Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 09, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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    lrr. ..iryiittetts
hil-IHiriWiti HliiMllWM
Dealer In
Crockery and Glassware,
" Wooden ami Willow Ware,
Tobacco and Cigars
coniaiERri-itAi atssekt.
Salem, April 50, 1S73.
Prunes and Plums made
a Specialty.
For Sale Tills Season.
Apple, rem-, Quince, I'ltini, Prune,
J'l'tieli, (.'herry, Urn no vinos Currant,
DliU'lvberrles. Jlapherrifs (eight vari
eties), .Stnnvuorrios, Chestnut, Mtil
licrry, Black and White Wnluur,
tliekory, KntriU' Maple, Honey Lo
cust, Lotnbimly Poplar, Mountain
Ash, 'W'popini,' Willow, .Sn.iwImlW
and LUnchs, Honeysuckles and Iy.
Arlior Vita.', Italian C. press (inlilcn
Cypres, very line, Pines ul Cedar
l)co(liir,i'uricanthus,.Jiiponlcii or Fire
Tree, forty varieties of Ito-es, Flow
erlnr yhrulis and Plants of all kinds
English Haw heeds for hedging, al-o
KiirIMi I'rivet Plants, for fancy
Now I call special attention to the
Amsden June Peach,
Piftocn days earlier than any other
Peach known. 1 have only about "JO"
voarling trees or this Peacli. l'rlce, 1
each, SH) per doz. H,t)l dormant biuU
of this Peacli; price Hoc each, S:.1 per
hundred, -v-Oii pur thousand.
I also have a few trees of the
3Xouu Voruoii Pear.
This Pear is ono of the most valuable
now Full Pears in cultivation. Price of
trees, SI each.
Oregon Clmtiiplon Gooscbrrrj .
Thin berry 1 worth nil otlur (looci'bcoilci' for pr-'f-It.
n tt li a lliio laiyo berry, and tQo mot pro.ldi
bearer cerlinowu. l'rlce or pliiu. $1.50 per do.,
SlOper hundred.
KcU Warrington Gooseberry.
TliUW tho Unreel (dull li)oclieirl-, ami I- ft
bliuil red, vciy orrmmriit.il, and nu ex-el.ent hero .--Price
of plant. M cuiitB each. $i! per iIoxjii.
IPonolx QocdliJiBM,
Tor lmmlrcil. j I: per thoumnd, JUO. t'rlcu Lint
i cut frcu to any uddrevr.
riuiii and l'riiuo Trees on reach Knots.
I claim that ihe I'eieh root t fur Hiperlor ti Phcn
root lor KMriln' prunu ami jtlnnw nil. lor tlice rea
ntm I. Yon never havo any rnrout to destroy the
11(0 ol your ircoi". '). Thu pntno ami plum Miccie.1
better mi pcadt thai on plum. :). Tito prune nnd plum
liearyotimreron piacli rooti". ami thelrnlt I of eottir
quality. My lirothvr lint a l'nimi nivhant of Ml tree
oil peach rooti live year old that hart lorty pound to
tlio mo till mjwii. ill tree aro very tnrlny nnrl
jltic. 1 can liow any nnn piacli root that nrutwui
jy.rlvo year olil, perfectly found anil licalthy.
Testimony In favor or the Peacli Koot.
MiMinnviixk. Oct. 33, ls;il.
II. W. l'r.RTTVJJAN,- Dear bin Your note In regard
to I'lum tree on Peach root I a hand. Ilmou
number of large, healthy l'lum tree rv.-.-nty year old,
trailed on peacli root They Invo never iprouted.
mid heir extremely well. 1 would not havou plum or
prune treo mile it wn on peach roor.
Your, rctpectlully, W . T. Nuwuv.
Agent Tor my Nursery.
HJMalarlcey. Portland: Wootluy fn'a., (Servnli
I. Michael. Wheatland; Mr 1! A JndUln. Kuuenc;
jjV Whipple, L'ottnxoiiroej b Uerry. JlcMlnuvllle.
Proprietor of ll.illm.id Xurtcrr.
noviotf KAST I'OIITl.iNn. Or.
niicKUBit or
niAKKS pleauro In nirorinc to tlio Wool-flruwer of
L Driven and tlio ndjolnlnir 'f errltorW the chance
toiiirclia.. TllOltOL'lillllltEI) MhlllNOS, mid n
murine; pirtli'lntereicdttat they can, and will en
deavor to. tll Mieep of tlio tamo ijuallty and ai,io at
MUCH CHKM'Kit KATKb than mch can poflbly
bo Imiiortcd. Kxamlnatlon Jid coinp.irlon with tn
tr Sheep offered In the market ar. ci.nlUlly Iinited.
a.Addre JOllNMNTO.
halem, Orcsou.
N. D.Tbo Ram and Ham Limb of tlio tloclc can
boicenou tlio ISLAND fAltJI. adjoluliij; balem.-
J'ho Kwtcaii hit k'lu a' thu amo place, or ut iho
HILL FAHM four nnd a lull mllcouth or the city.
balem, He:tembcr 10, lb3.
lL.lloi'al ToniiwT
offer their IahA for a!o nnon thu following Jibo
nil term: One lentil of tho price In cah; tnterctt on
the biUncoat tho ito of even per cent, oue vcur
After ale; aud taca followlns yeir ouo-tcnth of the
iirlnclp.il and Interest on tho bhljnce at the rate of
even per cent er anmrn, Ilotb principal and Inter
ttt pajableln tf. a Currency.
A dUcount of ten per cent will ho allowed for r.ih
Vtf Letter to bo nddrecd to P. bCUl'LZi:, Laud
Acent O. ,T 0. H. 1'.. Portland. Urccou.
Machine Sliop,
B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r.
3 Ueftper. Pumpt, tad all kind and tyti of Ma
cnlnory made to order. Machinery repaired at a bort
notice. Pattcrn-niiVln:: done In all Itoarlounform,
nd all kind of Bras and Iron Caetlmr nirnlihrdat
hort notice. AIo, manufacturer of ENTEHPIUSK
(Succefcwor to A N titlbcrt A; Co.)
..Dealer in..
nolman' Block. Coramejclal St., tL:cc dwor north i;
jjtti i'osi oacc, &A J4tt.1i, Or. apl y
Quo Good Lever Power,
K be lied !or ra aKjk wiv1, rli( J pliw leed trntpp
iiiBHtcr or thritliliirf it.ln It cnii be ennlu ope
ration u my h"i' i'i outh Salem.
Mle .1, reb. V2, !' It. S. .!OU
Late Phyttchn la SI. George's and SI. Barlhalo
mtw'i Hotpital. London, Curator la
OL Elluuoth't, cto.
After frrtrs of tho moif. mhortnun rc
ttrarch owl nivflff Jon, nin nflcr tlio
jivurtlciil iipjillcnllnn lit trmtmrnt to tliou
kiiiiiIb of ittviitit lio. Cliantttir, .Ai,,
jr,J,iunwnrciitHtii to ttioAtiievlniii pit ti
tle the folloirlntt twirdlft, i nolo i
coeeru and uroitertu, tlio efilcttcu of nhlelt
is tittmtrtl in tho rohintliioitu qitantltii of
testimonials, tho nnnotleltctl offerings of
atiffcrlHtf flint tllneottraued patioit.i, tvlto
liavo not only recelrtd relief ami bcnelt
from their eontluuetl ttse, but liaro been
ratllentlu cured of ailments and ehronlo
complaints, irhlclt ttavo been tidjittturd by
tho most eminent physician as hopeless.
371 ineomnanthtit nVPITIiATIVl? la
ri powerful Al.Tl'.HATlVi:, UOXJC Jit.
vhr.Tiv, nT'iPiioKurio, and ai'j:iu-
j:XT, eomblnlnff virtue trhleh rentier
tt Invaluable and uerer'fallinil, and bu
Its continued itso telll tharounltlil eratli
eattt all diseases of tho btood. Its Inarc
tllentf aro of a purrli harmless extrac
tion, tho producttt gathered from remain
J.'tiuptl'in J'roelnccH, and whero there la
the sll'htcst taint of tllseam In tho sys
tem, It never fall In rjeetlna thattllsettco
tltrimiih the iiiriltimt vf tho sUln, or tx
wlllnn it through tho tnifii; n-nil various
ehaunclH of tho botttU therebu ullnifiii'r.
and, Indeed, foreinii all tho 1117(111 intti
their proper normal and fttnetlniiul cnii
dltlon. A vst'U brief ttpueo of time trltl
eonvlneo any patient tsji; It, of Us vv
tloubted vcllabllltit and leoinleritil eitra
tleo properties, It bclnn, tnont unquestion
ably, tho verjl aemo ofmedlenl triumphs,
and tho greatest discovery of tho prttrnv
atlt; in tho treatment of every dlsratn
whero tho blood itself is primarily thn
.teat of tho lesion or disorder, such as
HVHOl'VXiA and tho thousand and ono
cause that lead to thin terrlblo outlet Unt,
of tehlch all civilized rommunllle ttro
conulsant, for Jllbllcal Truth has assert
ed that tho "Mm of tho fathers ahull
visit even itnto tho third and fouvth itnl
cratlons," and to Iti.'OK.'.V.iOH'.V IAJ
j:xri:i:nr,t:i coxsarvrioys it i n
powerful rejuvenalor, causing tho irrcek
of ntan oneo moro to assume tho Uod-llko
form of manhood,
Aitvmsoiimuis, vonith'atiox ok
costu'j:xi:hs, j,tvi:tt axi kjixj:v
coMj'i.Aixss, oi:nj:hai. axo xi:uv
ovs nr.nii.iTY, juiMUMATJs.ir,
iiiAxinrr.Ait j:iihAKttJi?ii:xTa. j:pi
siiin.ioMATovs cAXavit. Nuuitrr,
J.r.XT ItliCJ'.KH, J'JiJItAJiJi t.OM
VLAIXTS (and to tho gentler sen It is a
boon low sought for by sensltlvct suscep
tible, atid dcllcuto females, as it tal.-ea
direct action upon their ailments) AXJt
j.v which Tin: hlooius Tin: svax
' Till: TllOVllhi:, It is invaluable. .1
perncvernnco xvlth this remedy telll jnwo
olffto nml rrii(?iidi( cmii for
CIlll.l.S and VllVJUia and all J1ALA
1UAI. I'OMOXH. . .
Uhottsanda of Testimonials attest tho
truth of theso claims,
l'rlce, One Dollar, in largo bottle, or
Is buttles, $G. mmmmmt
OASTTiOX is a safe, speedy, and posi
tive cure for that most depressing of ail
ments, and a brief eottmoof treatmt nt telll
rcstortt tho digestive organs to their pris
tine strength, and promote tho healthy
action of the ittonweh and intestines. 2hn
nervous irrltaliUty of literary awl all
jtersona pursuing n sedentary Hie, Is
speedily removed by this agent, Thn
stomach is restored to health and thol.ey
notoof the systtm will ouea 11101 o respond
in tho performance of labor.
l'rlce, Oiik ijollat; in. largo bottle, or
Is bottles, $5,
A sUflht so-called eohl will oflllme
lead to (i weWniM cough, trhleh, ttuearcil
for or badly treated, tmnc havo but ono
result It must eventuate In a settled caso
of lIllOliOUMTJS, or what Is worse, tho
deadly aUKiHiJiiwjttjf. uo all suurrtug
from harassing cough and expectoration.
featllM VONtilfJll'TlOX. To all suDerlug
rrom fittrasslna counh and ejrnectoratloti.
TltAClIEON offers a sound, reliable, and
permanent relief. It augments expecto
ration, and enables tho ixirloic to expel
tnttt lerriow dcjuo aeposti, witteit, 1 tcji
without judicious treatment, must com
municate its polton to tho vesicular sub
stance of the lung, degenerating and de
stroying that most essential f organs,
and ttlllmatea only in an tnrly and un
timely death. TJtAOIWOX has no equal,
much less a superior, and its -ttso will iot
only remova tho deposit, thereby ajjordlug
great relief, but heals the membrauo anil
leaves tho jiatlent in2ossvsslon of lualthy
lung tissue.
l'rlce, J'lftU Cents per bottle, or ato
tonics, jiv.ai.
PILES. Hemorrhoids.
flatty causes tend taprailttrathl pain
ful and distressing state. Tho blood is
retarded in its return thn loo frequent
ttse of drastle purgatives tendi to ptmltiea
congestion of tho bowels, torpid action of
tho liver, and numerous other causes ara
the snureo of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing efftctual has been presented to
tho public, which would rapidly alleviate
symptoms and ultimately vrovo an efftet
ivo cure. In 1'ILOX wo have a retnrdy
which not only acta almost instantly, but
will remove the largest tumors ofthejtarts
fl'llcs) by absorption, and many who
have received not only benefit, but havo
been radically cured, havo been assuved
(prior t9 using this treatment) by emi
nent surgeons that tho only relief they
ever could expect in life, would bo by an.
operation, and removing it ov them jrom
the body by a jrroceduro which ttecissltat
cd the knife. This remedy has been hailed
with delight, and is note prescribed by
tunny practising physicians, who are cog
nisant of its merits, as tho only known
sure euro for 1'ILXS.
. l'rlce, I'I fly Cents per package, or a fa)
for 9'J.dO.
rnr? Aiiorv HF.MEnxr.s Ann
thorough, in the eradication of the differ
ent and various maladies denominated,
and are the result of patient, searching,
laborious, and sctentlllo investigation,
embracing a jterlotl of many years, in
.Cur-one awl America,
If the spceljio dlrettlons aro compiled
with, thousands of patients will bear wit
ness to their relative merits, and corrob
orate every assertion, Where them ara
many complications of disease, and jmi
iferiM so desire, Jilt. ClIAKUUiJt will
be pleased to giro all iiijurmatlon, and
trtat by letter if necessaru.
Heserlptlva and Explanatory Circu
lar of the abovo remedie sent on receipt
of stamp. If tho 1' It 0 1'lt 1 1ST Alt V
JUEltlOiXJZS ar not on sale at your
f articular druggist's, send orders to
1470 Broadwfty, gewYor; Clty;
Whon WhiBkey may bo taken Medicinally
After frooo, or Irish stow, or nnydpllrncy
of tlio soiisoit Into which onions tuny havo
soivonably ontoreil.
Invariably nftor salmon,
Whua thore Is winning boltiR dono nt
Wlum thn painluiH n,ro In tho bonne.
When a person fotilu lultit iintl ilnpsu't
know wltftt W tlio lUAtivr with hlin.
Whon iriuml Writs up itltor mi nliinco
of sovui'Al yiw, or whpti yott tm tvtrtliiK
with ft frh'iid whom you do no, caiit-ut to
sgm t'or twvuriil yours.
Whon n jior.son hm tho tootlinuhn.
Whon it prMon Ims lost at cards or bun
como Into ))roit.rty.
WJicii 11 por.-on hns nipt vlth rt great mis
fortune, or miulo a trumnmlotiH bHriiin.
Wlmu i porson has quan-Aiind, uil whon
n reootii'lllillon hus Inhon jdnco.
Wbon n mim Is roUir to lm mmrled lo it
boitutlfnl ynunirhvly. nnd hm umdo hern
prcitont of jseo M?t orjowolry,nud alio olopos
with iiertmiMtiUixi'liHi-.
Whon it pi woo tukpsn lido In it hmray or
Is on 11 suit voyno, or om on wwrtui tin
trik of 11 Ilvo net tiilcdy, or l"f(irf iisc-lul-Intjltin
iMlloon.or iilinrioinlii); oil tho Jury
of n. eoronor'M Ininio1', or wuott yutt nrosli
tlntr tip for your wife, or whon a Irlond
drops in to Pinohoa olirirj and, In fuel, upon
nil sultublo oecnslous of nvilnosa nnd niutri
itiottt. ONi! Kioiint on Onk-TwLi.itii, Hocauno
ho Imd not studied vulr.ir Diiitluiis, lio suf
iirrd in tlio wny thus ducrihed:
A Dutohmtttt routed hl hinds to tin oil
company Inst spring, on condition of li'colv
lot: onn-oltththrf thooil procured. Tito woll
juoved to bo 11 t;otd ouo, rmil tho I'Jintor bo
i;n to think Mint tho oil 111011 should (io
hlin it bettor chiincu, nntl vtniurcd to tell
1I1M11 ko. Thoy tifkod hint whm ho wuntcd.
Ui Mild they uucht to kIvo him ouo-tuoltth.
Tho imroi liii'Ut whsIUihIIv nrndo, Willi tho
nudorstntuttnt; that tho lJnlclmnm vw not
to tell uny one.
All wont Miiflolh until tlionrst;dlvlfilon
day I'ltiiic. whon our Irlond v-ntMiilv m Imtid
lo mho how tiitioh hottor ho woi.hl bo oil' un
der tlio now liiirk':tln, i'.linm buripli ino
toil d to otto huIo lor thn oil nirti riuI ono ihr
him. This did not Mill him. "J low's dish?"
sins he; "I thlnlt I ts to not niuro its beforu.
Uyjlnj?, you iiihKo tulhtiiUo."
Tho mattoiH wuroo.xphutiod to him, Hint
ho foiitiorly j;ot ono b.irrol of ovory olnht
bin It mii liiHotru proposition to only who
otto of (ivory twi'lvo 'I'liis-ovolutton loolt
hint iibaclt. Ho scrnlohcd hi IimuI, InnKcd
i'ioi, nml ndiovtsl his swolliiif; l-rt-nit of
leolliipsof soll-roproftch by imllKti.niily ro
iii'irkinit, 'Woll, ny iliindi.r, dit ih do first II1110 ns
aver I know'N oijjln. wus moioay dwolvo."
siMiui.AU I'alt ion Mil, Ii.uiwin. In a
H .11 lion 111 llilliincourt, tho propony of M,
t'Hilm,hM!kmiittli, niny bononni tho pros
out momoiil rut tipjdo iron lnmloil with trult.
1'liL'io Ih lKitliliigoAtriiorillimry In tlil, but
ih" mock of tho tron Is ohorry, on wliicO lum
i.tcn itruiliid tbiwtpplo, 11 sjucIlm of golden
I'I) pin Tho itu 11 prooleiiiy iciimuublus
licrrles, thn fami lorm, nnd ui'.irly tho sumo
color; but i losto Ih thin of n anplo, nml it
cnntJittio pips liMtintl of noiiot. yphclinuiM
ol this botiiiilo phonomonoit wcro yesterday
iiibmlticd to our inspection. It must 00 n
ro.' I'Oiiostiy, !or I' is Koncrully thought Itu-M-tbIo
to fult h pIp-bunrhiK l.-till on tho
- tick of iv Woo bonriti( s'niio frutt. Vitfic.
licmlait llvlye,
Tlioy toil of iu Oberllti, Ohio, woman
who Is 11 urudtia'.o ol thrco colleges nnd cms
wri'o oontry itt any imntitity nocossury to
meet iho doumudn uf tlio truilc, and vol lies
in bid otiiry liionitiiif, nnd nut only IctK hor
husbiwid (!ot lirohUIVii't but iii'UiHlly hh.ck
his own boots! Thoro would scorn lo bo
HiniiuthlliK. it In dilllctilt to s.iy whut, In Iho
nyctciu ot t'uinilo eiliicittioii In this country
which needs lo bo tucdillcd. It is rather
iitnttip', not thtita KPidimto ol Oburlm Col
liio should h)U to liu'i.'k h(ir husband's boots,
but tlut hIio suoiiht bo rilils to sixiunt it lilts,
hiiiitl who is woilit a pair of boots (o bo
Tho I'rosldoni scut to tlio.Soiinto Torres
ioiideiii!o boiwriitt Iho United Stales uiid
liniiit lirltliui on tlio Hiibjtoted of oxtmdl
lion. Ndinnof It has boon imblliilied herdo
foio. 'iho ti'H.ny has bftott roatorod to vital
ity by tho net ol (Ireat llrllaln rreodlng Irom
her former poslilon and tho Ntirroiithir of
llfoiit tho Torpor. Thn eorro.sjw)tuloui;o 1 ro
Kttd0tl by tho Souato as conlUtcntliU at
Soir.o Idon of tho soverity of tho Into cold
Ntinp in tho I'itt my bo Kuihcrod from tho
fiet that tho Mltit-isslppl river wah I'.orwed
with Ico at a point as far houth as Ozark
Island, nearly ti htiudrod milts below Hole
tia. Only onco before in tho motiiory of that
vtuientblo chronolouist, "Ihoohlisc Inhabi
tant," iias Hiich n tli.n ociuirnd, and that
was In tho exceptionally cold winter of
In tin iHHtclgliinnii years ICiikIiuuI xpont
?!)TH.000.ixhi In Kohl 011 her navy, slid fill),
000,000 in subsidies on her ocean nmllhleaui
uif. Sho builds niiiiuiilly moro than 0,000
tons of warships, Iihs moro than 100 mull
Httamora subject to her cull hi tlmo of wnr,
hasoonstaiilly atsea half her naval touuao
manned by (iO.000 etainmi. and her -too wnr
ships have an ajturoxato of 1117,000 tons, whllo
the lbs ts of ull tho rest of ICuroiuj do not ex
cotdOo.OOO. A prenohor took up u collection on .Sunday
and found, when his hat was returned, that
thoro wasn't a penny in It. "I thank my
God," said he, turning his hat iipsldodown,
nnd tapping tho crown of it with his hand,
"that I navo got my but Imck from this con
KroKalloii." Ono of our Ignorant rich 11100, inunvyoAis
aco, rofuxod tocontrlbuto In aid of the Ob-
Horv.itory atCamhtldco Ihciii-o tho astrono
mers tuero would DoiiiMcovorinp: more stats,
when there was no tiao lor lulf tho dtars nl
rendy known.
TYIWIIIAI'JIY Go.vu Mad "IlrlL'lit of
my x is lOce, kIvo me an M, .!" tald a
printer 2 his sweetheart. Mim iimde a ut
him and planted tier ir J iwetti his II s,
which uiadH him (.'.
Sro hore, Dtnbury Xat"i and all tho other
boys let's stop Jokliij; about deith, colllnH,
and funerals, it mu be Ituiiiy, btU it Is
not In ktood taitu, tor It woutidM thousinds
who have real ciusn to grlovo,
Tho political otilldosor of tho Now York
M'orlil remarks, with .sclontlllo proftindlly:
"Ifyoti feed a dot; on inaddor, his very bones
will Ket red." es,and the rodder tho bones
t;ot tho maddor the doj,' gots.
Ono good tiling about this political sus
)0iise;ln tho fact that It Klves men tho blK
iost kind of an exctiso to bo out nn;hls,
Hvery woman Is mutually nu.lous to
know who is elected,
Over uOOjOOO.COO iounds of cotldo worn Im
ported by I tin United States last your.
Loklni; at theso Hi? 11 res ono can't see th
use of KrlnJliiK up lulf a million barrels of
beans to m&ko thu coll'tio ko further.
A penetrating wliispor coiuos Iron) Jjthe
a'ss behind tho curuin of tho domoutlo
hreshold whon tho husband comes homo
from tho lodro and tuAs tho clothes back
from the foot of tho bw.
It Is a romarkai:Iofact thatnothlntrsurnaq
fes, in modern otinineerlnu:, tho pyraniltls of
m.en, uuiit some nvo tnoiisantl years at;o.
It Is untvorndly acknowlodBcd by tho high
est profutoiOK.il tiulhorltlns In this lluo, that
tho masonry could not bo surpaisod in theo
ditisj and, moroovor, thodeslKH Is perfutt
for tho purpose I'm which they were Inteded,
ubnvouil lo oiuluro. Tlio buildlnirof pyra
mids continued lor sotno ten co'itutlbs, and
from sixty to suvonty still romainj many
contain enormous blocks of u;rnnltn froiu
thirty to forty foot lone, welfihlnt; moro
than threo htiudrod tons, nnd dlpiny the
most oonminiiiiHttf Imrenuily in tholr con
strueilon. A moro illiron1t oporntlon than
the niro tnnisport of weight that of raNltii'
obelisks weluhlni; more than four huiiihnd
tons wan perlornied with precision by tho
lliryp'Jaut', but there nistlioti of lltllnt; lliom
remains unknown. Tlio u-o of larrro' stones
In iiutllli'.tiluim, was known to tho 1'oruv
lans: and in India, loo, Ironi their re(iUK
nance 10 Iho usooftho inch, bnlldiis havo
commonly used ltri:o blocks both in bthlt's,
btiildlti:. Hut tho UuianssurpassHil In utii
chaiilcs tho Kirypilans vho setup ob'lhks,
sluco thoy transporiod them Irotu l'tiypt, and
Hlterward erected them at ltoine, hero moro
are now to bo louud than letualii In lCcypt,
Imniettso stones woro ued in tho temples
of Ihnliicc: ono lios roaoy qttairlod whlcu Is
sevontyieet louu;nnd fourteen fret square,
ami weighs upward of 1,1:13 tons.
CnoMwui.t, and AMKittrA. Cromwoll
doclarcd htinsolf "truly ready to sorvo tho
brothorn and tho chttrohos.' In Amorlcii.
The declaration wna sincere. Tho pcoploof
Now Unisland were over sitto that Cromwell
would llMtm to their rciiuosts nml would
tnkon little Interest In all ihodotnllH of their
condition, lie left them Independence, per
haps ho iravothcni advantageous contracts;
ho favored tholr trade. When Ids nrn:n hnd
iiiui'o thecoiiiiueslNol .lauialc.i, hoi-Uerod to
Ilium tho island with tho promise ol all thu
wealilt which thotrophlcd cllnio puuri pr.id
iit.illy into tlio lapot' 11, dttftry i and thouih
they iiiqneully thwarted bin vIowh, lilt
maunniiity pieservcil or them his irgard.
I'uijilsh history inttft Judyn of Cinntwell by
Ills mlluoiicoouliio liistlltitioiisol' MiiKlnud;
the American cohiiiiesrenietubot'tlioMMtrsol
his power as the petiod when lirhishsov
roliity wan, (or them, frco Ironi rapotltv,
uiti'loratico nml oppi.slon. Ilo may be
tvilleu tho bfriielnctoroi tho lhiR'ish in ."mcr
lea, lor ho loll I hem 10 etioy unshackled the
liberal bonevoleiico of I'rovldeece. tho luo
doni of nidtiNtry, of c.tmmeicoainl of kov
orumoilt. llaneitifl'a Ilistuiiit'f lingltnul.
It is oftnn 0 mutter of nrtut wonder, how
what )tirport.4 to bo sllvor-idnied wut-e, utn
I o sold o cheaply. This wonder will bo di
minished when h is liitiud otti that such ar
ticles haw noli', partible of silver in or upon
thoui. Moro than this, thoy aro mil even as
valuable as nickel. For the pioco.x of nick
eli.lu', which to some extent lias replaced
llorlu, may bo ilselT replaced lor many
artlclea of small value, particularly if they
coii'aln cornier. Tint maultitilatlon In uulto
simple. Cinirsu rasped or j?rnnul'itod .ino is
boiled lor unmn tlmo in a mlxiuro or threo
parts by weight of sal ammoniac and ten of
water, tho objects immetsed mul stlrrrd up
with a zinc Hid. Tlio dopodi In sllvoiy
bright , and resists mechanical action as sue
cossfully ns 11 coating of nickel. All that Is
needed, theieforo, lo piodiico this f-o-c.lllod
bllvor-plutod wars, Is a mixture of some
hIiiii iti'itsirlnl toil 1 it nut W.m nf miiiniiM ttil
Utll'lf IUltl Itll tlllll , jJUIIH'll 11 ;iliJtU4 I 141111
then plato- tho artlulo with a proparatlott of
.oil. iit'uu.11 111 cnciii suver, luun, nun uu
not docolvcil by a fair nnd shining surface.
("I.IMATi: ClIANOI.'ri IN IllTnSf V. Tll0
wlr ters In llttisla uro brcomlni; cohlnr ovory
year, tittd tho stuumors hotter, moio dry nml
hs iViiltftil, owing, as Is clem I v statwl by
l.lvbilstoti, lo tho destiuutlou of Iho wool),
lands formerly nbouudud In tho southern
districts. Tho clearing of theso lauds lias
emitted such an enormous evaporation, Ihat
many onco capacious water-courses liavo bo
come moro nwnmns or aro cnmnlnlnlv drv.
Tho Dnieper becomes every day moro shal
low, nun iin iiinuianoH lire no longer wortliy
of thu uiimo ofstreams. Tho (juostloti of ro
phiullng bits frequently boon imitated, but
tho dried condition 01 tho eailh In many
places In Southern Itiibsla makes it a great
A Moni:i;y That Talks. a speaking
monkey from llrn.ll is to bo ono of tho ills
tlnutilHlinl visitors to the Paris Imposition In
ISTS. Tho animal was found In tho uiiiih (f
Im mothiit, who hnd been mortally wounded
In a llfiht with u jiolocat, by M. Conlnmhott,
whllo shooting on tho banks of tho Amazon,
Little .Icon I.arauo for so ho Is named
wasj;lvou over to tho ehargo of a uogress
whoawas iidilietrd lo tho use ol tho word
"oarramha." Tho monkey was noticed lo
luivo citught the llrst syllable of tho word,
and by dint of proper leaching, has been
tauglii toniv "l'apa," "Mamma," "Mara
non,"a::d"llrn.ll." IIastho"inlsslnu'llnk"
at last Leon dlfceovercd? Albany (A". I'.i
Tho Now York 'urld rldlciilos tho prau
Ilea of making up conceit piogrammt-s ol
selections and siialches from op-am, iiisieail
of giving ballads, songs, and other plocts
which aro cotuploto and approprluio to tho
concert room. It says It is iiulto as absurd
as trying to disposo of u house bv exhlblllug
Homo ol tho brick es sauiplos. 1'eojiloalloct
lo enjoy those Ir.iguinnts of molody; but tho
way thoy rouso tin when n slnqilo ballad Is
sung shows that their Instincts aro healthy.
Managers would do well to provide whut
pdople really like, rather than what thoy
protend to Ht0;
Tho mo ol sclontlllo terms otteu becomes a
sort of second nature wllh some professional
moil. A servunt who Incautiously struck
the back of hlu head against thoslduwulk
thoother day plteously exclaimed: "Oh,
my poor medulla oblongata." The crowd
thought he slluded to bis wife, and Unit sho
must bo 1111 Italian lady of tui.JliiiolJyi
In 1S71 tho.'louthern States lost ?20.000,(K)f)
bv lh cotton worm In a single week, In
1S71 $:!0,0o0,m 0 worth of grain was ruined bv
tho chinch bug, and In 187:1, 1H7I and 187.1
the Hooky Mountain gmsshopp'or destroyed
food to tint amount of $.71,000,000,
Tho Maine Senate lmn iuhhos by a unani
mous veto a ins iltitiou calling for a national
prohibition law. Maine seems to bo one of
the lew staUu whero n trial ol iiuuh laws has
iot lod to their lelaxatlou.
"Kotmo," Mild Moody, whon ho oponod
In llostou, "let ins call your attention to a
book failed 'Tho Holy Illble.1" Several ol
his hearers went homo and found thoy hud
Tho law's delay. A caso was recently do
elded in Ktiglaml which llrst commenced In
IM'.!. The amount originally in dispttto was
$100,000. Nothing was left.
Several prominent Journals still stick to
tho term " new milch cows," ami It si ems as
If the whole ground had to bo gouu over
Komlou Is Increasing nt tho ralo ol CO 000
pfsjpie nyiuir, by nutunl lucresse only, In
volving tho iri.cllon of sumo 1-.O0O now
KU-CiUon returns and reluming boards
don't bother Kilting Hull any. The in out ho
wren to know It hw 0V"i Vrovlt luVrg'W,
Uont.Miius, March 1, Gov. Hnyes, In u
speooh at tho roooptlon to-night, aitor brief
ly thanking his friends and citbons for tho
good will and kindness to himsolf and fam
ily, then spoko with regrot nt tho absonco
ol many 01 hla Oolumbus friends who had
boon called uurty by death, mentioning
many ol thorn by name, ami continued:
Wo aro reminded" by tlio absonco of thoso
frlnntls of tho ruiinges wo must o.xpoct In
tho years thai aro betoro its. As for myself
and family, we go perhaps to return in ft
few days to occupy our accustomed placo In
this world or cniiimiti.ltj i possibly wo go to
othor scones and duties, not to moot jolt
again as leUow-clilans of Columbus. In
that ovent, I wMi t -ay, ns Mr. Lincoln
said on parting with Iih frlonds at Spring
Hold, 111 years ngo, tint "I trust you will
pray that I may luyo that dlvlno assistance
and Miirinnco "h which 1 cannot full."'
The rto'titlnn lasted ironi I till 0 o'clock,
(iov. Ilaesit)d rnrtv leave to-morrow at
l'J.30 bv thu l'auiiandle 1 into for Washing
Ion. He won't teslgit tho position of Oov
ornor at present,
ritiiMiio, Fob. 'J A dlipi'uh rccolvod at
military headquarsets from Uheyonno Agon
oy Mi.H'JU0 Monx arrived tlicro yestetduy
fiotu tlio hostile camp on Tonguo river,
riioystirrpiiilerwd theinselvrsnnd .".00 ponies,
W.vsiiiN'dioN, March 1. To-day n man
called at thn Treasurer's olllco and i-ettt In to
tho redemption bttrenu a card healing tho
name of Littleton, eallltig out a lady named
Stover. Upon her appcaraneo ho ilrcd two
shotaat her, neither of which took ollout.
The man was arrested ami taken to tho sta
tion house. Ho declares thu woman Is his
wdto, but Is employed under another nitinu.
Ni:w Ont.KANs, Match 1. Uov. Packard
has Issued 11 proclamation convening thu
legislature lor-0 days, commencing Ironi
tho expirstloii of tho regular sr&slnn to day,
and specifying tho election of 11 U. N. Sena
tor for thoshnit term ns n special object lo
take pri'ilttro over all business.
Wasuinot.iN, Feb. US. Tho l'.tcllht co.tst
Iioiiih In iho Indian appropriation bill us ll.
ed by thoeouforenco commlltcuand llualiy
otsi-id liy lioth housosnro, for Iho Arlsan.i
.Vpaehos, gStKi.floO: New Mexlro Apachfs,
Sltlil.OOO; h.oldental epnnn)s of lervlcoral
itornla ami Arlzonn, Ji'i.OOi) each: Now Mux
!co. Siw.iulO; Oregon, tH3,iiH); Nevada, Utah
11111I Washington, $10000 inch.
'ino lreasurer to-ilay ilcsiioyeil 713,000
legal letolers, leaving outstanding legal tun
ders, $!il 1,000,001).
Nnw YotiK, Fob. i?. Tha Herald's Wash
ton t-prolalsiiys: Ilexes writes lo Foster as
loiiows: "Assuio any or our Souihoin
frletid.( that I am Impressed with tho necess
ity of a complrto chance of men and policy.
I shall ntaiut by tho Ideas outlined in niy
letter of lasimimuiur."
Wamiiun'Ion, March '-'. I'resldont oleot
Ha) cm nnd party arrived at 0 o'clock, and
was recelod by ex-Oov. Donnl-oii,; Senator
Sherman and (Ion. Sherman, who escorted
linn from tho depot. TI1010 weio present
abeiil -,000, tkhochi.crnl as tho parly passed
on their way 10 tho carnages. Thoy wero
driven to tho resilience of tlonator Sher
man whero thoy will remain lor tho incsont,
March 1. During the session of tlio cabi
net to-day President oloct llnyon, accent
p mind by (l.sn, Sherman and liovoruor Den
iiImiii, called nt thu executive mansion, Mr,
llayus doslring to jircsunt 111- respects to tho
President. Tho distinguished party weio
ushered Into tlio council chamber whoro tho
cabinet was 111 session, and all proceedings
wero slopped hi that tho formalities of lutin
durllou might piocccd. Tho President elect
was especially gns'lcd and congratulated by
President Oram, nnd tho members nfthoc.ibi
not, all ot whom, with tho exception of Si o
retary Mori 111 , who was kupt away by sick
ness, wero protein, mid mutual expressions
of happiness woru exchanged ut tho tormina
lion ol thu question that agitated Congress
and thu country. A general conversation
was brlclly hold, and tho Presidentelect had
an earnest and qulot convors.iilou of somo
minutes' duration, In which Pi cbldent (Irani
iicqualntcd the Prei-ldnnt elect of thodlrco
tlous given concerning the new occupancy of
the executive niinsloii, ami of tho arrange
ments nrndo In lOjpird to thu courtesies at
tending tho Inaugural coremotiles mo far as
thoy concerntd tho present chief magistrate.
Tho nominal ami political friends of tho
President elect wero ut tho executive man
sion, nml when his pirly Icftallshook hands
with him bei'oro ho enlorel bis carrligo.
From tho llveuiittvo Mansion, tho party
diovototho I'apUol, proceodlug nt onco by
liivlniiloti of tho President of the Senate 10
tho Vice Pnslount's room whoroau Ittlurmal
icctiptlou wus hold. Republican and many
Democratic b-juutors called to inv tholr
respects mil weio iirctented to Hayes by
Forry. SiibKdpiently 11 largo number of
members of tho House and other persons of
prominence called and tendons! their con
gratulations. Pi eslileut elect llayoi remain
ed nt thn Vice Piosldout'rt loom moro than
an hour. Among tho Couiiressiimu who
cal'ed on him woru lteagau, Hmi Hill, lllount
mid Chandler. At ler.st I.OOO peisons voro
In thocorrl lots anxious to bo preontrd,biit
tho crowd increasing It was deemed proper
to restrict tho calluis Id membeisof (.'ongross
hiiiI their friends. The prcsom-ooftho Presi
dent ehnit caused iimeli Interest in all parts
ol'tho Capitol. Vice Proshlent elect Wheeler
arrived at 1 p. m. ami proceeded to tho
European Groin Murker.
Livimi'oei., March 3 A loading grain cir
cular says dullness Hill prevails In tho pro
vincial markotH, though no downward
movement Is appatuut. On tho contrary,
sumo low places report slight Improvement.
Tho coast U again nearly cleared, and with
small choice there Is 110 Inducement to
operate troely, ami In this brunch of trade as
well as lor oirgos on passage nnd for ship
ment, price are rather against nollers, Our
arrivals fir thu past threo days aro thirty
thousand quarters of wheat, of which Ilvo
sixths -aro Ironi Calilornlu. Transactions
since Tuesday havo been very limited and
prices wo'o barely supported. Fresh supply
of nial.oaiid Hour arouuilsttitllv light at tills
market to-day, utteuduiico whs moaxru,
llu.lnoss In wheal only moderated, sellers
concede one penny pur cental from Tuesday's
quotation for red i.nd white. Corn threo
Ieii(j3 per quarter, ami Is In fair request at
iho reduction.
Whllo on route for Long Tom thu other
day, tho wlin) of tho Ma.Mluvllu got out of
rig. Mr. Win, Mulllus wus engugod in
making repairs, whon the engine star lod up
mid tho wheel miulo two revolutions beloro
ltcould bo stopped. Jlllly managed to cling to
tho framework and escaped iinlnured, but
wus badly hillldosid. iMlerjntxe,
Tho Victoria bridge across tho St. Law
rotico is moro than a foot shorter In winter
than In summer, mid If provisions wero not
made for thu changu something would buyo
to break.
The Chicago Jnutnnl complains that it Is
coldest Just about thu I line a man has iloelii
(d to goi up ami build a lire. This whole
country should bo boated by stoaui.
Thu Prtolth University, at Forest Grove, Is
out of dobt. and has an endowment of $70.-
Jt tt --
Z tyW 'jitUl''TJLUJJMiM-J-