&jnm!S2st3sxmaKams ,3B.rWTW1BaKMM 40 .'Jaiss ', V n i i t t? V e DIRECTORY. Ol'FICIIKS of tlio NATIONAL (JHANOK. tfMfr-John T. .Touch, Barton, Phillips, Ark. Ounttr-J.J. Woodman, l'aw Paw, on Huron, Mich. .... i . Ictmir-,. H. Hmedlcy. Crcoco, Iltiwurd, la. tittuartt-A. .T. Vniifrlill, Memjilili'. a ytlli. Au't 6''tKfirf Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddleiiurli, Ci,ailaln-'ii. It. Ellis. Bprliujborouith, Wnrren, O. J'rtatnr-V. M. .McDowell, Wayne, Steuben, N.. Ktcrttttry-O. II. Kellcy, LoulnUilo, Ky. anlt-h'umrO. Dinwiddle, Orchard drove, Iud, ttm-JIn. John T. Jonc, Harton, Phillip. Ark. Flow Mm. Samuel E. Adamr, .Muntlcello, Minn. Jkjmtna-Mrt Harioy Onddard, North (Iranby.Ct. iM'ly A'tMant tffcwcinf Mle Carolina A. Hull, I.oitlnvlllc, Ky. EXECUTIVE COMMITTER. 1). Wyatt Aiken. (Chairman,) CoUesbury, 8. C K. It. Sliaiiklnml. Dubuque town. Dudley T. VUmp. L'larr-inont, N. II. Aloriao O rider, lio k l'allf, Whltciddc, III. W. II. Chamber, Ueweccbec, Itiirncl). Ala, OlllcrrN ofOrrujou Stiito UrniiKC Mdfttr Win. Cyrnp, titlo. Oitrtfi-ti. 11. Bhlpluy, Opwpco. rwr-Mrs. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity. tiiattiti y T. L. Davidson. Halcm. Hhwnnl-W. H. Thomiii", Walla Walla, W. T. A"ittiwl fjittmrttti. W. Itlddlo, Canjonvllle. rmiliitii -Yf, II. Gray. Autorla. (Mfh'uxr-A. 11. Graham, PlthcrV Landing, Clark county, W. T. fir' Mr. H. A. Miller, Jacksonville. jnn(nm -iltn.H. 1). Durham, McMinnvlllo. Morn- Mr. B.A.Kelly. Kast Portland. Ay Jm'I Witmii-Mre. Georgia Smith, Hood Jtlvcr, Watciiniimiy. , h'riciitlf 0'NiWi'-Wm. Cyril, Hclo; H. Clow, Jlnlln.; K. I.. Smith, IIikkI Itlvcr. Anfe HitlMH .lyinf-B. P. I.eo. Portland. State Grange Deputioo for 1877 IMQfflC. hUjinit. nrsToN. ... ' JV UohK- Conalll ConallH 1'I.AI KAMA. Kniirli Nklnlnu Ilntto Creek H W Hand ill Oregon City IMlt'lll.A. J Wlli) MyrtloCruk 1 M Gaidner Drain's Htntlon .MII.TVIIMAII. ........ PlyinpHiii Kelly HupI Portland. ...Kot Poitl.ind MAUION. ' Ft'nMli-inuii IliiltoUllu ... 41 W Hunt Hiiblltnlly Salem ,1 N T.MIIb-r" lackxutivlllu Jackponvlllo V A Patlerpini' Hlckreal Salem ,1 ,1 Chatlton Goopu Lnko Jackpoimllu Uanlci'pii'Pli'r..". ICcrliylllo Jackpomlllu i, am:. Jamen W. Matlock (IhpIicii 11 A Irvine....'. Lebanon Albany John End TjkU Iho Dalle mnii-i.. lit) Durham McMlnmlll.i J HappliiKton Clinton (HUNT. ,. 2)11 Illneliart Canyon City Canyon City roi.rMiiiA. . ... J W.Mtxmll Columbia City TIIMMWOK, ., ., ., ,, II P Holilen Tillamook North nmlill! 1'XATII.t.A. ... . JH While WcUn...., Wcrton I OOP, J Henry Hhroeder Oil WAPiumiTON rKitiiiTonr. I I.AHK. H W Hrown Vaiieouvor CUM MIIIA. KPHIeln Daylon libltliiKer Colfax Colfax riiKiiAMP. M 7. Goodalu lilma UH Maiklmm,'.' Chehill Point TllllllTHK. .... 1.(1 Abbot l (Hymplit OlympM ii IjoiiKtnlro Yulin in". . ., ... .Itllltip llorlon Hwltlo Heattlo I.K1MI. li M Pli'rmii CUnnato.. YAKIMA. t)P Cook Klleiipkuri: In nny county whero Iho Deputy appolntiil la not thu mot piillaMe, nr.d thu (Iratiitea of Iho licallly will Vroporly Indlcaloto mo a choke. I wlllboplcaiU,for in many InHancop 1 liavotin'ii obllKitl to mako np. polntmenla wlllioct knowKtUoap to Ctncpp. W.M. OYHUH, MaaterOrek'nnHtntoGranKO, P. ofll. ronoxA (fiuxoK, itAVio.v vorxrr. G.W. Hunt, Maplori (1, (I. fllcnn. Hec'y. MeelS mtboilrH Woilnedayof iali month, at tho point that may be lUed Uat mcclliitf. To tho Subordinate Qrongoi of Oregon State Grange. Thu Sourolury of ouoh UruiiKO will p!oano hoiuI llioniuiuwor MimtorHuilSeorcUryoloot for 1877, to Mm. or H. 11. iw ooon m prvtl onlilo, kIvIuk tlto iiililriutM of Master nud Jlocrotnry, County uml Stalo, or Territory, Jly no tlohiK you will oIiIIro T. li. l)AVUiOK, sou. o. s. a., r.or 11. l'ont olllfo mlilrvs: Suloui, Muriim Co,, Oron. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Notli-fl In horoby ulvon to tho MMtoni or lio tUllorout BUlHinllnuto OrnnKOt of l.lim 4'ouuty, tlmt It l tliolr duty to oloot tlirmi tloh'Kittoi from Molt (ImitKo to uttoml n eon volition In Albany, on thu noooml Monihty In April, 1H77, at 10 o'clook a. in., for tho purpontiof oloctliiR raprusanUUvoa to tho HUte tinman, whlolt moota In Halem on tho ourthTuoailay In May,lH77. U. A. Iuvimk, Deputy. la XemorUm. WhoroaM, llartow (late tlrauge, Mo, 167, Vftoo countyt lOrogou, Ium been (teprlvtui tiy ilcrtth of our worthy ulutor Nancy Jano tiavaKO, Hoaolvoil, That whllo we low In iMitnblo MUlimliialwi to thUKtvoutt wo hope that our vntKent lowt U heroteinal gUi, ami that our Itelovtxl SUtor haa boon removal froinauil'or iujt In hor homo below to rent 1n her hotter JUomo atmvo. lttwHilvotl, That lu the iloatliof SUtqrKar Re tho ClrniiKtt haa lout a wortlty ami ltitdily ateemtHl innuibpr, ami her fatullyaklml wife ami mother, ami the community a good citizen . IteaolviHl, Tliat the wwnbera of tho (IraiiRo Mr the usual badge of mournlint for thirty lavH at their meeting. Kuaolved, Tuataoopyor uieaerenoiuuoiiH ho preaented to the atnieted family, ami tliat J copy be aent to Uui Wiu-AMirrrK VjUIMkh or publleatloa, and lteeotveU, that acopjrof the pnKMwdlncn le apreal uon tb Journal of Harlow 'a Uatellrauge, Jotm Kxu, M. A. Wimi, Abuik .uuwalt, The Faiimku publlahea an exceedingly In tereetlng aitdnwa delivered before Turner Grange, by Mr. Irene llllleary, In which the practical reeulta already achieved through the Orange orgaultatton, aud the greater reaulta yet to bo achieved, aro pre iuUHl. One of the moat important ivaulU already rmohtHl, la that auch talent aa Is nhown In thla addreii u brought to the aur fAoo, liuuvadof being allowed to rviualu for yur uukiiown. Ortgonian, Meeting of Subordinate Granges LINN COUNTY. llopo, No. 21, moots in Albany, on tho 1st nnd 3 HaturdoyH of eaoh month, at 10 a. m. Oak Plain, No. 0, in Ilalsoy, 2nd nnd -1th Saturdays at 11 a. in. Manner, No, 1C5, In Grawfordavlllo, lat and 3rd Saturdays, at 2 p. in. Hyracuso No. h3, at Mlllors Station, 1th Saturday, at 1 p. m. Lebanon No, 21, at Lobanon, 2d and 4th Saturday, at 10 a. m. Qraml Prulrlo No. 10, 4th Saturday. Knox Uutto No. 22, 1st and 3rd Satur days. Santlam No. 37, 2nd and 4th Saturdays, at 10 n. m. llrownsvillo No. 10, 1st and 2nd Satur days. Tangent, No. 7, 1st and 3rd Fridays, at 10 n. tn. llarrlsburg, No. 11, 1st and 3rd Satur days, nt 10 a. m. Shodd, No. U, l&t and 3d Saturdays, at 10 u. m. Happy hrmo No. 40, 1st Saturday, nt 11 O'OIOCK u. m. Jlarinnny No. 23, 3rd Saturday, regularly, except In Nov. Doo., Jan., Feb., nnd March, whoa thoy moot thu 1st Friday. J110NTON COUNTY. Soap Crook No 1 1, 1st Saturday nt 10 n, m. Wlllamotto No. 52, 1st Thursday, at 10 a.m Philomath, No 12, lth Saturday, nt 10a.m. LANK COUNTY. CroHSWolI, No. 01, 3rd Saturday, monthly. Kugomt, No. 5(1, In ICugeno City, 3rd Sat day, at 10 it. m. Chnrlty, No. 7(1, 1st Saturday. Goshun, No. 101, lot Saturday, at 10 o'clock. Juuutlon City, No, 43, 2nd Saturday, at 1 p. in, POLK. COUNTY. Oak Point, No, 3, 1st and 3rd Saturdays. MARION COUNTY. Ablqim.No 133, lth Saturday. Koclc Point, No 4S. 3d Saturday, ntl p. m. Uutto Crook, No. 82, 3rd Saturday, ut 10 ii. m. WASHINGTON COUNTY, lloavotlon No. 100, moots 1st, Saturday, nt 10 o'clock. S. O. Recti Long Combing Wool. Tho wool-growlnr; industry isonothatls peculiarly ndiiptcd to some Hoctlons of our country, nnd should liavo met with moru in tention Irom our fiiiiuorH in ovory suction tliiiii it tins. How far bolilnd hand wo nro In tills wiih palnlully evident In tho luto Inhibi tion, whuro tlio largest oxliihlls ol wools wore tlioHH from forolgn couutrlos, in iioino 1'iiNoH much Inter than our own In dale of soltlomont. It Is duo to our own country luon to Kiiy Hint tho displays thoy did iimko woro romarked upon by nil who saw thorn as bolng, lu ruMpout to IIiiouohs nud to louirth higlily siiporlor to nuythlng from foreign souiitrlos. showing Unit wo can, if wo will, successfully compotn with tho world in this groat brunch of ronlly productlvo Industry. Tho display which wan most commonlod upon in regard to Its high oxcellonco. wax undoubtedly ono sont from tho far-oil' Puol Ho, from Portland, Orogon, In' S. G. Hood, Khi.,u dlstlngulshod sheop farmorof that nluco. For longth, llnonoss and softness his long combed wool was admitted to bo un equalled, and lu Its raising should provoto bo Indeed tho "golden llooco" tliat so many Argonauts lmvo gouo Wostward to sourcli for. Oregon is undoubtedly woll llttod by its peculiarities of soil and clluiato, to be come tho groat nhoop farming section of tho Union. In this connection I may quote what Mr. Hoed himself aays In alatoluttor to tho Commissioner of Agrloulturo, who had quoNtlonod him In regard to shoep farm ing In Oregon: "My own oxporionco lu shoop farming haa beon confined ton com paratively small Hook ofnuro brod "Cots wolds" nud "I.olcoHtors," tho formor having boon Imported from ICngland by tho Jinn. M. II. Cochrane, ofCanadn, In the year 1871, nntl tho latter from Now Xoalnud during tho sitmo year. 1 am fully convinced that Or egon Is peculiarly well adaptod to shoop far ming. Homo data from my own Hock may ho Interesting, In March, 187(1, the averngo weight ofCoiawoldewos was 218 l-.'. pounds ouch, nnd of I.olcoeior owos 108 l..r pound oKch. 'lhoavorago wolght or Heoces from old owes was. Coin wolds, 14 pounds; Lolcos tors, 13 pounds. Tho ylold or lambs this spring was Cotawolda, 220 percent., Lolcoa tersll5por cent." The abovo facU show that Orogon is ust the country foraheop riirmors, and nro backed up by tho fact tliat tho fleeces sont by Mr. Hood from there took n diploma of tho highest morlt ami tho United StHles Centennial modal or honor. Jiloston Journnlof Cuminrrte. Tho DeiUny of Men. Among one million human beings, there uro ut birth on itn nvorago 512,000 boys ttnd 1,000 girls, lletweou tho tlmo or birth and tlieugu of 5, more than ono-fourth, or2i2,0iX) children illu, namely, 112,000 boys and 120,- (KH) girls, leaving 370,000 boys mid 2),000 girls, tho groater mortAllty or the boys re ducing thorn thus soon to nearly equal nu in born. Tho next tlyo years aro more favor able, mid so Is the period from 10 to 15, dur ing which the mortality is tho least, but es pecially for boys; from 15 to 20 the mortality U greater ngalu, ami still greater from 20 to 25, so taut at that time 101,000 will have died, leaving 031,000 to enter their 20th year. At tho end or 35 years 200,000 women will have married, whllo 02,000 persona will havedled, or whom nearly hair will die from consump tion, leaving 5?2,000, The next ten years will reduce the number by 70,000 deaths, 202,000 at tho ago of 45. Now eaoh succeed ing ton years will bo more fatal, and tho numbers shrink so rapidly that during tie next 30 years they will die at au Increasing. ratio of uu average of mora than 10,000 per year, so that ut 75 y ear or age 311, 000 will have died, and only 101,000 will bo left; (he death rate per year still increasing ft-oni 7.1 to 85, U now about 12, (XX) per year, ao that during this decade 122,000 will die and 30, 000 be loft to attain 5 years of age; now the death rate luoreasea till more, but aa there ure lea people left to die, the absolute num ber or deaths grows leas than 4,000 per year, so that 37,000 will die lu the next decade, aud only 'J,000 will reach tho age or 05; of theae, 1,7V) will die Ibofore the age or 100, ao that ouly250wlll reach the f ot 100. Oftheae 250, hair will die the Hrat year over 100, leaving 125 to attalu 101 yean; again half of that number the next year, or 75 at 102, aud ao on-37 at 103, IS at 101, Oat 105, 4 at 100, 2 at 107, aud 1 at 108. Thla single surviving Individual, among one million human be ings dying arouud aud before him, will then lu his turn at last also bid earth fare well , (o mako room for other generations, as hlscouteuiorurles have wisely and uuro promptly done before. , WILLAMETTE FARMER. From Coos County. Coquiixe City, Coos Co., Feb. 22, 1877. J Kn. FAitMun: In this portion of " God's horltago " wo who Inhabit these mountain valleys on tho vergo or tho Occldont are In a condition to sing: " Winter is gone, with his skies so wan, And his icy bands are broken; Warm breezes blow, tho rivers How, And woods of llfo glyo tokon. Tho spring birds, perched in sunny nooks. Their oarly rapturos sine; And tho frog pops up his head in tho brook, And chants his song of spring." Tho morcury Btands at 52 in tho early morning; tho hills aro sporting greon coats; oarly buds nro swollod to bursting; tho bluo birds glvo cheory notico of tholr return from thoir winter visit to southern California; tbo yollow hntnmor " pounds on his pluo-treo sholl," nnd robin rodbroast sings his song of " Two logs, and throo legs," from tho tip tops of of tnll Hrs. Tho spring salmon hnvo appeared In the rivers, and the sea lions nro happy. How do you llko tho picture, you dwollors In tho hyporboroan regions of New York, Ohio, Iowa, Minnesota, nnd contiguous States, where morcury freezes, whisky bo- comes oil, nud six mouths' soml-hyborna-Hon of inon and nulnmls is nocossnry to ovon lucomploto hnpplnessl And where, In summer, you toast by day, nnd light mos quitoes nt night, and the aguos shako you until your bones rattlo In your skins? Horo the morcurlal weathor-tubos hnvo no uso for zoro, nnd noed no scnlo abovo 1009 for record of lomporuturos " in tho shade." 1 lmvo u thermometer whicli lms hung two years lu ono place, under a shod, on thu north sldo or my house, tho lowest record of which is 2S (above), nnd its highest 03". For three fourths of tho days of our coldoit win ter no Hro Is required to warm our rooms, oxcopt oven lugs nnd oarly morning. To-day I nm wintering in i room without tiro, al though it l'i vory cloudy, nnd raining some. In summer, tho nights nro nlwnys cool enough for looping comfortably, nnd tho marauding mosquito, reversing tho habit ot his Kustorn brother, goes quietly to roost, nnd revels In plonsa)it dreams until sunrise. Not n ilnko ol snow has been on tho ground horo, this winter; no skate; nosleigh-rido. Tho nrtlcln lu n lato number of tho Faum Mi:u,on dried potatoes a ta vwk tic i'ioii v.cr, rem Inds mo that no hotter section lor raising potatoes, fruit, Ac, Is on tho const than this. Tho facilities for shipping are good, nud tho preparing of thoso products for market lu tho dried form ought to bo como n paying industry horo. Instead of which, potatoes, onions, cabbagos, Ac, are actually brought hero frotc San Francisco to reed loggers nnd minors, and our stores re tall tho ordinary dried fruits from California nt 15 to 25 coLts por pound. No bettor dairy country exlMs than this; yot wo pay 20 conts por pound for California-made ohooso, and California butter Is cstou horo, barrel nftor barrel. Your rendors wltl thoreforo porcelve that horo is uu Inviting Hold for the enterprising dairyman nnd frult-oulturlst who wish to enjoy our splondld climate, with Its Immu nity from disease, nud who has go in his head, musclo in his back, and so mo cash In his breeches pockot. Tho riso In furs has sot the trapping frater nity uu tho war-path horo, and many a boa vor has lost his skin In consequeuco, nnd your correspondent has feasted upon that delectable luxury, boaver-tail stew, to sati ety, i no trapping industry is no small mat tor to tills section, and brings many a dollar Into our local circulation. Ilut tho palmy days of tho genus trapper have passod away, nnd tho habitation ot O. Fiber Is bocomlng "small by degrees, and boiutlfully loss." Coijunxv. City, Fob. 28, 1S77. Kn. Fahmkii: WVathor oplomlld on tho Coquillo, Tillies dull, and Democrats carry long faces lu view of tho olection nows,but wo are all tired of supenso and nre willing to accept "anybody Lord anybody" so we lmvo n president. Still our happiness is mingled wltn tomo small regret, as It wes to bo hoped that one honest man would bo found in tho Hepubllcau rauks. Ilut trials and dUupiKiiuimeuts are lusoperablo from human existence, "Let us have peace." Capt. ltAcklitle's new steamer is not yet running, cause why, not yot Inspected. It appears a llttlostmngo that this boat must bo kept waiting with hor orow, month after mouth, for thu Inspectors to come from Port hind. It Is certainly not calculated to en courage steamboat enterprise in new aud re mote sections, mat the owner must keep their boat and crew ready, on aupene, and expense, for four month aftor they are ready o begin to earn something; awaiting tho movements of parties in the other end or tho State. There Is "a screw loose some where." Tho experiment of growing prunes Is about lobe tried in this valley by Hon. P. II. Hoaa, o I am told. He can scarcely fall of success, as no hotter fruit couutry Is Ivlng arouud, M. Poimons. - For any poison, the mostspeo dy, certain nnd most frequently eHlcaclous remedy lu tho world, If Immediately taken, Is u heaping toaspoonful or ground mustard, stirred ranidlv In a class or cold water, and drank down nt a draft, causing Instantane ous vomiting. As soon as the vomiting cea ses, swallow two lablMpoonfuls or mere of swett-oll, or any other mild oil. If uo ground miutard is at hand, drink a teacup ful or mote of sweet-oil or any other pure mild oil, melted hog's lard, melted butter, tiain oil, cod-liver oil, any of which protect the coots or the stomach from the disorgan izing eHVls or the poison; and, to a certain extent, by tilling up the pores or the stom ach (tho mouths or tbo absorbents) prevent the (Hi I son being taken up In the circulation or the blood. Persous bitten by rattlesnakes have drank oil freely and recovered. These are things (o be done while a phyaloJan la be ing sent for. A Pomona, or fifth degree grange, was or ganized at Myrtle Creek on Monday and Tuesday last, by Pr. S. K. Hulck, lepnty Grand Master. The name adopted was Umpqua District Pomona Grange. The fol lowing otllcera were elected: 11. G. Glbba, Master; Pllnn Pooper, Overaeer; J. F. Gz- icy, i.eciurcr; .. cornuu, unapiain, Mrs. M. Mcllrlilo,wlfeof the late Dr. Jas. Mcltride, died at St, Helens, Ogn., on the 23d ult., ged 07 years-. A Victim or Flattery. Y tord y morn ing a woman living on Ni poleon street was soon on tbo walk lu front Oi tho xdte heaving tbo snow right nnd left, nnu sho had only got fairly tottied to work when n hoy loung ed up, and remarked: "I'll clear oU tho walk for ton cents." "I guess I'm able to do it," sho replied . "Hut seo how it looks." ho continued. "Horo you aro, a perfect lady In look and action, highly educated, nnd yet you grovel In dust, as It were, to save tho pitiful Mini ol ton conts.'' "You grovel along and mind your own business," sho curtly replied, Hill) digging away, "It's wortn ton conts," ho Mild, as ho loaned against tho fence, "but I'm Rlellor with tomo sentiment lu mv bosom. Now we'll ssy flvo cents, or jus! enough to covor wour nud tonr o'my bones. Glvo me tho shovol and you go In, get on your sealskin snequo nnd best Jewelry, and whllo I work you stand out noro nnd boss around, nnd talk as Hyou owned tho biggest half of North Amoricn, whllolhad nothing, nnd was iudobtfor thnt." Shu looked nt him sharply, saw that ho wns lu earnest, nnd when she passed over tho suow.suovolstio put two nlckles Into his hand. Ho looked alter her ai sho went In, nud thou sadly inusod: "Oh, Flattoryl thy surest victim Is n woman honioly enough lor n scaro-crow." Dct voit Free Press. From tho Mountaineer: Mr. J, C.Luckov, Just in from tho "Mud Springs" situated In tho southwestern part ofotir county, gavo us a call on Monday. Ho hnd In his possession sovornl unsays or tho "mud" nnd of "rock" and "qunrt?. speclmons," nil of which nro poslttvo ovidoncos of rich gold and sllvor mluoH. Ononssny of tho 'mud" showod R prospect of 2,200 to tho ton. This nssay was mado by Professor Hurley, of Orogon City, lor Mr. Frank Storey, whogathorod tho mud and paid for tho nssay. Mr. Lucky InformB us Hint tho excitement in thnt section wns greater than over bolbro, ns mnny now quart, lodges woro found containing tho pre vious meluts. Hou.ritoWAY'.s Pim.s. Tn or Ltn:. Armed with this great nntliloto, tho tlery ordeal is pnsocd through mid the sullbror once moro restored to tho possession of un impaired henlth. TIipso PillM nro equally eHlcaclous in all female complaints, nud ob structions ut tiio dawn of womahhnod. Sold every whoro. 25 conts por box or pot. NORTH SALEM STORE. V. 3L. WAJ333, A T THE MUCK STOItE, HAS JUST HIX'EIV LX. oil afiill iiHortmcntof G-oneral Morohandiso, Dry GoodSj Grooonos, Boots &, Shoes, Hard-ware, Clothing Calculated for tho City nnd Country Trado. Untight M low, and will nu fold nt ns SMALL A PHUPIT. at thow who HELL AT COST. rrciootl dellvorca to toy Dart ot tho cltv frco or crmrvo. Nov8r STORE. 1 HAVE rUHCIIASBD THE ENTIHn Intcrff t of Mom. Yvaton A LoiiKlmry lu ma t utmiuro stnro on mo wcei nuu ot Conimcrclnl Ntrcet, 8alctu, nnd hnll Wi) on hand a OKNEHAL A8 aOIU'MENT of good for tho retail trsde. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY rat-lur & hniitlicr SctH, . BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, ROCKERS- &C, Ily tho ttl ur tnga piece. Repairing and Jobbing DONE IN THE PEST MANNEH, And at reatonablo price, n I an a practical workman , ,, JOHN GRAY. Halcm. .Inly 15. l3.y Homo - Made and Hand-Made B O O T S . TP YOU WANT A (lOOD-lTTTINO PINK BOOT JL you can uu accoimneOntvu by cnlllnj; At AniistroiiK'M Shop, On Stato Street, oppotlte WILLIS'S HOOK STOItE. An. Wohk Wahnamku. Price Hi:ao.-auie. Heiialrlnt; ntaltjuntlinvmiilly itonr. Oivi: Mi; a UaI.U InclMf W?I. AKITINTIIMNC. Aceiita Tor the Wllluiucltc Farmer. Albany Amity Aeliland Ilollvuo Ilncna Vlfta llrowuKvllltf llnttuvlllo Canyon City Caii)oiulllu Co.iillU City Colo' Valley i JE Hanntin (1 1: liotchell "".I II Sbortrldco Jeir I)avl Win Wells, J W llobart W It Kirk J W It.iclu'likr O II lllilnebart WT Urlu'Ci ...rSMalteton W 11 Clarko uiauop. .Hi) Jlorrlinm Crawfordll!o ltohert Olan Cove U K Kendall CorvallU E Woodward Creell Kotcoo Knox CUckania W A Mill Camp Creek O It llammerley Dalla J U Lee. 1) M Outhrlo Dexter S llandoakcr I)rln'c Kreon A Drain DmafCiU K Koibe Dayton .E U lladaay Klklon..... A 11 Ilalne Kiicvnc... ....John McClnns Kox Vallv) A I) (Unlner Yattl Oroo S lluj;be, W I. Ciml (ioi"ben... J llandaker Gerralt 8.M (lnlnc llaln'y. TJ Illack llarrUbiin; lllram Smith HllllKn A I.nvlllni; Iletmor........ Morrow & llerrvn Independence... W L llodt-ln Jancllon Smith. Ilrafdeld A Co., W L Lemon Jaekonvlllo M Pelerton Jen"eron John W Poland LvwWtlto 11 C McTlmmond Lafayutto Dr Poppleton, A II Henry U-twium ....S II Clani-hton Monroo Joa Kcltoy McMinnvlllo..... ..JlIMorri. A Held Monmouth.. W Waterhoue Needy Wru Moreland New Era..... J Caato Nowelltvlllo ....!' V Cattleman North Yamhill II O Stewart Oakland ..S K lUymond 0e-o .A li Shipley Ott J II Schroetler OrcironClty J M Bacon Pendleton., ..W A Whitman rrorla Ur J 11 Irvine Pilot Hock K Otlllam Portland S P Lee, Aeent Slat. Grance l'rincttllle OH Pilnglo Ptrrydato...., MoGrew' btoro Hlckreal .....PA Patterson Itofebun; Tho Smith Selo FP Jonra, ThoaMnnkcr Sllverton Tltnibbard ShcddV WM l'oer, CK Wheeler Sprlndeld A G llorey Sublimity John Downing t)eet Homo lien Mark Sheridan....... ..... . .............. ................ Tu.ent KSIUrzeo Tho Dalle. S L llmok Turner , W H llttleary vnroacr S Ilron, Jl u Denuro Wlllimeito Pork M Wllklna Walla Walla J llner Waldo JO Elder YcnculU J It Ellison, I( S Apple-ute ffVVv MILWATTKIE NURSERY.. GrcntcMt Variety of FRUIT TREES In Oreeroii Consisting of Apple, Pear, Peaoh,. Plum, Prune, Cherry, Grape, Cherry Currant, Law ton Blaokberry, Raspberry and Strawberry Sets, California Walnut, Black Walnut, Butternut, & Filbert, W111C1I WILL BE SOLD LOW, FOIl CASH. S. LUELLING &SON, Proprietors .Mllwnuklo Ntirtcry. Nov. 1, 197D. 400,000 FRUIT TREES. All ol tlio IICNt Varieties. G, W, WALLING &LS0N, ONtvcffo, Or., Hnvo tills number or Fruit and Ornamental Trees, For al. In their oxtcneivo Ntirjcry. Includlns the rcmarknblo WALLING'S PEACH PLUMy TJie Itulittii l?ruuOy And tbo bctt varieties of riiim, I'ruue, l'cacli, Apple, I'car, Clierrj-, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSOIITMENT. Send for Dosoriptive Catalogue. Pnrelmiera can visit tho WILLAMETTE NURSE It) , Oawi-ito. or they fan nnd tl, W. XV A IiLINU, KfeymTffitD?ofi;:,fcc8tttthutaw,,gcrnor- B. STRANG, Importer and Dealer In Improved Ranges COOK, PARLOK, AND BOX S T O V E Sji And Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Cop per Union lilock. Commercial Street, SALKit, oiwaox IIIESPECTFUULY INFORM ALL MY OLD friend and ctntomcr that I bavu returned buel w(. and Invltu Iho public Rcncraliy to mil and exam Inu my nock aud leurn my prlcet. Nov:l I670tf Salem Flouring Mills. BEST FAMILY FLOUIt, BASEU'S EXTRA, XXX. SUPERFINE AND GRAHAM, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND SHORTS,. CouHtuiitly ou Xlnnd. IIIfiTliOHt l'rlco in CASH Paid for Wheat AT ALL TIMES. It. O. KINNEY, Accnt S. F. M. Co Sept IStf 9. O. SULLIVAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPERA HOUSE, 8ALEM. 8, E. corner, at head of talr. foijy EKTAI1L1.MIKD 1855. Willamette Nurserv, &. W. WALLING & SON, PROPRIETORS, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. Grower of tho Cholcwt Varletlceof VMJTXT TRUES A S23R17SBZ11LZ' PartlcnUi attontlon given to Cherry, Trnne and Finn trcci. ,8l Administrator's Notic. N ',.c!h.ffi!,.esih"A.ho.ppoiBt- ior: li7o of M., n V.. '" VA'"W"' 'Wf.M: el to present them to me. with proper voacberi it mt rcddenco.near Slhcrton. In ValS county, withto Hi month, from the dato of tbl notice. 7' Febrnarya.U-Twt L W. WRIGHT. Notice I8.hhcrey.BlvJn-,hat w T- UaUi admlnlitrator of .uv,H?J-Mt0',bolomODB'll-licce'e'l. has thli SlK1' Anal account wlih .aid eeuto m tht. JJL'. belOthdayol March. 1ST?, at ono o'clock p. ra. SIW iV' h' bcc? "'' ' tuo ,lmo for hMrlnc tho ame. Thereloro. all pcron Intcre.ted In ald e Ji1ie.fr? rc3?lred to appear at iqo aforeald day, and file their objection, to ald account, If any they bae. . or be forever barred, vJUa,v,. t u n . JonN c- PBEBLKS. Feb.0, ISTiwt Co, Judse of Marlon Co.. ,j y I I -.' ?f "TIT"' T I