Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 09, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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    , fSwt nlKMMilUII. SI
lillitnuitu .farmer.
HALKlvf, KMDAY, MAItCH 0, 1877.
for tlio Willamette I'aimcr.1
Now, as rro npproaoh Hint ficawon of tlio
yoar whon wo miiy look for iIowh mid frostH,
tlioono wolcomo and tho other ondurod, It
nmy bo profltnlilo to study tlio conditions
Mx'ornMo to their deposition.
Jtlsa woll known nnd an oft-obsorvod
fact, Hint on n warm duy, If a wator pitcher
bo flllod with cool wnlor, 111m of moisture
(1ow--Ih hooii deposited on tho ontHldo.
This Is caused by tlio cooling of tho vossol
bolow tho dow point, and, In gonoral, dow Ih
deposited on any Htibstaneo whon that nub
stance Is cooled bolow tho dow point. Thli
tlow point Ih not at n flxod toinporaturo, but
dopondH upon tho amount ol vapor In tho
atmosphoro the moro vnpor tho hlghor tho
low point.
All HubfanccH at tho surfaco of thoonrth
fend out rays ofhoat toward tho hky. When
these substances i-ond out moro heat than
thoy receive, Iholr toinporaturo falls bolow
that of tho surrounding ulr. Whotiovor HiIh
is tho ease dow begins to bo (1'iiioiltod. If
objects, Mich ntt grass and leaves, did not
full bolow Iho tomporiiturn ol tho surround
ing nlr, tliun no dow would bo deposltod.
Korii inomont lot iih sen what this clll'or
onco oriomporaluro Is. Observation shows
fact llko llioso. 1'lnco a llioiiiiomotor on tlio
grass fully ox posed to tho Hky, then
Ouo nix InchtiH abovo It will road ! hlghor;
ii ()0t ii ii ii 70 11
" twelve fool " " " S "
11 Jy II II )'J
11 jr,Q II 11 11 11 pjo 11
This conclusion Ih tho roiult of n years
observations In Kngland. No observations
of 11 llko uiituro luivo boon nindo In Amorlca
to my knowledge.
Again, whatever obscures Iho hky blndorn
rndlntlon. '1 ho thlnosteauibrle has 11 mnrkod
olloet. Tlio near proi,enci) of buildings and
trees Is a hlntloraneu, but by far Iho iiiohI
(ifllclenl obstruction Ih uiloty vopor. 'I'yn
dull IiuhhIiowii that of all iho vnporH that of
waloretits oil Iho greatest number of boat
rayx. Tho effect of clouds on radiation, iih
Might Im Mipjiosed Ih vory groat. From an
average of experiments It was found that 11
thormomutor placed on grass fully uxpnsod
to tho hky mink bolow ouo suspended four
foci from tlio ground iih follows:
')n cIoiiiIIosm ulghtH I).:i
in nights halfeloudy 7!l"
On ulghtH principally cloudy (18
On nights ontltoly idoudy :i 1"
Knino suhMnticos 1110 bettor radiators Ibnii
others. Whon 11 theriuointiler placed nu
grass sinks 111" bolow ouo suspended four
Hot from tho ground, 11 thormouiotnr placed
on wool will sink It! or I.V'j a thormoniotor
placod on copper h1iiI;h 8"; 011 paper 0": on
brick only II" or I". Tho Indication, from a
groat numbor of observations, Ih that sharp
points r ad Into beat readily, bunco tlioso Hub.
slitucos proaontiug tlio greatest iiumbnr of
sharp polutH nro tho boat radiators. Thin,
bnwovor, In not yet Ailly proven. When tho
toinporuturtiof plautH by leason of radiation
or other means, falls bolow tho dow point,
thou moisture or dow Ih precipitated upon
t 10m, and If tho toinporaturo bo low mid tho
conditions favoralilo for radiation, tlio torn
peraturoJiiKt it', tho surface may fall bolow
:I2" abovo r.oro . In that eiiko frol Ih formed.
'J'ho boiit radiators, therefore, 1110 most like
ly tn bo covered with front nnd whuu (Iioho
Milmtiim'oi nro growing plants, wo nay thoy
nro frost bitten. If my Ihoory of sharp points
botruo, thou woolly-leaved plants are tho
boat rail tutors, and Ihereforo most exposed to
tho killing cllfcts of Irosls. Therefore mich
plants hh beans, potatoes, tomatoes, Ao.,oro
most likely to bo front-bltleu. Peaches are
doubtless 111010 liable to bo Irost-bltleu Jutf
after dropjilng Iho bloom than Just betoro,
bocaiiMHlio young poauh Is woolly and a
good radiator. On this theory, other things
being ciituil, tho poach Ismoio leudorthau
the plum or cherry.
I think plant lilo Is nut dostioycd because
host gathers but btc.tmo Iho tompciiituroof
tho plant sinks bolow tho freezing point thus
congealing tho Nap, whloh In the form ol Ice
expands and hurMs Iho walls of circulating
tubes, thus atoppliig tho circulation, tho
sumo iih a pump Is ruined by tho bursting 01'
a pipe.
fan wo urllllol.illy prutco'. plants fiom
fioslf In many Instance I think wo can.
Anything that will stop imitation Ian Pro
tection. A sheet lasteued by Its centers ho as
to oMend over a faoillo peach tuo Is a pro
teotion. In tavorablo lciilllles u thick cloud
ol Miiol.o may bo made to handover rn or
olmrd thus shutting oil' tho open hky. Some
times rich nooks lu tho creek bottom mo
MtUctod fur garden NjHits, tint nlloiwiird
toiuul to l;n exceedingly froN.y especially If
tho kui rounding banks aro of any iviixldor
1111I0 elevation. 'Ilils lioMy locution may in
many lustniu' bo Impioved by citttln
away all tlmbor anil uiubrbiiuh lor home
dlMancn down tlio Muiim.so that tho heavier
air, which U nlwajs Hie colder may escape,
but If tho temperature of tin stirioiuidlng
air sink much below :U theio U little liopo
for toutier plants. 1), M , v, ti.vri.T,
Si'iiiMiWATint, Jan. It, 77.
l.n. Kaiimcii: An I have never seen any
communication Irom this section ol Clacka
mas county, I thought It might not bo aiula
todropyouthei.0 fow lituwt lu regard to our
coiiuuunlty and things generally, Kprmg.
water Is 11 hoctlouofcouutryulmntat unknown
to a gnat many of your reader, It being
ootid known by tho sl.-iillloant title of
"llooo-Htaven." At llit I will tell you
whom tho place Is Minuted, Afterward lu re
gard to Its original nanio. It ooiuprUiMn
section of country near tho fliot of tho Cas
cade rango of mountains, bounded on tho
east by tho Ulickainns rlvor, on tho woH by
Cloar Creek , making a rldgo between tho
two fttroams from tho foot of tho mountains
to tho Junction of tho two Mrcamn, a distance
of about fifteen mlloa, varying In width from
two to thrco miles, comprising somoof tho
flnost buids in this county In which thoro nro
many good farms, tho noil bolrig dry and
rath(jr coarse, of dark rodish color, and built
on a good foundation of clay, with but low
Htono and no gravel , making- It without a
doubt ono of tho lluout fruit oonntrios in tho
world, for nil frultH with tho exception of
penchos and grapeH. Also It produces the
flnost (juallty of fall whoat, which together
with fruit is tho principal buslnosH of tho
Inhabitants, tho applos being of a quality
adapted to Into Hhlpmont to tho California
markets, which always lias been a paying
buslnoss, and in tho futuro I think will still
Improve Among tho fruit-raising commu
nity wo notlco tho lino orchards of Carroll
IIowoll, 11. Dubolco, Jj. A. Lacy, K. It.
Lowollon, 15. Tucker, and many others,
whoso orchards hnvobeon boarlng for IS and
'JO years and look ns trosb and vigorous m
thoy did 10 years niro. Thoro nro many
young orchards bolng planted this winter,
tho principal part being plums nnd prunes
and Into whiter applos.
Tho great drawback to this as woll as othor
placos remote from tho railroad and rtvor
communication is tho almost ImpnHsiblo con
dition of our roads. Whon will our Loglhla-
turo coaMj Its Idlo prattlo nbout laws which
tond only to benefit tho few, and give ussomo
good, sound, sonmblo Legislation in this
matter which will lend to build up our coun
try, tnnko trado lively, and bonolltthowholo
people? Woll I had almost forgot to loll
you as I promised in tho bcgiulng about tho
origin of tho name llorso-lloavon. It Is
HiIh: In tho (orrllilo winter or 'Wand '63, so
woll romoinborod by many old settlors, ono
.Jackson hording n numbor of horses lost n
great many. After mucn iio.irch ho found
them safe, and doing woll boro. After tak
ing lliein away, (Iioho that hail strayed canio
back hero Immediately; hoiico tho iipproprl
a to name.
Moro In tho futuro.
J, II. I.i:viu.m:.v.
Lottor from a Boy.
Coitaok UltovK, Kob, 10, 1877.
Kd. Kahmiiu: 1 now mako an attomit to
write you a piece, and as It Ih tho first thno
you must look over all mistakes. I am ahoy
twolvo years old. lu considering tho matter,
what was this world two thouRAiid yearH ago,
what Is It now, and what will It bo two thou
sand years from now? Mon gradually Im
prove their minds iih generations go by, and
leave oil' thoo superstitious Idea which used
to rule tho world, and caifcd many an Inno
cent maii'ii blood to bo shed for lotting his
opinions bo known to those who piol'."s to
bo wise, but at thoH.imo tlmoaro not. What
do wo llvo for? Do wo llvo to eat, and satisfy
our stomachs, and nothing else? Wo should
llvo to gam knowledge. What does a child
know, but iih tlmo glvos It, and It grows
largo, It becomes moro acquainted with
IhlngH which surround It through life. If 11
man lives Ignorant through life, what can ho
think ho has done to the world? Hut if ho
cultivates his mind and Isa wlm man, ho has
nothing to regret. Allow no bad habits to
lloat through your mind, to dually become
socond nature, book how politics Ih carried
on lu tho United Hlates, and (list ho long
will It bo till mou vote for tho got.d of thorn
solves Instead of politicians,
Ui.YHiKrt 8. Mautin.
While (Ion. Jowoll wan our Minister In
ltussln ho visited tho tanneries of that coun
try and found out the cecret of the Hussla
leathur, beloved of book dovoteos. Tliokooret
Ih tho result of tho uso of birch bark tar with
which tho skins aro drossed, In place of tal
low and grease, tho latter substances being
ho largely used oh foot) among tho lower
classes This tar, which is carefully saved
as It exudes front tho wood when burned,
was first used iih a Mibstltutc'for wheel groaxo
lu ltus-ln,us It Ih to this day, and thou for
tho tilling and dressing of skins, Ity a sys
tem ofi-arel'til Inquiry, and literally follow
ing bis noio during his visits to noiiio of tho
gnat Uusslan tanneries and currier ' shops,
.Mr, Jewell found this compound lu 11 great
kettle ready for use, and thus tho mystery
wasHolvod, It Is not nxponslvo, costing
about $10 a barrel, and ho Immediately
ordered ten bands and ocut them to various
leading leather manuiacturors lu this coun
try, with Instructions, ant tho result Is that
genuine Russia leather goods nro now made
lu Amei ica, ami doubtless will miou boi.obl
at nearlv llfty percent, below former pi Icon,
AVic iui'A Tnlmiw.
On Monday Kebruary 10:U, Mr. Louis
Sehambelii was killed near Kpm.s Hancu,
llakor county, by a man named 1). W. Hail
ing. Tho A-(i tv;. y'rxift'Mif' lm lue follow
lug p.vlU ulars of tho homuldc: I k-oi.is
that during tho excitement occasioned by the
arrest of ouo I Kiwi by, some time tTliuti,
Selmmbliiu got frightened and Hold 1iI ranch
to Darling lor $100 lu greenbacks and $.M in
coin, and Ntarted to lease the country, but
dually ci'iicluded to loluru. H.i passed
tlirouv.h (his city last .Sunday and n.ud ho
was going up to reclaim Ills ranch; lie Mm
told numerous persons on tho road that he
"would have tho ranch or kill Darling. Ho
atrlxod nt the ranch, called Darling out, and
said to him: It Is you audi Or It." Dar
ling wilA "All right," and ImmudUiely
raised his rule mid sliot, iho ball taking
ettect lu tho eyouiid killing him Instantly.
Darling at once sent fr an oiUcor ami oollv
dred himticlt 1111. This In the Namti ranch
over which S'liamlueu ami Hush had a
shooting hcrapo lni summer. Too H.Ihh
.sVciJomnn luul a ihiViireut version of the af
lair, lu which iitssahl tho quairel arose lu
regard to noiiio e utlo, and that tho party who
dlit the killing was the iKgnn?or fiom the
Sittf Oanai.. Mr. Henry Willis, who
claims to have had much exparumco In Hie
construction of canals In lViuiHjlvnnla, Iiks
prepan'd an estbii.tto of tliu proxvsod ship
cuial from l.ako Michigan to tho Datrolt
river, lulisuiico of ITS miles, Thoexcova.
tloiiN, ho declares, will not uvoraw'o elhi leet
deep toobtutu a depth offourteeu feet. There
aro not one hundred rods of rook excavation
on the w hole route, and but little II any hard
pin or deep .loughs of quicksand. Mr,
Willis' plan is to tow all vessels by locomo
tives, constructing a railroad on thflbuik lor
this purpose, which ho will mako self blip,
porting by loo.il freights ot lumber, rallroud
ties, stone, etc. Tho distance ti ed bet with
Chicago and Detroit by this canal will bo.Vtt
mile. Tho total co.t is estimated at f-V-VW,.
Coal Oil for the Hair.
In his report on tho trade of Nlcolalrfr dur
ing tho pat yoar, Consul Stevens states that
that part of South Hussla continued free
from cattle plaguo. Hut his attention wns
drawn in summer to tho sovoral cases of
suddou baldness of oxen and cows, and tho
loss of tails nud mnno3 among horses, Ho
rocollected that a lornior servantof his, pro
maturoly bald, had got tho habit, whon
trimming tho lamp, of wiping Ills potro-loum-bo-smearod
hands in tho scanty locks
which remained to him. and tho result was
a much llnor bond of black, glossy hnlr than
ho over hnd bofore. At the consul's sugges
tion tho owner of eoveral black cattle and
horses nllVclod as abovo mentioned triod tho
remedy, and found that It dieted a quick
and radical euro. Tho consul ohsorvos Hint
tho potroloum should bo of the most rellned
American quality, and bo rubbed In vigor
ously and qnlokly with the palm of tho hand
at Intervals of threo days, six or novon times
in all. Thoro Is nothing moro ponetrntlng
than potroloum, but wo should prolor know
ing It efllcacy In restoring human hnlr had
been fully ostnbllshod beforo recommending
exporlmonlH hi that dhtction. It might bo
lestod without foar of bad eoiifcequoucoa on
uiuii ariu iinrsos.
Mnrvols of Telegraphy.
Aloat:1 having boon louud to talk audibly
ovor tho electric wiros, wo aro aro now told
that an Instrument lias boon Invented by
which perfoct copies of mesnges, mapw, pic
tures, ota., may bo transmitted. J. 0. Smith
or Havorsnek, N. J., Is tho inventor. At
tho Centennial Exhibition, a specimen of tho
frcHlnillo lolograph was placod In Machinery
Hall, connoctod with another Instrument at
tho Weather Uurrau at Washington. Ily
moans of It tho Hlgnol-Servlco woathor maps
mauo out at wasiimgtoii wero tinny trans
mitted to tho Exposition grounds, Including
lUp fite-timile slgniituroof tho Secretary of
War, which dally appoars upon this ninp,
anil, having boou lltliographod, was printod
and distributed nroclsolv as it had buon
mndoout at Washington. Tlio Inventor Is
seeking capital to bring his lnvontlou Into
genorui uso.
Tki:amuiu: Ki:covi:hi:i. Tho robbery of
Iho stage betwoon La Grando and tho unia
lillii on tho Hist of October, 1S75, Is still from
lu tho minds ot our readers. It will bo re
membered that tho two men Maxon nnd
Horry, woro arrostod for tho deed, nnd after
duo trial woro soutto tlio penitentiary for
in years encn. Alter their imprisonment
thoy confessed their guilt nnd told whoro
tho money was hidden. Col. II. 0. Page,
routo agent of W. F. it Co., obtnlnod a map
showing tho location of the place, and In
company with Lot I.lvcrmoro, agent at
I'endlotou, ami Mr. Maxon, father of ono of
tho prisoners, proceeded to tho place mid
suociodod In finding tho manure, which
eouHlstHofngold bar, two bags ordust,and
a yenst powdtr can containing some gold
nuioinml ourroney, altogether aniouutlng to
some 51,000, Demoemt.
Dl.STUIllll.NO I'UUMO .MKl.TI.NdS. It may
not bo known to ovnrybody thnt tho laws of
Oregon adoquntelv protect nil people mot for
rellgloim worship, or Indeed anv nubile
Minuting or ussombly of people! religious or
otherwise. Section (Ml of tho Codo provldoi
"irany iwjrson iihall wlirully disturh or
Uihqulot any ansontbly or congregation of
people, met for lellgloim worship, whuthor
in a houiioor In tho open air, by cither utter
ing any profane dlscoum), committing any
ritdo or Indecent nut, or leaking anv unneces
sary uolso within tlio place of where such
mooting Ih held, oro ncrltnsto disturb
thoonloriitjd bolomnlly I hereof," such per
H.n, "upoiic-onvletlon thcroof, Hhall bo pun
ished by Imprisonment lu tlio county Jail
not loss than one mouth, nor moro than six
months, or by lino not less than ten dollars,
nor moro titan two hundred dollars."
An English hardware agent who had boou
trying to drum up trade lu Canada, sends to
tho Manchester Uuartlinn a fow doleful Hues:
"I have Just returned from a trip through
tho lower provinces. I Hnd that tho wholo
iiountryj is overun by American tmvolors
soliciting orders lor their manufactures nt
almost any price to secure a wile. I fee) sure
In my own mind thnt a Tory largo propor
tion of the hardware trado Is lost In England.
For lustaiuo,ot lllriultigham and Wolver
hampton wares thoy have secured many of
tho leading lines namely, door locks,
mortise locks, chest mid till locks, cupboard
locks, butts and hinges, carriage bolts, pus
mid boiler tubes, scales, and to a grout extent
hollow-wares. From all I can learn, they
aro lu 11 iiosltlou to retain tho hold they have
Kot." .. ,
The London J-xhu predicts that tho decis
ion of the electoral commission In Washing
ton will boHccepted as tlual by both panics,
It say a thaithb Americans omry their lovo
of the law to a olutof obedionco which Eng
lishmen do not understand: "There is 11
strength lu tho moderation of tho American
character which wo only lead of when It Is
at Us highest tension under military pressure
or great political excitement, as In n Presi
dential crisis. The peoplu who In Victory
could hi ovdly forget nil thoy had Miilerod
lu the civil war urn 11 jwiplo to Im credited
with strength lu their numeration; it is only
ns'ioi.g people thnt does not attaint, im
peach, nor ImprUon for political olfousoi."
Fatal .i cipknt. Yester.lnynuho steam
er Vancouver was making her regular trip
10 V1.11 mver, while orposlto Ward's l.iiiul
diiii; Mr. l'...,:or.ild, tireman, Mumbled and
toll overbo.ird, lltf.ug tiuah.o to swim ho
immcdl itel.v sunk beneath t'10 surface. Tho
mvuleiil was not d leu V" red lu time to tciouo
tho unlortuii.ito 111.111. The Knly was brought
011 boaid cud evcrydli.it poslb!o under
tli'iclrou nis! nice, made to bring him bick to
eviin-SoiiKin h, but to 110 avail. Mr. K. wns
u man of perhaps ItU years of age, 11 good
Mil lib 1 1 bund, and leaves n wilo and llvo
children t mourn his uni.iucly end. lite.
For an empress without an empire, Mr..
Louts Nuis'ifou Is pieit.v wello:!. She tins
ro.11 estito 111 I'nrta valued ut Sl.ivt'i.is'O, on
whi.-.i ther.iaro mortgsga to the extent of
$iMi,iKK). Thou In the pr,tviucos ,siMtt-ri.il
about slm has estates ww iti at least ?l,.,,
000. Only ouo of theo Is niortgtOil. Ha
sulci at) ttieae, tlio Hoii.ip.irte family possess
Uro etites In Spa'u, ttnlv, Srtii.srlaud,
Cornea, and England. As for tho peixuial
projsirty, ostlmites varv, sonio of then
reaching nearly Slft.iHVl.OvH), mid others tail
ing us low us gAOO.QCO.
Tiipclllcl.it returns ol tho Urlilsh Hoard of
Trade ot tho oounuorco of tirent Hriialu for
thetlrt Novell mouths of pst year show an
adven.0 twladco of .'iltiJiU.iHV) against that
fount o 1 tho imports being f l.OSS.t.tXXl Hnd
tho exvnts f59il"0.iXHJ. Trade with tho
United Slates la dwindling hi almost every
article of any ltnsrtaiice.
Eu;ro.v,Feb. i3, IS77.
Mr. Lditor: Ih a communication from
ibis place, dated Feb. Ith, and publNhed
in tho Kaiimku Feb. lii'h. tho name of J. L.
Smith was tirlnted Huv. J. L. Smith, when
It bhonld uot Imvo been. X.
I.ONixiN, March, -.Tho Queen has com
manded JosUh Aelson, origiual of Mrs,
StowH,s"Uiiclo IVmi," to wait upon hor at
Huckluham lalnco today,
Bcnj. Franklin in Franco in 1776.
October 27th completed ono hundred
yetiM slnt'o Dr. Franklin lelt Amt'rieu
for Fiance, on tlio greatest dliilonmtie
mission ever known to this country,
and tho llko ot winch It will iicvm
know usniri. Ho had been appointed a
Commls-sloner -on tlio Llu'th of .Septem
bor, but It was not until a month later
until Sunday. t!m l(ith of October
that lie left J'lillaili'lplilit (uielly; tttul
on tlio liTtli no pniiiarKcti ,:u -nircus
Hook (Chester) on board the sloop-of-war
"Reprisal," Captain Wlcke-. This
lilt! craft, which has a jjoml name in
tho naval htory of tho revolution,
took some prizes on her way to France,
and had n very roujrh time of It, hut
she jot into Quibcron liny on tho .l)th
of IS'oveniber. lmvlnc;cio''-(d the ocean
In thifty-tlirco la.vf, which wnsng-Qod
pnssnye lor those times. Jt was uoc un
til tho Jkl of December, lmwover that
the doctor lauded, lie lieitijr M't ashore,
that day, tit Aur.iy, in Hrittaiiy. lie
reach oil Xniites on tlie 7th, nnd hnd to
stop near tli.it city for some days on tu
count of weakness, for on I.imlliiif he
could hardly Hland.irtid no wonder.forto
make the winter pas-ajje of the Atlan
tic in a .small vessel was no trflle to u
tjentleman who wa.sin tlio clfisliit? days
of his seventy-first yar. ilo arrived
ati'arlsou theiilst of Decemhor, and
entered upon thoo Inbors the etfecl of
which will ha felt while the world .shall
endure. Ifad ho failed in France, the
independence of America lonjr would
have been postponed perhaps It never
would Imvo been made an accomplldho'l
fact and, consequently, the lives of us
all haw been clo-ely ttifected Ity tho ac
tion of the Kroat pliiloopher-diplotnat-1st.
The commonest events of our
every-day existence 'ire ordered by
what he did in the twelve month after
ho reached Frame, tho treaty of ttlll
ttneo between Franco and the United
States holng completed in the early
part of 177S. but resolved tinoii and lire-
pared Mime weeks earlier. Franklin
wns tho real workman in tlio husine-s,
and without his presence in France not
even tho surrender of Hiirgoync, and
Washington' daring-attack on tho vic
torious lCti,'llsh at tiormnnton, would
have induced the French government
to go all lengths lu our favor. What
Franklin then accomplished is the
greatest instance of "the one-man
power" known In our history, unless
llauillton'.s linanclal work bo consid
ered tho equal of it as wo think It
should he. V. C. Ifazorell
And now conies a Homou wonutn who,
to out-do her fashionable sisters with
their twenty-button gloves, litis Invented
and wears forty-button stooklng.s.
Schools lo teach girls pltiln needle worl:
nro proposed in Now Votk. It is need
iesn to Htiy that tho siiccc-m of micIi
schools will prove only .sow-sow.
According to iho Judgment of a Now
MillVml man, who hnd suvou men to us
HlHtlilmtolils feet, "tlio hind cud of u
mulo is much more, pruiimtttro tliun tho
front end."
It loolcs funny to see llieater-gocrs
taking scuts near tho doors on pretoiteo
that they can sou hotter.
"tSIIes, can you conjugate 'bclmvoH?' "
"Ilolmvcs bolioovos bvohlven be "
"Sec, horo! You go anil stand In tho cor
ner." "riotuuisjtist as loud as a now quar
ter," chttoklcs Mldtitf, as ho drops n llvo
cent nickel Into tho contribution box.
A hotel ghost come under tho head of
inn spectres.!.
Can a good plain cook bo also ti protty
one '.'
Tho People, want Proot.
Thoro Is no inedlolno prescribed by puysl
elans, or sold by DruggUU, thatearrloa such
evidence of Iim hiiccoso nnd miporlor vlrtuo
as ltoscitun's UiuiMAN Sviiri' for Hovore
Coughs, Colds nettled on tho lire iHt, Com.
sumption, or imvdi-tase of tho Throat and
Luugs. A nioofoftha: faet is that any per
son itlllletod,cHii get a Kaniplo Hottlo lor 10
eontn and try Uh superior etfu.-: heium buy
ing the regular Mao at 73 cents. It low latelv
boon Introduced m this country from tier,
many, and Its wonderlul cures are hioiiU'i
lug every ono that usou It. Threo Uusoh will
rollevo any case. Try it. Sold by
(Jtilto ti number of per.ons havo rivalled
theinselvra ot ouroil'.-r to id low 11 yum. sub
scription 10 anj ono who will hond us thrco
now nam, s, ot subcrllnrs who will pay
their subscriptions in advance or within the
year, o wo roreut tho proposition lot tin
beuetli of our readers,
Any poreon procuring tbroo now subscrlb.
orswho will py In nilvuuco or will pay
within tlio ywr, can hao their own copy
froo for tho present year.
U Is of eouwo ii Isiblo to bond tho money
with the names where practicable, but whoro
It is ihvilred wo cm wait until mxi Kali.
Any ono not 11 subscriber can havo tho
r.MiMKi; ouo year on tho same tonus,
ThoMiofotir friends who aro in arrears
can huvo a yenr'j credit on account fir ovory
threo suhbctiber. pwjurod for tho Kaumuh.
All w III of course understand that wo can
1101 credit them until tho subscriptions they
send aro paid up.
As wo cuntiot utl'ord to pay traveling
ageiiln, wo mako this liberal ptopo-al to any
and all person-, wlwtiicr they aro auberlo
on. of the rAUMintor not.
Times buing a littlo bird, Just kuop this
uuitter lu mind and save something for your
helves as well us help us,
lo all uivitibertt of jour tlranoor Loduo,
and all your respouibiu neighbors tako the
Faumku? If not, why not? If they will
tako It, you cm mako u commission by
sending in iholr names.
til... f...H .1..!.. ... o. . ,'
fcoptc l 4, m.4 Sccni' of Silcin suit tho arroaml
lili,K??,ir,i M1-11 I'Uw.'ph, In InJU bit. OU
or Wi Color.
Which may bo dnno with end-fourth tho usual
expense, by wing our
(Fifteen Ycitrn listabllslieil)
Fire-proof, Waler-prnnf, Duvablc,
economical ami ornanicnliil,
A roof may ho coTerrrt with a vcrv etieap fhltiRle,
nart by npiillcatlon of ihl" Klatf lie innrtt to Inst from
on t.i )-. viMtn IIM rniifVi rati ha ufltchoit anu coated.
lookltn: much better ntul lasting longer than new
ehlugle without the elate, for
One-llilnl (lie Cost ol Ko-slilngling.
The expense or slating now shliudi Is .only about
the cost of simply laving them. Tho paint 1 run
moor against sparku or llylng em'jers, ne may bo
easily tested by any one.
ami for tin or Iron has no equal, ns It expands by
heat, ctntracts by rold.amt NKVKiicnAi'i iiorKnlc.
ltools covered with Tar Sheathing l'ult cm be made
water tlcht at a small eapensc, and pioserved for
tnnny years.
This felate Paint Is
Two cillons will cover a hundred sipiarn feet of ohln-uk-ioor,
while on tin. Iron, felt, matched tionnl.. or
anv smooth surrace. tmm two (juarls to ouu uallou
are required le 111 scpisre feet of surface, mill ol
thoagli the paint has a heavy body It Is easily ap
plied Willi a brush.
Xo Tnr Is used In tills Coinnosltloit.
therefore, It neither cracks In Winter, nor rum In
hummer. ...
On iltpuveil shingles. Its fill iit Iho holes and
pores, untl gives n new substantial roof that will
last for years I'i-iilkd en wawkii shlncles It briiiaa
to their places, and keeps them there. It Mils up all
boles In full i-fiols. stons Ibu lr.lks-nild r.ll liouuli .'
' ver, rain does not ntl'out It a low hours after
.W't'.iiK. As nearly nil julnts that nre black cdn
t'.i'i tab, bo sure you obtain our genuine, article,
W!u.h ifor shingle toofs) Is
when first aiipllcd, clianctug In nbout a month to a.
iiiifoim flatu color, and U to nil Intents aud puiposS
oar red co'or Is nstnlty prefernd, nsonccoat Is ciptnl
to llvo or any ordinary jinlnt. For
Hitr ntuutiT nr.Dlsthoonlyrellahluyiate Paint ever
Introduced that will clftctunlly prevent dampness
from lienc trntlug and discoloring the plaster.
these ualntsnro also lar.'ely used on out houses,
and retires, or n a priming cent on lino building.
Ouroulveolur.iuroCitocoi.ATi:, ltKti, II111111IT lino,
atal OitAMig.
. (iallous. c.inniid box .I C
in " Uvj li,V)
v.) " iiairbirrel ,ir. mi
III ' ono barrel no 00
Wo Imvo In stock, of our own mauufariuri', routing
WAti'rinls. etc., at the following bAv tuleer:
Kimi rolls extra Kuhber Hooting, nt II cents per
sipinro foot. (Or wo will furnish llubher Hooting,
Nail. I'.ips nnd Hlate Paint for an entire new roof, nt
A cents per sipinro foot )
jijuii runs -j-iiiyiairoa loraang 1 en, ai i, cenm
Her Fiitiarofiml.
;s roes a-piy -rarreu iiooutig cit, at 'ty,
9M rolls Tarred tihcathlii
at cent, per square
noTe nilious tTno Kn.inicl Paint, mixed renuv foruse,
en liirl'liinr outside work, at $'J per gallon alt sluelcs.
1mm lit. Is bloto flour per Mil. U to
piiM 1'o.ipstoni 1'Iotir J aro
HM " (iniiion Mineral " nun
1K0 " Mei'il'le I'alnl, dry " ."HO
Hpixtul tulces per ton orr.tr-load lots.
All order must ho nrconipnulcd with tho money, or
subject tn! days draft on woll known parlies
X. Y. SL.lTi: l'AIXT C03IPAXV,
ilPlSntt ll Allll Maiden I.nsc, New York.
Eeaver Glen Nursery.
a uiioicn cou.i:crr:oN or'
irixit Trees
.irvn. s.iiii.c. jpkvit.s.
g. w.Trowr,
Proprietor, SflJLl.lIITY, Marion Co. Or
For Sale!
TUB FINK HESIDBNCH corner of Com-ner-
; ;i ciJi ami jiiviiou rirecis, in ursirnniv siniallon,
vit.wllli lions J l.i ree. well ilnlshcd. ninl ronveuii'iit.
ly nrninsed, nnd grounds tistefully nrnumeiited. Will
00 una -xrox'y JLOXT" aim on accomuuxl'iliui;
terms. Apply to
liK") AVISiMN,
scpSI 1'dttonV Illoclc MotoUt.. bAUN.
Stubborn Coughs and Colds yioia
promptly to tho healing mul eura
tlvo propertlo1' of Dr. .Tuyno'i Kt
peetoriuit. It loosens nnd promotes
tho expectoration of Irritating mat
ter, mitigates much pain and dis
tress, and chocks xnllamniallon.
Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat
Troubles aro at onco rollovcd by
Ir. Sayav'n I.iKctornti(. It re
moves constriction of tho Ilromlilal
tubes, loosriiH phlegm, Booihes mid
heals theniucoi'.K inonibrano, arrests
any feverish tendency, and hclpa to
forward a gradual cure.
Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lunp
AffCCton8 aro goucrally controlled
anil ameliorated by lr. Jnyue'n Kx.
ieetmiint. It baves tho lunga from
much Irritation and distress, by re
lieving them of tho irritating matters
by which thoy nro clogged, It also;
suppresses Inflammation and glvoajjj
tho affected parte a chaneo to heal. U
Whooping Coiirjh.Croup and Hoarse
ness aro efllcaclotisly treated by ir.
Jnyno'n Ilvjiect.iniiit. It removes
dlrtlculty of breathing and oppres
sion In tho throat or lungs, promotes
tho ejection of mucus and subdues
tho lolcnco of these complaints ut
tho outlet. It Is a Safo Family Cura
tive, of loug-cstabllshoil reputation,
and whero promptly administered,
has onablcd many to escape serious
Luug Affections.
T A. DAVIS & CO.. WhoimlcAcenU.Port'jni!
On2on. iwl5m
'im. k. y. cii.vm:,
BI!?JKT.P-S0V,,te,SBr'''toaU-H' Volattecr. -Oatce,
Uublu'e block, uv aulrt, uT