JtZr 'jrx. -wrEijW!fag grg7--. WILLAMETTE FARMER. 8 w From Mohawk Vrtlloy. IsAiinr., Lame Co., March 12, 1877. lSn . 1'aum Kit: Tho weather has been very wot during the pest week, ami still raining. Tho water is very high, making It dltncult forono with i wagon to reach our county Boat, Kugeno Oily. b'armtug Is laid by lor tho present, but will bo resumod aj,nln when tho weather will permit, which will bo seed ing principally ns tho farmers hero are all about dono plowing. Thoro will bo ft de mand horo lor surplus hands whon farming is again fahly begun, bh Ihero will boa larg er acroago wwii to wheat nnd oats In Mo hawk Valley this miring than over before. Tho farmers exp'Ct a fair price for wheat tLo coming fall, which encourages them (o tiso somo extra exertion to put In every hcio posslblo. Mr. H. Partcus has a Jtoro at his resldetuo for the aceon modntion of tho neighbors, which Is no small Horn for Mohuwlc. A peti tlcu Is boliig circulated horo to prevent bounds from running deer, meeting with fair hucccss. I have been oxpocting to sco In tho Faiimkii soino way to clear off under brush without work, pnd Ullrd. 1 will add that tho neighbors hoto havo tho plan or using n capstan, which ruuo by homo-power. 1 havo used tho block and tacKlo to koine ex tent, and think It tho most spoody wliero proporly U8cd, of all othor ways. C, D. it. A dispatch froii Ohlco, California, daled March Ifilli itlvesMbo dotatls of a sickening outrage upon somo Uhlnamcii who wore employed to do kntno grubbing for a ranah limn lioar thai ploco. Six of thein woro stopping in n coblu, where thoy were attack oil In tho nlgbt, llvo of Hum shot down kill ed outright, and lbs sixth one lelt i'-r de.nl. TJn cabin was tbon saturated with coal oil and sot lire to, but alter tho murderers JoR the one who had ouly boon wounded putoul the tiro, went Into Ohlco and notitlccl tlo iiuthurlii'.sof tho murdor. Ho stated that iho perpetrators woro llvo while nto.i uiul n boy. l'requent outrages upon Chlncso are reported lo luivo occurrod in tho Himo loeil lty recently, mid clops aro being taken lo discover tno jiorpotrators. 1'ini: I'ooi.Ttiv. Mr. Luthor Myors last week forwarded through Wolls, Faigo it Uo's Kxprosn a pair of Lb "Silver Spangled" chickens, nclvorllnvl In IIioI'aiimkii, to Mr, Jos. Richard, near Soatlla, W. T. Mr. Myor luforuiH un Hint orders for his poultry nro coming In bo fast that IiIr utook Is nearly ex hausted. Ho has soino of tbo finest looklnir poultry wo havo oror accn for n lung while. From Uio Shctllcld (Englim!) Independent, Jan. 11. THE AMERICAN FRESH MEAT IN GHEFF1ELD. KXTIUOItlUNAIlY HAl.tiiJ YKSTEKDAY. Such a seouo as the shops of tho ShoHleld butchers preonted yesterday niorntn has tfover, porhap been witnessed In the town boforo. Tho fresh meat ftom Amorlca had arrived, had been distributed amongst tho butchers, and lo 8y that It was running a ncck-nnd-uti k race for popular favor with Ihigllsb. meat would be scarcely correct, for Itnppoaredto havo completely overhauled It, and to bo having everything Its o.mi way, A porou has not to bo very lar advanced In lllo to roinoinbor whon prlmo J-lntsof to conduct tholr usual purchases, they weie ablo to mako tholr oholco botween tho Hug Hh nnd tho American mer.t. Nearly the v.ho!uof tho oonnlgninotit was disposed of nmougst soino twenty six bmchoro In I he town, nnd It wbs also purchased lo go to Hothorham, CboHtoilleld, Wndtoy,AU(lolro where. Tho Hist purchase tnadu by Messrs. yhnrnian was rccolvod on Thursday even ing, and copulated of four tons of beef, four hutidndwolght of muttonjaud l!'s hundred weight of pork. The meat was hung rout.d tbo shop, and It made a splendid show. Tiiero Is no drmbt tbo bu'ohors' shops at tracted more notice yesterday than on the occasion of tho ChrMnnuj display. In most cites there was on viaw on one sldeof tlio lingllsh beef could bo purol.nsed rutf I. per shop tho Amoric.sn moat, nnd on tho other J 1 Js rojandss;: '' bonutloa ami Lio JoH"B f', Klcnt woro "tceptil Jri otic V,,;,:;i:u pouhry should 'aval, themselves CeIwod In and Qllr l.o M.yr nf H,n nnnirlnnllV til IINV-llrn tllolll ftnd hll, ' PrOWI Vtu, ollt IIOI.U Of 1(100 4.l. . s .. t .. . I .ilf.itiilril tv III, rim fiinlirfl aiirri,ru. imnr.ivit iiii t.rreii 01 moiruarn vara iiiwik. """ "v. .........--... " ' Tl lb , burnt that Hum our herds of ivutln usd not been uecimaieu oy ruiuerjiosi mm ioov andtnoutU disease. With successive out- i breaks of thoso terrible sCourges unnio Iho most stringent reKUlalions Uotli as to the management of cattle at homo and tlviltu I'ortiitlnn tf thetu front abroad. With our own hurtls greatly rodueid, mid with lower csttlu coming from other countries, tho prices or fresh moat went up no high as practically to plaeo It bejontl tho reach or vast nuuiocrscf tho population. I; was al most tantalising lo htar or tho vast hords of emtio and sheep (hat woro feeding on tbo plains of Australia, New Zoalaud,aud Amorl ca, and to know that they wern lining hilled for tho sake of their tallow nnd hides and wool. Kulerprisonnd ingenuity wero stim ulated lo deal with tho question, and na tho result tlio inent was cooked nud brought ovor In horniollcBllv scaled cans. It was tl poor substitute for HnglUh beer nud mutton, but notwilhataudlng It met with a largo ualo, nud n vory eonslderublo trndo Is even now bolug dono In It. In addition to Ibn cooked hoof and mutton thoro is now ollVrod for salo "Amnrlc.m pnsed iicef," "American corn ed bioi," nnd Atucrlc.iu moat preserved In othor lashioiiH. In nouo of tlirso wnvn, Lowovcr, had the popular taste been hit. I was all vorjr well to resort to such meatslit time?; but un Englishman prefers to aeon Joint of meat on his Inblo, and n Joint ol uicat ho will havo if ho can obtain it. This Isct was fully npptcclnted by n Ulagow firm, who moro Ibau throe yeaw ago nindo tho e-xpcrlmon of bringing llvo cattlo aorcss ILo AtlatilJc. Tley met wlihn rtndy sal, and sveeh by w.-Mc tho miuil-cr s-rtovc invica'.eu. i'"-i evmo ro'jgh nnd etoiiny wcr.lLur, and wl.h It ohhb, and tbo slilp mnuts wero dl.'((intlnucd until inf-t summer, whon thoy vrro ro'.umcd, nnd from 151) to i!UO head ofc.Utlo remilied tho Ulido wccl.ly. Thero wtro gtc.it dillli.ul.lcs ntteudlng tho bringing ever oi liVocaltle,nud(xpctIn)cnlj wero mado with a view of n-ccrlnlu!ng whether It was not r'bio tolmp. rtthu meat in quartern. At llrst tho inoat was H ?..n, ami it kept woll so long n.i it remain id frczMi; but whdt It wnsthawed It requir ed to bo iinmcdialoly cookod or it lotit Its llai'iir n.nl was llililn In hi.roiiin liilntr.il. ! I.itnlB r.f fieri L wnrn ntrniiMt In olinmlimlv. ',',V "". - ..--w ...,.,., ,. .,....... I'ttnpieu to tit, V0t6 bI(!i l'.-iitll.sli bocf: and the fact that the im ported meat was on salo thero wh& announc ed by largo placards. It Is certainly not too much to stnto that Messrs. Slmrmati's shop was tun centre of attraction. They had an nounced that tho meat wouU bo on vlow from live until eight In tbo morning, and thoy speohliy Invited buleliors to call and lutpfct it, At olght o'clock, whon tho shop WRsopett lor uuMncB, uiero was a largo onett for mttii crowd walilnit to no ervoi, nud with scarce ly nny varlstlnn tlio simp was orammed throughout tho lUy. So great was tho throng iu times tho people not ouly blocked tho footpath, but roachod far Into tho road. Quutcrnfter quartor of beef, nud carcaio niter carcaso of mullon, dlsappoarcd tho whole of It retail nnd by evening nn Blty' entlrooloarnt'.cohatl bceu etl'octcd. Messrs. Sliaruiiui expected that tholr ontorprlso would bo llborally aekuowlodgod by tho public, but for tbo statu of things that pre vailed throughout tho day thoy wero al together unprepared, and woro as much ns'oulshod ns nny oco else could bo who saw It. A great many people wont to In speattho moat ami to purclnso It, Ifsntisllcd with what they saw. See tho meat they could , nnd tho great mnjorl'y of them would very clndlv havo mado n nurchaso. but to uuilorgrr tbo crushing and tho waiting that appearou movunuio n mey woum no so nicy wro nor prr-parod, nnd thny fntned away a oood do.il dI.tppolutel. S01..0 who got Into tho shop, wero glad to es.apo without hav ing been valued upon, flail Mof.sra. Slnn tnau bcon gl Ing the moat nwny tho crush outld fccai Ctly L.avo boon greater. Tlio npln- Mtwr.R exnrcsscn mi; ian tuov 1 na tour times ihorpunilty ofmeal, v.dnmplouicsiw I or orf.nniad cciupnii tor iii"iioeniH ui iv n vumpieiu w ejinuio would nave boon ctluctcd. During tho lnornliif, at tho bufchor's shop nrxt door, fourqmttr s of prime 12u- itsu Leoi we:o umugui ami iiuug up in CAi.troiiNiA. Mr. l'lillllp lilts', has Jiibt returned from CalW'oriila, aud gives sumo vory Interesting ltenib to tho Oiej70iifit. A portion of tho Sacramento valloy tins mUler sovotoly from drouth, nud not one good crop of whtat wca scon lu tho S.m Joaquin valloy along the lino of road for n dMnnco of WO 111II0H. lU'twten Los Angles and Snn tlratichco, 170 miles, whelo btnds or sheep were literally starving to death, nnd Hocks rnuhl l-o bought for 'J5 conts per held, Kverj thing was exceedingly dopfesod In that wholo valley. ruir.it. Ojiasoks. l'ostofllco ohnngos on tho raeillu coast. OlllcoH ostahllshcd Thnra ton, Lone eonnly, Orecon, Thos. Huusaker, postmaster; Utnpnun Ferry, Uoug'nsoounty, Oregon, John U. Cliam brock, postmastors Mnlmnin. .Marlon cbniitv. Oresou. John J, Blnlr, potmaster: poi-liimstcn Bppolnlod K.J.Sprattlng, Bethel, Polk county, Oregonj Josoph U:uton. Gastou, Washington county, Oregon. A lottor from IIowoll l'ralrlo gives tho fol lowl'.jr itouis: Win. Greenwood has 150 noros of fall-sown wheat 100 ncres on grub land. The grnb land is tho bct looking J over Haw. Thero la moro fill-sown wheat lu IIowoll Pralrlo than nnv formor yoar. 'yrjulro McCorklo and A. II. tilmmons havo 200 aoros raoh; Wright I'othay nnd Webster Smith havo about 100 acre a each, all looking well. I Written fir tlio Statesman. , 11.1 rt 1.3: r 'im: aiihum. KturoitSrATi'MAN: Ijco bynnnttt clo In the Oroonlan of March 2d, w-tltte'i by fiov. Oco. L. Cutty, that tlio "U.tttlc of tho Abtqtta" Is n "romance of hMoiy.'' Well, it win rather a romantic light, In a romantic place, nnd brought on In n fo mnntlo manner; but It Ia tine ldtory. Gov. Geo. L. L'urry to the coutrnry, uot wltli't.indlng. It tliu fiovciuor U 11s badly ml'takeii in tbe attlelo ol "Multtun in l'.ttvo" as he I about the Ihttlo ol tlio Ablqti'i." Ii mint liavo been In one of tltoo Hip Van Winkle leops tliat old Ulp hid, In tlio C.isc:u1,o Mountains nbout that tiiuc, nud liajjiHt conic on the M"go again, nnd Is Inquiring lor "MIno dog Schuo dcr." Why, sir, tlio "Uattlo of tlio Abl'pri" Un iHiuilinr In this county n any lioitichoM uoid, nnd lias been fur tlio last 29 ycnr, .-.3 It w.n louglit U'J years ago the llrst of thU mouth. I have Itccn nslcd to write that "lil? tory," and w rote It touv: )nvi no I ;r a. man tli.it Is now wilting tho enrly history of thU count! y. lu wrltln;: tlio ItUtcry of this hort but decisive cimpal;-;!!, 1 feci a dlllUlcncc, in I have to utlto from memory; but will bo as correct and Jtnt as pojslble, 1 say t'ift, lor 1 cinnot now recollect till tlio bravo boys thtit partlolr'ited lu th.it to niot of 11.', our llret buttle. All old Oregonlun know that In the whiter of 117-S a groat many ilicti wero called Kat of tlio Moun tains to punl'li Hie C.iyiisMlnr tlio mur der of Dr. Whitman nr.d f.nully, audit luii-niiilnif Miiniri.nt tn tbn yctlliirs. nx u-ill I "-" "''i - ' I ns Gov. Abcrnathy, tint thero was danger ol niiliidiitu outliicaK, Iho jcttlvrs totmed Expectorant Stubborn Counlis and Colds yield promptly to tho healing nnd eurv tlvo properties of Dr. Jajno'n Kx-IK-ctornnl. It loosons nud promote . tho expectoration of Irritating mat tor, mitigates much pain nnd dis tress, nud chocks InilnmmnUon. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat Troubles nro nt onco rolloved by lr. Jnyiio'M Kxpcctornnl. It ro- movos constriction of tho Ilronchlnl tubes, loosons phlegm, soothes nnd lioala thomueouH inombrnuo,arrei.t.s nny ovorish tendency, nud liolps to forwnrd n gradual euro. Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung Affections nro gcnorally controlled and nmollorntcd by lr. Jiiyne'rt r.x. Xec(ornut. It saveu tho lungs from much irritation nnd distress, by ro . lioving them of tho Irritating matters by which thoy nro clogged, it'nlso suppresses intlaminntiou nud gives tho afl'octcd parta a chanco to heal. Whooping Cough.Croup and Hoarse ness aro cdlcaciously troatod by Dr. jyiae' Espectonmi. It removes dlfllculty of breathing and oppres uioti lu tho throat or lungs, promotes tho ejection of mucus nnd subdues tlwviolenco of theno complalnU at tho outset. It is a Bate Family Cura tive, of long-ostublhjhod reputation, and vvhero promptly ndminlstored, Los enabled many to cscapa serious Lang Affections. T. X DAVISi CO.. WholcMlc Agcut. rortlji.it IJ-JiHJ R3T' B 4$ - BK. K. T.'JHAKil UEVETLt.Col., Ute8Brscon U. Volnctecrf. - umca, jjuro.nt wcac tu cuin. mtit ho bvbtout uialer which tlio moat appears in Hhellltdd and other larco towns In tlio country to-day !u the simplest of till systems, nnd has nyury promise or tiroviug n ponui- ncntsurcoss. u jj wou-Jtnow mat nourn liolders who havo n ''good collar" prefer hanging ihoir meat focnil dayn before thoy oool; it, rs thereby it la vory much Improv ed; that our own butchers will frequently kcupiiqunitor or two in their shop (or n week or ten dayHcnd ilicn recommend t to their best ciftlctuere im piinio teudor mont. Tho wLolo socrotof tho prownt syslini lies in that fr.ci, end all that has been dono has bcn lo c.ny ottttbnt tcciot on n large, conlo. U la tl iMtil it.o nnljr. ttln JlOfllS tlUI dorlng on tho Great 1'acltlo It.viJroad In America havo beou drawn upon. Thnt rail way elthor runs through or is adjacontto Now York, Jersey, Illinois, Indiana, Mis souri, nud other States. Tbo cattle, which uro not worn-out dairy cows, but full grown young oxen , aro broughulown nllvo by rail to Now York, whoro, closo to tho berths of tho Atlantic ttcnmtM, nro specially con structed slaughter-houses. In thojo tho boasts aro slaughtered, tho moat Is cooled by nn nrllllclal current of nlrj then cut up in quarters, nnd tho quarters nro stitched ia canvas cloths. In tho Intuitu, National, Whlto Star, nnd Anohur lino of mall steam ors, cbambors hr.vo been specially construct ed caoh of which is capable of holdlnir from 2300 to S0O0 quartoru of boor. Tho dllllculty has beou to keep tho tomporaturo of ihcsa chambers ntnuch a dogreoss Is best ndapled foa pre.iorvlng tho meat; ami It has not boon without much c.tiofnl oL.-orvatloiiaud tomo failures that tbo success which nt prosont nt tonds tho movomeut has been attained. In connection with tho "Inrdor" Is lilted upa hteJin fun, which drives Iho nlr Irom tho meat into a chnmbsr lllled with Ice, ftom ivhlch It Is tetumHl 1:10 Iho larder In a ccnl .state, lty this mentis Iho utmosphero Is kept clrculntlng, nud a tomporaturo uf US degrees Is prefer ved. THo meat, when Urcnicd and clothed, is carried on board the stoamora, nnd hun in tho chamber1, nnd tho nrrtnmuouts In thorn aro so perfect that oven on a rough vojago tho incut cannot bo bruised. T1.0 flrtit consignment 01 ftesh n-e.Uorrlved lu (.!lfgdw In JiiPolnHt, sd It consisted of four hundred quarters of boot and bovmty-two sheep, iukj h was bought upmost readily. Tho estimation In which tho Intabltants of Glasgow held tho meat will bo nppaiont, ulien it la staled that lu a llltlo over two months a million and a quar ter pounds or it were sold. In b short tlmo bUauio.s arriving nt Liverpool brought the meat and it was sent on to tlio London mar. Hot, and n ltttlo inter It was consigned to Ulrmliigham, Manchester, Leeds, nnd oilier towus. Indeed, wlmrover ithiis bociu.H'ored Ithascoiunumlod a ready tain, nud, how ever strong has been tho opposition of tho trado to h, It has had to give way before tlio force of public opinion. Having regard to tho hlzoofSliellleld and to tho enormous quantities of flesh meat that are ojtihiimcd in It every week, iho marvel is that tho ne.w commodity has not beou eniougvtus beforo no. v. Tho biitehors In tno town iiisoiatm some or thorn in vory vigorous terms nny hostility to tho Ameri can meat, nnd say they were quite prepared to have cllerml ft months nuo if they hud thought tho Shillleld publio would havo cared for it. It eccurred to Mors. Shar man Brothers flint it would bo well to give the people an opportune of luspectlug tlio men:, nnd of saying whother they would purchase it or not. 'J hey accordingly made arrangements with Mr. J. D. Link, tho Im porter, to rocelvo consignments of tho meat irom Liverpool; and they took ono of tho largo shops Just orccted In front of tho Kcclesall Club, on Sheffield Moor, for its salo. They announced that tho shop would be opened yotorday morning, and that the prices for tho meat would range from fid. to 0J. per pouud. 'I hero uin bo no doubt that the announcement caused very great falls faction in tho toiu; for not ouly had tho fame of tliu Afucric-au meat reached hero, but Joints of it had bosn brought from othor towns, and "but ono opinion had prevailed Kj.hrfpmi to it, Tho Shtflleld butebntb were quips rqunl to iho occasion. O.x Wednetday, ir. Henry IlJdcK was at Liver pool, and 'wben ono of the mail ttearnora came luirilh her cargo of meat, ho went en bewd nd.j?prohuwl 100 qnarters. It was forthwith sent on to Sheffield, and on Thurs day mornlug, v. Leu the retell butchers went ,.t3l4 k'VWI tlV.U WIUUIIl llllll UtllJH III, III l;o!.t of tho window; mid between those connected with Iho shop nud ti portion of tho oiowd ihero was soino very tni.trt cood- humored chall. "I lore's jour prlmo lhig llsh be of I" shouted tlio ownor; "None of your polyny beef I" Two or tlneo working moti who wero near replied to him, usucrt lng that tho American beef was superior to nuy ho hnd ot In his shop. Ho dltcrcctly nbilalpvl from nu'jworlng thorn, but shout ed, "Auy cut you like from sixpence lo olghtreuco pir 9uudl" Why didn't you sell It ut that tirlco Iftsl wovK?1' ankod ll:o tivslunilerx. llo look on rr-'lcn. but wrmt on wllh hl'ii'.ciyj "We'vo sot ft llll'.o bank, and can afl'oid (0 do It now!'1 Ho thou poppod luto Ids shop, and nt night there ifuug tlio four quarters ol beef, their reduc ed price not having secured tholranlo. Thai tlio pooplo woio determined yesterdy to have tho American meat was further urovoJ by wbnt tool; place at oomo of tho other shops on tho Moor. At them were ns Knglluh meat on oiler ns woll, but tlio denied in al most nil Cisco wai for tho foreign moat. Tlio Hl.op that wan opened yesterday on Snlghlll for tho salo of tho American mrt mill crowned throughout tlio ilir( nuvl n ttroke ol bubluc-) was done, Ab lo tho quality of tho American mmtn largo numiier of our roadoru nro now qulto nblo to Judgo fir thomsolvos. There havo been sovornl banquets oil' It nlrcndy. Ono took plaoi last evening nt tlio Manor Castle, Kdwardslrcot, when about forty gentlemen sat down to n prlmo Joint. Aftorthoroughly enjoying fbemsnlvcv, "Success to tho now omorprlbo" was hoattlly drank. It Is 11 somuwhnt romarknblo fact that al though thouvands of tons of this moat havo -wived nt Liverpool it was uot until Thurs day that it was tilt-red for s.ilo there. On that dsynplncn was oronod, nnd tho prices winged from 3. 51I. to lJ3d. per lb. oarly all tho Atlantic steamers nre being lilted up with "meat ohamben;" nnd In one day this week throo stcamors arrived nt Iilvorool carrylmr brtweon Ilium 700 tons of me:, or about l'J.OCO quarters. Tho greater portion or it was sont on lo tho London mnrknt. Tho trade in aboop Is uot expected 10 bo largo ns there Is soino dllllculty lu obtaining mut ton that will competo successfully with honu produce. Tlio supplies 01 ueoi are repro tented ns almost luexhaubilblo; but tlio enormous demand Unit Is retting In" tor It must, It won Id soom.tell upon thorn in time. Pot-slbly, when that day dots nrrlve, hu man skill and Ingenuity will have carried tho prcfct-nt or bonio ethor system of trans norL to such nt 111 ureater (lerfei-tlnn, thnt Hhipptirffill bo able to draw supplies from Australia, tho Uracils, or some other distant port. 'Prx.li beef could now bo brought to Livcrp-ol nud sold Mi." j' per pound, but It Is uot(qur.l In quality lotho American meat, and thereloro tils not likely at prf-jnnt to meet with much liwour. Tho Allen t'otato-Digger. IIumiAiti), March 13, lfe77. Un. Kvkmeii: I received qulle a number of enquiries In icgard to tlio Allen Potato Diggor, which I bouRbt nnd uu-d laht fll, and 1 feel llko saying to nil whomltmsy concorn, tint I think k a success. My f'.oldH last fall wore most two wtt fjr ittodogoed work, but where tbo laud was diy, rue pair of steady horn-s nnd two men could throw out 100 bushels per hour. To tay that a po-tnto-dlga-r can be made to dig all kinds of potatoes clean, Is aUutd, but this mr.oblno will dig 11 row 150 yards long so clean that with a Hulo cato on the part of tho bauds plcklcg them up, a neck need not bo felt uncovered. It weighs 1C0 lbs., Is strongly constru'tcd, and with proper care woind last a lifetime. It cost f-S.M jut down at Hubbard. (Mine is of tlet-1; an iron one would cos: ?10J(s.) Knapp, UurrelNt to. sent to Now York for it, expressly for me. With one of tbeso diggers in tho hand of a farmer, potato dlgKlug would loose half Its dread. J. H. DiMictr, ,tM LnwiMiEr.itY'orkCOxl'a.cMarcfii;,"?. En, Wit.t.uHMT: Kahmkii: Can ycu glvo me any iuforpution as lo tho whereabouts of Mr. 13. W.IIfininondiWho bcinqjcari back was a torrespondeot of yoaf pu'p(f-rroui Itoteburg, ihen,I think. ' U yoaociinld In sort Inquiry Jn jour pj or 1 wiih,t-bmuch ftbUsed,' a io vjautf. Mmj jo homo, homo. Mother la not well, and uuy not live a mouth. Kospeottuiiy"'1 W. i). Hammond, of what sve failed homo gtutd', to bo lu tcadluou at a mo mont's warning to defend our wives nnd children and cr.li other at. all huirdj. In this neighborhood I was ehoJeii captain of its brave a company of men ns cvor miH'ored, and wc mot every Ailiudiy nt J'sq. UtuibfttV, lo'rdtlll. Other ucbjhbor liOuds Iiad tliclrcompank'. Cunt. Allen I'M vy had acoinpmy of civalry on tbo Santl;un; L'apt. Dick Miller had 11 com pany between tho Ablpta and llutto creek, and If I iciHCinbcr right, rude Sam. I'.uker Ind n oompmy near S.ilciu. in I'eb.. Il1'. wo lioMourM-lvM ready atn moment's warning, for thtxlgui werootnl nous. Crooked I'lngcr, a de-porato Molalla Indian, said to bo a chief ; at alt ovenU ho coutrolcd tho Molnll-u nnd a baud of Khmntln that had been Iniostlng Hits pirt of iho valley lor -ovcral year ) was evntlii ttnllv traveling from tho Molalla to tbo S.uitlimon tlio Klamith trail, and lnmlt- lug thu fcttkij by otnuiiiig tho women lu thoab-cucoor thu men to cook him n mod of vituaU nt r.ny tlnm of tlui day ; and as all tlio fe-ttlrM on thnt trail wero uow-tiun-on, lui (oinctliucs . !ut'cccdcd Hi awu hif; thctn Into obcylnii him by hi gc-tuic- and threats. Ho ald all tho bravo men had gouo to llsht tlio C.yno, and l.o could do ut as he pIciKcd. Hit and liU band ol RlamatlM ilrovo ono man ft pin tlio claim that Lcoinrd ScliluiH'.T now owns, by their lno!en. All thu H'ttlon believed that nn Indian massacre w brewing and when tho Klamath Inilhii, armrd and painted fur war. Jiirronmlcd DnKy Miller's liotte, tmtl midi! Indolent and lnniltlng dcmatitM nud gavo tlKi war-whoop, , 1 hjuihI that one-o hentd Is ticvi r forgotten, and like the cream of tho pinthcr, or the will, of tho rattlesnake, Is never mistaken for any other sound; the know It was tlmo to act aud tl.ey did act and at onco. Stanly I'mplilct faw and heard the In dians and ho nut whip to his horsu titul rodo through IIowoll I"ra!rlc, rf.ilcui Tral rlo nuil on to tbu Kinthm, giving tho alarm as he wont ; and tho iiewi ipicad llko wlldlho over it III ami im r. i. ai lun stw tho Indian-, and rtrmldlcd hoio ntthnut mddlo or brldlo. nud nn hliu to Mr. I'.llts', in thero had been n iiil-dna thero that day and tho boy tliouglil. anil uiliirilly too. thai was nhcio hu could do tho uioU good Iho tourcquciico of all thl wft'. by dat light, tho next morning, men begin 10 gather at I'mlc Jack Warnm-k, and by To or II o'clock, about 150 nn-1 wero then-le-idy for anything: that would put a quit tin 011 Indian depredations by that bind of roving dcpt,mdcH.- that had threatened to eu: the throats of Miller's, W.irnotk's and IMtternou's f.tinlllei. Wo llru olected T'lclo Dan Wadlo. Col., who took thu liorinen,consUilugofCiipt. Allen Davy's loinjunj and fiO or UUolheri thnt liid canio in from nil puts of the tounty, ami ijomc from Clackamas county too, nud ero-ecd Iho Ablqui, at tho lord, nud went np on tho north ldo of ald urcam, an 1 I too clnrgo of tho Inlantr.'-, coiishtlng f-f Flrt l.lont. Win. l'niker, SiTond l.lout. 'nme Harpolo, Ordeily Sirsent Wilbiirn King, -laniM ISrnwii. -S. I). Mexcn, L. A. lllrd, Isrcal Shnw, Kobt. Shaw, Kli'g llebbard. Win llrl-bin, Wliicho-itcr, I'ort Ollllam, Win. llowitll. Tlio. Howell. (Jrorco Howell. Win. lien- drlx. I.eandqr UU, Lun. Hull", . W, limit, .Ininej Wlllluni, of my own com pauv, and J. W. rjhiiin, Tlio. Stuun, Hciiry tjhrnii. IJII-is Cox, Uyrm Hmlih, T. It. Allen. Jacob Citfillngi-r, and several othow tint I iMB not now name, with L'nclu Jack Waruock lor guide, and start ed up tbo 'cutli ldo. Tho liitciillon whs for both divWons to arrive attoo-tu's camp dim camp of tho KliiuntlH nl-iont thofatuo time; tut wo wurn too quick tor thu licnTincu, nnd when wo arrived opposltu tho camp, the Indians had learnud wo were eoiuhig and woro crowing on n foot log. Ono In dian ia!cd hi gun, but June Urowu was too quick for him, und Lieut. Hurpola's ime-irlnir rlllo. told tho tale for nnotlirr. l'ltlng tlien commenced In earned, which sent tlio Indian tho other way. Wo did not know exactly wbrro tho camp way, and had left ni'-n, three m a plncc, lor tcvtral hundicd yard', n that but few of 11 got oppodto fho camp when the action coiiinicilccd, but enough got the) q lo tend tlio KlaumtlH up tlio creel; on tho opxltu s'.do from 11 011 double quick J till tt lc twenty men took a eliot at tho yonng ciilel, called Hcd JHinktt, but lie got away that day) excepting the old chief, nud I or dered tho men to eeao firing aud tho otdcr was obeyed Instantly; and tho old chief walked olVuboitt 10 or f0 yards and then turned round and walked back to within 00 or 70 yard ol jt nnd coinmcnccd send ing an own at u ?o tnt that tiiero appear ed to bo two or three on tho w.-ry all tlio lime, for a very shoit tlmo though, lor 20 unci ring rlllcs w ere aimed at him and hu fell nb'rccd by as many ballj. About tlntttiiiu tno hoi'icnicu canioup, but the rrd skin had cicaped lor tint time. Three Indians Ind gone (0 their hippy hunting ground, and tho rest hid tun away to light another day. After wo all got together wo hold a coun cil 01' ti.ir and concluded to try them ngaiu the next day: A great many of u had lelt our families on oriiear thu Indian trill, nnd had to go homo that ci.nhig t look alter thcni. lived about 12 m'l from thero by tho nearest possible louto. right on tlio trall.or wlihln l.VJyanhof ir ; and when I got home I found tin: ''rooked Finger had been thoro that dj. but fortunately for my wile a-id cli'.ihru, L'nclu lMvId Colvor nnd Theophoiiis Powell haO ut got ihero u lew minutes bctore tlio scoiiniiri came. Ho appear:d very 'iilU-n ni'.il Insolent. Imt did not slay losnj,. aud a we did not know when ho might eomo back, wo doomed It best to go lo tho nearest neighbor, John S. Hunt, about three' mile distant tlio next morning, which consumed much tlmo that 1 with a groat many others were not In tho ocond day' light; but Lieut. I'.uker and Sot genu t King: wcic, nnd fioin them I learned thu paillc--ul.ir., which wciu about ns follows: Thu men met at Coot.' ctinp. and all they coutd learn from him was tint tho Klam ath had gonewhich wo all know, lor wo saw the buck go tho d iv bcfoic. lu some thing ol a hurry. Hut tlio boys concluded to do tlio way wo had dono tlio day beloro go up tl:o oreoK, tlio iior'cnicu on tho north s'dc, a it was open prairie, aud tlio other take It on foot through the timber, on tho fottth ldo. A1 thero wa no sign for a considerable distance, a gioat many turned hick. S-'oino lo or'.'O ol thu lead er J dUcovcrcd slgiH, ami shortly after were greeted with tlio war whoop from a. canon filled with vino maple ui.t oUw I'liidi. Thu ludlrtnsliid cliO'cu a stroni position, nud ns they hid been told th.it lioitoti tiicu would not ll.'Iit 1 1 thn b.-udi, they thought thoui'olvc sveui'ii. lint our bravo boy charged them on tho dnulilo (iiilck. and io tapld w. tbiir charge tli.it tlio Indian-' dl I not st mil ono minute. Nino Indian wero killed In lc thin llvo minute;, nud tho cqttaws taken prlsouir. Only 0110 whlto mm w.i wounded. James Staul y caught an arrow In hi breast and held It until ho Ind killed tho Indian, nud then vciy dollii.Tatoiy ex tracted tho weapon, "tor fear It might bo poisoned, " he said. Llko tlio diy ho tore, tho cavalry could not help, but tlio hnvo hoy needed no help. After thu battle thoy returned to Coosta's caum, and gnvo tint chief hi order, which woio obeyed. Ono niler was that Crooked Klngcr wa uovcr loonier the house ol n whlto manor woman uulos there wa a wiutu man In thu hoii'o. If ho did ho wa to bo shot 011 lght. Hod Ilhnket's wite, nkcd Jacob Caplhiger. why tho white wero so hard on the Klani ntlu, hut tho Molalla were J11U a In sulting nud mean as thoy wcio, nud tho wiute (im not. kiii iiicm. uipiuigor toia her that tho Molalla. owned thl llhiic, nr prctouded too, hut tbo Klamath, did hot belong in thl valley, and wn could not take to much of tholr nbti'o and throats. .Sim fahl that was "closo waua," ami tint oho "eumtuxed" what ho meant, and would go homo nud never comu hick. They then told her thoy could In vo twenty four hour to bury tho dead, nud leave for homo, thu Klamath country, but I think tlicirconlederales. tho Molalla, atlmidc-d to tlio (lend, for thu whole baud of Klam ath pacd my hoiiie tint miiio night, o 1 their way to Mt. Jefl'or'ou pi, aud tlio next day about u do.un nt 11 followed tho trail to thu Iioii'ool John Morclcy whoro wo "tald all night, aud tho next day followed tho trail to the iio'slng of tho H.nithin river, and eaw by the tracks lu the "now and nnii that the Indian had nil crossed the riivr; o wo returned to our home. Allen Im vy's company of cavalry watched tho 1 1 all (hoaiUriioou uf tho day alter tho battlo. hut the Indian had pacd before thoy got there. ThinondodonoollhiMlioito-itniid motd loetlvoeoiup.ilgii'. lint wo havo any knowl edge nl lu thl oointry. It complotely cowed Crooked I'higor In ihN part nl thu lountry an 1 l-'rcd McCnrmlck finally kill ed him In Cinei.aina country. Tlio Kl'.iu aih never cm no b.iek and tho Molallas bulnvcd themselves uier alterwnids. It. ;. ill.lt. Fnj it I'aiim, March 17, M77. roDie ini.imi.. xv A iiiit'tii. Monday ol last week, nt Mnntctcv, ll wife nf'l ho. W. Ingram died. S-hc w. Iho IH taken lck on Mninliy morning and re mained, ko for eigiit Hours- Mir ilicn gtvu birth ton lluo, licalthy daughter, which was lollowi-d a second, still horn; then thu third, a daughter, was siiceo-siiilly launched on lllo's'Journuy, but tho fmutli child resulted lu the death ot tho mother. Ingrain Ins now tho twin daughter, ho side twolvu other children, to care for. Tho mother wns nhout the hou-u on Sun tUy punning her nu.il donicntle o.cupa tlon, and her udden deiuUu Ins cn :t "loom over n laigo clrclo ol filcuil, ntnoiig ,rhoin sho wa greatly beloved. S.icra- monto riilon. Gen. O. O. Howard, commanding Do pari men t ol theColiunbli, H.-turiiod Inst rJuliirdny evening from hi trip to Wullit Wftlla. l'rewr.itlon have been mule for tbo iprlng campnign, couslilhig in part ot tho e-Ubll'hinont ot a temporary tvimp, of three cwnpHnlp tt taveiry, insr Wal lowa, lu some, quartern the Indian nro rcstlu. It I reported that Joseph ha cemented to accept tho terms ot thu d'nv ornmonr, hut hi brelher Mill holds nut. Ue-11. Howard think there Is no probabili ty of further hostilities. If any, they will bo of fehoit duration. Advocate. Horace (inelcy ufced to tell thUstmy : Ho once tent a claim for col)cttoi tu 11 Western lawyer, nnd, icganlliig It ns rather n (li;?pcnitu claim, oli )ienltoiucy If bju collected It hu inlght ro,?crvo halt tho fuiioiint (or a fee. 1 11 1I119 tljjie Alp ,;'co Jul ri'eelVcd tlio following ItcofiluenlMly ; 1 De.irrdr I li.ivoimeccijdwl in colloe(hi my lull of (hat claim. Tho bihiitcl ho'pclcj." I i lui n m i ut,.A-ji-:wnr nt-3k-;