt 'em. Dar's been Intimidation and
timid, nn' meanwhile do reiiirnln' board
takes pooVesslon of do spoils," aud Pctu
reached out bis hand.
Then tho other sldt doulod tho right oftlio
boaid lo muddle, and when tho roportor loll
tho horrlblo demon of civil war was dauolng
a will danco lu tho neighborhood, and a
pollcomau was marching up to tnodiato with
a club,
A woman fcocu at Auction. Amorlcau
papors havo often coinmoiitod on tho f.ict
that lu sotno pnrta of Knclaud women hnvo
boen sold at public auction during tho last
contury. Yestorday tho novol night of a
woman bolng sold tindor tho hammer wns
wltnosiod by hundreds of proplo lu front of
Currlu's auction Uoro. When it becamo
known that such a ealo was to bo made a
largo crowd gathered to eo tho woman, and
many woro wondering If tho authorities
would allow such disgraceful sconoto go on.
At hall-past 10 tho wuman u as brought out.
Her namo wns unknown; but she was recog
nized by somo of tho bystanders as n person
who had worked In a mlUluary establish
ment on O street boforo tho lire, and her
character had nevor been questioned. Sho
was perfectly composed In ttioprosenco of fo
largo a crowd, and novor moved a mtisclo of
hor faco as tho auctioneer called out for tho
Ilrst bid. Sho stood lu an olovntod position,
dressod lit plain muslin, without any siioclal
attempt at display. Sho was a haiulKiimo
brunette, with regular features, dark hair
and a cociploxlon as ptiro as wux. Sho was
dually knocked down for eight dollar.", and,
to lho surprlio of ovorybody, tho bidder was
a mnrrlott man. JIo hays tho women Is
somouhat dilapidated, but thinks ho can
mult tlown the wax and muko hor Into tupors
for Christmas trees, Sho orlBhmllycostfSO
In Now York, tho workmanship tho best,
and was lor a long tlmo displayed in n
Uroadway lutlllnor'H window betoro sho waw
slilpppd to the Coinstock. Virgina City
Chronicle ;
Mutton ILttin.
About nil that can bo said In favor of mut
ton as it diet for general ttsuiipon tho tablos
of tho inasseOH, both lu city and country, has
been written. Hut It Is ono of thoti good
things that will he.tr repenting. No ono v, ho
Into sal down to his ntvory rost, or Inviting
chop, needs thereafter to bo reminded that
no meat excels mutton In theso qualities
tliat commend It to tho p.ditto. Her well
marbled Southdown mutton Is rapidly sun
planting tho traditional roast beef ot old
Ktightutl, whove population iwintiuUy con
sume lho Increase 1'ioin somo Uil.OOO.OOO mut
ton yielding sheep. Tho masses of tho pno
plo need not so much to bo reminded that
tho sheep produces llesh equally luscious
and nutritious with boefnnd iwrlf, and great
ly superior to tho latter hi hygienic proper
ties, as ol tho further fact that mutton can bo
Froducod at loss cost por pound than either.
t Is demonstrable, that a bushol of corn
will produce moro pounds of llosh when
properly fid to a shoop than when fod to a
bullock or hog. To tho farmer who Is
usually compelled to do his own slaughter
ing mid curing, mutton is particularly com
mended, by tho fact that it is moro easily
prepared, and that tho single animal pro
duces no moro than can bo carod for whllo
bolng consumod. Those facts, admitted and
acted 4pon by tho fow, ncod to bo kept bo
foro the people until tho uso of mutton bo
comes as gonoral as swino llosh, Ctountry
Mapi: Him Sick, Tho Itov. Kdward
Everett Halo does not greatly euro for ro
vlvalsoud rovlvallsts. Ho tolls thlssug
gestlvo story: "In early llfo I tiapponed to
meet out) morning with tho distinguished
author, Sylvostcr Judd. Just after wohntl
both heard a grout preacher, a man of much
rhetorical power and remarkable 'religiosi
ty' sr"k on tho tixt: 'Tho whole creation
groaned In pain together until now.' I ask
ed Mr. Judd how ho liked lho sermon. VI
stood I. through with dllllcultv,' ho tald fli
arortof agony, 't stood It till boc.tmn to
tho phico whero ho abused God's ocean. Hut
when hn (aid that that was roaring In pain,
was howling with agony as convicted of in,
I iiBcl to leitvo my seat and leave tho church.
I crowded bv too itood woman at tho door
of tho pew. 'Kxc.ueo mo, Madam, but it
makesmo sick,' I said. I wns not mysolf
till I .stood under Uod'a clear stars in hiu
.Mill night. They wero not in anguish; they
woro not howling in pain. And I could not
hear that man dofamlug them,' And thou
moro borlously, Mr. Judd wout on: "Is
there no hlng botior to preach about than
sin? AiwayM sin! sin! Hint Is not virtue
bettor to talk about than vice? Is it not bet
ter to think about tho pure than tho Impure?
Aro not lovo and truth and beauty subjects
bflitor lltted for Uod's children than always
sin, sin, sin?"
Fism:s ion CAi.iroitNiA. A dispatch lo
tho Call oj: Senator Sargent succcded nt
tbolftxUo-ibion in proem log an adequato ap
propriation for continuing tho work of
propagation of food llhhp.s, and has pecured a
promUu from Prof. IJ.ilrd,thoCoiniulfsloiier,
thttta largo numbor of t-had and wlilto-tlsh
will bo sent to ttook California rivers than
last year, whon 600,000 whllo tlsh and 1U0.000
young sbad weio i-ent. Somo new varieties
of carp, obtained from Oermany, will also bo
Mnt to Ctdllforuln. Tho beneficial opera
tions of tho l'ith Conunliblnn aro alrnady
widely apparent on thissldool tho contf
nent. Salmou and bhsd are appearing lu
ure.it numbers whoro for many yearn thoy
havo beeu MranRern, and by tho consequent
rrxluctlon of prices theso wnolesomo articles
of food are bolng rapidly brought within tho
reach of all classes.
Somo butchers at Manchester havo bit up
on a tcltemo for counteracting tho ollect
which tho extetislvo uso of American beef Is
exercising upon their profits. They aro, It
appears, buying up as fast as they can nil
tho tough old bulls and ancient "matronly
cows" they can lay their liBnds on. Those
they kill, nnd exhibit as "real American
brof, not frozen," belling tho meat at appar
ently small prlco, but In roallty gaining a
handsome profit. Tho customer alter par
taking of "real Amorican beef not frozen,"
never wants to try it again, and rotums to
hl.s old hlgh-prlct.d Kngllah meat, which is
nothing, In runny cat ex, but tho American
article naturalized by tho butchor.
A Curo for Consumption.
A correspondent of Southern Plantar
tlou writes as followos about the powe
of a well known plant: "1 have dis
covered a remedy for pulmonary con
sumption. It has cured it number of
cases after they ctJnTnienced bleeding
at tho lungs, and the hectic ihHi was
already on tho cheek. After trying
this remedy to my own MitNfnetlon, I
havo thought philanthropy required
that T should lot It ho known to the
world. It is tho common million,
steeped j-trong and sweetened with cof
fee sugar, and drank freely. Tho herb
should be gathered before tho end of
July, if convenient. Young or old
plants aro good dried in tho simdo and
kept in clean paper hag. The medi
cine must bo continued from ') to r.
months, according to the nature of the
tlisease. It is very good for the bliotl
vessels also. It strengthens the system
and builds up instead of taking' away
strength. It makes good blood, anil
takes Iniltimmation away from tho
lungs." It is tho wish of the writer
that every periodical In tho United
States, Canada nnd 1-htropo should pub
lish this receipt for the heueilt of tho
human family. Lay this up, and keep
It in tho houso ready lor use.
I'Kccr.iAit llonsi: Disr.Asi:. On Sat
urday morning Win. 1,. YVII1N, of Elk
Grove, entered his stable aud found a
valuablo maro lying dead, having ap
parently died without a struggle. Sho
iiad boon In comparatively good health
previously, and on tho day before had
looked especially well, eating her foot!
with a good appetite and showing no
signs of disease. A post-morten ex
amination, however, revealed the fact
that sho had tiled of liver complaint,
that organ being softened so that It was
about tho consistency of coagulated
blood. The best authorities on the dls
eases of tho horsosay that this noble
animal Is le.-s liable than any other to
disease of tho liver, aud that no symp
toms can bo given, becau-o tho'exis
tenco of tho disease Is rarely, if over,
known until u post-mortem examina
tion. This may be the causo of the
death of many other hor-es where no
apparent cnuo could bo found. Mr.
"Willis says that thoonly symptom that
he can remember is that the maro
sometimes turned her head aud looked
anxiously at her right side, but not
enough to indicate violent pain, as In
cases of colic. Mr. Willis was also un
fortunato In the loss of a line colt tt few
weeks since. SVr c Havi'd-( "nhn.
Duu.i.iNti Wiu:at. When a man tells
mo he Is not able to buy a drill, 1 give
him tills Illustration: .Mr. A. puts in
ten acres of wheat every year. Three
years ago ho bought a drill of me. De
fine that ho sowed two and a half bush
els to tho acre. Since, ho has uod but
ono ami a half per acre. Thus In three
years ho has saved on sect! alone, thirty
bushels; calling it one dollar per bush
el, a very moderuto estimate, ho has
sucurcdnmuch botteryleld by drilling.
The nrntyour ho drilled wheat, hu puts
his train over broadcast at 25 bushels:
the second year, :t0 bushels', and this
year, in misiiois. iiogots ineso ugures
by comparing his- present crop with pass
ones, mid with hisnolghbor'fi crops that
woro sown broadcast. Hero Is a gain
in three years of $(lo. Adding this to
SilOsavod in seed, anil wo lmvo$!."i
gain in throo years Slfl moro than tho
drill cost him, aud it is good for twen
ty year's work. Don't that pay ? C'or-
nvpoiulenl Ohio J'ttrnwr.
Tho wealth of somo dairying districts
is onornious. Herkimer, IsowYork,
Is said to ship annually over 17,000,110!)
pounds of cheese and .'100,000 pounds of
buttor worth $-l,()0,000. IIttlo Tails,
Now York, perhaps as much. St. Al
bans, Vermont, ships 1,000.000 pounds
of choose, 2,7o0,0(lU pounds of ljnttor,
worth In tho market. Sl.'J.'.O.OOO. Tho
vitiligo ot Wellington, Ohio, shipped
100,000 pounds of cheeso In lS'J'J, worth
SoO.OOO. Tho products of tho dairy are
sold Ibrcnsjh, ami henco tho returns are
quick. Tills Industry enables tho man
ufacturers to reduce a largo bulk of
food into tt small compass, through tho
two processes of feeding cows and
manufacturing tho production.
Ksomnh Aojticti.Tiui:. In Eng
land tho farmers generally grow larger
crops than wo do. In answer to tho
question, " I low do you do If. "' an
Englishman replied: " "Wo feed our
land before It Is hungry, loc It rest bo
foro It Is weary, anil weetl It boforo It
Is foul." American farmers cannot fol
low this system, unless they keep more
Uvo stock than they now do; but they
must increase their stock or lot their
farms becomo impoverished.
St. Patiuck's Day. Tho 17lh or March
Is tho day of Ireland's patron mini. Saint
Patrick introdnced Christianity Into Ireland,
and convttrtntl the natives irom huaihenltin
to bo good Christians. Ho did many won
dotl'nl miracles, according to tradition, but
tho groatufct of his acis was tho driving of Hll
thobnttkesoutof Irtlanil, It Is ald that a
snake, ov n to this day, ctnunt llvo on Irish
soil. Tho way St. Pali ick drove tho snakes
out of the island, is said to have been by his
beating a drum, and keeping up lho cutter
until tho last of the reptiles bad departod.
Hew true, wo cannot say; at any rate, tho
snakes left, anil havo not shown tholr heads
In Ireland slnco. St, J'atrick was a great
and good man, and ended his useful lllu on
the 17th of March, a. ii. VM, In tho ono hun
dred and twcnty-llrst year of his age.
Thk Aitic. Somo old chroniclers state
that on tho 17th of March, Noah entered in
to tho Ark. On the 20th or April, tho your
following, ho came out of tho Ark.
Tho lossos of American ships havo been so
great this winter, that tho ship-yards of New
lCngland aro looking forward to a busy yo.tr,
m.rAciallv thono which build wooden -Ktln
of lho bebtcJ&hH,
AiiTiKiciAr. Ukk.swax. A mlituro of
paratllno and renin has found Its way into
tho market aj a substitute for beeswax. It
rosembl6!i the genulno article very closely
In color, fracture ami alhtvdveiiew. The
cakes are generally covered with u thin coat
of genuine beeswax.
PnovtDKxn:, March 'J.I. Tho proposition
to amend tho constitution so as to allow wo
men to vote whoro taxed has been dofoatud
by 1'ii to 'St votes.
Co.Ncoiti), March 2:1. Tabulated returns
from all buttwouty towns nnd wards show
nearly all tho constitutional nmondmont?
adopuul, Including ono abolishing roliglous
test as n qualification for ottlco. One, which
propoxes to strike out tho word "Protestant"
irom tho bill of rights, Is probably dbfoated
by a few hundred voles.
Washington, March 23 it sooinsn fact
thut MluNtor Washburno has atkcd to bo ro
called from Paris, and that such a roctll will
bo mado as soon as his successor is dotiir
mlnod upon.
Foiit Smith, March 2.1 On Sunday night
four men, all drinking, entered tho house of
it widow woman lu Sebastian uotinty, and ro
mslued all iiiuhl, each o hi gratuylng his
brutal passion by lorco. Tho woman died
the tip.M day. sho let es four children.
Ni:w Vottic. March 22 Tho Kusslan Hoot,
wltlt Uraud Dukes Alexm and CouAauilno
on board, anchored oil' tho haroarly to-day.
Ni:v Yoitir, Mnrch 2a.- Tho Kusslan lloet
steamed up to tho city this nltorooou and an
chored lu North itlvor. Salutes woro ex
changed as forts aud Auiorlcau war vossols
woro passed.
It lias t)G9M ascertained that ox Mavor
llall'a visit to lirooklyit on Friday night last
win to trnumtot business for a woll-known
woalthy huly who Is about to bring an no
tion for dlvoico against hor husband, nnd
was not in any way connected with Kato
Klaxtou'H atlairs.
Kx-Mnynr Hall's ataonco hi still unex
plained. Nothing whatever has been hoard
or him.
Tho llrst Monday in Juno lias boon ap
pointed tor tho trial of Peter It. Swooiiny.
Pomton, March 21. Wool dull and woak
nnd prices lu favor of buyer. A fair busi
ness Is doing; sales oftlotoos 20.-),000 lbs, No.
1 hikI X Ohio ,t Pennsylvania -IOOJ'120, XX
HCi Hi, although somo very desirable XX is
still held at IS and XXX at ID. Michigan.
Now Hampiihiio aud Wkciiln Ihocis
medium and X havo been selling at ',(t$ 12,
mostly nt tl70j.;ls' Combing and Delaine In
f-tlr demand; lots ollurcd titkoii itt piovlous
pi loos, and supplies or this description tiro
told up nlon. Pulled wools In I'ttr demand;
salts 210,000 lb; choice lots Kistorn super
solditt lltHO, but salos of super and X hnvo
bcou prlnclpi.lly In lho laugo of iVi.U).
Sutoral samples ol' now California spring
hnvo beeu received, tho condition of which
is Inferior to last yoar. Sales now include'
lfs.M'd lbs at 2tl, HO.lHiO lbs nt 22. Prices
Iriegular it ml titiM'tlled. There has beon a
lair b'lMnoss In old California nnd spring;
sales SOO.OOO lbs, mostly lu range uf liKioUO.
CniCAiio, March 21. Tho wook closes with
a llrmcr leellug In lho grain market, and
with mi uctlvo initio. Slnco lust Monday lho
I'eollng him gradually been strengthening
that higher prlctn would bo reached within it
month, and lho presence In Now York of u
well known prominent bull operator wan
takonas Indication that tome development
would result bi.foro long. Tho tumuli hits
been wintry, and snow has fallen nearly
over since it set In. Tills, whllo It Is good
for lho winter wheat crop, Is bad Mr lho
spring wheat, which Is the principal crop ol
thlsMciloii. Plowing, which should begin
oou, him broil delayed at leant two weeks by
this unusual weather. ItsportH ol small
crops In s'.oro continue to coiuo lu, ami aro
not balanced, as Is uunorally lho caso, bv
contrary reports. Wheat closed at $1 Wi,
cash. Thu opening of navigation, tho natu
ral cllVctol' which Is lo make higher prices,
seems at least hlx.wookn oic
Pilli.Ain:t.i'itiA, March 20. Wool, dull;
supply light. Colorado, washed, 202s'o;
uiiwnsbod, liS2.rioj oxtrn and merino, pull
cd,:tt!(ili. Texas, lino nnd medium, 20(10
23c coiitto, 16022c.
European Grain Market.
l.ivr.r.rcoi., March 21. A leading grain
circular mivs tho wheal markets of tho Inte
rior show generally rather moro llrmneHS,
hutsolleiH complain of slow trado, and tin
romuuerativo prlco?. Purchasers buy llttlo
moro than wanted for immediate use; coast
about cleared of ctrgoos of wheat and maize.
Out ol' .'U ships at tho outport lor orders
(here now remain" only 20 for Miln, Spot bus
iness within the ptst two tluya has been dull
throughout, but values aro unohangod.
Koiir fresh arrivals since Tuesday inclusive
of biiiall lots of whtat aud Hour. Arrivals
of corn moiloriit at this inatket. Today
Ihoiu was tolerably good atteiidaiiconnd fair
business In wheat at tho extreme prlco i of
Tu onlay. In somn Instances tho turn was lu
lavor of (.tillers.' Dour t.tuttdy, but little do
ing; corn In fair dumiuid.
Execution of John D Lcc.
CniiAiiCnv. March !SJ. ).eo mailo a short
speech, In which hooxpressodhlHennthlout'O
In tho Mormon religion ns revnaled to
Joseph Smith. Ho denounced llrlgham
Young In hn) oro terms, mid mid he had
never Intentionally done wrong, and was
prepared to dlo. Ills language was evasive
and eoiilindiotory to what ho had previously
said and written. He died as hu had lived,
n religious fanatic. Tho marshal with lho
Koldlorniuid l.to, Dls'rlct Attorney Howard
and Hev. Mr. Stokes arrived at Mountain
Mnnilnws about b o'clock Thursday evening.
Alter eating and ntatlonlng guards, all ro
tired around tho c.unp lire, except l.conud
Ko v. Stokes, who slopt together In a wngon,
Loo slept nil night aud tool: a light meal,
llopivo directions as In tho dlsitosltiou of
his property lo Attorney Howard, illvidhur
itcquitllv bntwciui thno of his wives aud
tholr children. Ho requeued din urtrshal
to deliver his body to nls witti Uncli.il, nn I
h1o requested that he itilu'lit bn shot at short
run'o, ami that thoy would aim at his heart.
Ho knelt down on his rollln, ami was re
quested to r,tt thoro while a photographer
present toik hit picture. Leo oallod tho
iirtlstto hbiinnd ivquoited that each of his
wives should bo forwarded a copy. Alter
his romarks Kov. Stols ollrwl prayer.
l,o kueollng on his colli u, u bandage wits
plsced on his oyos, he sat on his coflln,
took nlf his oo'tt and hat, hamltvl thorn to an
ofllcor, hold up his hands and tald lio was
rntdy. Thu marshsl gave tho word and
throo shotH wont through Ids heart. Ho felt
bauk upon his cotllu ami died without a
btniXKle. Quito a nnmberof spectators vero
Iireseut. Tho best or order nrovallod. The
tody was immediately placed in a coflln and
sontto his wifo Kiohol. During tho paat
few days Io has had soinn hopes of execu
tive Interfurniice In rosponso to a petition re
cently prcionted by lilschlldron.
his co.ni'i:hion.
San l'liANCi.-ion, Maroh 13. Tlio full con
fession ol John 1). l.ee, written by his own
hftid since It himntt curtal that no pardon
would be granted him, and conllded to
District Attorney Howard, will bo publish
ed to-morrow. Ills quttu lenuthy, occupy
lug about three columns, and describes In
detail all the clrcuiiitiUtioo preceding, at
tendant upon am) subsequent to the Moun
tain Meadows massacre. Tho facts as relat
ed by l-oo Imvo beeu heretofore brought out
in evidence at tho trial, from which hU con-
ovslon varlos in no material particular. Ho
r-lates conforoncos botwoon Halght, Dawo,
Kllngon Smith nnd other Mormon leadorn
nnd til in self, claiming that ho was compelled
by them to laka tho part ho did in thoniassa
croontho porll of his personal safoty and
life. Ho ulleKos that ho protested in tho
Mrongost manner against attacking, tho
emigrants, and only yioltlou under repre
sentation of llomht nnd others that It was
orderotl by thot-o lu nutlorlty. Ho does not
ndtnltthiuho pir-nnally lclllod any of tho
emigrants, though ho had chargo of tho wag
on continuing too cniiiiron ami wounileil
mou when tho attack whs tundo upon thorn
and saved tlm lives of two chlldron who
woro about bolng killed. Ho falls to direct
ly charge llrlglmni Young with ordering tho
iiinisaorp, but stales that when ho reported
lho miUter to Young tho lattor nt llrst ex
pressed much concern, whoreitp Leo pro
tested acalnst Young going back on tho nets
ofhls subordinates, to Ahloh Young replied
ho had not beon awro that thoro woro tn
many womon nnd ei.itdron with tlio traltu
but that bo would cm -odor tlio mattorand
iHkoouttmol of Hod, Ho then rollrod, and
on ills return insured l.oo that thr.v wnrn
justitled lu tholr action and ho would sustain
tiiMiu. i.y nrrtigns tlm Mornum prlo3thood,
hold ng l hem repc,nslblo for tho foulist
crimes, durlii'i it long period of years, In
cluding tuo 'owning horror or Mountain
Meadows. Whon led out to dlo ho laid it
written statement on tho Hold contradicting
his previous confession mado to counsel and
expressed his linn reliance on tho mercv of
liod.ovldontly dying as ho had lived, ii ro
liglous fanatic.
It Is under contemplation to break up a
very historical vessel at Shoorness that dill
good service for King James II, In holplng
him to oscapo to Franco. This vessel has
boon uspdnsn Government llghtor, and oj
oaslonally as it landing stago for tho Uivat
Kaslorn steamship, It is named lho Itoyal
Kscapo, nnd on tho dock-yard books Is
known a.s llghtnr No. I. Tho vessel In
which Chnrlcs II. sailed for Holland
to resume tho tlirono of Knglaiid was two
years ago employed as tt lauding stngo at
Now Haven, on tiiu Sussex coast, and prob
ably does duty thorn to-day.
Ituppoars from tho agricultural rnturnn
lust Usticd that Tor tho whole or tho United
Kingdom tho cultivated area in 197t" was 17,
31M,U00 ncrov, oxcluslvoor heath nnd ininin
taln pasture land, nnd of woods nnd pl.tiita
tlous. This total exceoda that of I87." by 80,
000 oens. Ilotwuon the ycaw isiiii nnd )S70,
l,2lKI,uOO nddltional acres wero retiiruid its
having beon brought under cultivation,
An cil'ort Ii being inntlo In Loudon to
ohaugo tho customs of l.ishlon.iblo society,
Tho people mo Urol of dancing till daylight
ami sleeping till noon, and an rllort Is to hi
mado during Ksstncr "In lho highest quar
ters" to make nflnruoou dances a feature.
Tho kettle drums of it year or two ago, and
tho "receptions" and "at homes" of tho
curt out season havo been stops in that direc
tion. Tlm Itomb'iy "Uar.-uto" states that tho
MaluuvJ.th of Cttihinero has luiorted iVoiu
I'rauco 2)0,0tMI locs, capable of nuking
moro than double the number of trees,
which n I'ToiichgoutlomiuhaHcoinotnlloin
bay from Cashmoro lo rocalvo on behalf of
tho Mahtitpjih, who Intends to gro.v gripes
on it large scale in his tcrrllorlovtud malio
wlnu thorefrom.
Mr. Wnltor, M. P., presided nt a tempo
ranee conference in Newbury aud strongly
advocittod the browing of it lighter and Iusm -heady
beer, rnsembllng that of Germany,
and tho establishment ol cafes at I or tho mo
del of those on the Continent, as tho best an
th'.otos to tho widespread drunkenness of tho
working classes.
Tho "Unite CattollcV tho organ of the
Vatican, states that tlio Kngllsh HttiialUtH
cnntlmio lo prepare neophytes for tho Catho
lic Church In Homo, announces lho conver
sion or four lingllsh clergymen, who, It says
have courageously ronouneod tholr rich liv
ings to ontor mo into ciiurcii,
Honorable Mrs. Norton, tho poetess and
novelist, was married recently to Sir Win.
Stirling Maxwell, Dart, M. P. lor Perthshire,
Tho ceremony took place nt tho bride's res
idence, Tho iirMn's axe is seventy and sho
Is coiillnei) to hor chair witli ohronlu rheu
matism. Sir Win. Is llfty-iiluc.
Tho Ivirl ot itoctlvo has had tho mister
tunc to Ioho by tuberculosis tho fruioiiH
nhorthorii "Tenth Duchess or Uonova,"
which was purcliKHid bv his Lordship itttho
Now York Mills Halo. United Stato-J, in 1S7;),
for over 0,000 guineas.
Tho UtiHslitii budgot for tho current year,
which hits Just been issued by tho .Minister
of Klmiuco, shows it it estimated revenue of
C.77,i7,l!0O, and expenditure of X'77,G!n),C00
and thus anticipates it surplus or about
X'l ,000.
Tho presout wlutor lu Groat llrltnlii Is re
markable for unusual symptoiim of early
vegetation; and litis is still more thoo.tsii lu
Franco, where lu hoiiio dlstrlcta tho season
appnars, by all reports, to bo several wooku
In advance.
Commoiioro JiHklus, now on tho retired
list or theC'iiiard Duo or Hteumors, Is said
tn be tho only living uavluntor who has
mado 500 vnvages across tho Atlantic.
Yuiuii.r, Cnu.viv I'rniu the Jlt'iwttn
O.iucati l''iriu no eoncentoii ol' the Mist In-
cretUin of acreage lu gruln litis simsou with
out getting out among the farms ami view-
lug lot- itiiuMtii. Along tlio Homering loot
Inllx, the entire length ol our touiity (cud
ho.v iiitio'i fiirihfr luult vay wo do not
liuowj, a wombirful chmigo has liiken placo.
The higher hills, which heretofore havo
trend barren and worthless during tho hca
son, nro many of thorn now r.overjtl with us
line looking crops of kthIii hm rim be semi
on any lands lu Hie valley. There nro hun
dreds of acres of till- description. Add to
this tho lucrtoi-eil proportion of old laud
that Is being socded tills Huavon, mid wo
think t sato to say that this year's uuroano
will exceed that or any former year fully
ono third. Grain on all kinds of land In
looking splendidly, mid should nothing oo
our to out the ylsld short or an average ono
lor this contury, Yamhill will produce a
million bushels ot tlio cereals for tho harv
vestol 1M77.
Tho Douglas VfiwidiMicrglvox information
that a Mrs, Collins, wife of a farmer on Deer
Creek, eloped last Monday with a colored
man named George Christopher, leaving her
husband and two children, 'lho husband
followed to Koseburg, whoro ho rocovorod
lho horso his wlfo had ridden from tho farm.
Tho woman ami hor paramour camn north
on tho tralm, The husband Is not doalrotiH
of her return,
Tho editor of tho Vermont Vurwcr knowH
oflltlf oit women in that Statu who can lift a
i-ack oontnlniiig two bushels ut potatoes.
lixchaniic Thut wouldn't bo much or a lilt
for Iff ten women.
Tiik Kaiim mi. Tho Orajon Cultivator Is
is no more, but tho Vii.i.amhvo: Kaiim hu
still nourishes, and deserves the patronage
of tho farming community ,L'anl Ouvonian
I '!
I -