ii r WILLAMETTE FARMER. 6 pH Pa 8 Si' r U : X I i i . PA.Tllr,s F Hsbdhy"" DIRECTORY. Ol'I'ICHUSol tliu NATION,! Ij tlH.XNUK. Jrti-.JilniT .Toiicf. Dirton Phillip. Ark. OMit'fi-,1. J. Woodman, I'aiv 1'nw, Van Iturcn, JIlcli. ,V A. Jl Hmcilky, Orccri). Ilimnnl, Ta. Hltmuil- A ). Vniiulin, Memiitil-. 'ii'iili. Att s;.iin I Moriimcr Whitehead, .Mlddlubiieb, Hoinuri'rt, N J. Cnnn'nin- '. It EMK HpMi.'lioroiin'i, Nnrroii, O. Trt'f"i-r -V.V. MiDiiu'II. Wayne, HUiihen.N. 'i . fim''irp O II K'Huv, l.unlnlllc, Ky. llnlt-h'i-n i O. Dinwiddle, Orilwril llrovc, Ind. fVm- .Mr-. .IipIiii T Iuijcv llnrloii, l'lilillu. Ark. 7m -Alrn. Snmiiul K Ailolni', .Montkelln, Mlnii. J)in'i .Mr llitrvf-jr tlfii'tlnnl, ISnrlh (Iranhy. "l. ,' I .-,-'';(' .if-ifiiut .Mlrr Ojlolllia A. Hall, Louisville. K, KXM I'TIVK UIMMITTKK. J). '.V i" Alknii, i h.ilrir.aii.1 Cnfcmbiirv, S. C, E. ll.'hli ink aril. I'itiuiii" imtn, Dudley T. i.'linn-. I'liifimii.t N. II. Alniir.il (1 ilil'T, in.' k I'nll', WlillcKtdc, III. V. II. Chamber!, 0-ui,u.h''C, Iliirrill. Ala, Olllcrri oCOrron .Sfnlu Mritiigc. Mifi'i Win ' nii. r-il'j Oii" A. It. Hliinl"y. ()rtff'. Wl-'io Mi. I'. N. limit, Sublimity. Rfcrt'mi) V. I, Davld-on Hali.ni. fdHMinl -W. II Tliiima-, Wnlln Wnlln, W. T. Awh'mti ttiml-i, W. Kiddle, Cut;) (jnvlllc. 1'hapi'iiK W. ll.Omy, Anturla. 7i' ci n.P Leo. Portland, !nti ,; ii i . II, (triliuni, l-'lthir'ft Landing, ;iirk oiiiiw, w: t. Vi Mi-. II. A. Miller. Jarkriiiivlllu. 7toiir Mrr. H. I). Durham, McMlinivlllu. I'lma Mr. II. A. Krllji l!art I'orl'at.tl. Iwig tl"'' fittiranl .Mr, Ocortfll Smith, Hood Jtlvur, Wnrf in nin y. lirtfuili' fniitinllltt Win. Cynic, ficio; It. C'luiV, )illa; l. I., hmlili. llxoil lllsur. Kt'iti lr-ttu Ai'ht 3. P. Lie. I'nillaml. gtato Grange Doputiou for 1877 1'or the Willamette tarmcr. THE PATRONS OF HUSBANDHY. 1'I Oflit. lUpr'ii. Cnrvalll CoitallU . .Hut lu Creek urea'ni Oily ..Myrtle Crcik ..Prnln'n Station Kurt Portland .Kail Portlai.il ..tlntluvlllo .Sublimity ,mM nvlllo.. Salmi lnckcur.vlu .lllckrciil IUL1.1 .(Iooi IjiKu lack'oiiVillo .ICviiiyvlilv JuLktunvllIc .Ofiflxu .I.eliaiinn ,,Alliiiiy .Tyjjh Thu DatlbJ Can) on City i.rNiu, A Hold. , I I A I.. "I. Knoth nklnliie.. N ' Ihmluli .... II . lil A". .1 WHim. . ... O M Mmd ii-r ll l.MOUAII J'lytnpton Kully.. vnmi. 1' I'( out U man .. (I W Hum.... J' hpHN. .IN TMtll.'f... I.il K. A PaUrmiii,,.. l.iKC. 7 ,( Clmr'lnn J'.-l 1'IIIMS. Jlanlil Klt)r... Inrnc WMntlortt IIVN, It A IrMM.' WA' II. Jyliu Kml VAHRII.L. lOI)!iram Mi.Mlnnllb 1 B.1(ii nrluu tiailnii ui INT. I) II Itlt.i-linit Caiijnn City. I .11 ' UIIIA. ! W.Mmvill Cnliimljla City Til I AWUllll, II I' HntiU'ii Ttllamiiuk North Yamhill I'VATIU.A. J B Wtilii' Wo tun Wrrton I IHM. T lltliry hlinailvir.... Oil vai.iiiHiiii;( TKitiiiTonr. (i. a in;. HWItmun Vancouver ton MUM. Itl'Bti-lii D.iylou V ll'l H N. l.hllJiu-r Colfax Colfax riiMMi.in. iy. n.i'MtaiK Kinn 1'ii.non. Hll Matitmm Ctiuhallit Point TIM IHl'oS. 1,(1 A'''i tilyniia IS l.otiniiilni Vdni... Ml Nil, tllllttt lliuloti Ho.ill'o.. 11 Wlf. 1, M Plrim.. Ctaiiialn MUilA. OP Cook r.llctitliuri: Innny ruiiniy where tint llepiily polnliil l not I ho moat null.ililo, m.it tliu (liaiiuvi) oT lliu lorallly t III propurly Indlrnln In men ihnlco. I nlllhuplrrtrtid,rnr In iinny Imtancf" I have hceii id.;rd to mnku np lotntmcnt Mliliout UnouliU:uiii to iltiu'i. VM. CVItUH, Mirier Utecmi Statu flmiKi', P. of II. Olympla ... Ucattlu M tlh 111. 1'u.UuXA UJt.lXOK. M.UUOX COIWTV. (I.W. Hunt, Martur; (I, l. (Iliiin. atc'y. Mootri m tliu itm WwlneUy of ia It month, at tliu point that nuj tie "id nt tut ineelliu Moot lag of Subordiuato Grangeo I.INNCOl'NTV. Ili.po, No, 'Jl, innt'Nln Allinny, on thu Int itml as.ttiriliri of wii'li iiiontli, at 10 it, in. O.il, I'lnln, No. i, In HulMiy, 'Jml mill Itli Hitiiril:ii n; II it. in. Iliiinor, Nt), W, In UrAwroriWviliti, uiul Ilnl tliirilny. tit - i. m, Sytiti't.Ki Nn. :!, m .NllllorH Ulmlun, Nitttu l.iy, t! t p. tti. Lobniioii Nn, 'Jl, nt l.tib.tnon, -it ami rjiMtirit.iy, ui in it, in. lir.wui I'lt.ltlii N. Ill, Pit Sitltinlity. Kno Itnttu No. '."J, Ut uml Ilnl Hittur- Nuiihmt No. 117, 'Jiul ttttil Itli SutiuilnyH, ut 10 it in, llroHintlllo No. ID, I at mul -ml .S.itur- tlltVN. TmiKnnt, No. 7, Nt uihi Mnl KiiiliiyH, ut 10 it. in. UurrNliiirg, No. II, lit uml nl Satur- lIltVM, ut 10 It. III. Mioilil, No. il, tut uml a.l S.tturdityti, nt 10 it, nt. Happy llano No. 10, Ut Saturday, il 11 oVlooU it. in. llitiiiiottv No. il, Ilnl Kitunluy, rrutiliirlr, osopt Hi Nov. Don., Jitit., lVt.,iiu( Mitruh, tliin tltpy input tlto Int KrliUy. HKNTON COUNTV. Huap I'riol No II, lnt S.itunlity itt 10 it, in. Wlll.iiiH'ttn No. W, lhi'l'liurntlity, nt 10 it.ui l'hllutiiiitl), NolJ, till S.itunlity, iri lliu.m. l.ANK IWNTY. CnoNWull, No. ill, tril ttitturiUy, tnoiithly. lliikioiio, No, .'ui, in KiiKuiio City, Jnl .it tlity, nt loit. in. Oliailij, No. "it, 1st S.itunlity, lionlifii, No. lul, UtSittiinlity, utlOoVlook. .Iiiuoiton I'lty, No. i:t, L'ml Huturtlay, m 1 . ui. MolCoiulo, No. 107, INunp CrtHk, 'Jil b'nlur. ty. 1'Ol.lC rOUNl'Y. Oak l'olut, No, ;i, Ut hiuI ilnl Katurilitya, MAIUON COUNTY, Alilquu.No i:u, Itli SiUiuiliiy, J took l'olut, No IS, Mil suimlny, nt 1 p. in. llutui frnoU, No. SJ, Urtl SturJy, t 10 ii, in. A few words in rcgnnl lo the Order of Patrons of Husbandry. It Is evident to nil Intelligent minds that the time 1ms come when thoso en gaged in rural pursuits should have an organization devoted entirely to their Interest". .Such it Is Intended to make the Order of Patrons. It was Institut ed In 1807. Ity growth is unprecedent ed in the history of secret associations, and it Is acknowledged one of the most useful and powerful organizations in the United .State. .Its grand objects are not only general improvement in husbandry, but to increase the general happiness, wealth and prosperity of the country. It is founded upon the nxloin that the products of tho soil compriso tho bash of all wealth; that that individual happiness depends upon general prosperity; and that the wealth of a country depends upon the general Intelligence and mental culture of the producing clashes. In thu meetings of tills Order all but members are oxclud-. cd, and there is In Its proceedings a symbolized ritual, pleasing, beautiful, and appropriate, which Is doslnned not only to charm the fancy, but to culti vate and enlarge tho mind and purify the heart, having at tho samu time strict adaptation to rural pursuits. Tho secrecy of the ritual and proceedings of the Older have been adopted chlolly fur the purpose of accomplishing desir ed cillclcncy, extension, and unity, ami (o secuie among its momber-i, in the internal working of tho Order, confi dence, harmony, and security. Woman are admitted to full membership, and we solicit the co-opointJon of women, because of a conviction that without herald success will be less certain am! decided. .Much might bo aid in this connection, but every husband and bro ther knows that where ho can be ac companied by Jtis wife or ulster no les sons will bu learned but tho.-e of purity and truth. Tho Order of Patrons of Husbandry will accomplish a thorough and systematic organization among far mers and hortlculturMs throughout the United .States, and will aecuro among them intimate social relations and ac quaintance with each other, for Iho ad vancement and elevation of their pur suits, with an appreciation and protec tion of their truo interests. y such means may bu accomplished that which oxistH throughout the country In all utiiur iivui-iiiiuiiis nun uniting uu oilier Classen, combined co-operatlvo associa tion for individual Improvement ami common beuellt. Among tho advantages that may be derived from the Older uro systematic arrangements for prouuiing uml dN seminating, lu tho most expeditious maiinur information relative to crop, demand and supply, price-, markets, and transportation, throughout tho country; also for the purchase and ex- i-iiiuifcu ui atuL'u, hucus, aim desired va rieties of plants anil trees, and for tho purposo or procuring help at homo or from abroad, ami situations for persons seoiung employnu'iit: nlao for ascer- tnlnhiguud testing tho merits of newly-. uiscuvorcii iitniiing implements, nnd tho.se not in general u-e, ami for de tecting and oxposlngthosothat are un worthy, uml for protecting, by all avail able means, the farming interest from fraud and deception, mul combination of every kind. Wo i;uore all political or U'ligious di-cusluns in tho Order. Wo tin not soltelt the pationage of any srot, association, or individual upon any grounds whatever, except upon tho lutriiiNk' merits of tho Order, tho bettor to secure greater benollts to our members, ,. s. srn i IVkln.C'owlitv.Co., W.T. SOME SUQQE8TIOH8 TO FARMERS. OroRon Is K'nB to priluco a viva quanti ty of wlioat tills yoar, tho scaion continulnR favorable. With Increased area of wheat Hold nnd unusually lino opportunity tor putting iu work to tho Lost advantau, It Is afo lo predict plethoric Rranarlos and waro- uoufei'H. Jinai wm urlng money into mo countrj't which, being dlaturbod In tho or dinary conrso ol tralllo, will glvo most of ut onougli to buy buttor and potatoes nnd (.null other utcosnarlos aa wo ordinarily havo to tond to California for. And this brings uu jpco to fa"o with a conundrum. Why should tho peoplo of Oregon ever buy a pound of butter or chooso or a potato, or an v other nr tlrto or tablo consumption which comes from tho farm? Thero l moro monoy In dairy products whem tho market is stoady nnd HUlUclont than In wheat. Thero Is more money lu rnhluir notntnrx nt .in paiUm u IiiikIi. ol thau lu wheat ni a dollnr. Thero is moro money In carrots nt $10 a ton than lu wlioat nt auy prlco that may roanonably bo expect ed. Why not produco at homo all tho farm products noedod for hotnocousumptlon? Wo hnvo heard itsorlouslynked by per sons who, not having poreonnl knowledge In tho promiios, Judged, by tho fact of our importing buttor from California, whethor thero was not bomothimr In tlm cllmnin nf Oroon thnt made it iir.pom'ilc to put up but ter here that would keep for Winter uic To moso who uavo any knowledgo on tho sub Joist, tho question sooms absurd; but is It nt an roinarKiiojoiunia stranger B""K into a country which io all outward nppearanco win peculiarly ndapted to dolry farming, nud yot llndlng bulter on tho tables of tho pub lio bonnes from nuothor country, should supposo thoro must bo aomo climatlo expla. nation of tho oxtraordlnnry fact. Kvorv winter largo amounts of California butler aro shipped to Portland. No small qiinutlty of this Is consumod in tho towns up tho vn.Jey. Tho snmo is truo with roopoct to po tatoes. Thoso havo boon suppllod this year, If WO lltO not lllislnrbrinril. Irnm flrm-nn' farms; but ills tho first tlmo Hiieh hits beon thoca-o lor tt number of yotrc Twolvo Mom!,- i,'o potatoes were arriving hero by oven .i Minor, nud nailing irom u doilur to a dollar and ft quartnrn bushel nt retail. The crop of n couplo of ncresor potatoos would tin n hnvo furnUhcd ono urour furni rrs nil 'ho iiimoy necessary to tnoft his finil ly capoiibiH for tho year. Of nil farm pro. ducts, ulic . Is Iho most lollablo for nn . cluslvo i-rcp. Tho market Is suror. mul Iho iliKtii.iina'n valuo smallor. Tho rlk of iipprru aion oiqiiniuy of tho nrtlclo h much ,.? ' lu" n l',vo of n."y 0,ll6r r'M product. lliHllO mnutr cou'd spend npartofllio f.oiMMi if-iwcpn soon uiuo nnu Harvest lit cultiviiilug such ctops as newl cnltlvathn Jiixtiu tliol limp, (ilnl lovMiuld llnil ultho end of tho j mr tho "odd kpolls" thus spojt w6ro tl.o mut proll'ablo of liN yenr'n work, lhat.tto, lslhoseaon when dairy work is mosi pro luutlvu. Oregon biittor otiuht to bo nn every Oregon lioubukcoper'n tublu ovory d.iv lu tho vwir, nnd ns aweit ami fresh, cer tainly, f.s t!mt which Is Imported from Call roiiini. 'Iho farmer'! Initio should havo It 1 1 os h from tho churn ill! wlntnr. uml llwi peoplo vt tho towns should bo suppllod from that wlil.-'i was put uji In tho sumnior. Wo do not Miijfgpni thnt tiumors nbandon tholr gioiMimd s.ili stiiiilo. A few mako Icind jomely ou of dairy ijrnilm; oselimlvelv, uittiin iiun.uor or such must bo limited. lmtwi' Hiiggost Ii Unit tho rcgnl.tr wheat firming :o supplemented with thoso other tliliigb, tvMuh could bo dotio without Inter frreiu'o wlili the main businrss, and whluli woul 1, ono yo-ir with nnother, pay tho onltro lainlly oponsos or (ho fanner, nnd ndd to (lio coml'orto of his homo lu n hundred wayu. uu'ijoiwtn. Feeding and Working Horses. Horsos to work.well mutt lo fnl well, but Judgmont must bo tired both In ficdlug nnd working. Tho fted of hor-es should bn nt regular icteivah, nnd rrgulRr and siittrd nniounts atoBch Hid. 11 bortcs oro to do hard snd constant work they should hnvo sotno subslnntlnl grain, barliy or cnf, at least threo times u dBy. Afitr tach mtal somo tlmo should bonllowrd lor tlm diges tion to toko plaeft btforo being nut lo hard or quick work. If this bo not sliowoil Iho grnln will not do tho hor?a as much goed, ! but will pass his Momaeli and bowola In it i wholoor uno'iges'.od state; and thin Is not all, it will tugendcr tbo most obstructive dlsoases. Cases nro numerrus In which' Horses particularly stau horses havo fal len down tlead within a low mlUs of tho station where they wero ftd. Post iiinrtem esnmluatlons lu micii eneH vorv unliorndy show that death was produco 1 by Indigo., tlon producing acutofhcflloorotlierdisiHsiv. Jxporlmeuts liave been made with two dogs, botn boing ftd nt the same limn mi the same kind nud tho mum quantity of f. oil, whllo ono was takon out nnd put upon tho hunt Jul mediately; the otlur wni ullowed to go to his konuci nnd sleep. At tho end '!" an hour both wero killed. Tho Idlo dog's stomach wits founil empty, nud tho Inttntinon con tained tho dlL.CS (il lllnnl? Ilia ulnmai.li nfllin other coutalnod Iho food undlgeRtod and tho 1 rst lutestlnes ontirely empty. Ho It 1h with tho horse; If allowed n little tlmo for rest nllor a moal the stomnch iIIkcau tho food and It passes on into tho Intestines and la matin up Into uourlnhmcnt for tho system; but f put to work nt onco tho food remains undigested and tho animal worso oil" tlinn If ho had beon fod but half n moid. Thoro Is probably no moro common rnuso ol Iho heaves in horaeu than tho prnctico of puttiug llilll 10 Work (CO snnn ftrtnr rnnitlmr lilm will. owuiu ij in u,) iuuu, rcmni-i'itioii, ..A bill has boeu lntroducoil In tho-Now JOrk li'iahlatltro llniltlm? thn nimnnt nt rraicnuue otnoi uy n church which mny bo exempted from taxation. Tho ollow.tuco Is rfstrJcted lo tho grouud on w hich Iho ihurcli stands and tiventy-ilvo leolonoach side. A contemptuous stream: tho Illver To. NORTH SALEM STORE. 4 T TnB nitfOK HTOIIK, IIA8 JUST IlKCKIV ta. uil a fall JHurtmcM of Gfonoral ifJiToroliandiso, Dry G-ooclSj G-rooorioo, ;oot8 &, Shoos, Hardware, Oiothing Cnleulntod for tho City Mul Countn-Tradc. I!oni;ht at oit, nnd w.U lio ol,l nt us bSlAI.fi A niori'r, ni thoo who SKLL AT COST. tV-Uooila aillvcrcd to nnv part ol tiio cltv aco of chari'o. KovSv MILWAUKIE NUESERY, Orcult'st Vai'Iety of P K V I T TREE S In Oregon, Consisting of Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Piune, Cherry, Grape, Cherry Currant, iLawtcn Blackberry, Ranpberiy and Strawbeiry Soto, California Walnut, Black Walnut, Buttermit, & Filbort, which wii.i. i;n soi.u low, foji cash. s. luellTng &SOIVJ, Proprietor! Milttniiklo Nureiry. Not. 1,1 -ID. 400,000 FRUIT TREES, All ot the ltcst Vnrlcllt'N. G, W, WALLING W SON, Oswcpi, Ox., Uavo this number of Fruit and Oriinincntnl Trees, For li In tl olr cxtcntlvo Niirtcry, Incluilliia the rcmirkablo WALLJNGVS "tiK lixamination nt tho State University. Tho flrht tt.nn oftho Unlyorslty closodlast week, and tho ulutses in thodlll'ortutdoiurt inonts pitMseil through itncxnmlii.ttlon. Wo wero not present to witness tho closing oxer clens , bur nro Informed that Iho oxammnllon wits very orni!tnili. snowing t intso far as Couuty Graugo Meotiiig, r. of H. It will bo necessary lor every Sulordlnnto (Iraiigo hi Million lounty, dining March, or at Itulr next iiioetlug, to ebot thrto delo gates to itllond it county lueotlug to bo held In Salem un tlm mvoihI Motility lu April next, at tho luur of 10 o'clock it. m , in tho (liitugu Hall, for tho purposo of oleotlng ropri.cutiitloito thu Statu ilr.tngt,. whloh meets lu May mt. tSeo prooeodlngs of last Statu Uriingo, paKS0, lor liulruotlous ) U. W. Host, Unruly. 0 tho Oregon WASHINGTON COUNTY. UiMvottou No. 100, moots lt, SatunUy. ul lOo'olttfk. ' t PA'iVjNs'oF HUSUANDRY. Notlco U hi)-vby ulveu to tho Miulor of tho dlll'orviit kU,M)nlliiilu (Intugoi of Mini iHitinty, that It is tholr iluty to elect thrtu ilt'UgHtin trom ua.ih (Imiigulo uttoud uixm vtiiitlnu lu Albany, on thu fcocoud Alonday lu A pill, W., lit la .iVIoi-k a, ui , lor Iho purpiHitof elvK-thig reuiMuitatltis to tho Slste i.rhi,(.t., viieh uietii. in Suit m mi tliu fomih'J'iuul.-y lu May, ls77. Jt, A, ll.VJNT, IVpnty, Subordiaato Oranges of blate Urnugo. Iho Secretary u( oauli Orange will plensp aetul tlm iiuint of MivstoriuidStH'retnryulmit r S77. lo Sec. ol S. 0. on noon as praotl cable, Kivhii tho nddrMs ol Master and Soeretitry, County Mini statu, or Territory. y so doing you will obllgo T. I. Daviusox, .... ,. SVo S " I'.of H. Post olllno nddrnes: Salem, Marlon Co., Oregon. 1 i ,l Tluro lias Wen boino tall; nloutao! aagd lu tlm coinuiloalonenihliiof ludltu atlklnby men who want Uioiilnco, 'lhat the rtviit iHHiuiiUnlunor, Smith, will luumlnMtt the hrait ut thdl C.'llco. iu.iv bo Imtirnl fnvm tluv r.u'l Unit ho xx ncOniinoiided lor iho plnco by PriKkltut Hijes lilumelf. Whcn'Presl dent Otniit wini Icikiugiibout fir i"iimotent ami Inn ovi iuvii lo upiiolnl, ho t.tlontplud llayi'A to imminent) tuno ihucu, wli.cli kv UUl by uuiulng Smith, tho students hnvo ndvnncod thoy hnvo mado thorough work. This being tho llrst term mo exniuiuiuioHM cotuu not uavo lison ns thorough lu many respects n thoy will In thu future, for nil tho clasics had to bo or giinl7ed and many of tho studontn did not outer tho school until tho term was half out. 1 hero tiro throo classes In Latin nnd two In (Iroek, which reclto to Prof. Johnson, tho President, nud thev wero nrattv thorniurhlv examined, or as our Inform tut Rays, literally picked to pieces. Tho two advanced oIbihcs hi l.'tlln nro rmtdlng Virgil, nnd tho othor Iho l.ttln i (-mlrr, just roitly to coinmrnco Caesar. Vlmy certainly did grent credit to theniMiI ves ami to 1'ror. Johusou. Tho class Just cnminoncltiic In lttin Is composed of about thirty young ladles' and gentlomou. they nro well ndvnncod lu grammar and nro lu thn llrvt I. tliu re.uler. Thoy worn each s-nglv txanilued by Prof. Johnson on tholes a ms they had Rune ovei In thogramniarnnd render mul ntooil tlto test of ft thorough hnck ling dinimlily. lfthey go thmugh ncourso ot f mr yean ns thorough aa thoy havo com menced lliey will bomastersnf tholanguoge. n.w iLu-itn iii iiii'iu uiu mutuy nati)iiroiigii in tlm elnsi In l.ttln. Tho osniulnation in nmtliiMiiattis was very duo and thorough, oonsliU'rlng tho opjiortunltles thoclnssos hnd during tho term. Tho classes In Algebra had l uli onil .itnl wrltlen examinations, ami etc i -.u.Wtlud'eVcd tint thoy thoroughly inul.uli .1 .ill tliey hiuI prtHsed over. All tho clasif a lu niiitlieuinilo did gieatoredlt to thoiDnolM - tiivl niucli honor ,o Prof, Unlly, who has lhat chair lu tho University, It was Impossible for in to know how e.ioh studont siiuoedt'd in tho wrliton ox.imtnatlon, for wo oiMiidnot sou all tho work, but wo aro In formed Iho Mnndlng was generally aa high ns lu Hit mal examination. Tho problems In Algebra given to Iho class to solvo wero the snuie given to tho freslimon class at Yalo ColieKo lnt yoar. Ihi.'itlvitnced class in Geography iindor thoelmrgoof Prof. Condon did splendidly. Tho clasi iiumbertKl hIkiuI thirty and each ono wits required to draw it nil p ofiupor from a hat with h number written on It, and then was handed by iho I'rofovsor it slip of piper u ntaluing tho unmo ofhome state, oontlnont, ta or laku w liloti they w oro required to draw on i ho Ihtik botrd from moinory, putting down nil tlm mountains, rivers, l.ikos, nnd chief titles; then bound tho auio and tell tho name of Its rlvera, lakew, mountains, Biid cllles. It was very ploasiut; to see how correctly tho uinps wero drawn. Tho fact U tliey uiu pei feet masters oftho part of geogra phy they htve tusid over. Prof. Condon timkin thorough work, and In hia depart ment lu solonco cannot bo oxcolled In the state, 'l ho examinations iu tho Preparatory dopattment wero equally ai good ami thor ough as lu tho Collegiate. We cnnot namn each class of thla departmeut, but all ox amlnod lu grammar, arlilinietlo, reeling and geography. Oregon will be proud of tho start sho has made In the University. rVii icne (7ii(i hi. SocrtilarySohuts bus notltleil all beads of burMiiM ot tho Interior IVritrtmeut that dur jug his admlnlsirMtion of Its atUlrs thoro will brt no removals of clerks or other employes except fur c.tuso, and no promotions oxeept for utaritv it will thctttfore Ih useless tor powons to tllci papers solicillnwr clerlittl np jsiintinaula or promotion on merely prtronal or political i;i oil ml, ami in addition to this ttittn bo nutted that thoro aro at present no ) dcaiitiU'a ui auy klud to bo Ulled. STORE. , i iiwn rrncn.3i:n tiik KNTinK Intercut of tat. Yratno A Lousliary lo tho I nrnlttiro btoro on thu Witt rldu of t;oniiiicrrlnl Street, Sjnlcm, ami hijiI keep on liana a OCNEHAL AS- own i .ui,. i or coixif for nll ta J1 co(lfortho retail trailo, FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY rrlor & Clmmlicr sIh, BEPSTEADS, LOTOGES, ROCKERS. &C, I)y tho ft or rliulo piece. Repairing and Jobbing DONH IN' THU UKST JI.VNNKII, And at reasonable nice, n I am a practical workman JOHN CRAY. Sllm..TlilyW. lS-"y " ' !. P.EACH PLUM,: Xho Italian I?rimo, Ami the bat varlitin or D' 111 ill, ri'tiuc, I'cacJj, Apple, rear. Chori'y, Nut and Shade Trees, IN I'Uf.L ASSOHTMENT. Send for Dosoriptivo Cataloguo. tt. STRANG, Importer mul Dealer lu Homo - Mado and Hand-Mado J3 O OT S . IP YOU WANT A liOOU-riTTlNCi PINE HOOT you can be acconucolati-il by calling At .VraiNtroiiK'H Shop, On Stnto Street, oppn.ito WILLIS'S HOOK STOIIB. -V W..nK W -WAMTBO. I'ICC ItKAfONAIILK.- ICcpnlrlnu matfji tiul ircnii'li ilimt. (lit k Mb a Cam.. luclStfl IV.tt. AIUlNYIIOMj. AuonU for tho Wllliiiucito I'uriiior. Albany Amity Afh1ar.it Ilclltiiii llncu.t YUt.1 llroitnttillo IlllttUtillll , t'anjeii t'liy.... t'aiivotivllli 'rii1!ltil'!ty..., Colo' Valli'y-... I'lltfu) Craufi)rillla'.., Cove Corvnlllii lrctwv'11. IR llannnn (1 lliiouhcll "JllSbortrlilce J-!t 1)1 Vlk Wm Willi, J W llobart W It KlrW J W Havlivliler Dlllttilmlurt VT lirt'jr !'." Malti'-mi W 11 Chrkc It J Morrison ItfllKri (iliu II V KviiUall U Woodward ltocoo Knot ClAcMnilK W A .Mills Cainji I reck G It Ihmmerfli'j l'.UI.i J 1) l.ee. I) M ilmlirlo Dexter b lUmliiaki'r Drain' Krotvton A Drain lluni5cus..., Kl'orlin P'lyton El' H.idjwny Klkton , A 11 llnlne Hu,iiio ; Jnhn Ma'luiic 1'ox Valley A I) (lanlncr t'orett tlmvc i.t lliuluf, W I, ISirtU (iQihen J llnmlf.tker (lenitl ...... M lialliuii lUlfoy. T.I llUck KtrrWbuii; Ill.-iim bmllli llllllioro A Lnellln? Ilrnner Momv A llerrvn Iiuleitenttcnce W I. HotlMn Junction tjmttb, l'.rattlld A Co,. W I, I.rmon JuckfuuvillQ M lM,ron KUu' alley Conner A Crero Ji-lTerton..., Joiin W llolauil I.ptTlollle II V JlcTlmraond Lafijlto Or Popplcton. A II L'enry Lebanon , s II Clanchton Jlniiroo... Jo li.lcv Mc.Miiintllle J II Morris, A Itetd Monmouth W Wau-rrtauo Needy Wm Morcl-ind Now Krt J I'aito Newcllivlllo p v Cattleman North Yamhill llUStctrart Oakland..,, , .,.,,..,, ,..,,,S K Ilmraoi.d Oanrgu ,,...,.. Alt Shipley Ott. .....................,..., J 11 schroedcr Oregon City , S M Itacon remlleloo ,V A Whitman 1'eorU ,Dr J II Irvine Pilot Hock K (itlllam lSvrthnil... S 1' Loo, Agent Stalo llrw;o Prloortllc ..,,. OMPilnla lVrrydtla.. McGron'sMoro ltlckn-nl,, .....r A Patterson Ilosobur Thn Smith Sclo....... K r Jone, Thou Mnnkere Sllrrrton.. ...... ...T It milliard Hhrtld'n WM Power. C H Wheeler Hprlnsdeld...... ......... .................. A I? llovey , Sultllmllv ...Tntm Ttnu'nlnn ' Sweei Home... '.'.'..-. U"n Mark Sheridan ............ .t.v.vv. i. ............ . . T-wswit ,....... .. , VSllaree ThalltUes : .TTi SLHrook airner'' .;.....'!.. .:.'.. .-.;..'. W II lllllrirv Vanooater .....!...'. .8 W Drown, 11 H Dei.Qrc, Wilhmorte Porkf '...'. 5;..' M WllMiw' WalUWalU... WaM. YcueilU Improved Ranges, COOK, PAULO, AND MX S T O V E3 SJ. And Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper Union Dlock. Commercial Street, SALXM, QBm.ov T IIESPECTFITLY 1NFOI1M ALL MY OLD J. frlen.h.niidcmti.meri-tl.itl hiv i rciciiuil lmtl- and Invltotho public ccnvraliy toe ill. ii VvJi luo my loek and ta'r By-pVlt J" y Not 'i ly'r'' Salom Flouring Mills. BEST FAMILY PLOUlt, MUElt'U EXTRA. XXX. fiUrEItrE3 AND (JIUIIAM, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND SnORTS ConflUmtly on llanU. HiK-noNfc l?x-ioo lu CASH Paid for Wheat AT AM TIIMTSS. -rt I3tf K. O. KINNEY, Accnt S. '. M. Co 3P. O. SOXXjIVAjN1, ATTORNEY AT LAV", OrEItA HOUSE, SALEM. S. E. comer, at head of stair. fej Jy KSTAUMSHKD 1335. Willamette 35rurserv &. W. WALLING & SON, 1'RontiETon.s, '' Oawogo, Olaokamae co., Oregon.. Growew of tfcc Choicest Varieties of FXUITSRB33a A BKRUnSERS' PartlcnUr attention ulven to Cherry, rreno and Pica "cc- ISt Mrs. Roarer's New Remedy ro THU X.UHGS isxicstixq wmi woxpsem success i THIS I'UltELY VKOBTABLE REMEDY ntn. no ciiiallntha relief andcoro ofConJp? k !i' J1 hi. Ponced omo remarkable enre. Solu by draaut. wncrally. Pre nn" ouly"- h,r.iii.'' V" . qnrcoutb.-Or.. TowhoaaUtcwrtbaVulclU&Bhrara-id. .J V liMcr J l' KMer ....,..JltlMlUo&, It S Arplegatc j For Sale! vtith hotwoLtr-o. win iiiiS, li'?!1? Mln, 1 nrnin.l .,.1 .... ";T, .'. -1': "" "" "'nTCIllCI t. .. -.....(..nt ujnM, iaii oe od vory low .M.r. i''lj IU tepJt iiniy orraaiemnl. Will- u vu aecouxodaiini- wtoa-.mJi,fi,uiVi,I!!:5s?fc ' -j 'V