V3 iiWu) ., HWXHfi V . - ffl ? WILLAMETTE FARMER. ry TrE hjofE Circle. Conducted by Ml! I llATTIK II, CI.AHKK, THE PARTING HOUR. Thoro'a Homethlng In tbo parting hour Will chill tho warmest, heart Yot klndrod, couitados, lovers, frionds, Are latod nil to part; But thli I've soon nnd nmuy a pang 1I8 pressed It to my mind Tho ono who poos Is huppler Thau thoso ho leaves bohlnd. No mnttor what tho Jouruoy bo, Adventurous, dangerous, lur, To tho wild deep or bleak Ironllor, To solitude or war Still something cheers tho hoart that daroi In all of human kind, And they who go aro happier Than thoso thoy leavo bohlnd. Tho brldo goes to tho bridegroom's homo With doubling:! and with toars, But does not hope her rainbow spread Across hor cloudy four.? Alaol tho mother who remains, What comfort can alio find, But this tho gono Is happier Thau ono sho lenvos behind. Havo you a frloinl noomrado dear? An old and valued frluud? Bo suro your torm of lutorcourso At longth will hayo an end. And when you part as part you will Oh! tako It not unkind, If ho who goes Is happier Thau you ho loavoa bohlnd. Uod wills It so and so it Is; Tho pilgrims on their way, Though weak and worn, morocheorful aro Than all tho rent who stay. And whon, at last, poor man Mibdtiod Lies down to (loath roslguod, May ho not still bo happier far Tim u those ho lo.ives behind. MCKENZIE. jiy jkssii: a. i). " Dear Frioml Gorlrtulo: Sitting on the summit of the hill Hint rises at tho roar of niy futhor'a beautiful rositlenee, my thoughts ily back with tlto twenty yenrd that liavo passed sineo I first iw tliis lovoly plnco. Iloiucmborlug that you havo often requested mo to tell you of my life in Oregon, I will en deavor to relate tho most interesting portions In a scries of letters to you, which, from tho name of my old home stead, and tho river it is on, I will term ' McKonzio.' Never will 1 forgot tho delight with which I behold this my futttro homo. Sitting by my brother's side in tho little skill' that Father was rowing Ifolt as if wo were drifting In to some fairy land, hitherto unexplor- oil. 'Twas tho second day of April, and tlto banks woro lovely with dasies, violets, and InitteruJtps. Tho hills ris ing and stretching away in tho back ground woro covered with majestic fir, plno and cedar trees. To our left was a small opening; and passing through this wo came Into a field, or clearing, of perhaps twenty acres. Tlioro, Father had planted his first crop of wheat, In Oregon. About fifty yards from tho river's bank, on a little knoll Ftootl a tiny board (or shako) shanty, for iilch wo started upon stopping from tho boat. With what curious eyes did Mother, Harry, and I survey tho Iltlio house. Yes, wo had seen others like It, but It scorned odd that uc wero going to actually live in ono. It consisted of ono room, sixteen by eighteen feet. Tho iioor was rough boards laid cross wise tho firo-placo was composed of stonos, sticks and mud. "Pooh! This ain't no houso at all; wo'vo left tho nico llttio cottage and farm away back in Now York for tills kind ot a place, and I Just ain't 'goin' to Ilvo In It either." was my brother's comment. " Now, Harry, wo don't Intend to re main in this, for, as soon as your father can get the garden planted and fenced, ho will go to work on a new house, and then wo can uso this one for a chicken coop;" remonstrated mother gently. JJut come, let us straigliton up this bit of furnittiro that Father brought up on tho scow yesterday," sho continued briskly. Thus urged, Harry and I sot to work and soon hud ovorythiug arranged to our satisfaction. That ovening wo gathered 'round tho firo and begged Mother for a story, as wo had been wont to do in our old home. And, as wo listened to tho slmplo history of our Puritan forofathors, wo felt very much as If wo woro witli them at their homos in tho wilderness. Then our dear, gontlo Mother Impressed their sacrod ideas on our young minds, and so deeply that wo nover forgot thorn. Oh! I thank my Uod that I am now in tho land of tho nti:i:, whero overy 0:10 can worship their Creator as they choose. But, dear Gertrude, tho sun I blnklng slowly behind tho hills, and as ho goes, hU lingering beams kiss tho clouds and treetops a gonllo good night, and casting reflections on tho bosom of tho McKonzie, chango the color of tho silver waters, till wo could fancy it gold. As I havo promised to tako a boat rldo this ovonlng, I must go." (To be continued.) Why is a pair of skates like an ap pla'.' 'llecauso thoy both have occasion ed tho fall of man. Fault-Finding. There aro many peoplo in this world that can seo no good in any but them selves. They can seo everybody's faults but their own. They seem to bo very sociable while you aro witli them, but as soon as your back Is turned they will find fault witli you and criticise in dif ferent ways. In fact they say you aro out of your plnco, for you talk too much for a lady and that you should stay at homo and tako caro of every thing out of doors and in tho houso, while your husband is going to all tho public gatherings in tho surrounding country. Then thoy will begin to find fault with tholr neighbor's religion and say that ho is no bettor than thoy aro themselves, for ho does things that thoy would not do for tho world. So thoy go on with their fault-finding nnd say If they owned a certain man's farm they would got rich in Ilvo years, whero ho only makes u good living. How is it that tliis class of peoplo nev er seo any good in their follow-bolngs? Is it because thoy havo no confidonco in mankind? Or is it becauso they look on tho dark sldo of ovorythiug? I think if peoplo would learn to watch over each other for good and not for ovll, there would bo a better stato of things in tho world. Mns. K. Waldo Hills. BREVITIES. Tho occasions in Ilfo when wo aro called on to mako substantial sacrifices for others, and to perform acts of heroic kindness, aro rare ; but the occasions when wo can show llttio attentions nnd do small human charities occur every day in tho week. When Sydney Smith compared mat rimony to a pair of shears, ho divided tho latter evenly botweon tho man and tho wife. Since that time, however, things havo so changed that tho wom an has come to bo regarded as tho shears and tho man as the shorn. Truth hi immortnl; the sword cannot pierce it, firo cannot consumo it, pris ons cannot incarccrato it, famine can not starvo it. Tho best dowry to advanco tho mar riage of a young lady is, to havo in her countenance mildness, in her speech wisdom, and in her behavior modesty. Tho most laconic will on record is that of a man wuo died in 170'i). It runs thus : "I have nothing: Iowo a great deal tho rest I glvo to the poor." Many a farmer's boy goes Intosomo city, and struggles nlong until middlo life, with nothing to show for his labor except that ho has thoroughly learned that a half starved lawyer is loss to bo envied than a well fed fanner. Woman .should bo counseled nnd confided in. It Is tho beauty and glory of her naluro that it instinctively grasps at. and brings to light trutli and right. Reason, man's greatest faculty, takes time to hesitate before it decides; but woman's instinct novor hesitates and is scarcely over wrong whore It has even chances with reason. Wo man feels where man thinks, nets whero ho deliberates, hopes whero ho dospalrs.and triumphs wlioro ho falls. A woll-ordered houso Is a paradlso on earth. No othor earthly pleasure Is equal to tho calm contentment of the family fireside. Tho excitement of oven oiiccossful business Is attended with vexation; tho onjoymontof travol Is associated with fatiguo and danger and oven tho pleasures of knowledge aro combined with bitterness. Hut tho happiness of tho fireside is unalloyed. CHOICE RECZPES. To Plmufy Wati:k. Put a good sized pieco of charcoal Into a can of water; it will collect all Impurities. Wash it when tho wator is changod. Aim'm:s in Rici:, Scoop out tho cores, aim paro very neatly a hair doz en good-sized apples; boil them in thin clarified sugar; lot them imbibe tho sugar and bo careful to preservo tholr form. Miilrrt n mui'mutiulx vllli't.ii other apple, adding to itrico boiled In iiiiiu, wiui hugnr mm muter, aim tnu yolks of two or three eggs; put them Into a dish for table, surround it with a border of rico and marmalndo and bako It. Aim'ij: Float. Preparo 12 tart ap ples, if) for sauce. Whon cold, add two whites of eggs, beaten; then beat tho wholo till .still'. Mako soft custard of th( yolks. Put tho apple in tho custard and servo with cream. Ai'Pt.i: Pi'wu.vu. Pare, com and chop five or six apples, a quarter of a pound of suet; blanch and pound one dozen sweet almonds; half a pound of currants, a small cup of sugar, half of a nutmeg, bread crumbs and Hour in equal quantities; teaipoonful of salt, tho whites of !l eggs well beaten; Just milk enough to mix a wine glass full of brandy tho last thing. From ten to 1 ouiicen of bread crumbs and Hour mako a good sized pudding, but If moro Hour is liked, add a teaspnonful of baking powder, sifted dry in tho Hour. Chkai' CiiN(ii:unui:.u. Ono table spoonful lard, one cupful good molasses, ono cupful boiling water, ono teaspoou ful ginger, one of soda; salt and Hour. NOW. Don't live a singlo hour of your Ufa without doing exactly what Is to bo donoiu it, and going straight through it from beginning to ond. Vork,pltiy, study, whatever it Is, tako hold at onco and finish it up squarely and cleanly; and then to tho next thing without letting unyiinoments drop out between. It Is wonderful to seo how ninny hours these prompt peoplo contrive to make of a day; it is as if thoy picked up tho moments tho dawdlors lost. And if ovor you flint yourself whore you havo so many tilings pressing upon you that you hardly know how to begin, lot mo toll you a secret; tako hold of tho very first ono that comes to hand, and you will find tho rest fall Into file and follow like a company of well-drilled soldiers, and though work may be hard to meet when It charges in a squad, It is easily vanquished if you bring it into line. You may havo often scon tho anecdote of tho man who was ask ed how ho accomplished so much in ills life. "My father taught me," was the reply, "when 1 had anything to do do, to go and do It." Tho Schoolboy's Apples. A South Hill school-marm, the other day while working an example on tho board detected an urchin directly be hind her in the unlawful act of devour ing an apple. Sho said to him, " Tim. what aro you doing?" "Notliin," said Tim with his mouth so full that his checks stuck out on either side of his head like tin nldormnn's stomach. "Yes you are, paradoxically Insisted tho tcachor. "What have you In your hand?" "Nnpple," said Tim, with f-ome sur prise, as ho looked at the fragment of tho apple in his hand and wondered who had bit it whllo ho was studying. " What has becomo of the rest of it?" "Dunno," paid Tim, lookingaround in an amazed eil'ort to discover who had tho rest of It. " Somobody's been eat on' It." " Havo you any more?" de manded tho teacher. ' Yes'm," said Tim, dolerully, "Got 'nuthor." "Whero Is It?" relentlessly pursued tho teacher. " In my desk," sighed Tim, as ho began to suspect that tho teacher was going to demand It of him. " Well tako it out and go and stand one the platform and eat It." " Kat 'em both?' "Yes, eat them both." "Kat 'em all?" "Yes, eat all you have," Impa tiently responded tho teacher, and, turning to the board, continued, " and don't you leavo that platform while you havo any apple uneaten." Sileuco reigned in tlio school-room. Tho paper pellet pursued Its tranquil transit unobserved and the busy hum of tho students mado more noise than tho cautious smile of tho indolent. Tim stood at Ills post. Munch, munch, nulucli. Tho fragment in his liauti soon disappeared, and he fell upon the other apple silently but determinedly. Quickly it follows tho first. Then he nut his right hand into his pantaloons pocket and took out an apple, and after a cautious reconnoitre, miring which 110 wiped It on his trowsers, ho began tlto attack. Ho carried tho fort. Another npplo was brought to light. It was quickly despatched. A third followed. Ho changed his position, nnd, resting tho weight of his body on his loft leg, sighed as ho drew from his loft breech es pocket another apple. By the time ho produced tho eighth npplo ho was silently being obsorvod by two-thirds of the boys hit tho room. In surprise tho tcachor saw him reach for still another, and when that was gone, surprise grow to amnzement as Ids unwavering hand sought the mouth of that gaping pocket. As tho boy ato ho grow In dimensions, and tho teach er becamo alarmed. There scomod to be no ond to tho apples ho had in his clothes. "Tim, for nioroy's sake, havo you any moro apples?" Uot 'nother,' said Tim Indlirerently. " How many moro apples havo you?" "Dunuo," said Tim, "guess two or thrco more." Tho teacher did not dare to let him proceed, and appointed herself an in vestigating committee to look after tho back counties. Tho boy nover changed a muscle of hlscounteiiauco nor moved an inch whllo the tenehor pulled apple after npplo from his coat and piled them upon tho desk, until tlioro was .some thing less than a peck piled up, with Dado county to hoar from. The school room was a .scono of hilarity which wasn't so much subdued as It lias been. Tim had laid in npplofor tho winter, and tho pockets of his coat having no bottom, tho coat was thus an Immense bag, which would hold as many apples as ho could carry. Tho matter hasn't been laid before the school board yet, but tho oxhau.sted school ma'am declares that the next time sho will learn how much of acrop of upnlos a boy has about him hefom sho issues any orders. JtuvllnytoH Jiawiceye. A llAi'i'Y Woman. Hero Is some thing for tho fair sex. A hr.ppy wo man! Is sho not the very sparkle and suiinhlno of life? A woman who Is happy becauso sho can't help It whoso snillo oven tho coldest Fprluklo of mis fortune cannot dampen. Men mako a terrible mlstako when they marry for beauty, for talent or for style. Tho sweutest wives aro those who possess tho magic secret of being coiitonted under any circumstances. Rich or poor, high or low, it makes no differ- mififi? tliu friinif tilt, nf tw Itntililf.u mi Just as musically in their heaits. A Philadelphia letter sys: The last vol umiii of tho library of (lonoral Gooro Washington wrrosccUUred to tho wind by tho lest heir of tho family. Liwronoj Washington, at Thomas' miction roam to day. Tlitt youn man, who wa'i pros'iitt at tlio sab, Is a grt-at,.giatuUou 01 (ieneral Washington's Lrother, and son of tlio Into John A. Washing on. Tho book wero stored in a room uf ;i houso belonging to tlio family, which watt tented ton I'omiHylvunlaii who promised thai It should bo leapt con stantly looked. Whon Mr. Washington ex amined tlio library, ho found that volumui had disappeared that tho autographs had boon clipped front other, and that tlioro was danger that the, wholo collection would bo scattered In a tew years, and Its authen ticity destroyed. Thero was 110 doubt what ever oi tho authenticity of tho volume st this time. Thero was a largo number of literary won, booksellers and private collec tors present. FRUIT TKEES ! Prices to Suit tlio Hard Times! Woodburn Nursery, WOOBBUXLN, 2l2AZlXOaT CO., OHEOOIT, A Choice Selection of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental, ..AND.. Nut-Bearing TREES, Vines, and Shrubbery, Plum and Prune Trees, Constantly on Hand. AHimESS, J. H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn. Send for circular, cifttf ATTENTION kSHEEP GROWERS!! S& a sum: cuits pou Scab, Sorow Worm. Foot Hot, and all Parasitos that infost Slioop. T IS SAI'KIt, llETTElt, AND VASTLY CIinAP THAN ANY OTIIKIl KKFKOTUAL IIKMRUY KOIt TUG TItKATMKNT Of SIinKP. IT Improves the Health OK TUB ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. CPA" Ono Riillon I (Miotic!! fur nno hundred to two huii1r((lHUci',ftcc(iriliiiK' to their sro, rtrciiKtli, nnd lumuuuil. It 11 put tip In l'IVE-(IALLON OANB-I'rlco, (12 porcAti. Head for circular, to T. A. DAVIS &. Co.. I'OIITLANI), OltUOON, Wlin!oiile AcoiiIn lor tlio Ntntc, Or to your m-nrott Itctnll Hrutxln. mvfl IfHAftt jy it TTIEUNriT'TTIl.ES STORE. I HAVE I'UItCHAHUI) THE KNTIIIB lutcr.-Ki or .tlcrrH, lcutoii & LniiKhary In tnu I'lirnlturo Htoro on thoum rlduof Commercial Street, .Nulrin, mill flmll kop on band n (HiNICKAL AH H01tT.MK.NT of nIx for tho retail triulu. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY rnrlor & Climnlicr SvAh, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, ROCKERS, &.C., Ily tlio fft or liu;lu piece. Repairing and Jobbing DONE IN THE IIEST MANNKIt, And at reasonable price, n I nm a practical workman JOHN CRAY. Halcm, .Inly li, IWi.y STORTH SALEM STORE. "W. DL.. AVAJJli!, A V THE DltlfiK HTOIIE. HAH JUST ItECEIV C. I'd a full Ar.urtmt'iituf G-oaoral Merchandise, Dry Goods, Grooones, Boots &, Shoos, Hardware, Clothing iWMlltcd for the City and Cnnntry Trado. IloiiL-ht at ww, Anil will b fold at an HMAI.L A I'ltOKrr, as JwM who BULL AT COST. lUoodn delivered to iuv imt ol tho cltv free ol cliarire, NovHv Homo -Mado and Hand-Made 11 O OT S . IK V00 WANT A (lOOI)-KITTINO I'INE HOOT you can bo accommodated by calling At ArnistrtMiir'N .Shop, On Stato Htrt'vt. oppa.llo WU.MH'K HOOK HTOIIE. A I.I. Worn; Wausantkd. I'rlcvn Hkakonaiii K. Kiiitulrini: r tallii awl tinwhtlu tlm.t. dm: .Mk a Cau.. .iclMf W.U. AlUI.STItOMJ. SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! ForOld,and Young. to-Sighted and Near-Sighted, MiootliiK-t.liikkrn .NporUmen, HTKKL, HILYEIt, AND OOLI) KltAMKH. AM prepared t) mpply Miftuclmto lit all uyct.at price to milt. W W. JT1AUT1N, Jeweler & OptUluu, Hank lllotk", Htalu Ht. !utuin linulll lullt f.m Salem. (y l'J, lsM Z.UOXUX SBZiXi, Huccertor to J. M. Kkeleh & Co., OS Liberty (., - NIJW YOltK, CoiiiiuIhmIoii A-tftsiit I710U I1UVIN0 AND KOHWAHWNU FHOM ' New Vork via Irthmu, 1'acldc Itallroid, and Capo Horn, all kludu of Mercbandlte, and for the rale of i'roducu from tho 1'actCc coatt, for the collection of uwia-y, Ac octbtf MARK THESE FACTS ! TIIK TESTIMONY OF THE WIIOliK WOULD. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. .ZjB-Lot tlio sittVorlnrrrtnil dlsoasod rontl tlio following. $-ir LpmUI who havo boon plvon tip by Don lorn, nml spokoti of ns Incurable, reiul tlio fol lowing. jrO-Iifltnll who can bollovo facta, mul cau ltHVof.Utli In ovldonco, riMultho following. Know all mon iiv TiiKHi: lUtusiiNTH, Tlmt, on this, tho Twontloth day of .liino, in tho year of Our Loril Ono Thousand KlRht II un drod and Slxty.alx, porsoiuilly ctiino .Tosoph Itaydoclc, tomo known as Mich, and boltiR duly Hworn, doposod aafollowH: "That ho I.i tho nolo Kiuionu RKout for tho United Klaton mid dopoudonclosthoroof for picparatloiiHor tupdinltit's known us Dr. Hollow h.v'h Pills ami Olntmout, nnd that tho following certifi cate aro vorlMtiiu eopioH to tho bost of his kuowloduo and bollof. JAMKS SMKlTltK, L.s.l olnrv l'liulli', M Vfall Siri-ot, Now York. JONi: 1st. 1800. Du. IIolloway: I tako my pon io wrllo you or my grout rollol, und tliat tho awful IniIii In my sldo hns loft mo at la.nl IhnnkN to your PlllH. Oh, Doctor, how thankful I am that I van pot sonio Hloop. I can novor wrlto It cuotiph. I thank you nnln anil n(ialn, mid am suro that you aro really tho friend of all sull'orors. 1 could not help wri ting to you, nnd hopo you will not tako It amiss. JAMKS MYK1W, 110 Avoutto D. This Is to cortlfy that 1 was illHoharped from tho army with Olironlo Dlarrlm-n, and havo boon cured by Dr. Holloway'H PIIIr. WIIONv HAUVKY, Now York, April 7, ISM. at 1'ltt Street. Tho follow I nir Is mi IntoroRtltiij cao of n man omployod in an Iron Foundry, who, In potirinp molted Iron into a HhhU that wan damp and wot, cauiod an oxplo.xloii, Tho melted Iron wax thrown around mid on him In a perfect Nhowor, and ho was burned dreadfully. Tho followlni; certlllcato wan pivou to mo, by him, about olpht weokH afior tiionccuioni: New Yoitit, Jan. In, Km. Mv nrtiuc la Jacob lLmlvt 1 nm nn Iron Fouudor. I was badly burnt, by hot Iron li November hwt: mv burim healed, but I had a runtiltiK horo on my l''K that would not neai. l triou uoiioway'H umtmeni ami it ourod mo In a fow wooks. This In nil true, nnd nuyhody can hoo mo nt Jncknou'H Iron worita, -m Avouuo. J. HAltDY, HDGoorcliSt. Kxtrwls rrom Various idlers. " I had no appotlto; Holloway'H 1'llln Ravo mo a hearty ono." " Your IMUh aro mnrvoUouR." " I hond for another box, and koop thorn in tlio houso." "Dr. IIolloway ban cured my hondaoho that was olironlo." " I riivo ono ol your J'IIIm to my bnbo for uhnlern murium. Tho dear llttio thing p,ot well in a day." " My uatiHon of a morning Is now ourod." "Your box of Holloway'H Ointment ourrtl mo of noUos In tho head. I rubbed xotuo of your olntmout behind tho oarn , and tho hoIao him loft." " Soud mo two Iioxch, I want ono for n poor family." " I onoloao a dollar, your prlco Is U.r emits, but tlio modiolno to mo in worth a dollar." Bond mo Ilvo boxeH of your IMIIh." " Let mo havo throo boxoMnf your l'llla by roturn mall, for OIiIIIh and Kovur." I havo over '200 such TestliuonliilH ax thoao, but want of npaco compolH mo to conclude For Cutaneous Disorders, Ami all oruptlniiH of tho Hkln, this Olntmout In most Invaluable. It doox not ueal oxtor imlly nlouo. hut poiiotrales with tho utont HoarohliiK oIl'octH to tho vory root of tho ovll. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Invariably euro tho following iIIkounoh: Disorders or tlio Kldnt'iN. In all (llwoaHOH all'ootliig Hiono orgaim, whothor thoy Nocroto too much or too llttio water; or whothor (hoy ho nlllicted with Ntono or gravel, or with iiuIioh and iialim not tlod In tho loltm ovor tho roglouu of tlio kid noyH, these I'lllHHhnuld bo tukoii Hceonllng to tho printed directions, and tho Olntmout Hhould bo well rubbed Into tho Hiuall of tho baok at bed time. This treatment will glvo almost Immediate ml Nil' whit" nl other meniiH havo faillod. For btomaclis out or Order. No modiolno will no clloctiially lmprovo tho tone of tho Ntomauh as tlatio I'IIIn; thoy remove all acidity, ooimhIoiioiI olther by In temiKiraueo or Improper diet. Thoy reach tho liver and reduce It to a healthy notion; thoy aro wonderfully elllcaclous In cuhuh of npasni In fact they novor tail In curing nil dlhordom of the liver and htouueli. HMowu'j't 1'iUi tu wviMjur Ague, AhtlllllB. HIIIouh Com plaint, Illotoheson tho Skin, Howol Com plalntu, CollcH, Constipation of the llowols, ('oiisiimptiou, Inflammation, Jaundice, I.Ivor Com plaints, Liunbauo, I'ilcw, ItluiiuuntlHin, Itetontlou of Urlno, Surofiila, or KlugH'H Kvll, Soro ThroatH, t the Uit irimtlij liioti'ii In the Debility, Dropsy, DyHontory, KryHlpolan, Kemalo Irregu- lurltlos, FoverHofall kiudH, FltH, (lout, lloadaeho, Indigestion, Stone it Urn vol, Secondary Symptoms, 'i'lO'Dolouroux, TiimorH, Ulcers, Venoral Alfoc- tlons, Worms of all kinds, WoakncHS I'roin any cmibo, Ao, I.III'OltTAXT CAIITIOX. Nono are gotiuliio v .ess tho Hlgnaturt J. I1aiooic, us ngeiil lor tlio Uiii'edStatoH, hurrouiiilsoach box of 1'ills, huiI Ointment. A IianilhOino reward will bo given tn any ono rnudnrlng huoIi Inlormatloii as may lead to the detection of any party or parlltH coun terfeiting the inedlciiiea or vending tho same, knowing them to bo purioiis, ' Sold at tho MatiufuoUtrv of Professor Hoi.lowav it Co., Now York, und by all rcspoctublo UriurgistH mid Dunlins In Modi olno throughout tho civilized world, in box es at '2S cents, UU cents, ami $1 wioli. i)" There Is conHldorablofcavlug by tak linr tho larger hIzoh. N. It, Directions for tho guldnuro of pa tients lu overy disorder nro alUxud to eaclt box, He'Jy. I i - I ta ij 'i Al'Mt'ivw'J -?