jS.-94-b , ! . fa. -TJLr. ftrr-M. t-f3S3:; s f. 0. Q. T. DIUECTOEY. Grand Ofllcor. 0. W. CT.-W. K. Dunbar. Sllvcrton. (J. W. a. Conn. Mrs. H. 0. McCluns, EtiRcno City. G, V. V. T.-Joanna Ly!c. Dallaf. O. So'y T. II. Crawford, Portland. G. A. acc'y-l. StaLniis, Monroo O. Trcas. Kmmn Kclloyi;, Portland. . fhap.-ltev. J. It. N. lioll, Ahlaud. (I. Mar. J. W. Strange, Hotcbnri:. 0. 11. ilar. Anatc K. Underwood, Cottage Orovc. O. Guard Mary CartwrlKht, Tbo Dalles. O. Scn.-T. I'. Usrton, Amity. (I. Mcm.-I,. C. . Flthcr. Stayton. 1'. G. W. C. T.-Ttlmon Ford, Salem. Stint, Juvenile Templars Mrf. M, B. Iloxtcr, for est Orovc. Stale Dctuity . XV. C. T. ltcv.J. It. N. Dell, Ashland. Win. Iliifs oil, Wofton. Capt. O. C. Applei;atc. Llnlcvlllc. U. II. Allen, llahey. T. D. Ilaiudcv. Illlljlioro. AsaShrcvt), Dallas. II. V. Grubbo, Wilbur. Wm. Grant, Lebanon. ltov.,1. V. Miller, Dallas. Itev. 15. W. Dixon, Canyonvlllc. Itcv.J. S McCain, Kuiroiie. Wm. Harmon, Tho Dallca. Wm. U. Carter. Corvallls. W. 9 .Tames I'ortland. L, .1. House, Snmmervllla. II. V. Kamp, Independence. W. 3. McMccn. Cnnjon City. T. II, Crawford, I'ortland. I. II. Fox, AMorla. , I Kurt, Creaw ell. I. E. Houston.. .Junction. Hev. II. C. Jenkins, Monroe. CM. Walker, Astoria. II. N. McKlunoy, UakcrClty. Lel Inland, Oregon" C'ty. .Lalto II. Wolfard. CoonlfloClty. A. A. Mathews, Looking Glass. L. U. Fisher, Stayton. Hev. K. Hayes, I. Grande. W. II. Llvennorc, St. Johns. Dlxtrlct Pciuity G. W.C. T. W. T. Itlcbcs. Turner. W. II. O'Donald, I'ortland. .1. S. Cuckclrcasc, Hniobnrg. II. W. Lako, Knule Creek. James CWlcy, Salem. .Tames lirwln, Fort Klamalh. Hon. J. A. l'ruott, l'cndlcton. I.. II. Hoyal, Albany. A. J. Harlow. Cartwrlgbt's. Mrs. Anna W. Spencer, Gardnor. J. 1. Topper. Mnrshllcfd. V.. V., Fa tm I ig. IIIIMioro. Corrcspondcnco from tho Q. W. 0. T. MibWAtncu:, Mnrch 10, 1877. Kit, FAiuinnt Stncol wrotoyoulBstlbavo ngnln vl.illod Nonpnroll Lodgo, and nm plortsod to report its olllcora nnd. tnoinbors nil nt work for tho causo, 0. II. Whitney, W.S. Jaiuos, Julia Simpson, Mrs. Stonrna, Wnllor Kohlusou, nml n acoro of othor mom born, work nobly for tho boat lutorosta of tho Ordor. On tho eighth Inst. I vlnltod Marnhllold in Olackntnns county, and had tho ploauro of a visit with Hon. W. A. Mills and his kind fimlly. llro. Mill It tho morolmnt of tho placo nnd h doiuc n Yory good buHlnoas. Lotto Stur Lodgo, No. 01, I nut planned lo say U at work onco moro, ur d tho L. D., Hro. Mills, Bays, "wo will koop It going wo moan bttsluoss lioro, and you may look for a good report from us.M Last ovenlng wo hold n public tomporanco tncotlug hero In Mllwauklo, whloh consider ing tho hard "ahowor," was well attended, llro. I'ackor, tho L. D. of tho Lodgo, and who la alwayH on baud nt otir Lodgo moot Inga, tollH mo that gallant old 67 has lultiat od 11 vo now mombera thin torro and la mak ing ltn Itillucuco for good felt In tho commu nity. Whllo horo I nm at homo In tho com I'ortub.'o and boautlful rosldonco of that linn .and unflinching champion of tomporanco, Hro. J. II. Limbort. Ho nnd his excellent family hnvo douo much for No. 67, and tholr faith in tho elllolonoy of organlzod cflort has not dlmlulahod. No. 67 has been organlzod over ten yearn aud It novor uiIbsoa a meot lng. It has n hall, organ aud lixturoH of ltn own has oxpundod rccontly over ono hun dred nnd fifty dollnrs In moving and ropalr lug tho hall, and It lies yot about bo venty dollars In tho treasury. Many othor Lodgca would do woll to pattern nftor this ono In watching tholr finances. Lodgoa can do n much moro elleollvo work whon thoy hnvo tho gpeclo to back thorn. llron. Lambort (and family), 1'ackor, JJulloy, Kcoimn, Holier, Ilonry Lambert, aud Slaters Itoss, Grlmca, and others, nro ontltlod to great pralio for tholr lnbors in bohalf of our raiiHo. Yours In haslo, W, H. Dcniiau. V. It. Dunbar, O. W. 0. T writing from Tho Dalles under dato of Cth Inst, nays: "Ourpubllo mooting hero last night was largoly nltouded. Harmon Lodgo, No. 101, nipt ft" Iho hall and marched with regalia to 'thoM.K. Church, where ihero waau largo number of oltlzens awaiting tho exercise of tho eveuing. Tho mcollng was called lo ordor by my young frlond 0. II, Hood, tho popular aud elllolont W. O.T, of tlio Lodgo. .Some excellent alnglrtg whs dono by tho membars,aud pnyeroilorod byltav, Ilawn, tho Chaplain of tho Lodgo, aud ono of tho earnest workers for tho cause here. To-night i met the Lodgo In regular aosalon aud a more pleasant meeting wo boldom hare. Tho Lodgo numbers uear n hundred mem bers, aud thoy all npp a- so gonial and social -that I felt entirely at homo. Thin Is ono of tho best Lodges in the Stato, and Intends to pull for tho bauncr nt next fios.lou of the Grand Lo Igo. llro. Wm, Mlcholl Is .Lodge I)P'Jty, and ho has long beou ono of our bast vor)rn. lion. J. (J. Curlu rJiiht nnd hU oxeelliutIadyara active membsrs, Thoro arobomany uctlvo mombora in this Lodgo that I have not spaco to specify them by natao." IlKAVlutTON, Or., March 1U, '77r T:d. Faumku: NotwithbUndlug the pour ing rains and the "high tide" prevailing here at this lime, our luootlug last night was well attended. "After the public exorcise wero doted a meeting of tho Lodgo was held and I am pleased to aay that I found it in most excellent trim and exerlng con trolling Intluonoe in this thriving and well to do community. The officers aro prompt and efficient In the discharge of the dutlea assigned them. Samuel Tucker Is W. C. T., and Richard Wllmot, Lodge Deputy. The Wllmots, Tuckers, and others are alive to the interaata of the cause in this "community. W. H. Dunbar, (I.W.C.T., writing from Portland, under dato ot 11th IiiRt. pays: "Tho mooting of Multnomah Lodgo, No. 12, I.O.G.T., was a very Interesting ono, nnd was largoly nttendod by its own and mom borsfrom othor Lodges. Hro. Lo. P. A. Shaw in tho chair Insures good ordor, and tho onicarn till weio prompt In thoporforui auco of tholr duty. Quito n llmo was spent undorgcod of tho Order, and instrumental music, songs, spoechos, locllallons.androad lims.wore glvon by Hros. Shaw, La Grand, O'Donnell, Crawford, Wlnnoy, and Sisters Agues Cobtiru, Camilla Coburn, Dora Mo Cord, Auulo Steams, Emily Crawford, and others. Bros. Gabbortof Myrtle, nnd Koblus of Hothnl LodKes, sootnod to enjoy them selvos very much. Old Multnomah Ls her self again, aud Is doing hor duty woll. Tho honors of Lodgo Doputy aro worn by that old tomporauco votoran IJro. J. II. Garrison." llKAVErtTON, WASHINOTON CO., ) March 18, 1877. J Kt). Paumkh: At tho roquost of Hro. W. It. Dunbar, I sond yot tho list of onicoro of Crystal Lodge, No. 257, for tho ensuing (litartorfor publication. Saml. Tuckor, O. T. Miss Maggie McKay, V.T.; A. II. Diuiks,Sce.;G. W. Toflt, F.S.j K. Squires, T.1. Wilkinson, M.; O. S. Curtis, Chap.; MrH. J. Squires, I.G.; Willie Squiros,O.G.i H.lI.WIlrnot.L.D. Mrs. Kmlly M. Vandorvort, Lodgo Doputy of llosa Lodge, last weak organized a Juvou llo Band cf Hope, with ton mombors, at Highland Hall, l'olk county, thrco mllos from Salom. THE CAUSE ELSEWHERE. Tin': rrronunair. Rrvival.--T1io work in this city Is ono of tho most wondorful oyor known, It Is a temporauoo nnd roligious re vival In which multitudes aro rotcuod as brands from the burning, nnd many nro con verted to God. It Ik osfieutlnlly n work of grace. Mr. Murphy seems spoclally ondow oil for tho work. Tho churches, ovou to tho Episcopal and Romnn embolic, opon tholr doors nnd enter upou tho good work. Tho Mctliutlut Itccovrtci' says: "Tho groat (empornnco rovivnl coutlnuoa with unabated power. Upwards of filly thousand portions hnvo hlguod tho plodgol Mr. Murphy toils on, nnd his method stands tho test of criticism nnd oyercomos all oppo sition. It Is tho Gospol. An wo hnvo iilvon largo room to thin movomont thus far, our roaders will pardon us for such brief notlco of no groat n work this wojk. Wo shall havo more to nay ngalu. Tho eutlro commu nity Is aroused as novor boforo on tho sub ject ortomperanco. It Is God's work, nnd marvellous lu our eyes. "Hro. Frauds Murphy Itinerates from ono meollug to another during each ovenlng, lurries a half hour, speaks, Icnvos his bless ing, nnd to tolls on lor houIh as uomnuln this Hold lias over dono boforo. HIh bpooch oh aro ulwnyu abort, pointed, practical, nnd full of spiritual powor. Ho prtaohoa Christ na tho Deliverer. Ho urges itumodluto nnd full aurrondor to him. Aud tho uniform testimony of tho converts to tomporanco is" that of pmlao tn Christ, who opens tlio prison doors nnd breaks tho cuptlvo's olmino." The Temperance Kiwign, February 16, n now papor Just Martod, says: "Up to thlw date, since early in Decombor, about hlxty thousand persons havo slgnod tho loUl-abstl-uoncoploUKo lu Pittsburgh and suburban towns." Tho llquor-lralllo has sufforod greatly. . Tho Mmign says: ."Oua of (he greitostevldenomof the Influ onco this grand tomporanco movomont Is having ovor llquor-doalors Is the fact that on ono street nlono In this city (PenuStroot) thoro nrn nlmost oco hundred saloons either closed outiroly or bearing tho sign 'To Lot.' " Ir.MNois.Thu Interior, speaking of the tomporanco work commenced under tho In llueni'o or the Moody meetings, says: "The tomporanco rovivnl in our city gets larger. Tho succesa of it is mainly duo, undor God , to Mr. Sawyor. Ho is raised up especially for this work. Ho has ptodlglous energy, and n kind of pondorous porsonal Import, which innko him woll nigh irrnpres alblo. His jiowor is lu porsonal work. It ls estimated that nearly n thousand drunkards havo boon saved. Mon who woro so far from hope that Christian peoplo passed thorn I y withH-arco a thought that thoy could I o retcuod, (his man has won to Christ, ana Ihoroloioto Bulvatlou for tlinonnd olornltv. Mr. Moody has tolegraphod him to his aid In Huston, nun on iTiuay will uo me last torn pcranco meeting undor his chargo. Tho nrayers or God's peoplo will follow lilm that ho may bo blossod In othor placcn as ho has been hero." Micjiiqan. Dr.Honry A. Roynolds is do jng a very succossrul roligious temporaneo woik lu the principal cities ot this Stato. lie has vlslud psllikiitl, Juckson. Kalamar.oo, xiuiini(jii, ii(iuroo, nnginaw Uliy, nay Ulty, Adrian, Coldwcter, Iludeon, oto., aud now wo lioar of him in Detroit, the very head quartori ot'tho liquor Inlerobt. In nil tlioso iilnccs largo itoform Clubs havo been organ- 17.0U, suiuetiniesuu signing in ono ovenlng. Tho rellalous papers speak of It as ngient re ligious as well os n temporauco work, nml tho secular papers give long nnd favornblo nccotints of the meetiugs. Mihsi,iiTi. David latum aud hUulfe, ()iiaktrs from Ohio, nro making a tour through the South, dollvorlng lectures on temporauoo and meeting with gcod succors. Swi:ni:.v. A lemarkablo temperanco re vival is in prcgrtss in Swedon, mid many counties, it Is announced, nro prohibiting tho entire salo of llquorH, Numerous peti tions for prohibition me in circulation. In Up&aln, the location or a great Swedish col lege, n total-Hbitlnonco tociety has beou formed among tho htuUent which bin reaoh ed a membership of 430. 'iho motliod of haloou-vlsitlug, utter tho mnnnor of tho Ohio movement, l.tis been adontcd. nnd tract?. pledges, ami petitions nro distributed, An optical, lUlueiilinlly signed, U being very widely clreu'iited. King Om-ar II. regains tao movement witn niticii tavor, unit to a Bocleiy named "Fight nnd Victory." in Gothenburg, has contributed tho sum of threo hundred crowns. Au.strai.ia. A bill is now ponding, and is expected to ixiss, In Parliament to amend tbo law regulating the wale of Intoxicating liquors. It Is mid to bo tho roeulto! ait ur raiMtoment eifected between tho "publicans" aud tho (ootolalers. Giiekck. A tomerauca movomont baa bean nusplclously Inaugurated in Greece. From a letter or an Athens correspondent in the Alliance New, wo learn that in a population of about 1,600,000 the annual ex penditure for liquors aud tobacco is 127,760, 000 franca. A temperanco society ban been organized, which has a pledge and code of laws, nnd holds regular meetings. 30 Cuds with anv name neaUr irlnttd thereon sent to anr address uuon receipt of US Ccul. and a 8-cent stamp. Address, W. J. Ci-ikki, uiem, ursgon. "WILLAMETTE FAPMRP QRANOE MATTERS. In Moniorinm. At a mooting of Oawogo Ornngo No. 176 hold March Hth 1877, the following proam- mos nnu resolutions wore umnimously adoptod : Whejoaa, It has pleasod tho Groat Archi tect or tue univorso to rotnovo from our iuiubi. our laio uromer, wm. Stophonson, Whorons, It is but just that a ilttlng rocog nltlon of his many vlrtuos bo liad, thorefoio Resolved, Hy Oswego Grange, No. 176, P. of H, That whllo wo bow with humblo sub mission to tho will or tho Most High, we do not tho loss mourn for our brothor who has boon taken from us. Rosolvod, Thatlu our sorrow for tho loss or n faith fill and beloved brother wo llnd conslatlonln thobollor that It Is woll with him for whom wo mourn. ltosolvod, That tho honrtrolt sympathy or tho Grange bo oxtoudod to his rolal tn tholr nlUletlon. . Resolved, That tho abovo proamblo anil resolutions bo spread upon tho records o tbo Grango, nndftconyttioroor bo transmit ted to tho relatives of the deceased brother nnd ii copy to tho Weekly Urcioniun Woekly A(aii(uitl, nnd WiLLAMirrrH Fau MKitibr publloatlou. J.M.Liimv.Soc. WhoroaB. McKonzIo Grnnno. No. 107. r.nnn Co., Oregon, has boon dopflvod by death ol our worthy Hrothor, Scott Osburti, Resolved. That whllo wo bow lu liumbli submission lo this ovout, wo hopo that our loss Is his otomnl gain, nud that our bolovcd brothor has been removed from sullerlug in his homo bolow, to rost lu his bottor home nbovo. Rosolvod. That In tho death of Hro.'O. burn tho Grango has lost n worthy mombcr, nnd blH nolghbors n good cltlzon. k -Rosolvod. That ncopy or thoso resolutions bo aent to tho Wili.amktti: Faumki; lor publication. T. J. Dunti:n, T. CO.NKIT, R. RAiit'oitn, Commute. Marlon County Pomona Grango moolH lu Salom on tho first Friday lu April next nt tho hour or 11 A. m. G . G . 0 r.u.vN , Seo. A Demand for Oregon Bcof. Mr. ThoodoroCartwrlght, who camodown from Aulolopo Valloy, Wasco county, hut week, Informs us that slock mon east or tho mountains aro preparing to drlvo tholr beof catflolotho Contrnl Paclllo R. R. for ship mont lo Chloago. This was comtuoncod last yoar, stock bolng ilrlvon to Rouo, Nevada, and thoso who ongngod lu tho busluoss nro said lo hnvo dono woll nt It, no tho stock mon proposo to take hold of It thomselvcs nud seo how much thoro ls In It, Tills coullruiH tho stnlomonts muilo by Mr. Cross in tho Fah Mint thnt Oregon beef will ho wnntcd for tho East In largo quantities and his advlco lo improvo tho stock of hoof cnttlo by crossing; ordinary stock with shorthorn, Is well worthy tho attention of all cattlo mon. CKNTKNNIAt. DlI'MMAS. Gou. O. II. Norton, Into Soorotary Coutonnlal Hoard of Flnanco writes to E. M. Walto, Soorotary Stato Agricultural Socloty, that porsons on tltlod to diplomas at tho Into Exhibition can hnvo thorn framod aud shlppod for tho sum of live dollars, byaddraaalug an ubqvo. Tho framo is very npprnprinto and matlo ex pressly for this parlloulur uao. Prom a UtmlncuUbed JurUt. "Ihayo trlod tho PKnuviAN Svnui'and tho result fully sustains youryredltlou. It lins maiio a new man ormo, Inlusod Into my systom now vigor and onergy. I nm no lougor tremulous sua debilitated as whon you last saw mo, but strongor, hcartior, and with larger cnpaolty for labor, mental and physical, than nt any tlmo during tho last llvo years." Sold by all druggists. A Ilciunrkable Cure. West Tow.shknd. Vt Mnyji, 1S00. MKssnH. S. W. Fowi.i: it Sonh: Goutlemon. Sevoral yearH slnco I took n sovorocold, which sottled on my lungs, whero It remained without relaxation. I was thou In Massachusetts, and growing wnreo aud bocoiulng unablo to attend to uiy busluoss I returned homo and commenced searching in earnost for sotno modicluo which would roitoro my lost hoalth. I con sulted physicians, I trlod many remedies, but obtained no help, but dally grew worse. I had a torrlblo cough, aud raised n good dcnl of blood. I bad profuse night sweats, auu sovoro pain in my sitio. i conunuixt in thlshtato lur moulliH, and bot'iinio so weak that it was with great dllllculty I could walk, whon I was advised to try Wistau'h Halsam ov Wkr.n Ciimtuv. aud to uiv urout lov I soou fouud that this remedy had urrested tho disease. I continued to uso tho II.w.sam to tlio extent of llvo bottles, nud have sluco then experienced no dllllculty of lilngs. I bollovo tho IIai-sam saved my life, und I shnll ever bold It In high oalliimtlou. Yours truly, Lkwis Pitm.fs. m UMMVMWMW la the most beautiful work of tho kind In the world. It contains nearly 15(1 piges, hundreds or Una Illus tration t and six (Viniiuu I'Ute or Flows rs, beauti fully drawn and color-U Irum nature. I'rico Ml ctnls In uprc(vcr J.t in) lu vlui;nt cloth. I'llntvd In German aud Knufiru, Vicli'K Floral Clitile, Quarterly, StS ccntt a yoar VIcIi'M Clumlomii'-l'X) Illiwtritlons, only ii C nla. Addie.j. JAXV.X VICK. Itocbustr-r. N V. Groat Reduction rubber" BOOTS AND SIIOKS! Mcb'n Long Rubber BeatH, I.OO " Huec " a.M Boys' " rt.ao Mest'N ArcllcH, - - 1.75 Wtteu'M Ovribcn, .50 JOHN W. GILBERT. 8au, March 3, 3m MBuwmwicm'iini imiir ob uv&Y&(rmMrcrsz&iaLM mm-MMstmS 3 3i jLCJi) "SIF mZSm aARDEN CITY PLOWS, IMPROVED Foy 1876. WE 1IAVR ON HANI), AND AUG RKCKIVINO. THE LAHOKST STOCK OV THIJ AnoVK mi.B hratedl'Lows over Imported tn tho t'nclflc coast. Tlio micccfa of thoo Plows last year exceeded any blag over lieforo known In till State. Tlioenov on hand aro made with new and fpeclal Improvement, WHimntcil Superior lo any Plow In llic Ifnltctl Stale! -MryJ z&- ynlfcSiwSBSc 1.THE GARDEN CITY SULKY PLOW, Cutting II nml It; IiicIivm, lvltli a-horHO Attachment, and ItS-lnlic rollIiiR Ctitlvr, In without a. rival. It lins boon ho thoroughly tcstoil that wo warrant lis operation In any mill in the Stnto. Thoao IMowh nro sold with that i;iiarnnly. CST Send for C'irctilarH anil 1'rlco LltH.- WmmT mZU J zrz9m i- ,- wim MfMiiui) SALCItl, Sept. as, 181. TSf&snr Store. LITCHFIELD & MANNING, OKAI.UIII IK FAMILY GROCERIES, movxsxorars and Country Produce, FLOUR, TEED, BACON & LARD, Will liny and fell on commlMlon, Conttjinniciita ro llcltcd, Term, Carh, or Uf ciinU-nlont. Jail) riii lSl. i:UMri.owKit.AND tho lOO of lOOO. OAllllAOK PLANTS, fiOcporlOO; CAUMPLOWKK (1 por 1(D); Tomato p'unu, lMc t'ucli, or f 1.60 pr 1011 Grown at my llreen liotifei, two aud n liulf mile cat from Balvm. IMaroiciit nllownl to Uealer. Iimrtma UKXTItU F1ICL.D. The Cclcliratcil TliorouRhlitcil SlalUon DR. XINDStET VyiM' BTANI) THE IJN8UINO 8UASON AT From Marcli Mill to July KUIi. Mare ran bo taken to the l.tyerr HUlilo of Ilcnn A IlAvldnin. or rent to inli'J JAMKrt V. 1IYI1KK, Halcm, fou ov.Tiin. 80.MK KINK HIIKBDINO VOWLH, ciiu'lrtlnt: or Hold and Mlvvr Hpan Klud 1'iilanda, fluid nnd Hllvcr Hiian L-ltil llarali'in;, and oilier. Tlio lien nro perpetn.il layer, and no cotter" ainonu them. Tlmau fowl .....tti.nl liid.iilnnj u.i.l ii.Ip. nf Bill UAtiiihMi tiiw..,r, ..mi. vi..,nv, 2 tliom or tlielr tkr for lircedlnit pur. iioe will liu itiiinllvd by tlio under. Iirned to all thofo ili'lrlnir limn, on iraonat)le teriu 1.1'TllIiU ITIVItHN, Jal9m3 halem, Oregon, AIho, a Vni.l.-TIt.MNHI) XXix'd XOK, Two year old. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacoo and Cigars, C'OAIinERCIAL NTRECT. Halcm, April SO, 1875. d&wtl WHEAT AND OATS Choopod into Food, ar'ox ou.oxToi3.ti3. Tola. ...Auu ... Sash, Doors, Blinds, ZVXoxilcl AajfSfei , Tiiiiilni;, Stair lvni'U, II1it!ailN, IliircuttN, NttiiitlN, TnbluN, FANNING MlliliS, And nil UlHtlN ot Furniture, At IlED-ltOClU'llICr.S, HlionatAjrrlcnllnral Woihs balldlin,', Huleiu. I'ttif . V. OKNNIJ. Bx'Ottvtxx Xjojliornfc, ,lu. 'Tint MOST I'OLIKIO IfOWW Mb t. L-xtittMica. Hv ancreia the imtt fl Lktlirfu year with till luedlV)it Mfa nl find them them to bo tbo MUHT T lIAKDYorall ih.o boiuetlilJi: V rletle. KUWi fium tbo aboye (lb rme a 1 'jatofc mymiltt war. rallied Irenn, kna lire 1 1 liu ).1 or f .'i for an. KvvrytblnK Mul from my yan'.a warraiiUd a roprctent ed. V. H. WUSBLKH, Bbedd, Una Co., Oregou, feb.3. US i ii irMBF & -lirtdi! 5 NEWTON WAGONS, All Sizes, JVIoaxltoi Brond-Onst ' Seeders and Cultivators, GARDEN CITY CULTIVATORS AND HARROWS. T. CUNNING HA HI & CO. RAILROAD NURSERY. Prunes and Plums made a Specialty. 200,000 FRUIT TBEES For Kulo TIiIn Scukoii, VONHIrri'lNn OK Apiilo, 1'onr, (Julnco, I'ltiin, Prtino, J'onolt, C'lmrry, (Intpo viiuw, Ciifnuit, liluukboi'i'IuH. Itii.sjiboi'rlu.s (olyht varl olit'ii), Struwliorrlos, (.'hosliuil, iWnt bcrry, Jlluulc und Wlilto Walnut, Hickory, Sti(rar IMnplo, Jlonoy Lo cti.st, liOinlmnly I'oiilur, IMottntiilii AhIi, Wcoplntr Willow, Knowlialh and LIlacltH, llonoysuoltlos niitl Jvy. ll2v01tfl0UHN Arbor Vltio, IUillait CyprosH, Cloltlou Cypres.?, very lino, IMncs, ami Collar Jlcoilar'arlcmilhuHj.liipoiiIcii or I'M to Troo, forty variolic of Roses, Vlow orlnp Hbruba anil I'lants of nil kltulH, EnirlMi Haw kooiIh for huili'tng. also EukIIhIi 1'rlvut Plants, for funoy HoilgcH. Now I call Hpccial attontion to tbo Amsden June Peach, .'Ifloon iliiyn earlier than any otboc Peach known. I havo only about -Oil yoarllnjr trees of UiIh Penult. Prluo, SI each, $10 por do.. 2,r00 ilorinant liml.t of tblH Poach: price U5o each. S'-M per hundred, $200 per thoumud. I also havo a fow trees of tho Itfouiit "Voriion I?MIV. TdIh Pear is ono of tho most valuablu nuw Kail Pears in cultivation. Pricu oC trees, $1 eaulf. OrcRon Cltniaplon Uooscborry. Till berry la worth nil other (loonebeoileM Tor pr It, a 11 1 a flno laru berry, and tho mt'prtllflu b.mrcr ever kuowu, I'rico of ptunt, (IM pvrdox., f lii per hundred. ItctI Warrlugton (iooscberry. Till U tbo lurked of ull llooteberrlu, nnd !.i hlood red, voiynriinmoiit.il, and an uicrllent berry. 1'rlco of plant, U) ceut each, t per ilo.on. 37oaoIx laooclllxveiw, Per hundred, fliper tliomatnl, t. i'rlcu JilttH cnt free to wny addle. Plum und Prune Trees on Pencil Uoolu. I claim lliil tbu IVach root I lur nperlor U I'lura rooi lorcranuiK priiuoann fiuiii on, mr u.wo ua in: l. Yiiii never bavu any cproul to dojtrny lau lllii ol your tree, 1. Tho pruini ni.d pluct rtiicttil belter on pencil tbao mi plum. il. Tho prmik ind plum bear yoiini'iT on pinch mot, and Iho Iruli 'unt butter iiiallty, My biullur bau l'runo otrlmrd ul toulieeit on peach root llvo jc.tr old lliat hud forty poiirMt In Ihu Irro till aou. 111 tree aio .xt thrifty and ll i in. I can tlinw any man peuili rout lUt nro iwon-ty-llvo yunr old, peiTeclly rotiiid and lurJ.Uy. Testimony In favor of the I'l'u.Jt lluut. MiMinnvii.i.k, vet. 'a, t;u. II. W. l'RxrrrxaN,- IJearHli! Youi iito hi rcird to I'lutn tree oil l'eath riKit, I tit aiid, I bavu a number of larx, healthy 1'lumtmtiirwt.iity yuirnolil, rraltrd ou peach root. Thoy buvo uvvor pruiit'd, and bear vjI timely well, I would iit,luvu plum oc prune trru unleu n on pLii.h nut. Vom, ropvttfnlly, 'A'.T. Niiwuv. Auttl lor my Nuivory. DJMalarkey. I'nttUiid: Wuoatay itl'o., (lervnls: I. Mtehuel, Wbtatluiid; Mm I'. A .Iiiilkln. Kuuenv; P.w Whipple, U.llajjo (ItuvM r Vury. .McMlnuvllll. H. W. PRETTYMAN, I'nVflf tor of UnWroil Nuiniry, mum iiAr i")iiri.ANn. ( hop "jwiom Only $5 m Tlioiisand f- Ol'll7 Addrea JalOm:) lriiiilitly I'illfd. it. it. huvnhs Irvlu, Iiiiun tie, NOTICI3. 1'DtiTi.Atui, 1'oliVimiy J3. lb?7. rpiIE LAND KPAUTMfc!ir 01' TUK OKKUUy X ami California lUllrojd U. having taUen chnruu HI th OIIKUON DEI'AItTMKST" or tbo l'Klt MANI'JJT BXIlIIllTION nt the MAIN OKNTK.Ni NIA'j iiUlf.DfNU at I'hlUdulpIila. will take chuif of 'nd exhibit, free of oxpciiic, any of tho product of. tint field, forest, mlno', nnd irnufuctorli of llr 'Bon. Tarllt-a dcalrlni; lo avail thuuuvUu of iipuortanlty will addro tho uudeilueil, ttatlui; thtt article or .ample g8r,.l, BOIIUI.X. ft7ml Land Acnt 0, X C, t, It, l,ft