Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 30, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' I
Millanwii Sitniur.
Cl-.A.iaiCl!3 & CBAIG,
runMsiiEns and rnorniEToiis.
H. A, CIjAHKK. W. AH).
Terms of Subscription.
One copy, ono year (M numbers)....
One cojiy, fix month" (an number) ..
Ono copy, thrco months (13 numbers)
. 1.25
,. .7fi
SAIiKM, imiOAY,MAKUII 30, I877.
ll'or the Wlllauietto Former.!
Soro Throats.
Wo usually havo soino oxporlonco with
,soro throats hooh nftcr tho holidays, and tills
yoar hns boon ho exception to ho Konoral
rulo. Wu do not roar thin as wo did yoars
ago, for oxporlonco has taught uh how to
conduct our family affairs ho as tnescapo
tUlH tjoublo, In n Kt-oot measure; and ir, by
bad mntiBgomont or advorso clrcumstaiicos,
It comes upon Homo uicinbor of tlio family,
wo hnvo loarnod how to combat It with groat
Mnnv nlrcumstnticon conanlrn to mako tho
winter moiitlm loss hoaltliful than tho sum-
mor onos. Tho luscious frultH or mimtnor
mid HUlunin t;lvo placo to constipating and
unhesUthl'ui rood. 1'rosh pork, saw-agos,
hoad.ohooso.mlnco ploH, douiihnutH, )Ioh,
C!ktH, candles, and Hwootmoats or all kinds
nro much moro Irooly Indulged In than In
summon VorHoiiH, nnd ospoclally children,
aranrtou oxposod to tho poUonod attnos
phoroof crowdod and unvontllatcd rooms
dunnix tho day, or compollod to broatho tho
vitiated air orsmnll olono rooms at night.
i.osHntlonllon Is paid to bathing than In
summor, and porsons nro oflon nocossarlly
subjoct to great and Huddon changos or tem
perature. Those nnd othor unphyslologlcal
olrctimsluneos conspire to clog tho Hyslom
nnd render It llablotolako on dlsoaso, and
nlho IrvHM nblo to tlnow itod ironcoeugondor
o.l. When ono or our ramily innniroritH symp
toms orsoro throat, our Unit romody isto
thoroughly olimnso tho bowels with Injec
tions of lepld water. No fours ncod bo outer
mined or tiding too much walor.astho bowolR
will not retain moro than IshiIo. Wo persist
In this until tho object Is attained, resting
botwoon limns us nppnars necessary. Wo
iiho Tlio Dnvld'ioii Syringe No. 1," and
would uhmil as soon think or keoplng houso
without a cooking slovous without ivsyrlngo.
irtho patient Is much sick n bath Is rosorlod
to oiico or twlco a day to restore tho circula
tion. Two thleknoHf.es of course linen wot In
cold water, and entirely covered with dry
llnimu), tiro tippllod to the throat. This Is
changed as often us It appears host. I f there
Is lovur In other parls or llui body, cool wet
clothes, with dry ones ovor thorn, are ap
plied. TIipm) are ohanged as olton ns thoy
become much warm. Kvory llort Is inado
loktoplho head cool and tho foot wnrm.
Pure air, both day and night, Is necessary;
nho plonty oTpuro wator to drink. No food
whntovor Is nllnwod until tho River 1ms
abatod,nnd tho symptoms nro ravornblo, nnd
not evon them, unless tho patlont carnostly
doslros it. Then wo glvo n Uttlo groul mndo
by stirring (Jraham meal Into boiling wntcr,
Into which a little salt has been put. If this
produces no bad olloot, a Uttlo milk may bo
added. If thoy nro not hungry enough to
eat this they had probably hotter eat nothing
unless It may bo baked apples. Many a dear
one has boon killed by eating that which
could not be digested, mill which remain
ed In tho stomach n dead weight which tlio
already overburdened system could not re
move. Many a loving mothor has her dear
ones placed In tho grave, victims ton well
meant, but mistaken kindness, which In
duced her to prop'iro tempting dishes to ou
tlcothonppollto when tho system wnstnxod
tolls utmost capacity already. In order to
determine whether rood has boon Injurious
nr not, we must wait until It has had time to
digcM. Tliocheorrulnos which sick persons
olton iii'iuirost soou niter eating, Is often duo
tho ill'orl which nature ! making, irsho Is
Hiiivossliill, mill no fever or languor sunor
voues, then It Is Mfo lo thli.k no harm has
been done.
No roiiiu In tho houso is too good for our
sick ones, nud that room whore tho
greatest ipilit and tho best ventilation
oiti lu secured, Is tho one appropriated,
and nil visitors, together with tho members
olour own family not ii(eos.,arlly In nt
tendance, nro iweludctl.
Wo hao had but one c.iio ot dlihtherla In
our hinilly. This was u leurlul one, but wo
tiiutod It successfully by lollowlug Implli'l
ty thodiiccllous given in Dr. Jackson's hook
called, "How to Trent tho Sick without
Medicine." Tho patient ato nothing what'
over for four days, and diauk nothing but
pin o cold water. No modlolno was given.
When our placo was now, our children
sometime sutlou'd with ulcerated bore
throat, Induced, wo thought, by luhulatlous
trom tho ground. Since no moro plowing Is
done martin) Jumisj this trouble has cotsod,
Another icawiu for this Is found lu tho fact
that wo have become nfrald ol colored candy
which wo think IsiifiuittulKOurvoof ulcerat
ed soro throat. A cold contracted whim n
child ts oom.llp.itod will fropirully cause
soro throat. Ulcaiiktog tho bowels Imtuo
ilUU'ly, with a Utile nttenllon to diet, will
oltcu be HUllloluiit to uvtoro the pttlent.
livery mother should watch hor chlUren
cnreliilly. Miw. O. V., Suiri.uv.
l.isiT.NiMi ui Kvn. ltr.is.)iu.,riio longer
1 live tho moro 1 feel the imH)rlauco of nd
hering to the rulo which 1 have laid down
for myself In relation to suoh matters: 1.
To hear as Uttlo ns possible whatever Is to
tho prejudice of others, 1. To hollo vo noth
ing of tlio kind till 1 am absolutely fotccd to
It. ii. Never to drink Into tho spirit of ono
who circulates an evil report, -t. Always to
moderate, as far as 1 cau, tho uukltiduosa
Nhlch Is exprwBed towards others. 5. At
wy to belUvo that, If (he other side were
heard, very dlll"rent account would bo
given of tlio matter, Oirus'j Jse c Simeon
Our Opinion about Ticks.
Aftor nil that has boou said on tho question
or "tlckH on horsoe," wo havo como to a con
clusion, bttsod ou our own oxporlonco nswoll
as tho oxporlonco or others, which wo will
glvo briefly nH n conclusion of tho wholo
matter. Wo bollovo that ticks, bh I'rof. John
son said In tho outsot, are on tho oak grubi.
Thatwhlloa Tow may bo round elsewhere,
thoy are nbundant In oak grub pnsturoi, and
not vory nbundant olsowhoro. Thoy Rio n
torrlblo nuisance undn great ovll tohorsos
that nro Infustod with thorn, nnd tho only
remody wo havo round Is to tako up tho
horso, reod sulphur to him liberally a low
days, thon rldo or work him Into n profuso
sweat, nnd whon dono put n hoavy blanket
on him, nnd lot him nwoat It out, r.nd as tho
prosplratlon brings thosulphurtothosurfaco
tho ticks will lot go tholr hold nnd can bo
easily curriod oil, butcloan out your stable
woll If you don't want them to climb up nnd
tako nnothor turn at It.
This Is what wo know about ticks ns tho
result oroll that has boon said, and our own
Information Wanted.
Mai'm:ton, Monona Co., Iowa, )
Murch 1st, 1S77. J
Ki. Kaiimck: I wish to ask n rowques
tlons through your worthy columns, lu ro
gnrd to Clovornmont lands lu Oregon nnd
Washington Torrltory. Wo would nsk tho
many and Intelligent correspondents or your
paper, plnaso toll tho good jwoplo ol' Iowa
how much Govornmont land thoro Is luyour
country In which you rosldo, that you con
sider good, cultlvablo laud. 1'loaM) tell how
watered, and how clooo to thubor, and what
klndortlmbor and wood In each locality.
I'loaso stato nt what land offlco tho lands can
bo liomosteadod or pro-omptod. hot each
correspondent tnko up tho pen; do not wnlt
Air soino ono olso to glvo tho desired Infor
mation; and obllgo yours, fraternally,
Iowa I'aiiions.
Wrlllon by A. I). Hlako. niismoss Agent or
iiospernui orange, io. n-u, i . oi n.
i:n. ''AMi:u: Thoro Is no doubt our soil,
anil climate, nro lar superior to many or tho
IJaslorn States, and that wo nro somowhal of
a prosperous pooplo: Htlll, there are many
ovlls lu our midst, mid tho initsitlou unturnl
ly presents Itself, What are thoy? nnd how
nro wo to got rid ofthoin, and establish n
bottor basis of doing business? In ordor to
extricate ourselvos from this dllomma, It Is
uocossary to commeuco nt the root, nnd stop
tho process or germination. There aro four
things isoiillally necessary to tho pooplo of
Oregon lu order that proxporlty nmy rollow;
the llrstnnd most paramount Is tho imittor
or Interest. I would Inquire or any reaon
nblo person 1 don't care what position In ho
cloty ho may occupy ir there Is nuy busi
ness that will Justify paying tho ononuous
Interest that wo nro subjected to. Wlmtdoos
roasonnblo Interest moan? It moans ono
that will Justify a porson lu borrowing mo
ney to outer into buslnoss. Will It l-ay, itud
Is it safo, for nny ono to purchase laud In
UiIh Wlllaniotto valloy, and pay tlio prlco
laud Is hold at, uud bo subjected to a nomi
nal prlco for our whoat? There can bo hut
ono answer, and my experience and obsorv
ittlou tell mo that It cannot bo done with
nafety, whoro ono runs lu dobt lu part. Wo
nro Inviting Immigration to our shores, toll
ing thoiu what a lino climate wo havo our
soil cannot bo surpassed nnd giving a How
lug color to everything portalnlng to our
country still the very luipodlinouts mat
koop thorn from coming wn aro not willing
to tnko nwny. Do you Hupposo that me
chanics In the i:.ist will venture 'to Itmiib
grato horo, knowing tlu high rates of Interest
allowed? They nro well nwro that It is Im
posslhloformuchautcito uot along without
borrowing nt times, Twelvo por cent. Inter
ost. payable semi-monthly, means bank
ruptcy, it matters uot what kind of buslnoss
a person follows. Six per cont. Is nil this
pooplo can afford to pay fo,r uso of money,
nnd not compounded at tUt.
Thoro Is no business that will compoto
with loaning money nt twelvo per cent.
Money doubles nt compound lutoitst 'w Col
lows; At ten per cent., In seven years; tit
iituo por cent., lu night years; nt eight per
cont, In itluoyeart; nt heviu por cent., In
ton years; nt Mx percent,, In twelvo years.
Is there any business that will compare with
tho ubovo figures? is there nuy hushus.
that can bo donons safely ns loaning money?
Will our capitalists loan money to tho farm
eis when they stand in need of n few paltry
dollars to piy tholr harvest hands, until
they get time to turnarouud nnd inako&omo
shifts lu helling u fuw bushols or wheat? No,
not a dollar. And when thoy do loan, it
must bo of souio amount, mid thoy miiat
have ocurlty to throe or four '.lines the
amount loaned. It Is equally trim that tholr
property Utlmlrown, and they havo an In
herent right to umuago tholr ail'iln as best
suits them; hut, lor all this, It is a duty n
community oivw to Itself, and to Its posterl
ity, to protect the working class, those that
toll nnd earn their bread by tho sweat of
t'lolr I row. Kveiy Stntt Jluisn light to pass
nuy laws that do uot infringe ou the laws of
tho tumoral (lovermuont. This Is ono ol tho
fundamental principles or our (iovernmeut,
and why not accept the boon, and protect
ourselves lu the matter of too high
high Intercut?
Soino will tell you, ns they did when tho
usury law was established, that " It will not
do tho capitalists will ll leave tho coun
try." 1 would ask, Did they leave? No, nor
will thoy: and, lu tact, It would le better for
them to loavo than to remain and cause thou
sands to Ihxvdiuo bankrupt.
Tho secoud consideration that presouts It
self Is, direct comtuuu Icatlon with tho Kast-
em country. This, wltk a reasonable rate of
Interest, will Induce Immigration to our land
of plenty, and, nothing short of this, will
one beautiful valloy settle up, and we be-
como n progressive pooplo. Wo need tho
steady yoomnnry. and the mechanic, who Is
only socond lu valuo to a community, Bud
ono that really does moro In advancing civ
ilization than nny othor class of cltlzous
with this, capital will naturally rollow.
For tho people or n Stoto to becomo pros
porous, thoy imut at losst boconio soir-sus-tabling;
that Is, mauuracturlng everything
thoy ncod on tho farm nnd lu tho houso.
Look tit tho enormous Bums of monoy sent
oil' yoarly unnecossnrlly, too for machine
ry, such ns Btoam-powors, threshers, head
ors, wagons, gungaud walking plows, nnd n
thousand things too numerous to moutlon.
And ninny luxurlos on our tnblo como from
whoro? California such as potatoos, cab
bage, nnd most nil kinds or vogotablos, bo
sldos caunod fruits of all classes; nnd every
thing of this kind enn bo ralsod hero without
any troublo, on our own soil.
Thoro nro four Important changes or ltn
provotnouts that should bo brought about,
boforo wo cau compoto with tho world nnd
walk nlong In civilization. First, roason
nblo lutorost; socond, direct communication;
third, mixed husbandry; uud, lastly, homo
mntiufrtotorles. Whon those nro accomplish
ed, properly will follow, nnd a general no
qulesconco prevail. Tho way buslnoss Is be
ing dono nt tho prosout day, thero is nn tin-dor-current
commotion, thoro Is a general
fooling of dlssatlsfactlou among nil classos
Wo aro not on an equilibrium basis, such as
will promoto poaco and qulotudo In nil tho
clrclos or business life. II. 11. It.
Irving, Lano Co., March, 187".
A Panther Hunt.
Smitiu'IKM), Lani: Co., Mnrch 10, '77.
Kit. Fahmimi: I tnko up my pou lo toll
you how tho stock-ralsors got rid of ntiimals
Hint nro dostructlvo ou stock. On Inst
Thursday ono Mr. Horn saw n civyotochns
iug his bhcep. Aftor trying to get to shoot It
nnd failed, wont for G. W. Olbson nnd T. I).
lllulou, who havo good cayoto hounds, but
bolbro thoy could roach tho track with tholr
hounds, tho iiowh hnd spread through the
neighborhood nnd overybody was thoro with
tholr firm dog trying lo i;eo If ho hnd n good
varmint dog. Of course every man mijs Ins
dog Is good, but when Messrs. Gibson mid
I Ilnton c.imo nnd found tho stato of nllnlrs,
thoy postponed tho ohnso until Friday, lio
Tore ndjoumltig Mr. Gibson proposod giving
T.I). Hlnton ti reward, ns ho has no stock
such ns cnyotos would molost. Tho rstns.
sontod; so n reward was offered in tlio follow
ing way: Win, II. Horn, 1 Hhoop: A. W.
Gibson, do.; J.F. Kirk, do.; G. l'.Nunn.'J
Hhoop; G.W. Gibson, 1 sheop; nnd othors.
On Frldny morning, at an early hour, Mr.
1 Hilton's horn was hoard; before tho sound
was gonn Gibson's was hoard totmswor, and
the rejoicing bow-wnwH of tho hounds told
Hint they were ready for tho cliaso. Scon n
track was found nud tho hunt commenced.
Harks from tho dogs told that It wksj-oiho-thing
or tho sharp nailed trlto, butfcoontho
dogs louud that tholr rl.o hnd gone. Soon
n gun wun heard; thou n bow-wnw of tho
dogs nud nil was sllont. On approaching tho
spot wo found tho largest pimthor that has
ovor bocu killed near this point, longth 7)iJ
foot, wolglit i:il) pounds. Mr. Minion was
tho lucky marksman; his ball pouotrntod tho
heart. Panthers wore not mentioned when
tho reward wns ralsod, but wo think tho
boya will nil sholl out and act tho uinti lkko
Mr. Horn. Ou being Informed of tho fsctho
drove up his herd of sheep nud selected ono
if tho iluost muttons, and gavo to Mr.
Hlnton, thnlwo havo ovor soon killed. Wo
hopo tho othor rorvnrdors will do tho snmo.
l'miNCii IjAM) owm:ils,- In Franco nnnroa
nb.iut half ns largo ugaln us tlio United King
dom, Is owned by nearly .ri,.r0O ,000 proprlo
tors ot agricultural latins, orwiinm o,uvuuoo
of peiiMiut tarmeis own ono-tlurd of tho
whole area, with what result Is every diy
becoming better known nud more fully rcc
Oi;nl.od lu this country. Tho industry nnd
tlirltt of tliPhopeiiHiint owners aro marvelous,
and e prcad their etl'uct thiough tho wholo
sccioty of France. Tho gross tanning pro
duct) ior acre of Franco may not bo o great
as lu Kuuhiiid. but this Is eaunllv observa
ble when comparing tho lergo farms of
Franco, of which there nro moro than 1S0,000,
with the Inrso farms of Ihls country, As
eomp.md with tho unall farmots of Franco
hiring tho laud of others, tho small owners
iinipitstloniibly nro vastly better oil lu overy
rcpect, uud they hold tholr own oven be
side tho largo farmer. Thoro may 13 mmo
defies In tho Ristctn cf Jiiiall oiinorc; too
process may bo cankd lio far In Fj.miCw.
iuit at last it has raised tho auU ot tho low
er cIussch there, lus ii'mou nbJlUhed pau
porlsm lu the iiirnl dUirlcts, nud has en
dowed tlio pooplo with such universal hublla
ol thrift as mo ulmot unknown in people
ofilioMimo class m this country. It is uot
tho Inct.ns commonly staled, Hint the peas
nut propilotors of lumen are loulod with
itiiln; the niragt mori(:ugis on IIiomi I'.iiiuh
nro known to no no uioiu ttmu U pr cent
on their Miluo, while tlio best tyuloueo that
they nro able to lu'cumiilnle money is to be
fjutid lu the titet Hut the peasriiits hnvo been
tho main subecrlbers lo tho great loans
which havu been raised lu Franco.
Improving tho Dairy Stock.
Tho Agricultural editor of tho N. Y. JVi
tunc, lu uu article upon tlio doteriointlouor
tho dairy stock of that State, makes tho fol
lowing Judicious remarks:
"When it is clearly understood It will bo
soon how nbsolutcly necessary It is that our
dilry btocl; should bo Improved, Tlio Im
provement needs to bo begun by gottiug rid,
as boon as t possible, of tho worst of it, from
which wo sutler such n loss na cau only bo
upprtcUted when wo cousidcr how lowau
average Is tuado by Including our voty best.
All such poor, protltless cows should bo
dried oil' and fWI for the butcher, nnd tholr
places supplied by the most promising
heifers, A stop, too, must bo put to the
prncticotot selliug good heifer calvos for veal,
for hero Is tho chief road we havo traveled iu
reaching our present stage. Further, im
proved bulls must be Introduced, either by
co-operating farmers, or by the oltbrU of our
agricultural societies, and their produce care-
r,.u imnrnvml. In tuis nnd othor ways,
that will roadlly suggost themselves, can
comparatively iuexponolvo improvomonts
be begun and contlnuod.
A tnsto for lmprorod stock has boou croat
od In the goneral mass of agricultural com
munltlos by tho offorts of wealthy breeders,
but tho Idoals provalont amoug farmors that
It la hopolcss to nttompt to compoto with
thorn In ralslug improved stock; nnd that
mon of ordinary means can novor hopo to
possess such animals. Hut it may bo dono
by co-oporallng nnd couiblnine small capi
tals of Individuals for tholr joint bonollt. If
such oll'orts wore mado nnd Improvomont
baguu in this rospoct, n fow yoara neod only
olapso boforo our dairy products will in
croaso nnnually In vnluo to tho oxtont or
hundreds ormllllons of dollnrs. An incroaso
ortondollnis por nnniim lu tuo productor
oach cow would now amount to $100,000,000."
DisTtir.sstNu Accttir.sT. Do last Satur
day, 17th lust., Austin Howell, of Alsea
valley, in this county, with his Intnlly, con
sisting ur a wifo and two children, attempt
ed to cross the Alsea river lu u two-lior-e
wagon. Tho Into high waters hnd washed
out holosniidsochnimod tho ford that the
wasouwns upot, plunging tlio entire mm
lly Into tho nugry Hood. Ono child wns Im
mediately rescued nnd Mr. II. succoodod lu
reaching tho whoro. Mrs. II. floated down
tho stream, for &omo dlstanco, nnd lodged iu
n drift, from which sho wns rescuod almost
Inn liroless condition, but survivod. The
Uttlo babo, nbottt six months old, iloatod
down tho stream, n long distance, caught
unon n suae nud was uot lound till next day,
wo boliove. Under tho circumstances It
seotns almost miraculous that nny ot tho
famllv escaped n watory grave. Wo did not
get roll particulars, nnd can't say whothor or
not tho loam was drowned. Tho Alsea, Uko
most mountain streams, whon swollen Is n
rapid, ugly stream, unci fording, In tho win
ter season, Is nlways nttondod with more or
loss danger. rvalli Gatcltc.
Ud. FAitMim: I am a Uttlo boyOyearaold.
You would scarcely bollovo that those kind
crcnturtH bolong to tho samo family ns tho
wolf, yot It Is truo. SHU tho dog is hostllo to
tlio wolf, nnd kills It when ho can. No other
Is so faitiiful n friend to miiu its tho dog. Ho
forgets tho blows ho rocclvos, nnd licks tho
hand that strikes him. An old man once
owned n Hpaniol natnod Dash, that loved
hi m vory much. Tho old man wns taken
slek, and lor many days this dog sat at tho
loot of tho bod, nud would scarcely touch
lood. Aftor tho old man diod, a good neigh
bor took Dash homo, nnd trlod by kindness,
lo mako hlui forgot his loss; but ovory day
ho would go to tho room lu which tho old
man dlod, nnd from this room to tho grnvo.
uud nt tho end of fourtoeu days tho fulthful
creature died, Thoro uro many kinds of
dogs, nil or which are ti3oful for somo pur
pose Away up lu the lauds toward tho
North l'olo, whoro It Is nlways cold, dogs nro
used to draw slodgos ovor snow. Those dogs
uro very licet, nud seldom loso tholr way,
oven wlion the nights are dark and tho snow
is deep. Iu somo countrios dogs nro used
forfoMl. W.M. II. Kaiiu.
Clackamas, Oregon.
Pay as You Go. An exchange says: It
Is nonsouHO to talk or running co-oporatlvo
stores on tho credit system. Tho Hecrdt of j
the huccoso or tho grango co-oporatlvo stores
Is, Hint cash wa,i pild for ovorythlng that
was bought. If pooplo could only buy for
cr-Sh, It would bo u groat blosslng. It would
mako mon and womou moro Having, Thoy
would thon tako caro to lay In tho neccssa
rlosof liro,iuul lot tho luxurlos alone until
thoy could nil'ord to hnvo thorn. Of courxo
thoro are coses where credit may bo nocossa.
ry, ns lu casos of bickuossor misfortune, but
wo spook of credit ns generally Indulged In
by ull classes. It h it most baneful system,
bringing u groat train of troubles with It.
Lot ovoryouo try to dlspouso with tho credit
nnd ndopt tho cash or barter system. "Pny
us you go" is tho truo system of busluoss.
Tho Supreme Court of tho United States
lnsutllrmud tho decision of tho courts of
Wisconsin. BiisMilnlHsr "Tho Potter law."
This was tho net of tho Wisconsin legisla
ture, tlxlng tho rates of freight nud fare ou
tho railways of tho State, by nil elaborate
schmluloof classification, nnd prohibiting
discrimination ngulust places or Individuals,
Tho corporations icslKtod tho law, ou tho
ground that tho loglslaturo had no; consti
tutional power to pass ouch laws. The
Supremo Court decides against tho corpora
tions, holding Hint tho States havo tho rlhl
to regulate tho rutm of freight nud fare on
all roads witnin tuetr uouuiiarios.
TliOHtoi)kholdors,lu tho Mount Jefferson
Pass Wagon Uoad, ore roquoste.l (by tlio In
corporators) to mcot nt Hdo.l's o,)orA Houso,
InSuem, ut ono o'okiek p. mi, Siturday,
Mureh yisi, IS77, sbtii, It. IIajimi::i,
Si:c y,
tlultoa number of porsons havo availed
thninselvo.1 of our oilUr to nllow a yoars sub
scilptloii to nuy one who will send us three
now nnmi's, of subscriber who will pay
tholr subscriptions In advance or within the
year, so wo repeat tho proposition for the
bouetit of our reader.
Any porson procuring throo now subscrib
er: who will pay in advauco or will pay
within tho year, can hao tholr own copy
friM for tho present ytnr.
U la of couro advisable to send tho monoy
with Iho names whore practicable, but whore
it is desired wo can wait until next Pall.
Any ono uot n subscriber cau havo tho
Paumku ouo year on tho fcamo terms.
Thoso of our frleuds who are In arresr3
can havo a year's credit on account for overy
throo subscribers procured for UioPaumkk.
All will of course understand that we can
not credit them uutll tho subscriptions thoy
solid are paid up.
As wo cannot afford to pay travollng
agents, wo mako this liberal proposal to any
aud all persons, whether they aro subacrlb
era of tho FAUMnnor uot.
Times bolng a Uttlo hard, Just keop this
matter In mind and bavo somethlug for your
selves as woll as help us.
Do all members of your Grange or Lodge,
aud all your responsiblojueighbors take the
Faumeu T If not, why not? If they will
take It, you can make a commission by
sending la their names.
One Kind lovllic Human Family.
The oilier lor Blorses ami Anl
tnulH. TIicm Liniments ntu simply tbo wonder of the
world. Their effect nre Uttlo lcs than marvellous
The Wlutc I.llllnicnt l forttic human mad
ly. It will drive Hlieumatlf m, Sciatica nnd NcurnUrla
from tho system; euros Lumbago, Chlllblalns, Lock
jaw, Palsy, Itch anil most Cutaneous Eruptions; it
extracts frost from frozen hands or feet, nnd tho poi
son of bites nud stliujs of venomous reptiles; It snb
dues suclllmjs, and nllevlatcs pain of every kind.
When sprains or bruises occur, It Is tho most potent
remedy over discovered to heal tho Injured parts.
The Centaur Liniment Is used with Rreat elllcacy for
Som Throat, Tootlincc, Cnlicd Ifronsts, Ear
ache, and Weak hack. The following la but n sam
plo of numerous testimonials:
"Indiana Homk. Jnrr. Co., Ind.. May as. 18711.
"I think It my duty to Inform you that I have suf
fcrrvd much with swollen feet and chords. A few
bottles of Centaur Liniment has dono tho work for
me. 1 hivo not benn Ireo from thoc ewiMllnss In
clijlit years. Now I nm perfectly well, Iho Llnl
nnntoudit to he applied xmm mQ
Tho proof i In tho trial. It In reliable, It is handy.
It Is cheap, nndei cry family should havo tho Whlto
Centaur Liniment.
Tlic Yellow Cciitnur Miilmcnt Is adapt
ed to the tousli muscles, cords nnd llesh of horses
ntitl anliimN. It hss performed moro wonderful cures,
lu tlueo jears, of Spavin, Strain, Wind-galls, Scratch
cs, Sweeny, und general Lameness, than nil other
remedies lu existence. Head what the great Express
men say of It:
"New Yoiik, January, 1671.
Every owner of horses should glvo tho Ckn rAun
Liniment u trial. Woconsldtr It the best article ev
er ueit lu our stablis. ...
"ll.MAUMI, Sunt Adams Ex. Stables, X. .
"E. 1'tlLTZ. Supt. U.S. Us. Stable N..
"ALllfiHTS. Ot.lN, Stipt. Nat. Ex. Stables, N. ."
Tho best patrons orthls Ltnlmititnro l'nnlorsniul
Vetrlnnry Siinteons. who nro continually using somu
Liniment, tt heals Calls, Wounds nud l'oll-cill,
removes Swellings, nud Is worth millions of dollars
nnnually to Farmers, Liverj-men, Btock-urowcrs,
Sheeprnlfcrs, nud thoso having horses or cattle.
What a Farrier cannot do for $) tho Centaur Lin-.
Imeut will dn nt a trilling cost.
Thcio Liniments aro sold by alt dealers throughout
tlio country. They nro warranted by thu proprletois.
and n bottlo will ha given to any Farrier or Physician
who dclrc lo toil them.
Laboratory of J. IJ. Hohi: & Co.,
lit Dbv St.. Nkw Yobk.
IMtclicr's C'nMorlii Is n complete subMltutu
for Castor Oil, and Is ns pleasant to tnko ns Honey.
It Is particularly adapted to Teething oml Irritable
children, Itdettro) worms, nsstmllates tho food,
regulate tho Stomach, aud cures Wind Colic. Few
remedies area el'lcaclous for Fcverlsliness, Croup,
Worms and Whooplug Cough. Cattcrln Is n tcleutl
lie md purely vegetable preparation, moro effective
than Castor Oil and neither gags nor gripes. Prepar
ed by Messrs. .1.1). Itnsu&Co., Ill Dey Street, New
York, from tho reclpo of Samuel Pitcher, !. D of
llirustable, Mars.
rcSbsSHEEP Growers f
fL.'.. .4 ('.,.
Screw Worm.
Foot Rot,
Parasites that infost Sheop.
2m proves the Health
r? Ono gallon I enough for ono hundred tn two
bun-lredhUevp.accordlug tothclr ngo, strength, and
Itli put up In 1'IVE-OALr.ON CANS-1'rlco, $1!
per inn
Send for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co.,
Vtiolcalo Agent tor the Ntntc,
Orlo vour nearest Retail Druailst. mfi
IS her. bj given Ihat, purMiant to an order of tho
Uonnt L'uur,. of Msrlon County, mado at tho Feb
ruary term thenar, 1&7T..I will on Saturday, tbo 24th
diy of Mare.i. 1T. nt 5 o'clock v. v. In tho afternoon
of said day, proceed to ull at public auction, nt tho
Coart llouidoor In fralem, In Marlon County, Ore
Ron. for gold coin In hanii. tho folloulng described
real p-opy oeloin;lng to the etato of David Weston,
deceased, to-w It: llcdimluun' a largo nr trcoutand.
tug upon iho nmth side of tho County nud leading
n-ora iho Charupoi-gbrldie to tho Drlck Clnrch about
KOjards from raid bridge: running thence b -t dee.
mln.U3.at chain tosftako In the cnek.whlchnako
U also a comer of the Uud formerly owne-t by Robert
Newell: tbencor.51 deg. W'.iiu chains to tho 8 W
corner: thence N U deg 15 mln. E 8.1!) chains, to tho
rjnd; theuco N 57 dog. -n mln. E, along ald road to
thoplicoof bocinnlng; cou'alnlug four acres, moro
or !. All sltuatud In Marlon County Oregon.
, . ., , Mahv J. Wkstok,
l'teb.3. ,,w Admlnlitratnx of said estate.
Successor to J. M. KesLsn as Co.,
fl Liberty at., - - NRW YORK,
Commlsgion Aoiit
New York via Isthmus, Pacific Rallroid, and
Upe Uorn. aU kinds of Merchandise, and for the sale
of Products from tne Pacific coast, for the collection
of money, Jkc. octstf
lilWI VKifAi: Ml IvVf A I VUW
3aTiA ivTVl manu,,actu'":dtw