Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 16, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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    y"" """'JL ' ' "'' '" '" " " wwi
Dealer in
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars,
8Mcm, April 20, 1873.
Prunes and Plums made
a Specialty.
For Stile This Season,
Apple, Penr, Quince, Plum, Prune,
Pench, Cherry, Grnpo vines, Currant,
13hickborrlc3, lliwpberrled (eight vari
eties), Strawberries, Chestnut. Mul
berry, Blnclc nml "White "Wnlnut,
Hickory, Sugur Maple, Honey Lo
cust, JLombarily Poplar, Mountain
Ash, Weepinj,' Willow, Snowballs
and Lllachs, IloneysucUlos ami Ivy.
Arbor Vitio, Italian Cypress, Coition
Cypress, very line, Pines, anil Cedar
Uco(inr,i'aricuiuiuis,.iiiiiwiin.u ui vwv
Tree, forty varieties of Hoses, Flowering-
Shrubs and Plants of all kinds
English Haw seeds for hedging, l-t
English Privet Plants, for fancy
Now I call special attention to the
Amsden June Peach,
.Fifteen days earlier than any othor
Peach known. I havo only about U00
yearling trees of this Peach. Prico, SI
each, $10 per doz. 2,000 dormant buds
of this Peach; prico Hoc each. $25 per
hundred, $200 per thousand.
I also havo a few trees of the
Mount "Vornon Poav.
This Pear Is ono of the most valunblo
new Fall Pears in cultivation. Prico of
trees, $1 each.
Oregon Champion Gooseberry.
Tills berry I worth all other Oooteucorlc for prof.
It. a It 1 a tlno lnrpi berry, anil the rnot 'prolific
bctrcr over known. 1'rlcu of plant, jl.W psrilox.,
10 per hundred.
Hcd Warrington Gooseberry.
Till l tho lareH of all Gooscherrki, and It a
blood red, very ornamental, and au excellent berry.
Prico of plant, 60 cent each, U per dozen.
XOAOb. Sooclllns,
Per l.anuVd. ll per rtWd, !- frlcg UiU
tent frvo to any address.
riuut and l'runo Trees on Peach Roots.
I claim that tho 1'eAch root I fnr superior to l'lnra
roote for grafting prune and plum on, Tor these rea
ions: 1. Vou noier havo any sprouts to destroy tho
life of your trees. 3. Tho prima and plum succeed
better on peach than on plum. 3. Tho prnno and plum
bear jounlrer on piach root;, and the Irult I of bolter
duality. My brother ha a l'ruuo orchard of 400 tree
on peach root Ilvo year old that had forty pound to
tbo treo thl seaion. III tree aro very Ihrinyand
line. I can bow any man peach root that aro tw en.
tyflve year old, perfectly onud and healthy..
Testimony In ravorortho 1'cncU Koot.
rfu.m.iiii't w
II. W. rnTTVMA,-Dear air: Your note In regard
tol'lumtree on Teach root. I at hand. I have a
number or larue, healthy Plum tree rwenty yiars old,
crafted on peach root. They bayu never sprouted,
tiid bear extremely well. I would not have a plum or
prune tree unless it wns on peach root.
v Your, re.pectfully, W. T. tyiwur.
Agents for my Nuraery.
D.TMalarkey. Portland; Woosley Co., nervals:
I, Michael. Wheatland: Mm 11 A Judklns. buKe e;
JJW Whipple, Cottage Urote; a llerry. Me.Mlnmlllc.
... D.IUaa.I VnmiiV
Proprietor of Hallroad .Nuryery.
EAbr 10 mil
I4W Wi
nncEDEn or
rn.VKES pleamro In offerlnc to tho Wool-Orower ol
L oreiroi anil tho adJolnlnirTerritorlH tho chanco
topitrcha"" TlIOHOUtUUlUED MKItlNOS. and n.
urln2 partlet Interested teat they can, and will en;
deavnr to. ell Sheep of tho amo quality and value nt
MUCH CIIEAPKU 1LTKS than uoh can lo.lWy
bo Imported. Kxamlnatlon aud comparUnn w I h oth
er Bhccp offered lu the market ary cordially lmlted.
..Addret JOHN MITO,
N. B. Tho Ram and nam Ijimb or tho florlc can
baeeuon the ISLAND FAUM, adjolnlnc Salem.
Tho Kwercan be jen at tho wirac place, or at tho
HILL FAHM fonrandahall mile south or tho city.
Salem, September 10, WT5.
Liberal 'XorinBl
cftcr their Land for alo upon tho following llba
ral term: Ono tenth of tho price In cah; lnteret on
the balance at the rato of oven per cent, one veur
after ale; and each followlns year one-tenth of the
principal and Interett on tho balance at tho rato of
kveu per cent per annu-ii. lloth principal and Inter.
tet jMiyable In U. S. Currency.
A dif count of ten per cent, will ho allowed for cath
Vty Letter to be addrecd to P. SCHULZE, Land
Aceul O. a C. It. K.. Portland. Orecon.
SXfiolalne Sliop,
B. F. DRAKE, Frop'r.
9 Reaper, Pump, and all kind and ttyle of Ma.
ealnery made to order. Machinery repaired at a rhort
notice. Pattern-making done In all It variou form,
and all kind of Bra and Iron Casting furnished at
Short nolle" Also, manntactorer orKNTKUPRISK
(Hucceaaor lo A, W. Cllbcrt A: Co.)
..Dealer in..
One Good Lever Power,
be nml lor !ilri wood, rhfpplnc leol, pump
lui; watur or threililtigvialn. It ran bo seen In ope
ration ivt my M.nn In dotith Salem. ..,..
Mtem, Feb. 15, lbTT. II. S. JOIl.
Late Phytlclan to St. Qeargs'f and SI. Bartholo
mew' Hospitals, London, Curator to
St Eliubeth's, ote.
After years of the most rnbortous re
search awl investigation, nmJ after tho
eovcry and jtropert y, tho efficacy o which
is attentat in tho voluminous quantity or
testimonial, the unsolicited offerings pt
Buffering and discouraged patients, who
hare not only received relief and benefit
from their continued use, but havo been
radically cured of ailments and ehrnnto
complaints, which have been adjudged ltf
tho most eminent physicians as hopeless.
37il ineomparnbt liliVTrRATirr.i
ENT, combining virtues which render
it Invaluable and never-falling, and by
its continued tso will thoroughly eradl
cnto all diseases of the blood. Its Ingre
dients aro of a purely harmless extrac
tion, the products gathered from remoto
XnUPtlan 1'rovlnces, and ivhero there Is
the slightest taint of disease In the sys
tem, It never falls In ejecting that dlsca.no
through the medium vf tho skin, or ex
vlllna It through the many and rartoun
channels of tho body, thereby alloielng.
and, indeed, forcing all tho organs Into
their nroncr vormml and functional con-
...... ' ...I.. ,,im .MMMJI ... ffltlA 9I.IIT.
onrliro any patient using if, of Its un
tlonbted reliability and u-oitdcriul cura
tive properties, it being, noit tiiifMralfnii
ubltt, tho very acmo oftncdleal triumph,
unit tho greatest discovery of the present
age, in the treatment of every dlseaso
where the blood itself is primarily tho
neat of the lesion or disorder, such ait
HOllOrVJjA and the thousand and ono
causes that lead to thl tcrrlbla affliction,
of which all civilised communities aro
cogultaiit, for Jllblleal Truth has asserr
eti inai ma "oina u
(' tho fathers ahatt
tl nml fourth tiritm
visit even unto the third and fourth irji-
l;;,i;m.;. and to nnoKEN.vowx Axn
powerful rejuvenntor, causing the wreeh
if man once more to assume tho aod-llke
lurm of manhood.
' toravTANKo vs msnASE.i, VJIIK
Aiir niHoitniiits, constipation on
viiELioMATOva vANcvu. svtjuyr,
At't'l'.criONH or T11K HONES. INDO
VZAINTS (and to the ocntler sex it is a
boon long sought for by sensitive, suscep
tible, and delicate females, as it taken
direct action upon their ' a V7
in trinon this hzoodih run skat
OF TUH IHOVHIjK, it is invaluable. A.
perseverance teith thU remedy telll provo
a positive and permanent .fure lor
CHILLS and FErJEtVI and all MALA
VIAZ. I'OISONS. , , .....
Thousands of Testimonials altttt the
truth of these elalme,
1'rlee, One Dollar, w farffo bottle, or
l bottles, $S. wmm
OASTHOif U a tafe, speedy, and posi
tive euro for that most depressing of ail
ments, and a brief course of treatment will
TT"".",':iu'""'? IliT.-' i7 hehhim
ilUm .irmnath. and tn-omote tho healthy
aelonof in etomme una mirsunc.
... . ......, j - .. .. !.
erou irritability af literary "'' "
persona pursuing mdentary "'
atomaeh la restored f health and the key
note of the system eU once more respond
in the performance of labor.
Price, Ono Hollar, in large bottle, or
bo bottle $S,
A allaht eoatled roM trill ofltlmea
lead to a serious cough, which, intra ml
for or badly treated, must ham but one
result it must eventuate in a settled case
of HRONOHITISj or what i irorr, fi
deadly CONSUMPTION. To all suffering
fromharasslna cough and cxjirrloralfoii,
TIIACUEON offera a aoutiti, reliable, ami
permanent rait. It augments expecto
ration, and enablea the pat wttt to expel
that terribly neptlo deposit, which, if left
without Judieloua treatment, must com
municate its poison to tho vesicular eub
atanee of thetung, degenerating and de
stroylng that most essential of organs,
and ultimate only in an early aud un
timely death. IltACUKON has no equal,
much less a auperior,and its use will not
tirtmov the depoilt, thereby 'afford Inn
.Is .-.tl . f.il ffiJi itrtuhVit J1H lliff
Irarr the patient in possession of healthy
lung tissue. .... ,
rlee. Tiflu Cents per bottle, or six
bottles, $3.50.
PILES. Hemorrhoids.
3Iany eausea tend to produce thlapn'tn
ful and distressing stute. The blnwl
relarilt in its retumi the too frequent
use of drastle purgatives tends to produce
congestion of the bowels, torpid action of
the liver, and numerous other causes are
the source of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing effectual has been presented to
the nubile, which would rapidly alleviate
symptoms and ultimately prove an effect
ive cure. In' JPILON we lutve a remedy
which not only acta almost instantly, but
will remove ttm largest tumors of the parte
(Piles) by absorption, and many who
have received not only benefit, but have
been radically cured, have beets assured
(prior to using thla treatment) by emi
nent surgeons that the only relief they
ever could expect in life, would be by an
operation, and removing it or them from
the body by a procedure etich necessitat
ed tlie knife. Thla remedy has been hallfd
with delight, andU now prescribed by
many practising physieians, who are cog
nisant of its merits, m the only known
sure cure for PILES.
r rite, fifty Cent per package, oreia
for 9.0.
thorough in the eradUmtten ef the differ
ent and various maUdles denominated,
and are the result of patient, searching,
laborious" and seUmUU .investigation,
embracing a period of many years, in
Europe and America.
Ifthe apeclfio direcilcna are complied
with, thousands ofpmUents will bear wit-
belpteased to alvo all information, and
treat by letter if necessary.
Descriptive and Explanatory Circu
lar of the above remedies sent on receipt
of stamp. If the ritOMIETAUX
MEDICINES are not oi ol at your
particular druggist's, send orders to
J479 Broadway, Vew-York City.
practical application in I'mimrm i -muds
of iMtlent. Geo. Chandler, A.M.,
M.D., iioic iiretenM to the American pub-
For tho Willamotto Karmcr.l
In our Territorial days wo had a singular
curronoy. Homo kind of a medium as mo
usy oroxcliango, Is, In a civilized communi
ty, absolutely uocrssary . Gold, allvor, cop
per, notes, bills of o.ichanRO, pnpor, orders,
itj,.nro all usod as n circulating medium.
In 184:1, Ml, '-I.', M0, M", and up to M8, or till
tliHdlt-coveryol'Kold In California, wo hnd
but lluloRoldur silvers no paper money; but
orders " wcro our main currency. " Hea
ver luouiiy " Hudson's Bay" orders on
tho Kort" Vancouver and orders known
as tho Jollowlnp.: 'Couch's,' AbernethyV
KrmiitlnKor'H,' ' PeltyKrove's.' Tlto-o wrro
uuirchntits in Oregon City, aud with tlium
tin princlpwl trade of tho country waa car
ried on. Wbo-tt was tho "bank," ovon at
that tarly dny, of our financial ntl'.ilra. Our
Tdrrltorlal LeKlnlaturo pnssod a law making
wheat a " legal tonder." Aud a wheat order
wiutas good us, or hotter, tons Mm, than
" greenbacks " now. What mndo wheat so
valuublo was, tho Chlof Factor of tho "Com
pany"" lIudbon'H Hay had " a contract of
furnishing tho ltusslan Possonblons " now
our Alaska " with 70,000 btishcla annually."
This gavo an lmpolus to tho who.it trado;
and, as n rule, wo obtalnnd, nominally nt
lo-tst, ono dollar per bushel; whether wo
roAllsod that much, is auother ipjestlon.
Hut, granting that tho "Company'' did get
tho IIoii'h bliaro of our wheat, yet, lo coll tho
wlio.it nt ovon a nominal prico, and recolvo
go oil h that wo uci'dod. aud ;nil have, at an
otiormous prico, was boiler Ihan to do with
out them, Many thiugi wo had to have, as
iron, alt, nails, collet', leu (poor stttlV), dirty
' IUiud jii;nr,(t;8ndwlchlfliind), blankots
vtho best I over m), blioes, clothing, ' trail
ropo,' check shirts, iVo. Dtaltson "tho Mis
sion " tliii Methodist MUslun-iind on " the
Fort" Vancouver wero our "big blllhof
exohango." 'l'licso wero rare, Btid most of
our bills of 1'xehnnge wero " whtat orders."
With theec, as oi tiers on Couch, on l'otly-'
grovo, on Abcrnethy, wo did IuhjIiiohs, after
n t'eshloii, a fiihliiou that wo fear will not bo
Imitated ngaln on tho Amerleuu eoutlnont.
FrauU Krmatlngtr'B (a llttdson's ILiy ktore)
was tho btt houso to deal with In Oregon
City. An order on Krmatinor was second
only to ouo on Fort Vancouver. Tho Com
luuy, nt thai day, hnd nioro and lottor goods
gonornlly than tho American.
Tho siono changes, In 1815, Mil, and '17,
wo commenced woik in oaruost; wo had
blacksmith shopn, wagon shops, tauuorlos,
plow factor Iom, lummlll factorlos; chairs and
hotuohold lumlturo woro uiado, of good
quality, uint, and comfortable. Tho Immi
grations had lurnlslied many able, Intellect
ual, and bubliuhs men. Ships catuo In quite
often, and trado sprang up, and tho llttlo
poor outcasts felt, ouuu more, "In tho land
of Iho frconnd tho homo of tho bravo."
No vcr bball I forget how our llttlo band of
hardy pioneers sprang Into llfo, from Ml to
M7. Tho cbntigo wan compjoto, thorough.
Just as wa Lccamo Amerlcanlrod and self
rollautjust In proportion did wo leap for
ward to possession, security, aud, If not
wealth, nt least comfort. A section of laud,
a homo, nml the comforts of llfo what moro?
Saw mills e ml grist mills woro being built,
towns wero fci-rlnglng tip, nohooh and
churohoM woro rising; wo woro driving bar
gains, making love, marrying, with social
convivialities; and wo bad. tho Prois, with
Hi tot inlng mllllonu, malls, roads, tlno furms,
orchards, and tho llnest wheat, onU, pons,
potatoes, and vegetables, over grown. Civil
and religion, political and military; finance
and commerce, wero all ours. Our forlllo
soil, our mild, coulal, but wet climate In
winter Just tho thing lor tho coroals our
uncqunlcd summers and fall; our hills,
prairies, and vulru, perpetually ouamoled
with Ood'a own carpet ofgroon; our cattle,
hordes, aud sheep running free, in Flora's
porennlnl ilelds, uufedby us, and covering
hill aud dale, nil over tho pride of Oregon,
tho Willamotto. Wo wero prospering, heal
thy, happy; but a (lark and portentous cloud
oierhangs Wallatpu's devoted llttlo band.
Sedition and muruer run rampant. A miw
HACie. Tho Cuyiifo war follows.
iNTint-ocKANio Canal Commumon. Tho
members of tho Inter-ooeaulo CnnalCommlB
slon;im a arrived at Panama, and uro at
work on tho Isthmus of Darlen. TIiIh com
mission has boeu organ id by M. Ferdinand
do I.esspps, aud tne stHffof englnpors lu
uludo French, Italian. Kngllfh nml Houth
America. This Is quite a dlfiereut enter
prise from the Nlcaraguan onal, which Is
promoted by tho United States Government
in tho interest of unlvoraal commerce, und
tuu (act that M. F. do Ltssops has a linger
In tho Darlttn nlo mav account for tho refu
sal of tho French government to commit It
Helf to tho Nloiraguan route. Hut soienco
aud comnibico will he benelltod by tho la
bors ofthu Inter-oeoaulo Canal Commission.
.It will cut atret-ttlie question whether tho
Isthmus or tho Mcaraguan route Is tbo moro
avallablo. For this reason it should bo
wished overy possible success.
Tarrv Stowart, afarmerllvlng near Wheat
land, Yuba county, Cal baa been arrested
on a charge ofutlemptlng to bribe Secretary
Chanuior to retiuer a ueciaiou in uis itvr in
a content over tbe titlo to a quarter xectlnn of
United Statos land. He wrote to Secretary
Chandler In Octobor lat, and again in No
veinber .otlerlng him $300 for a prompt and
favorable decision. Stewart, when arrested,
Intimated that he thought tho outgoing ad
ministration would be ready to take advan
tage of an opportunity to make money.
Tbo wool growing business of California Is
rapidly increasing, and It Is proposed to bold
periodical trade sales, Ilka thorn held at
London , Aocklaud , and Sidney, in order to
facilitate the handling of her Immense crop
of wool, which already exceeds 60,000,000
pouuda annually.
rk-nator Conkliug says tnat ho has had
letters Informing him that the elocloral law
was unconstitutional, the writers of which
spelt constitutional with a "k."
Tbo famous short-horn cow Tonth Duch
ess of Geneva Is dead. Sho was bought by
Lord Bet-live, of Knnland, at New York
MI1U, N. Y., in 1S7U, for more than 1300,000.
On tho plains of Oregon dear
Tho summer tkles aro bright aud oloar,
The summer breozos . softest air,
Aro spreading verduro ovorywhoro.
O'er thnso wide nml rolling plains
ThosoANons pour their gentlo rains,
Hut llttlo snow tho winters bring,
Or cold disturbs n balmy spring.
Tuo limpid waters from tho mountains,
Springing from tbolrloy fountains,
Then winding through tho valleys sweet,
And blessing ovory thing thoy meot.
Heatitiful ocean near nt hand,
And crystal streams within tho land;
Glorious scenery ovory way;
Heautlful green on overy day.
Look o'or theso benutles fair and nico,
And view tt land of paradise;
Ilur hills and vales are evor grcou,
Ami blooming tlowere compluto the &ccno.
No HtorntH nrlso, or tout pouts rngo,
To stir the hairs of hoary nee:
No lightning's Blenm or thunder's roar
Disturb this peaceful, quiet shoro.
Iu this (air land I pan my hours,
A laud as fair as Kden's bowers;
llor tliomtantl hills are over m lid,
As Asia's laud when Kden smiled.
My homo is on the western slope,
A land Inspiring nil with hopo;
My homo Is on this favored shoro,
And may it bo forovcr moro.
Howell 1'ralrto, Or. U.K. I'orroruT.
Frightful Scono in a Church.
Ni:v Youic, March S. Thoro wnsn pnnlo
lu tho church of St. Francis Navler, Slx-
teeutn street, ucarsixtn nvonue, to night,
cnuted by a wotntiii tainting and cries of tiro;
n rusti ot women from ono of tho giilloiles
was mndo, ntul lu tho tumult which ensued,
six women und ono boy wero trampled
under foot mid killed. Tho audience was
composed entirely of women and children,
It being women week lu lent. The number
of pomms titjuied could not bu nscortulncd.
1'iuhcr Lntigineko was preaching on hollnud
tho "eriors of tho damned, and its tho preach
er was picturing tho tornientM of purgatory a
young woman In tho comer gallery, ovor
coiuo by hor holingf, fainted and gavo ulter
iiiieo In n hysterical tcroum, startling tho
worshippers and dining them to spring to
their liet. Tho next momout somn reckless
porson cried Uro, and this gavo rlvo to tho
panic. Father Lauglackn implored tho peo
ple to kopp their seats, ns thero was iiociiii"o
lor tilnrin. Father Merrick, tho jmstor,
heard tho screams and rushed Into tho sanc
tuary, Ho called upon tho congregation to
keep tltolr toats, as thero was no lire. Tho
oougregatlon wns dfsnilssod ami tho organ
began to play. Tho wotnoti In tho main
body of tho church aud gallory passod out
In nu orderly manner, but tho noonlo oo
cupying that portion of tho gallery whero
tho coiiimollou bad begun mid centered,
rushed toward tho exit from tho gallory,
ami, almost cm zed with fear, pushed mid
fought tholr way into tho narrow Unlrwiiy
leading to Sixteenth strcot. Tho stall way Is
but four feet wide, and within three or four
stops of tho bottom makes a sharp turn, bo-
foro It reached tho vestibule. Tho crowd of
inaddoned women rushed down tho stairs,
and would probably all havo roaohod tho
streot lu Htifoty, but nt tho bond lu tho stair
way an aged and vory stout woman fell
ueauionguowii tuo stairs, unioro sno count
regain her feet tho lrantlo crowd prosscd on
to waul tho vostlbulo mid cutno upon tho
prostrate form, mid thoso In thoforomost
ranks foil upon her. Iu a tnomont tho pas
sago way was uhockod, mid a scono of tho
wildest ooufuslon and most Intense oxulto
mont ensued. Tho crowd In tho roar press
ed on with tbo most irreslslblo force, and
nothing could bo dono to atop their advance.
Tho crazed women fought tholr way toward
tho chockod-up stairway, trampling upon
thoso who had lalleu In trout aud crushing
tho llfo nut of thorn. They screamed and
fought HUo maniacs, and every effort to hold
thorn back, so that tho stairway could bu
clenrod, was of no avaII.
A Submarine Volcan.
San FitANCiht'o, Mnrch I). Tho Honolulu
Gazette of February 13th, contains tho no
count of a remarkable submarine volcanic
outbreak In Kealakeakun ly, near tho en
trance to tho harbor. The natives report
that tho eruption occurred at 3 o'clock on
tho morning or the 2l'.h, appearing liko In
numerable red, blue mid green lights, In
tho afturm on several boats vialted tho erup
tion, cruising nvor tho most active part
whoro tho water wan in a state of peculiar
activity, boiling aud appearing as If punning
over rapids, or very much llko tho water nt
UellUalOi Now York. ISIocks of lava two
loot iqunru, cm mo up from below, frequently
btrlklug tho boats. An the lava was quite
suit no harm was done. Nearly nil tho pie
ces, on reaching tbo surface, wero rod hot,
omitting Meam and gss, strongly sulphur
ous. A rumbling iioImi was heard like that
ot rocks in n fiexhet, cuihod no doubt by tho
eruption of tho lavn lrotn tho submarine
emior, which Is suppobod to bo a crack lu
llneol the rupture extending at least a mile
from tho shoro, Auothsr rupturo, doubtlosa
a continuation of the bubmnrlno llsMire,
was traced Inland from the shore nearly
threo miles, varying in width from a few in
ches to throi fht. In Mtne plaooe wator was
seen pouring down Into tho abyss bolnw. A
severe shock ofesrthquako was felt by thoso
living at Koawaloa aud Keel, during tho
night of tho eruption, which must havo pre
ceded tho outbreak. It was quite severo,
but no dama'o roiorted.
Dixon. Cab, March 0. A xentlo rain bo
gan to fall ab.uiln o'clock this ovonlng, and
proont appwtranco Indicate It will continue
ilurlug tho night. Wenther very warm.
Farmers much elated at tho prospocts of u
From tho Koohurg fiitltpcwlent of last
Saturday: Mr. George Hauuan,Hr., onoof
the most respecteu citizens or tins county,
d ed at nls residence near vviiDiir ja Satur
day, from the eilttiisof being tramped upon
by his horse, and his remains woro followed
to their Ust resting place by a largo number
of borrowing trlmuM, Mr. Hannan In at
tempting to get down from the saddlo, slip
ped and fell, and tbe horse ha was riding
stepped upon his stomach, For several
hours tho injured man was unable to rlso,
aud thero lay exposed to the rain and cold,
until consciousness returned. Then be at
tempted to rlso to his feet, but finding It Im
possible to do no, crawleU on bis bands and
knees homo, something over a mile. When
he reached homo, ho was suffering intenso
pain, and experienced no roller until Dr.
Woodrulfarriveil. Tho Doctor did all In
his power to relieve the buttering man, but
Mr, Hannan was so uovetely Injured In
ternally that from tho first tho physician
know lils cabo was hopeless, Mr. Hannan
was 04 yoars orKO at tno tlino onus iieain,
He was ono of tho early pioneers of Umpqim
county, and duriig his long resident)
among our citizens had oarnod for himself
many menus wno over reguruuu iiiui an n
man, a good oUlcou aud a true
Washinoton, Maroh7. Tho following
nominations wero rocolved by tho Senato
from Prosldont Hayes nt 2.1!0 p.m.: Wm.
M. Kvarts, of Now York, Secretary of State;
John Sherman, of Ohlo.Secrotary of Treanu
ry; Gto. W. McCrarv, of Iown, Secrotary of
Wnr; Klohard W. Thniunson, of Indiana,
Secretary of Navy; Chas. Dovlns, of Mass.,
Attornoj-Uenoral; David M. Koy, of Ton
nessoo, Posttiiaater-Unnnrnl; Carl Sohurr, of
Missouri. Secretary of Interior.
Nkw Yoiik, March 7. Joseph II. Lowi
of Hobokeu, died n few days slnco, aged SS.
Ho was for many year stationer on Nassau'
street, und accumulated ovor ono million dol
lars worth of property, tho wholo of which
which ho left to help pay tno national debt,,
making George Olllspns of Manhattan Hank,
IiIh executor, Ho had no relatives living.
Ciii:yi:nni:, March (I Gon. Crook, who'
In now In this city, Motived Intolllgonco to
night that on tho ltd Inst., ti runuor roachotl
Ked Cloud about six weeks ago, to induco'
Crazy llorso to come In. Tho runuor ro
pons holeftCrn.y Hurso on Llttlo l'owdor,
front whero ho enmo lu with 120 lodgos.
Filly lodges of other hostile-' aro on tho way
In by another route, Hon. Shoridan arrived
kero to-dny und will go Fait to-morrow.
Genorul Crook will return to Fort Lnramlo
WiNNirnn, Manitoba, March 8. Inlform
atlou Is rocolved horo of tho nrrlval or Sit
ting Hull nt Wood Mountain, British ponseHs
lons. Ho has n thotis.ind capturo lioraoi and
Co i.U.m ill's, March S. Tho resolutions
adopted bv tho Democrats during tho nb
senco of itepubllcatis from tho IIouso last'
week woro expungod from tho rccorda to
dnv. Stiff Yonit, Mnrch 8. A mrotlug waK
hold In Wnll stroot to-day lo ox press appro
val of tho policy ot President Hayes lu re
gard to olvll sorvlco romrni mid pacification,
of tho South; Win. A ltooth, prosldont. Ja
cob D. Vorntylo, president of tho Merchants'
Hiink, read tho resolutions. Thoy state (hat
tho policy declared In Provident Hayes' In
augural, infavor of tho permanent paclllcn
Hon of tho South, with equal protection to
nil citlxens, of thorough reform in tho civil
norvlco, und of mi emiy return to spoclo
paymente, rocoiumouds Itself to tho country,
mid is outitlcd to tho I'ulrcst trial.
Coi.l'MUiA, March (1. Tho Inaugural ad
dross of President Hayes moots with tho
most cordial npproval horn. ltsoxpresslouH
regarding tho Southern policy aro rouarded
as certain Indications ot tho recognition of
tho Hampton government, consequently an
out of P'jnco mid prosperity Is now confident
ly expected. Tho troops will bo withdrawn
lrotn tho State hniiNti In tho next few days.
The domlso of Chlcr Justlco Moses loaves
tho oluctioti of his successor with tho new
legislature, which will bo convened by
Mkmi'iiim, Mnrch 8, lltislnoss mon hero
regard lliiyos' cabinet u remarkably good
ono mid Indlcatlvo of prosperity for tho
whole country.
Ciiicaiio, Mnrch 0. Tho grcnt snow storm
which originated In Colorado, has reached
this section, ntul is widespread. St. Louis
reports it tho heaviest of tho soasoii, ntul
considerable delay on account or It on (ho
railways. Thowiros, whloli havo bean very
unrellablo for two wenks past, aro still down.
Coi.u.miiia,S. C, Mnrch tl Au extonslvo
coiillncrntlou occurred nt Newbury Court
house this rivalling, consuming tho principal
business blocks. Loss $150,000; liiHiirnuco
Di:n vim, Mnrch 8. Tho cablnotchoson by
Prosldont Hayes gives general satisfaction
St. Louim, Mnroh 0. Tho following reso
lutions woro adopted to-day by tho mer
chants mid business men of this oltv:
Whereas, Thoaontliuonts enunclatod by
President II ayes' Inaugural address and
foreshadowed in tho appointment of tho
cnblnot, ludjcatos a desire mid dotermlua
lion to fostor n conciliatory and fraternal
feeling throughout tho Union by suca an ad
ministrative coursj; therefore bo It
Kcsolvod, That, as representative of tbo
busltiOHs Interests or St. Louis, wo horeby
hoartlly npproyo of tho Just and ronsorva
tlvo course thus far mapped nut by Prosldont
Hayes, and that our Sjtiators ami Koprosen
tattvos In Congress bo urged (o rise nbovo all
party fueling, as patriotism alono should
govern their notions.
Washinot.in, March 8 Prosldont Jiayea
to-night otllclally received olllctirs of tho
army, navy mid marine corps, Tho ovont
was ouo of tho most brilliant Hint has over
animated tho parlors of tho Kxooutlvo Man
sion. Nearly ovory olllrer of tho iirmy, na
vy mid uiarino corps stationed hero, aud
many others, wero present. Gen. Sherman
hoatlod tho army. Admiral Porter tho navy,
mid tho iimrlno corps was presldod over by
Col. Hoywood. Tho reception lasted until
nearly 10 o'clock,
Tho Inantjurnl in England.
London, Muroh it. President Hayos In
ntigural was published In full and created a
favorable Impression,
Tho Twit says tho groater iiart of It was
or character (hat might hao been wail re
ceived bv men of all parties.
Tho AVim says tho principles Prosldont
Hayes enunciates aro excellent.
Tho Telegrufm says: Wo do not imagine
that ovon his candid opponents will com
plain of (ho (one and lumper of tho address,
which deals with questions of tho highest
moment. Hayes speaks with (ho dignity
and frankness becoming 'ho chief maitlstratsi
of a great people; mid points ways to ends
which, If thoy can bo accomplished, will re
dound to his honor and that of his country.
European Grain Market.
Livnnroor,, March !). Ilreadstulfs firm,
except corn, which Is dull. Corn 2lst-4s
ad for now mixed western; -Is itdg.'Jls DU for
old. Wheat PkfalOiSd lor averugo Califor
nia white; lOsHdlls lor club.
The leading grain circular says there 1st
but little change iu Hrltlsh markets, whloU
generally ruled low, although ajjoarliiK
rather llrm ao tho week proceed od. Millers
liuvo boon sluggish, but u good many cargoes
otf tho coast found buyers, several being for
the continent, on spot, with llttlo offering
from recent largo arrivals. Tho lato decline
has bonn arrested anJ prices aro hotter than
nu Tuesday, but maize N again cheaper ,
Fresh arrivals or wheat, maize and Hour are
liberal In this markot to-day. Thero la m
good consumptive demand for wheat, whlto
realizing an advance or lully 2d per cental;
red Is held lor a penny more, which ohecka
sales. Flour Is steady but unimproved.
Corn Is in uiodorate request at 3d per quarter
VmoiNiA Crrv, (Nov.) March 1). Tho tint
criminal conviction under Stewart's bill to
Sirevent cruelty to women, took place la
fntlgo Moses court to-day. A man named
Marshall, cony lo tod of wifu-beatlng, will be
tied up to a post near tbe court house to. day
at 2 o'clock, with a placard, "Wife Heater."
fastened on his breast. There Is cousldorablo
excitement over tho affair.
PltUAIMU.l'HIA, March U. Wool qulot and
firm; supply light. Colorado washed, 1:0
2Ho; unwashed, 1025; oxtra and merino
pulled, 'M IlOo; Texas lino and medium,
'Jo&Mcj coarse, 18(22o,
-a -wri e