Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 16, 1877, Page 7, Image 7

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Conducted by Mi Hattie 11. Claiikk.
Darning llttlo stockings
For restless llttlo feet;
Washing llttlo facos
To koon tuotn clean and swoot;
Hearing lllblo lessons;
Teaching catechlstus;
Fraying for salvation
From heroay and schism
Woman's Work.
Sewing on tho button;
Ovcrseolng rations;
Soothing with a kind word
Guiding clumsy Bridgots
And coaxing sullon cooks;
Entertaining company
And roading roceni books
Woman's Work.
Burying out of sight
Hor own unhealing smarts;
Letting In thosunshlno
On our clouded hearts;
llludlng up tho wounded,
And hoaliug tho sick;
Bravoly marchlug onward,
Through dangnrs dark and thick
Woman's Work.
Loading llttlo children,
And blosslng manhood's yoars;
Showing to tlio sinful
Ilow God's forglvonoss chcors;
Scattering swoot roses
Along anothor's path,
Smiling by tno waysldo,
Content with what sho hath
Womau's Work.
Lotting fall hor own (oars,
Whero only God can soe;
Wiping oil auothor'H
With tondor sympathy;
.Learning by experlonco;
Toachlug by oxamplo,
Yoarnlng lor tho gatownv,
Golden, poarly, nniplo
Woman's Work.
Lastly comelh sllouce,
A day of deep roposo
Ilor locks smoothly braldod,
Upon horbroaat a rose;
Lax lies resting gontly
Upon tho marblo chook;
A look of blessed peaco
Upon tho forohcad meok !
Hor hands softly foldod,
Tho kindly pulsos still;
Hor lips know no smiling,
Tho noblo heart no thrill.
Her couch needs no smoothing,
Suo cravoth no care;
Love's tondorost entreaty
Wakes no rosponaes thoro.
A fresh grnvoin tho valloy
Toars, bittorsobs, rogrot;
Ono moro solomn loston
That life may not forgot.
Fbco forovor lilddon,
Haeo forovor run
" Dust to dust." n volco salth,
And woman's work Is done.
1JV .IKSHIi: (J. 1).
Lvtlcr .
Dkau Fmi:xi: In an excursion
down tho river yostordny wo passed ft
boautiful residence, Htirrouudctl by no
blo onks ftnd lovely niuples. A broad
path wound gracofully among thom up
the graded stoop. Itaro flowers, cul
tured by skillful hands, porfumed tho
nlr and added beauty to tho scono.
Here and there a fountain of puro cold
water pushed, reminding ono of tho
'Fountain of Life," adding, If possible,
moro loveliness to the place. Listen
.lug to tho various exclamations of my
friends as wo nenred tho homo of my
cousin Xoll to Loroy I thought of tho
time long ago, when I ilrst visited that
place. Instead of tho pretty villa that
now crowns tho hill, a crooked little
log cabin stood there. Tho front yard
was filled with articles of cast-off cloth
ing, old tin-ware, chicken coops, and
various other things too numerous to
mention. Yes, thero tho Yarnoths
lived; and, ns wo came insight of Nel
lio's home, 1 silently contrasted tho
past with tho present. Years ago as
wo entered tho dingy littlo cabin, It
was liko leaving n field of sunshlno
and plunging into a dark cave. Mrs.
Y. greeted us very warmly and straight
way Introduced:
"My eldost dartor, Armlnta."
' My olde.it dartor," was a girl thir
teen years of ago, and very quiet. Oh !
What a visit wo did have! Tho dinner
was the queerest part of it. Mrs. Y.
was very proud of her biscuit, but I
would namo them snlorotus. Tho day
on which wo wero visiting was Tues
day, nnd, as wo sat at the tablo, our
hostess said:
"Law sakes! "What does all tlioso
knives? Why, I scoured thom hist
As tho days grew shorter, Harry and
1. spent tho long evenings studying and
reciting our lessons. Christmas came,
and "Santa Clans" brought us alia
fow presents. Now Year's day, wo all
went down to Undo George's who
lived six mllos down tho river. Our
visit was very pleasant Indeed, and
Cotisiu, Nellie, a girl fifteen yeaw of
age, accompanied us liomo and spont
tho winter with us. Sho and Armlnta
Ynrnoth mot and becamo good friends,
.and Armlnta soon began tocopy Nell's
lady-llko ways.
Gertrude, dear,
" The day beams in tbo crimson West
Now bid adieu to hill and vale,"
.-:o, good night.
(To be continued.)
God sees hearts as we seo faces.
Literary Night-Workers.
Moderate night-work, by thooxpress
testimony of experiment and experi
ence, does no hurt to bodily or mental
health, but rather tho contrary. Mr.
E. S. Dallas somewhere takes noto how
well, and to what old age, nocturnal
toilers retain thoir strength and facul
ties; how vlgorous-mimlcd and stroug
framed have eminent astronomers
been Copernicus living to bo seventy,
Galileo sovonty-elght, Flamsteed sev-onty-threo
In splto of a disordered
body; and or his persistence, night and
day, in toil harder, ho said, than a
corn-thresher's. Then, again, wo nro
referred to by Bradley, who did as
much night-watching, and yet ran out
the allotted period of three score, nud
ten years; and Maskelyno, his success
or ns Astronomer Itoyal, who told four
score all but one year: and grand old
Hershcl, whoso daily labors and night
watching lasted so long, and wero per
formed so well that ho may bo said to
have tlono the work of threo lives, and
ho reached the ago of oighty-four.
His son Sir John renewed tho talo of
yoars and of toll. Tho practical advlco
offered to tlioso who so wish to rob the
night to tho best advantage, is, for tho
robber to bleop two or three hours, get
up and work two hours, and then sloop
on tho rest of the night; doing which,
ho is promised that ho shall not feel
tho loss of tho sloop ho has surrender
ed. But constitutions nnd capacities
vary, nnd somo intending robbers may
find tho plan laid down for them n
mockery and delusion, If not a suaro.
Pliny.tho elder began his studies In
summer ns soon ns It was light; in win
tor, generally at ono in the morning,
but often nt midnight, and nover later
than two. How could Richelieu find
time amid tho multltryllnous cares of
state to writo his moffiqirs nnd his
miscellanies? Only by night-work. Ho
slept scarcely at all. Ills nights wero
given to composition and study.
Archbishop Williams, Englaud's'last
clerical chancellor, required, from
youth to old age, but threo hours'
sleep in twenty-four to keep him In
good health. What tho Lord Kcopor
got through, first and last, in tho way
of reading, must have been a sight for
soro oyes; it oven makes tho oyes soro
to think on.
It was not until his sovoro application
broucrht on a nearlv fatal Illni'ss. tlmt.
Salmasius gavo up his cherished habit
of devoting tho whole of every third
nignt entirely to study,
l'areja. tho painter, slavo nnd enlnr-
grinder to Velasquez, would spend
wholo nights in drawing, and all but
donied himself sloon altoirotliorln mn.
sumed emulation of his great master.
joiiu oemou is pictured by Mr. Dal
las in his little chamber in thoTomplo,
poring over piles of black-Iottor, add
ing another and another to his host of
precedents, and muttorlnir a simnr
against ecclesiastics and their tithes.
wlillo tho faggot on his hearth has
burnt itself out. and tho wiilfn nalwa
are blown by tho night wind about his
ecu, and somo on ins papers and nil
tllO dim nir With lllotOM. KnninnnHn
describes his philosophic friend Varig-
nuii, ub uiu iiuiuoi uicir longing as tlio
most laborious of students, clan to
on with what ho wnsdolnirnttwoln
the niorninir. under tho nroto.vt nf i
not being worth whllo to go to bod, be
cause ho usually ro.-o nt four. Mr.
Pepys took credit to himself, as well ho
might, in his reports to tho Admiralty,
that in ids olllelal labors in that depart
ment, involving bralnwork ns well as
ponwork toilsome and sovoro, ho made
nodlstlnctlon of hours botwoon dayand
night, being less acquainted, during tho
wholo war, with tlio closing his day's
work before midnight than after It."
Tin: JJuksiit Sim:. Look on tho
bright side. It is tho right side. Tho
times may bo hard, but it will make
them no easier to woar a gloomy and
sad countenance. It is tho sunshino
nnd not tho cloud that makes a flower.
Thoro is always that boforo or around
us which should cheorand fill tlio heart
wan warmth. Tiiosky is bluo ton times
whero It is black onco. You havo trou
bles; It may bo so. So havo others.
None are frco from them. Thoy give
sinew nnd bono to life fortltudo and
coiirago to mnn. That would bo a dull
sea, and tho sailor would nover get
skill whero there was nothing to dis
turb tho surface of tho ocean. It is
the duty of ovory ono to extract all tho
happlneso and enjoyment ho can with
out and within him; and, above all, ho
should look on tho brightsido of things.
In tho long run tho great balance rights
itself. What is ill becomes well what
Is wrong, right. Men nro not made to
hang down elthor their heads or lips,
and thoio who do n only show that
they are departing from the paths of
common son.io and right. There is
more virtue in one sunbeam than in a
whole hemisphere of clouds and gloom.
Therefore, look on tho bright sldo of
things. Cultivato what is warm and
gonial not tho cold and repulsive, tho
dark and morose.
Good Luck. Somo young men talk
about luck. Good luck Is to get up at
six o'clock In tho morning; good luck,
If you havo only a shilling a weok, is
tolivoupou eleven pence and save a
penny; good luck Is to trouble your
head with your own business, and let
your neighbors alone; good luck Is to
fulfill the commandments, and to do to
others as wo wish them to do unto us.
They must not only work, but wait.
Thoy must plod and persevere. Pennies
mut be iaken caro of because thoy aro
tho seeds of gulnens. To got on In tho
world, they must take caro of homo,
sweep their own doorways clean, try
to help other people to avoid tempta
tion, and have faitti in truth and God.
Tho fixed purpose sways and bends
all circumstances to its use, ns the
wind bands tho reeds and rushes be
neath It.
Hot Homa Ono pint of milk, ono
small cup of home-made yeast, Hour
enough to mnko a stiff batter, ralso
over night, in tho morning add ono
egg, ono tnblespoonful of butter, nnd
Hour enough to mako It stiff to roll.
Mix well and let it rise, then knend It
again, roll out, cut with a round tin
nnd fold over, put thom In a pan and
cover very close. Sot them in a warm
plnco until they are very light, bake
quickly, and you will have delicious
Sroxai: Cakk. Take one colVco cup
full of sugar and four eggs; bent thom
to a cream, add a pleco of snleratus as
largo as a pea, dissolved in a teaspoon
ful of milk, and n teaspoonful of lem
on; stir in cnrofully n coH'eecupful of
flour. I3ako In a quick oven.
Gixar.it Cookies. Take ono teacup
of sugar, ono of molasses, ono egg, one
teaspoonful of snleratus, one of ginger
and ono of vinegar, ami mix them
with seven tencups of Hour.
Ni:w Ykak's Cookiks. Three
pounds of sugar, two and a half of but
ter, ono pint boiling water, throe tea
spoonfuls baking powder: dissolve tho
sugar in tho water, add Hout, and
knead the dough until it shines; bake
in a slow ovon ten or llfteou minutes.
Tapioca Pudding. Wash four largo
tnblespoonfuls tapioca, and soak it for
nu hour in a llttlo warm water; strain
It through a sieve, and mix It with the
woll-bcuton yolks of four and the
whites of two eggs, a quart of milk,
half n teaspoonful of grated nutmeg,
und sweeten it with sugar. Uako it fii
a dish, with or without puff paste
round tlio edges, ono hour.
Ykast. For making yeast without
yeast to start it, tako one ounce of hops,
ono half-pint of flour, ono hnlf-tencup
of brown sugar, ono half-teacup of salt,
ono pound of potatoes, boiled and
mashed. Put tho hops in one gallon
of water nndjsteop ono hour, then pour
over tho other Ingredients whilst boil
ing hot; stir well; let it stand two days
in a warm place. (Strain tho hop tea
boforo using) and ufter standing two
days, bottlo lor uso and tie your corks.
Miw. J. U. Kxait.
Lako lUvor, March 10, 1877.
Tho greatest common divisor death.
A goodword is as soon said as an Hi
Mako men intelligent, nud thoy bo
como Inventive.
Lot your llrst, last, and best confidant
bo your mother.
No mau has a right to ask n woman
to become his wlfo unless he has paved
tho way, by ciutlon nnd forethought to
a comfortable homojfor her.
When tho tonguo of slander stings
theo, lot this bo thy comfort they nro
not tho worst fruits ou.whlch the wasps
A scandalous libolor says that tho
friendship of two young ladles is al
ways a plot against a third ono. Wo
only quoto to confute.
" Who discovered America?" was
tho question asked for examination of
a class In ono of the public uuuools of
" Ynnkeo Doodle," screamed a sonlor.
A yard-stick Is very useful in u store;
a stick on tho stago is of no uso what
ever; a stick in n tumbler is somotimes
in danger of making the sidewalk tin
ovon to pedestrians; article of u hus
band or wife is apt to bo much longer
than is dosired, and a stick full of mat
ter is tho commonest thing read in
A Vermont court gavo u wholosomo
little locturo, the other day, to it wo
man who applied for divorce on the
ground that her husband was a drunk
urd and nbusod hor. Tlio court asked
her if sho knew ho was a drinking man
when sho married him, and she ad
mitted that she did. The Judge said
that when a woman marries such n
man, with her oyes open, sho ought to
stand by the risk she has taken, and a
dlvorco should not bo grunted.
"Laughter! 'tis the poor man's plastor,
Covering up eaeh Mil disaster.
Laughing ho forgets his troubles,
Which, though real, swim but bubbles,
Linghterl whether loud or imito,
Tolls tho human kind irom brunt,
Laughterl 'tis hope's living voice,
Bidding us to mako u choice,
And to cull trom thorny bowors,
Louving thorns and taking (lowers. "
A Baby's Way.
It was Just nbout sunset, tho slreot
hnd been sprinkled, and tho residents
of tho neighborhood woro grouped on
piazzas and doorstops enjoying them
selves In chat and watching tho mo
tions of tho children playing on tho
sidewalk. Along tho walk came a
young man who looked as though ho
might be connected with tlio river, ho
had the general iudc-crlbahlo appear
ance of a boatman, and, additionally. It
must bo confessed that ho may havo
been drinking. As he approached tho
children they attracted his attention,
and ho stopped to look at them. Then
ho began muttering to himself, and un
mindful of tho people on tho adjacent
doorstep, who could hoar his words
distinctly: "There's pretty children.
I haven't any now. I wonder if they'd
bo scared If I should speak to one of
them." Ho went up to ono of tho chil
dren and took him by tho hand. Not
ing by instinct tho rather disreputable
appearanco of tlio man, the boy caught
away his hand and ran, tho other chil
dren, in terror, imitating his oxamplo.
Disappointed and hurt, tho mau turned
nway to go, when a wee, white-clad bit
of a baby girl, not yet big enough to
talk, turned about suddenly from tho
escaping covey, and toddled laughing
ly back toward tho man, holding out
her hands. Tho dlsreputablo fellow
caught her up in his arms, and then sho
laid her chubby pink cheek against his
grimy unshaven ono and cuddled and
cooed as only a baby knows how to cud
dlo and coo. Tho baby's mother,
watching nil, closo by, did not inter
fere. Tlio man held tho child for a
moment, nud then put her down gont
ly, and hurried off with tears In his
oyes. There was nothing very strik
ing nbout tho incident, but It did ono
rough heart a great deal of good, nnd
didn't hurt tho baby.
A Hoy's Composition. A Wiscon
sin schoolboy handed in the following
composition recently: ' I g to school to
rend and rite and slphor to slide on tho
Ico and trade off an old nlfo If 1 have
ouo in summer to pick wild Howors and
strawberries and to get out of work hot
days, somo boys has to go to school to
got out of their mother's road, but 1
would rather stay In winter than to go
to miles and set by a cold stove nud
froze my toze. 1 llko to go to school to
seo tho teacher scold tho big girls w hen
they cut up, some goes to school to fool
but I go to study when wo aro old wo
can't go to school and then wo will feel
sory tlmt wo fooled when wo was young
and wont to school. I don't got no tlmo
to fool anyway for I havo lots to do
when It comes to mygogrnphy.'
To Iindlos.
ITCHS. DIt. CIIAIC 1 now prepared to re
ceive patient nt her ulllcc. in Salem. Daring tlio
lat jear flio ha had extensive practice; nt Dr.
Adams' popular Medical lnMlttito nt Portland. In
treating ladles, nnd reel comldent of alUmUm; relief
hi mort caics of n chronic cnaracter. Special atten
tion paid to fernalo wcakncMand nen on prostration.
In connection with her treatment, lic uc tho cele
brated Medicated Electric Vapor llatlm, which
aid vadly In effecting cure. OMco and residence,
. o, corner of Center nnd Bummer rtrcett, Salem.
0B. A. fasxiltli, -A.xvtit,
Salem. Oregon, dealor In Stereoscope and Stereo
rcoplc View, and Scene of Salem and tho ruriound
Ins country. Llfd.tlzo holograph, In India ink. Oil
or Water Color. oll
Prices to Suit tho Hard Times !
Woodburn Nursery,
wooDSu&xr, Minoir co.,
A Choice Selection of
Vines, and
num ana
Prune Trees,
C'oiiMtaniiy on iinmi.
Hend for circular, ecpsstf
Sorow Worm.
Foot Hot,
Para8itos that infoat Shoop.
Improves the Health
tff Ono irallon la enouli for ono hundred In two
hnttlriwl Shn.Mi firrnnllm. tn ,liolp mn. .1. Hi u.wl
It U put up In 1'IVE-OAI.I.ON OANB-Prlcc, (13
per ran.
Scud for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co..
WIioIcnuIo AueiiU fur llio Mate.
Or to Your nearest Itolntl DrnwM, tnvfl
For Old and Young.
Far-Sighted and Near-Sighted,
Nliootluc-ilaiie for Niortiiii-u,
I AM prepared to tupply HpcrUcIi' to lit all eyvf.at
price to null. V W. .TIAIITIN,
Jeweler & Optklan, Hunk Mock, ritutu fit.
Hatem, Kay 1'J, 1B7U. Dm
Hacct-f nor to J. M. Kieliu & Co.,
85 Llbertf St., - - NKW YOItK,
CommiMMiou J-u; a tit
. New York via Itiimn, I'aclflc Itallroid, and
Cape Hom, all LlncU of MercbandUe, and for the ule
of 1'rodacU from tlio I'aclflc coat, for tbo collection
of money. Ac. octbtf
Attorney at Law,
Offlco on Statu Street, oppoelte tlio Pcunctt lloucc,
'T.l-r.nf ll.n mtfTnrttifynnrt fllaAflnnil rand thd
ii"IiOt all who lmvo boon glvon up by Doc
lorn, and spokon of as lnourablo, read tlio fol
lowlnc r.d"I-ot nil who can bollovo facts, nnd cau
hikvo faith In ovklonco, road tho following.
Know am. mon hv tiikhk 1'KKsents. That.
on thin, tho Twentieth day of Juno, In tho
yonr of Our Lord Ono Thsusnnd Eight Hun
dred nnd Sixty-six, personally cntno .Tosopli
Hnydock, to trio known ns such, nnd bolng
duly sworn, doposod as follows: '"That ho is
tho solo Konorai agout for tho Unltod States
and dnpoudnuclosthoroof for preparations or
modlolnes known as Dr. llolloway's Pills
and Ointment, nud that tho following cortltl
I'ntos aro vorbntlm coplos to tho bout of his
kuowladgo nud bollof.
r,.s, Notary Public,
14 Vfnll Stroot, Now York.
Juni: 1st, ISGO.
Dn. 1Ioi.i,ovay: I tako my neii lo wrlto
you of my groat rollol, nnd that tho awful
pain In my sldo has loll mo at last thanks
to your Pills, Oh, Dootor, how thankful I
mn tlmt I can got somo sloop. 1 can novor
writo It enough. I thnnk you again and
again, and am sure that you aro really tho
friond of all sufforors. I could not holp wri
ting to von. nud bono you will not tako It
amiss. JAMRS MYK11S,
11(1 Avonuo D.
TIiIh Utnonrtlfvlliiit I was dlsoharcrnd from
tho army with Chronic Dlnrrhmt, and havo
boon cured by Dr. Holloway's Pills.
Now York, April 7, 180(1. ill Pitt Stroot.
Tho following Is an Interesting caso of a
man otnployod In an Iron Foundry, who, In
pouring molted Iron Into a tlnsk that was
dump and wot, caused nu axploslon. Tho
moiled iron was tnrowu nrounu nuu on mm
ill it i'unuii miumii. nuu ud ntw uhiiivh
dreadfully. Tho following cortlllcato was
given to mo, by him, about olght weeks nftor
tuo accident:
NKwYmiit, Jan. lu, 18(H),
My namo Is.Jncob Ilardyj I am nn Iron
Konudor. I was badly burnt by hot Iron It.
Novombor last; my burns honied, but 1 lmd
a running soro on my log that would not
honl. I trlod Hollo way 'b Olntmont and It
on rod mo in n fow wooks. Tills Is all truo,
and anybody can noo mo nt Jncknon's Iron
Works, l!d Avonuo.
J.HAKDY, llOOoorcliHt.
Extracts from Various Loiters.
" I had no nppotlto; Holloway's Pills gavo
"Your Pills nro niarvoUou8.M
" I send for nnothor box, nnd koop thom lu
tho house."
" Dr. llollowny lias cured my hoadaoho
Hint was chronic."
" I gnvo ono of your Pills to my babo for
cholera morbus. Tho dear llttlo thing got
woll In a day."
" My nauson of a morning Is now curod."
"Your box of Holloway's Olntmont eurod
mo of nolsos In tho hoad. I rubbod sumo ol
your olntmont behind tho onrs, and tho nolso
liss loft."
" Send mo two boxos, I want ono for a poor
" I enclose a dollar, your prlco Is 23 conUi,
but tho modlolno to mo Is worth a dollar."
"Sond mo llvo boxos of your Pills."
"Lot mo havo throo boxos of your Pills by
return mall, for Chills and Kovur."
I lmvo over '200 such Testimonials
as thoho, but want of spaco compels mo to
For Cutaneous Disorders,
And all eruptions of tho skin, this Olntmont
lu mnuf. Invnliinhln. It. tlnn tin! unnl nvfAp.
millv nlnrin. lint: iinnnfrntixu ii'ltli ihn ttwmf
searching oll'octs to tho vory root of tho evil.
Invariably euro tho following dlsoasos:
Disorders or tho KlditejH.
In all (IIhohhos nfl'octlng tlioso orgnus,
whothor thoy socroto too much or too llttlti
water; or whothor thoy bo allllctod with
stouo or gravol, or with aohos and pains set
tlod lu tho loins ovor tho regions ot tho kid
neys, those Plllsshnuld bo taken according
to tlio prlntod directions, nnd tho Olutmout
should 1)3 well rubbod Into tho small of tho
Imok at hod tlmo. This troatment will glvit
almost Iniinodlnto relief who" UH other
meuns have fulllod.
For Htomnctis out or Order.
No inodlcluo will so olfectunlly linprovii
tho touo of the stomnoh as tlioso Pills; thoy
remove all acidity, occasioned oltlier by In
toinnornuco or linpropor diet. Thoy roacli
the llvor and roduco it to a healthy net Ion;
they nro wonderfully olllcaulnus lu cusos of
spasm in taoi inoy novor mu in curing nil
disorders of tho llvor nud Htonuch.
HMoicaii J'ttU uh tin Utt rtmtitij known In the
uvihijvr me jtxioaut'j uittattt;
IlllloiiH Com
plaints, JSlotohesoii tho
Dowel Com-
Constipation of
tho Dowels,
l.lyer Com-
Iteteiitlou of
Scrofula, or
Klugtj's Kvll,
fioio Throats,
Feinalo Irregu
larities, Fovorsofall
Niouo ,U Urn vol,
Vonoral Atl'uo
tlnus, Worms of nil
Wonkness from
any cuuse, tVu.
Nouo are genuine in .ess tho hlgnaturi
J. IIavdook, us agout for tho United .Stales,
surrounds each box of Pills, and Ointment.
A handsome reward will bo glvon to any
ouo rendering such Information ns may lead
to the dotoctlon of any party or parties coun
terfeiting the modlolnes or vending tlio
same, knowing thom to bo spurious.
Hold at tho Manufactory of Profossor
II0U.0WAY it Co,. Now York, and by all
respectable Druggists and Dealers lu Medi
cine throughout the olvlllred world, In box
es at 'il cents, 0- cents, and $1 each,
fcir Thoro Is considerable saving by tuk
ingthe larger sizes.
N. Ii. Directions for tho guldauco of pa
tlonta In ovory dlsordor ate alllxod to eaobv
bo. seOy.
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