iSSt!i!':xa:'r:M'-- 4 WiJlLAMETTK FARMER. s r-Cr.rr iwkXmfi&tii wmmmm Snlcm, Friday, Mar, 2, 1877, OUR NINTH VOLUME. Tlio Wii.i.amktti: Kahmku lias onlorod upon tlio ninth yitnr of Km (publication lmv liiKCOtnjilotedltH eighth year anil Is tlioro foro no inoro tyro In Jotirtmllmt hut nn ch tnl)lHh(j(l fact mid JournullHtlo l.micccf-H. Titno fiirnlHhos tlio nrcatjtoht And putH llio Moal nllhorof npnovnl or dlHapproval upon human uurioavor. 'J'iuio lias dealt kindly with iih In ftirnlMhliu; uh frlonilH and pntrotiH who havo Idotitlllud thoimolvoH with our miccohn, showing HyinpRthy;wlth' nnil np probation of our oilort.H lo servo tlio peoplo. It Ih with plmourn that wo iiiiknowJodgci our obligation, for wo recognize! that iinlosx a nowNpapor can coiiuunnd muiii Mi)iorlnrn from iiuioiiK tlio host and inoHt Inllticiitlnl iiHimliorH nl (ho community It cannot Mir ootid. That wo havo urniveil wnrin-lipnrtml and uoiihroiiH nupport Iiiih boon with um u iniitlorof prldonud MitlHlnctloiiuiiilJunuoiir titotiionl to hopo on nml labor I'or hiii-com iIiiHiik Mow yoarH whon our lahorH mot Hiuall roward. Wo roiniiiotioo tlio ninth your of ptibll catlon with fiilror pro",poctH than over b foro. Wo havo tlio ll'ild opon to iih, and rllbrlH at coinpotlllon hnvliii: hnuu withdrawn wo havo ruanon to hops I'or and ex poet tho tiullod nupport of tho larinliiKCOiiiinunlty of thoKroat riiKloiiJworciprcnpiit. Wo hopo to boabloto linprovo tlio I'aum i:h, ntiil ask tho aid of all farmm-H to onublo iih tho cooner to roall7.o our InUinllon mid ilculrn to inuko IIiIh paper nil thoy can ox poet. You ncml and otinht to havo n Journal In your lutorovt (ioho.smIiik all thooloiiionts ol truth and umi riilncHH. Tl Im ;im bo fully uttulnod when a KonoroiiH iHMMitilnry Hiipport can ho dopond od on, and wo fan only ropoat what wo havo olton witil Hint whatovor hiouiih tho ptihllu otidowiiH wltlmhiill ho umI by iih iih Mow ardn who work foryour IntorimtH. A Board of Immigration. 1'oini.ANn, I'ob. twili, is;?. Kit. Wn.i.AMnVn: I-'ahmkh: After con KrnliilatliiK you, n ml tho farmer of our Stato In ndiiornl, on tho imiiimoI hint Ion nflho and ('(((ii'dAn'iind nlso nu tlioprei out proftpuctN of a tfwd nrluultii'-al papor, Kood crop, good irli'o, ooil woathor, pood ohour. and pronporhy that mmiiiin lo wi viidii lliop oiliii'llvdlililliN.rloniii nil p.irtH of our Stain, ponnlt um to cill your niton lion toan nrt.olo In tho I'aimi 1:1: of llio LJd liihl. himlod, "A liouid of I nun Ignition Needed," mid Mailed, "louder." Thnro i an, um 'Header," hiij,poMH,lo itoth Iiik of uroalor luipoitiinco lo tho ppiosporlly of uurSta'.o, than tho onooiiriij.oiiiont ot'ino rhatili'M and iiuimifJi'liirt'iH in our iiildHt, and never wan a t-uor principle of political oniuoiuy pencil Ihilli tho ouo lltlolod by "Homier," whom Im wtyH "oMahllMi I lie. far iiK'r, oMuhllMi tlio iiuiehaulo, es'nblUh iiii limiiloekid Info oil between iho lariuur, tho meeliHiik1, (no wool H'nwcr, and thu Mode Himser, on your omi hoi', and railway opoiiitiKuew i'IiiiiiiioInoI' ti.uiHMirliitlou will Meek your Iioiuch, and will bo frrely olio rod and iiii'isuieui'ileiilated .'or KOiionil Interest lake, tint p'aeu of many Hellish onos," Now, Mr. Kill or. as wo duly appro id He lhii;ood koiimi and ;eue;ous Imputes niiiiilfoHtod by "Header," and Ohpoolnlly where ho mi.vh, "mIiiiII wo hopo (hut this new tumid will bo ho made up iih to have the Konoral Intoroitof tho Httto In Uh repawn), (utlon and iiiumiKCitioiit, mid that no Inves ted Mpeeuhitlve cApllnl have (he control of Hh movoimtnti," and hh woelulin theudvlee, assistance, and co-oporatlon of JuhI mioIi thinking men as "Header," appeaiHto be, wo hiuiohI (ho folio wlui; iueHtlouH, and ask mi iinlilasoil and cnndld ntiMxor by any of your leaders, Shall the Influx of Immigration Into our Stato I'or the next few years lo ho iillllcd, and tho liiiuilKraut met with kind wohIm, Kood advice, and reliable luloruiatlou that will enable him, alter a toillous i.iul dlM'otir iikiiik Journey of HioiimiiuIn ol inllos (o ob tain a home w Ith tho leant delay, ami where he can pieeuro lands on tho mo-t liivoiable tonus nnd boeoinea pnopoioiis olllon wltli In ourStn'o? Can Hiieh liifoiiuatlou be lor uNlied the ImuilKr.iut without nn olllco where plat, maps and a ricord ol'liovern nieiK and hcIioc! linds t.s kept, ultli a list of private lauds tor lent or Mile, w Uh a Unovvl. odj;o of their location and real value? And hIihII this be furnished lrooot'ooi to tlielm inluriiui? Doubtlexs the fiirei;olu ciioHtli,u will ns'iii easv of Holuiloii, and ilio last cue iw iHi'lally will beaiiHteied with an eiuphiitie Yes. Mich,tliou, belui; the eouclnstoii ar rived at, let ussilll Itir.nerpiiiMieour iue ilh'athui. Can stationery and lo'tor stamps be ol tallied tree "I eharKO .o repl v lo the nnmx ot eiiiiilrles that haxe to t, and ntii now being ausvNertO every wimkV Will our punters and newspaper eillees pilot ptuup'oi, pub I Mi elreulars, and advertKe the Hntt In dtf fereut loialltles of ,lie.S.a;e lue ot ehanje Will any of our publlo-spltuod oltl'Uis fur nish an otliee, tent Iroo, the er lees of an ellleleut elerkaud eorresHuuleut bo ob tained without an adtiptate eoiiipeusatlon? Doubtless these lust, with similar iiiestt'nN, will be ausweied with an euiptintle No I Mow then, shall (he moans for lliiutdauii); those expenses Lo pmoured A.J. I)t ii r.. Wkatiiuiii'ouo A- Co. Thoe steady ad vertUers and reliable business men have a full stook ol all drills and medlulues, and other m d lu their lino, and If you huve the mUfortuue to bo attacked by any of the pre vailing ophloinlu thoy wilt lurulsh you pure liusllolues; or If you have a bad eold or ouu'h their I-iuviih Wliudia will do you j.od. A Tour amongr tho Cattle Men of Oregon. K. Kaiimku: 1 liavo had nn extended tour around our valloy purohalnK beef cattle, and I find hoiiio UiIiikh wrong, butaRalnl find upon tho other hand many thlngH right, and as I havo always taken a deep Interest In tho wolfaro of our Stato and tried to do my part In brining up our products of cured moats and Improving hor herds. I havo no doubt your many roadotn will hoar with me whon I point out their dofectH and toll them thoyarogoluK wtoiik. Tho first evil I will point out Is nlinoht an ontlro abandoning cf goodhoKs. I did not soo ouo herd properly taken caro of and depreciation in stork It Is much inoro than I anticipated. Unless the faniinr.s tnko more Intcrost we shall havo to bo led from tho Kast. No.xt week I will glvo sotno facts about wolght of )1ks and bobt breeds and largo hos In answer to Mr. Noyor's enquiry. I hnvo waited hoping Homo ono would answer It. In my noxt I will glvo tho wol(ht of my spring plgH, Ilork shlresnud coiiunoti, inmongo, anil dlU'eront weights. I will lay beforo your roadors hoiiio Itnpor taui facts concerning cattlo. Tho tlrst Jot I looked at was hi I'olk county upon tho farm of Mr. John Wiles. .".:, head of bountiful young steers, ! and r, yuan old. Tlioso Mr. Wiles fed hay onco a day and thoy run upon pasture and are good hoof In any uiarket. Next was Mr. Charles Lodgsden's, thoy wero mostly lour years old this coining spring, and run in (ho mountains until January and camo out very tat. Next was Oroeu II. Smith's, l.'KI head us beautiful a lotofcattle and as hit as tho average of stall-lod cuttle mid In Chicago market. 1 saw them tlio hitter part of January and they had nothing but grass. Mr. John Foster, In llentoti Co., had an oxtra lot of lieavy cattlo, nveraglng '.Kill upon hay and pastuio, but Mr. l'ostor is ii model limner and nover fulls in having a good lot of fat cattlo In tho spring, and upon hay and gross. I crossed tho river at llarrlsburg and found upon tho farm of Mr. ThomiiH Wilson, Milne as Hue fat throo yours old HteorH, I this spring, as I wMi lo put In market, thoy hud nothing hut pasttiro, and Irom Mr. Wlgger hoiiio very hit cows, and HteorH three years old tho coining spring. Thoy had a straw stack to run to. 1 got it car load Irom K. It, Wlllougliby , that run In Iho iiiDiiiilnins, buck of his faun, which wouronow killing, und they aro as lat uh any ouo wants hoof; their pasture range win several hundred foot ubovo tho valley. No.U lot I purchased Irom Mr. Jasper Wllklns, sou of Hon. M. Wllklns, a beautiful lot of slo'irn th i oo past, a cross between his lKivou and Durham; thou had u good pasture and access to Htmw put up In sheds, well cmed mid kept dry, mid ho arranged they could pull It out, but tho cattlo did not Maud under shelter. Those Moors brought Mr. Wllklns twenly-llvo dollars per head, when 1 do not think thoy would havo brought last summer over eighteen and well hold ut that. 1 havo always thought the Devon too small hutacross may be an lulvanlunu. I tbluk them'tho nicest lot of butcher's caUlo I havo set n in Iho State. 1 also wish lo mention a lot 1 purchased from II. Miller, brought In from Uchoin, which had hay lo run to and good pasiure, which I am snUshcd lully held their own with the exception of two which might of been hurt In driving. I have been ot opinion that cattlo brought from oast of tho mountains could not bo held up, but this lot lully convinces mo thoy can, I want no belter hoof than thone cultlo and am fully convinced by what I havo seen this spring wo can havo good beef by reserving a pas ture and letting cattlo run to hay , and thoio living a distance from inatkut can make money in that that way. I called upon Mr. lleo. Mllllgan, living near whom the military road enters tho iiuuiiiIuIuh; he ii leediug 100 good cattlo and 1ms a grand slock and stalls foriueliouo with diop gates at tho end of tho stall alter a fctocr enters. I like the plan but am fearful tho sialls are too narrow ami the cattlo too much crampodiip lo do well. My experience Is, unless cahfH are used to being stabled (hey will no: Lear close eontlnemcnt, and cattlo raised east in gittlng med to close confine ineiit ono mouth's teed Is lost. 1 like Mr, Young'H plan and wish lio would glvo us h a experience thiough the Fahmiui. Mr. Mil llgau has tho ambition and go ahead, and I havo no doubt wMl inuko it a succors. I f wo had a lew inoro such men ns Messrs, M Ml gun and Young, Oiegou would bud and 1 blossom ! i ii leso. 1 aNo found a lot led by Mr. Walker Young, near Ktigene, stall fed, and 1 teko pleasure lu say lug (hoy are handled tho boat ofauy 1 have louiid lu my tuoIs, and aro thobcxtlot 1 Imwibtou In the Slate with tho exception ot a lot fed by tuyseli, sold lu Yloloila, luoraglng one thousand pounds, borne diesslug loiirleen hundred, but I hail (hoiuhaiilngeoi Mr. Youug lu blood, I did not excel hUn lu feeding, 1 think that can not bo done, but Mr. Young Is uot alone; the duy I was tht re Mr Youi and his on woie crippled, not able lo v.ok,lnt Mm. Young went to the barn cut feed and fed tlHi-.ocaillo. Mr. IMl.or 1 wish we had nmte such women. Karmeisot my oarHiotcouvuii ieuce 1 will glvo you some facts now in my poelon coneoriilug khe shliuiieiK of mints lioui Chicago lo i:u ope, I hue two tu;ili uwh, large dealers in MiciUold lu moan, and 1 got Irom (hem last week papers ami letters which lully prove to mo wo ate to haven revolution of trade gtoatly hi our Uvor. Seven hundred Ions of dressed b.xif arrived iu hlveiHol lu one day and sold nt big prices. In eoueluslon, allow me to Kiy, 1 have been traveling utvirly all tho time since the Hot of Jauiury, and the kiudneAS I ro eelved from all proved to mo I was not for golte.i, sod I hope to live to see Oregon lay tiold ot the advautagts in her tavor. Thomas Cr.oss. lly a disilsiou of tho Supremo Court of Dakota, McCall, the murderer ot "Wild Kill," is to be hanged March 1st. (jrl.HMA.N &KHV1UK. itOV. J. Ualliel lOolU, fi-oin Portland, will preach In tho Gorman laniriiage next Sunday ?n tho CnmboWand I'rosbvtorlan Church, at 30' a. m.fandat3 o'clock p. in. All Germans aro Invited to attend. A colony of Russians havo purchased $20, 000 worth of farming land lu Jofforsou Co., Nebraska. OOfJ E Q f I. O. V1CKEUV, AiiKtii-tn.. Maine. liy Hits lOO oi' lOOO. CA11I1A0K PLANTS. 50c per 100; CAULIFLOWEK f 1 pur IM); Tomsto p'aiito, lc unch. or f 1.80 pr VM (ironn nt my (JfciMi limifcf, two "till a half mile caft from Hftluin. Illxcoiliit nllnucil to Deslori". mnrlm'l ItliXTKIt PIKLU. HAWLEY, BODD & CO., mrinmr OKl'Xn FOlt SA7 A I'L'LL LINK OP AGRICULTU IUL IMPLEMENTS. SOLE AOKN'JB l'OIt T7IK JOHN DEERE MOLINE PLOWS, w "Which combine Iho runtcst strcn-gth jffFPf. -A wiiu fuumi- -,-,1'''!. V. . ,. i V AYi iaasirtMIOIIiS UJiWlCCJ is inc nrae j-iui'iiiuu oi uio u Putotitcfl UIoc-Ic jititl Welded Fmg, and tholr Great Reduction IN RUJ3BER BOOTS AMD SHOES 3l0 'LifJ Plow Is tho only Plow so made, the blmres mid Irould-l)oanl3 aro also Iianienou by u pn tout process peculiar to tho 1)13 BRIO l'LOWS. Solo Agontu llir THE DIZERE SUIAIY AiV GAR FJLrOV, r .Men's B.oiifr Itublicr Knee ' IIOJH' ' IflCll'H Al'CtlCN, ItUOtN, $.&.1)0 " JJ.flO " 2.ftO l.Tft m t ffiESJtr I H'oincn Ovcr-SliucM, .no JOHN W. GILBERT., March a. ?m Tlio Greatest Lubnr-SuvliiB Iiiipluniuiits yet inveiitetl. One llumlrctl and Fifty sold In Oregon in Three Months. lion JJeiim, Iron 1 mine, Iron "Wliec-lsi Every Parmer In the State Is Interested. Solo Agents for Silo JSOlaULttlODr IF , r X3GL "WdSCJUS, And Light 3rring WaKons, rYOTICE. 1'niiTl.ANli, February 1S.1ST7. rilllK LAND llKPAimil.NT OK Tllli OKKCIUN JL mm Lalllortilit Knllroml (', Imvlni' tnki'ii olmrue ol tlm OKM10N nitl'AItT.VK.NT" of till' I'Kll MANKN'T fXllllllTION nt tliu .MAIN CKNTKNo MAL III'II.IUNU nt Philadelphia, ulll Uiku tlmro of and c.xhllill, frcu or oxpcii-c, nny of thu produrt of thu lli'lil. fori-Kt, mhii'i., mill miniitfirtotli" of Or lU'on. I'urlh'H ilcMrliiK to lO'ill Ihumrcbof of thin opportunity will mltlri'M thu iiiidcrrlKiiiil. tatlngtliu niuiiu or p.impiu oncru. P. SCIIl'hZK. fe-J7tiil Lmul Audit O. & ('. It. It. Trees, I'lnntn. Sprln? I.lfU five V. K l'liic.MY, UIiHiialiiKtuii N'lirciry, III. To Color Butter. Mil. A. V, SIKItVlie Kdltor r tlm New KitKliiml I'lirmnr. In that piper or Nov. lllh, nil itreiinll lliilriuuii Uiuu Wells, Ulcliarilsfiii & Cd.'s PERFECTED BUTTER COLOR Hu myr, " It In iho ttrfiiiRvM. purest, i honpef t liiitterrolnrliiKMn ttnvo cut iin-d. I'or nil llinl we run m It l uli'olntoly perfect It fliould eiulrely Miporreilo tlioiKunf cjirotr, and nl! prepurntltiiin of nin. alio," It uIvik Hid cic. lmil nf Um l,ct Jerey hatter. It l i9r inteiipo, eciniomlenl, mid Iiik :. tiftoor Kiui'li. It to mi lni)iroeDieiit mi our "(iuMcn llx- irnet," no'iis n conililiiailcti or tlio litlglit jellow col oiliu prlur pie of tliu IMiidellon l'oiiim, nml It I cruntly fiiperlor to rarrnti, etc , eUlns a U'tter, nml nu uml;. vr A itmlp Miillli'lont to color lll'c v poiuitlM or llutlor MJII li.'nent lo iy ml ilr, piistiulil on receipt or irn ioiit, Kiery Unto in in who wlfhex In renllu tlio lih;lit price rliuiilit nti) It n trial nan; Aildru.i. wm.i.s, uinii.vicuNo.v jh o.. ft'-'l llurlliiutoii, Ycriiiiml. Notice IS hereby uhen lent I litvu been duly appointed idiilllilrlrjliror thu etntu of A. 1'. Wull.r. de t'l'iifed. All Krfiiii lulling elalmi amliiM miIJ. taut uru reiiiu'Miil to prerrnt tbeia lo me at my milro In riiilem, Mutton county, Oreiron. wlih proper oncii cris within rtx inoinlii imin tliu dalttf till notice. .1. A. STHATTON, March 'J. "wt AiluilnlMnilorof ratiertMr. HODGE, SHELL & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGI S T S, ,u. 75 rioitt Street, PORTLAND, - - OHEQON, is Wakelee's Bath for Sheep, mrciiAN'.s Crosylic Sheep Dip, Carbolic Sheep Dip, TIPTO.V t: BIlfKTT'S SHEEP PREPARATION, Corrosive Sublimnie, Arsenic, Sulph. Zinc, Carbolic Acid, Ac, m:in jii:s koii The Prevention and Cure of Soab. etc, HODOE'S CELEBRATED Gopher & Squirrel Killer. Blue jstoxi., PAINTS, OILS, CtLASS, &0. Cotiulry Orders nliclUil. Ah'l) 1'AltTll'l (.Alt UTKXTION (51VKN TO THK l'HUMl'V DIM'ATOII ()l tiOOHS. HODGE'S Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. SUHK AND 1IKLIAUI.K KOlt THK IIKM'IU'CTION OV llOl'UKKS, MJU1UKBI.S, KAT&. MIL'S, CKOWS, AC. Suter. Iletter, and riieaiiur lliiin Mrjclinliic, IMiospliorus. lr- M'lilc, or oilier prepurn IIoiih as a Niiii:l trial will convince. SOI.l) HY UBALKIIS (1KNEIULLV, AM) UV HODGE, SNELL &, CO., Wholesalo Druggists, No. ;5 Front nd 76 Virt SU., I'OHTI.ANU. tkJir vi m1 Dooro Poerlcss Cultivators, and Buckoya- Grain Drills,, and Broadcast Soedors, and UVR3E GKI.ST CHILLS, nil hIvhnh mid nrlccw. Komi tor Special Circulars. INirtlaiKl. Sept; 38. USB TJHCIEI IN THE WORLD ES not Xoooii7-ci 2 See that our Trade Mark is on eachiPackase! 8 a o O o H (D o S- CD z o o s PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE Jet Black ; and ALL COLORS. 3MCi2s:cl 3FitSL37- for AND EASILY APPLIED. Tor Sale liy the Agents: AN1) JOHN HUGHES, Salem, HODGE. SNEMi WORK; TTs, Wholesale & CO., Ditilsls, ami DealeiN la BMInis. n. ...i r?.. V( . LMinVT wTliPMi H51j ..w. , . mmi uiuuni . RftY, FRIEDMAN & CO., While thoy aro selling General Merchandise cheap, yet thov will boU thotr present stock of EootB and shoos, on hand, at co3t prices. Also, Trado or Cash paid for Hides. DAKK BKAHiiA. T J,,.yK,!lii,,T lMI''JTKl) FltOM II. A. MANs. 1. tU'K, 4ltlum Jim , tho Iti-.l lilrd he In i-u-r ruUiHl, and Ul only to rcnuno liiuu coupiil. "' WALTHAM PRINOE Va Mn-a liy UM Wnl'hii.i. , (nd a'i for I00 In Ul. iihh ill.l l.iaok tria.i, and .wait. til ioliii.-uUlii. llj iiouiuu. MauM Willi Hint f.i.. lr,'o tcel-j;ny Honia i:;;.N-f 3 ror 13, ut fori. ''" hlinlil. Uim Co., un.'un. HOP ROOTsi 3S'Tcxx1oxxisb Xt-oclxxotioxi. Only $5 per Thousand ! Or tiers AiMrvM jaltaS I'romittly Filled. It. II. UOll.NUS, lrtius, Lane Co. gg3CXXV.IJX3 'wNnnHBNHBlBMHI3MlMll Ox-, rr-vr Store. litohfieldT MANNING, DKALntit IN- FAMILY GROCERIES ritovi'ssorTs aitd Country Produce, FLOUR, TEED, BACON & LARD, Will 111! llclicil, TtTim. CjIi, or It. xiulvaUint. ") S ONE DOLLAR. S Spuoner'b Gardening Guide for 1877, Anil tlfte cllO'fO NIOOIIIr'i MIL1-I.1l '.. on ncflp hi 1 1 U), or llio pUiln fret) to applicant. WM, II. SPOQNER, Boston. Mass. Dr. Ii. SMITH, DESISTTIST, SALEM, OREGON. Office raove.1 over BRKVMAN IIUOS,' NEW STOWJ octet hour from 0 a. xu. to 5 p. o. I-