2 WILLAMETTE FARMER. iltottuifc jfotrnur. SALKM, FRIDAY, MAKC11 g, lb"7. Tho Coming War in Europe. JuiJrIiir from tho (0110 of tho most lulltt outiat JoiirnnN, nnd taking In cotiRldorutlon lato nogoclRllouH and ovonlH among tho Ku rojoan I'owern, rotnotnuorlng alno tho trad I tlonal policy of Russia for tho powHlon of CotiHtanllnopIo, and It acem ovldont that Kurof'O Ih on tho ovo of a war, which may livolvo tho majority of tho great natlonn or posMbly bo confined to n ntrugglo botwoon IltiNNla and Turlioy. Wo havo not only a natural intoroit In tho coining Htrugglons a groat ovontof IiIh tory, but wo havo tlio groatost poiHlblo pe cuniary IntoroRt In thin, that war In Kuropo inoaiiHlhnl wunhnll linyonn unlimited mar ket, at good prlucH for our broadHttillK, nnd thai moans groat pronporlty for tho Unltoti Stilton, nnd especially for Oregon With thin double Inloio&t In tho roNiilt wo can af ford lo Htudy tho Mtuallon. Turkey Ih habltunlly cnllod tho "wlolc man" of Ktiropo, nnd Iho gront powera lato ly Hint tliolr plonlpotentlancR lo Coimtnntl noplo to coimult with tho Turkish govom- inniit, and linpovo hitch roforniH nnd ohnng os In tho Ottoman HyHtem of administration uh might Room ndvlHnbte. Imagine, then, tho Rurprlto of Ktiropo, and tho world, when tho "Rick innn" rofuew nil propoRltlonR and tornm propoHod by tho powers and nRRortH tho liilontlon and ability to follow only his own coiiiihoIh. Huuh Is tho Rtalo of tho enfco. Turkoy hnHRiuibhud tho jmworH and defies Ruxslii, poislbly dopendlngon tho fact that Knglaud Iiiih nlwnys boon hor ally In tlmn of need, or deponed to bollovn that hor strong dofeiiNlvo poRlllomi will bo proof ngalnsl ItiiRsUn attack. In 1828 nnd 182ti tlioro'IwRH wnr bolwnon RiiRRla nnd Turkey, nnd nflcr Htiflerlng groat Iohroh on tho Diinulo, Russia was glad to make ponce nud withdraw thoRinall rem until of hor gront army. The northern bank of tho Danube Is low nnd swampy, whllotlio Southern baiilc, fortllled by tho Turks, eon nIhIh of blull's and tnouiitalii Nlioros lhatnro nluiost Imprognlbln lo assault ami capable of o.isy dofonso, and tho stubborn naluro of 1fho MohIoiii makes Jilm most formldablu In defense. Of lato n great cliaugo has comn ovor tlio Kngllnh peoplo with reference to fears or Kim hlau supremacy In the Knht. Tho Sue, canal and tho friendship of Kuypt nro all the guar antee Knglaud noeds for her commerce, and If Russia gotN n foot hold nt 1'oiiMtnntlnoplo Kiurlnud has, to nllset that, two Impregnable naval stations In the Mediterranean, Malta and (Illiniltur, uud her imvnl miproinuoy Is hiilllclout ih iigalnst Itusslau assault byse.i. Astolhigllsh fears of Russian Intorforimeo with hor Indian possessions, there Is nn of Ihiloul harrier o( mountain ranges through tho heart of Asln that constitute n natural bniudnry to Iho ad vanco of Russian oultoHtH, mid IhiglHtid can easily make this moun tain raugoiiti Impregnable barrier. So reason KugllHhinati of tho new Kchnol, who scout the Idea that Fiiglaud has ought to fear from Muscovite power, and declare that Iho aim ottles of tho Turks havo forfeited further ooiinloiinnoo or support from (Jre.tt llrltalu. If the aigumeiits mid theories ndvnuced by llUdMnnn, nnd others who Hilvccato giv ing the Ot o iiiih Kinplro up to Its Into, pre vail In Fuglaud, then Iho Tuik has counted without his host uud Russia will bo certain to mnko a vigorous push Inwards Constant! tiophi ns noon ns Spring opens. It looks very much as If ItusMu, having bided her tlmo for renlurles, thinks that tlmo Is now. Tho coufiirencoof tho powers was Intended by Russia to place tho Turk deoidedly In tho wrong, and in Hint respect soemn to boa mio t'oss. Itussliils now negotiating fornllllcs.or ut least to prevent any of the great powers hiding wlin Turkey, and every moment of delay Is employed to organize, discipline ami oiilp tho llussluu arm Urn for tho field. Wo hear continued iist'erllous that Iho Rus hl.iu armies mo not readily formed; that Rusulati plans for Iho coining campaign nro n failure; that Russian llnancos are uotnpial to u f.r expenditure, nnd many other suoh rt'ports nro current, but It Is Ruxslnn policy to uudors'.ato her forces, uudorrato her pre parations, and let the world, and especially hor adverary, bo lulled into security until the wuroloud slmll bur.st siuUleuly upon them. If nil Kuropo shall bo Involved In wr tho United MiiIom w ill bo called on not only for broad but lor an Immeuso aiuotiut of tninufiu'tured material nnd wsr stores. If the war Is con lined to the two belllcereuts, Russia and Turkey, even then It will bring us prosperity, for all the nations of Kompo will bo under ariusualutaluluggreatKtaml lug armies to loprepired for any eiueruon- If tho wnr cloud blows over and Riusln ttooiu't march on Constantinople, and the great armlis tluWh their isinulo and go homo, wohhnll meiely havo to go on In tho luual way, ruUo wheat and fell It for what uocau get, with h postibllliy of being glad Co gt't seveuly live cents a bushel for It hut the opinion of tho wUtt ones t.voms to bo that Russia means war and that the Turks will miiKo a do-spcrnto and prolonged do louse. Our sheep men hao found un InfslHnblo remedy for lisvli In sheep. It Is simply to leoil iIiomi m ullllcted, isipprs a spWlful ot which will euro tho worst cuio-i. The better plan U lo iul. tho copperas with salt, and feod It to the eutlio (lock In small doses, Where this pluu U adhered to tho dWenso imvur luakivs Its nppoauauco, RoMoburg Ydimriifrr, Stati: Faiu. Tho next annual Fair of tho Oregon Stuto Agricultural Society, for Ib77, liegliiKoii MouJuy, October vSth, and oontln. ucs six days. K, M, Waiti:, Sic. Interesting to Farmers. SAMJM, Fob. 23, 1877. Ki). Faiimiiii: During tho paMtcn days Mr. O. Miller, of tho linn of I'arrlsh & Mll lor, of Jefferson, linn boon InteroMlng him self In calling tho nttontlon of furniors in tho vicinity of Albany, Joflbrson and Sitlom to tho profit to bo dorlvod from tho cultlva- tlon of flax, and trying to get thorn to enter Into this Industry, In order lo lnduco Mr. n. M. Crano, of (tan Francisco, to movo his machinery for tho tnanufacluro of that pro duct to Orogon. Tho subject was brought boforo Salom Grange, I', of II., ntlts moot ing of February 11th. and tho subject being deemed ono of ureat Importance to tho farm ing Interests of tho State, Danlol Ulurk, how ls Johnson and John Mtnto wore appointed ncommltlr-o to assist In brluglug tlio matter to tho nttontlon of tho farmora of this vicini ty, nnd Iiiiluclnir them to bow two hundred or moro aerosol land to llax this Hensoti, that amount being doomed sulllclont, with (ho two hundrod nnd fifty or three hundred acres guaranteed to Mr. Crano by Miller A l'urrlih. Tho following proportion and ex planation Is the result of an Informal meet ing between Rovornl (armors and Mo.fcrs. Alkon and Henry, February 22d, who pur poNo putting up mills tor dressing tho (lux ihaltnnybo produced within hauling (lis Unco of S.tlem or Albany: Parties wluhing to row flax, or got lulorimitlon In reference tlioioto, can ooiumunlcato with Mr. WJIIInm IJonry, nt tlio G'hemokota Hotol, or attend h n meeting wlilnh will bo hold at tlio olllco of H. M. Wallo. Secretory of tho State Agricul tural Booloty, Saturday, March !Jd. Toudd ntinthorciop to tho staples of Oregon, to plant on u permanent basis u m:iniilit;iuro so Important as that of Hhjt. needs no argu ment. 'J no salmon UMierlcM or tlio Colum bia oven now uo enough twlno nmdo from the quality of flux that only Oregon, of nil portions of tho Futon, can produco to mnko Sir. Ornno's entf rprNo n safe ono If only u commoncemeut to rnlso tho flux Ih made, and no one cm now toll tho proportion and lmoitouco Iho enterprise mav yet miKUtno. John Minto. FLAX-RAISING. Tho farmer wishing lo ralno llax this year will bo lurnlRhed tho Reed for sowing at threo dollars per bushel, nnd to Mich iih havo not tho money to pay, thosoed will bo furnished, and paid for out of thoscod nnd llix raised. Tun llax must bo sown on clean, rich laud, about u bushel and n ininrter per ncro, nnd sown nsoarly as the llrst of April, If possible. It will cost ubout six dollars per nure to pull It, ut tho outside, nnd tho mlll-inou will fur nish tho hands to pull tho ll.ix nnd superin tend tho pulling, nnd will charge (ho raiser tho actual cot of pulling. There can bo nil nvorago of 100 pounds of lrosod flux por ncro, uud nlso mi nvorugo yield of olght bush els of flax-seed por aero, nnd tho llax can bo Mild at tho factory for from 15 to 21 cants por pound, according to quality. Tho llax raiser is to raise tho llax, pull, mid deliver it lo tho dresser nt tho rotting pomlH; tlio dress er Is to thresh, rot, break, and dress thollux, and to clem limited, uud deliver ono half ol tho llax dressed, uud one half of tho seed cleaned ; tho dresser will deliver tho llax either to tho raiser or ut tho spinning factory, tho raiser's option. Thlstbtxis contracted to Mr. Crano nt tlf teen cents poround whero tlio seed Is saved, hut whom tho llax Ih pulled in tho blow it is contracted ut from 20 to 2.1 cents por pound, according to quality, olo. In order that tlio ptovlaloiiHof this contract shall bo binding, It will boiiecossnry thatut least from 200 to 2.10 acres bo Niibscrlbod to bo sown, uud such amount must bo sown In order to In diioou drtssltig mill to bo built nt Salom, and nNo boforo Mr. ('ratio will romovo his factory machinery from Sun Francisco to Oregon, as ho intends doing, and will do If said amount of land Is sown this season In tho vicinity of Salem. Messrs. Vurrlsh and Mlllor, of Jotlersou, who havo been In tho business for two years, havo ngrced with Mr. Crano to furnish him with tho llax to bo raised on n llko amount of laud as Is pro-po-edto bo raised near Salom. Mr. Lewis I'ettylohu has contracted to put In twenty ii'Tos this season, on tho aliovo conditions, TROOPS IN THE SOUTH. In compliance with tho request of tho Mouse, to know why troops were Rent Into tho Sjuthetn Stutis prior to tho election, l'rosldoolUraui sent it apeolal messiigo to tho llousanvoinprtiilod by n mass of docu mentary evidence, sys: "It Ittonuimli to siy that theiio dlllV'ront kinds uud bcourcos of ovldouco havo left no doubt whatorer In my iiitud llml liillmida lieu has boon list d, niitl uotmil violence to an extent requiring tho aid of tho Cnltod MM s where it W'M piaeilcablo to fiiruuh such aid. Li South Catoliua, Florida and lu l.nutuun, as voll-u iu Mslilppl, Alt b.iiiiu uud CeoigU, Helps of tho I ,tt!il States havo lueii but sinulugly used, uud in no c.i'.o so us to tttterfoio wltn tho full exor cise of tho right of Hiiil'ruuo. Hut a very few troops were available for ttio purpose nt prowiiitliu; or suppressing Uileuce aud lull inldatloii in thtihiutis nboo iiau.ed. Iu no cise, except that of South Carolina, wits l no number of Hildlcrs In any biato iucnAed In iiultcipatlon of tho eleotlou, saving that twenty lour men and an oltUvr wiu K'lit from Fort lotto to IVtoroluirg, Vlnjlula, wht'iodUturbai.ees wvto thiiH'eued prior lo election. No tioups won, tt.aUouod u: tho ttlug plucvs Iu Flomla mid Louisiana lo pis'ilely. A suiiill lunula r t f soldleis In said St'ttes wero stntioiieil at such pilots In cacti Mn'O as worn most thitateiusl with vio lence wlutio they might lo mailable as a jsmso for Iho oillcer w lioso duty It wus to nro servo tint pence uud proveul tlio Intimida tion ol oters. Such disposition of tnwps sm-iiiiHl to me it.iioiHbtt uud Justlllml by law ami procvdoui, while Us omtnlkni would have boon luc.nislstent with theism Hiiiutioiml duty of tlio I'nwldont of tho lul lod .v..itfs to lake caio thtt Iho laws bo talih fully extsiuted, Th stinto exprtsly for bids tho bringing or tiooph to tho polls, ex cept whoro lUK'-wsiiry to keep iho peace, iui pl ing that to k(Hp tho saeo It limy bodone, Hut Una even, so tar m 1 urn udMsnd, has not In any caso been douo, Tho stiuioiilug or a company or jurt ot a ooinpAii In iho vicinity whoro thoy could bo uv.ulabli, to prevoiit riot has lwon tho only uso madouf troops prior to and at iho tlmo of election. They were o hiMtloiicd that they could Iki caiied upon in any cmeri;oucy rtiinlrlug their pioaeiico by tho Marshal or Deputy Marshall as u poso to aid iu suppressing uulawliil violeniH)," RAINFALL IN CALIFORNIA. Tho nvcrngo voarly ralnfAll fornny period often years tinting Irom IS 10 has been,lnthn great vaiiovH or too hwih, auout -uio-ji Inches. Tho lowest (In 1SU5) was 5 Inches, nnd that was u vrar ot lUininu. Tlio hlcliast (In 18(11 2) al Inehcrt, and that was n year of tianiBging nooil. it lias iem u lavoruo thoory thnt tho crops nvorngo with the avorago rainfall, hkli or low, excluding years ofdostiuo'.lvo flood. That Is to Ray, If tlio ralur.ill Is bulovv 20 Inchos tlio crops will bo bolow tlionverago inthosntue proporliou; irabovo2(l lnohn, thou tho crops will bo proportionately above tho average. TIiIh Hoason, up (o tho protent tlmo, the raluiall ntSaoraineuto anil Stojk'ou lias boon but n llttloover? Incut's; nt Xillejo,"! and yot thoro aro no borloua cnmplnlriiH ol iho crops, which appear lo bo doing well notwithstand ing tho long drouth of December and Janu ary. It remains to bo icon whether tho prospect will hold out to tho end. Should March nnd April supply llvo or six moro inches of wattir, and May give us moasur ably nn oxeinptlon from tho tloslcactlug and Killing norm wind, it is prounuio irom present Indications that tho crops will oomo luny up to tlio nycrago, Kayo m corinm localities, rw tho west eldoof iheSan Joatpiln, wlierothoy havo not hsd ovor 5 Inches ot ralu us yet. Rut If March and April should ropoit Decombor and January, anything nearly up to tho nvorugo harvest will bo Im possible. In this connection, wo RtiggoH that thoro If nlariio urnble region lit tho foothills of tho Sierra Nevada, o.':iondhtg fn in nil nltltttdoof ltJUU to 2(100 feet abovo Ro level, Mid embrao lug a belt not los than !!() miles wldotluo' nearly tho ontlro Inngth of tho Slate, wbere on the ttiiuualrnlul'ali Is moro than twice us much nn It Is in the valleys, nnd whero, with Hiich earn us Is unM by farmers In tho older States, belter tiverngo crops might bo obtain ed than nro realised In tlio valloys. Theso uplands have also tho ad vatitngo of Innumer able nnvnr-falling sprlngp, und of w titer read ily avallabln Tor Irrigating purposes during tho summer months, of an nhuudaiicH of timber and of a very salubrious ullmii ',w S. J-'. Chronicle. A Qrcat Undertaking. Sponkliig of tho California Company's dividend of8l,0iK),(K)0, tho TcnttorUU I.'nlcr- irfio ortiiontli reuuirks: During tho mouth Its shipments havo boon over ft, 1)00,000, hi there Is no doubt ubout tho dividend. Wo wonder If one lu u thou sand who reads tho brief announcement every mouth on a cm lain dav. ihai n corlulii mine has paid a dividend of t'l.OsO.OOO, has thosllghtosl Idea of what l iitccssiiry to bo douo lo mnko such an uunouuiMiiiO'il possi ble? Kvory one who over ood a uo.o in u bank knows that 110 days Is u very brief period of limn, TonitlMiu inlno lo proiluco JMi0,000 lu u single day Isu treinoudous feut; to coniimio this nriRlui't dally tlirouuh weeks and niontbs, iilmost without variation, lsi marvol. It lakes forethought, endurance, Judgment and nice calculation such i-s very few mon possess lu ibis world. Tlio oro from which this mighty yluld Is extruded lies hid itwuy almost u third ofu mllo bolotv tho earth's surfrt'o. It lies whoro consum ing heat uud n.illllng wutori Join tholr forces to try to drive away tlio Invading miner. While tho oro t being ho sted, overv mouth 1,2.10.000 foe', of Itiuilisr h is to lie lowered and put in position, to keep s'U'o the weaken ing cuusoit by the lunilitv excavations. While one lovtd Is being worked another has to bo explored, for a drain ot fAl tons of oro iifrduv would rooii lnol a inountaln down. Tlion tho Comstoelk Is nil uiina-y ll-siiri'. In I .. .., , t. ,... i,...i... . urnmul sl,tirh li.lo siiIIiiIhih ltnirtili Inch ' souiiro timoerH. imiiuiih inut tiriiui ami in ollues Hiid tracks havo to bn watclmd Incis saiitly , lor a mine, llko u glacier, sooms over to bo working. Tills is nil bolow ground, Abovo tho hiirfaco Is u wor'tl ot inaclilnorv, always to be Lent in order Mi.am engines, air engines, cables, cage-, nlr pipe, pumps and nil tho multiplied dnlctH Intended to oxpedlto tho work and Ichhoii the dangers of mtulnc. Five hundred men btio to be low ered Into and hoisted from tho depths dilly. Three hundred curds of wood have to bu pro-1 vldtsl Ullv for fuel. And there must bo no j delays, no Rcrious HccidenlH Tho needed roslrs must bo imtlclpated nnd piovlded , for: the accidents must b anticipated and guai diHlugit'.uM; tho oxplnmiloim must bo carried on months In udvatice, iho supplies must never fill. A vast spicimfl'.irusi laud, .'10 miles away, has (o bo denuded ut Its dm beryearlyto till Iho Ins.iiluiit umwot this unuiillno. Hiequlres Ifi.lSIO.OO,! lent of tlin boriuid 100.0OU Cortisol wood annually lo supply the mine and to furnish luol to luM nnd reduce the oiot. How many ecu appre ciate tho nbllliy noceary lo carry on ihls work without any mistakes? A Conscientious Engineer. Nenbncr'a MoiUhly has tho lollowlug Item: Mr. Vtm A. Dey wrm tho engineer who suiveywl and located Iho llrst bundled miles of tho Union' l'uciflo rullrtuid. Uo estlnmtod Its mst ot not over thirty thotunud dollars n mllo. When this estimate was shown to tho directors It was returned to him with onlors lo retouch It with higher colon, to ut In embankments on pasr wiiurouuuo oiKed on oat th, and to mnko tho old tinluukuieulH heavier, nnd to In caoitse Ihe t'.pcnio g.nera'iy; nod Hun ho ..,-,...., i i it,..l i,. 1 l,,ii,,i ,),,, i,' was rfquiMi.l lOfcOl.d In Lis tMlm.ito that It, Would cost llPy thousand dolUi-i it mllo. ' WIuuiMr. Doy fnuid thu this jmrt oftho rnnl wui.i Im In to D'rtlcs n !0 (V3 eer roan w.is w eo io. .a j .r.us u ,a,iwj ( mllo, for work wi.uih ho knew pnuui bo . ..nn r.,r 4t!iiVSl'liU ,llirriini'ii uf JiHiiWa dono orlo.v.M-.llls .iiuremo oi s-o.whi n , mile amounting to two millions of dollars1 .. ii , . . , . .. i... i ...ii. u i.H.1 m n,.n mill I on llioilr hundred milts, uml ,o llomIll. Ions on the I" o bundled nnd torly six miles ... ... .,...... ... i no rculgneil iti pos.ion s cuit i vrgiueer, ; wltlialo.ttr io Iho puiulbM oitLoronil, UocIojisI i tint lotlt-r thus: "M v views uf tlio Paeltlo road nro, porhaps, msuilisr. I look ilium lis mai'iicbrs as trus- 1 . ,.u.w ..f ill., K.iiilltV lit CllllL'Il SS. ' You nittiku'btU'sM, Iti'orinul how dlspioj'or liontul ihottinountio lw paid I" to tho work eonUHoird lor. I uod not cxptiilnto on tho sliieerliv of tin oourso. when you milcet I thut I havo riHtlrttiAii tlio best jiosltiou In my i piofessIouihU ismulry has offered to tiny t man!" If formers would wud to our legislative ooiiiiolla uii'ii who havo distinct Inieies: In nurkniltiiral cullliiir. tlioy miglit expect u 'pray, tlctuom hle'd, nnd oilier profeMous Kvt eeh ii ixiiiiiiNpr tloh, whllotlio Jarui- rrs wi luual, pay hllla llut maho others rich. .. , , , , Tiuvu'niMii Wallowa, Onlem hao wn rooelvetl at Uio Garrlaon to have two com- i imiiv nt f'.ivulrv in riiadlnos to movo to the Wallowa Valloy won a, weather will per- j p lllll. lllONa InKip "III VMIU llimn iui iui" Siiuuuer.nud uld lu Uoeplun "tho Nation of. pmper proporllon or tlio inwu m no iunn - unrxvr, iu a iiniiti-. e'r o)rs, ii wn m-u, wllli ft ilua reirard for their own Intort sth. If S Ml. nick, bm'd ior.1. iiimt. jii:er. ,ni It. ru.'U. J .1. .v. ,X M. . i,.v- V.,,ni oAiimUIn t'uit law. 5 l''''- fW. i" lop. shirr, roll bt.te. eiubiol.lrr. . thoy do ten, iliey c.uinot comiini i.mi law- - brM ,,, , vUtn tl,n.luc,.. (ail, nm. - vnrrt iiin.ui. iiiiiii and honoiar- or.un. uiviiu'h i,v.;,.. i,,..ni...i.,.i,,,.nin.. n.n,.ii Joseph" out nnd tho white sottlorn In that valley. What companys nro to bo sent has not, to our knowledge, yet been determined, A company of Infautry will replnco ono of tho Cavalry companys nt thlRPost. Tbnse chaogps of station will hardly bo made for several wooks yot. II ir. union. Remember This. Now Is tho tlmo of year for Pnoumonla, Lung Fovor. Coughs, Colds, and fatul re sults or proulspoMiioii to Consumption nnd other Tbroat and Lung Disease. ltRCHKi:'s Guiiman SYitut' has boon used In this neigh borhood for tho pist two or thrro years with out n Rlnglo Mlluro ti euro. If you havo not usod thts mudlcluoyourself,gotoyour Drug- risi and ask him of its wondertul success among his customers. Three doses will roltovo tho worst caso. If you bavo no faith In an v med ioliiH, Juat buy n Sample Dottle of Bosckuk's GnnMANSYnui' for lOofntsnnil try It. Reg ular rI.- bottl" 7.1 cents. Don't negloct a cough to 8.ivo 7"i t'fliitH. To a Mother upon tho fleaih of her Child. Far. faraway bojond thN u'loom, 'I lioro N n Islr and fadeless cllnio, Whore all ts m perpetual bloom, Aud ui'rtry inoruds know no time. Whoro ntl verso italos hsvo reused to blow, Whcro all Is veiled In sweH repose. Nor tides of sorrow ovor (low, No winter winds uor poUr i.iiowh, All. all Is calm swoot ponce is there, With fragrance fraught, eternal Spilng Breathes lite upon tho passing air Thero'sunugUtthatcaiiOBOsorrow bring. Thoro love's otornnl Roil Is set, Aud faith with Joy forover blouda, No to.irs will How, no vain regrets; Aud death no moro can never frlonds. Then, wonping mother, dry yourtearH, Ami still that palnlul low rol'niln Ilsvond llni llilntit' pninlnir vi,.ir. I You'll meet tho loved hihI lost again. Sau:m, On., Jan. 2D, 1877. UTILE FRANKIE- Dlod, Feb, 1, 1S77, near Amity, Oregon, Franklo Woods, only child of Frank uud Aiinlo Woods. Tho nugel faco no moro we'll son, We'll kiss no moro Iho llpsj Tho Inuuhliig ovjm wo loved so well Aro closed lu death's ecllp-o. Tholltllo build so plump and whito. Lies cold upon tho uroARt, Aud In tho cold and cruel grave Jioos little Franklo rest. 'Tin sad to think Hint 'uenth tho Rod Now lies tho tlnrllng heads And on our homo a shadow falls, Since llttlo Frauklo'H dead. Tho fairest tlowors but bloom to fade; Tho host loved must die ; Lovo cannot bind to earth tho things That only lint on high. Nancy Si'iunoku. To tho Patrons of tho "Cultivator." Having (Usiw-od of the Orrion Cul tivator to Messrs. C'lurko & C'rnlg, tlioro by soeiiring tlio cmixol illation of tlio only two iigricultmiil jmuoi-s lioivtoforo UNiMting on the Norlli-Fuciilu coit.st, tlio iiiiiiurMigiiuu, most I'lH'uriiiuy com- UK-'llllS-tllO W I I.I.AM KTTi: KVltMKU to 1 the putroiingo und good will of thoso wlioluivo liorotofoto given tholr sup port to tno I'uiiivuto)'. After tin experience of.sullk'lcnt dtir ntion, to Iitive u tliorongh Unowledgo or tlio fdttmtion, I nm fully satisfied that there id no Held for moro tlmn ono ngi-Icultiiriil paper in the region occupied liytho Cultivator and I-'aiim- i:it,iind tliereforo I havo been Induced ..,,,;,.., ....... ... ti... i,ltr. "'?,.,,, V II ,1 , "n, u-l'll '? . uml U!ll ,lc'(l Kooa w"1 "")! ,,fj lid it lias and good All those who have naltl in advance for tlio Cultivator will receive tlio Rmimhk until tho time for which they have paid will expire. All amounts due on Hiilwrlptlnn to the Cultivator, must ho paid to Messrs. Clarke & Craig, of tho Faiimj:u. Mart. V. IJuown. Amjany, Oil., Fob. Mth, 1S77. Salcin. Oregon, iliaK'r In Stcreo-miio nnd Stcri telilc Vluw. uml srt'liDii uf Mlfln uml il,i nrroniiil- Inn ruuiiiry. l.trc.elzo l'tiutun'ni,iti, In luUU IiiU, Oil . or Water Color. tvl r i: WM?IV IS WKAI.TII, WIULVll - $72 to $150 PER WEEK. 2 HorBo Sl Wagoa Proo to Agonto' Tin: rA.iiri.v siirnxi: - m W I,1. V I XT a 5 31AOH i E, ."-'. y - s.j - Mom li'tl npnu r.mi iioltflirtl r ell.M Mirk wal- i iu op nliV, anil tru'illo, ml cum ilto. $i, lUttimwMiii, r iiiiuiv. nnu mil. uci rv en- a cMmM'itfrlmviitutf.irillkliulsofhiiilly work. C An Hebu.ivt-.Ija unqiilioiil mocbnulcsl ur- - I - '- .-... ....-,..., ..-.-. ......... ',,,, r . , tif home. Au UUunt, llom, rojiu!. r It iliU luJ cvcr-ieaiJy Ii Vr tjltie wi'iirvwlfitorn-stu- 2 - ,,. Ihl, j Jo' lh worb r n fumv fl)r - -j ur-ilnv. suili.i-tlunl ihau ii. i r tiiki'iuik -; -"f mchlnHs of a llko ijiisllly. It llilkulio ,Uuu,0 ,(iml,KMiiri wl. Uk nidi ulm si.i u 3 both ll"4 f iU wmki. which rcelwl t!u c uiuiiKT a'aii mt ihotviili-iinlal The .tauur- M lt,nticni.lmo.tl.(Mr2.tiiehterjrsltic.l. K It ito- inure work a lo cnt : orvrasr ially, . .uioomir. nil,! ii.u'r. mm wiiii !" itnor limn any othtfr lasctilnc at .my pileo It l tuiltt fat T .- ttr ii'ihnnl ciiutaut ItsM work will i rii lor ". - ou wlilu'ii' rt'tir t' I i'iy toUnrn, wy " - lii rn nuoi. nl,i .Imvi .. .IK- In a t.l.im..M, fn - Jo ,'vry il'.crlnilou of stum or lino Uncy I j, o-k tlisl ny oiliiT inschlUi. nt any iirlcf. t'ir ? iiUt r can ti .ma with io. in n'le. It will ww s .- nt'.llllllUllllvVJI, 1,'blVV. I, VII. I.VU AII- w U lirlc ioliniy cmlh or h.-itiu'". ultliaiv kluilof s threat, aat rim trT twenty )ri! jcr ndiaiit: - u,.fa lroinrlMli-lit lu'fillo. ami iner hrcski J trirm It rami it mU or drop a 'llcti, mvtl or t lin-ak fio tbrcait. The money cluvrfjily ro- . C fan'liM If It win not ui'TwonK nnd outlet any 2 5 machlnt t ilon'ilo no prt'i'. Ifjon lmo uuy H oilier insclitiK1, hu.v ihl mt ho a hiter o"c. Tho mill ripiclltv of I" rai't in Hint qual'tr " or It work I It lio.t iivnnttiu-noalli'li. tnil it "" UUtiioolilj wirr.uitisl In uioiy ropfct, liy wrliion ji-spjiiiv.'. t.iniiil.'intn It-mnttl u'i c iitat'on ,i u C"ii'int. rul, sU.I fr tsltliiiil a nulckue. uo it lu momci.t. nnd l will tam from 6lto- mruiy lor aiiyiomwho w tshm to sow lora r tlWiwhoWitttiul latfprlced miihluoeur ;; ,5 For tettlmonUl co descriptive books, mailed " free, wl sAmple of work. Au anted thiwuhoni tho country ror- x this, the cheapct and most raiilddllns machine 2 In the world. r or iiucraiiccuir, auureii A. CATliLY CO.. Cor. llroadway and Klsbth M New York. -; ." wealth, ECONOMY is AVEALTH, a PROTECT OUR BUILDINGS, Which may ho done w lib ono-fourth the usual cxpuiKC, by ulng our PATENT SLATE PAINT (Fifteen Vcnrs Established) MIXED ROAOY FOlt USE. Fire-proof, Water-proof, Durable, economical and ornamental, A roof may ho covered with a very cheap sbltiRle, nud by application uf ihls slnle lio made to tH from Si to 2.i)iuri. Old roof can bo pitched and cuatrd. looking much better ami Inftlng longer than new ehlnKlit without tho sink', for Onc-llilrd the Cost or Kc-shlnglltiff. Tho CXt)CUonf sldtlm- nnw Mturlnln nnlv ntinnt the cost or idmply laylm- them. Ilxe paint 1 nn fnoop aijaliif t fpark or Hying cmbc, at may bo uully tested by ruiy oue. IT STOPS EVEUV LEAK, nml for tin or Iron ha nn ciptnl, no It cxpandu by heat, ctntract by cold, mid nlvkiiciiatk norfcalcs. Itoon covered with Tar Sheathing l'l-lt can he raailo watcrtlnht at a small expense, and piesencd for many year. This Slatu Paint Is EXTREMELY CHEAP. Tuonallons will cover ft hundred sipiaroreet nfhln gleroor. wlilloon tin. Iron, felt, matched boards, or my smooth ntrfjeu. from two iinarts to one nallou mio resulted to IHI squuru feet or surface, nnd al though thu paint bus a heavy body It Is easily up pllid with n brush. 'o Tar Is used In this Composition. therefore, It neither cracks lu Winter, nor ruin In bummer. Un decjyed shingles, Its (Ills up Iho holes and pores, niut rles n new Mih'tsntlit roof that will last for) cars Cl'itu.txm w.mu'ku shlnuleslt hrlDL-s to their placet, and kieps them there. It Mils up all holes In felt ronls, stops the leaks-and nllhouth n 'owii-j'er, rain doc uotnlTect It n lew hour niter i .:. as ninny on pauu mat nro mail: con i.v s r.u, bo auto )oti ulitnln our Keuuliiu article, w huh (tor rtilnglc roo'.) Is CHKOCOLATE COLOR, wlicnflr-t nnplled, chamtlng In ntioul a month to a iiiiforni slatu color, and Is to all Intents nml purpose SI.ATK. On TB.V ROOFS our red co'or Is usually preferred, asouccoatls equal to five or any ordinary paint. For 11RICIL WALLS Our nitlnlir mini Iho only rellabloStato Paint oer Introilurcd that will rltvetiially pren-nt tlnmpncts rrotn uctictratliigaiid discoloring tho plaster. I huso p.iliits nro also largely userl on out houses atul fences, urn a primlinxcontoii lino bulldliiir. Oiiroiilv colore are Ciiocohtk, It iui, Iiiiiiiiit JIeu, ami Uuamiu. SV.W YOI CASBB PKECE LIST. n liallon. ran and box . M Hi " Una o so so " hair iiirrel mod V) " one barrel SOU) Wo havo lu stock, of our own manufacture, lotting nutrrlal. etc.. nttbc Pillowlni; low pilccs: leon rolls extra Kublier ltoolHis. t .1 cents per siiiaro foot. (Or wo will furnish Ituhher Heollng, Nulls. Cup ami Hlato Paint ror an entire now- roor, at i)( ci'iits per square rvot ) MM rolls 3 plyTuirod Itooflng Felt, nt i cents per square root. .W mils s-ply Tarred Hoofing Felt, nt 2,if ccntn InirsiDarofo)t. VX) rolls Tarred Sheathing nt cent, per rnnaro root. WWOuallons lino Knamcl Paint, mixed reartvroruse, on InsbliMiriiiitslilo wotk, at 'J tier i:nlk)ii nil shades. 101.0 llbls Msto Flour perhbl. :i 00 llKk) Hnspstono Klour " a m) lerni Urniiini Mineral " 3 mi livo " Mfiiililc Palm, dry " :i CO Nprclul pi Ices per ton orcsr load lots. Allenhr mnstboncciiiiipniiled with the money, or ni'Jcct 1 1 ."() ilns dr.ilt on well known panic X. Y. SLATU l'AIXT COJII'AXY, ilolA-nt lfr) Attn Maiden Lane, New Vcrk. Beaver Glen Nufsery. .S A CIIOICK COI-LKCTION OP Fruit Trees .1X Sill ALL rilUITS. G. W.TlUMT, I'roprltlor, Sl'IILI.lllTV, Jllnrloa Co. Or Felrtlml For Sale! THE FINK llKSlDKNCn corner or ronmer- I .-l.il titi.l fllvlHlnt, .l..,..t. I. ,1. . ...ililn alt.ialln.. ilill-wllli house lime, well finished, and convenient. ly urranued, and grounds taitelully eriiamenti'd. Will bo sold vory loi7cr und on nccomnuidatluj; turns. Apply tu Mils AVILMH. sopil Pattnn's IlliKk btntiiht.. Sai.kh. Stubborn Coughs and Colds yioia promptly to tho hcnlln und cum tlvo properties of Dr. Jnyiie'n Ex ticctnrnut. It lonsciiH nnd promote tho oxpectomtlon of irritating ir.ni tcr, inltlpratcs milch piUu nnd ills tress, uml olicclts luilnmmntlon. Asthma, Bronchitis, nntl Tliroa TrotllllOS nro nt onto rollevcil ly iir. Joj'iio'm I'.-ipi-ctornui. It re moves constriction of tho Ilronrhhl tubes, loosens phlegm, nootliea nnd heals tho mucous iiiombrntie,nrres'.:i nny feverish tendency, nnd helps to forward u graduul euro. Consumption, Pleurisy, and I.unn AlTcctions oro generally controlled and ameliorated by lr. Jnym's i; twHirant. It biivcs tho lungs iVom much Irritation nud distress, by re lieving thorn of tho irritating mutton by which they uro clogged, it alo suppresses Inilnmmatlon and glvca tho atVcctod parts a chanco to heal. Whoopinn Counh.Croup and Konrso- neSS aro ofllcaclously treatoJ by ii.-. Jnyno'M K.-cicrtorn:it. It removes dlllleulty of breathing and oppres sion In tho throat or lunga, promotes tho ejection of mucus and sulxluos tho violenco of theso complalnta at tho outset. It Is a Snfo l'utnlly Cura tive, of long-established roputation, and whero promptly administered, has enabled many to cheapo serious Lung Affections. T A. DAVIS A CO,, Wholesale Acents.l'ortljcd Oniiu. iM-lSni'S nil. K. Y. CHASE, B RBVKT TA. Col., Uto Hursvon U.S. Volunteer. Ofllc. UutDin' uioc. on turn. tarr h mm - Expectorant h qi at r &