Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 16, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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    jSmmnSnv WKtiam&&&&&'mmn&
I. 0. Q. T.
3 b Q) W
Urn ltd Ofllccr.
G. W. C. T.-W. n. Dunbar. Sllverton.
O. W. 0. Conn. Mrs. H. V. McCIudc, Euceno City.
O, V. V. T.Iontma Lylo. Dalhs.
O. Sto'y T. H. Crawford, Portland.
U. A. Sec'y-L. St.1t.1mf, Monroe
O.Trent. Emma Kollopp, Porthnd.
O. Chap.-ltov. ,1. It. N. JIoll, Ashland.
G. Mar. J. V. Btranpe, ItoscbtirR.
O. D. Mar. Annie K. Underwood. CotMRO Groc.
O. Guard Mary Cartwrlsht, The Dalle.
G. Sen. T. 1 Barton, Amity.
G. Mess. L. C. . Plsher, Htnyton.
P. G. W. 0 T,-Tllmou Ford, Salem.
Supt. Juvenile Templars Mrs. M. K. Iloxtcr, For
oil Groc.
State Deputy O. XV, C. Tsj.
Itcv. .T. It. N. Hell, Ashland.
Win, Husscll, Weston.
Opt. O. C. Anplcirato, Llnkvllle.
II. tl. Allen, lla sev.
T. II. Handley, Hlfliboro.
AsHhreo, Dallas.
II. V (Irnbbo, Wilbur.
Wm Grant, Lebanon.
nov.J. W. Miller, Dalla.
Itev. K. W. Dixon, CanjonUlIc.
Iiev.J. S McCiln, Kuccno.
Wm. Harmon, The Utiles. ,
Wm. 11 Carter. Umallls.
W. 8. .lame Portland
L. .T. tto isc, Summertlllo.
II. P. ltsmn, Independence.
W. H. McMecn. Canyon City.
T. II. Crawford, Portland.
P. H. Pox. Atorln.
I. Ilu't, Crctucll.
T. K. Houston. .Tttnctlon,
Itcv. II. O. Jenkins, Monroe,
O. II. Wnlkcr. Astnrh.
II. N1. McKlnney, linker City.
Levi Loland, Orcijon C"ty.
Lakol). Wolfard, ConulfleClty.
A. A. Mathews, Lookitii; Uhtss.
j. C. Fisher, Stalnn.
Itcv. K. Hnjcs. La Grande.
W. II. Mvcrmorc, St. .!ohn.
DUtrlrt Deputy . XV, C. T.
W. T. ltlches. Turner.
siV. . U'Dnuald, Portland.
H. S. Cockolreasc, ltosehura.
II. W. Lake, Kaalo Creek,
lame Coffey, Haleai.
lames h'rwln, Fort Klamath.
Hon. .1. A. Pruetl, Pendleton.
L, II. ltoyal, Albany.
A. .1. llirlow. Cartu right's.
Mr. Anna W. Hpcncor, Ganlncr.
.1. P. Tuppcr. Mnrshflrld.
K. E. Fnnul !(,, Hillsboro.
Siiboriltuutu ItodcCM.
JS'o. Xante. 1ylgt Ihji'ilij, AtlJixtr.
ii.. Excelsior W II Carter Corvallls
If).. Western Star V M Wadworth Albany
11. .Capital... Geo A Bdcs. ...... Salem
IS. .Multnomah John U Garrison Portland
17..HUlshoro Mil Ilnmphrey Hillsboro
.M..I.n Creole Jentilu Lopm Dallas
.in..Hllvcr ItUltamsby Sllverton
.Tl..Itoa KmllyM Vaudcncrt... .Salem
10. .Astoria Tliof. Jcutif" Astoria
It. .Morning Star Miss 8. THarrlton.llucna Vista
It-Marlon S Hatch Hubbard
u7..Mllwauklc .Totm Packer 15. Porthnd
l .3. .Fountain WT Williamson. .K.Portland
un. .Kant Portland I M Cla.'Kctt K. Portland
7I..Vnl Pontls I K PCaltt Zena
HU...Tohn Day U VThompon... Canyon City
Ml. .Nonpareil Mm HTWStcarns. ..Portland
lll..I.onu Star W A MIIIk Clackamas
NT.. Ultra Montane.. .. Wm Harrison Uakur Cltr
KM. .Marshal I.uclan Events Pendleton
ll.V.llrooUyn .Tames McGn'v...E. Porthnd
11H.. Sheridan TH Falconer Sheridan
130 Damascus Martha.) Hail Damiscns
l'10..Forest(Iroo PG Iluford Purest Uroxo
15(i,.SprliiirtlcId PA Kennedy SprlmrtlcM
153. .Valley PTfctarr Ilaltcy
1IW.. Weston lame Klikpatrlck.... Weston
15!)..I)clivuu Mlncna Starr .Tunctlon
Ml. .Harmon Win Mlchell .ThoDallea
lrtd.. Union WG Porter Turner
17il..i:ikton WW Well Klktnn
17S .Laurel P P Palmer Scottshurp;
17n..Paclllo W WCthcart..QotU2oGroo
141. .Mount Pleasant ...Tohn Potty Crcsucll
lM..Fall Crock (1 M Ncot Dexter
lvs., Grand Pralrlo II V Iloud Irvlri
lti. .Ashland AD Heltnnn Ashland
int.. Klamath Charles Lynch. .Fort Klamath
l'.M.,Lablli WDCIaprctt Salem
l;..Kdc Mr II Jl Jones Pun-nlx
l'is. . Looking (Hiss .1 II Hnrtln.... Looking Glass
-'.. Tauten tllauncr... J .1 Heard Tam;snt
'2)1. .Portland Mr C A Cobuni Portland
yj7..11rl(l.lcport Oil liters Dalian
Jt'J..Oclioco TOlllKor Prlncvlllc
3t'I..ItevUal .Tame Plumi;an.. Pralrlc City
au..I.ebiU Hoticrt Knkln Union
UI7..GoiIioii I Handinkcr Goheu
UW.. Can) on G W Ctttctiloi;....Canonvillo
J.M.. Myrtle .1 M Smith Slyrtfo Creek
J!T..MiirhneM ,...FWA Cruln .Mnrthflcld
i.S..Coilillle W W Itajes Coniilllu
JM.. Onward J W Promt Albany
H)..Pat Creek I.ouUa Kniley .Drain'
Jt)..8woct Home Clmrlc Craft Sweet Home
'-!'. .Kai:lo Creek lohn Vnncureu...K'u;lo Creek
Sf)..Alta KGIIIhm Pilot Itock
:Ml.. Diligence b P Garrlcue ...Hcppncr
JI"i..AljiUi Wm It Co Hlhcrtou
217. . Crow ford'tflll o ...Holiert Glan.,Crawfordvllle
Sl.,llrowniTlllu A W Stanard Hrowurvlllo
231.. Center G V. P.irrUh Urowulllo
JM.. Mohawk CD HardlMy Mohawk
2I..Snencer Creek 1 A llodccn bpencer Creek
J53.. Monroe .1, J htarr Monroe
2.VI..Woodburu 11 S Ilouney Wocxltmrn
Zn..Cr)taI ItllWllmot llcnerlon
J.VS.. Amity. .lame A Liken Amity
ftVi.. Green Mountain ..Win. ltuell Partwrlghl'
JiiI. .Weft Union Dald Lenox Wet Union
Siii. Triumph II William Independence
J'i...(io al ...........J S Purdom.. Geratt
.'01. .Table Hock A Morron Sam' Valley
iMl..t'aillou humiier Carr Carlton
2ii7..Hcthel GLNealc lletlul
'.(.s..Pnmdtiebiirtu;,.CH Hoford K. Portland
.il..JacUonillo FKarlnfer Jackonlllo
270.. Mill Creek W M Chandler ....Elkhoni
21. .Lake Creek ... .Irene William Haley
2i1.aIiOno Itlver Tho Hnywnril Woodvlllo
27(1.. Coruellut. ....... Daniel Kurlcl Cornellu
277.. Ocean G It Dlackwcll Gardner
27i..Mlll!cnma Mary It Smith Marthtlcld
21. .t'le eland FIGood Cleveland
2M.. Deer Crctk Sarah Cockilrcaecltofeliuri:
2SJ..)akliivt HA Wallace Oakland
2n1 Howtll Pralno....Ja A. Kaj ..Howell PraUlo
I..Itturlde .....A P Learned M. .lohn
2..MatvCivil .1 LWIIder...... Slato Creek
2-(l.. William Crcelt. ...J V Hartley Appluiratu
2i7..Dcilanco lohn .til M'lton
.Ni.,I'leaiant Hill Mom VoM!wttnl....Weton
2(l..Mc.Mliim lie.... Kmll llorle McMlini.lllo
.vn..I.a Grah'lo .1 AMcWhorter....IGraudo
2H..Summervillu J II ltlnchart ...biimicervlllo
.'..Diinl.ir N' b lllink The Cove
.vrj..l'lnlum.uli Win Hanlei PMlnmath
Vt. XcwUru Dr. J. C.ito .Sow Kn
By tho Oram. Worthy Chief.
I. A cleararoo curd (jrantwl by ono
Lodi;o cannot bo amondeil or chang'od by
another Iid;;n.
-. A ciHiiranco card must show tho stand
litK ot tlio ineinbor to whom it Is givon mid
net forth hh honors statH whether hu Is n
lull dosrre ruembor and H hy h a P.W.C.T.
of tho Mdgo It obould bo shown on hh card.
II. Alter tho holder of a clonranco card
become a member of a Lodgo by deposit of
his card tho card thon becomes tho property
of that Lodjro and cannot be withdrawn.
, 1. When a clearance card lias boon do
posited In another Lodj?o aud tho card fails
to glo tho Brother credit for tho honors that
ho ho had attained to In the Lodpo granting
wild card it becomes tho duty of tno IJrothor
not tho Lodgo to whlcli he has attached
bis membership to obtain rrom tho Lodue
KrautinL' tho card, tho proof of his hiandlHR.
5. When n commltteo of Investicatlon
to which had bean reforrod an application
lor nihtnbesUlp report unfavorably they are
not obliged to give their reasons to the
Louo Star Lodge No. Of, chooses officers as
W. H.Wllmot.C.T.jEmmaTalbert.V.T.;
Mattle E. Wllmot, S.; James Spracue, TS,
Illla Sprague, T. Albert W. Mills, M.;
. Mary K. Mills, Chap.; F. M, Sprague. I.G.;
K. C. Chapman, O.G.; W. A. Mills, L.D.
Corrcspondonco from tho Q. W. 0. T.
John D.vv Town, Fob. IW, 1877.
En. Fahmkii: Tho meeting of John Day
IiOdgo No. SO (Canyon City) last night was a
splondid ono and will loug bo romotnborod
by those who woro present. No, SO Is ono of
tho most Influential aud best conducted
Lodges In tho Stato ami Its olllcors nud
mombors nro well posted In tho work of
conducting a Lodgo. Our young Frank
McCollum Is chief and will make a good
olllcer. Their Secretary Is nu old rolornn lu
tho Order aud is kept constantly in that
posttiou on account of his Industry and cor
rectness. Aftor tho Lodgo closed a tnagulil
cout hunpor proparod by tho good sister of
tho Lodgo was sproad aud wo woro invited
lo portako. Cakos, pies, poachos, aud ovory
thing to tempt tho appetite woro thoro In good
shapo, aud all tho mombors voted a thous
and honors upon tho worthy hoads of tho
good sisters preparing thh feast. Liko tho
tho Slstors oi Kovlval Lodge (hoy mado this
occisionasuccoss. Slstors McCollum. Lottlo
Thompson, Laura Uachney aud others soro
tho manngors or tho affair which 1 assttro
you was splendid. My atay la this vlolnltv
has been mado very pleasaut Indood tind 1
shall long romnmbor tho kindness of those
i;ood eoplo. Tho Thompsons, Flsks, Mc
Collutns. McMeou, aud the mvmbeis all ot
oldNo.fcO, aro oorroadyto battle for tho
cut! so. Our public meeting hero to-night
was largely attondod aud mauy could not
find soats in tho school hottso. It was called
to order by Stato Doputy W. S. McMeon,
and Roino excellent vocal music was furnish
ed by a fow or tho Brothors and Sisters of
tho Lodgo at Cauyon City. I would llko to
say much moro of this placo aud Canyon'
jiiy aim moir goou citir.ons, nut want or
tlmo forbids, lit tho morning I will mount
tho "buck-board" and tako Tho Dallos road.
In F. U. and 0. W. II. JJUnijah.
IIalshy, March 10, 1877.
Ed. Faumkii: Tho followlne is tho list of
officers of Valley Lodgo, No. 155: E. II.
Talno, O.T.;Nottio Ray, V.T.: L. E. Pon
latid, S j Jno. Ilramwoll, A.S.; E ll.Fouland,
i'.o.j onrun xuriuii, a,; b. a. uayo, M.I
Mary Barnolt, D.M.s Jno. Itabb, C; 11, K.
l).ivfn. P. W.fl.'P.f.T. V. Tr..lnr nn . A.,., In
Windau, I.O.j EmmaThomas, K.U.S.; Mrs.
1, U . lOUUIUU, 1J.1I.O.
Itospoctfully Yours.
L. V.. Pknland.
Tho ofllcors oi Sllvor Lodgo No, 110, aro as
folio ws :
Dock Simpson, C.T.j Susio Dndloy, V. T.j
Orpha Cranston, S.j A. F. JBtackorby, F. S.;
Molllo lllcks, T.j 11. 0. Ilamsby, 0.; John
Hicks, M.: John Dnnsmore, I. O,; Clara
Kiunsby, O.O.; A. 11. Eisthatn, A. S.: and
It. O.Kamsby, L. D.
Bro. A. M. Alton, W.C. T.of Ochoco
Lodgo roportn sixty mombors an incroaso
of ton or twolvo In last term, Ho says tho
Lodgo is doing nu exooltont work.
Brooklyn No. 115, makes tho largest gain
during tho quarter of any Lodgo in tho
Two now lodgas liavo boon organlr.od In
Clackamas county this mouth.
Tho Tonne jsoo Jublleo Singers.
Wodnosday ovcnlng tho Opora llouso, at
SAloni.waa flllod to overflowing wlthjiu
audlenco comimsod of tho host people "lu
Salem, .to hero thoso colorod mlnstrols slug
tho pooullar revival molodlos of tho nogroes
oftho South. Tho ton porforntors woro all
ploaiuut featured mid not onywhoro noar
full negro In complexion, though wo woro
told that thoy woro all slavos at tho oponlng
oftho wnr. It is seldom that wo hoar as por
foot harmony and Htich thrilling molodyas
thoy ftirulshud, and thoy cheerfully re
sjwuded to npplaubo by doubling tho num
ber of plocos on tho progroinmo. Only two
roatly seutlmuntal and woll-know uegro
molotlloi woro sung "Tho Suwauoo Illvor,"
and "Mrtssa's In tho cold, cold ground,"
Thoy also gave with oxcollont fcflect
"Como whero my love Ilea dreaming," aud
"Tho Mocking Bird." Tho romalnlug plocos
woro mostly camp moellnp songs, and a fow,
such as tho "Shouting Methodist, "ovorcamo
tho gravity oftho best of that sect.
Tho "JubilooSIngors" woro educatod In
Tonnossoo, aud so hall from thero, and aro
described as vory ploasant pooplo
and oycry way worthy or rthpoct, Certainly
thoy gavo our cltl.oiiH a rich ireat aud great
onjoyment, for, although their music lackod
thohleh rondlilouaof musical art, thero was
a touch of uaturo about It, aud oarnestucss,
harmouy, aud thrilling molody, that canto
fresh and satisfying, and often Ntirrod tho
depths of natures not easily rousod to rrll
glotto feeling.
Leech in Sheep,
Et. F.vitMiitt. Finding your paper has a
largo circulation among tho farmers of Or
ogou, and as It It conducted lu tho luterost of
that claw moro than any other, I would bog
leavo to Inrmlro if thoro is any among your
many readers that has a cuio for leach In
sheop, and If thoro is it would bo doing tho
firmer In this Hoetlon a klndnoss to lot It ho
known, for tho leoch has proved fatal among
many Hocks ol sheep in this county, to my
knowledge. A. U. Uuhton.
bprlngueld, I.ano county.
Nkw Jon Oppici:. A. L. Stlnson, formor.
ly proprletorof tho Farm Kit, has purchasod
tho Job Printing Office lately couductod by
nedlugtou it ltluohart, lit baloin, and will
fcoott otilargo tbo satuo by tho addition of
now prossos, typo, andothor material, thus
making it equal to any establishment of tho
kind In tho State. Mr. Stluson Is a ilrst-cla&s
printer, skilled in ovory department of the
art, aud his patrons will bo well served by
him. lie has removed his office to tho room
In Ilolman's block lately occupied by tho
Stato Penato, near the poit-oHlco,
On tho night of the 7th instant tho Hob
bins manslou at Seattle was destroyed by
tire, together with most of tho furniture.
'Iho houso cost about $15,000, and was ono of
tho finest residences In tho city.
To have tho mouoy needlessly spent ovory
year would give subtantial comfort to all,
To havo tho monoy saved by buying
SILVER TIPPED boot and shoes would
buyoach paront every year a now pair of
Albo try Wire Quilted Solos,
Ouc Kind lor I lie Iluiunu Family.
The oilier lor IIotncs and Anl-imilN.
Thcfo I.lntmcnU nto (Imply the wonder of the
world. Their effect nro little lce than tuanellouc
Tho AVIittc liliilnicnt Is for the human fami
ly. It wllldrhc Hheumatlun, Sciatica ami Nearaljjla
from the yetcm; cures Lumliago, Chlllhlalnf, tock.
Jaw, Paly, Itch anil mot Cntancouo Krapttonr; It
extract frot from frozen handi or feet, ami the pol
ton of bltce and stluRf of cnomoas repttler; It nil)
due cllliiK. and allelates pain of every klud.
When tpralnt or britlscf occur, It 1 the moft potent
remedy ce dlcocrcil to heat tho Injured pattf.
The Centaur Liniment I :ied w 1th great cillcacy for
soro Throat, Tootlinco, Cnkeil Ilrcnnt, Kar
ache, and Weak Hack. Tho followlnp; h but n tam
pie of numerous tedlmonlalc
"Indiana Homk, Jsrr. Co.. lnd May 9i, 1873.
"I think It my duty tn Inform joa that I lmvo nf
forred much with swollen feet and chord. A few
bottles or Ccutaur Mulmcnt hat dono the work for
mc. 1 haxeuot been free from theo cvolllupi in
eight year. Now I am perfectly well, Tho I.lnl.
Hunt oucht to be applied warm
The proof It In the trial. It It reliable, It It handy,
It 1 cheap, and every fimtly should hac the White
Centaur Liniment.
Tho Yellow CoHlattr Lliilmciit It adapt
ed to the tough mutclet, cords and ilcrh of horns
and animals. It hit performed mure wonderful cures,
lu three jears, of Spavin, Strain, Wind gall, Scratch
es, Sweeny, and general Lamcncts, than all other
remedies in existence. Head w hat the great Kxprctr
men say of It:
"Nkw Yoiik, January, 1674.
Kvery owner of liertct should give tho Ct rAtn
Liniment n trial, Wucontldirlt thebcet article u
er used lu our (tables.
"H. MAHMI, Hupt Adams Kt. Stables, N. Y.
"E. PUI.TZ, Siipt.U. . Kx. htahlcs N. Y,
"ALHKIITS. 01.1N, Supt. Nat.Ki. Stables, N. Y."
Tho best patront of this Ltnlmmtare Parrlersand
Yetrlnary Surgeons, who nro continually using some
Liniment. It heals flails, Wounds aud Poll-cil,
removes Swellings, and Is worth millions of dollars
annually to Farmers, Lh crimen, Stock. jrowers,
Shcopralsers, and thoso ha lug horses or cattle.
What a Farrier ctunot do for f 50 tho Centaur Lin
iment w 111 do at a trilling cost.
These Liniments aro sold by jM dealers throughout
tbo country. They aro warranted by tho proprietors,
and a bottlo w 111 bo gh en to any 1'arrlcr or Physician
who desire to test them.
Laboratory of J. 13. Ilosi: & Co.,
1(1 Dev St.. Nrw Yoiik.
I'ltclior'n Claotorln Is a complete substitute
for Castor Oil, aud Is as plcnsant to tako as Honey
It Is particularly adapted to Teething and Irritable
children. Itdostrojs worms, assimilates tho food,
regulates tho Stomach, and currs Wlud Colic. Pew
remedies are as cfllcaclnn for Perorlshncss, Croup,
Worms and Whooping Cough, Cattorla Is a relent!
flcsnd purely vegetable- preparation, moro ilTecttvo
than Castor Oil and neither gags nor gripes. Prepar
ed by Messrs. J. II. Hose .t Co., 4(1 Dey Street, New
York, from the rcclpo of Samuel ritcher, SI. I)., of
Uarnitablo, Mass,
To Cultivator Subscribers.
Wo aro sondlng postal cards to formersub
Bcrlbora oftho Orcyon Cultivator, Informing
thorn how tholr account stood Fob. 15, '77
when tho list was turned ovor to us.
Onoobloct lu doing tills Is to ascertain If
tbo accounts aro correct and whorovor sub
scribers havo paid monry that has not boon
credited wo request them to forward tho re
ceipt to uh Immediately as so much money,
anil it will bo crodltod Ut them.
Another object Is to ostablUh a starting
nolut with subscribers and have a mutual
understanding of how their accounts staud,
to avom nituro misumiorHtauuiug. u mora
are any otlsotts wo wish to know them now,
Still another objeot wo havo in Handing out
theso accounts is to ludtico thoso who aro
considerably In arrears to make paymout of
at least part oi mo sums uuo, inn spring,
We know times tiro hard, hut that aptillos to
us as woll as to tho farmor, and wliilo wo
baso our subscription prlco ou suppood ad
vance payment, wo aro willing to accommodate-
thob'o who wish to pay tho current yeir's
subscription oftfr harvest. Wo howovor,
request payment of back duos at leant lu
part at tho pro-sent tlmo.
Dunning our subscribers Is not pleasaut to
us, aud wo also find It unpleasant to bo
harrasaed for want of means to do busluoss.
Wo shall ostoom It as a great kindness, thon
Ifthosn In arror for tho Culttvutor (and
KAiiMimalso,) will try to mako a partial
dividend, at least this spring.
Valuo of Carbolio SLcop Sip,
Wasco Co , Oci.v., Fdb. 21, 1877.
T. A. Davis it Co , Portland, Or.
Dear Sirs: In answer to jour enquiries In
regard to our opinion oftho valuoof. Mai linck
rodt'a Carbolio Sheop Dip, wo would mi v that
wo consider It mire cure for scab. If thor
oughly applied. In tho spring of 16.17, our
flock of 1700 htad was very badly hliVclod
by tho wab, thoro being hardly a hoalthy
sheep among tho number. Wo fed them
freely with sulphur and snlt for two months ,
and thou dipped thorn twice, at intervals ot
sixtoon days, iu the Carbolio Dip, diluted in
tho proportions of 10 gallons wutor to one of
Dip, and maintained at a temperature of 100
degree. The cute hat been complete. Wo
havo soon no traco of tho scab smco. Wo
recommend tho foodlug of sulphur and mlt
tn drive tho parasites whlcli cause tho sob to
tho surfaco, whnro tho Dip can easily rcich
them. Yours truly,
Pacipio Coast Sknatous. Tho Paolllo
Coast Senators havo boon handsomely pro
vldod for with placosonthonowHouatoccim
mlttoos constituted to-day. Sargout Is made
chairman of the commltteo on naval allalrs
and is retained on tho appropriation com
mittee, being now sooondonlts list of mom
bars. Ho Is also placod on the printing com
mittee, but on accouut of tho Incroaso of
work Involuod In theso positions ho retires
from tho mlnlngcoinmitteo: ISooth remains
chairman of the public land commlttoo, and
is mado chairman of tbo committee ou man
ufacture, and given an additional place as a
member ou civil service and retreuohtnont.
Pwiws ever ImpnrtPil to tho Pacific coist. Tho success of theso Plows last year exceeded any
hi ig ever bcroro known In this Stato. Those now on hand nro mado with new and special Improvements,
Wnrrniitctf Superior to any now In the Uiilfcil S(nlc!
Culling 14 ami 1 IiicIicm, with :I-1ioino Attnclinioiit, mill Mi-lnhc
rolling Cutter, Is withnut ti rival. It hns bcoit to thoroughly tested that wo warrant
Us operation in any soil in the State. Theso IMowh aro sold with that guaranty.
Bar.Soiul for Circulars ami Prleo Lists.-tfia!
SALE3I, Scpl.a.S, 1N7(,
Jones retain his posltlntt ou tho tluanco and
postal cotnmlttoos, aud also his chairman
ship of contingent oxpousos, aud romalns on
prlvllogos and oloctlous aud claims commit
tees. Orovor Is asslgnod to territories and
ourollod bills. Sharon Is mado chairman of
tho mining commlttoo, and glvnn a placo on
tho commlttoo on education and labor.
Tho Lowlswn Teller has this description
of Joseph's crook, tho rondoxvoiti of Josoph
aud his baud:
"It empties Itsolf Into tho Grand Hondo
river trout tho east n abort dlstauco abovo
tho mouth of tho Grand Hondo. It is (In
scribed as n small stroam running through
a (loop canyon or gorgo In tho lilgh tablo
lands, with vory narrow bottom lands along
tho croek near Its mouth, donsoly covorod
with cotton wood treos aud a thick tiudor
growth, whllo tho sides of tho cauyon aro
vory rocky nnd proclpltous, furnishing
a woll sholtored placo against an attack of
troops in caso thoso Indians mako a hostilo
stand against tho whites. Our Informant
says that ono hundred rosolttto Indians woll
armod and sunpllod could hold tholr posi
tion against a thousand troops who might at
tompt to dlslodgo thorn.
Auothor bono initio has boon found In Ida
ho. Tho Lowlstou Teller of March lid says:
At tho tlmo or tho ilrst digging tho Lowls
tou dltoh, at about ono mile abovo town and
about flfl eon foot tiudor ground tho tooth of
a vory largo animal was found in a partially
docayed condition. On Friday of last woofc
othor bones in Kroat nttautltlos. also In a do-
cayod condition, woro found at tho samo
point. Ono or thsm supposod to bo tho
shouldor bono, was of tho dimension of
nearly six foet lu length by throo and ono
half foot in width lu places, leaving but lit
tlo room to doubt that thoso aro tho bonos of
a mastodon of largo sl.o which porlshod
thoro ages ago.
Krom tho Kugruo Journal wo loarn that
mo citious oi irviug. i.auo county, ami
vicinity aro moving lu tho direction of build
ing a largo llourlni; mill at that placo.
From it IllNiliiKiilaliea Jurist.
"I havo tried tho l'nuuviAN Svitui' and
tho result fully suMiiIiih youryroditloii. It
has mado a uow man of mo, infused into mv
systom now vigor aud energy. I am no
longer tromtilous and debilitated ns when
you last saw me, but Hrongtir, heartlor, and
with linger capacity lor labor, mental and
physical, than at any ttuiit during tho last
live years." Sold by all druggUts.
A Hi'iiiiirluililo Cure.
Wr.sTToVNMKNi, Vt May 11, 1800.
Mi:hmis. S. W. Vn i.i: it Sons:
(3entlemnn, Several yours sinco I took a
sovorocold, which sottled ou my lungs,
where It remained without rehixutlnu. I
was then in .Mass.iclitisritts, aud growing
wnrsoaud becoming nimble to attend to my
business I returned homo aud commenced
Mmrclilng lu eiirnoHt for some modloluo
which would ronton my lost hoalth. I con
sulted physlolaus, I tried many romedlos,
but obtitlnoil no help, but dally grow worso.
1 had u terrlblo cough, nnd raised a good
deal of blood, Iliad profuse night swoals,
and sevuro pain In my side. I continued In
this stato for mouths, and becamo ho weak
thai It was with great dllllculty I could walk,
uliMii I wasadvlfod to try WinrAU'H H.m.sa.m
op Wild Cuiutitv, and to my groat Joy I
soon (mind that this remedy had arrostod tho
(UhO'iKO, I cor.1 lulled to use tho Uai.sam to
tho extent of live bottles, and havo since
then experience! no dllllculty of lungs, I
believe tho ISai.sam savnd my life, audi
shall ovor hold it lu high estimation.
Yours truly, Liiwih I'hih.pn.
f t leB tr capliklowku. and
Ity the lOOor I OOO.
f I pur lot, Tomato p'uiitn. 1jc iucIi. or I1..V) pr Us)
(irowuat my Cnen hnue, two and a half miles
e.lt from Salem. IIIhcdiiiiI iillnwrd to Dtalvrs.
mur.'ml DII.M'liU I'11'.l.ll.
The Colabrctod Thoroughbred Stulllon
From March 10th to July lOili. Mnrei can bo taken
to the Llycry btablo or Ilun &. Davidson, or tent to
Db'J ' JAMEd P. UW&a, SttUiu.
N E W T 0 N" .WAGONS, All Sizes,
Seeders and Cultivators
Ciioppod into Food,
JPor Ouo-Toxxtlx foil
Sash, Doors, Blinds
DVEoxxlcllaaRSM ,
Turning. Slalr work, IlctlMtcntlH,
IliiremiN, NIuikIn, TiiIiIcn,
And nil UliulN ot ruriiltiirc,
At 11K1) ItoriC PKICKS. Hhopnt Aitrlcnllnral Work
building, Nulciii. felly O, I'. 1IKNNIN.
pon silXjZ.
consisting of (lold nnd Silver Hpan
gleil Pnlands, (lold and Silver Span
clctt Hnmliurits, nnd others. Tho
hen nro perpetual l.i)rrs, and no
setters nmong inem, 'inrsu iowik
nro excellent breeders, nnd pairs of
t them or their rugs for breeding pnr-
noses will ho siiinillcd hy tho under-
slKiied to all thoso iliwlrlinj them, on leasnnubln
jaltmn Balcm, Urcgou.
Also, o WKLL-THAINP.!)
331x-cl DOK, Two years old.
Manufacturer of
Countorbalnnco Sopurutors.
Incorporated at 8alem, Oregon, Otlolier 7th, 1S7(.
8, PKLTON. Prcsldonl: J. ItKYNOLDH, Vice Pics't;
W. H. OLIPIIANT. Btcretary.
Suporiorto any Horso-Fowor
or Hoparator
Now lxx XTmo I
itlnmifnctiircil at .Snlom, Oregon.
Of Oregon Iron and WoixKn Materials.
Tho Powor Lasts a Lifo-timo.
The Scniirutor Suvch IIio CJrnln.
For further particulars, address thoofllccrs named
uliouo, or send for circulars). fulr.M
Mrs. Rohror'o Now Romody
X no cjiml In tho relief and rum of Couu'is, Colds,
Asthma, llronchltls. Crouii. Whoonltn; Couuli. Mea
sles, Ac. It has produced some remarkable cures.
Horn iiy uriiL'uixls ireiHtrnnv rrepsrea cniy ny
JOHN I.. nillltl'lIV. Monmouth. Or..
To whom all letters of business should hu addressed.
23x.ovtrxx XjorIioiiim.
extstelii'u. My success thu pist.
ih a ii years ulth this lined Is that.
i nun ilium ilium id no ino .nunr
HAItUYnfall I ho luiiisrtlliiu va
rieties, ItiJJiS friim Iho abovo
(thu ruinous I liiitch myself) war
ranted Iresli uud puru 1 1 for 1 1 or
i'.fori'l, Kverythlui stnl from
my ards warniniid as represent-
ui. o. it. viiii:i.i:n,
, Bhedd, Llnu Co., Orugon.
3T"vl3Xxlovi XlocUiotloxi.
Only $o per Tliousaml !
Ordci'N l'roniilly Flllcil.
Address It. It. KOIINUN,
Jal'lml Irvlmr, liunn .
I'uiiTi awii, February l.'l. ISTI.
rilHK LAND DRPAIlTMhNr OP Till: Oltl'.tiON
X and California Itnllrnail (! hrivln taken charuu
ot thu "OltKliON IlKPAIIl'MKST" of thu P!lt
NIM, IIUILDI.NU atl'hlladilphla, will taku cliurus.
of and exhibit, freonf uxpeniru, any of thu product
of thu Held, forest, mine, nnd manufactories of Or
(k'on, Parties deslrlui; to avail themselves of tlilu
opiiortuulty will address thu iiudcrslKUid, statlnK thu
urtldu ur sample olfeud.
fuaiml Land Asent O. & V. It, It.
iVytk'UR VTIH IIJ IlltUlU IIVVIJ ,tihii I (vvi'tt
ent t4j any nddrun tiion receipt of 22 i'onU
....I .. u .- Suaii A il.lsuuj
1a..Ij ...lilt .. nnnia l.nltlu (.rlhlnil thstPMtll
11 T s . ..ii Unlnin frtunn
TTa Ut Vi'U! HU4VU4 WvfcMi
mfitl L
I 1
' Ji
;taatfAtaifmr , ,00: M
i rrr-MMi'