: fV .u 8 "WILLAMETTE FARMER. v-i I . I ( J Letter from Coos County. CorjuiiJji: Ciiv, March 12, J877. 1?D. Faiimuii: Wo rtro having consldorablo rain this month, and tho river hcorrospond iuly high. Wouthor mild, avorogo raugo of mercury In tho oarly mornings, 48. Thoro In a man living on CJocw rlvor, In thin county, who Ih making n "Rood thliiR," with a frnll ilrynr. Tho sumo can bo dono liero by numbers of men, by application of tho ri(tilHlto amount of bralne, tniiHolo, and n llltlo inonoy to bosln with. Thh bccHoii can discount tho WMIiunotlo valley ni n fruit tiiIhIdk country, jot thin InduHtry rcmalnb to 1)0 doveloj ml hero. And jot, In this valley, teemiiiK with natural fertility, thoro Is not, lit tho pi own t time, a pound of butter or choose, a bushel of onions, a do.oii of crL JjeiKoe, or h handful of drlod fruit of uny Islnd, to boKOt lor lovoor money, except It lie brought from California, whoro tho ox peiiiio of production and Hhlpmcnt Ih twice vhiit it would cofct to produco iho ramo arti cle hero. Our brendntttir- noarly oil como from San Franclrco, and tho morchant, logger, ami miner draw tholr minpllon from that mart, and wo tiro practically part and imrcol of (hut State. Yet tho cry on ovory ioiikuo (with a low exceptions) Ih "hard times," and " no market." Many pooplo jiro ' hard up," nnd tholr placos for halo, unit wo look ioiiKlncly for tlio ontorprlultiK Iminlur.iul who Mini I comn In nnd ohaugo all thin. Whllo people are ruohliiK by hundreds nnd thousands into tho Willaiuotto valley nnd Kutoru and Southern Oroftou, lot thorn not lomet to look niter tho InducemojilH of fered by the coast counties In nonorifl, and Coos county In particular. M. Stt'culs llllllllO. No cuntii;o In tho markets sliico liuit wcok. fcnn I'riinrlMro tilnrlti-(. Inr Tisi.kiiiui'ii. Hun I'miicicco, March ;.U riour-HxiMjolililii!,'. "l 237 &". Wheat-!' rinur; beat may lio quoted nt $3 l't)( low n to .f J M. Onto ! ;V'.'i 91. Ilirley llr.tnt', $1 lOif'l IS; foci, t lCafl 30. l.ii!iiTc I i, (i t liii nt," W, felling, l.lvTiuuI wheal mnrl.et lotlny Mi DdQlOi OJ fur mi-nito ( nlifiirnini Ilia MiItjiih M for C'liili. FOH THE PliEASANTON SUN - BATHS. Recommended by llic highest authority for the cure of 3NT or-V-OIXS OO K3CL X 1 &, 23. t; &f NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, . Pains and Aches of all Kinds. 3rox .! "toy J O ll N H Lr G II JE Je'Jk.&LJSfl: -DKALEIl IN- s, XJM3EJLJEiJ-EiJSrJ? S. $&KZ: Esssssftri leVSMi3?a lAliTTS, OHiS, WIiWOW GLASS, AND BUILDING- MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Stato Stroot, Salom. Orogon. FLAXSEED In lulvurslly: n mignr-liouse HeBiLSISLL&CO. :i c5j '3 WHOLESALE li LT (51 d I S T ,'o. 5 front Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, DKAILnt IS Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, Oresylic Sheep Dip, iil.tl.M.YCKItOIVa'.S Carbolic Sheep Dip, TU'TOX A III'ItTT'S SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosive SubliiMlo, Araoniu. iSulph. Zini'i Carbolic Acid, Ac, iii:mi:i)ii:s roit The Prevention and Cure of Scab, etc. HODGD'S OELEDHATDD Gopher & Squirrel Killer. 33Xtlt Stone, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &0. Country Ortlors solicited, AN!) I'VIITU I I..lt ATTICS TION (HVICN TO Till! riuMir dim'Atcii or hoods 5.0 0 0 B LT 8 Ii E L -or- m?im&& n i kw wrrmi l -Jl- -ji &3-iZI Hiilf P s8 IUJiNJSlIED CX'0 eg5Es3BBJBL.T&t PI VRKK OF OHAUGE -rou- Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. hi'iti: ai m.i i mii i: roic nil dkstiu ition ui i..)i'iu:is, MjuuiiiKijA, uxvti, Mil , lUOWb, m.: alt't. Ilottvr, siimI 'liaivi' Hum Mrjrliiilno, I'liospluti'iiN. Ac- Mule, or olhor iiiopuia- tloiiH iis a Nlnulo trial it UI rout Into. Mi.n in iirai.kiioi:ni:iiali.y, andhy HODGE, SNELL &. CO., Wholosnlo DruRKiata, Niw. mS I'roi.l nml ;u l'lrt t I'OltTI.AMK Sowing in the Spring of 1877. THE JSEST VROV FOR OMAWG13 OF LAND, FLAX STUMBLE ISQFAL TO SUMMER FALLOW FOR WHEAT, IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE FLAX -RAISERS WILL PROpUOE A LAND, WJBLL PRE- FLAX, WILL YIELD FAIR, AVERAGE LAND GOOD CROP. THE BEST PARED AND SOWED TO LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY OASES FROM 20 to 30 Bushols to tho aoro, tho profit from1 the some being muoh groator than that dorived from any other crop. Printed instructions vopftirdinp: tho pvoparation of tho land, sowiuR, harvesting, aud prices, i'urnisUcd to all applicants. OIL CAKE MEAL will bo furnished to all contractors, to uo paid for in Flax Sood, if doturod. J AiMre v, Or, ai iiwy rUMi:itv co., ai.oin. JAMKS III Ki:i Y Hii - -i nr .1 O rWTKIIIiON, Waha Maiia FIOaESS oh, po riOBI) A t'l M.Nll A ll"l I &alii, I.'i.hkiii rii: I I J Oregon t'M.!u, YOUWANTA'LzlDYM lo miilio V.mi luiiii Tli'"l.ilj-,"initlirvi, tuliniMrl), Wllll'K UIIATK kimwn. Illl'i'ii. mlililln t'f Atuinl IIhMv, In-tiUtty itHjiKtlvo aiutitvor)- iinri ri'iiiiuio, MMjfin ii-.ioi. mui iiiuirnr ..l 17 Hip ipi llnrilriilliirti'i In tto Union. .M'r i'i.iiu. ?i w niijjii' fia inn , f uv Mrvni: 1.1T nil v )i'" i''" J.''H'i;i f.viioji. fi;jivtr uv, or W yxe t of lalil. lir mill ur icii. ttrriilnn' Hint 1'rlcivll HUO V L'..MiMI.(I.U l)cllti, Ohio To ColorButter. Mil. A. W, rilKKVlilC KMitor of Hid Now CiikUihI rnrmcr In lint iiior i'f Nuv, lllh, ml i l.o .'! l)lr)iuoii Id ii.i) WpII.1, ltlchanlMiii & Cv.'s PERFECTED BUTTER COLOR lLiry, ' lll ltiotrni50l,imtt, and clicaix.t lnilWccuIwrtiirwoliavuoMr u.oJ VMr all Dial wo van riw.lt it alioluu-l) iiofficl. It hM entirely ruiioriMo lie u0 e( laitOU. and nil tiroivimtluni m niinallo." ' ll l ilivrvvt tliartj of tlio iot Jcnoy lutivr. JlUi'Ui.) uli i ronomlral, ni, h no U.io ,u Kniflf. Illi m luihiOM'Uiuil oil our "(lolden Kx lrft," K'ni: j inlilus'ltn of Iho btUM icllow col uliii: ImIi- I'ltfiif 'ho lJMiultlloii lilottoiu, and ll U Ktvil) tupt iwt to t-ariirti, nc , uhlns Mtor nvor. Allti HI' n'lk tv A auiiitilo nuilUl.iul lu color lltty .t.iiiiii iii iniiifr it in no urui niiiiyuil lr', iHitiiiultl, on r'ttlii oi ton oni. i;y.y juirj iu wlu ulilui 10 rMlUc tUcUl;l;,t ,i..V. 5HHH wTllllti:K IHSilVTIFUTj KKKPSAJtKS -if M'iiMiiiiii:its in is imii:ii m:i. ,, The I.otiil.nriilliiliini:('.iiiii-.n) li.no j in I luui.l llim'trntihrnlt lircin ilU-notklofnttln Hip ihiw..f iuuti'4 ulili li fr Unily nl worth ui i(itliuiitnujuil, IlinoClituiiuJo luiutiue kt iiillihri.il llir I llunllltf .llljit U r.S ... I. l Itl.r.SN Ol It HOnil.-lnrll l.njluh lrw,Utiltlfnllr rmMll.liM with . T T T T kV r . m i .--- in iiij 1.1 iiiin it n. iipiiiiiiiii t mn rwaii .iihi uiiri vluit uinl xotr riiinitiic lliii'ii.;li Iho rntnv oik t In tlio rrntrr ll the letter t n inothrr I ? mil ti'jililnn licr ln lilKliiii In it rent u ru)fr, "lillo lo l.cr rlclit nro two liror llaurc rolnitlii whllo anitiliiiuKiuiii'rulir lo llodj iho InikiircmiJ ii a ttiiutlfal UniKtro aceuu Vi Irpritriitlim lloiilr. "ti No. K. Tllti I.OItl) IS )1V Mli:illi:itl.-lnoM rncllih lrr.lfntl emllll.hd Ka "lilt Iho luo.t Uiiiiiilul vlii... ii-ru. uuit llu it. Ilm cvntriil lliiurelt lir ref rtluloJ l tlio . i Buri'iinu vAiriius iu niiniiu luvinvrurru i (tour kuu lur ion iabid. 1110 curvi it . A tliikliiiilt Iiuiiful 1 Au.li I'll A I (CMi'l HI thl. li l.onl Tlir.nllii Ulll.l'. tlll.li fimilrln Hi UihI Tbtirnt initio llil.ulull f?rtmtirlill.lr.nii'nrv.elilinailiAAnrl..ln0lnll'riftl.olliri rt Thf.t. Ililr.i iijlnuiiat riuiiiilim lint mini rleeunt riihu iilul ilriiiiu ..r .l.plrlril 1 1 llm si:rill) LOItl, I ilmlUtlr rmWIII.liM n Ihoclhor lo iirrn I Thuillixt umuil liaultluluujrlcuius. Ilify ihv)ul4ajorn tin wall of titty t i a tJAifi elitf rTA I he con of iviioso. iiiallluv. tut hie. wrnrplnc.elc, la 1) cent for rrli picture vilien K rb .fl UflrLl .if nrl ik.A i.iwti ti vaii imAn .liA f..lliu liii. A.i.llll..n. b!.IaI. -.i . i.:. i. -i ......:..:;.:v--:,.ir'.. 'i".":i ."""" ;?""r."'.""'" -9-m ..v... .mvviv 'nfiv. limillUT. III! IIIK. wrn,r'IIIK.ri ill lo on miiir y eul .li.Kljr.or Mrenu for uilitr.e wheii.enl JJ (Ul ami .em Willi :centi (,.r imr oat plom The foliowitic .letter inmt Va cut .1. -jj-.u. !! .eni nun :ceuii ior Hiir one Motureorueitu, orwrtkuiiraii ijow, tie ur 10 urw . i'iu mi iiiiuuiiii iiitriciurnoiiuu uoi ui ; fl R 11 P R l'a '"t'l'l " '-1' rli, u4 O tbii M j eu. ikiure, irUmum HI (tree le ' 4Jnu, ""-' U.ltBil l'nl.tio tv. lii; xir. l i.li-iu leitt tislir ikKui.iMNJ.reJ, 1I1.I uou ui.mH ot' it iiomi:. tiii: i.ohu in my niiki'IICUU. ritiisi; tiii: l.oiti). All H'Ihn in. iie4 Urct i.uiif.i. iik.iitri. Mlir rU "ii.iit t.(iMi(iM'inLiKiiiMiro im ivi irn 8l, ciiii. o. J hoir. Siiilfiureiwlll I-omiiI wllhom the oiJer lliincloeUi wlienonlr oneor twnar Jt onleiej, the iMUinamii.t Ivno.mloU Tli loi oribr li onl gooj for kIji from J neof T V "!'. l,JP,T",,,r wlilli tur MirHiiirfiiient for uprlvhit (Iim i Iclurettraire Altorilertiunit Ik m 5jS ;i.hliv..H l.o.MMt.N fl III.IHIIIMJ fo., IS4A IM W, Heowaiik, clarluuutl.U. JJ' .t.iiiiti in itmiiir ivin no urui li lr', tiotiiiulit, on i-i'it'lnl ol lot l.'yy Julrj iu who ulilui to rMlUo ukJ itiHiU xl ii n tiUI -if Aitdiot i;j,i.s, iiirii.utu.ioN a- co.. A?) liurlliif.iou, Vermont. G. W. DIMICK, IIulilMird, Marlon Co., Or., lUL'KOin 01 Shorthorn & Devon Cattle, BERKSHIRE PIGS, Ufg-lit iJraniali OJitoKoux. Youug Stock for Sale. Vkt at tho farm, 5 and hipiul for (u J.iht lliauu'irhU'l.iii fl.Mv.tdi, ,hlii'ctt er 'J Jor Ihioo. FltKall KaCS. c.ircTiilli!jJckfd and JilpivJ. :aIi 1oiiiii. mi i uiiu iriiu curi'i m cuv UW( .lIU'lii. inn nnd III aud fir Imti os arcv Final Settlement. "TOTlCE U hrvby clveu that J. ii llrou u, Admir.. 11 Utralor of iho Kitato of Jotih A. Wright, ha Ihl day dlol IiU final acrouut, and yatunlay. tho 1 Ith diy of April, at ll o'clock a. m. ol raid day haa boon fixed for hearing tho rame, Tbervforo all iM.rron lu Irroftru In tald ontaloar rniulrcd to appear In Iho Comity Touit of Marlon County on or be fre tho ld di) and how caned. If any ther bo, why raid account thould not bo allowed, JNO. C. VKKHI.FS. March IS, lSTJivl. County JadKC MxMzMmmH I tho J.'tflil llramaht i-qital to Idem fur m, I , holier lor iho uUUv 0. V, DlilllK, Iff!-. l ircvc SWK nrm. MwU J, ISTT. J TlQQS . l IBbI JjprgS ri iwo.ii t. ni tt, iiruuu, uuii'M a co , rw, u. n )il IC i 4044" unvl jew, MUte4 IU, VAeite. am4Mv Cw. luuln. Snilau Lll Ace. H-V. 1ulmx, UlvtfmlfityaNoior,lU. immm&jj&M THE EVANS SULKY PLOW: Iron Beam. Iron Framo, Iron Whools Easily Op orated' Tho Latost and B12ST Sulky Plow in iho Market. Baa tho Hitch and Draft direct from tho end of tho Boam. Arranged to work throo Horses abreast. Tools, "tlao ZPlx'&l; lEroiM-iiL-rvji. At tho Oregon Stato Fair, 1870. THE OLIVER CHILLED - METAL PLCY, Will Scour whero others fail. LIGHTEST DRAFT PLOW im ported. Ask your Neighbors about thorn. A l'L'LI, ASSOKTMKNT 01' TIIK KS.TIJA UAflDL'NED (Olxoaciioxx " 3MColi3a.o Plow Acknowledged by nil intelligent Farmer as tlio DKST Steel Plow made. Wc have u full assorfmciil of even thing In our line : Hil.-sidePlovvs, Left-hand Plows, Cultivators, Har- ruwai Gl Ws Grist rwills, iVllshawaka Rinsr- grinder Chopping-rtfaills, Victor Scales, Cider Mills, &c, &c. our Goods arc fill FIJtST-t'LASS not mbbisli thai will not sell In California. Otsr Send for our Cnlalotfiio nnd Price Liat. "C KNAPP, BUISJRKJjL & CO. e I'ortlnnd, Oregon, Oct. (i, 1S1(I. w.wcitnrnronD. j. v. itzxtuznrouv. Wehtherford s So.. PAINTS Wholesale aud Itctall Dcalctf In iv) aWJ OILS, GLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, E e y 3Ttx rr ory TOILET GOODS, Etc, oto. PURE WINESaud LIQXJOHS, For McUictral iiur;ooa. Modlolnos Oompoiuulod, Prosoi-iptiono Fillotl. and Weatherford & Co., IJrwir.crclai ftrcct. KW.3?lt KtStf A lteward of $20,000 lla liccn offorrcil by Coimrces for the ijret and moet tlnrnlilo mpiboil of ilrawlnir WntiT from W'vllt or Tlf urim. HIIOOKS ,t COLWELL bat a been nvaukd tlio above on their 1SXJPJSJS HINO RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, fir tlio ronton ibat U l Iho mrnt purfort and iicslrnlilc I'uinjiU uro. TliU KXl'ANDlSd Ill'CKRT I tb.i only una tbat W.iirran bo 1'nUMitnl Tim nrlnclnloot fhS' u'i.. , 'i'"'. Tl,. ,(u,,,,crt ''"' ' "f " ""A Illicit, li placid between two CON VfcXUD I'l.ATKH. mtacctl together trlth a Ktcw; tho p!Bc ibiliiO fill! it Inthiicj-ctre, pro hunlcjt in t loceutur, wblclt cuure. tbu Ilubbvr to upaml, to that u can hi. nU.01LY ADJUSTED TO ANV BIZKU Ti' froiii JW toO Incbvr. eon le mciCMt pnl. blo Iricilmi mid yet A'nKCa perfect vacutim, '1 bo eljlo or OUIt CUKII, In now iiiddcdrablu, with a entlla ted Top, admitting Irco clrciilallim of nlr. Fuul aud poltonotift gatct iro ipilckly rcmocd by tbls MACIC PUMP. It lr know n that Iho mo of Iiopnro Water came s;oroelckiic(iai.d dentb than all other caun'j com bined. Wo challenpo tlio world to produco a I'uiiin lat MtiMi our KMViNDINU IIL'IIBKU UlXKUl' Tboitubbcr that woueoiipuro Vulcanized Wblta llilbbcr, roft nnd elattlc. Tho raolal part of tluibu-k-. ctUKINU llltAHB, wulclilnlNMMTIIUUTUILK by anynildifonud In water. Tbli pumn In nil lta parte, N tho acmo ol elmpllclty. DHAWINH ilOHK WA. TKU IN A 01VKN TKlllj WITH I.ES8 TOWKH THAN ANY OTIIElt ITjfl' NOW IN Uart, Mid liiiecro')t.nctcd by frcvrlnu If properly adjuetcd, ll'HKit patenied Jan .1. !S73, l'rleo ili Inr Curb, with Iltel, bptuit nnd tirlpc, and flret rt teit of plpo and cbniii. and 50 eta. per f ol for till bibiw tho ilrt li feet I'or I'iiiiiji, or County, Town orbtuto ItUuts A0dri, MIUDAfOll & llKAIIDii.UY, Salom, Oregon. My nniiai. t ataio;iiv m Yvctn' miu l-1 iw. r eced for ;willOe i mIj jt J.it.ary iiid.ci i ii.e.. luall wbonppiy vu tini'm. f inet eeaeoiilutM nut wrlle for a 1 offer I'lie of ii itraeet colV-ttl.ni oi veji Ulilo rieil OM-r eunt on! H) m v reitl oiieu In Amuilc a lar.-o pnrtlon of whlihwere rown mi my e'x eied fume 1'ii-It I ilhn-'wn' I. ..W. , vi eriy Ihicltiu. All ecwl fold front my ottau'lelimeiil war ranted to bo both frerb mil linn lo luiui. en ftr, tint eboi.ldlt nroo oiberw lie. I will irAllthoorrict 'mtl A iliootl-liul Inlroi'.ucer of tbo Hubbard and Mar blehind .'Mmaehei. Iho Stuihlebead Cabhjii. e, aid a ecorn of oinor nc ei.utablee. 1 luvuo iho tuitnni-u-i of alt lehoiu aitrlOMi tahitr, tAili liinh lr" ami O"1 kt cry U it .(Hit, I, Nf.W 1 1 IIETAUL!. A H'tClALTV. JaxLe.l 11. (iiii.uonv dc.Nwll .Matblhef.il. .Marf, JOHW IVliiVITO, nnELDcn o? 31J12J11NO SHEEP, WAKE pleniiiro In offering to tbo Wool Oiowci A. OrexonntidthoHdlfdiilnu'aVrrltnrb tbo ihi toturchaeo TIlOIIOll.limiUD Ml'.IMNOs. and 'iiribKpirueeiiitt'rritidtbAt thoy ran. aid will en mi- i ViiV-'. t.i.lcV.'IVi"? '.mo liitHt)' end a:m-nt MUU IIILAI'IIK iUTKS thin nub tnu poe.lbly bo linporiid. hsamlnatlon and coiiip.irlon w lib oil'. er Miyi-p ullend lit tbu aatltet are cordially lnltcd. (lAddreee JOHN MlNTO. . .. . . SnU-m. Orei-on. .. u ino Kama and Iltm Lamhenf ihu nrt- .. owcr of b-n cu at- .pi. I- ' iou..u i.Mi.ii, aajoiiuii" s. ira. nit I'ViNWe-1"1 "on. "I1."0 M,no I'le, t at tbo 1III.I. KAK.M four and a hall mlleeeoutb of tbu city. htlem, beptcmbsrlO. 1S75. "i. RAILR0AD LANDS. Xelloral XorniRl LOW lKI:i! LONG TI.1II2! IOW INTF.Iir.5Tl Premium Seed Potatoes. TW I Sfl'S.:' notenihor tho price In ca.b: Intere or Siiou'llnUc, per bushel, LaircKn, ... Kxlra i:urly Vorniont, Hruwucll'N Roniil)-, - (.'umitou'.s urIlrlc, Curly oncsticli, I.alo Roho, tarly Kono, DlailcU, Garnet nan ninpoi uie EarlloN, $3.0( llbo. thd lulinr., . ,hV ;;." "r. .'"" ""; micreei on Ri-r e,lu and each ISlov lVS"SJ9L C..t?. :,WW i...l ! ,.k ' IV " v,,v" ' lu jtii nrirritin i i J.OO ' "tlay'aebr!u,nJlr;ncy10,U Prt"P 150 A-ulo i-' WW'"' CllUlZE.Lawr I 00 I ""Uland. Orccon. . l.OO .75 ThU U my price far them, r acketl and put on the can at Hubbard. All warranted to be truutonaroo. and to reach any point aloui; tho lino of tha O. & C, ltallroad In cood order. Money In um of ten dob lar and upward may bo ent by cxpree. at my ex. potlee otbentlaelu resletariil letter. Addrrea K-Umj J. B. PIHlldK, lltibbnrtl, Or REAL ESTATE LOANS. DllKCOX AXD WASHIXCTOX Investment Company Trnst OF Ht'OTI. AND. (111113 Company lr preuircd M. tnme from V0 to J.rtVl VKJi CITY I'llOI'BltTV ari ,UXlrcnrel our IJU'llO- aril VA11M I. a VIM. r,.. lliixl perli.drf ji-aie.or renayablo by half iiarl'y In. ctailEcEU. For ti ftuf, applj to WILLUM KBIP, Mawser, MWr 8 Flnt aucct 1'ottiat.d. SALEM FOUNDRY. & ATaolalno Shop, 8ALEM ORKQON, B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r. 5TRcaDi,f:iS'.8AW;.lI.,LL8' alu8T MILLS, j iiciport, iutup, and all klndi and atvies of Mi notice? WrTmlft, 'chlnerU' a,bort and all kln.i n?"b!n,: ? ln "" Ua TSrlo!" tormt, rtort nMii fA?S and .,ron L'aiUmri faraUhedat PLANKB i, Airl'Tv5?5?c,nrcI of ENTKRPHISK Jiavtwtl 8UPKltS. (Successor to x, N. mibcrt Jc to.) C. UZ'AFOVAGE, ..Dealer In., BOOTS & SHOES,