,3SWrSr1S!BK2SS5 e WILLAMETTE FARMER. DznsoTonY. OPPICKHN oftlio NATIONAL UIIANGE. Jllatttr-Jnin T. .Toncf, Ilarton. Phillips. Ark. OcertttrJ. .1. Woodman, Paw Pmv, an Uarcn, Mich. fctittirA. II. Hmcdley.Crcsco. Howard, In. tttnntnt-A. J. VmiKlitl, AN-ninlilF. Tcliti. Au't Wfcww Mwtlincr Whitehead, Mlddlobusb, tfomurset, N. J. ... ... nniiiilalnH. II. Kill. SprliigboroURh. Warren, O. TruumirY. M. McDowell, wnync, Hteuucn,a. 1. 11'...... l!V. I.III1 SV 0. KV. .-r-0. Dinwiddle, Orchard (Trove, Ilid. tiiCrttmuO. II. Kelle, llntfi.lvi, lj-r O. llltlttl t!rrn Mm. .Tfiliti 'I'. Jones. lUrtotl. I'hlllllis. Ark ri-.Mrs. Samuel IJ. Adams, Montlcello, Mlliti. IKimnwt- Mrs Harvey (lixltlaru, North (Jranby. Ct. . AfMdnt .Vfcii'iDtf .Miss Carolina A. Hall, Jt.oulsWIle, lfy. EXKITTIVK CIIMMITTKE. I). Wyutt Aiken, (Chairman,! Cokcsbury, 8, C, 1!, It. Shanklaml, lliihiiuu. fowa. Dudley T. Chase, Chrcmont.N. II. Aloiixo (I lder, Uoik I'nllc, Whiteside, III. W. II. Chambers, OswctLheu, Itiisecl). Ala, Olllrvrn (il'Ori'son State (JruiiKC Mnnlir Win. Cyrus, Hi-Io. Oltiri A. It. Shljiley, Ucwi'Cii. Jsvtwtr- .Mrs. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity. Kviilml T. I,. Davidson. Halcm. Kttinml W. II. Tlnniin, Wnlln Wnlla, W. T. A"'lii'l Stncaril (I. W. Kiddle, Canyonvlllu. Ciiiiliitii - W. II. (Iruy, Astoria. 'J'lfii'iitu -H. I'. Leo, I'orllnnd, (nlt-luifrA. II. (Irabain, Fisher's Landing, Clark county, W. T. f.Vrc Mrs. II. A. Miller, .Jacksonville. I'oiiuiini Mr. 8 I). Durham, McMllinvlllc. 7fl -Mrs. K. A. Kelly. Knit Portland. Mill A"'t SIhihiiI Mri. Oiorlil Smith, Hood Jtlver, Wuio rutin y. Kiftiilln IMiiiMtftir -Win. Cyrus, Htloj It. Clow, Dallas; K. L. Smith, Hood Itlvur. Mute :itnt" A 'Jin I -S. P. Leu, Portland. Statu Granjjo Deputien for 1877 lml OJJlct. Ktirm. lir.NTIIN. A HoMu Crnlllf Corvullli" 1'I.AI I. AMAH. Kimrli Slilnlno Iliillu Click V, Wltaiuhill Unxon City not m.Ai. .1 W Haj.- MyrlloCrcek ,M (laidnur llrnlnV htutloi Wt.TNOMAM. , PI)iiiiton Kelly I.'it I'orl laud.... Cast I'urtlalid MAIIIOS. V V Castlemat Iluttovllle l W Hunt.... 4AI IKON .1 N T.MIIlur iin.ti. J' A t'attorsoii.... i.ai.i:. .1 .1 Chirlliui Jonni'iittiK. Daniel t'leslcr... LANK. .Tunic- W Mnilntk I INN, JtAlnltiu a : n. Inlm I'ud 1 AVIUM.. lit; Durham Mr.Mlnmlll.i I Hupptlllitlill (Iisliill HUNT. J) II lllnihiiri Canyon City iil.inuiiA .Sublimity Hah in ...larkii.iuvlllo lacksiinvlllo ...lllckruil Salem ...doosoLake Jacksonville ...Kerliyvlllu Jacksonville ...Ooslicn ...I.elianoli Albany . Tyd Thu Dalles l W.Mixwiill. TIU.Muo. II 1' lllltde IMIATII.I.A. .18 Whltu roiM, T llciiryHliroeder. ...Canyon City .....Columbia City ....Tillamook North Ynmhlll ....Weston Wcslon .. Ott vlgllanco which changes tho boarlng polut of tho responsibility for tuccoso from tho chosen agont to tho stockholders. Tho agents cannot go far wrong whon a choson coin inittco of inanagotnont, in addition to tho ohocks generally embodied In tho plan of buHlnoss, havo always access to tho books and submit n plainly arrangod balance sheet overy throo nionths, together with tholr roports of what part of tho machinery is working satisfactorily, and suggestions whoro and In what way amondmonts can bo mado. Tho'o short settloinonls and oi't-ro-pcatod "statements" liavo tho olfect or bringing tho argus-oyod boily of sharehold ers Into such an lntlninto actjualntanco with their business, that tho measure of huccops is the result of their own lnlolligonco in adapting tho means to tho end in vlow. It Is with them not so much a question of con lldonco In individual agents or olllcors, as wliothor tho objoct is within tho reach of their combined capital and intelligence. Tho llrltlsh societies of this kind are not, in tho avorago of tholr membership, to be compared lo tho satnu numbor of American farmors, who may seek to adopt a co-operative plan of business, In point of goneml in telligence, but tho former, living us thoy do In donso communities, are neuter to their work,ho to speak. It cots thorn little or no loss of working time loget together and talk over their business. And it is not tlio least bonollclal phase of Co-operation, with them, tliut It ftirnlshiH them with an Inducement to get knowledgoof iiow bcht to hiivotuid in vest tho money which thoy would otherwise spend time In Injurious or useless sinking in tho beer-pot. The chief obstacle tho Ameri can humors Imyo to the sumo mousnro ol success is tho dlxtaucu they live Iroin ouch other, mid tho cost to them of getting togeth er often lor consultation. This their skill ol adaptation to unavoidable circumstances Will doubtless enable them to overcome, but all parties Interested in tho beginning of to oporallvoauterprlsesfhutild take it Into their account. That obstaclu butmuttnted, the Kugllsh system of checks and reports and balance sheets should answer tho same pur poohoiu. Tho reader Interested may tlnd some interesting p.ipurs on tho maungeuitnt of co-operative soclutli., lit jivribucr'a Mayu-.-mi' for lSTii. from May to DlcoiiiIilt, thu inst esjiLclaliy Interontlug. Joit Mi.nto. IProm iho Dally Mercury, Fob. 21 8ILVRK M'i:IIU. A Jlrllllnnt Airnlr A lliitliirlnir Irnni lie Four Ituurlers ol' Hie fiipllul City. Last ovoning was witnessed one of tho most brilllunt private party gather ings of tho present season in our fair capital city. Tlio 23d instant being tho twenty-fifth anniversary of tho wedding day of Mr. und Mrs. S. A. Clarke, their friends, to tho number of n hundred or more, gathered at their residence in South Pnlom to celobtnto this their silver wedding. The early patt of the ovoning was rjuito stormy, but cleared up by 8 o'clock, and at 9 o'clock tho many rooms of tlio residence wore liter ally packed nud crammed with Snlom itcs, young iitul old, fiom till iituirters of tho city. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke re ceived their many friends in that pleas ant und uflhblu manner for which they aro bo well noted, und seemed jutt us hsppy its thoy possibly could havo boon on that ovoning twonty-llvo yeors ago whon their ii ret ami real wedding oc curred. Conversation, laughter and music went rippling through tho denso throng, mulling tho horns pass rapidly by, until till tlio expected guests wore assembled, when the host und hostess were taken possession of by thoso VAIIIIMITON TKUIIITOIIV. ...Vancouver .Dayton .Colfax Col fa I . . Ktnui.... ......... ............ ..Clu'luiUi- Point 'I..MIK. ft W I trow roii'tiniA. Itl'Slulii WIUT'UN. lib Itluuer I'lmiAi.in. M , (loodllii riKlit'K, Hti M.iiMi.iiii.... TIIUIItTllN. 1.(1 Allium (Myuiitn Olympla JS I.oiiKiiilru Yrlm .lnllim Hiirtiiu Heattlo Heattlu I i.u. Ii M Plermin Claiiiatn AIUMA. OP Cook KlleuiOmri: In any county whero thu Deputy nrpolntiil li not thu nio.t i-ultatile, nr.il thu (Iranue nfllio lurallty Vlll Vroperly Imllrate to mu n i holru. I w III bo plea., lor In ninny lurliincei I himi lieen obllijed to maku up. polntinentK without kuimledKoi to jltnen'. W.M. CYltUH, Matter Orek'oii Htntu (Imiiko, P. of II. Oregon To tlio Subordlnnto OmiiBCs of btnto urnngo. Tho Soonitary of each (Iraugo will please miiiiI thiiiiatiii'sof Master and Secretary tloot lor lh"7, to Sto. of S. II, iw noon im praetl ouliln, ghlug tho address of Mnstor nud Hmiretary, i'ouiity and .State, or Territory. Jly no doing you will obllgii T. I. Davidson, See. C). S. U., l'.of II. Cost ollli'o addrHiis: Siilom, Marlon Co., Oiogou. ronoxA uuaxuk, MAMo.vVoiwn'. II. W. Hunt, Matter; (I, II. (lleiin. hec'y- MeetA mi IhiMlrtt Weilueil.iy or i'.iiIi mouth, at tho point Hut mu bo ilxetl at lit meellnu for Iho Wlll.imettu Parmer. Thoughts on Co-onoration nud Ropreson tntiou. KMimlnntloii ofthoMi two agenoloH, as now iikihI In tho various co-oporiitlvo lndtitrlo.s of (Irout Hrltitlu, show that thoy go hand lit hand, A very cursory examination of tho Hystoiu at its original homo In Kiighmd, 41 Tlio Koohdulo l'luiUKir liultablo," shows that, whotuivor, from any I'luiso, tho ehK'tod iiiiumgor of tho bitsluiiss get oil' tho track which reiu'lies to sucooms, thoy aro voted out, and others put in tholr places. Tho Kugllnh have adopted a dltlnrout busU of rt priwenla lion from that which generally obtains hero. U'hoy limit tho amount of shares which one pornou may own, mid allow- only one vote to oach sharolioUlor. This i.ooius to operate In making tho slmieholder who holds the great est amount of stock, mid who, Hrhaps, as a rule, aro the most illccrluiiuatliig Judges of luisluessagtiutM, hiuI who, it is not unwar rantable to Hiipposti, w iold an luiluoncti In tho choioti of agents above what tholr own vote represents,) bend their energies for tho best litulutMs Hgeuts, in order to make tho tHiatiict pay tho most protlt, mid not for tho liirHMo that Is often Nought and rtvaohod in this country of " freliig out thoajuiall own- tin," to boglu with, 'the Kngllali syatom, Mfter many failures, hiu roochod a point where tho personal character of tho ehosen flgonl in ctiiiducting a iM-operntlvo biulness lHs not wield Bitch an iutlueuco for or ugaiust siuvtvss a it d(Hs with us, ThU do Mlmlilo rtutult has seemingly boon attultitHl, not by tho choice of better material tbr their Mgtmt-s, so much as their admirable tiyntom d( cheeks and oottlouiouts, Tho latter, in particular, aro no plain and so frtsiuont that iio membvJB can vxercUo that ueror-avuiug Grazing Plains in tho Moon. Kvory one has noticed tho dark spots hlch mottle tho surface of the lull moon These long ago nseil to bo considered sous, and In Iho geography of tho Itiuurorh went under such names its tho Sea of Serenity, tho Sen of Nectar, tho Sea of Itulns, and tho Ocean of Tempests. They aro still designat ed seas by astronomers lor convenience sake, but aro known to bo nothing hut vast plains hemmed in, In domo cases, by lofty, rugged mountains. When examined through tlio telescope some of thiso plains havo a greenish tint, strongly marked, but hero mid there dilllcult to c.Uch excopt under luvornblo coiulltlons, This verdant huo has excited speculation. If tho moon lms no atmonplioro und no water It may arise from tho color of tho ground, but coitnlnly can not Indicate vegotatlou, 'if, however, tho moon has mi almosphoro tho caso Is entire ly altered, mid recent studies of tho state of tho lunar surface havooxelted grave doubts us to its being nothing but mi uliloss, tin ullorahlo desert, u changolovs mass of dead mutter. An American scleutlllu contem porary proceeds boldly from doubt to cer tainty, "Tho moon," it obsorves, "Is now known to havo an atmosphere of coiibider- ublo volume and density, ability and change, and to have In all probability water enough to nittko life easily possible on its surface. Tho moon is dying but net dead, Doing so much smaller than the earth It has run Its course more raphlly, nut It Is still a inod viv oil' Irout tho goal of ultimate (loudness to which so many astronomers havo theo retically assigned It. There Is not the slight est ad(iiinto evidence, Nelsnii says, of tho popular view- ol want of life, mid Its truth would bo ailnutttd by no astronomer who had devoted sulllclent attention to solouo gruphy to enable him to thoroughly realize tho probable present condition of tho moon, If such is the ease, tho green-tinted plains may bo nothing but vast gr.isy regions covered with Hocks nud herds. The "man in tho moon," may havo abundant pas turage for his cattle, mid many u shepherd boy may bo there seated on tho ground, piping as though ho should never grow old. It Is n pity wo can only speculate. Koullty Is true romance, mid If wo know ullthut goes on In tho moon, astronomers probably would shut tip tholr books and break their teles co pes, Tho Island of Heligoland, in tho tlormun Ocean, Is reported to bo gradually disappear ing. It Is now, says Iron, less than a mile In superficial extent; but ui 10 It) It was four miles In clrcumiereiice, In KiOO forty. Iho miles, and, In MX), n hundred mid twenty miles, Tho encroachment of tho sea is ef fected almost entirely from (ho northeast, owing to tho set of tlio currents nud tho di rection ot tho prevailing winds. frlonds present nnd nmdo to "stand up" nu'nin. In front of them was placed u tublo li'don with rich silverware, pie sentcd them by their many ftietids. At tliis juncture, und nftcr order hud been ustorcd, Mrs. J. II. Mwros cuine forward, and on behalf of the married folks present Ktild: Mr. and Mni..S. A. Clarke: Allow me on bo luil I' of your iniirilid fi lends to oiler lo you our congratulations on this your twenty-llftli woddinu'iinnivoisary, and witli them to prcenl to ynti these in tides of silver us u slight testimonial of our friendship und isteoin. Unit your future puthwuy through life tuny lie unclouded, Itlld ftiellds eitlully tried und true us those present here to-night may celebrate with yon your golden wedding, in our heartfelt wli.li. To this Mis. Clarko replied in u feel ing uinuuer, thanking the dmiois fur their tokens of friendship, but added Unit herself und husband valued fur moru highly than tlio gifts themselves the good opinions, friendship and love which prompted tho giving. These presents fiom tho married folks con sisted principally of u tidily chased silver pitcher, stignr howl, cream pitch er, cellery dish, und spoons ad libitum. After this pleasant episode, Miss Addio l.ooney stepped out from tin adjoining loom, bearing ti hilver cako basket und silver castor, und udilrei-siug Mr. und Mis. Clarko announced to them that on helinlf of their many young ft lends sho had been delegated to present them with tho articles she boro us a token of their friendship and esteem. Thoy wero accepted with words warm with appreciation of this kind token from their young and un married frlonds. Culls woro then nude for speeches from several juoinlnont individuals present, who had known Mr. mill Mrs. Clurko from their youth upwurd, who canto forward nnd with a testimonial of words added to tho gen eral tokens of esteem und friendship already expressed, und but echoed tho wish of till present in expressing tho hope that their Ufa might puss smoothly along tho current of time until ut least tho unnlversary of tholr wedded life might bo ugatu celebrated by their fiioiids at their golden wedding. CENTAUR LINIMENTS. The otilckvM, .surest ml Cheaii- U.Hl ItUIUCMlil'S. I'lSytlciiirif rccmmend.'nnd I'nrrli rs declare tint no jucli remedies k.ivo ever bv.'ore been In ik-c. Words nro cheap, but tin- proprietors ol thc-o r.rllclen will present trial bottlvv to medkal men, grntle, and will guarantee mine tapld and ntl;fautory rui'Jlts tli n have ever before been obtained. Tin- Cvntniir Liniment, M'liltc "VVrnp per, will euro Ithciuuilljm, Jfeur.iUIa, I.ntnbaifo. Sciatica, Caki.il Urcale, boro Xlpulit, Frwteil i'ect, Chllblnluf , ? i lllnus, Spialns nnd any ordinary 1LK-II, IIO.SL Oil Ml SOI.K AIL.MC.NT, It will extract tho poUon ol bites and stlnjrs, nnd heal burns or ca!d without a scar. Lock-JiW, Pal t). Weak Hack, Caked llrcatts. Earache, Toothache, Itch and Cutaneous Eruptions readily yield to Its treatment. Henry lllnck, of Ada, Hardin Co., Ohio, ray?: "My wlro ha had rheumatism lor tlvu year no rest, no rlvvp-ionlil scarcely walk ucross thu lloor. Shu Is now completely cured by trousu ofContaiir Liniment. u an leei iniinKiui in )im, nun recouiiiieuu yuui I. r..l M...llnli.. ... nil ..... l.....1j ' uin.ili.rful meillc nu to all our friend.' lauius Hurd, ofZancsvlile, 0.,says: "Tho Centaur Liniment med my Neuralcla. " Alfred Tiifh. ol Neark. wrltcM "Send mo one do.eii bottle by e.xpresi . '1 ho Liniments liaro sAVed my 1l"'. I want to iliptrlbutu It, .vc." Tho fain of tll Liniment Is Increasing rapidly, The Centum- Liniment, Vellow Wrnp pee. Is foi ihu toit-h rkiu, llefli and r.ui'ciis of Illlll'tS, 311 t.l;- AN 11 ANIMAI.r. Wohaxu LeMryct secun cao ofbp.ixln. Sweeny, Illng-lioui-, Wind K'lll, ficratclies or l'ol:-K-..!, whlli thl I.lnliiient would nut cpccdlly bciirllt, iitul wc never s.iw luit.i few cites whlcli lc woitlJ not euro. It will euro when ncythlria can. It Is fully to spend $Sti, for a Parr ler, w hen ono dollar's worth of Centum Liniment will do better. Tho follouli. U a tuinpie of tho tcittuony produccil: "Jitri'ciito.v, SIo., Njv. in, lsTH, "Some tlm'' wi I wn rluppltiit l.ori-cs to t. Louis, i got ono nuMiy eiiiipieii in uie ear. u mi ure.u iniii euity 1 i;ot nliiiiotiiusiubli, on fourth A fume. The siablo-kiier -noniua outtle of jourCeiiliitir Lini ment, whli !i 1 used witli sueeess that In to nays the Imrsu was as nettu anil nearly well, 1 have been a wtirliury siiu'eon lor thirty juitt, bill jour Lini ment lioi.d niivtlitrn; I cveruml, "A. J. JPCAHTV, Veterinary bitrzcon." Peru tostai;o stamp we will mull a Centaur Ainu me, roiiUltilus; hundreds of ccrtlllenles, trutu every Slate In the L'ulon. Th:su Lln'iuents uto told by all dealers In Iho country. Laboratory of J. U. Uosi: & Co., Ill D.v br.. Nuw Yoiik. THERS. ;a.(oi'la U the rrsu'.t of vdycirs experiments, by llr. ban.iiel Pitcher, of .Ma.sacliutitts. Ills u e;;etn bio liriii.ir.nl in its elective us Castor Oil, but perfect ly pleasant to tho tatto. It cm bo taken by tho yoiiDucst Infiiit, and neither c-is nor Krlpis. Dr. A. J. Ureen, of Itoyston, Intl., sa)s of P: Huts: I hau tiled thu Caftorla and can spcik hlch I) or lis merits. It will, 1 think, do away entirely wltn Castor Oil; It Is pleasaut und harmless, nud Is uoiitiern.iiy iiiiiiieiuusns nit niieiieni nun uxalive. It Is thu -ry thltw. TlioCastorlutestrujs worms, resulates tho Stum nch. cures Wind Colic, and penults of natural healthy sleep. It Is very iftUaeiouslii Croup, nnd for teething Children. Honey is not pleasanter to tho taste, nud Castor O'l Is not so certain la Its effects. It costs but 33 cents, In lar'0 bottles. J. II. Itosc. & Co., 10 Dey St., New York. Tlio wonderful Improvement in farming In those sections whoro tho attendance on tho grunge is regular, Is unite apparent, and tho mental culture and advancement is beginn ing lo bo felt by monopolists. They tlnd tlmt men of thought havo been developed from what they considered Ignorant boors atid clodhoppers, who aro determined to havo tholr rights and to no longer submit to unjust extortions and wholesale plunder. John Thouipxou, who murdered Solomon lUxtor, nt Jloiitou, V, T on the llth, lent., while in n I'runkoti row with h man nauiiHl Itminett, wxs tried Just week at SttlH, and found guilty of niutder In Iho tltst decree, ami whs sentonciM to bo hanucd, on Friday, Maa-hivOth, U77. iki.vi i.iki: II. .i.i:, Fob. LM, 1S77. i:. Mi:mh.: Mr. J. ). Kiggs, of whoso departure yotiguvo notice on tho ll'th of January, has reached home at Florence, Kansas, and writes, under date of tho lUli lust., and says: "F.vorv- tliing heie is us dead as u door nail. Tho specimens of fi nit and w heat w hich 1 bioitght bad; set in tn surprise all who see them especially the grain. One- of my frlonds said to tell you ho would give you !?1 per bushel for ILK) bushels of tho .screenings which I brought back." Tho sample was a handful of screenings or tailings taken from tho cheat-box of tlio thresher. Mr. Kiggs sent out a sample of their Spring w heat and s.iva it is a good averago of the country, lie further says: "My placo is for bale, for if we havo a few more failures hero with chinch bugs and grasshoppers, wo will all bo too poor to come to Oregon. Tho ground is full of hopper' eggs. 1 am going to tnako an effort to clo.-o out hero soon." Hurrah for Wobfoot, where crops never fail. Yours truly, wKii, J. A. STSIATTOA', Attorney at Law, SAL. ISM. OREGON. Otllco on State Street, oppoMto tho Dennett House. A cent" tor tlio Willamette Turnicr. Any poison which has boon swal lowed, intuntlnnnlly or by itccidont. mny ho romler-ml harmless by awal lowint two jjllis of sweot oil. Tho oil noiitmllzos ovory form or YOgettt bio or intiicntl oisoii with which physicians aro tutiuttlntod. A lioap injr teaspoonful each of common salt and uroniul mustard stlrroti into halt n jl:ssfnl of water is n good nntldoto for poison; thN vomits as toon as it roaches thu stomach; bur, for fear somo of tho jHilsoti may Mill romuin, swallow tho wlutoi of onoor two raw i'KBS, or ilrlnU tt cup of strong cotVco. Albany Amity Ilelhuo llueua Vl.l.i Ilrowusvlllo Iluttevllle.., CitmouCitv Ciuyonvillo i'ihmiIIIo City V.IUU r , uiivj. ...... CUtsop Covo Corvnllls , (.'re w ell.... Clai.kam.is (iinp Creek Dillas Hexter Drain's Ilimiscus 1)1)1011 KlUou Kllu'i'110 Pox Valley Purest (Jroo (to.hen (lenats Ilalsey Ilirrlsbun; MtltslHiro IH Hannon U IMietchell Jeir Dnls .WmUvlls, ,1 Wll.il.art W It Kirk J W IluheMer 1) II lihlnebart WT Jlrls t'H Matteson Wll Clarko It .1 Morrison Ill" Kendall K WihhIw aid ..Itosroo ICiox W A .Mills O It Hamuiersloy ,..J Dl.ee. 1) MOnthrio b Hiud.aker Urewron .'c llraln II Koibes 1! C Hadanay A II Haines lohn McCluci; A D (lardtier ..SHiu-hes. WI. Curtis J Hands.ilier S M Oalnes TJ Iltirk Hiram r-ielth ..A Luelliu; ilepner . . Morrow x Herivn Independence W I, Hodglti Junction Smith, llra.ileld A Co., W I. Lemon Jacksonville M I'eter.on Jttrersou John W Uoland I.owisNlllo 11 o .McTlmmomls Usf.ijette Dr I'oepleton. A II Henry Lebanon S 11 Clanshton MonrvHi , Jns Kelsey McMinnvlllo J ll.MoirW. A Held Monmouth V Waterhoitsu Needy....... Wru Morclaml New Km , J Caste Notti'llivltlo 1 F Ca.tlcman Nortli Yauihlll DC Stewart OtkUtul S K Kavmnud Oswego , Alt Shipley Ott J 11 s-clmn-der OrecouClly..... m M Ilacon Pendletoa.. .....W A Whitman 1'eorU , ...Dr J II Irvine I'tlot Itock...... K OlllUm 1'ortUud ,..,,.....S 1' Leo, Airent Statu Oraui-e IMnesvilio OM I'limilo 1'errydalo MrOrewVstore Ulckreal .FA Patterson Itosebtir,: Tho Smith Sclo F P Jones, ThosMuuker SlUertnu T It lltbbard She.ld's WM Powers, 0 It Wheeler Sprtm;ilcld , A H Hovey Mihllmtty John Downing eei Hume Hen Marks Shertdm... TMitrent KSIUrico Tae IUIles., , I, llnxiks Turner W m lllllirr nro:ivir SWl)ron, II II Demuc WUUtiuMIe Forks M Wilkin Wtl Walla J F Ureter Waldo. J c Elder YouttlU, ........... J It KiU.ou, HS Applsyute MILWATJKIE NURSERY. rcntcHl Vnricly of FRUIT TREES In Oregon, Consisting of Apple, Tear, Peach,, Plum, Prune, Cherry, Grape, Cherry Ouirraut, Lawton Blaokberry, Raspberry and Strawberry Sots, California Walnut, Black Walnut, Butternut, & Filbert, WHICH WILL BU SOLD LOW, l'OIt CAMV s. luellIng &SON, I'roiirlctors MllwettUIc Nursery. Nov. 1 , 1 ;n. 400,000 FRUIT TREES, AH ul tho 3Jeht TurietfCN. G, W. WALLING Sl SON, Oswctfo, Or., Havo this number or Fruit nnd Ornamental Trees,- For sale. In their cxtcnslvo Nursery. Inclmllne the ' remarkable WALLING'S P.ICACH PLUM, Tho Jfjalitui Iimiiio, And thu beet varieties or C'ltllii, t'niiit). I'cacli, Aliplc, 1'cnr. Chewy, JMut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSOKTMI2NT. Sond for Desoriptivo Catalogue. rnrchntcrs trail Islt tlio WILLAMETTE Nl'IlSK lt. Osweao.or they can flmUJ, W. WAM.INC, li'Ji' WW !'.f,.Trt" al ,ho UiniiKcr Mnr. Kcl. I'OHTLAND, OIL ui)3. 15a S T It A N G , Importer ami Dealer In Improved Ranges, COOK. PAKL0B, AND BOX S 1? O "XT' 3E3 S, And Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper WAKE, Union llloclc. Commercial Street. SALKM onsaox. IHESFECTFUULY INFOHM ALL MY OLD frU'iiiU and csiitomrr that I havo resuimd busl ne.s. and Invito tho public uener.iliy to rail and exam ine my stock ond learn my prices. Ncv;I lb'iitf Salem Flouring Mills. BEST FAMILY FLOUIt, BAKSK'S EXTHA, XXX. aWEUVINK AND OIUIIAM, MIDDLINGS, UHAN, AND BHOttTH,. Con.Mtmitl- on Iluiitl. IIIgTliOKt 3?rloo Jn GASH Paid for Wheat ATAIL TZIVTCS. Sept IStf It. O. KINNEY, Aficnt 8. F. M. Co 2?. O. SUZ.I.IVAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPEItA HOUSE, SALEM. 8. E, corner, at head of stairs, fclSy i:vr.lUL19IIKD 1SGG. Willamette Nurservt G, W. WALLING & SON, rnoi'itiEToits, Oswego, Olaokamas co., Oregon. Growers of tho Choicest Varieties of raUIT TUBES & BKa.TDE2.:r I'anlcalir attention given to Cherry, Pruno ard Tlum uecs. ist Administrator'B Notice. TITOTICK ll hereby plven that I havo been appolnt XI ed administrator of tho etto of Peter Cox. sen lor, Uto of Marion connry, Oreeon. dercsscd All persou having clilms against raid estate aro roiulr-i-U to present ihem to me, with proper vouchers, tit mv tesldeucn, near sllverlon. In said county, within six months from the date of this notlco. ' ,h ,. , . I. W. WHIGIIT. Februr)-5, 77wl Notice IS hereby clvin that V. T. Hall, administrator of tho esute of Solomon U. Hall, diceascd. has thU day bled li final account with said estato in tho County Court ol Marlon countv, Oregon, and Satur d;y. tho lt);h ray oi March. ItrtT, at ono o'clock y m. of said day, has been set as tho tlruo for hearlne tho sime. Thereton-, all person Itnere.ted lu said es tate are reouIrM to appear at n;o aforesaid day, and Die their objection to said accoait, if any tbey hae, or bo forever ba;red. , JOHN C. 1'EEHLFS. Feb. P, liTtw I Co, Judso of Marlon Co..