Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 02, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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    '"m'-vt'TxA'11 iiijiff?xriiyisssff!r?i
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.VT7.7TVrTiTgtrll i M
h '.
Dealer lu
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobacco and, Cigars,
Salem, April 20, i iUmU
Prunes and Plume made
a Specialty.
For Slc Tills Season,
Apple, Pour, Quince, 1'luin, Prune,
Peach, Cherry, Grape vines, Currant,
UlackberrieH, llaspberrles (eight vari
eties), Strawberries, Chestnut, Mul
berry, JJIuuk and White Walnut,
Hickory, Sugar Maple, Honey Lo
cust, Lombarily Poplar, Mountain
Ash, Weeping Willow, Siiowlmlls
and Lllnuhs, Honeysuckles anil Ivy.
Arbor Vltie, Italian C. press, Golden
Cypress, very fine, Pines, and Cedar
l).-:o(hir,Park'authus,.laponica or FIro
Tree, forty varieties of Hoses, Flow
ering Shrubs and Plants of all kinds,
English Jlawbeods for hedging. u1m
English Privet Plants, for fancy
Now I call special attention to Iho
Amsdcn June Peach,
Fifteen days earlier than any other
Peach known. 1 hnvo only about UOi)
yearling trees of this Peach. Price, St
each, $11) per doz. si,Gl)0 dormant buds
of thin Poach; prlco 25c each. $'25 per
luuulrcd, -00 per thousand.
I also havo a fow trees of the
jMoiiuI, Voniou l'oui.
This Pear Is ono of the most valuablo
now Fall 1'cnw in cultivation. Price of
troes, $1 each.
Oregon Champion Gooseberry.
Thin berry If worth all otlicr Qonf utivorlvii Tor prof
it, a It I a tlnu Uti'.o berry, nml tUo mutt jirollllc
hetmr ever known, l'rlco of iilunle, $l.Ci) pur Uo
$10 per liuiulrid.
Ucd Warrington Gooseberry.
Tlilf U tlio I:irufit of ull (luotolicrrlv. nnd U a
Mood red, voiy ornamental, nml an excel cut berry.
1'ilcu of iilutitf, M) com icli, ((I per dozen,
Fonoli aoodHngs,
Per Imndnd. $1; per tbouemid, $30. l'rlco Lltti
rent free to imy utklrcr.
riuiti and i'rnno Trees on l'cnch Hoots.
I cblm lli.it tlio I'oidi root I fur superior to rinm
roiU for craning limner and plnnm on, lur llui-o rea
son: 1, lonituvur linvn any riruntH to dcrtroytbu
HIu ot your trvca. 2. 'J lei irnnu and iilnm tticcccil
better on pencil thin on plum. .1. Thu prnnuaml plum
boar yoittnior on ptach ruoti". and tho Iritlt l of better
ilitallty. My liroilitr bar a Prune orchard of Ml tree
(iu peach root live yenr old that had lorty pound to
tho treu till peaion. 111? trees ato very tnrlftynnd
flno, Icuuthuwauy man peach reel that arotwen.
tytlvo year old, perfectly round and healthy.
Testimony In ravorof tho Pencil Hoot.
McMlNKVILLB, Oct. 2.1. 181)1.
II. W. rntTTVJiAS,- Dear Sir: our note In retard
to I'lum tree ou Tench root. I u' hand, I havo n
number of Inrtre, healthy I'lum tree rwenly year old,
graltod on peach root. They lmvu never .prontvil.
nnd beir oxtri-muly well. I would not havo a plum or
inane treu tinier it n on peach root.
Youre, ruipvctlully, W. T. Nbwut.
Agent. Tor mr Nnrncry.
1) J Mabirkry, Portland: Wootley .fci'o, (Jorva!;
I, Mictituil, Wheatland; Mr K A Judklu. Knirencj
EW Whipple, C'ottaso Urove; tl Uerry. JlcMlnnvllie.
Proprietor of llallrond Nursery,
novlOtf K.VST roltTLAND. Or.
nncEDun or
TB1AKKS plcamro InnllVrln; to tho Voo-flrovor of
JL OrojMiiand tbuudJolnluirTeriltnri-" tho chance
to purchrtfit TlIOttOt'llMlSUnO MHItlNOS, and a
miring putloalntcreMtil that they can, and will en
tloivor to, tell Sheep of the ramo quality nnd tUncuU
MUCH CUK.VPKIl HATES thin witch cmi pm-i-lbly
bo Imported. ICxamluatloa imd comparison w 1th oth
cr Snecp offered lu tho Market nrn cordlallv United.
.. Adilre JOHN MINTO,
rl.'tleni, Orecou,
N. n. Tho Ilm and Ham Larab of the tlocls can
bo con on iho INLAND KAU.M, adjoining Salem.
The Ewee ran bo ;cu nt tho nuniu place, or at tho
HII.L KAU.M four and n hall mile couth of the city.
tialuiii, September IU, 1675.
Ijilxji'iil Torin!
JLOW nticr.M
LONti Tinil'.!
miiB onnooN a oaufo"hnia haimioad ro.
I. rffer their Land' for rale unoM thu tollnwliic libe
ral term: One tenth of thu price In ca'h; ititcrect on
Urn bal-incaat thu tatu of mven per cunt, ono vtar
after ale; and ach following year ono-tenth of tho
principal nud lutcreet on tho bilance nt the r.ito of
w en pt-r cent per aniiu i. lloth principal and Inter
tt iayab'o In U. S. Currency.
A dUco'int often per cent, will ho allowed for cah.
?r Letter to do auurrofcu to r, m;uuj.zk, Laua
Aceut O, a C. It, It.. TortUud Oreizou,
&aoliiiie liop,
B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r.
3 Reapna, Pamp, and all kind and styles of Ma
tilnery made to older. Machinery repaired at a abort
notice. Pattom-maklDf; done In ell Its various form,
anj all kind of Bra and Iron Castings furnhhclat
r hort notice. Alto, ntnnfacturer of ENTKKPIUSB
UA1'EKH. MavlwU
(Murccnaur to A. N. Gilbert A: t'o.)
..Dealer In.. ,
JlolmanV niock. Commeiclal St., three door north 01 I
iicl'ost Ofllco, HAL H5I, Or. aplly
The Frco Pros (Natialtno) Issues an ex
tra containing what purports to bo par
tii'iilnrs attunilltigtho wreck of tho steamer
Uoo. S. Wright, hi Queen Charlotte Sound
tbreo years ago. Tliu nnws U third or
lout th hand, nnd U ?caice!y entitled to
credence. The l'roe Prc4 rccelvtd its In
formation Iront Cajit. Dtidowcr, of tin
slooi Ittugluiiilur, who lupous that at
ltd In Delia tho Indian elilet, Charley
lltunsett culm; on board tlio sloop nnd
told him that a Wakena Indian who work
ed as coal passer on th uani-'lili Oen. ,
Wright at the time ot her wt irk anil wlm
with lli'tcun while men. rt'tiihed tlio rttore
alive, rolatod to him the fjllowhig pat tie
in. iii of the dtMlur :
The steaiiiHiii Uoo. y W right, white
erovlng (itieoti I'lmt lotto hoiunl. etieotin
ivitd a nio-t ti't rule gale, and iho set inn
nlni! niuiintalii hii'li. Tho veol
eiiiieauiL-d to l;ei-i tn-r eoiir'e. but 1
a lingo wave Imko over her. putting
on; the lire.-'. lininedl.itely allerwaid
tho boiler exploded, and In a ehortthne
tho steamer -ank. In tho meantime the
boats were lowered, but, with ono excep
tion, they were ln.tantly swamped. Tho
fortunate, or rather niil'ui tnnute boat, con
tained lllteeu whlto persons and tho Wa
kena Indian, nud rcachid one of tho two
small round Islands lu Queen Charlotte
Sound lu safuy. At night thoo saved lit
a tiro and went so sleep. Tho lire attract
ed a party ot Wakena Indians who. In
conjunction with their tlllieum who hail
been saved, cut tho throats of the white
men whllo they Jwero asleep, mutilating
their bodies in a frightful manner, ami
nlterwanlii throw their bodies Into tho wa
ter. Tho disaster inclined elofo to wheto
portions of tho wtecked washed ashoie.
i'he saved Indian iys that Opt. Altiv
ley went down with the steamer, nud that
ho worked haul to get the heals lowered
and throwing llfo preservers to tho'o
struggling lu tho seething waters. The
only per.-otis that tho Indian knew who
reached tho shore lu safety wero tho tlrat
mate and carpenter. As the Indian was
working ou tho sloam-hlp nnd would
therefoto kuoiv all tho crew, wo presume
that the thhtccu others lu tho boat were
Tho sloop Ulngleadcr U now on the
way to Victoria to itilbim tho government
of this matter and endeavor to get u gnn
hoat and go up there and tirtesl tho mtir
del era.
Tho Win rcu vOhlo; Trlhutio says: Tho
simplicity of manners which makes Goy.
Hayes and family so popular with tho pen
plo Is well Illustrated by an Incident that
occurtcd In lsVl. Colonel Hayes was
then lu camp with his teglmcnt at Char
lestpwii, West Virginia. Whllo thcro Mrs.
Hayes visited her husband and mndo a
short sojourn in Camp.
James I'arkcr, of Mufopotr.mln, Train
bull county, was a good-natured, jolly
bov " lu ono of tho companies ot Hayes'
regiment. Soon alter .Mrs. Hayes' arrival
and before It was known to all tho boys,
Parker was exproislnj: his regtets to some
of his conundes that there was no one to
mend bU blotno nud put pockets In It.
One of them replied: "Why, .Mm, why
don't you tako it to tho woman who does
tho (owing for tho regiment and get her to
ilx ll!"' "I didn't know there was such a
woman. Whero Is she?" (wked Parker.
"Sim's up In tho colonel's tent," said his
comrade, ''and If you tako your blotno up
there she'll mend It for you. That's what
she's theio tor.
Tho unsophisticated I'arkcr nt onco
started for tho Colonel's tent, blou-o hi
hand. Col. Hayes politely returned bis
salute. Invited him in, and Inquired what
ho wanted. Ho tcpllcd that ho wanted
his blottfo mended and pockets put iu It,
nnd that ho understood, tbero rvas a wo
man there to do suwlng tor tho regiment.
Tho Colonel took In tho sluatlon ntnucn.
With n merry twhikloln his oyos ho called
to Mrs. Hiiyei and inked her "II sho could
llx the soldier's blouse. She piomptlv ac
cepted the job nnd told Parker to call for
it In tho alternoou.
When I'atkor returned to his rom
rades they wero looking out for some
tint. 'Mvhero's vonr blouse i" they
aked. "Why, ) lelt It with tho
woman to bo Used," said Parker. And
when, lu nnswer to their lurtlicr question
big, bo told them bow tho Colonel received
him and how kindly tho woman under
took tho Job nt Uxlng bis bloiwi, tho boys
could hardly tell whether tho ioko was on
Jim or on themselves; and when later In
the day, Parker appeared with his blotuo
neatly mended nud two amplo pockets In
It, ho was the hero of bis coinpnuy.
i. ii i. i i i .i. .. ii. i. ...i
II may nun uu iiii.iiiii-u iimi, uiu uiei-
dent did not losfn Iho potiulaihy of tho
xallant Colonel and his wlto. Poor Jim
died hi tho Berylce, and his name, whh
many others Is engraved mi the bo-uilllul
monument :U Mesopotamia,
I,c-' XIIU Miiteuii'iit.
Salt I.akp- l'eb. 20. On tho nth or
March tho third dlsttlet court convene
at Heaver, when It will llx tho dato of
John I). J.eo's execution, giving him about
thlrtv days to prupnro lor death. It was
thought up to this tl'iio bo would die
game, without divulging anything, hut bo
is fast concluding Mormon priesthood litis
de.-eitrd him nnd to-day ho delivered a
written, verified statement to DNtrlet
Attorney Howard detailing with much
minuteness thu story of tho massacre. It
I thought, however, to ho far tlmrt of tho
whole truth. When he delivered hi? state
ment to Mr. IIowi.nl ho said, 'it Urln-
h.im Young had stood by mo as I hnvo
stood by bbn 1 could told my arms, walk
forth to my execution, nud seal our mutual
covenants with my blood."
Jcrusakm contains about 8000 or 0000 JeirK
There aro uoru In North Africa than Judea. ja
Italy aud Spain there aro fuw. Iu Great Uritln
they aro iu tho proportion of one in 1000; in
Trance four in 1000; in (Switzerland thoro are
7000; in Germany, IncludliifrAUiao-Lorraine and
tho Polish proviuccK, 573,000; in Austria l,i7d,
(Kfl, one-third of them occupying Oalllc-Ui, of
whose population they will bo a majority licfore
louc at the proKnt rato of increase; In UmAi
thetoaro l,6i9,100; in the oh) kingdom of Po
land Jew aro 10 per cent, of tho populstiou,
and OTor 30 per cent, in Warsan.
See hero you Indulco that boy too
miipb tlrt la n lu,rfnf mnlfa M nrili
,,,,,V,,. .w ., .. ,.,,v, ...M,v, ,,
husband, don't nccuso our boy of having
an ass for a father." The old uiuu was
Ono Good Lover Power,
bouedroralnwol, chopping feed. pumi
Inc water ot tlirrthlmt uraln. It ci.u ho seen lu ope
ration m my shoti In South Salem,
ailem, Feb. 11, 1S77. II. S. JORY.
Late Physician to St. George' and SI. Oarlhalo-
mow't Hotpitalt, London, Curator to
St. Elitabeth', ete.
After yritr of tho most rahorlnui -trnrch
ami uvtfrtMoM nitil nftrr fut
vrtictical intnllrallon In trnHmrntto llinu
.iii(N of iMitlttiitA. Oct). Chnmllrr, -..ir
.ir.f mom ini-arnM '" irrleiii jiutc
tlr Iho ftitltwlii(t rcntnlteu Ills solo (ft.
chiitm oml tuoiiiifty, tho tlltcticit oftrhlch
4s ntnstcil in thn nliimhioti yimiiflf of
testimonial, tlto unsolicited virerlnga of
ituffflnif nml illseniiriiivil imtlrnts, teho
hnvo not null rtcvleetl relief nnd benefit
from their continued use, but hnvo been
rndteailu cured of nihneuta nnd ehronlo
toniiilulnts, wltleh havo been adjiutued by
tho most cmtiuiut physicians as hopeless.
37iJ ineomparabXo nr.PVTIATirn it
a powerful aLtV.RATIVJ:, XOXIO, DI
VltJ.'TIV, JUAt'JlOItHTIC, nnd AVr.ltX
j:.VT, romflnlii7 vlrlttes ehleh render
it Inratuabln ami never-falling, aud by
its continued uso trllt thoroughly rrarff
ento all diseases of tho blood. Iir Ingre
dients aro of a purely hnrmlesn extrac
tion, tho products failicred from remote
JhlUPtlan l'rovlnccs, and ielicro them is
tho sllyhtcst taint of disease In tho sys
tem, it never fulli In ejecting that dltcuso
throurili tho medium of tho sliln, or cx
vlllnti It throuyh tho mniij nini various .
rhaunels of tlio body, thereby ullowtntl,
and, indeed, forclnn all tlio ornaus into
their nroiwr normal aud jvnetlniiat con
dition. A very brief opaeo ((mo will
convlneo any imttcnt uslny it, of Us un
convlneo any patient uslny it, of Us tin
doubted reliability and wontlcriil enrit
ilro properties, it bolny, most uuiiuesttoit-
tihlii. tho vcni nemo of inrdtent trlumnlis.
fimi the greatest discovery of tho present
aye, in tho treatment every dlseaso
tchera tho blood itself is prlmurlly tho
seat of tho lesion or ulsonlcr, such n.
HOUOl'VJiA and tho thoutand and ono
causes that tend to this terrible afilletlon,
vf which all elellltcii eommimttlcs aro
cimnlxiiut, for Jllbltcal Truth has aswrt
ed that tho "Kins of tho fathers shatt
visit crou unto tho third and fourth aen
rratlous," anil to JUlOICH.V-litHVX AXJ)
j:xrvi:iiLi:t coxstitvtwxs it is
costivi:xj:ss, livvai axd ujnxiiv
ovs ih:iixjIty, jtiwiijuATxiur,
ar.AXur.AK jiXLAiiav.stvxxs, j:pj-
AriT.trxioxs av tjik jioxjcs. xxna
x.hxt ulceus, x'JEUAXtj: wo.ir-
l'LAIXTS (and to the fjcntler sex, It is n
boon lonrj sought for by sensitive, suscep
tible, and dcllento females, as it tales
direct action upon their ailments) AX1
at,t. voieai.t ah' CHJtOSio Jusi.'ASi:
XX WltlOlI Tilt'. 1ILOOD1H T11V SVAT
Ol TllJJ TltVVHLE. it is Invaluable. A
perseveraneo with thl remedy wilt proro
)oif(ve and nennasent euro for
iJMLr.S and J-'JlVJlllS and all MALA
Thousands at ZVMmoii'a( attest tho
truth of these claims, .
I'rlee, Ono Dollar, in larva bottle, or
( bottles, $3. mmmm
OASTJtOX it a safe, speedy, nnd po'U
frn cure for that most depressing of all
tnents,andnbrlefcoursooftreatmentwUl restore tho digestive organs to their pris
tine strength, and vromote thn health
action of the stomach and intestines. Thn
nervous irritability of literary aud all
persona pursuing a sedentary life, is
speedily removed by this agent. Tho
stomach is restored to health and the hey
tioleaf the system will oiieo iorert;ioii(t
in the performane of labor.
I'rlee, Ono Hollar, in large bottle, or
(x bottles, $S.
A slight tn.en.lled cold will ofttlmes
lead to it serious cough, which, uuearal
for or badly trcatotl, must hum but one
result it must rt-rnliKiM fit a settled case
of JIllONOIllTJS, or what Is worse, tho
tlendly OOXSlMl'TJOX. To alt xiijjerlwj
fromharanalng cough and tjrprelorutlon,
TllACUlZON ofcra t oound, reliable, and
permanent relief. It augments rxpieto
ratlon, and enahleo tho putlnit to exutl
that terribly eeptlo deposit, which, if (ttt
without judicious treatment, must com
munleato ita poison to the vesicular sub
stance of tho lung, degenerating aud de
stroying that most essential of organs,
and ulllmatea only in an early una un
timely death. T1IACUEOX has no oiual,
much less a superior, aud its uso will not
oiiljreiHora tho deposit, thereby nlordlny
nreat relief, but heals the membruuo and
leaves tho patient in possession of htulthy
lung tissue.
l'rlev, J'lfty Cents per bottle, or six
OOIUCJ, va.ou.
PILES. Hemorrhoids.
Many causes tend to produca this pain
ful and distressing stule. Tho blond Is
retarded in its return I tho too freijuent
use of drastta purgatives tends to produce
congestion, of tho bowels, torpid action of
tho liver, and numerous othvr causes are
the source of this complaint, and hitherto
nothing effectual has been prestuted to
the public, which would rapidly allerlato
symptoms and ultimately proro an effect
ive cure. In l'XLON we navo a remedy
which not only acta almost instantly, but
will remove tlm largest tumors of the parts
fl'lles) by absorption, and. many who
havo received not only benefit, but havo
been radically cured, havo been assured
(prior to using this treatment) by emi
nent surgeons that the only relief they
ever could expect in life, would bo by o
operation, anil removing it or thnn iron
the body by a procedure which necessitat
ed tho ho ife. This remedy has been halletl
with delight, and is now prescribed by
tnany practising physicians, who are cog
nisant of ita merits, a tho only known
euro euro for l'lT.tCH.
J'riee, fifty Cento per pacUage, ortlo
for $a.ao,
thorough in tho eradication of the differ
ent and various maladies denominated,
and are tho result of patient, searching,
laborious, and selenttjlo investigation,
embraetng a period of many years, in
Europe and America.
If the tpeelfio direction are compiled
with, thousands of patients will bear wit
ness to their relative merits, and corrob
orate every assertion. Where there are
many complications of disease, and pa
tients eo desire, lilt. CllAXlllKU will
be pleased to give all information, and
treat by letter if necessary,
Descriptive and Explanatory Circu
lar of the ubove remedies sent on receipt
of stamp. If the VUOVltlETAHV
MEDIOIXES are not on sale at your
particular druggist's, send ordera to
- 178 Broadway, Bow-York City,
powerful rrjucenaior, causintt tne irreeii
of man (men mora to asaitmo iho Ood-llho
form of manhood.
Oregon Stato Woman Suffrago Association.
theO. 8. V. S. A. mot In llrth nmninl
convtmllou nt tho C'ouri-hotiso in Albany,
February 13, 1877.
UMituit to oritur ty tlio l'rcsltlont, Mrs. II.
A. I.ouKhary.
Tlio Sdoretnry. Mrs. F. F. Victor, being
ub4i.it t, Mro. liel.ashmtnt, of l'orllntid, was
appointed Seerotiu.v jro few.
'iltn l'resldont appointed tho following
On programme, Mrs. Ann M. Mnrttti, Mrs.
V.I. FoMor, and Jacob Con.sor; on revolti
tuitiH, Dr. Mnrv A. Ttiuinp.-oii, Mr. F Mar
vin, m.il Mies V. M.Oid-: ou llunnco, Dr. I).
I) Hny, Mm. CiHUlotd, etui Mm. J. A.
Juhitv; ou iiiiiMh, Mr. Amnio Heed,
Uyu(pio;U, Dr. Thotnpmii road tho Con
Mhutloii.and circulated It lorftlgnRtnrpx.
llvmiunit, MIi V. M.OIds re.ul iieptn
mtuilcaiii'U ti tun IhopiosideutMtliO IIIIuoIh
Woman jutt'rn(ti Absoolatlon, which called
out hoinn letMKihti ,
Mrs. Martin then roid tho report ot tho
committee on proiiitniuo, which was adopt
ed. Dr.Tliomrson tlir.ii olVorud the follow lug
ronort froiiiconmiltleoon lo.Milntlout:
unsolved, That tomtieraneo unit only bo
overcome by .voiuhii linvlng equal political
ru,nn with her brother ninn.
Kys-olvod, Thnt jttHlIco demands for woman
equal promotion with man In rojrant lo
property rlitbls, nnd Iho custody ofelilldnni.
lloolvod, That Jnstleo ilomiutdM lor wo
man tho rlubt of trial by a jury ot hnr poora.
Theso resolutions wero t'lki-n upt-cparnttly,
nud, Hiter a lengthy dbeusslon, ndoiiied.
Tho rjucstion , "What can wo do lo further
tho eiuuo of Woniuii Mnll'rnKo7" wiih jtrnpos
od nnd illsetiSNcd nt considerable len:ih.
Dr. Thotnrron then load the riilihilolj bla
bill ol' attainder; ntW wiih-h Mrn, .Muitln
ottered Iho following ruolution, which was
laid on tho table:
Keaolvori, That this Assoclallntt nppolnt
nu oif,'tib.lii'r; njjotit, to orftiml.o Woman
Sull'riifio AdMoelailons nt tuiib polntN in tho
Wlllaiuetto Vulbyr.a 111113 bo tionlgimttid by
;b!,i Ast oolallf.il.
Tlo eoiroHpoiHluui Riori Inry rendoominu
'.le.Uloiii from W. V.TIuyer,fiiMonnunitb;
I. I'. Moreland, I'oitbind; T. W. Duvonport,
Mlwrioti; 1j. Ii. ltowlutid, Ntlniii: s. M.
IbieU.Ualt Point. W. T.; N. II. Knljtht,
tiiilpiu; nnd Mury Sharoauiilh, Fort Clatsop.
Tim Ahiochillon thi-n proeniltd to tho
election of oltlceiu, which icMilttd nt fob
For lVsIdnnS Mm. II. A. Lonphnry, or
Ainily; Uncord lint Ssroretnry, Mios V. M.
OIiIm, MoMlniivlllet l'i)rxir.pouillti; .Socio
taiy, Mrs. A. M. Martin, Iifnyettu; TrehK
urer, Mrn, M. A. Alliito,Suli-iu.
Thooleetloii of Vico-l'riuddiinlH was loll
ulili tbooxeetillvocomiulttKn.
Tlio AbHoelailon elected Mrs. Uiunbary,
Mr. Connor, Dr. Thompsoi:, Mim. MiiiIii,
Mrs. t0td,Mh.bOldH, Mih. M..I. Foster, 1).
1). Orny, nml A. Fierce, dblt KttttM lo tho Stato
TeniperKiieo Alllrtiieo.
Tlio tutmo delemiti'H woro nutborl.nd to
ropreKimttho Ahboelatlou In thoHtatoToin
pcnnico Union,
Tito l'rihldeiitthnu itddnwnl tho Convrn
tlon, brlilly roviowiii;tliu woiklnu.N of tho
AMHOiilntlon ourliiK Iho past year, nud kIvIuk
KlIunCHOf tho tiriiit amount ollabor per
fortned by bern-lf, In thn Interrht or tho
ininso, not only in tho full dlcharu. or tho
dutliNOl her own olllee, but In taking up
iho wont or dolln(tii)iiiH in other depari
tuents. Alter liitonhip Ion wnlbwrltlon casay read
by Mih. ,1. A. JoIiiih, or .Salem, tho AHtocln
lion proceeded lo elect tho place for holding
Iho nest annual inoetlnc, which wmtdtelded
In Invorof KuiuuniCity.
Dr. Tlionip-,011 thou iiddrrnNod tho Akho
oliilloti at homo length on the subject, "What
Hhould bo tho iiUHltllentlou ot votort-?"
A very spirited dlheiikulon ou tho wuno
httbjeet followed.
Tiiinn day.
Tho nronrlcty of collectlntt tho laws of Or-
proii iwirtalnliiK lo tho property rlfibla of
married women ami puiiiiiiititf tnoin in n
(mull tiuet ford iKtrlbutloii.HN htiggehtod by
lion. F. O, MeCown, wilsdlNeiiHKed, aud ou
motion, tho Kxiculivo Commltteo wiih In
Mtrueted to Invito that Kcmtleuinu to collect
tlioho lawn for publication.
Mih. Martlu'd roxoltitlou, relative to tho
iiitioiiilniont of on oranlzm;: hkoiii, wiih ta
ken from tho tuble, nud after dlneUNblon
Mrs. Loii;;liary was unnulmouHly olcolod
to fill Unit ponltion.
Tho Swirnlnry read n communication from
Mm. F. F. Victor.
Mrs. Martin I lion irnd f.oveial estracls
from Iho WoMiin'a Journal.
KusoltitlouN of tlmnkt to Iho elllzotui of
Albany and to tlio Uaiboatl Co, weroudoju
oil, A cf.nitnlllfoor ono In eaob county waa
.ijMKiliited loonllfct tho annual iIiikh of tho
11 embers nnd forward tho tmno to tho 'J'reas
hit of tho AHoelatlon,
A niotio 1 irjvalled lo nny Mri1. 1.oti2lmry
?."( per mouili and travollUK oxpeuhcs lor
In r Mirvlct'M nnoi(iin!.lL'r ii;ent.
Tho lollowiiiK lesolution, iill'oud by Dr.
Thompson, wiih adopted:
ltein.lviit, 'I'll nt tho IhniikH or thn ( 'on voli
tion uro duo iho bravo editor of tho .'w
.VoiAitdinVirtliiiruiitlrliH; MIoiih aud uu
illnolilnv; eiiurrtU'i lu furiherliut tho eaiuo of
irpial ilyti'H, imd that wo will exert our In
lluouco to c.toud tho elroiilatiou of tbolr
mf or, and Hum brinu our vluwu beforon
ureotor nuuibor of renders.
Tho Correapoiiihiitt Kteretnry road com
niiiiilciulnnv Innn lion. J. F. 1'iiples at d
Mr. Dr. II, A. OweiiH.of l'ortlimi, ami Mrs.
J. DoVcro Johraon, of Oieaou City.
A short (lliciiKxlou 011 tlio it'sibllltloH of
man led women followed, altor which nu
orlKlnal fi'Xiin wan rend by Mrs, Johns,
'i'lie I'ii Nldeut then addres-ed tho AhhooI
ntlon for llbeeu uilnuUis on tho mibjoct "Tlio
I'Meeltdes ou which Woman SuHVul'o
Ou motion, furthnrtlmo was granted tho
i'lChhlorit to iIuIhIi her argument,
.Indue l'iper uimi'allnd for aud responded,
Mrn. Martin, Dr. Thnmtisoii, Mrs. Mlnto,
and Mn. Danny hIso mudo ri'tnarks.
Mri. llowmau thou Kavoa very beautiful
and appropriate recltutlou entitled, "Foot
and Mother."
A HprJKhtly -eellallon by MIsh Mnttlo Koi
tor entitled, "yuh'ti Vote," ebiMHt tho osor
elsi.H, nod tho Convention ndjournod to
meet at Kuvouo Lily 011 tho 1M Tutuday of
February, 187S, gQ
mkk and Oregon Cultivator havo been con
Mlidatod, Moisrs, Clarka it Crab;, of tho
Fakmiui, ImviuKPurelmMod tho latter. Ono
good live ii(jrlcultural pujior will find a
heartv support lu thN Stato, and wo wish
tho Fah.mku abundant bUwoHi.L'orvalUii
McHHrH.CIailie .t CralK, publlNhorn of tho
Wn.i.AMi;rn: l''Aioir.it, havo purehaxod tho
iutnrct unit cood will or thu Oieytm Cittli
vutor, lieraiofom publlxhtd at Albany by
Mart. V. lliown. Thn two piperj will bo
ooiiolldat6d. J'. I'. Advocate,
Tho Oregon Cultivator U no more, but tho
Wn.t.AMirni: Faioiku Hill nourishes and
dcborves thn patronaco of tho fuiuilug com
mu'ilty. Albany Democrat,
Tho Merino Blood for Wool Growing;.
In mi Introduction to an examination of
tlio shoep nnd wool of tho world, Mr. J. H.
Dodge, Statistician of tho Doporlment of
Arlculturo, says:
111 nhfcnri'llltr tlm l1nllinlD?nr .linnn l.i.u.
baiidrv Iii illll'erent eountrlos, nnd tho quali
ty nud stylo oldlfi'oiont breeds of sheep, tho
most obvious Ihmutbt suggested lu tho gov
erning lorco of elieituiMtancos, of nllmato,
oll,MiUiihof HKrleiilltiro, ami local demaiut
lor int-Ht or wool, In IouiiIok tho provallbiK
stylo 01 htep, whether of prado or pttro
breed. Tho induction m mutirally luado
that tlio tyio of sheep found in nny given
locality iH.thereloto, thonnlmal behtatilted
to that region. tm ii n coueluslon should bo
adopted ory eaimouily and with many
Imitations: otherwlm progress would bo
hnixi-slblo. 'ito fact that modlllcBtlou,
clni go for tho boiler xonerally, is plainly
oen m JieHrlyev.ry.istliictlvol'jlndorshoep
louiid In tho ct ilizt-tl nud proutosslvo conn
irleMi.ftboglobo, to obtain meat of a bettor
iUtlliy,or more In pmportlou to reed con
sumed, or wool oltbot lu larger quantity or
belter adii pied to thooli..ug.n requlreiuontH
1 1 tuanulrtcture, snould tm ilooiuod conclu
sive of tlm iieeesiliy of keeping abroast of
tho changing conditions of sheep-husbandry.
In nnnw country Ilko oury, thosbeepof
which all owo their origin to llookn of foreign
countries, It In iiocosmiry uot to look for
guidance to tho abeop accidentally brought
Into n purtloulnr section, but lo thoeiicuui
staneea or soil and Hlttiittlon,nf ellinnlontiil
culture, which atlect prodttcilon nnd prollt.
Mr. DodKowenttw bottomry comtnlsslonor
to tho Vlonnu International Imposition, and
tho pnpor quoUd from is "A report to tho
hocietary of SUito of tho U. a. nud to tho
Commissioner of Agriculture"
Tho advance of tliii interest, o Iniporlant
to olvillzed man, is indicated by tho increase
of manufactures of wool hi this country and
Ktiglaud. In this country, tho value of
woolens manufactured havo lnercatod from
$Ul.'l.l)tl3 iU ISL'O. to SUM.-UVi.ttnX In lsTO
The Fngllob-used wool of foreign growth
v.MH,ti.oilrst yenr or (ha century, t!08,!WS
pounds , r.ml had lncieated (o ai'J,Ui'il,b(IJ Iba.
lu 1S71, nnd ulthough Urllhdi homo con
Hiimptlon ban been very great, her reports of
wool p.:iil wooleu inanufnetuies baa Inereas-
ed from it valuation of .V'.),tb7,-155 In 1S10, to
.cm,li!,(i In IS72,
Uetnarklng upon tho shcop cxhibllcdat
Vienna, Mr. D.sajH:
Tho Merino rambles of heep grenllv pro
donilnated.nii they do lu all eountrlos In
which wool lather than mutton is ihonlin of
thu breeder. Kngland, with a denso popula
tion to feed, and lamls of high prleo, sent
only long nnd middle wools, lit rniany con
tributed mainly Merlnoes, Ihorotigli-brcd
and oross-brod, puro bloods and tho atuo
lloratod llitml-shu(ii" or Ihu eountry, w It It 11
fair propoitlon ortbo various breeds or Kug
llsb mutton-sheep. Franco Kent only tho
lbunbotillletMeiliio, which is tho niate.it
approach to tno meat-producing lypei of
Oreat Ilrllaln yet attained by tho wcol vltlil
liiu' nu'oorapaln.
Thopredomlnaneoof Merlnoes -.f tho vari
ous fniiillleH wns Miry marked among eontl.
nonlnl exhlbltorH. Of tho a77 iiiilmals front
tloriunny,20I wero of this blood; U7 wero
and tho remainder Ntiablau, Frankon.and
"Haldosnucko." A still larger numbor of
Merlnoes, though liotnvoraglnir so nigh in
utility or blood and other points or excel
lence, aro round In tho Austrian contribution
not less than 322 bolng entitled to this dis
tinctive natno from tlio predominance of
Spanish blood. Tho Soutbdowns appeared
to hold tho noxt placo in publluculniatlon,
bavliig (18 Austrian roprcHnuuUlv.s, with u
stnmg strain or Down blood in 110 losa than
' placed In tbo Morlno olas, nud Cotswold
Do wiih, Soutbdowii. Fad uaner, ami South-dowii-Illrkl.
Tho Xackel raeo nnd "Oado
gast" hhoeii coinplt-Ui thn list or IH7 animals
outpred. Hungary presonled :J22 Mnrlnoert
and grados In 11 list or -l.'ll. tho blaok Siobon
burgiir, tho Wa I hi oh la 11, aekel, Igara, nnd
.... ,', V u "-""""'""iig mo rcmainiinr.
Whllo this prudomliianeo or 11 slnglo raeo
Is so evident, It Is trim that 11 tendency has
been leltroryontii. growing si ronver yearly,
toward n larger infuslcu or Fngllsb blood,
and 11 greater comparative Impoilaneo ti
""at production; nnd tho result or this ex
hibition, most or Iho Hngllsb representatives
bolng (liblrlbutod for breeding purpoios,
will bo a manifest hircngthoiilng of thli
toudenoy. Tho Improvement or Mrrinoos,
o mat Imd In (ho hint twenty yoar-i, bus been
hi the direction or longer yet mom compact
frames, eulargod HasIi takliiff oapaeltv, mid
earlier matunty, with 11 coarser but htavler
nud nioro iiroiitsblo llecco. Not loss aettvo
than lu tbo United Siiiun, for n geunrallon
past, lias biou tho effort to meld thooilglual
lloeks lo suit tho changed demands of tho
woolen iiuuurautiiro and tho proving ro
qulremnut tor meat. Tho examliiatlou hi
detail or tint oxlilbltlou or thosoornl uouii
irltHwill llltibtrato these ohjucW of slatp
breeding lu ICurope.
It may bo reuiarkod lu tbo ilr.t poitinn of
tbonbovoqiiotatlouu, Mr. 1). iHHji.jiiding of
tbesheejiof Furopo geuorftlly, Ihioiighout
tho largeit portion of which tho condition of
agriculture urn mioh into maVo wool yet tho
llrst, and iniiiit tbo uoo.iud, product In rola
tlvo imporlaiice. Whllo iu populous d!;i
trlotu, whero Iho laud i well ctiltlvdtod and
root crops, lll(o (ho sunar boot, aro taken ami
refuw) ol tbo sugar working fed, tho mutton
bpfoiuits tho first object, and tl oro tho
I Wit Mi bietds tako tho lead of tho MerluoiH
as a means of Improving thn native races of
sheep: aud In allsltuutlous whero wool Is tl o-llrt-t
or prime object nud all high aud dry
ilUtrlolH, tho Meriroes ato tho chief ineium
of Improvement. A ntuily ofDodgo'A paper
leads to tho coueluslon that Kitropeaii lum
en an n .vholo, aro behind American, uh
there appears to I Iihvo been iiumhers of
grille or oroKS-bred sheop shown at VIoiiiih ,
sheep that certulnly could reprtsent no pr
111 ineiit bried. J, Mjnio,
Wool Oiio wkii'h AfcsociAi ion. Those por
sons enguHtd iu wool growing lu UuiHtllla
county have organized a "Wool Growers.
Association," nud elected the following olll
ccrs to servo during tho first year: I'realdent
Jawib Fra.er, 1'oudleton prtolnct: vlco
presidents Henry IJowmau, I'endlolon;
Jesso Drutulmller, Milton ; John Adams,
Weston; W. ltons, Alta; Jsmes Taylor,
Meadows; Job Smith, I.owor Diittor Creek;
Dfcu. Selling, Upper llullnr Cretk; Col.
bang, Willow Creek; W, Fenland, I.owir
Willow (Jreok. t!eereury nml Treasurer
O. II. Sceley.
Stnator-olrct Dvlsof Illinois is a million
luiio. This will partly explain his willing.
Hess losaetlflco tho comfortable aud endur
ing olllcool Justice at a salary of glO.OCO u
year lor tbo jiretarlous tenuio nt u Miiaior
at u llltle more (Lau half that tutu,
-7, - -.'' vr