sMIMBBW.BMMir -v MBrwmfw' fWMWfyi'1.1 . "WILLAMETTE FARMER. 6 tr"""" V! t rN DIREOTOny. oiu'icint.soiiho national iianc;i:. Maittr-John T. .'otic. IJ.irton. Phillips, A rlf. OittMr-J.J. Woodman, Paw Paw, Utillurir., HUM. lcluur-. I). Hmcillcy, Croro. Howard, In. ,l7 tteHvinf-Muitltner Whitehead, Middle" urti, tioniPirnt, N.J. , , , , ., Cimnlalaa. it. Kill. KprlwrlioroiiKh, Warren. O. VWdoro-l". M. McDowell. Wnilte, btciiticli.N. l. litcitliiiy-O. II. Killey, LouImImV. Ky. (latf:ttir-i). Hlmtiitdle, Orclinid iJriiyi-, 1ml. fVw-Mr. John T. .fotii-f, Union, Phi III. Arls. JYorrt-Mr. Samuel II. Ailnmr, MonUccllo, Miiiii. Jmvmn- Mr llaney (iixldnrd, North Clratiliy. U. Lmtv ArtMnnt JSttamilMlrr Carollnu A. Hall, LoiiImIIIc, Ky. EXKlt'TIM! COMMITTKB. 1). Wynlt Alkcn, O'lmlrmaii.) Cokcfbtiry, H. C, JI. It. l)ill)Hiiii!- town. Dudley 'I', 1,'lmi-c, I'lnrunnnt.N. II. Alonr.o ) jliler, Id'i l Pall, W lilturldi', III. W. II. Chamber, OnHi'cUieu, Itupull. Ala, OHIi-crm or Oregon Muto (JruiiKC. Mailir Wm. Cyril, htlo. oeirtfr-A. It. Shipley, 0weo. Avliiiir-Hi. K. N. limit, hiiljllinlty. Menant 'I'. ' DiivldMin. Hiilem. fitewmt-W'. . Tliuina", Walla Wnlln, W. T. Aiilnnl Sit mini tl. W. Itlrtille, L'aC)inilllo. MnAin W. II. (liny. Antnrln. 'Vwnwrrr-S. P. Li-u, Portland, Onh-Rtfiirr A. II. (trahnm, MrlitrV Landing, Clark ronnty, W. T. .ViM-Mri". II. A. Miller, JarkumWIIu. 7V;iOfli-Mri. H. I). Durham, McMlimvIlle. Yunt-Mrn. K. A. Kelly. L'aH Portland. Aw0 ,Im7 Sltuiinl .Mr. tliori'ln Smith, Hood Itlver, Wni-mroiiii y. . KifC'tllii niiiwilflff -Wm. Cyril'. Hclo; It. tlow, Dallim; II. I.. Hnillli, llo'-d Itlvur. .Vtoe ll'i'inif Aij'iil a. 1'. Leu. rnrllntid. Stato Grango Doputioo for 1877 but Qr. AVj. ..Corrnllli Corvulli ..Unite (Velt . Orison City lirKTOM. A lloldt- I'l.AI IIJ1IA. Hnncli HUlrvlne... N WllaidHll Dill III.AK. .1 Wllayo i M (initlnur iri.TW"iii. J'lyrapton rc.iily... UAMON. V PtArtlnmaii.... l W Hunt.... JAI'KMIN. .1 N TMIIIrf.. . I1H.K. I' A Patterum I.AHB. .1 J Ohirlton jomcrinin. Daniel i'lvtur.... t.tNB. Intnw W Matlock 1.11. JtAlrln lokn Und TMlll,., IrOliarlmm ,1 8nipliiirton Ill NT. J) II Hliietmrt lul.t DMA. (I WMtxnrfll Itf.l.AMuill;. II !' Ilnldim i mni.i.A. ,1H While rinm. 1 IlrnryBhniwIcr.. . ..Myrtlul'nek.... ... Drain's KUillou. ..AU'i l'irlland....Iint I'urtlanil ....lliiltovlllu ....Siilillmtty Hnlim . . ..InobnaiiYllIo Incl.-ionvlUv ....llleforcnl l'n Jncktimvillu ...Kerliyvltlo J.iclitotivlllu . ..(lonhcn ....I.uIjoiioii Albany ., TjkIi Tliu Dulles ....MrMlnnvllln. ....(niton . ..OnnyotiClty ifcuijon t'lly ..Oolumlilnflty ..Tllliniook North Ynnihlll ..Wcntmi Wtfttiii Oil WAKMIMITU.N TKIIIItTlir.V. ci.Aim. Vauconrer ...Coif. is Oullux . ...Klnui ....ChdnllK 1'olnt Olyiniilii Olyniplii ....Yi'lm It W llmwit.. nii.rmiiA. ltrstnln Diyton WIIITUAN. lib Klnirer 'iiniiAUn. y 7, (liindfltii riKins. UH MniUiam.... TlltWToN. 1.(1 AHliott I! l.onznilru .. .lillln Ilnrlim KentUo Henttlo l.vwil. I. M l'lermii t'!ililinn YAMMA. tJI'C'mil. r.lliMiflniru Innnyroiitity wlurii Iho IKiuty nn"1''1'1''' '" "", I ho nio.l piillnlilc, nuiI tho (IrnnttH of Hie lor nllly w III Vropi'rly IndlcnUt to mo n clioli o. I 111 Im Iwil, for In initny liKl.incii' I Imve lui'ii iitillced In mnko up lolnlmvnti wltliout l,nolul;.'iiaH In II I lie". WM. CYllliH, JI.uIit Orctfon Klnto Omnia', I', of II. To tho Suuordlnnto OrniiBcs of Oregon Gtato Grnugu. Tho Soorotitry of ouch (Imtipi will jiIoiuki muni lliuimitHHiir MiistiiriiiilS('iT(iliir.vtiloft lor IS77, lo Si.of S. II. itt moil hh priu'll iihlii, kIvIiu: tl" HililrtwH of MitNtor itnd Nccrotiiry, Coiinly ml Ntnto, or Ttirrltoty. Jly mi iloliu: yon will olitlo T. 1. Davium.s. svo. o. s. n., l'.or 11. I'ost ollli'n iiiIi1i(h: S.ilom, Mnrlnti Co., Orison. roiioXA aiiAxm:, w.i.'o.v vorxrr. (l.W. Hunt. Milor, (I. (I. (lliiin. Hoc'y. MoetA u ttuMlrnt Wodned.iVof i'iuIi muntli, nl tliu point nmy lio lUotl at lit mt'i tliik. DnHvorod lltt'.NA 1 ttircr. AUD1U-SS Iml'oro Ttirtior (IntitKO, Ihi.i.iiAiu't tho ty Worthy Mrx. l.w Worthy MitHtur, UiolhcrN, mid SWorH : Tliu Worthy Doinity hitn oliurKod too to ho iropuril with honu'thliiK (o rimil or mty v 1 1 im tlmn will imrtitU. rurnimnt to tluo liihtriK'Uoim, I UKidtt nttoiiipt to hh' hoiiku IIiIiik for your oiitortuliiinoiit. Wo moot horo month itftor month, it fow of iih liHVOHOUiotltUiK tONuy, whothur It U tho uwiio thlni; ovor mid ovor, would bo html for mo (o dotoritilno, Hut whott wo wrlto our ' Nay," It U oHHlor (o ilUthiKuUh tho roiuaU. It Im now oor four ywm mIiu'o 1 tlrht luutrd of thotlrrtiiKO. 1 rt tlmn In lowit, muoiiK wtrrtiiBorH. Tho vory nirHMUimd full of It. Almi woro mot toj;othor, hero, thoro, Hitd ov- iirywhoro, tHlkliiK of tho woiidorful holpM, . mln Ihhmiiios thoy loll by hundrods, nnd bunletl to over crowdnd cities, whoro thoy woro rapidly lmn tonod to ruin. Wnnt of labor, idlonths, and dlstrosi flllod our prinon-walls to reploto nowi, Sqt'alld want and degradation wont hand In hand on ovory nldo throughout tho RKrlctt'tural districts of our groat and glori ous Itcpubllc. Wo cannot fhy now, as tlion, wo aro ai bolploss as tho Httlo babo at tho inothor's breast. No; wo aro n fioo people; wo havo broken asunder tbo shacfcols that bound ua, and thrown oH'tboyok9 of adver sity. Wo mako tho middleman quako lor his safety. Our boys and girls aro no longer leaving tho old liomostoads for tho cities no, Indood I Unjoymont is nilbrdod at hoti.6. Tho bright "star of hopo" beams for us now at tho old botnostBads. Our homos are being flllod with many of tho comforts and luxurlosof life, Instead oi tho bare necessi ties. Wo havo KOinothlng to hopo lor, homo thing to llvo for. No sooner did wo organ ize and rally our forces than thoro were ad vantages thrown out to us on every band. Competition among middlemen themnelvos helped do tho work. Competition bclrif tho llfo of trado, is Just what wo want. Their privato oilers, sent to our secretaries, and through Ilium communiuatod to tho rest, taught us tho enormous profits our mer chants woio making. It was throngii thorn we learned it was from two to tbrco times tho cost of nn article rt tho manufactory that wo were paying; Hint It wo not Mich u costly allulr lo mako or proline but Hint It wnulho middleman, and not tho producer, wl o was Jingling the money. Not only kayo wo boon beiiulllod by HiIh gicnl " Trndcs-uulon," but tho outside world, as tho result ol our com bination, hns derived many pecuniary bone (Us. Tho U range hns done wonders for us. It has lll'tiid us higher nnd higher until wo ft'ol wo aro molt and women, and not iiinniiils, It has astounded tho would with Its mic cesses, It has Hindu monopoly ticmblolo Its ery foundation. Wo tdmuM rJolo grtatlynud throw ullitkis feeling of doubt and romembor Im IusIuhuhicIiihiiisIiIiio as darkness taking tho year nil inuud. h'ouiu ol'lho days are bright nnd some cloudy, It Is needless lor mo to ouumomto all tho picu ulary gains. They nro paicut to ovrry thlukiiig nnd Intelligent mltul. Itwrniour buying In bulk Irnm first hur.d Hint brought our homo mcichants lo time, they could not bear tho thought of us sending ordoru I dis tant ports lor our Mippllc. Tho conno quencos woro thoy made concessions while our pockots aro not nearly so slack as form erly. Notwllhstandlng wo ImvocxperlMneed Uiiialrcdiirtlons In tho prlirs-nl nrllcks in dally use, yet Iho margin tor prollut Is tun Ihi;(i, wo t-lioulil not (old our hands, nor udoiil tho Idea, fur u moment, thai thro Is nothing mom to do, but rather let in iv douliloour ellorlH to seiMirn the jjoml remit wo luivo alioiiily iichloved, nnd mnko a bold stride tor still lurthor reduction". Previous lo tho (iraugo movement, tann ers woro so hoIiIuiu caiimi into puiiiio hiu that It was wilh dlllli'tilty nudeoiisldcrablo illtlhlent'o on tliolr p.ut, one rould be roiinil to preside at a common school mcoi lug In a maiinor thnt was nlitll crcdUnblo. The material for otllctrs was suppo-ed to bo few and far between, Funnels were so 1 lit 1 o nc(unluti'(l with olio uuothcr that thoy woro sin prised to llnd a lady orgoutlomim In tliolr niiiKH who could wrlto or spenk u word w lib out loellng greatly embivrtasvdi, When one was found they woro so porsKuut In thulr supposition, that ho or she was tho only one of ability, that thri olllcor was frcqiinutly forced to servo two or throo Icrms In succes slim. Wo did not know what merit there was In tho farming community. Wouovor (coined to I lit it 1c thnt our Inro and llourNli lug colleges often got tliolr lliitwl t ileu t from tho rural districts. Niuco wo began to inliiglo morn with one another, wo llnd merit and talent every where. In the (iriingo Is where wo made tho dlscoveiy. Can you not feel what u dllltm'iico there Is In your opinions regarding your own class? Wo imvoMimo resptct tor ourselves. elect prouiid to think wo aio f trmers. The itou producing class cannot live without us. Thoy will respect us nil tho more when wo mImiw a spirit to defend ourolvtii, dein.ind our rights, never ceaso our struggle until wo obtain them, l-'armers aro awakening to their liitiirnslM all ovor this brond land; ihey aro pleading, thev aro eiilre.MIng their; or brothers to havo more I'.Ulli, morocoull deuee, to help tlieiiiMtlvin, to stand by the ship, to lend n lmlilng himtl, l-'armers you iiik.x kelp yoiirsolvos. This great commer cial moxemeui tiiat Is being on toothy our leading Patrons, w ill bo tho salvation of us, If I understand it ooriocily, It will bo contlucttsl on the same principle as the ltochdnlo co.oH)rntlvn system, which has met with groat succors In Kngliind, Wo need a heailimatlors, Wo rrquiro capital to build that himdiiuarters, Wo havo our agent in I'ortlnnd with ft little handful of dollars, 1,11 mem nothing commercially spe iking) o.v JHsttlug him to set up a stoio for us, lie has not enough to mako as creditable a show as our village stotoneross the way. What can we do with Hiiuli an one as that. Wo want one that has credit. Wo should be able to buy live hundred barrels of sugar Instead of twenty. A car load of plows Instead of a dozen. Wo should enable our head man to purelniHo by tho quantity instead of a lew psltry articles hardly Miluelent lor one good larm. Much buying and Helling as wo havo boon doing does not give general satlslao t Ion, and will soon bring our financial and commercial schemes into disrepute. In the Orange Is where wo aro learning to belpour selves. Hero Is where wo aro having our "brains ground over." Tho urlndlni: is painful, hut as the operation noes on, the more toleralue, our omnium tho great tlunliir.'t,s they would reap, by win no tiiieil with liner nmtorlsl In tho end. for in m L-n lrn-uo hv combination, bvnuttlui: !,r warohoiiM's will cmno soino grain hsh.i. wriutif, a n aue, to ismiiuiiaiiou, o piiiiiiiK llutorH , HllllU to llU humiliation also. their heads together, by levying war against i So n ,mr yWMti OWIUHi i,y ,, farmers. It monopoly with a power that could bo felt to I will bo very stirprltlng "if there is not a vibrato all over our laud. They ald, " Wo I lroy gtmeral ''grinding over of liraln arodeterm.ticd to havo fewer ..I.MT..KTC 'J'here Is no gnln In maintaining kuudrods Htirely conquer at tho end. Mud thotiMUiilH of this class who aro living' Although wo are not a political orgniilzv nt our .iXi.i.k... Wo nro to do awMV ' ,lo" ".or "l,ow lHtKAS dUctl.sotl within our vith part of them, at least trado direct with Iho manufacturers, and buy our goods in Imlk. I was Illicit with etithusUsm when 1 learned that Hit organlxatlon was being per- iik'tixl that would lift the farmer, as it woro, gates, by our associations wo aro enabled to act witti more inioiiiKouco in inimical mat ters. Many isilltlolaus Joined tho (iram:o for eifeet and Inihictico, but, having found iheiiiM'hos in tho wrong pw, they "steppl down and out," and now Join with the rabble in deiiouuulug the Oranpo out of IiIm Htatii of luthunrv. 1 (.aid within i as a tslluie. ,y.e.f, 1 will bo one to lend helping hand Tlrtflji. g.W 1M1 und forward the cause. N o were then help-1 tandpoliit, it Is one of the most progressive less, Wo weroat the morcy of monoH)llsts ' litiiuan organlratlou in cxUtoiico. What und railroad kings. Wo were fust rising .01'' "rdor nool vis the hWcrson equal terms into bankruptcy and extreme poverty. OurlffiS IfcV'ffi?' oSSE ft'St while outkllml of (ho old homo on the faun; there 1 a fraud fenat where hir labors aro essontlal, and sho la permitted to grsco tholr halls with hor presence; sho is allowed tho great prlvllego of making horsolf known to her husband's brothron. It Is not so with us. Wo onon wliln nnr ilnntn. Woman stands on nn equality with her bettor-half Hko Is eligible to any olllco. Our husbands do not say to us, "I run going to tho lodge, and may bo out lato; you had better not Hit up for mo." Kot a bit of it, they justwiy, "It is grango day; I Koo you aro about reauy wo miry as well go along, for It Is host to bo In season." Brothers if vou ouly know how tired, how soul sick and weary, wo aro, vnon Kepr, at noino week after wook, s.ome timos month nfier mouth, housed up with our little onos. tho manifold perplexing cares of which would cause onu of you to quote "Old Clrumblo" most lustily, n-jroly you would try harder to got your lot Irjg soir-sac-nllcln heart companion to minido more In society, and not practice tho school-boj's dream. "II 1 had n llttlo who, I'd put her In h pumpkin fdioll, nnd lot no ono conio ulghfior." That Is rather tiromnntlc dream; tuko tho romnncoout, tho real will not work such bliss ns tho happy dreamer presumed. At our feasts wo meet friends from nvory quarter wo form now acquaintances (so to speak) all ovor tho Slate, and become ac quainted with our nearest neighbors at least! V0 draw nearer tnnnnli ntlini-. tnnl i deeper Interest In mankind generally. Im migrants who aro Patrons go to tho Orange, then they aro prosoutod to tho "family." Aiioy urn muoii to tno noarts and Hearth stonoi or tliolr brothor. Thoy feel woleomo at,d at homo. To a stranger in n strango land, how gratoful murt bo this feeling. I havo trlod to bring to tho trout tomo ol tho good that is found In tho Orange. There Is no rea'ou why wo should not make It a succesx, ilnanclally, educationally, and so cially .Surely wo can If wo only trust our own kind, havo faith and contldrnco. Patrons, It Is being echoo l, far beyond tho Kooky Mountains, from Malnn to Toxin, from Canada's wintry shores to Oregon, fair sunny Oregon" llowor clsd hills and vales, thai tko Oraiiye is our onlv hopo." List to ihatwail. "our only hopo." oti' whntoors I' men. i Ids ('"itsuloss echo ol hope delorrod. To i; -hiu ono llttlo fnunlv. Ah I nn! It nii'ui,-. . very matron, nnd tliolr children's cliiidiiii) lor generatfotis ot unbirii, ihrouj'iiont tno Knstnud the Wist, tho North on-i ii.iiN',iiih. Our ship is a utanub oio, hor rigging is sttonp, new, and untried. Thoro aro imny soondug cronks, but It l only their i.ownoss. alio is parsing ilirough a terrible, a Icirt'ul titorm, but there Is light uJunil. Thou, llrothers, luqn on. Perse vere ! oer look onward nnd npWKnl. wrswtr w t Too Many Small Horses. P'llinps it would hotter bo oxpresMjd nnd morn In llio p'dnt lo say heavii r hon-esnio tho need at tiio times; Trotting horses ii(i.r, inniiers, or auy oihor guit. aro all right In their plaees, but the mej irity ol buries nro lot labor and not for show; thoy" ore on duty ns prnrlueors, and aio valuable in piopi.rtiou as thoy can do work; thoy aro the iiiotUo power on tho farm, the liiciiwav, and in the ntrgo towns and cities as Hull's liunsitlilo as broad and bill (or. Prices of Jargo horoi of all broods, that aioo.uiip.ietly bullinud .'niistrtictod on good ru!os ol pro Kirtl:.n, i ulo high and pay well the handiintr. "Plngi" and vcrub slock aro cheap, and will hoovcnlot in price than heietoiero, as all who employ teams aio fast lesnilng that a he ivy, hiring team costs no more to keep than a !i,;ht, poor one, but even less, and can do iiiticii mure servio. V lamer "-lioulil, anyway, una heavy strong team, li.'iiiny own a sntsll, light s,iiu, but ir Plowing nnu geiHuni use, tno neay team, that seldom Is urgod beyond a last walk on the mad, and will t'iko a fourteen or sixteen Inch plow end go all day without evidence I weariness, is tho ono to depend on. Tho market N full nf oml-fast stock; tlmy do not eoinniHiid a ntnplo prlco, but depend wholly on circumstance lor the margin of profit, if any, that they yield, Pure-blooded Norman or Clydesdales may not bo tho bet In their excliislvo nature, but by crossing thorn with good native western Mock there can Lo pro it need a suponor gradoof hornes that will command good prices and bo In domiuul at all times, iMirmnri should not bo Indllferoutto this fact, nud when they propose to ral-o a colt, t-oieei irom tuatsiovic wiuctiwHi insure a he ivy horse; It may cost more In tho begin ning hut will net larger returns In tho end. Oood hon-os, good cattlo, good bheop, and hou's.aroa good deal the cioapost. hUctory ami lUnu. PuoJi.'cr. A St 1mU party has arrangeil a niov ii(an of Arctto o.tplora Hon. It is prupoted to Have, two small stiain-Nhlp, fftto,t San Francisco with which, tho puny stoatn up to Alaska, and tticoco through Ilolirlngs Straits Into tho An-ticocyan: Arrived tit theso waters, tho fjiapass ei to bo dliqwinod with, and tho tlnriin.iiifi(r subsiltipid. IJy tracing out and I diowlug thotcpnl ouriMUts, which, It Is conjectured, Mow in the direction of tho polo, oy (.lis route It was believed thoio would he less obstructions to contend with from i.v, Mid tho grand object of the oxpedl tlen would bo ncconiplUtiod, Oncoat tho pole tihu oiirtli'ii poles keep onon alter sun down at least six mouths) tho navigators propi-o to mjl; another pa-sssge homo m tho dirt in. in of Noa .jtubhi and the coast of Norway. The above plan having been ma tured MtWCii'torily, In onler to carry it out it was agreed mat a proinlneiit Senator should urrfo me paxsago throin.ii Congress of a bill providing tor tho aMslgnmeut of two steam vesseUiudihenecessarv outtlt for Polar ills covery, whtii., ifstu.'css'ful, would redound to the glory of our country ,and prove advan tageous In other respects. Tin: Oiikat India Kamini: What region on the face ol the globe In modern times, or at auy period, has suffered moro dire ttllHu tlous India T Scarcely havo the last details reached us of the great cyclone, which hur ried Into eternity well nigh u million souls, and now wo aro horrified to hoar that that part of the world Is Mitl'orlng from what promises to be tho greatrfat of famine, In Madras MO,lH)iiro already emplovod In tho relict works, and 'JAO.tXM in Honibay. Tho Oovoiuuiiint ohtiiiiiile.s kIiow that tho famine Hi llutiilMy will gnulually Increase, reaohlng tlioiiiHSlinuin In Ajirb, when l.fJ.KM pis), plo wbl r-quire rellet, after which it will gradually dtcra.Hso. In Madras, the pros. jhhI is luoporlionaiely worse. The districts nttcoted In M ulras covd? SJ.OOO xqu ro mtlns, and ionium a population of 1S,(KX),1)0. In lliunbay the tamluestrlokott territory covers 61,000 equaro miles, and has a population of S.lKXl.tVo-ft.tVO.rtH) of which are In districts moro Imtiiodlately atlw'ted. There has been an almost total failure of crops In Urgo ills trlcts. ' Pttn-Hisvouio Honks. capt. William Sto veils, with othora, while enuageil lim-riibhlog out the stuuipof a lrto ilrtree, four leet in diameter, unearthed four human skeleton, 8tippo.sed to tsj of the Inhabitants of this country, when It wan mUI. "There wore giants In Ihojo days." Duo of these skele tons was of mammoth slip, the skull bolug aUmt tho (.use of a common water pad. Here Is a Held for tho scIentM, as this nice was doubtless eotoinpontry with tho mam moth animals, iho huge tHinesof which aro bflng discovered oast of the mouutrtlus. Co r valln Giuttte. Prices to Suit tho Hard Times ! m Woodburn Nursery, o"Risao"N. A Choice Sclcclluu of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental, ..AND.. B3ut-Bearine: 3P 38. 333 DEJ SB , Vines, and Phim and Shrubbery, Prune Trees, Constantly 0:1 SIsintl. J. F. SETTLEMIBR, Woodburn. Hcnilforclmilar, rcpssif TOBTH SALEM STOKE, a t tub UKicr: stoib, has ji;st ituccr. IA. Lii uiuil u-ijrtinctitul .Dry Gooda, Boots & Shoos, Hardware, Oilothing Cilcalated furtlio CltyumS Cotini'yTroiio lint .ht hi low, ami will lio mill ni i HMT.T A PIlDPtT a '.Uo8n ini SKLI. . 'J' COBT. ftOooilK ileilt-rrcil to inv UArt ol tbu r'lv imo el clwrci. ,CTE:R.Ir3:BX'TCr3BLjS3 Ig 4.." 1. K.I s 1 :r& 1 havb Pi;i:i hasi:i) t::e entirk Inloniiitoi Jlrn-r' Vial hi .'; I-otn.'hary 11. tho FiirnltiiruSUiroeH Hk wcl luoof CoiiitncrLitil Ntiecl, Sulcui, ntl i ill 'jci-p on l"UKl aiilfN'ntVL AS MHlT.MtNT of noil tlw r .lil tr.u'o. FJJflKITURE & UPHOLSTER' K'stt'loi &. t'linnilior S!v. BEDSTEADS, LOTOGfES ROCKERS,, W., Hy tluirt or ln.;to pi,1 Repairing; and Jobbing doni: in 'jiik HiJiT .M.'.:..r.;t. And i.t ruanoti'ili'u jirlco. a I .im a practical w-or!; JOHW CRAY- Knli-n. Jiilvl'J. 1-,.y Horao-Mftde and Hand-Mado B O O T s VOl" WAKT A (HUI)FITTIN(I FINE HOOT on cm lo ai'Cora.iu !mil by cnlllng At r:tiMti')mi;'H Jli(j), On titatc Ktrci'MiipoMio WILLIS'S HOOK STOKE. An. U'iiuu Waiihaxykii. Price ltKAcis.Mii.i:. iccpiilrini: iiiiiWy(iwnii7y iom. ()ic Mi: a vm.u lactMH wyi. AIS.1IKTICOM;. I.UOIUS TJBI.Ii, Succoptor to J. M. Kesi.bii a Cc 03 Liberty lit., - - Ni:V VOItU, CommlsNioii Venc IOK 11UY1NO AND FUIlWAKDINn VltOM : Now York l Ifitimu. Pnclflc itallioiit, and Capo Horn, a'.l of Ati,rchiir.illo. nial fur the nlc of VroJuctn from mc l'actllc cu.itt, for the collection of Ac. octbtf .1. A. STKATTOA', Attorney at Law, SAliKIvI. OltliGON. Oi'.lco en blalo street, oiiolio ttio IKniutt IIoinn-. AucntM for tliu Willamette I'ui'iuer. Albany I H llnnuon Amity U K Cttchi'll Iloltvuv Jell DarU Itiii'iu VUiii Win w, oil, J W Holiart llrewiiilllu V It Klr! lliittcvmu .1 W lUi'tuUlvr I'anveii Cli) I) II Itlilneliirt Cauyoiixlllo 'T llrl.',- C'oiUllIu s'lty l't M.uu(in Colo' Valloy V II Clarke Cltllf ni It J Mnrrlron Cevo 11 P Kendall t'orallU .....i K W'oixln.inl I'retnell .Uoi-coo Knox W A Mill C.111111 Crvok it It Hammi'nK'y D.ill.i J I) Lie. DMO'Uhrlu Doxtor S HaiaWakcr Drahr Krimtoa .V Dmlu Uam.lcii K Putin' U.i)ton UC H.ulaay Klktoii V II Halnc KiiO'iio lotui McCliiuj; Pe Valley A 1) Uaniiivr Pcculirovo S llu;hi, W 1, Clint Oofheii J llanrtfakiT (lorviiU... '. ..t M (inlne IUlt.ey TJ ltlack Ilarrltt'iui:... lltram Siutih Hillfboru A Liii'Mug Heinior Morrow .v. Horr'u Imlcpoiulciice... .W I. Hoilcln Junction Smith, Ilia, tlolJ .'; Co., W L Lemon Jackonlllc... M lVloron Jvilorton Joliu W ltolaiul I.oui)llo II C McTlramoDiU tafayvtto Or I'opiiloten. A H Henry . .......a Loli.inon. Monroe McMinnvlllo Moninonlli.,, oiily New Kri Ncwi'llitillltf North Yauiblll Oaklaml 0UV0 Ott OroiroaClty Peieilcton Pisiria Pilot Hock Port Unit.,.. PriiictUe IVrryilalo t... Hlckrcal )tool)iirk- Sriu Sllvcrlon Slusld' SprliiiU-Ul ilillinlty Sweet Heine.. ...... Shoe Wm... TMllft'tlt TtioIUUc Turner Vsncoavor Pork... WalUWalU WaMo... S II Claiiii'iUm 10 lllOV J II Morris A Held ,. , " Watcrliniuo Wru Morcl.uul J Cate P P Ca-tlemau PCSu'wart S l limmoml It Milpley ........J II SchniiHlvr : M lUcon W A Wliltnun Dr J 11 Irvine K iHUIam ..S P Lee, Aecat Malo Oranco OMPitnslo Mrl.rew'i1 btoro PA Patterton TtiiwMnltti ....P P Jone, Tho Miinker , TUHiUwnl ...W Jl Power, V 15 Whclir O Hoiey John Downing ......lieu Mark , V " Ilin.'u SI. ltn'ukii Y M HliitMry s V 11,-oun, 11 U litimie .M wiiklii J P Kr.r J O Elder YocciUa HlUtOO, US AuUwuc MILWAUKIE NUESEEY. GrcntcNt Variety of F BUI T T K E 13 S In Orofyojt, Consisting of Applo, Pear, Peach, Plum, Pruno, Chorry, Grape, Cherry Currant, Lawton Ulackborry.Rnopberxy andStravbcx-.ry Sots, California Walnut, Black Walnut, Butternut, & Pilbort, WHICH WILL MS SOLD LOW, I'OIt CASH. S. LUELlTnG Ji,SON, I'rojirietor Mhwankle Nun-cry Nov. 1. l.s;ii. 400,000 FRUIT TREES, Ail ol Hie llvat Varieties. G, W. WALLING &JS0N, OK-v;tro Or., Have IhU number or Fruit and Oriiauiciitnl Trees, Por alo. hi their extciifive Nrcry. Inelnilltin thr remnrkable WALLING'S PKACH P.LUM3 rJriu Ittilinit 1'i'iino, Aral tho httt varieties of 3'lmn, I'JUiie, 1'VKCll, .lniiji), I'ear. t'lierry, Nut and Shade Trees, 1 IN FULL AbSOIlTJinNT. Send for ."Descriptivo Oatalcguo. Pnrclia er can vUlt the WILLAMETTE NritE It,0vio. or tlieyciiitliiiKi, W. 1VALLIMS, gfeggaiT' ' iho """-'To'vr- Bo TKA1VG, Iuiiierternui! Dealer hi Iniproved. Rangos9 COOK. VMUM, AKD BOX STOVES, Ami Manufacturer or Tin,Sheet-3ron & Copper Union llloc):. Commercial Street. SAI.h'M. OREhOX. IHKM'ECTKI PLY 1NP0HM ALL MY OLD frteinlK ami c.ntomer thit I liavo rcuincd lml nen. aim linlle Hie jiubllo entraly to call ami i'Nnra Inu my tock and learn ir.v frlce. No:J ibTlif Salem Flouring; Mils, BEST PAMILY PLOUH, DAKHU'S EXTHA, XXX. SUPEIU'INi: AND OHAIIAM, MIDDLINGS, 11HAN, AND SHOUTS, OoiiHtunf lj ou lltuid. IXIfirliost 37iioo Sit CASH Paid for Wheat AT ALL TIMES. It. C. KINNEY, Septiatl Acect 8. P. M. Co V. O. SULLIVAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPE1U HOUSE, SALEM. B. E. corner, r.t head of tair. felly USTAULISIir.U 1855. Willamette Nurservi G. W. WALLING & SON, ntopp.isTons, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. Grower of the Cho!cet Varieties of FIUTZT 5?2tX3I33 Oi SHRUBBERY ' Particular attention riven to Cherry, Prnce and Plan tree. 1S, N Administrator's Notice. JOTICK U hereby Ktcr. that I havo heen aiiiiolnt 1 ed aJmlnl.tmior or tin, ...t., r i...... ...'.'. ir.v lor. latu of Marlon county. Orecon. ileceiteil. M wron bavins; clitm a.'aln.t nia elito are rVoulr. vJ to iireem them tome, with proper voucher at niv rcldei,ce. n.-ar Mlverton. in ld cc inty?Mt'hUi els month from tho data of thU notice ' ' ""B1- Kcb,uaryS.w:w, ' W. WHIGI1T. Notice IS hertby si. en that W. T Hall, administrator of iheyutor Solumou 11. llall.ded. h.l thlJ li died h' Oual account with atil estate u tho CouMy Court oi Marion ccuniv. Ore-en ami "nir .Uy. the lOU. cay oi March."";: a tonS 0'2loc k . mT anie. Tr.erciore. ah peron. tntvn-.ied lu fald i" - oVobf0reM"ed 'M lCC " any .--"'. r. i n ,c- . J0I1N C" I'SEItLKS. Feu. , IS , , vr I Co, Judge of Marlon Co.,