: t .V fl I 4 WILLAMETTE FARMER. 'i . ) f ' f I. . I ;' issued isvunr rniDAY, nr OJL.A.XIClJ Jte Olt-fVIO, ronuniiKiin awd rnorniBToiw. S. A. CliAUKE. . W. CltAIO. Tcrmii f Subscription. Ono copy, ono year (V! numbers) ??? One copy, fix months (20 numbers) Ono copy, Ihrco months (13 numbers) ....... 1.26 75 HAM4M, FJUDAY, MAI101I S3, 1877. The Coming Season. Wo tiro fairly Introduced Into tlio cllumtc of Spring, with fruit trees In bloom mid nil nature preparing to robo itself in lenf nntl (lower. The middle of March finds IhoinoKfiuito nt work in favorable localitio.i. The swallows sing under the eaves, nntl fields nnd p islures nro well advanced. There 1ms b.'on less than the average rain-fall nnd the whole Winter lins proved much milder limn is usual, even though our Winters nro usually mild. We hear that the mountain roads have boon o.iuii nnd travel has gone on all "Winter. Crossing llio Cascade mountains every month In the year is something not usual wo fall to remember that It has otciirred during twenty-seven Winters .since we came to rogon, niiel it would bo an interesting matter to liavo some or I he oldest settlors give their experi ence. IIr. .1. 1-. I'nrrish tolls us that J sis was much such it season as this, and wo fihoulil like to luivo Uiomj who romembor it give us fuller particulars. It is evident that there Isbutlitllo snow in tho mountains at the prosont time. It Is not supposed that tho lato heavy riilns, that resiillod in the lilgh ejit water in tho Willamette known for sovoml ycai-8, left hiiow there, because tho weather was warm, too warm to bring snow, ovon em the mountains, and warm enough to moll what wus on Mio lower i-anires. Had there boon much snow to bo moiled, the Hood in the Willamette woulel linvo boon ells astrous. We enter .Spring with tho season much eailior than usual, and no doubt the absence of the nival mass ef snow Horn the wlelo mountain districts that envelop this valley, have something to do with the mildness of tho present mouth, and will exert considerable In Huenco over tho remaining Spring months and upon tho character of tho Hummer and early Kail, it Is an Im portant matter to autleipnto in hqiuo measure) what this ell'ect will ho, nml provldo for any unfavorable lnlluonces that may result. We M-e no reason why we may not expect an early Spring, for oven though the rains should bo abundant and con tinue well luto.lune, ns is usual, still tluo future rains, lacking tho e-hlll In lluenco or tho mountain snow in usual volume, will hardly bo fold enough to ivtaiel vegetation. Certainly, so warm a March was never known before. Then, again, It N a very serious epios liou to answer, whether tho Spring rains are not to a coiuhlorahlo extent, lntlucenl by the eleep snow elrlfts thnt usually He in our mountains. To tho Houlh'of us, in tho mountains of Cali fornia, thero Is much less amount ef limber, and very much loss snow lies there than in the mountains eif Oregon. Tho great elMVii'iU'i in climate thoro being tiltle rain-fall in .lint Slate after the' present tlmo suggests that with out tho usual heavy snow deposits in the mountains we must expect less abundant Spring rains and a more or less eailior ami elryer Summer Season. Wo threw these suggi'slions out for our farmers tu re-ilcct upon iiuel guide their e'onduct by it' they think them important. It itvilly deo seem that, uudor the rlriMiiiiMuiii'os, all grain shouhl be sown as early ns possible. Owing to the favorable Winter the far mers have maele oxi'cllciit pre)gressaud e'xcejd when tho grounel Is low and wet, ami has to dry bolbre 11 can be cul tivated, thero noeel not be mueh, If any, very lato planning. It woulel bo silo to get all wen); ehuioaudhoeel plant uel, as soon as posK!o, and then, If the MKiMiu Is fuvoruMt they will not bo less or, nuel if It Is unfavorable they will lu greatly galnei. We elo not profess to bo wise, but merely woulel admonish our people to use caution. It wmihl bo a very Inter esting mattor to have all (ho years back to isio well written up, to show tho character ol all the t-eeisons nnd the tate of all the crops. Such reliable statistics woulel bo valuable to study ami learn lessons from, and on tho samo system of reasoning by which the signal M'rvico Is conelucted, ami prog nostications of tho weather Hindu with such uniform i-orrectnoss, olwerviitlous of part seasons might be made useful to form opinion of the seasons in tho near future. Wo nil view tho success of crops ns u certainty tho present year, nnd unfess somo untoward condition or destroying cntife shrill Intervene, that fortunnto result will probably bo realized. In nny enso tho wisest and most observing men among us should nccumulato" experi ence by study of Nature under nil vary ing circumstances. Tho Cause of Tcniperanco "Wo have always maintained (n tno Faj(.mi:u n reasonable, and wo thought iudieious advocacy of tho great cause Temperanco. As a farm journal and family newspaper, wo consider it n du ty, ns well as pleasure, to nssist every good cause, and Temperance is ono of tho best, one that goes hand in hand with Religion and tho bust good of so ciety. 'Plin Ii14 tnf i.'n liniifnint lion ffe rte. pecial fluid of labor nnd wo elisintercHt odly eoudiicl it for tho Interests of tho farming e-ommtmity. Wo unhesitat ingly decline matter every week, that Is olfereel, much of which is excellent and good in its place, but we don't think its plnco Is the Wili,ami:ttk Kakmkk, because wo have lo discrimi nate and not accept what is good if wo do not think it is suitable. With regard lo Temperanco wo must say that wo elo not recognize that it is to bo advanced by writing eloquent es says and on rn est appeals in tho news papers, so much us by proper education at home, and direct influence nnd ells interested sympathy in tho communi ty. Tho Uooel Tomplnrs elo well to keep their faith pure and strong and to restrain all within their reach from tho evil effects of Intemperance. That is their mission nnd they accomplish great good by tholr generous nnel kind ly efforts. Wo glvo space lo tho Direc tory ef tho Orelor, nuel tho Interesting correspondence of tho Head of tho Or eler, in his travels through tho State. Wo have his respect and confidence and aelmiro his activity and energy. Wo publish tho news Items of interest to the Order, and have not often room for many essays and appeals. Wo make these remarks to place tho relations of the Fak.u:r with tho 'Ji'iiipmrncv cause rightly boforo our loaders. Wo give In this issue the out burst of a young lady who rebels against us because wo could not Hud roon for her zealous attack on the " Demon Rum." Tho loiter wo publish Is u vastly hotter production In our mind, nnel forty people will read It whoro ono woulel read her eloijuout nppoal. Tint fact Is It Is very easy to say enough on that theme. Work Is what Is wanted to root out Intemperance. Wo nro in favor of ns strict legislation on this sub ject ns the world can bo educated to ac cept, nuel thero is not much uso In making laws until the world can begot to accept them. Laws cannot be maelo nnd cufore-oel in a freu country by a minority, so wo must go to work for a lifetime to eelucnto public sentiment and retorm public morals. Of courso tho press can do something can do much, but organized personal iutluenco can do much more and that Is what must bo depended on. Wo have no fanaticism no mero spasmoelle elfort In our Idea of Tuin- perance, but we have a constant deter- At a meeting of tho IIoahI of Trustoas of tho Christian Church of tbo Stato of Oregon hold at Dalla, 1'ollc cninty, Oregon, Fob. 21. 1877,on motion, A. V. bncas was olected 1'ronldent or said Hoard, Tlioinrii J5. Now mnti.Secrotnry: I, Levnas, VIco I'rosldont; nnd It. 8. Crystal. Treasurer. Notice to Tax-Payers I ALL l'ERSONS OWING TAXS8 IN JIARION County, must pay the same hctorc tho :11ft day or MARCH, 1&T7, ns the Delinquent Lint will bo mado out at that time. . .1. A. I1AKEI?, March 2i, I877v3 Sheriff of Jl.itloii County. Administrator's Notice. THE undersigned, liavlni; been duly atijiolntid by the COUntV Cntlrt nf uiirlnti rnnn r. Ilrrfmn. nrl. tnlnlstrator of tho cslato or II. 0. Dajtoii. lato or said con My, deceased: therefore all icrr otm bavins tflatms araluet said clato will tdcaco prcucnt tho panto to till) U)mlnltrltni-M Ma ...jl.lnnr-.. .mitr llnl.V.r.l In falil county, within lx montln from this date, nnd persons owltic raid estate will n)rau tnako Immedl. ato payment. h, d. DAYTON, Adm'r. March 8'l. mini pd. ' HAWLEY, BODD fc CO., PORVZiAXTD, - - or ziao OI'KEIl FOR HALE A FULL LINE OF AGRICCLT U HAL IMPLEMENT BOLE AOKNTS FOU THE JOHN DEERE MOLINE PLOWS. r XJEJTjv. Which combine the greatest strenc & 'faSSt&KS. wlth extrome Lightness and Durability 5&fflS!G5aS5SsaatJ()IIN DEERE is the Solo Patentee of i lNE,IXiLe. J'atented IJIocU and Welded Frog, one! tin now is tno only I'iow so maelo, tho Shn: aim uoum-ooareis aro aiso Hardened by a tont pfocosi pocullnr to tho DIS12UE I'LOVVa. iai 1 Solo Asciitn Tor The lliuiilsomo Young Half-bred Clydesdale Stallions, ROMANCE & ADVENTURE, riWBPHOPItKTY t)F WILLIAM 0IIALMK1W, Lornellns, WnshliiKton county, tho cnsulnc reaton, rrom April 1st to July m. Thoy Rained two first pre miums nt tho Orejron State Fair last rail, for tho lies. '"""'.Twold draft rolt mid the best farm team. ihlOIH- J20 to liiMiirr. parable when tho ruaro Is known to bo In roal. Maria disposed of bo roru ,','llJKi to bu paid ror ns In foal. 'nhltml W.M. CIIALMKIIS. THE DIOKUE SULKY A1VD GANG PLOW i mKm . JbamMM'fjk JACKS AND MULES! KENTUCKY JACKS AND MULES. Tho Qrcntcst Lntinr-rjnviiiK Iniplctiicnts yet Invented. Ono lltindrcel. mul Flfi Bold In Oregon In Tiirco Months. Iron licam, Jran Frame, Iron WIikoIh. Evei Farmer in tho State is Interested. Bole- Agents for tbo JSo:tLia.t-tXe:r IF1 a, r -m T7V.02as And Light Srving WaKons, initiation to nl way d bo ready with a worel in elite .season. C'ONTK.MI'I.ATi:i) Itoi'K Factouy. Wo have hail tho iileasuroof recelvlnjf an introiliicllon Ju Jlr, MoiiIh'", of Monireal, C'anaela, who visited Saloni (his week In company with Hon. A. J. Dtifur, and whoso present vlfil to Or egon Is In coiiMMptonco of having at- tendiel the IVntonnlal and there be came iie'eitiaiiitctl with Mr. Dttftir and le'arncel Hotnethltig of Oregon, it pro iliU'ts mul reMinrces. MoiiImmi eleslre.s te e'fitablNh in ottr Stato a rope factory lo supply tho elcmanel here with homo manufacture. Tho hemp would have to bo Imported, but ho might nlo use the cttatsur Mux for funio norls of go'jds atui in time elevelop prexlttction hero of part of the raw material needed. Notico Pioneers. The Hoard of Directors e-f the Or egon Pioneer Aociatlon nro retutest eel to meet at tho olllco of tho Oregon .State Agricultural Society, at o'clock p.m., of the 1st Frhlay of April. Friends of the Organization respect fully Invitee!. J. llr.NitY Huow.v. Sorettiry. llroutlituu .tlliikiuu wltliotil injury. Thoro no cxnvMtloti In the tatcmont tint tlioiiNiniUuf iurn rrstdli.u nom uuo jwr's end to another tu fvver and iuo rfulou ou tliU Ooutluont audtUoMlieiv, brrathoatr moie or less lupri'x'iiatisl wlili rnUimj, without tr.curtltii' the dlca lmply and only bocantd they aro III tho lublt of using Iloi. teller's titouuch Hitter at a ptoemho. It h4 fro. quontly hamtenoU, and tho fart hat Ken amjily attsst by tbo tattles thoniehe. that persons surrouudod uuan siur dt uii:iinor sundtim me tenures or this i it. thanks to the rotoctli Nor Is that standard ami uui in ri'iutiivini? inmi it, iiimvuiimdi. chill and fer, bllllous n mlitruts. acd dltorder tif AI.AROK IMPORTATION or TltR HTOrK 01' . ,"'!?.v.u.r b?,t Pedlifteo from Kuilncky will nr. rlvo In Oallfiiiiilu fur Kxhlbltlou nnd Halo durlns tho mouth of March. , Ttiwo animals nro Imtiorted by tho owner. W. J. I.YLK, (if Dativlllo. Kentnrkv ami will I.., nirlnr ... . .....,.--,..- ...t.'-: .r. ." :: -- .",... They nro nil I'RKMIl'M JAt'lW of thoHlalo-ono nr theso Jacks baa been exhibited at all tho bct FHlnMind baa won 32 KUtST 1'IIUMIUMrt. I.ory oneor those Jacks 1 of the HKST rcdlrco, ami they nro thoilncst aulaialt In ovcry way lu nil Kentucky, n SUto that Ins devoted moru time, mo ney, ami earn In raising JacUa than all tho other States of tho Union. .Theso. lacks hiuo irnycl lliemolves tho VKRY ". ' ""-oucrr, as .nuics mil ny mom out or orui tmry Marcs will nvcraw 1 W hands bleb, animals that bavn so d at fbio nnd ban , arh IhcsonnlniaUwIll bowor'bylbo special notlcoof Uri'iilcr In nil pnrls of th I'aclflr coast. Mr. LLB will bavo bU Hticlt na uxMhltlon In San Francisco about thu 15th to tho twit of March, and they can bo seen nt tlio lart'u Stock Yards of Mtwsr. Lloyd & Rogers, comer Hill Krct Junction of IlayosVnlley and .Market Street, tho best stock. atd of Hau Frnnclsco, where nurchasvea can exam ine! him M. ''.V''K nnllclpales brliiBliiL- oil, also, n lino lot ".'J?.'.1.0.'.! ,1'IIOItN t-'ATf LU, of Clpir ldUro-also; K"lHntK WINB, and KKNTUCICY MEItlNeJ KUKRI1, all ol thu v.rjr brst slock. i.iLJj? "10 l,ll,u "f ,Mr r'v'-R " 1,rlr,3 ""'y ,ho VfcRV IlKST HTUCK of ecU kind, nnd o.t.r Ibo bcsl. ulcli us can bo KiiarnuteiU in be such. L'ATA!.nnuKi liavlni 1'ui.t. TitiiHJiiKi! of all tho an. Iinalswlllboveaily for llio extiiilnatlnti of all who dei-lro lo securo this stock, which tho Importer Is confldeut will to tbo V1NKST LOT Ol' HTOOK ol UiU kind KVitll VKT isirvii ikto hau- Ml. Liu: will have, In addition to thu Podlcrocs of tills Stock, llVAIIANTSR UKUTirlC'ATLH from the ofil cers or tlio Uist Institutions In tbo Ktalo, k1Id' strong pi oof or tliu rellabllliy or Mr. Lyle a n titocU llieeder, and of tho excellence or his Mock. Aftur n siiltablo lltiio in tho I'xntbltlon of Ibis Htock. what Is not soM at I'iuvatm H.t.k, there will bo a i.aikik I'UIIMO SAI,K nt tbo lieu phen plnco in California, or llio tlruo and plitu of this Sale, duo notice will bo given. Am. pers 'is win) wish Information respecting Hie tinmbbr and character, or ptlccs or thrso animals, nro luvlltnl to caUtnn or address tho Kdltor or too Uam roitNu I'AiiMKit, Kau Francisco, who will cheorlully render nil luformMilon promptly. W. J. LYLE. Stoelc Ui-iiceloi', Dtiiivlllo, Ivy. Dooro Pocrloas Cultivators, and Buckoyo Grato Drills, an Broadcaat Soedors, and UWRM: GRIST MILLS, nil hIV.oh mul- nrlccH. 8onI for Siicctul CliciilarN. Pttatbiml, 8ci. us USE T3E3CDE3 AlMll.TIKIt IlltCKNTI.V ARRlVKI). wlihot to l-ont n, VeKX'XXX. Answcru Hat. Inu term-, locution, stto or larm, nmouiit of arnblo Mini, etc., etc., direct to " FARMER," caro or Jtcssr T. Cunningham .t Co , Portland nihli'.inl Southern Planter & Farmer Kiuii.no.iiD, viuaiNi.t. CI1IKF AORICUI.TURAL JOURNAL OF TIIK South, devnttil to Apiculture, Slock, Hoitlcul. luroaud Rural AtUIrs; subscription f'Jperyojr. In ciuniillou with this paper, wo liavo Vti'tttillu I'lirniN In every )ottlon or the Stk; for f a'v. Send s'finip 6r ilt srrlrilvo list, 1 priINM)N H CnRWNINO, Richmond, Va. shUoriiu u J burulin; plague, hao eujoytd atwolute r tho dial less elttcaclous lu reiunlylru; than In Immunity from It. thanks to the protection afforded the II liter., Nor Is that standard ami febrile cor. preventing a Mildred, type. Taken belweeu tbo paroxysms. It spcedil mlOi.-ates their vloleuro. audeteutually urt. ents tbetr recurrence. These facts, convincingly es tablished by evldeuce, apneal iith peculiar lorcoto travelers viu iojvbiuvii iu waiaiious uisirtoia, STATE IAIK, 187Ti OoiimicMioIiir JO;t. f?. POST STAKES: I'oi- U tnr OliU. l'remlum or $1 for? vaar old, bred In Oregon or Watlilugtou Tenllory, itah of onnmtlo. Hntranco t, h.ni lorf, it; enliauco lo b- added to tho purse, itielnso, and namo tho col:, with slto and dim, M) li, is;?. Ut ptimluiii Ji IX) 10 .l dp. I. ill, in . i. I.kI.. c)uJiilousanilut.id- (-".WOO ...... ........,......... IA1 w ............................. 341 (X) ,,....,..... ............. $ I) 00 IW w In tho I'o'. Stakes for tunning and trotllnir. nil siariors ma i uo uoua nao, ana nno iwen til trniuing. for a Yrur OIUh. Fn-mluni of fvvi for I J oir ol I, mllo heals 3 In , for horse, nun s or gcMInc. brril lu Oregon or Wash, lugton 'Irrriioiv Kutriuce, fiV half rorfelt. Kit trance money aitdrd to ,ho p'lrco. Kntrle to close, aud name tbo colt, with tiro aud dam. May 1st, isr. 1st premlnni , $iO)CO il premium, uf lulince. M premium, lematnderot stake, fame condition a runntug l'ost Stake. Kutrle iruue with tho undonlgnod, at Salem, K. M WAITK. Secretory elregon State Ag'l Society. 3d wemlum, remalud rorslaUo. l'rx'iulums t'leu on folKnv'n.' ed arcortlinxh: Ifislart .' ,., If 4strt If 3 slurt It Sslatt... It l.Uit ... IN THE WORLD! Be DKXot; 3Dooeivod. 2 See that our Trade Mark is on. oaehiPaoka-e nt Co. jt&r s 9 I a i o PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE Jot Blaok j aud ALL COLORS. AND EASILY APPLIED. For Srtlo l.v tho Agents: JOHN HUGHES, Salom, JUUWWM. sSKS'2IiL & o to O a? CO P. M o o GO 05 WORK; XJjBO, ANO Wluilffinlo inf?t;!sfN, auel Acnlurw lu 1'nlnlN ". .. I'RONT STRKKT . uuit&uiraumui ntirr acsrxi-A.rffx, CO.. olis, Ml CiSf, OV, MAJUTACTURHLS C'P VV1W1 gt--. StfELTOH RAY, FRIEDMAN & CO.. While they are selling General Merchandise cheap, yet they will sell their present stock of Boots and shoes, on hand, at coBt prices. Also, Trade or Cash paid for Hides. -"-. Jfc - .,tu SSS ti? pEEw... k 'us-i:;!?;.:: i: PBlrON'S SIX-FOLD HOJSE-POWERS And Countorbalanco Soparatora JSX&JtW B8SSSfi-5S5yr; ruiur, . hey- lurwlat SA1.AM. ORUtUiN. ol Ore -on lrouJi.twiJ, ,i.A?ySr.i3t.. lAMO. Manul?!.- THK HKI'AMATOM SAVKS THV n file !... . v: "": .. send for circulars. i mH, .1. 'rit .Ty.T.- wj ""r. l'6rfnrth.r;VHi.. "."...'"'" 1-ASTO A LIFK-TIAlt. r-M.v.., nuuiess tbe oitlcers named aboe, or eiux, March sa-iy Dr. H. SMITH, DENTIST, SALEM, OREGON. Offlc moTed oyer DREYMAX BU08.' NBW STORE Ofilco hours from 9 a. ci. to 9 p. m. Notice T8Jy.clyen I o been duly appoints "a??-? UiLitirtor r lH uu "f A- V. Walls r. de. ti? . ,AU ,e"?n na,,n W" acalnil saldes Jk.W"i!n ,l l"1'"" tm to me at my office li, f JSl Ml'lon co""l'. Otewn. with proper vouch- , .,UIU i uiuuius ironi tne dato or this notice. March J, lb77wl J. A. 8T1IATTON. Administrator of (atd eeUte. &f! 2 Wf Week to Agents. tlQUuMt Fi 'Y jsWflWR3wJfflWWWWW1r'Bi