WILLAMETTE FARMER. - f 1 K t. HAPPY HOME, LINN COUNTY. Kd. l'AUMint: An tlite part of tbo coun try bat a hnrtl natnu In homo rospeutH, I will Btato hoiiio fautH concerning; it. I liavo boon flopping lioro flvo months, nud wbllo I conlil Kivoyou luntaiicos of bad troatmont from rouglm, Mill I do not llko to H(io n nulbborbood iiiIropi'()soiilc(l on ac count of ulow bud IndlvidualH wliun jnoHt of Hh iiMsoclatlotiH aro biioIi as would bo uuo- ful and plonsant In any cotninuuity . Tbo last lUy of my hobool wo bad an In hibition. Tbo HotiHO was full of wotnon nudcblldron, many of wboni oitmo from a Huoiiftldurabloilhtituuo, In wittrons, through tho rut'd, U ciiuourngo tlm youiiK pooplo in tbnir olforts to obtain culiiixitlon. During tbo oxuruisonsoiiiu porsons kopt up disturbance), maklriR inn of and mocking tlio NfMlor.siiH Duty uppoirod on tbo Ntiigu. Tlioy ovon wont no I'.ir it to uo out and Htoal tbo npploH tbal onu ol tbo I'rloiiils lirouubt to troHt ttio Ijovm mill l'ItIh: tboy iiIho took tbo nutH oil' Hiioibcr jiorson's mhoii and cuiHod IiIhwITo and uliililfmi to walk botno after through tbo mud. IIo fortuuiitoly (IIhoov irod tbo (1iiiiihi;o, iih thoy woro Kolnjr to not into tbo wnuon, othorwho it mllit luivo caused a MirloiiH accldont aa bo bad a Hcary liorxo. Auotbur umitlumim wiih troatod tbo n.iino way, but found It out and llxod tbo nuts. Nvliuri muu cwiso to rtispeut tbo nafoty of ladles and obildron, tboy aro bonoatu COUUtlllpt. Thin plaro In In tbo Forks or tbo Sanlliun, and a vory lioiiutlful country, though tbo Winter mud Ih unploitMtnt. Wo Iiiito a fow hiiub ciiarautorH. as abovo Hlatod. and It may uli.uno tboin to bavo tliolr exploits mado known to tbo world, but tbo roat majority of tbo pooplo boro aro an wlno and K""d iih wo moot in any community, ho tbat any ono comiiiKto Happy Homo nood not doubt tbov will bo amoiiK kind frlomln, nud not all roiit'.liH us hoiiio pooplo stipposo. J. II. Noto by Ki, Tlioro Is no reason why a community iibnuld allow ItNolf to bolmposod on by toughs, for tbo law hMUlllclont, and nit OHpculul nut covoni Just such eases. Ono uxiiiuplo of airost, punishment, nud dhKiuco, on account of hiicIi outriiKuoiiH conduct, will lusuro liituro kooiI bobavlor mid puruo a community of tbo bad reputation ciiiimhI by Miicb coniiiict. ICvory good nolbborbooil owns it to Itsijlf to iiotect Its fjood nninu by nil Inwlul iiiciiiiM, Tliocouiiiiou council of Dallas has passud mi ordlimnco prohibiting; Uio carrying of tbo rubber shot Miiiki with wblnli tbo nvonujo boodluiii iiiakoii lilniMilf no dlsnuroeably mi morons. Wo air too with tbo llemder tbat llin action of tlio council wits eminently who, nun nopo in noaroi it iioIiik imilaloil. FOIt THE PliEASANTOJV SUN -BATHS. Kccoiniiicndcil by the highest aulhorily for the cure of 3NT OP T7- O IX JS O O 2JCL 1 Sb 1 XL t &f NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Pains and Aches of all Kinds. Foi' HINT Snlo I o H fey U G II E faieum: t l- IBHI3 X-.EUMCESnNTT? SI . DKAI.Elt 1N- Grooeries a3a.caL I:aro'vlfi;io23LS!, I'AJLVTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, AND BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Stato Stroot, Salem. Orogon. FLAXSEED ,. i.i-.i" .'- "" W.VlCSWaiS" r 1 Mi-mmmmimmmM: i&K&jr: -r-T is.vx-Ti. ,.r f" ' in mm i ' WffiM&mto rV.MVUHKUlX.'iail.'HVl' '." t3ammmmmwtim Iron 3ai-KTf,i J1 k- r?,te?3?r"'5rrrzr,tgz tirri.vva ivu'"-. 'f!' - - 2r;'rj iTTTlapfSfl suwivi.r. . ..nvt mWj ... ix.u.vviAt.i .-.vJtvi..rViiR.vi;iUVT ttirAUJAiVUtZMXIu W? VViUiSA'lMUiilIWWHiVU.7;.l THIS EVANS SULKY FLOW: Beam. Iron Framo, Iron wliools Easily oporatoa' uas 5.0 0 0 BUSHELS -or- i-A-J TE PIKEXS. Tlio local l'roduco Markot. Country proiluco Ih ollorod In ulmiulant Hiipply mul prluos paid furnuirs railed iih fol Iowh: Wlumt at Salom MIIIh ono dollar por IjiihIioI. 'l'lin mill Ih now hIiiiI down on ao count, or lilirii wator nut will cammoui'o f-rlndliiK Ntoadlly an hooii iih tlio wator falln ll'lio company Inn o 110,0(10 IuikIiuIh of wheat In Htoro and ox pout that Niippllim from tho tiouiitry will lioamplo for tliolr nuoils iih hooii iih tlio ron i U liucoiiio wiiKoiiahlo. OatHitro worth WIoIh,, polatoim and npploa :i7JJ ,111111 in Koodmipply; onions ono dollar; liutlor ratoH at '- oIh. lor packod, IH) to :t!l c(h. lor eliok'o rolln, tho IiIkImisI prloo only Tor nholco dairy. Kkkh mo Mill IS i'ts, Imt whnn ovor tlni fiunioiH hrlnj: In a ood Hiipply thoy will droit to lit iU, Tlniro Ih not miiuU du iiiaud Tor hay; mill foml Is hoarco and lilKhi inn. win uomo iiowu wmi Hioauy KriiuuiiK. lnino Kmi'ory iuui, uotioo una (tropiKid lionuy illltl HollHatliPj lo'Jtcts; SllKarH aro JilKli hlKliiirthan tor a lon while Inland niiKarHratu lloni 1'J'j to i:iL'iintH,iindcruHliod l lil L'OlllH, European Qrnin Markot. I.ONH0N. Manih 11!. Tlio Murk Lane 1U ittr-it Hiiynt Tho mipply of KiikIIhIi whuatnt warn i.uiiooonimuimHiuaii, uini niOHt Ham i) Iih havo hoiiu In Inl'orlor condition, l'rlcon liavo thoruloro hooii irroimlur and hllulitly lowor lor all tint lluvht 1o!h, ImiHirU into jiOiidou liavo iiKalu boon very llsht of tor oIkh whnal; no rronh arrlvalH of California liavliiK In on mporlml, and tho nit urn In uhlitlly rmiiiirKiililo lor tho HlKiillluuulipiall ty of whoat from Atlautlo portH. (formally Iiuh lit'Oll o.xportln wlumt to tho I'lilted Kingdom, hut with tho contliiontal doniand HprliiL-hiK up, It N iiiillUcly thathor lniMirt will tin honhilily liioiouhod liy nhlpmoiitN iVoin this hourio, viHUilully us IiihI ycar'n harvoiton ilio contlii'iia was pmoraly dltlU cult. ImportatloiiHOl' KaM India whoatwn tluuoH Nluidlly, Milfvii mado without dltlluul ty, as this ol.ihs of (train has not lout ground In tho opinion of iiilllorN. OpomtloiiH havo 1kh.hi olilolly roliill, and although ipilttido provallod, prli'os worn hut Uttlo altorod. UiiKslau whoal Iiiin ticon hi tiilrroipiostjMonio truusaoiioiiN lor Spring Nlilpmoiit from St. I'otordliurn li.no lioon 'tUctod for tho eon. tliiout; uomo (iiantltlon of Int'orlor AmorlcAii wlumt 1ms iccontly boon takou oil our mar kot alM) for Coutliiitiital inwiunt. I'olltU'H 'wo to oxoroUo appromablo ullooU upon our own prliicli'id ICurojioau markolH. Thoro liavo lioon nuiiiorous HrrlvaU of Cali fornia oarKoos Into various parts ot tho Unltod KtiiKdom, prhuilpally comprliliiK lioavy ahlpmoutH mado from San KnuiuUoo In Ootolior. Ah wo antlolpatod thoy lmvo bon roadlly nliHorbuil, l.tvurMM)l Uklnj; tho lions Hiiaio and tho ooutliiout a fow, nd It la worthy of noto that this Inoroanti In Mipply liMlxwuntlviuliiil by a hoalthy trnde. and Improving in 1 Ivorpool on paBHK0, and this vrlll pwbobly osolto Inquiry an to aouruoa iVom which our rtspilrumuulN lator on aro to 1h mado up, Portland Frodttco Market. Wo wpy tho following from tho OreKonlau of tho II: Whoat Tho market Is vory qulot and ay eruKo iiuotatioiis f 1 S.VU h7 Hr oonlal. Klour Host bruuds fi iUUtl IHI por bbl.j ontnldo and country brands, f.MVttl.tH); tluo uud NUsrlliu, $1 Wn "!, t)at.s lttvst, f,oW iHunmon, MU.Vo. Hay Choloo timothy, baled, JlSalti; loose 9M15. lUoott hlden l.all!o liams, IHaltki; about tiers. UK. I.nnl Oropm mado, froili, In tins, l!U13oo pr lU; ill hOiih, IUITA). CUIokeiis-JJ Wuf I 60 por il'txun. Mutter iiiV'j t'lieiso, Initio. 1--KKS in o -w pr iMt, too. m lj -5 II FURNISH KD FREE OF CHARGE -roit Sowing in the Spring of 1877. Till I5EST CROP FOR CHANGE OF LAND, FLAX STUBBLE EQUAL TO SUMMER FALLOW FOR WHEAT, Tho Latoat and BEST Sulkv Plow in tho Market. the Hitch and urait diroct irom mo ona oi tho Beam. Arranged to work throo Horsos abreast. Tools, -tlio 3J":rsrc 3Pxex30Ll'ULna At tho Orogon Stato Fair, 1876. rJT JSoo tlao a3",C7"-A.33r tooforo You Tsxxy ! JX3 THE OLIVER CHILLED - METAL PLOW, Will Scour whoro othoro fail. LIGHTEST DRAFT PLOW im ported. Auk your Noighbors about them. A Ft'LL, ASSORTMENT Of THE nXTUA-HAUDENKD ' Q3fcLgi,Trti.3p3Loi3. " Mollne 3Plc-v Acknowlodjjetl by nil IiitclHyontFarinoM tid tlio U12ST Steel i'lovv nuuk. Wc liavo a full assortment ol' ever) thing in our line : Hilt-side Plows, Left-hand Plows, Cultivators, Mar rows, , tJucKeve fcsroaa-cast eeaers, buckcvc Grain Drills, BAIW Farm wagons, Sprint Wagons, Pacific Fan'WSiils, Portable u Crist IViills, ftlishawaka Ring iinum trtiufn'b i"Hli lc ', Victor Scales, Cider Mills, &c, &c. Uttr Ooodd aro nil FIHST-CLAPS not nibblnh tlint will not sell In California. C3?" Send for our Catalogue atul l'rleo hist, "(all KIVAPP, ISUKKEIjL & CO. Portland, Oregon, Oct. S, 3S??. w.wsATiicnroiiD. j, w. wrATur.nroiu). IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL THE FLAX -RAISERS Ixx -tlxo State ! ' FAIR, AVERAGE LAND WILL PRODUCE A GOOD CROP. THE BEST LAND, WELL PRE- PARED AND SOWED TO FLAX, WILL YIELD LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY OASES FROM 20 to 30 Bushols to tho aore, tho profit from the same being muoh greator than that derived from any other orop. Printod instructions rogarding tho propnrntion of tho land, sowing, harvosting, and prioos, lurnishod to all applicants. OIL CAKE MEAL will bo lurnishod to all contractors, to bo paid for in Flax Sood, if dosirod. Address, Or, AI.IIANY KAItMKltS' CO.. Amunv JAMKS lll.AKKI.V. 1Iiiiiwnii.i.k. J O. PAITKItfcON, Wama Wam. l10ifc)lt OIL 0.9 Salem, Oregon, l'l.OKl) A CO.. Iti.jiritDmij MNll A I'.KI.L, CouAtLi; 1'uUtOM Itt to Dhu FritiirUi'o .ftMrkrl. lr Tiuuiuru. tUu Ftmcuco, Mirctili Flour Kstrajobbli jr, J S5at . Whett-r'tnurr; bcl may h) quatixl t 1 H.V .!on to f'J UV 0t-f;5ttitt. " lUrloy-Drew Int. ft 40fl 15; fcixl, i lil SO. In:l TuJfr, W,V bujinc. 10, vltlui;. Llrrool wht uurket to-Jijr-io MQUV PJfcr sven: CUfauU; iw plain 14 fw CiuW HODGE, SNELL&CO. WHOLESALE D 11 U G G I S T S, No. 75 Front Street, PORTLAND, - - OREGON, PIAICIIS IN Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, llUCIIAX'S Cresylio Shoep Dip, MAI.MXCKUOUTVS Carbolic Sheep Dip, TH'TO.V V lll'ItTT'S SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosive Sublimate, Arsenic, Sulnli. Zinc, Carbolic Acid, Ac, KGMKD1HS KOH The Prevention and Cure of Scab, etc. HODGE'S CELEBRATED Gopher & Squirrel Killer. DBlxxo Stone, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &0. Country Urdvi'N Kullclted, AND 1'AUTICn.AU AITKNTION fllVKN VO TUK rUOUlT UlSl'ATCU OV HOODS. HODOE'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. SUlti: AM) UELIAHLK FOltTHi: DESTIIUCTION OY GOl'HKItS, SQWltKKLS, HATS, 31ICR, CHOWS, AC. Sntcr, Hotter, ami Cheaper than Mrychulnc, riioHphoriiN, .ir Nunlc, or oilier prepara tions uh a hIiirIu trial will convince. SOLD 11V DBALE1I8 OKNEIUILY, AND V HODGE, SNELL & CO., Wholesale) Druggists, No. tS Krout and til Klrnt St.. IHIItTL.lNU. li Weatherford & Co.. WholeeslonnJ Itotttll DcMorf In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. JR erfumery TOILET GOODS, Etc, otc. PURE WINES and LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Modloinoa Oompoundod, Proscriptions Filled. and Weatherford & Co., IVJtf Commercial rtrcot, SAI.1H.1J. A Ucwanl of $20,000 llafliecnoq'orrcillu'Caiicrrpiifbrtliobvot nml mnt iliiMblu incitioil of (imu luir tt'nti r from Welti or Cl. t.rn. SHOOTS & COI.WELL liao been aiarlcil tbo above on tlalr isxiA.:isziivo RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, fur tlio rcnion ttmt It l tho mnt iwrfrrt nml i1olrbc Pinup In uio. TIiIi EXl'ANIUNO iil'CKhT Ik Ibo only ono thijt tn . or can bo rntcuicil Tho principle ol ivtpantlait'-le l" : Tlio ltnbhor, '.tlm or mi Incb hfek. in placed botwueii twoCONVhXEU I'l.ATUS, tattooed lutlier llh n icrcw; tho plate bliia mil ct In Out centre, prem b.irdeit In tlio center, blc!i caiifen tbo Itubber to expand, o tbat It can bo KEADILY AUJUbTED TO ANY SIZED TCDB, fromlMloS Inchci, to a topnulucotbolcait pot. "W.?!'"?,?"11 J'1 ""kou tierfvct vacuum Tbo Uylo of OUK CUKII, lnievnnrtdelniblo. ltbn ventlla. ted lop, adnilttln free circulation of ntr. foul and l.olionou Kaeci aro ipilckly rcinocil by tbU MAGIC PUMP. It te known tbal tbo uio of Impure Water miipci more ilckncr and dc.ttb tliau nil ithcr cain-e uini blind. Wocballiimotbu world to rrodncun ruiuti jit cqiiala our EXl'nNDINd ItUilUKH UL'CKLT Tlio itubber tbat wo uio U puro Vulcanized White Itubber. loftaudelutlc. Tbn metal part of tho lurk. ct U KINK UHAS3. which U lNDESTItUCTHILE by nuyacldifonnd In water. ThUpnmp In nil Impmu, l ibo acme ol i-lmpllcliy. UltAWtNd MOltE W.. TKIt IN A fllVKN TIXIIV with l.vss piiu'wit THAN ANY OT1IEU I'L'Ml NOW IN USE. nnd I "ever obit.nctcd by Irerlns Ifproperlv aiUuited, """..i i'.iii'vu .. Jin, ii, joio, 1'rieo M'J lir Curb, To ColorButter. Mil, A. VHKKVKU Editor of tho New Kiixlaud farmer. In that paper or Nov. Utb, ad In all ilatrjiuen to un Wells, Klclmrdson & Co.'s PERFECTED BUTTER COLOR Iloa, "It l the trnct,puret, acd cheapen butter coloring w e hiTcer mod. For all that no can ee. tt U abiolntely perrect. It ibould entirely mperii-do tho ue or carrot, aud all preparation! or It Klvoi tho exact thade of tho beit Jeney butter. It U pure tuttnie, economical, and ha nn tatte or ituell. It U an linpioement on our "Golden Ex tract,"betni:acomblnttloiiof tho brlcht jellowcol orliifpriuciplo or the Dandelion bloiiom, aud It W Kroato superior to carroti, etc , h Uu better co.or, and Ui work, .V aniiilo auntrlriit to color lllty My annual Catalogue or Vegetable and Flower iced for IsTT will be ready by January, and rent I'Iikk to nil who apply, Cnitomrn or lait icaron nted not write rent. I offer ono or tho largert colli ctlou or vege table iced oer icut ont by any reed bouto In Ainerlct a largo portion or bleh were gtow n on my ilx iced firm.. Jilnlnl tlltffltotit jr cullitatlon on rry iwia'it. All reed told from my urtabllkbrnent ar. ranted to bo both rrerh and true to name; 10 f.ir, that ihouldlt prove other lie, I will refillthttorOcrgratli, An the original introducer of tho Hubbard aud Mar blehead Squaibci, tbe Uarblcbcad Cabhagei, nud a icoreor other now TCt'dtablei. 1 Invito the patronage or all trho art aurlom totait Milrttnlf)fh. rm. ainl of tht rtry tttitmln. Nnw vkortaiili'i a ii'kcultv. JjkMKi.I ll.lliirnoiiY. dc-yiwU Marblehead. Man. ,u i Ltei h,,0."t M1(1 (irl,c ml ,lr,t '' Wvt "r l,ll'u .i.. v...,!.;, aim .iu en. per 1..01 loraii neiuw uio nrst li rcct. 1 or I'imip, or County, Town orStato Klgbtn Aildaii, MIDDACOH UUAMfcJLKY. Salem. Orcson. poiiuda ot llulirr will be unit to amy ud ilre, iiotiipHld, ua receipt often cents. Kery Dilrymin who nlihea to rvallxo thohU'heit price rhoiild git e it a trial mxc. Addrvia WKLLN, HirilAUDSON A 'U triS Biirllustoui Vermont. mno- IMhuU. Spring Mil ftee. V. K. irCCSj 1'uo.MX, UlwsilujtouNarwry.m, Premium Seed Potatoes. SuowUukc, per bushel, $:j.(M) Etiiokn, ... jj.oo r.xlru Early Vermont, - 'i )( HrownellN Remit)', - 1.50 Cuiuptou'N Siirprlsu, - l.o Karl)- NoncNticli, - - l.OO Late Ruho, 1,00 h'arly Hose, Dliulck, Garnet ami Klnp ol the Uarlie, .75 Thti I mv Price ror them, racked and nut nn th.t can at Uubturd. All warranted to be true to name, and to reach any point along the line of the O, X V. lUtlroad in good order. Money In lumi of ten dol lar and npvtard maj bo rent by expren at my c. pedio otherwtie In regUtored let'er Addre.i ftl'mi J. H. PIMICK, Hiilitmnl, Or REAL ESTATE LOANS. OREGOX AD W1SUIXGT0X Company Trnst Investment OF SCOTLAND. mills Company li rreotred to negotiate loan In J. mtn. trom fMOiofiUXKI.ecur.ii oxr IMl'lttv. VKDCITY I'KOfEltTY and FA KM L.ND:. ror n xiM period or yean, or repajTiblo by hair-yiarly in italljuenti. For term, apply to William liEU), Manager, uivt v rini street i on Trees! Trees!! All Kinds of Froit and Ornamental T R E E S, Shrubbory, Small Fruits, Bo sos, Vines, Qroon-Houso and Bodding Plants &c, at the EAST PORTLAND NDRSERY, KAST POHTLAIVU, OREGO.V. Catalogues n-co. Seeds! Seeds!! Fresh garden and Flower Seeds, nil kludM o( GrnNN Seeds, Seed' ;raln, Seed Potatoes, Garden and Pruning Implements. Also Tree-, Plants, Huiuk, ,Sic., at my ssc3L Store 01 I'ront, bet. Wnalilugioii anU POUTI..N, OKUr.ON. WWti li. ntvsitv l'ortland, Oregon y VIder,- Jtl'.im-J Notice. IS hereby given that, punuant to an order of thn County Court, of Muton County, made at the Feb. ruary term there-f, !bTJ..l Mil on Va urday ," aiti,. day or March. 17. at 8 o'clock r. m. In tlw aftum"n of mid day. procee.1 to .ell at public aVctlo, J thS Court Uoiue ibwr In Salem, Hi Jlarlon County; Ore. gon. for gold coin In hatui the followlog described rial property Delongln to the estate t.r Da Id VeVton deceaied, to-wlt: Ilejlnnlng at a large flr trio uSd'. tug upon the loutb lde or tho Coumy road 'ieadlnc from the Champoeghridgo to the BrlcE fflS? 170 ardi rrom i.ild bridge: ruining thence Si dl in-KWchaliitoatakel I alio a corner or tbe and formpri. nV S!: T.'a.? Nowcll; thence M deg. Wlkffl cbalni to tho 8 W comer: thence N U dcg. mln. E 8 19 chain to tho road; tfeenco N 51 degfu mln. BrtloiV A ui? lue unco oi Deiinnin( rAm. ni. orlo'i, Fcb.33l'T7w All iltuatud In Marion County: oJegon. la' mk- j. Weston, AdmlnUtratru oriald e.tato. Estray. 1