v "V : .. ir WILLAMETTE FARMER. r h "THE FACTS OF HISTORY.,' Kn. FAUMint: In tlio Oreyonian of Mnrch '-!(!, uuilor tho nbovo IiohiIIdj;, ex-Oov. Curry Ijlvos a fow very lntoroitlny historical notes of tho enrly d iys of Oregon , Rial torininatos tljoin wltli iilluMoiiH to n hnttlo Hjiokon of in tho Willamisttj: Fahmihi, by U. W. Hunt, an fought butneou tho BottlorH of Ablrjiia Creel: and vicinity pud u bund of Klamath Indlnus, in tho HprlnKof 16IH, m tho " ro mance of histiry" Mr. Curry, Jouintllat though ho whs. nmy not linvo liuiiril of tho oliuiim-tiinro, but I Hiiliinlt tbnt Is not proof thnt there vvnn notliinj, of tho kind occurred. i mil gind, liouovor, thtit Ihoqtii'Htloii of tho . Abtijua llht, und iti rosultn, is ruined, in, not '.InniJBRrt, I hnd nceaHloii lo iinpilro by whiit rotito turn band of Klnmnlljii lind entered nnd rotrrnlod from lliu Wiliamelto vnlloy, and Iroui tlio wrlti r rj j ilod by Mr. Cuny I loirmii llmltnoio of tho Indlium lmd been killed and wounded than I bud boon ltd to nuppount thotlmo 1 lir.it henrdol tho occur-roni-o, twetityMilnoyoiirsaKonboiit thjsil.xtli day oi Muri'li. Tliero tiro mnny ol'lbosn who iinrtldiMti-il in thai liulit vet iillvu to nrmi.k of It, nni 1 ptnsuino Mr. Curry would not iiiostfMi tho tact of iiirjii u flt;lit having to etirrvd wlion it Ih lostlllod to by tnon llkotlio vumirnblo iMntol Waldo, than whom there Im no man who oor lived Icsi irlvon to " ro jiianct,'," and who pivo lili counsel on tho imlilect ol lorcliii? tho Indians to return to tbflr own country, Mcusni. it. P. Oeor, Wll liur Kline, and .fat. llruwti, ol Sllvorton, had lio-iltloiiiot command In tho hastily-formed rompauy. Jiiiiihh Stanley, who llvos a low inllmnast ol Malem, was uitti tho little hand that drioa p.irLol tho Indians aKaliihl tho hlulMol the Akifiia, whom tho most ol tho Indians (U'li) uoniwiid lo Imwi boon killod. Prom wbrt I can lenrn, tlio lli;ht uiih not In tanded on tlio part ol' I Im uhiitM, but tho plan wna to Mirround tlm Indians mid mo thorn out of thin vallny ori tlm iviv to their own country; hut tho IndlniiM ulio had robbed Fovorai iioiiwi wnmo itio.v loiimi tlio limn who owni d lhm aliMiiif, mid Lad nilompted mi iiivyiriiMiiii oi iac -ituii) iy Mir,unlifiL- at leant uoo hoioo (I'ui'lo Dicky Mlllor'x) wiiuii tlio owner wax at hfnui worn ovluoul' ly OMw'ini' tiio lilum. iiiid did nut Mon t jmrloy. This took placi when vary manv of mo mini v.oro anxcini minor in inn awitiiuniii OaytiMftH, who liml porjK.tniti'.l iho Whitman llliwwro. 'iho rwuLinln mnu living lm twoun tho AbUpiu mid llioSantlam worn bun Illy witniml rt!itmt iidtotix ni tho KlRtnnth., who numbered frnty-iuo men, and u numbor r wouiun not HKciiriaiiKMl. Thorn nus ovory tiidltntlon that if ii't i.toppod Immoiliatnly thoMolitlliis oniii hi,,, ir ihy had not al ready nsniktcd tlio Kl uiiultm in tbnlr dcpio dotloni, aiii ii noniii .(idii jtiiw to minder nnd niuhNicio Willi Uhmi Iowh, htriniKili i'ihiiI liy iitocondiii'tot tiio Indiana, who had Nhown (IkIiI upon tlio tlrnt aiuanpl to uul.v with tlioin by .Initios litowuaud ptrty a l'uv layfi proxloiisls, tho wliltox moiled no more than iho " stt' " ol tlio ilrst nrrowa ollt by tho IndlaiiM, In onh r In Know what was host lo boilnuo, iiikI tln did U aivordlnalv. ll Is piiHslni' Mr.uiKO that Mr. Curry who, I Kiipposo, was ai'ipialiiUid with tho toaHnns lov. Ai'ornilliv had lor npprvliondliii; u union ol iho ludlaim iikiiIih-1 tlio whiles xhould not hao loolml in tho Molallas (an ollihoet ol tint Ca viua m lor tlio llritlmaulhM liitlon m thot'omlilnailnii (hat, two iiiciuIih provioiialy, had kxiikiiI ho probable as to In dure thn (imiMiiorloMHid Moo. .lesso Apple Kiito lo iitiouipl tho winter lournovtoCallfot. ula uuilor tho ONcortol ('apt. I.avl Scott and Nlxtoou pit Id'd iiieu, In order to lay boloro tlioooiiiiiinndprnr tlio V.H, army in Callmr ula tho ihioatciiliii; coudllli u or allalrs bore, und our ijioat iiop( or arms nnd aiiiiiuiiiltlon at bast. 'Ihnill'iirt tiixii inndo to i;(.t imicb iiondud avslHtanco lalind by tho unknown ob ntncloHof huow covorllii' an unknown route. nnd tlio ondnranco of tlio llttlo company who lliaiio l no attempt la another " laat " of lilnto ry wliloli faw liavo over hoard of. and If told uowmlKhtho put down with tho affair of inn AUiiiu iih tlio rouninco of history." iiiuro is uoono wno Knows Dettnr tliiiu ex Uov. Curry that tho rm ly ploneom of Ori-mm worn men of nclion rather than of skill In wrltlni,', boiieo thero Is niimv lively liu-P dent which, juit on paper, nil(,'ht lmvii bomi handed down as " IkotHiiriitHtory," but will pass down Iho slriam ol I unify tradition, i.nd In ufmr limes bo rated as " romanco." It HhVrM. I ilMW ( '.llilittir..f llr.nt'.i l.li. II.... I Htanloy, iindothois, lo iih all too facia of mo Aiiiuniil.uri Tmuo la itotynt uuyihliiH llkoucomiloio libtory of Iho si'ttlomimi ol of Oregon, and lacla Mit irivuii, well million united, will not 1st too late for tho umkmu upol tho llual record. .1, Mi.si'o. 1 - I" I llllll IIUI LJL.I n Vuluo of Knjio Sooil. llolowwo publish mi artlolo taken from (ho Amu uml ll'iKii'.a uuwapaiuir published nt Morllu, New oalaiul. It, as tho artlolo (dates, tho cultivation of Itapo will eradicate tliUtles, it In Minolliiii5 worth knowing to ourOrenon farmer.s, Uapo has already bwn lutroducod lutoOri'Kon by Mr. S. 11. Heed, and wo learn it In one of tho most profitable crops utlsed. Planted In drills, mid worked with a horse hon, ll unsworn for a siiiiiinei tallow , besides iillord Intf laruo ipiautltlts of j;reen feed lor aheep and hops afier theKmss dries up. II wo are con colly Informed, Mr. HihhI kii ml iiltn iuniitlty of seed Ibnu bis libit year's crop: Tho Itorllu correspondent of .mid mo H'cifi-r nsmrds that rajwi belli k sown near tliUtUm tho latter will be I'omplotelv eradi cated, "Whoever knew," bo says. '"oftwo plants ImliiK m Inimical to one another us to kill tho oilier by a mere touch? This, bow over, Nonius lo ho the taso when raHtKrowa near tho thlstlo. 1 1 a Held In iulested with thistles, kIo It a turn ofrapo need, and this plant will altoKcther staivo, HUllocale, and iblll tlio thlstlo out of existence. A trial wau made Willi dilloroiit varloiiesof rape seed, ut Hiunro plotN. when it was found that tlm whole ground wUs mil of IhUtles, and no. body lad loisl that Iho lajio was IiiivIiiku ialriuu. Hut it had, and as It rew tho thifllo vanished, faded, turned gray, and dried up, as soon as the rape loavtis bewail to touch It, Other trials were niiulo, and (he thistle had alwava to irhe In and wils alio. Kctiioraiiuiiiiiiiited, whether old and !oulopid or yomiK and tender." Z T ; rS x-xrrii: m-mAi ron THE PIjEASANTCKV SVIV-BATHS Kecommenilcil bj the highest authority for the cure of 1ST DT T7" O "O. E5 Oompla NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, Pains and Aches of all Kinds. For JScvlo lay ,j.o nix n i;g her, DIIAl.nit IN 033.CH &3 DF"jaL.33.1!S: I J. J4mS'1 m $ Z3I:XJ33!1VJ:3I33JT . G-rooe jLie : 3FJ370-Vi5iO33..3 ? AND BUILDINa MATEEIALS OF ALL KINDS, State Stroot, Saloin Oregon. tTJ3aav2mmwuMiAtMJunmi fit jwm -- . . . - -t ri--TJ j- wmrm" mmh - wmrAwmwmm - m$mmi -. TaSBtA-'.r. ; &&:- 'asmsmr -.-. .Tt-. '4'v5ag6sr 4-. wsvssg4; mmmmizTzs: ? "szssm .'uiMiit':6tj,mv!djye!u:t'rs2Siiwj..Ltmj nv:u: oiuciwwii fully 4k- . l.lder David browor will pmach at the Hlmiuoiis M-hool Iiouhd, (Salem I 1111m) tho'Jd rjuuday of each month, and at the Stlpp m-hool lintiko OVnldo Hllla) thoitilSiindav of sich tuonth, and at tho North Howell prairie H'hool hoiuo on tho Ith Sunday of each month. Tho Pii'dcufoT ha-s inerned Into tlm Wit.. i.AMtrrri: lUMi:it. ThU as It hhould bo. Tho Kahmkii is a ood paper, In fact, one of the bcki HKrlcuIlurHl papeia In the Uulieil Ntatea, and leorves miivas. .'ji( Short, Tho rev bod premium llstof tho Washing. Ion County Agrloullural Society' will bo out hojii. In (ho two-year old rcw, nIiikIo dash of tbroodourtlw of a mile, tho entrance 4fclv, Effii. "il ... - ik,)All.VlM'l tlV.Vit.v0i.ll TIIW EVAKS SULKY PLOW J Iron Bonni. lion Frame, Iron TffhooJs Easily Ororatcd Tho Latost and B75ST Sulky Plow in the Ma.kct. as tho Hitch and Draft direct from tho end of tho Beam. Arranged to work throe Horses abreast. t33LO ST'iSCffiit; JPX'OXO.i'lLl.XO. At tho Oregon Stato Fair, 1876. (X0OOl5L 5. 000 B U S II ELS eas .s?ro. ViU LUIiNISHKS) cx5o B0 a k n a i i-S Vj Vj -un OF CHARGE Sowing in tlio Spring of 1877. TflW'2 BKST VmW tf.K CXiiA'GlO OB'"' LAW. THE OLITER CHILLED - METAL PLOW, Will Scour whore ottiors tail. LIGHTEST DHAPT PLOW im portort. AIc your NoighOoj-s about Ihoni. A iTLl AUSOltTM AT O. TUT K HtA lUUDHNSO Acknuwluilifoil liy nil lutullij.-v.'iit Kiirnic rs- us Utu HI-T Steel Tlow ni.uli-. We have a full asMirinu'M of ot) tiling in our lire KiliM&ic3e Piowo, Left-hand Plows. OiiJtivaton rows, Buckeye Broadcast Kecders, Buckevo t!lJIH Wililftn MJUil t-Uftlt -4W t1?iy"3 Wt-Jf Jnii Hai- vaatxons, s"tiC firtst Mills, n IIW :v Pan EVliN, Portable iUGt grimier inop.pin-f victor ocfi j et, gsac mSillSf &C, &c. utir Gootls nrc nil FIJIST-C LAxs i.ol niM Nli thnl will not .-ell ! Citlifornln. lTSuntl forotirC'nt'ilotio and i'tlii' LNt. 'iv;,l FLAX STUJIJBLK KOCAL TO SUMMER FALLOW FOIt WHEAT, IS THE TESTIMONY OF ALL TEE FLAX -RAISERS' In -tjLa. 3t;ca."fc ! FAIR, AVERAG-E LAND WILL PRODUCE A GOOD CROP. THE BEST LAND, WELL PRE PARED AND SOWED TO FLAX, WILL YIELD LARGE RETURNS, IN MANY CASES FROM 20 to 30 Bushels to tlio aoro, tho profit from tho same boiug muoh greater than that dorived from any other orop. Priutod iiiBtructiona rogardiiip; tho preparation of tho land, sowing, harvesting, and prices, l'uvnishod to all applicants. OIL CAKE ftHEAL will bo i'urnishod to all contractors, to do paid for iu Flux Seod, if desired. Address. I'flONtillSK Olli CO., Or, Al llNY TAllMKHh I'O. AlliAM JA.MKS III.AKKIA llnon N .1 1 E .1 ll. I'ArmthON, Waii Uaiii r'l.OKD ro KI.Nli A 1)11.1. Suluin, liiwriiunn; . luin ah i: )ri'(;oii, HODGE, SNELL & CO. WHOLESALE I) R r G o I S T s, IVo, "t? ri'onl Slri'ol, PORTLAND, - - OHEGON, DKAIKIU IS Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, lHX'lll.VS Crosylic Sheop Dip, ri ii.i.iNCH3ioi rs Carbolic Slieop Dip, SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosive Sublimate, Arsenic, Sulph. Zinc, rarliolic Acid, &c UKMKDIKS 1'OU The Prevention and Cure of Scab, etc, nODOB'S OBX.XIDXLA.TBD Gopher & Squirrel Killer, Blue SttoooLO, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &0. (Hiiiiilt'3' Ordors KollciU'tt, AND lAltTICl'I.AU Ari'KNTlOK OIVKX TO THK ruojirr dui'atcu qv goods. HODGE'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. bl'lli: AMI Itr.UAUI.K KOIITIIi:i)KTlirrTION OK liOI'IICIts, MiVlllltELh. It.U. MIllC, CKOWd, Ai' Sar, Jtotlor, aind C'heapor tlmn Mrj rlitlii, I'liospliortis, lr- tii'iiU:. or oilier piopma- IIoiik as a nIiikIo trial will convince. hl'I.II m DKALKIIdOKNKIUlLY, AM) HY HODGE, SNELL & CO.", Wholcsalo Druggists, N.. :s Front uml 7V'lrt SI.. kMllfi'LAXU H'orllattil, Orepon, Oc.l. J. ttf. fiiil'AJi'P, ISSJKMOJLsL It CO, MiHIWW1WMrtllllt1. - v.KCAinsnror.D. rAMnmm irt mi j. v. irr.ATiiuurnttf) Weatkerford & 5 yu n i w r W' XJb w U PI UK Who cwlo nnJ Hi'tull Dwlcrr lo 'I X rZ OSLS, GLASS, P a. t e ss. t Medicines, CHESSIOALS, Per X"ul 3oo. ory TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc. PURE WINUS and LIQUOHS, Tor Medicinal purjoi-cs. Modioinos Oompoundod, Profloriptiona Filled. and wwmiwtMwwHiiwiiiwwwwm A Howard of $-20,000 Hb 1. uriiirnl; ly.ini;it'' ti t tliphrrt ml m(t UiiniliK nniil.ml uf cltisw hl i.ti t frum W'vlU or 1 1. tin... hJIOUTs A fOI.WEI.1. ln ticvu uvsid the .i'iocoii th. ir RUBBER BUCKET PUMP, fn'llu rramii tlinl II U tlmni.n iiif.'it nnd 'i-lia'i!i fiiiniiiM ow 'ii.iii j'..rNi)iNo jn im:t i tin- Di.lyom tbnt 1 nrran lie J'atrntul Tlio inu.clii.il dt vinriuii I HI-: Tlio I(n1iiii-r, Mh nr an Inch il.fci:. 1 .Ma itiwitn Ih.iCD.W o,Xi:iJ 1'l.ATEb, rifkt.Ml trL-tll ir lllm crt.; iho pluli tuliiv; full-i-t In tin untH, jini"' li.ilut In lliu finur. wlilcli eiiim tin HiiIiIkt to i tjuikI, to tlmt It c.t. .o UKAIJM.Y ADJL'bTUU TO ANY SIZKD TL'UE. rroEilMios liid.i. onio)iro.!iicntl.olciiiit tofH 1,!0.l,.l,?!,u,,.,.,n.d 'H onkoiic-itict helium. Tlm illc ol Ol'Jt Ol'lll). Jdiuvonaiki'lriililo. wlthn tentlln. (a In), nrtmlulua frto circulation or nlr. I'util nul lolouoii pnic niiniiMy nmoc(l by t!il MACBG PUMP. Weatlierford & Co., iJtf Ooinmorclftlrtrool. NAt.i:?i, F It 1' litinwulhiit tU uiu of Imjuiru Wfllcr ciufcr wiorc .Ickiiif una tUaili ili.iu all miicr catin-r rum lilmd. WccliilloiiL'i' tlm rM tn product a 1'mnii "hat 'iia! uur l.l'...Ml.N(l NUIUSJll lll'CKLT Tlio ilnljbcr tiif.1 no imc ! jmro ViilnnUwl While IluM.tr. fiilt nml i Untie. Thctnttnltiart oflhu !mc!s rt In KINK lIKAbs. uhlcli I lNJ)i:sTlM)TllLK by nuyjiclit ToiiiKl Iu witor. Tbl iiiinui In all ttiinrti, l ilio ncrio in ImplliSly. DltAWINU VOItK WA- 2 K'.MN A.!nx KN time: with less towtu THAN ANY OTIIEll 1'T.Ml' NOW IN UhK, ami no.'M.liH.uctul liy Jn.'liiL- li iirnni-rlv ailJiiMul, lliuLrt pitcimd .tan . 1--J 1'rlru f li fm Curb, wild llivl. Siiout nn.J iiiiv, anil llrt IS tici of iiu nnd ilmln. nnil .'So ci.. iur r ul Tor all biluu the ilr.t 14 ln-t. Kur rumji, or Oatirty, Ti'vrn m &lato Illi.-hti' Aililritu, JilDDAl (111 & 1JEAIID&I.KY, ajlcin, Oietfon. Trees! Trees!! All Kiiids of Frail aim ornamental T R E E S, Shrubbery, Small Fruits, Ro sos, Vinos, Groen-Souso and Bodding Plants &c, at tho tTXvX:t EAST PORTLAND NURSERY, tth"iilv i i. I.. in r in i--ciiMiii l . Hii.it w-ili i ,i , Ci(l ..,,. , ..- . ' .r il I ..ll. 1 .. i Hi. lart-.-.t mlU-f ... . . i m .-. " I PCIJt TI. i." , 02:t:GO.. Ililc n-iil i-.i lit ill by uiii ivil ''ii I ,. ii Miu-rli t n UiVO pi'iiuiii ut wlui liwor. u'rmwi in a, lx rtnl rari.m '. I it iii. nr iilli iu- n iy kudiir. AH il nlil Irom iiiy cUmi'i'iii'Ut r ranli'ii lo l'u hotlt lron mid I riui In imun . I.ir. Hint fliculillt tinMo n'brrwUi. I xUll KftlHin-onlor .jritl. a tliooilstnil IntiiHliiur uf tlio Hubbard ni.d Mar liK lii'rtil .nu.lu'-. Iho Mnitilimad l'iilii;f .n.il a rcon of oilier ni-n ii-i-vtalilri.. I luviti tbu pitrnnai;u of uU ii $tfu i.r'.. tumt, ti)rnfltii ii . ..!. if Mil.JK l.'iclni. ,N Si.KTVIU.il A -I'll I.M.1. .I.VMLH.I II. lilll.l..ilY. .Iijurtl Marl UN '. Slid. Vl To ColorBulter. . '. M1 l'i.-Vlfll Killtnr ..f Ih.i Win 111 itiik-inul Piirini'r 'inlut papor ut Ni. Utli, d linr Kl. ilnlr)ijiu Iu -o Well, Klch&rdson & (V.'i PERFECTED BDTTER COLOR llffijK. l,Ii U t!n mrnRi'Jt. pure.t. nnd ilicapott butler ciilorliijr i liwoour nvd. Ktr all that uu c.itinv ll U nbfoluicl) porfii'l. It rhiuiM t'litlrt'l) mpiT.ulo tlio mo of c.ijrotii, and all preturatKnu ot aiiLmio." It '' thiMict luda of the 'ict Joroy butter. It l pjr.i iiiuiuc. i'cm,oralcl, aud h no tilo nr ururll. It 1 .mi luipruu'uu-ut on our "(KiMou Kx tri-t."l'i'ti. n cumfr.i'.jiiiui uf tlio hrL-ht oll'i col oilnj. prllic ploof Iho Dtudxllou Ii'.oirim. and ll I cn-Jll) tupcrlor to rarrvlt, etc , ith lus a liottcr co.or, and no moiW tVr a kiiiiiple KiHUcl.'iit to t-nlor iltt) lMMiniN hi llutier will biotoiit toi.il int lrtk. IlllliiUil. on r.-.-i.lnl ol'ICII 'eill. Kiery Halrj mill ho ull:i' to ralt thoUitii,t prUo rliuuM Kiu It .i trial ". Addrer Vi:i.I,S, KICIIAKUMt.N A- CO., U-ii Uiirllnuioii, Vermuiu. Tvorte ,,'. fcprlni! LUI fnv. P. K. JLlCUOj Vuiuu, l;vHa:llSteJiursory,ln. Premium Seed Potatoes.! SiiovHiiUc, per lmslit'l. $0.0O , lUuelui, - :.oo , 5;tra tJnrJj Voriuonl, J () , l?imiH.'U'N c:'ittil, I. no I t'otiiptoii's MirjirtM', . t..'0 ! t'arly iVoneiiu'li, - - l.oo I.aio Itoso. . 1,00 Lailj ltoi, OiinlcK, Garnvt and KliiKot lliu IJtilIo, .r Tbii. I my prlci for ibcin. racked and iur on iho var at llnbiurd. All warrauieil to bo Iran to namo, nnd ton acoui') puna aloinf tho Hue o'lhul). .t l'. Kitlro.nl In go x oner Money In uai nflm dol lam and pu jrd nny bo eiit by ejptem at mv i. pisUe oiheriie in nvut'ml let'i-r ddri fi'JmJ J. II. Dl.tUCK, lliilitiuril, Or "real "estate "loan s." OUKCOX AMI WAS1I1XGT0X Trost Investment Company OK .M'lirL.t.lt). rataloRuos iVoo. Seeds! Seeds I ! FionIi anlun ami rjowoi- Seeds, all Kinds ol ia.ss Seeds, Seed (.rain. Seed loialie.s, Garden and S'rutiiii!? Imiilciueiits. Also Tree, iMniitN, OulUs, .c., at my S3oocl Store. Kr.nit, lift. Wiiklilnstoii una Aider. OKI.'liO.N, !) I'llltTIAM), AiU JH'imi H. II.IASON, ronLind, Oregon rillll Comnnry it l'n-iivrid S. tuMi. IromfWOlof X'.tWtcr! Vhli CITY mUu:vmt. uo19r vkoi'kutv ani o vei.-ut t'e l.ann In ui-r i-ui- Ka1C1 I.ANllft. fur rlutl ituriodr "f !, or repayable by uilf-)arly lc ItElP. Slanaccr. i) ytrrl street IVrua&d. rot terai. appij to WILLIAM WOTICS, U.T. v .c "!npU;l,:1, ,of ,h0 "vanlwtloii cr tto row liMipo-Mieo iiranvc Ai,rim. n !T uu,lct.lrfnl will' raB,iu ,he-ft jSmUbS1 and oiler, hi jenlcimi purchi.in.-n.ent Will alio 311 po.cof .ill pro.-.co c.H..l.ned to Id care to ThS&V, i rriiiu atnauiai-ij- miiikp in n cl.co. lluHin,.Ta,h-4ilBM.;iS,rsj? pemnt ...... T. J. Sl.iTI (in 1'ortuud, .Nov. tu, IsTii. ortund or ."an Fran. "'i- I'erniii. T. J. MATLOCK. illanwtt vp t J tttxmtx. hsced ivsnr rniDAT, Br OLARKE Jto CKAIG, t'CBLifuuu iD rnormrTORs. S. A. CLAKKi:. D.W.C1I.UU. Tcruik or Subaerliitlou. One copy, OBoycariSJ number)...... o !n Onocopy. lx tomha (So numbm T. ,""?Hg Ooe copy, three bobUu (13 nnabcreJ'.V.V.V.V. l ' 1 . u