n-MtwWt'-aaauaaMa r V ; 0 i :1 0 1 Sr . , I. 0. Q. T. JL IlilS C X O KY Corrcspoudonco from tho G. W. C. T. I'ltAiun: City, l-'ob. 21, 1P77. En. Faiimkr: Our public tompornnco moot ing ntllivkor City cm thoovonliu; of the Kith liiht., In llio 1U. E. Church, wni jiroHliloil ovor bj' Kov. V. T. Knouts, nnd wuh lnnjo y ntlonilntl. tho coniinodlotiH Iioiino boiius ontlroly llllod. Tho oholr javo uh motex oollont music, nnd tlio linker band did mo tlio honor to bo procontniid anllvnn tho turn slot) with tlielr N. 1 iayluf. Ultra Man tnno, No. 7, to n iiplondld Lode, and Uh inoniborsnro.itlivo to tho interests of tho (Jrdor. On tho niornlnc of tho 17th, wo took tho buck bonrd for this jihico whoro wonrrlved on Sunday oveultn tho lsth Inst., mid found n lartro nudleueo nuiiitlne; us, Tho meo'ln-" wnH hold In tbo tidwnud ina;nltloentGrnni Hall, and llio nttentlon to tho lecture wan excellent indeed. At this plaeo I hud tho ptensuro of nioutlntr with llrof. W.S. Mo Moon and l-'rnnk MoUollum, from Cimvou Olty, who linil como up hero, Mtfu'ii lotion, to itttond tho loetuio. lloro nlm 1 Imd tho pleasure of a call upon and it vlalt with a nuinbor of tho vallnut tompornnco workm-a of tho lovoly valloy or John Day, union;; whom I would mention th imuich of I1ih. llolrd, A. :. Starr, .Tunica l-'inuof-nn. W. b Settlomlor and others. On Monday (ivonlu-r wo bold ft mooting of Itnvivnl Lodfjo, No. US, and muntorcd Into tho mukn 11 vo moro lomporanco boldlons, nnd thocoutlnucd prow polity of ibo Lodj;o nconis to bpiuHiircd. Alior tho Lodgo won closed a -r.nd trout of Rood thlnpH wft8proad upon tubloa nrrniiK ed or tho purpose, nnd u woro Invited bv tho .adieu who had brought thoso things to tempt tho appetite to luy hold and help our xilves whluti nil ImndH did 1 tell you, giv ing evldonco Ibul tin; oaken, plfx, ovo , woic. fully appreciated. This mooting reminded tno very much of tbo Inst visits I had tho plonsuro of making to Vnlfonllft, No. 7(1, Kiglii Creek, No. 1SJ5, Illllsboro, No. 17, Academy. No. 7, Tnrodlho SprlugH, No, -iiS and otliorn. SIsto-H Iialrd, Starr, Thornton, Armntrong nnd Settlemlor. am entitled to, nnd rnculvo uio uinnus oi nu inn niumuoiH prosont. Lone; may they bo bparod to work for our noblo causo. A rain Htorm Is provallmg hero nt this tlmo and tho hiiow Iw iiuuia nil oil" of tho volley. . I F. IT. nnd 0. W. K. DuxuAn. W. It. Dunbar, G.W.O.T., writing from Canyon Cily under dato or Fob. Ill, 177 "rty: "Our publlo meeting heroto.niglit wat largo ly attended tho hall wnn full torn, arllou in IT. Kov. GmuuIs c.'.lled iho inoniiiic- to order nnd presided. John Djv l)dge, No. SO, 1h otio of tho hint In tho State, unit has luttlod nobly lor tho cause when many oth ers tlrod In tho good work nud went 'to rest.' " I will wrilo more of this hodgo and its wholn-Mulcd kind and ho.splttiblo mem ber.s In my next. Don't forget No. M) It' yon ino thlH wny. IteporiH from thirty Lodgo DoputlPK show n uct increase nfyiii numbers m quurterend ing January SI, lb77. J am looking for tho rojiorts fiom tlio other Lodj'o Doputloi in n low duvi. Jlrotliu and Sistorw lot ns bo prompt In tho peilormanco of all iluly assigned us. ilanyouuuiiraglug lettors cjiiio to mo innii tho various L-idges, and our inembtrshlp .seem mnro ;(otle ti.an ovor botoro. Ouea moro let im all do our whole duty. Iloll ol o!Ilcer of Jniin Day hodgn, J.ir tho (urn endi-g April HO, lb77: Frank T. Mo Collum, C.'.j Lo:tio A. 'Ihompson, VT.; J. A. Whliuiiin, Soe.j M. V. Tlionij.on,F. fc'eo.: Ii, J.. Mlddksworth, T.; John '1. Dion, O.! Fwnl. 1'. Houloy, M.; Sister I.. K. Mid dlesuorth, D.M.j Sibifr D. M. llt.benson, I. O.; W X. Mo.Mien, O.tJ ; Juun. H. Jlauh ciny, It H.Sj O.rollnoSulllng0t, Ij.IJ.S.; T. J.'liuuoll, l'.W.C.T. WILL-AMETTF. FTAT?in7P Grnutt OltlccrM. S1 ' R,S,-W- " u"'l''f. Sllvcrton. A' v S"ln;-llts p-U-MpClting, usreno City. O, W . V. T. .roaniia by!o. 1)all.i. . Scu'y T. II. Cr.iMfuitl. I'urtmud. O. A. Sec'y -L. Stni.ini!, Moiireo U.Trui.-Emmi Kollo. I'orll.iuJ. H Uhnp.-ltev. .1. U. .. Hull, A-liUuJ. (J. Mhr.-J. W. Str.inpr. (uc1ur. G. I). Mnr. Annie K. I mlcrw ooif. Cottacc (Irovc. O. aiunl;-Mary Uariwrlslit, Tlio U.Wlcj. O, Son. T. V. barton, Amlly. (!. .Mu. I,. C. . I'ltlior, atiiylon. 1". O. W. C T.-Tlltnon Koril, Salem. Hupt, .luvcnllo Templars MM.it. E. Hosier, for. ostOrovo. Slute Deputy (i. XV, V. Tn. Kov. J. n. N. Hell, Aduiml. W"m. Kitfcll, Wctton. Cnpt. o. v. Applesato. Llnkvlllo. II. II. Allen. llnWy. T. 11. Hundley, Illllsboro. A.i Shrrve, Daltns. II. V. tlrnlibf, Wilbur. Win, Oram. Lebanon. Ituv.J. V. M'llcr, Ualln. Mcv. U. nixnn, Ciinjouvlllc. Itcv.J. S. McCain, Kiiiretio. Win. Harmon, The Dittos). Win. II. Carter. I an alllt. W. S .T.tuicc Port land 1.. .1. House, Summervllto. 11. V. Itvnti, Indepundenco. W. S. McMeon, Canyon City. T. II. Crawford, Portland. 1'. H. l-'ox, Antnrla. I Hn-t. Creswell. T. K, llnuston, Junction. Ilov. II. U.JeuMti, Monroe. C. II. Walker. Astorh. It. N. McKlnncy, HakerClty. Levi I.clind, Orecon C'ty. LnkoD. Wolfard. CoiiullloClty. A. A. Mathotts, I.oolchiK Glass. I.. 0. Klrtier. Stayton. Hrv. K. II lyes, h Grande. W. II. Llvermoro, Ht. .lolmn. DUtrtct Deputy . W.C.T'h. W. T. Itlclio'. Tumor. W. It. U'Dniinld. I'ortlnnd. J. S. Cnckelroa-e, Itnielmrg. II. W. Lnke, Ea;tto Creek, limes Cofl'ey, Salem, tames. Knvln, Port Klamith. Hon. .1. A. l'rueit, Pendleton. L. II. llojral, Alliany. A. J. llirlow. Cattwrlsht's. Mr. Anna . Spencer. Gardner. T. P. Tapper. MarsliiMd. E. U. l'liinil ig, Hlll-boro. illi: l.NAKJCItAI, AIIDKUSS, 'L'lio following Is I'lcsldctit Ilnycs' In ntirrtiral uddicss: l'p.t.i.ow Citi.kxs: Wo liavo n-jcm-hlcd to repeat tho puhlloocreinonloj begun by UVliuigton nud ooet veil bv all mv piedcce'ors. and now n thiie-hoiiored fit toin. which inntk'' tliovoiniueiicoincntoi'a new term ot tho Providential oillce. (.'all ed to tho dutle of thU gieat trut, 1 iro coed hi complianco with till. uago to nn iiomice some of the leading principle, on the tulijccta that now clilelly ongngo tho public attention, by which it is my deslro to be guided In tho discharge ot theo tin tie. I shall not undertake to lay down Irrevocably tho principles or measure of tho adtnliiUtr.itloii, but rather to speak ol tho motive which should animate tt. and to suggest ccitaln Important ends to bo at tained In accordance with our Institution. and essential to tlio welfare ol our country. At the outset of tho dlciiloiis which preceded the recent Presidential election, ft fcemed to bo llttlng that I should fully make known my sentiments in regard to several of the linpoitaut iiutlous which then appealed to demand tho considera tion ol tho country. Followlm tho ox- aiuplo ai.d, hi part, adopting tholaiigtngo ol one of my predecessors, I wUh now, when every motive lor inlrenrcjeiit!itIon hr. passed away, to repeat what va Raid before election, trusting th.it my country men will candidly weigh and understand It; that they will (eel as'tired that the sen timent declared lu accepting tho nomina tion lor the Presidency will ho tho Rtnn laid of my conduct luthn path bcloro me. Chirceil a I now am with tho trravc and dllllcult tnl of carrying them out lu tho Presidential admiiiUtratloiiof the Govern ment, so tar a depends under the coitl ttitlou and laws on tho chief executive ot the nation, tho permanent p.K'lllcatlou of tno cotiutiy upon sucn principle r.ud by such nieiiiires a will secure the complete protection of nil its cttlon, In the froo ciiloyinent of all their coiMlttition.il right. I now the ono subject of our pub lic nllnlrs which all tlioiiglitlul and patri otic eitleii regard a of supremo Import mice. Many of the cilaiultou ell'ccts of the tremendous revolution which l.a pass ed over tho Southern States still remain. The Immeasurable heuellts which will surely follow, sooner or later, and tho hearty and generous acceptance nt tho le gitimate lo'iilts of Iho revolution havo not yet hnen reallivd. Tills dllllcult and ciubirras'lug iiuetloii meet us at (he threshold of thisuhect. The people of the'o States are still Impoverl-lied and tho liiestliuahlo blcslug ot a wise, honest, nnd pencelul local self govciument Is not fully enjoyed. Whatever dllleienco of opinion may uxl't as to the cause of this condition ol things, tho tact Is clear that in the progress of events the tlmo has come when such government Is the Imper ative necesuv icqtiircu uv mi tun varieu lutcic.st. public nud private, of thoic .State. Hut It must not bo lorgotten that only a loeil government which recognl.es nud maintains Inviolate the right of all Is a trim self government. With respect to the two distinct races, whoso peculiar relations to each othct haw brought upon us the deplorable complication and per plexltles which exist In thoso Mates, It must ben government which decides the Interests ot both race, carefully nud eijuilly; It must bo a government which submits loyally and heartily to the consti tution and the laws of tho nation, nud tho l.uvsof tho Stntefi thomselve; accepting nr.d obeying faithfully tho whole constitu tion as it Is. llestliig imon tills sure and substantial foundation, the superstructure ot ueneiicent. local sen governments can bo built up, nud not otherwise. In tho furtherance ot such obedleuco to tho letter nud spirit ot the constitution, imd in be lief ot nli that its attainment implies, nil so-called paity Inteiests lom their appar ent Importance, nnd natty lines may nil Ik permitted to t.ido Into iu-IgnilliMneo. Tho question we havo to consider for tho Immediate woll'iru of thoo States of the Union Is tho question of government or no government; or thu social order and the peaceful Industrie, nnd nil tho baiipl- uus ma I'eiung in it. nr a leiuni iu r.n b.irlin. It Is u que.tIou In which every citizen ol the nation is deeply Interested, and with lospect to which wo ought not to no in n partisan senso either Kcpubllcairs or Democrats, but fellow citizens nnd fel low men, to whom the lutcivt of n com moii country nud n common humanity nru near. The sweeping (evolution of the entire i..iiioit sv.-rr.Jt Hut at tho basis ot all prosperity, for that na well as lor every other part of tho country, this Improvement of the Intellec tual and moral condition of tho people. rxivi:itsAi. sriTHAai: shol'u hist i pox rxivKitsAi. ran cation. To tills end liberal and permanent pro vision should lo mado for tho support of free schools by rttnto governments, nud, it need be, supplemented bv legitimate aid from national authority. Let mo nuro my countrymen of the Southern States that If Is my earnest dciro and regard to promote tnetr tine niteieJt, the intercts ot tho white and of the colored people", both equally, and to put, forth my bet cllbrts in behalf ora civil policy which will forever wipe out ot our political all'airsthe color or lino and the distinction between North nnd South, to tlio end that we may hive not merely a united Xorth and united South, but a united country. civil, snnvici:. t asked the attention of the public to tho paramount necessity of reform In our civil service, a reform not merely as to certain nbn03 and practices of socil'lod olllcial pat ronage which hive como to have tho sanc tion nfiisago In tho several department of our government, but a change hi the sv tem ol nnpolntmcnt liself, a lofonn that hill bo thorough, radical and.'complete. n return to mo principles ami practices of the foundoM of tho government. Tliev neither expected nor ueMrcd from public olllcors tiny partisan servho, tliev meant that public olllcer. should owe their u lo service lo tho government nnd the p pie; they meant that the olllcer should be se en ro In his tenuro as long ns his pergonal character remained iuitarul!ied. ami the ncilormanco of his unties satlstactorv; they held that appointment to olllco wnuot t'o bo mado or expected merely a rewards for paitUan service, nor meielvou tho iiotuinatloii of members of Congress n bu. lug entitled In any re-pect to the conlrol of such appointment. The fact flint both nolltlml parties of tlio country lu declar ing their principle, prior to the election, gave prominent place to tho subject of the roTorm ot our civil.' service, locogni.lng nnd strongly urging lu necessity lu terms almost Identical In their speellle Import with thoo I havo hero einploved. miit be accepted as concliiMvo arguiiieut hi behalf ot the(! tueaurcs. It inut bo regarded as mi evpro'slon or tho united voice and will of tho whole eountry. Tin: rmsinr-NTiAi, tkiim six u;Ait. Tho President of tho I'nlted States, of necessity, owes hi elecilou to olllco to (ho aiillragc.s uiiil zealous labors of a political party, members ol which cherish with nrdornnd regard ns ofeeutlul linport nuco tlio principles of their partv organl zntlou; but ho should strive to io ulwnyn mludliil of the facttlmthc served hlspattv best who serve. tho country be-t. In fur theranco of the reform we eek. nud n hi other Importanw, I recommend nunuiond. meiit to tho Constitution prescribing a term ot six years IbrtlioPesldeiillal olllco, and I'm bidding a re-elccttoii. i-inanciai.. With respect to the lluanclal condition of tho country I shall not attempt an ex tended history of tho riiibarrninent nnd prostration which wo havo sulltred. dur ing tho past threu years. Tho depruslou In nil tho varied comiiicrcl.il nnd innim picturing Intoro'ts thiotighour thu country which begnn lu Sopt.,lb7.l, still coutlium. It Is vory grntll'ylug, hnwovor, to bo ublo to say that theio nru Indications all around us ol n coming change to procperoiistimu. Upon THK c('itm:xcv QUIiTIOX. Intimately connected n it Is with this top ic, I may be permitted to repeat hero tho statement mado In my letter of accept mice. In my Judgement tho feellii'' ot im- ocitaliity, liuepirablo from an Iricdccma m w IMPHOVED GARDEN CITY PLOWS, For 1876. Wn HWK ON HN1), AND AUG Itnt'RIVINO. TUB I.AItOKST STOCK O THE AHOVK CKLB hmtitl Pi.nw ever imporioi! to tlio l'.ielilccoii. Tlioucce of tliese lIowi last year exceeded any libit ever before known In ml Stale, Thoso now on hand aro made with new nnd special Improvements, Warranted Sancrloi to any EMmv In the United States! J3m Jl-ATi lyW2AM&z3&azr X- '!-' I yM i.-l , l--.tv1WiJIM-PiaLk.. -- vt.-: . '- r-jrrfci7ri!ir'j.:ii- - . N!ateyvwi-i -?-; ir---. --J,"-'-' - cramZZ&Z? THE GARDEN CITY SULKY PLOW, Tutting l. anil i; iiiC,r, -.vlth ;i-Iioise Attaeluiient. anil HS-lnlu: lolling Cutter, Is without u rival. It, 1ms boon ho thoroughly tested that wo warrant Its operation In any soil in tlio Stnlo. These Plows arc sold with that guaranty. IkiT Send for Circulars and Price Llsls.-W, NEWTON WAGONS, All Sizes, Moiiltox- 33xocl-Oi-iit Seeders and Cultivators, GARDEN CITY CULTIVATORS AND HARROWS. T. CUrVNUVOHAIfl & 0. SAL.CM, Sept. US. ISTM, - --. I I . I.I ,!. I J 11." gnrded as ntlicrwlso than wrong bv tho mimtc ecKAful party In tho ronlMt, Tlio tact Hint two gro.l political particH linve, lu this wny, twilled disputes lit rej-ard lo lileh good moil dllVernn to (lie law no less; than ns to tlio proiicr coitrwi to l pursued in Kolring tlio qiicHtlon in nnitin yrrry. Is nu oommIoii for i;encrnl telolchig. I pon ono point thcro Is eniiro unnnlinlly In publlo waitliuciit that tho roiilllelhu claims lo tlio Piosldeiiey must Iki nnilrnldv ntnl jHaeoablv iuliisttd, nud that when wo mljnJiud tlio gonernl nniuivMitcu of tlio nnllon oimht Hiuely to fol low. It has Ikvu ro'crved for a coveriiiiunt of tlio people, where the rluht ormiMrnao Is iinUer Mil, lo kIvo to the world the llrst exainplo In history or a nivnt nnllon In tlio midst of a ntrug gloofopponlng pirtloK for power. IiiihIiiiir IM party tumults, to yield Iho initio of tlio coiitont tonilJiHtmcnt nccordlng lo tlio forms or law, looking for Iho (pildnnco of that divino hand by whieh the destinies of nations nnd individual aio fliaixtl. 1 eill upon. Hciintow, ltoprc-onta lives, Judges, fullow elilens, lioro nud ovciy wlieie, to initio with mo lu mi tamest effort to Hccuro to our coimlry tho Idemine, not onlv of material pioieilly, but or Justice, innco nnd miloii ; n unluii iluitcnillng not iihiii tlio eon Btralnt of toivo, but iiikiii tho loving devotion Ma frto ik-oplo : lint nil IIiIiik may lo no or dercd nnd HCitlod upon tlio boat nud Hiircut loiuidatlotiit, Hint poaeo nud Impplnes, truth aim Jimtlco, religion nnd piety, may bo estnb llilnd nuioiig us lor all coin. ration. liUCNA Vi-ia, Keb. 27, 1K77. Ed. Karucic I bond dio uniuoH ot tho offi cers ol tmr Iodgo. No. 11,-I.O.U.T., uh fol lowt: Ji. G.lUmh, C.T.j ti. ti. Ihirrion, V. O.K. Hull, .; N. Spmidiii, AS.; J. W. Spniiidln. F.S : Joslo Hull, T.; .Mngslo O. ymlth.C'hsp.; Win. Wells. M.; hlzio Gullo wny, Ir.: Msttio Smith, T U.; A. Muunoll, O.CJ.5 D. W. LeHhino. It II ri.! V. M. Ml-f-aughlin. Yours hi P. 11. nnd C. Gi:o. H. Hall, Soo'y. It cot flOO to welcomo n ItriKndler Gone ral to tho Pacific coum, nud then fur tho first lour wteks ho 13 allowed to beat everybody at I'Okor lor courtesy's wake. To have tho money needlessly spent overy yoar would (,'ivo subtuntlal comfort to all. To havo tho money baved by buyinif SILVER TIPPED boots aud shoo would buy each parent overy yoar n now pair of Ahoes. Also try Wire Quilted Soles, 01 a largo portion of our country nnd tho advance ol four million of people from a condition of servitude to that of cltleu-i-lilp, upon nu tipial footing with their for mer master-, could not occur without pro eiithn: n piobloui of the ravi"t moment to I hi dealt wish by the umniicivitul race, by iheh foimer nia-ter-.. and by the general i;nveriimeut. the uiithor of Iho net ot email clpatmn. Tliat it wis a who, Jui and piclJctitlal net fraiiht with t;ooil for nil concerned l now cuciaHy conceded thioiijjliout tho country. That tho moral obligation icsts upon the nation nl ::ovciumcut to employ It coiistltutioual poweri and lulhiencoto establl-h the t IrIiIs ol the people It ha cmauclpitid, nud to piottct them lu thoculoyiucut of tl.o-o ilj-hts, when they nroIiilrliiucdoritlled, Is nho nciierafly udnitttud. The evils uhlch nillict the Southern States cm only bo lemovcd or lemedled by thu united mid harmonics i.iroitTsor iiotii i:aci;s Actuated by motive of mutual sympathy and leard, nud 'Wiilc in duty hound and tullv deteinilneil to protect the rights of f;ll by every loiistltuthunil uie.iii' ut the disposal of my administration, I am tin cvrely anxious to uo every Ici'ltl unto liilliiiiico in favor of an houet nud cniL'tci t men goveMiiiiPiit. oi me true re oiircc of thoe States for iho promotion of contentment nud pin-.tiuilty ol their cltl zu'ii.-.. Iii that effort I -li:: II mnlvo to ac complish this nurpose. I nU thu cordial co operation of all who chcrl-h nu interest in tho welfaio ot tho country, tru-tlnt; that party tie nnd tin prejudice of race will bo fieuiy fciirieudereil in behalf ol the great purpose to be accompli-hcd. In thu Im portant work ot tho restoration of the South, It I not thcpolitiuil situation nlono that mollis attention. Tlio material de velopment of that section of tho country Ins been arrested by the social and politi cal revolution through which It has passed, nnd now needs and deserves tho consider ate care of tho National Government within tho just lltnlu prescribed by tho Constitution and a wUe public economy. ble paper currency, with Its iluctii.itlons of values, is ouoot tho great obstacles to a re turn to prosperous times. Tho only Mite paper currency Isouo which rests upon a mjIIiI coin bask and at nil times prouiptly convertible Into coin. I iidhero to the vlow heretofore e.piescd by mo In favor ot Conisro-sjoiinl legislation In lielnlf of nu early rc-iiuiptlou ot r-pcclo payment. Aud 1 am sntMIrd nut only that this is wise, but that the intciusts us well ns the public sentiment of tho country luinora tlvely (Icnviud It. Passing from the.e re marks iiiioii the condition of tho country to consider our lelatlons with other land, wo aro reminded by Iiiroriiatloi.nl coinpli eatloii3 iilnoail, threatoiihn the pence ot Kurope.th it our traditional rule of noii-ln terfeieiicolu Al TAIIts OP POIIKIGK NA'IIOX.s has proven of j-ieat value In past times, and ouiiht to bo Hrlctlv observed. Tho policy linii'rui'ated by iny honored pi edit. cc.or, Piosldent (imnt, of suhmitlliiK to aiblliatlou mvo iiiii'stlous in dipuli be tween ourselves and foreign power. points to the now uii'l lueomparably tho ln-r In otruinentnllty lor tho presevatlon ot peace, and will, as I believe, become the beuell clal oxamplo of the course tohopurueil In similar enicrseiicles by other nation. It, unhiiplly, iph'stions of iltrereiiii should nl any tlmo during tno perln I ol my ndmluNiratioti ail-e betuieii the united states nii'i any loiohpi tjovini mctit, it will certainly bo my dlpoltioii and my hope to aid In tlmir K-ttlcinent in tlio sinio peaeclul and honorable uay.thus cecurh ;; (o ouicnuntry thoreiit blehi;ji of peace and miitiidl ;rm olllces with nil tho nations of the world. TIIK H.SCTOIIM. COHMMSIO.V, Fcllow-eitlzuu, wo Imvo reached Iho cliwo of a jHilitieal c(iiiu.',t li'r!nl with thu tluili inont which iisnallv attindi the enntcht Lc'ukii cicnt IM.Silfu.it pailivH, wlm9 liiullitjcu -.gpoiixi and i(docjle with cr.rnatt laith llndr ritHK-ctive crciiilv. Thociieiini-tances woio, perlup, m nu rcJiKt'is extraoidiimiy.suvo hi thecIoa(.int and const (jueiit uni( rl.iinty of tlio eult. Per tho lliitt tlmo in thu hutory of tlio country, it hak lx-en uutmcil litfct, in view of thu ixxaiimr "ir eulifUaiiiL of tiioeae, that Ihoohjeclinna and (pieHiloun in (liputo. with rofi runco lu tho comitiiiK of the ylertnral vote", hlioulil Uj Kifcr red to thu Ulcijioh of a liibiuul n)ouitud fir Ibis inirxiu. That tilliiuial, (nt.ililiKl.ul Ijv Jw lor this solo purpoite, lid tiionil!.. all if them of Ions cstsUudicd reputation for Initfjri ty nnd hitollla'ciico, and with tho cxc-nli..n of tli(o who nru iiieMherK of tho Huiir.jmo Jinllui nry, cho-i n equally from both ilitleal parties to tho deliberation i nllidiUJiKxl br Iho rosnnreli ami arunmoiit of ablo ciunsvl, wai entitled to Ilia fullest coifirience of tho Auieiicau ioplc. IU decUlons havo It-cn iMtiuntly waited for. and accepted as legally coiiclonivo by tlio Kcnoral liidcincnt of tho public. Tor tlio preciit,oplo. ion will widoly vary as to tlio wNdoni of tho ov rtal conclusions anuuunccd by that liibuiial. This is to lx antleip4t(.d in ovory in.lauco where matters of dlsputo nro mado tho tubjtet of ar bitration under tbo form of law. Human judgment la never unerring, aud Is. rarely re Tho Iseoimln remody lor frc.on cam In to coat thorn with varnish. It improvoH Homo earn wonderfully. Iircatiilim .iiIuniiiu uiilioui injury. Tliero is mi ixKK(rntlnii In thu idateinent that lliouninilsof iiersniis res Id I nl' fiom ono yearV end lo another In fever nnd asno rmlon mi this Continent nud tlsowhere, hrcnlhu nlr nioio or less iGipret'iiated Willi miasma, wlthimt incnrrlii lie) dlseaso, rlnudy nnd only lieniu-ullieyuro In llio lidilt of nslnt; Hoy. UllerV Stomacli IIIiiithiuii preventive. It has fro illlvlitlv haiiliencil. und tlio fiirtlms liui.n iimnlv nttvai. hv I lit) HI riles Iheru'eheii. Hint nrnim. nrriiiimli.,1 nu nil flue by iili:liliiirr siill'eihn; Iho lorliircsoflhls WIIIOAT ArVW OATS Chopped iuto Food, For OuoTontli Toll. ....Al.su.... Sash, Doors, Blinds, 3VXoxilclixxf;-f Tnrnlnir, Stair worK, ItvilNlcitKlM. llnruniiN, StiinilM, Ttihis's, FANNIIVG 1E1IJ.S, Anil nil UtmlN nl riirnltiirt). At 11RD ItOCJK PltlCKS, hhopnt AirHriiHiiral U'dik lilllldlli', .Niiloill. lleily) . I'. DltNNIN. BOMIS KINi: IIIIKKDINO FOWLS, rniislstun: or uom ami rllver tuu ttled Piilaiids. (inld nnd Sliver Himii filed lliiinlMir-s, nnd others. Tim ion nro ierielinl In) em, nnd no setters niniinj tliein. These few Is me iixceltent hieeders. nnd lnlrs of r(C. Hicmor llielrcctfs for hroedliicpiir noses will ho smitilkd hv tho under fill thoso dei'itinir them, on ieioimtild LIITIIlMt IVltltfS, Miilem, Oregon. Also, n Vi:i,L-TltAlNi:t) XJIx'rt DOR, Two years old. MUJFKJ.A In limed lcrm JullimQ shivering nnd Imriilii jiln;titt, Imvo enjoicil nhsohitn li. nmiiKs iu tliu protection uffnrdetl i cur- Itl.,,. rhllls nnd fuvur, hllllous r inlttents, and disorders if Iminiiiiliy from hv Iho Hitters. dial less clllcacloiis In reined) Inij llian In iireM'litliiL' hv tho Hitters. Nor Is Unit slundiiril null fuhrllu cor- a kindred tvtiu. Taken heliti'i'ii tlm iimiionii. II Lsieedily mltlu'ates their violence, nnd uvonlimjly nru vein iiieirrcciirrncu. Thcu met, convincingly os. Utillshedhyuvldencc, nplienl with peculiar fun o to travelers and sojourners In iiulirhiiisdlstrlots. I'rom n IMntlMiilHlied Jurlxt, "I hayo tried tho PmiuviAN KviiuiMiml tho rosult fully fiiiHtnliiH yoiiryrodillou. It has mado a now limn of mo, lufiisod Into my syHiom now- vlirnr hih! itiwrny. I am no loiiKortrnmiiloim utul ilolillimif ii as whou j ou hiKl hhw me, but Miniiyor, lieart'er, ami with larger enpmlty fir labor, inontal ami ph yule il, than al any tlmo during llio hint llo ytarH," Sold bv all ilrinritii-lM. A llciiuirU.ilito Ohio, Vr.MrToWNsi:.sii, Vt., .May If, lsiiO. OUI.SSUS, , , IMIUI.II.V MDNHl (iontlMiion. Sevonil yeiirM hIiico I look n soveiooold, whieh MiUlod nu my Iiiiikh, whom It, leiiiiilniiil vi. limit rohiMitlou. 1 (.H'tllidii in .MusnaeitiiMxiiH, und f-'rowln wurno ntnl boeoiiilint uualilo to attnuil to my IiihIiiohs I rtiturued homo and e(i;iimruieod MurehhiK hi oariioHl for homo medloluo wliteli would restore mv lost health. I eon hiiltod pliyMelaiiH, I tried many romedloti, but obtaiiiod no help, but daily jtrow womo. 1 had a tnrrl'ilo ooiikIi, and mined a K"od dial of blood. I had profuNu nluht nwoiiIh. and hHoio pain In my sulo. I eontliiuod In UiIh Htato for iiiiiiiiIih, aud beeamo i-o wonl: that, Il wan with reat dlllloulty I cniiht walk, when I tiiH.-idviH)il to try Wn-rAit'M Hausam or V.'if.n I'niuiHY, and lo my jpeat Joy I noon I'liiinl thai this remody hnduirosloil thu dlieni). I ciintliiued to iio tho II.vi.sa.m to thooxtnnt nt vo linlo, and bavoHlueo then experienced no lullilty of Iuhkh, I bclii.voiiio Uai.sam fu,rnl mv Hfo, und I ahull over hold u In hii ("Uliniitlon. Vours trnl v, I.i.u is Pitur.i's. Tlio (lelalirclcil Tliuroulibrcil Sialllon BK. UNDSLEY W"'1 SI'ANI) Till! KNSLINii HIJAbOX AT SALKJI, Krom March lOili to, lulv lOlh. Mares can ho taken to tlio I, lycrv hiaWoof Item ,V l)ivldoii, or sent to mli'J JAMKS V. IlVIIKi:. halem. XOTICK. I'iiiiti.anii, Koliriiary 1,1. 1S77. mm: land dki'ahtmi.m' op tub oitKiioN 1. und California JUIIrojct (. hivlm; Ul.di charge oi tho (jjtc.l.'JN UKI'AltTMKST'1 of thu I'llll MANKNT KXIIIISITfiiN nt Iho MAIN CBNTKNe NIAL lll'Il.HI.NU at I'MIaduliihla. will t-.ko ch'irKS of anduxlilhlt, froonf (jipenso, any ol thu products of tint Hold, forest, mini's, and munufactorlen of Ur i yon. i'aillca desiring to avail thumselvuit of Ihlo oiuiortiinlty will mHrio thu undersigned, sUtlnt; tho article or samulv gifeitd, P. HCIIULZB. ft27ml Laud AkviU 0. Jh C. It. It. PniflHHl WY Matiufactiircrs of PELTO N'8 SIX-FOLD HOESE-POWERS Counlorlnilnnco Sopnrators. Incorporated nt Halem, Oregon, ()( lnlivr?th, IHTn. H, PKLTO.'. Prosldenl! .1. ItlCVNOI.DS, Vlco I Wt: W. H. ULII'HA.NT. Beerotary. Suporior to auy Horso-Powor or Sopnrator .YIuiitifuctiirsM! nt Nnloni, Orv.gmi, Of Oregon Iron and WikhIoii .Materials. Tho Power Lasts a Lire-time. Tlio Heptirnlor Snvs jllio CJuiln. l'or further titrtlnilars, nddresa iho olllcors niuiieil nhono, or send fur menhirs. feh-fl Mrs. Rohror's Now Homody ron Tni; i.unos IHMKKTIXO 1177 WOXDKllFUl. SUUCKUHr millH I'lIIKLY Vr.dUTAIILH ItKMBDY IIAK D no ciiial In Iho relief mid cute of Coiiuhs, Colds, Atthmn, llriit.rhitls, froup. Whooplin; I'ouch, Mea sles. Ac. H has produeed smnu rciimrl.alilo cures, Hold liy ilnieiilslK .-.iiriill v Prepared only hy JOHN ,UI III'KV, Moiimoiith. Or., To whom nil loiters of hiimness should hu addressed. 33i'owii XjokIioi'um. m, Tin: .vohT roLii'K; i'owi.h oxisiiiiio, .il y success tno in,L t'ireo ) -ar Willi thl- lirced l that. I llnd Ihem lliein to ho thu MOST llAltln of all Ihu iiiius'ttlnK vn. rletlis J(.(;s fiuni tlio nbovo .'lie sain.' a I h ueh invsoif) vvnr niio mI frci.ii mill pure .! Tor I 'I or fifor.'' i;-rjitiltjir sent Irii'H juiiisu'irr.iiiiiii no reore-eni- ('. II. WIUUtJ.ISK, M.edd, Linn Co., Oregon, mfm 'tHyVi.JMj' 1. Notlco. FK hereliy (.Wen that, imr-iiunt lo an order of Iho (.'I'lintv Court, of Murlou Cuiiniy, luaduut thol'pb rujry icriii iiicn-vi, "hT7..I will on H UunUv, llio 'ji day tr Mareh, 1m7, aty o'clock e M. In tliuiifunuooii of ald day, proeed to tell ut piilille, agctlou, at Ihu ( oun Htiiix' iluor In H item, In M.iilon County, Ore lioii.for kiiI I mlii In h'liiu. ihu foiloulim doncrlbeil ri-il p'oneri) iiiliiiiiiiK In the fit'it if P.i.id Weston, di ceased, to Wit: lleuluiilii.'iit n liriju I'.r treo stand. Inf npo'i thu -oiitli -Idc of thu (Viiii'y rond Itmdln (mill lint ('h.iiiipiivtflirlil.u to thu IlrltK Chirchnhoit 170 ards from snld hrlilu: nmnlni; Ihenco H I de. limlM.i:.') ,11 1 halutttoKi-inUu In Ihu creek, whU Imlilkit Is also a comer nf Ihu land formerly oml by Itohert. Nuwvll; llmiirurtftl dutf. W '.i i;" chillis to llio H W tnniur: Iheliio N 11 tleu'. II lain. IJ h l'.lih'ilns, to thu road; thence N' r,7 iluj 1.1 mln. IJ, nl.ai ..ild road lit tho pheg of liKnlnnlii.'; cio'nliiln In.ir acre-, moro urlus. Allsltuatud 'u Marlon I 'oiinly Oregon. , , .Maiiv J. Wl.sTON, IVh.l, nu I Adinlnl. train. x ofsald e-lute. Notice TH hereby given that I have been appointed execu tor of thu lu-t ul'l ami tcautni'iit nf Kllxaht-ilt Smith, dtcuasvd, late of .Marlon loim'y, Hlalo of Or econ, All persons havinj; claims iix'alnst said estatti must present thu sitae, with proper voucher to mu ai my re.ldeLCO lu tald county, within sU monllis frnn this dale. w, U. bMlTii. Jan. w, iftTvH Ml A SiP-aBBErpsssag; 'rrsrfHnKmsmaas :