WILLAMETTE FARMER. 8 JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden anil Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, coMMmniL. stiu::t. Balcm.-Aprll Jfl, 1TTV lUwtl RAILROAD NURSERY. Prunes and Plume made a Specialty. 200,000 FRUIT TREES Tor Sale Thin Senson, rONSlxTlXO OP .Apple, Penr, Quince, Plum, Prune, Poach, Cherry, Gr.tpe line-., Currant, Hkiclcborrles. Kaspberrie (eight vari eties), Straw tarries, Chestnut, Mul U'rry, Black und 'White Walnut, Hickory, Sugar Maple, Honey Lo cust, Loinlnrdy Poplar, Mountain Ash, Weeplin; Willow, Snowballs uihI Lllnchx, Honeysuckles mul Ivy. J2v!flJl4Cll. Arlior Vltie, Italian Cypress, Golden Cypress, very fine, Pint's, mid Cedar l)codar,P.iricnntliUH,.TaponicH or Pi re Tree, forty arletie-i or Itosv-., Flow rltitr Shrubs ntul Plants of all kind-, Kuglish Haw needs for hedging. 11K0 Kngllsh Privet Plants, for f.mcy J ledges. Kovv I call special attention to tho Amsden June Peach, Fifteen days earlier than any other Peach known. I have only ulKitit t!0() yearling- trcos of thli Peach, Price, S-l .tt!h, $10 iKirdo.. 2,500 dormant buds of this Peach; price i'x; each. 23 ier hundred, $200 per thousand. J nlso havo a few trees of the touiit Vt'riKin lcnr. This Pear Is ono of the most valuable new Kail Pears In cultivation. Price of trees, $1 each. Oregon Champion Cooscbcrrj. Till ttfrry 1. unrth all other Gtm beortc. for J rof lt. Mill a fins larpn berry, and the tnmt pmtlec bearer ever knowu. Price of pUnla. fl Id per doz , f 10 per hundred Bid Warrington Goosrbcrrj. Tlil.l" the Unrest uf all Ososeberrlta, and 1 a baud ml. vciyiiruaniciual. anil au excel est berry. Jricc ur plant., SO cents each, (b per Uuzrn. qpcoli BecclllnsB, Per nuLdrcd. 1 1; per tsou.aud, Je. l'rlc List cct free tuiny uddzcr . riuta and J'rtins Trees on reach Roots. I claim tlut Iba Peach root 1. fnr .uperlor to Plum ruut. fur irr&rdii prune, and pluru. tin. fur these n t un: 1, i nit notct hare any ...rout, to destroy the lite ut your tree. 2. Tli prune end pluru rucreod better ou peach thai ou plum. X The pr-ineaml plum bear yona. r on prad. rout., and tlio fruit i of better juahty. Mr brother t-a. a Prune orchard of 4bu trrtu on peach riMit. five year old that bad forty pound to the tree thl. .latou. 111. trie are very tnrlflyand fine. I raurbow any mau Peach rdi. flat are twen ty five year. old. erfrcily Hiunil and hialtby. Testimony lnfaturorthe Vent U Hoot. JlfMltKTlLir, Oct. K ltCC. II IV, Ilstm k,- HcnrMr: lour note In n card to Plum trw . on Peach ruoi., I. at hand, lhaica iiDmter of large. hcatiLy l'ittirt tree, racnty year. old. grafted on peach root. 'J hey have never .prnutcd, and bear i xin iiicly welt. 1 would not hai o a plua or prune tree unit.. 11 w n. on peach root. Vnurt.rc'ptcllully, V T Ktcr. Ascnta rr my Nnrncry PJMalarLrr. Po'tlant1. oti.ley X ki. f.ervolt L Michael. Wheatlai il. Mn & A Judkllm. Kul-iiil-, XV, V tipple, Cutta.a Oruve. b llerry .McMtncrlUr. H. W. PRETTYMAN, norllitr rronrletor of iUllroad NnpM,rr. EAB1' I'OIITLANI). Or INDEPENDENT LINE Willamette Steamers. Cltsr ol Salem ASP onio. FREICHTTARIFF. ArTKll JKlM..f J.T. JiT7. THE KOLIO"'. lus wi'l be the rale, cliarued by thl. Company : Ur. Dowry. Portland to Salem, pr ton, &J.00 $2.50 Portland to Albany, a.5i) ii.00 Portland to Corvallis, l.(K) 11.50 Portland to Hnrrislraij:, 5.00 -1.00 Kpeciiil rates on Wool, Hay, Lumber, Shingles, Purniture, Agricultural Jm j'lemutith, and Machinery. To the People of the Willamette Vallej : We hnvc introduced on your tvt tlu tylt of toumt-oAt Uy wbkb yo'ir jiroJurc enn bo trm.fiMirtl tuMirkuint nUrtiifuiia 01 tho eur. and In piitllcWmt fjDaiitttlL1 to moct the rui;ulrtmiitt vt mUwn 4ur Imii r tbi llUleft i (1 mttvt Wwi'trmi tuo ftiMivr rates ur iru'ui, me tuwiri ti wintn w 4u live; and, n the fdCu uf n pt rfii monopoly, wobu livvo wo (lvcm, ft iil will Kt't, )tmr tttlU-t tuijKrt. U. B. SCOTT & CO. Portland, Ie- ,m, KKO. RAILR0 LANDS. J.OW I'KICKS! LONG TI!IK! low iNTi:tti:rrt nllK OHKC.O.N ti t'ALlrOUNIA KAIMWAl) CO, M offer Ihclr Lai.tl. fur ule upua the lollnwlnc libe ral Uirtn.; One tenth of the prki In ca.h; Interi'.t on the babiiice at the rate of .even per n ut. one year after aale; and each following yar one tt nth of the principal anil lutercrl on the balance at the itu of asvon pr cent per auuu u, Iloth principal aud Inter frl payable In I'. U. Cuir'ucy. A fliicouut of ten pur cenl. will ho oJlon-ed fcr rafli tV Lvllcra to bo nddre.aod to I'. hCULTZE, Laud fctfcjil o, A v. It. Km IVitlacd. Ofteou. IKrom McCormlck'a Almanac for 1817.1 THE CLIMATE OF OREGON. Th love of Ufa, tlio tlro for hpalth onil rvaxxlpti for noaitli, Hrothrponf IhnitronKwt rwh tltatopomloln llin brBtor tli human lmlly. Vhorerr llle ran lii most prolntiK ch), health bdot Mcnrtsl, nd wnnlth mont nailly aoqulrnfl, tlitiro tlio 110a of cmlpruiion unit iiptilntlon 1 a. mure lo flow hh lun tu-fHlIn lKilnld lo ih Nortlt I'olti. It la too (,'towlnc Vnovi Irxlen that nil litis latrnonf Orcfon tlmlla nui-li)i; It UiBltmi't mi timcli pnlillr Hltoullnn antt ilrnw ho many rariniTs, 'mlKrHiita, tourlMH ami cnpltnlbit to mine and tjiy Hiitl prullt hy llit'in. Hip alinii-inioni of Orton U Hitn nml ohwrful, tm and Iwliiiy ; life Ih lonunr, lutillli Ih lihitrr Mul iiiniH -nJojall, )ittl th'i (inllrHr.v lwn of miu.'i hih etKU(lcl to, tlian In anj'iato in tlio Unluti, or In any tionnlry In Knrtipo. Tlio xoln ut Orison nrn not burnct tip four nmniliK In minimnr viut Irczen nr rnot, il in nl months In winter, nor million of t rHirty ie'(t ay in n ultht by m'r- liolnilnK tliodM atid ilovaatHtlu litirrlcniif , i tlioy iriiitifiitly Hrp In the lUiletn mm Wiwtorn Miri of th Union. They do not live In fear of IoIhr carrlt4 to untimely praveH In hundreds liylh amnmnr feoi that prevail in tho Southern Mates, nor of biilUK overwhelmed hy narthquakea that visit California oviiry two or threo year1, ntir yut liy its lluods every tifth or leuth year, not dried up by Its drouRhls mery tbln) or fourth year. The niiiimnr ill.enr.es eo des tructive In human lilt anion;: children in tbn Atlanllo StatCH nre almost unknown in Ur ejron. In Southern and l'talorn Oregon, ombrac In ir twelve rniinllos ol tho Mate, there are nine montlis or spring sutumor nnd 111 mother that are not curpwewl auywlmro for all that Im dtwlrablo (ir a dollRhlfull and healthy climate, and kcaresly any lliea,, exct'Iit that brought by invalids who coirm from other Sta'ii to be restorwl by the tile plxltn: poworof a oliinale not stirpand on tho plobo, to iMinefil by thn beatlne power of the warm and mtnnral baths ot Southern Oreson.aud to lii.tirlftt In the dellphtln! frulm that exrol In f-tmh variety, quanta v ami qualltj. Tho months of w liner ure Ib tittptiiKhid for llsht ralu, drv i.uo-, little frtistii and luaclrp i.f ino-phrrn. The Inhabitants of Northwect and Western OreKon, IticliMlini' tuelto coumlis of the Stat', and embracing tho prea' valley of the WtlUmt-tto nud in. " Inrlta," onloy enMn months t-f print;, summer and autumn weather that ureulmon tqtiat to houthern or Haatern Ortpfm for brspht and cheerrul wrather and a brxclns und healthy atuicv. pbere. The Ue winter month, from Nov ember to March, brine a bountlml rain, that produftw, in doe season, un'slling iropj. Tliese rains retnrti, but scarcely prevent Is lor cuUlde, in any ilep.irtuieut, and i-f IH) days of winter, at least n third of tbem are drv and brlcbt, Orepon, the Queen iitnio of the Northwest lm!d in her rlpnt hand lonu life and tinusn al health, anj la her lelt priat wealth and jov,er, and imitt, thelnUustrir.ua from all parts of tho world to come end partake of tbem. The State is protected on tho west by tho Const range lrom the strong pales of the l'a cltlo ocean, and on tho oat from snow storms nnd cold winters tiy the Cascade lUnpo. Tho trado winds ot the IViclflo, from the northwest, beep the summer months of Or egon sufUrloully cool to ltnpirt vii;or and enorKV t body and inlnd. Tho .rdo-w ludi lrom the southwest In winter, tud the w arm currents of the l'acifiu ocoan, are anQcient to keep the winter months rulld.omfortablo and healthy; tho one protect from extremo beat and the other from rxtrf t cold. And the inagnlflcxut suow peaks ci Mount Hood, Mount Jetferson, and their companlocB, stard an faithfal tcclic:!', en lLo CsfcaJo "Ahfi, roidy if. wan aa tLa sun poes ilovrn, to cool tho labor rnd toll. The Coast, Cas cade and other mountain ranpos, the ocean broexes, the ocnr.u current, ami tho moan snow tHiaks, are worth all tho doctors in tho United Stales lo the people of Oregon for leugthonlnc life and securing health. They are so many physicians that are in constant nttendauto to guard end protect the health of tho people. Caretulut'ScricLton and mlnuto luvfitli llon by compttont persons, private and offi cial, oelabllah tieyond successful contradic tion that Urepon is dlHiinsulahnd tor I ho lar pest number of children to n family end the fewest number of deaths to the popula tion of any -Slate In the Union. There is more lover aud ague In Sacramento Valley, California, in ono year than tli'ero is in tho whule ot Oregon. In Now !upland the deaths lrom fovor are one in every SS3 of tfco jKipulalion; in theorem V'e-t the deaths from this causo are ono iu ICtl, aud in the (South west, such as In bt. IiOtils, they are ono iu 113, while in the Statu of Orepon tho deaths from fever ouly axerago one in every 52i'c! the onti'e population. The mildness of the winter months of Or epou will bu seen when it W known th.t the moan temperature, of New York city la 31"; Albany, N. Y U 8.'!; while at Astoria, the mouth or the Columbia, it is 42 41; und, at Con all K the centre cf tho Willamette Val ley, It is 3'.i3 15, It is the eeimes of tern Iierulure duriuplho whole year that consti tutes one of the many unarms of Oregon, and poes so far to make it the healthiest Suite in tho Union. Weather Beport for 1876. fTTijlriS?'? i.S Month.. ? Ss?feV6itlf :ir Jan "a is5 m I" 7 ta I 4 Hi ' v sT Kehruary I'l 41 4UI1S LIT 1 Is March .VI 33 41 HI Id 677'.. IS April ti 111 U7.'iS IS ' S.'I7 4 May UJ It. Itj(u '.il, 7 i: Juni 711 VI .Wit". 7 I 114 IS 7 July 75 M o-hSI S , S Auuu.t ... ,73 'i Im sr.l a ., i. htptui.ler. .. Iso r.7um si in OcioUr.. . 71 4'. Ml 71 13 S V , a Nl.viulxr. . 31 SUiJI 41 7l. 1 I Iu , s 4 IKcem'KT lis 81 'Ma.Ul t. I KJIJll U I i I1M'3 371II17 SIM N. II The lo,-ry day. nutlud lu thl. table n fir tu lho.e day. when the nllrt- cay ua. foi!i;y, obrcuiini; tiio.kv. And the niiiivdai. liiclade lho.e day. on which both ralu aud inot lelloiithu .atned.y oobrertatlon. vtrv Ukin ontliH 17, lb, and 111 of June, my hoi re batmi; burned ou the lntti. Kola, January 1, 1x77. T. l'rii.cr. To Iiadloa. HHI. I1II. CICAIU la sow prepared to re celvu patient, at her olf.ee. lu baleui. Uarlngtbe pant year rho ha. had cxtun.lre practice at Dr. Adam.' tiopular Medical Inrtitute at 1'orUand, In trutlug ladlia, and fuil. coutldeut of atlordlnt; relief lu mo.t casta of u chronic cnaructer, tlpiclal atten tion paid to female ueakuc. and nertoufprortratiun. In connccUon with In r treatment, .he nu tho cele brated Medicated Klectrlc Vapor llatln, which aid va.tly In eRectlng curie. Office and rerldence, t. e. curner of L'eiiU r und eiuumer etrtetr, Halein, lloUNU OvKii. llunaw, one of tho fellows who was arrtumid fur sulllm: lhinur on the vaiiiji-KruuuJ here last June, was Isiund over ut l'oriland last week lo upiar before the U. ti. Cirnnil Jury at Its next convention. ou the ohurco uf .olfltu; intuzicatlnx liquors without the nectary liceiue. Itwitrr, I.I1TTEH 1-KOM U(KYI)1'K:y Kditor Statiimvn: HaIng noticed nil article In tire Dalit Kyi'iilng Standard, of tho fclh hit., rcrteftlnj; upon tlio Lucky Queen qiurtt mine, aiul the good filth of the company opcmtlns tlio same, I lrlm to niaKo it tew fUteuients tlirnugb your column In nniwcr thereto. The party, one Oco. Hf. I.lniWy, states that wo rommi'iiecil operations In nn old ileilncil inlmv, two miles wivt ol Ciiiiyori vlllr; tint while there uc prucitnil speci mens of preat richness lrom i Ncul ore, nd rxliitilllut: thtni to tliu oi kl, proclaimed thvm to bopurt ot tho hidden treasmoot tlip fabiiloti'ly ilth teln on width wo were wviMiig; tint after continued anil ilv'pur nte nttttnpts lodccchc tlio public m to tlio riclincs of our ore, we saw up in de, spalr and nun nl lo lii Mi mote remote lioiuthceju of tlio tratellng public, and made our luturo ba-e ol ojieratlotii on Jump OH' Joe. This monslrotn deception U chimed by Mr. T.lmlsly to liao btcn prictlced from May, 1S73, to June, IsTiJ. I cannot ro limlii silent in view ot Mich and other statements, without pronouncing tlicin laNo ami without any touiuhlloii ol truth. To prove the utter f iNity of the state mentsthe company. It U well known, did no; organlzo until Januiry of WG, as how n by the p.iper on tile at the ollico of tlio ecrttnry ot ttate. As icgittlj ho work done, at Coiiyemille, as the writer tla ins It is f.ile, f.r the I.utky Qii-cn Jllnini; Company ncter did Work nt any other plate than lit Jflnip Off .lis.', Jaik". son county. Oregon, where commenced o.i -May 12, ls7b, anil ctiil rtinulu lu the same plact. The -Uletnent madi wili regard to our pifNfiit -cene of oiivrJllnin, I will auawer iua lew w(itl: Tho rielo was liefer tunneled is Jir. I.itiiWv ailepe-. until we isiuinienctil upon It. but a etirfice tut na. worked iicms tlio top of the ridge, as an lie i-ten in many plaits ortr the motm tah.s, where no pretentions were eer in.iile to initio lor iptartr; this surface cut is the "old nhsuUomd uine" whidi Mr. I.lnd-ly dwells upon. Iho Lucky Queen mine I .'!0O feet below, li which we hic titiuieltd 12S feet In -olid rock.pt-Ins four Mjams ot quart. No 1, is Is inthe-; No. 2. Is 12 Inchcf; No. 3, ii sis inches and No. 4, was the feet tnd sis Inches in width. 1 have run a fide drift "outhwe-t. IIS lift, and northest hO leet; air shut TO feet to tttrfr'co and winze, SO It-ct In depth, which will connect with the lower level, now in 17.1 feet, where we aro working the sanio quirtz, which is of an averane width ot three feet, with well dellt.cd wallv four feet aparf, coulaluluc good gold 4nd sliver titarlng lock, and ocry tliliig Indlcjllne; a tool and permanent leilpe. and for the work on which wo feel conlldcnt wo will be amply rewarded. Tlio color ot the rock Im changed from a ro-oto a white and Mite quirtz, but Its aluc remains tho same, ami 14 not en tirely barren of g"ld, as .Mr. LinJsly asefti. I feci coulldeiit that any one Icellnj; interested or ctiriotis to know the farts conutctcsl with the true history and the prevent diaractcr'oT the ledge w ill be lully t atl-fleil alter nn examination of the sanif, nud any asaUtsnco that I can j;Itc to further hli I will take plensuro lu giv ing at any time, or to any person. To tho picdictlon which Mr. Llntldy his made as to the future of tho ledge, I feci will neither advance or diminish its truu value, or change its chancier Rn lota; nor will any impartial bcrii, knowing his Llndsl very limited experience In mat ters pertaining to quartz which is con fined to n few months' work or his cliar acter, or gi neral reputation for truth and veracity, will be la any way Influenced by his statement. The charges undo by this man, on belug rettmd when applying for work, h.is evidently protuptcJ lilin In insklng the lale statements contained in the letter under his signature but which was written by one James 1". Girley. We could not teal tho Canyonvlll Toll lloid from parties, which are interested iu the Lucky Queen Jliniug Company. You will oblige me by publishing this let ter In your Daily and Weekly. Oregon papers please copy. SCl'UllM'I SPENT. Urnnt "oil I lie Harlrn t'nnnl. Ni-w Yoiik, Feb. i:i. Tho Tribune's Washington special speaklnp- of the Her ald's story tint Grant would become Pres ident ot the N Icamgui canal project says: Grant says It has always been a rule of his not to undertake anj thing unless he feels he possce? ability to maka a success of It and that hi this cise be bad no such (eel lug wlutcver. What engineering knowl edge bo acquired at tho Military Academy, he has forgotten lu tho luld.t of more important and Immediate duties. Tho Pre'ldent of such an Important enternrlse should bo an able financier as well as en gineer, and Grant's e-eperiunce In life has In no way tended to tit him lu this repiet fur the position. AM'Ju lrom the nh-unl-lty of the reiioiC alluded to, he sild ho docs not know whit he can ilo except to u 'e his inlluelicc to bilng negotiation to a Mircvfltil conclusion. Of this ho now doubti Iho ixsibillty. He will not. how- hit, nbjiulon all hois- of completion of tliCNA-iiiy, nnu piiouiii iiegouations prove fucccrNlul, ho beiieics theru will be no tiouhle hi raising the neevs-nry catiltal to comtiuct the cmil. Ills ilslt to Knrope is contemplated nioro especially for re-t mill relief fiom the cares and uiiNltles of sixteen years' uninterrupted public services. It is proposed to connect Shoahvatcr bay with the Columbia river by a canal 24, 651 tect long, with guild jocks at each end, aud to dredge u channel 1,000 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 11 feet duep at ordinary high water, to deep water In the Columbia rlur, and abo a channel of sim ilar width and depth lending to deep wa ter luShonlunter bay, a dhtanca ot about tliroo and a halt miles. It estimated cost islt70H,lB3. Prom the cattlo Tiibuuu we learn that ten coal ships sailed thence for San Fran cUco lu January, currying in the aggregate 10,001 ton ot coal. During January oi last year the quantity chipped was 3,110 tons. BY TELEGRAPH. NiwYonit, Fob. 17. The Timet Wash Inp on spec! ti says: Tho prosldout and cubl noi, after lull discussion, Imvo deelded to ollleiiilly rr-copnl-'e tho Packard Gocorninetit hi Louisiana us soon as tho I'rcsldmitlal fount Is completed. I'er contra thn H'orW Neiv Orb ims; ss elal qunleis Senator West as writltitt to Stale Senator linriaux that al llinimli tlajes will probably bo l'rnsldetit, the Nlrliolls Gocrninnnt would not bo iIIh turheil. Bishop Wllmer, of Now Orloans, celled on President Grant to-day to represent the absolulo neetsslly of rococnMnp tlio NIc bolls pnvernuiptil tnpieserio pwcnamlrn s'ore prosporlly l.j Ioiilslana. The Packard iin ernment would ereato revolt. Tho Pres ident pave no definite answer, but lelerrod Wllinar lo (,ov. Hayes. Wllmar surtoil lor Columhii" to-nlRht. Wasiumiton, Feb. 18. A numbor of Soulhern memhnrs of Conpross, toKelbcr with roprei-ontstlio men from tho south, will call nn the President to-morrow and re quest him to take no action on thepulerua torlal questions In Louisiana nnd SoutnCaro llnna, out to leaio it to the determination of his successor. Sew York, Feb, 17. Petitions receiving numerous and Influential slpuaturosaro cir culiitlnp here, approv inp the bill (lending In Congress appropriating $30,000 for tho execu tion of tho plan of Captain Howpate for Iho location of u colony In tho Aretlo ropions, that tboy may be successfully explored and the north !olo lwdi'divered. Tho II'diW.j Wnshinplou npeclal eajs: A meetlm; of thecltlrens of Wsshinpton will probably bo called this week to make ar raupnmeuta for the Inatipuratlon of the now I'rt-iiili nt on the ."ith or March. Althouph the lnlti".tliihasb?eii tsl.on by the Repub lican club, it is announced tbo ceremonies will take place, no milter who is declared. Commutes have already be-n nppointed to prnvido seccMiimiidatiuns for viltor3, nr rAupedetiils ot the lmiaumir.il ball. Al ready n dozen volunteer ami civio organiya tlons have sent word of their dosiro to pal ttelpate. Gov. Grovcr's Denial. San rrtAKCi'OT, Fob. 17. Following dis patch just received : Sai.i:m, Orepon, Feb. 17. To Agtnt Asiocmced I'icm: 1 desire to stnto ihrougli your eslumus that 1 havo neor sent to Gov. Tilden anv leleyrams sliined "Gabblo"or" Governor,'1 and I de nounce all such pretemld telegrams ns baso fF.bri'atlous ns lar nn I urn concerned. I have never used .i e'piier nor a ficticious slsnattiro in letter or dispatch in my llfo. (Signed) L. V. UltoVKR. FOHEIGN. Loxdon, Feb. 11, An Englisli physician w-iili rdukbtar l'asha's army in Trebinjo writes respecting tho army, that it Is in u dreadful state ou account of iusufllciuncy of hospital accommodation. Twenty to thirty soldiers are dyiup d.illy. Dysentery and typhoid fever hai e appeared und are spread ing rapidly. ' A dispatch to tho Standard from Vienna says the Servian diplomatic a?ent there has Intimated that tbn Crar.on the 24th lutant, will order the mobiliz itlnn of six mora army corps, itussla has already decided upon hot line of action. titxXA, iob. 11. Advices from St. Peters burp, Kishinev and llsrlin, indicate u de cided tendency in the tliitctlcn of war. It is asserted tho CMrovilch bay declared the commencement of war is imminent. KicifiNEY, Feb. 15. The Hussian army hero nnd roidv to inovo agiinst the Turks, number i:0,OC0 infantry, B,690 cavalry and 42'! guns, two corps at Odessa, which would make a total of tho army of advance, 180,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry and 720 cuns. A thousand horee-i have be;a bougut for the train-bridge lying boro, which Is capable of passing tho whole army over tbo Dancbe in ?. day, There are also tb!rfcen enormsus stoum launches', two in go barges, eeron smaller boats and masses of other things, oven to the smallest detail. Mobilization has proceeded so satisfactorily that within a mouth four army corps could have crossed tho Pruth. Bi.Lon.im:, Feb. 15. Setvla's appeal for advice lrom Kussia remains unacswered. It is surmised thst tLo Servians hare bean abandoned by Kus'-ia, as the price of Aua trU'sacquleeceucH nruvxlstance in Ituss'a's policy, LKXiuse IfServiais quieted, b g:eat cause of restlessness nmocg theSclav6s In. Huopiry would be removed. It is probable ltussli will not ue'ept a similar cour?o to ward Montenegro, but will put hor forward ns the champion of Turkish christians. European Grain Market. LoNnoy, Feb. 10 Leading grain circulars lay the markets were tinner this week for both foreign wheat ami dry qualities of Urlt lh wheat. Somo markets quote an improv ed laluo and better consumptive demncd. rjoittup trade Is also improving. This mar ket has experienced a renewed steady inqui ry, esi-eciully tor California, ot whish there is a good quantity of frosh arrivals for tho p.ft three dajs. To-day there was a Uir thouph not large business in wheat, while realizing au advance of 26j3d, but red, being already higher in proportion, improved only Id per cental. Flour is held lor extreme prices without much doing. Corn was more readily salablo and a shade higher than ou Tuesday. Livmu-oor., Feb. 10. Ureadstulf. llrmer. Corn 25s lor old mixed Western; Hour, 22s OdfeJls lid; for Western wheat 10s 7il(5.I0s IM; lor average California club, 10(lUa lOd lor red Western spring. Sax Fr.ocisco, Fob. IS. There was a wiuhtIou in theSupieme Court, this morn ing vbun the ease of Foster vs. Weeks A. Maallek sss called. The plaintllf, Mrs. Jannette 11. Foster, came forward and stated her Intention of representing herself before the tribunal. Tn can Involved title lo some 2W) acres ol lanil In AInmeda noiinty, aud hud been dec'dixl lu the .11 District Court In favor of the plaintilf, wlioniletend antH took it to the Supreme Court. Quite a cro a il o f lawyers and others were present, und iho general opinion bceuied to be that the lady made her points hi lucid aud )werful manner, and was making out a good ease. Kx-Gov. Halght appeared for the defendant. Mrs. Foster is a lady be tween 4U Hud M, and has heretofore essayed the rolo of lecturer lu various places hi the State. The LugcneCity Gunul, In speaking of Ango.a giats, aeys: Mr. 11, Hbea, J who bought a number of Augora goats from Mr, Land rum last summer, is well satlsllnl with bis investment. A sample of wool brought iu by him is over a foot hi ieugt. 'J heir cajiacity tor gi iibbiug w ouhl make them val uable In many loualit'es, if them were no other reason. In three yenr?, a buudrtd head put uiHiu a bundled acrib of rak grub laud will Wear it oil ami make It lon'yfu the plow. 'I hero no llousjinl of ncrevi ot hill laud lu Lane County lhat might be brought into cultivation by I) e introductlou of these animals aud at profit to the ovveur, for the Hock would bo of much more value at the cud of that lluio than tV, thy beylnnini;. Selling Liquor to Minors. For tbo bonolltoftho public generally wo publish tbo following law, onactod by tho last Loglslnluro and approved October 17, 1S70: lie it cmtctrit In tir I.rtf illative Atiemtjhj of the huue uf Uicyoii, Hint section 1, title LcfchuptT iS,gmierl laws of Oregon, be ing section fiMl, fimpior H, of criminal eodo, as published In 1871, by authority of Logisla tlvn Asremhly, be amended ao as to read as tollows: sx:tloii 0S5. That If nuy pornoit shall sell, give, or cuno to bo sold or given, any In toxlevitliig liquor lo any mluur In thlsstntuj without ll'-bt obtaining thoronnent of such minor's paronts or keuardlun, In writing; or If any keeper of any bullion, bar-room, orothor vender of splrlutoin or intoxicating liquors, wlibln this slnti, shall harbor pormltor sut ferany minor to loiter or remain In or about such saloon, bar room, or other placo whero such spirituous or itKoxIcatlog liquors are sold or kept lor sale, ur to engage In any game of cards, bllllarrlK, bogatollo, or any other game, lu such saloon, barroom or placo aforesaid, eUher jt ainu'einent or other wise, such pontons shall ba doomoJ guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall bo punished by a tluo not exceeding one hundred dollar.', or by imprisonment in tho county Jill not exceeding six months, or by both, at the discretion oftbo court, and shall also firruit any license such porson may havo lo roll splntuous or intoxicating liquors iu less limn ono quart, or lo keep such saloon, bir-rooui,or other placo for tho salo of such llqtmr. A Justice court shall have jurisdiction of tho cases herein dolined. At a bauqtiol iu Liverpool, on Thursday night, Sir Snllord Northcote, Chancellor, of tho exchequer, midu tho fillowlmr very triendly allusion to tho Americ-in Presiden tial question: "Nobody can wliiic; vvltnout sympathy nnd a certain amount ot udmlta tlon the conduct of the groat mass of tbo American peopl9 under tho dlfilcultioi lro seuted by the Presid'jnt'al quefcton. Wo Leliovo thoy hav e a constitution which they aro able satislactorily and bouPbtly to won: out lor themselves. Anil ovoa lu tho prci eutdillieulty wo cannot help ioeiru; that tbev are endeavoring by honoot exertions to tind :i constitutional solution. The matter must coino to .tu cud shortly. Tho unttlo mentlhopo will be vjry beiirncent to the TOinmerclal condition of tbo United Slates, and tbereforo also to that of England. I am happy to think lhat good feoiiop exUtn ba tvvtcn Hugland end the United States." The Dsllas Itemizcr gives the following ac count of a bold robbery j orpctrated lu Polk county: Last Wednesday nlghtabout seven o'clock, while between Monmouth and Iu dopendenco,, tVm. Iiiker vas stopped by highwaymen, knr.ckod down, gagged and tied and robbed of$3ioin grcenbtoks. ile was bound to a troo and left, where he re mained for Fevers! hours beforo ho could work himself looo. Ho llnally got lcoso aboall o'clock. Mr. L. W. Itibsrtsoti, of Indspenlence, Mr. Hiker's brotier-ln Uw, otlers 8100 regard for the arrest and convic tion of tho guilty partios. This was the most daring robbery lhat has beau committed iu thU county for many a day, and should tho parties be found, should to punisbod to the extent of the 13W. Mr. P.akor was just mnr ried last week, and will no doubt leel tho loss sustained. The Dkatii or tuji 'Horram. Iteports from all parts of the state aro to tho cflect that nearly all of the eggs deposited by grasshoppers had hatchod during tho recent warm weather, and that the storms and cold weather of last week was the means of de stroying tho young 'hoppers. The reports aro so well substantiated as to leave little doubt that we will be relieved of much of ths trouble anticipated from these pests nes." spring. We have talked with mou from allt parU of Sallno and from adjoining counties, who assured ts that tboy had personally In vestigated the condition of the egg deposits in their localities, aud tbey bad tound that in most cases tho eyo, backs and legs of young grasshoppers had formed, tint llfo was apparently extinct. The Indications are. that this section will bo comparatively tree, of the 'hoppers in the spring. Saline Kane. fas) otin-eiL The Virginia City (New) Jjnu-rpnsc ril lutos Ibe foillug anecdote ot the late Senator Nye: "Nyo went lo Sccrotary Siantor onco to make a petition for souiedead soldier's or phans. It was iu tho darkest days of tho war. Stanton snid, 'I have not time, Mr. Nye, lo seo to what you want.' 'Suppose you take time, Mr. Secretary,' eald Nyo. 'You are unreasonable, Mr. Nyo, In pressim; such a thing at this time,' said Stanton, 'Permit me to say thatyuu aro the unreason able man,' answered Nyo. 'If you woro not a United States Senator I should say you were very impertinent,' said Stanton, haughtily. 'If you were not a Secretary of War I should bo tempted to say you are making a il fool of vourself,' leplled tho old Oray Kagle, with eyes blarlug. Stanton looked ut liitu a moment, and theusofioulng, said: 'Maybe 1 am, Jim who knows? come inside, and tell roe all about it' 'Now, Nod, my boy, you aro growing sensible,' said Nye, and the business was quickly ar ranged." For tho rich Willi few cmldreu it may (In lo buy a shoo w Ithout Tips, but to those who aro blessed with many children und little money it is ruinous to buy any other than SILVKIt TIPPL1) Shoes. Also try Wire Qulliod Solos. liroiicliitu. Fiom John Flagg, Kq,, of Hanniugton, N. 11, "Three yenri slnee I was very much re ducf d with a drfudful cough, which resulted in Ilmnebltis, ellcc-tlng me so severely as to render it difih tilt lo speak In nn audible voica. To this was added severo night sweats, and I was fearful ol goiug into a de cline. Alter rccouroo lo various lemedles, to nn purpose, I mado use of Dn, Wistah'u Hai.sam ns- WiMi Cirmutv, a lew bottles of which lully lestored me to health. Since that tltL'o I nave had several severo attacks ol cough, but tbo Hai.sa.m baa always re moved tbem. I always keep It by me, and should not know bow to do without it." Sold by all druggists. The Peruvian Nyrup. Vitalizes and enriches tho blood, tones up the system, builds up the brokendown, curea Dyspepsia. Liver Complaints, Dropsy, tibrnnlu Diarrhoea, Hulls, Nervous Allectloii, Chills ami Foverj, Humors, Ioss of Consti tutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and llladder, Female Complaints, and all diseas t originating In a bad stuto of tbo Wood, or accompanied by Debility or a low statu of thn System. UAinior, ISostiro iou cot tho PmmviAN Svmip. Ono dollar and two dollars a bottlo Prepared by bum V, Fown: it Sons, BU Harrison Ave., lloslou, Sold by drugglsm generally, ' J