Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 26, 1877, Image 1

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$2.50 per Year,
Tito Eloctorol Bill.
Following In tliu bill presented by Ed
munds. 'A bill In provide lor and regulate tliu
counting nftlm urns tor Prtiddoni and Vlcu
President and dtcUlim of iinxtl(iiM arising
tbnreun, lorlliu term cnmiiiuncliig Miirih 4
lit it mnclol, fit., Tlmt (tin Senate itiul
Unuao or Ropiesoumihcs nIiiiII incut In ilm
hall of tlm House ol Representatives lit Ilm
hour of 10 o'clock, iiol liiiitlillaii. mi Mm
Ural Thursday. In Fuiiruiirv, lh77, ami tlm paper imiii ii Stuto nIiiiII bain been received
j-roaiuenioi nil. Miiintnsliiill lie Ilm presiding innil rcail, nil Midi rurlllliutna, yetes Mini pi
nuicur. awn loners snail no priviuusl up
pointed on tlm purine Urn Nullum iiml two
Im no inori) limn nno such certificate nr pa
per as Ilm certificates and papers from such
statu Hliull mi be opened, (xccptlnc dupli
cates nf thesumti return, ltny Nlmll Iih rnud
by tlm tollers, bikI thereupon tlm President
nt tho Semite shall cull forobjeetlnns, ii nuy.
Objections hIiuII lin mado In writing, aud
shall statu clearly and cnitclsnly, without
nruiimont, Ilm ground thereof, Hud shall be
signed by nt least mm Sonatnraml ono mem
ber nl tlm IIiiiin.) nl IHpiisuiilntlnH holnro
tlm nkiiiii hIiuII Im roeiilvud. When nil Midi
iil'Jorllmis no iiihiIii In imv corlllleatn, vnlii nr
Waniiik'itos, Jnn. IS, Whllnthe moasuro
reported by ih select committee In regard
to the counting of the nlentorlal voto will
mcet-wlth some opposition In tlm Senate, It
IhIIio general belief that It will receive a
handsome ninirlty when a o'c In reached.
Atl efl.irt will bo made In press It to a vote
ultir n reasonable time tor discussion, and
several Senators express the bellot thattlie
IWml voto cRti bo taken aftor n discussion of
several (lava
Oil tllO pHft Of till) llOIIMI of RelHiai lltlllivns.
to whom nliu.ll ho handed. us llmviirn iinnimil ciimiiiisnlim hlcb i.liull proceed tiiconsld
by the President or tllo Suuale, nil I ho nirtlll er thosnmn v. Ith tho sumo power, II any now
CHti'HRIid papers purporting to bo uirllllcnteN possessed for Hint pmposii by Ilm tun House
ofeleelorlal voles, which ccrtlliciiUNiind pn iu'liii; Hf.jiiiruUl , nr tngetlior, mid, by n ma
pern shall bo opened, presented mill nelcd Jorltj nl nlth,ilinid(i whether any, and what
upon ill nlulii.biitlcal nidnrnl til" Mutes, Im . vutc Irom i.ui'h Mutiaritlm voicn prmltli'd
Kill I lift with A. und Kiild lollnfH linvinn tlu.n I lur by tliu roimlliulluii of tlm Untied Stnli',
rtd tho nbiiiu In tlio lirnwni'ii mid ho.irluc I and bow ill my, and what pinutiH wnro duly
oftlie two UoiixON, all uortltlivtti'H and tlm .appointed iIccIoih In Miuli Slain and may
volwi bavlnu Li uti opiincd luid iliiiiiUiiI m 111 tht ridn tiko Into vlowmio'j piiMtloiiH.dniiosl
ttioaot provided, tlm nmullnf tliu khiiki nlmll ! tl(i:iM und otlior pnptirH, If any, ushlmll by tliu
b dellvoind to tlm rrpNliUint id tlm NoiiuUi, (.'Oiistlliillnii, and now iixIhiIiik law, bn mil
who nlmll thornnpon ihiikiiiiich tliu nIiiIo of I ptnit und piirllnmiL In nuuIi roiiHlderullon,
thn vole, and t..-. nuniwi of pitmiii. If any ulilcb (IpuIhIoii kIihII bo inndo lu wrluiitr,
elected, which iiiiimiinn.iiiiint imll lm 'atil'.luc brlollv tliu irrnnnd thnruor. and Minn-
i . . . . .. " . .. . . .
(Milieu a autllClont deulnratlon or tlm pommiM
elected Ifrsaldfat and Vlcn I'rnulilnnr. nrthn
United HtAtM, and UiKOlhor with thn lint nf
I'hfcio aro tnoolnwiHof ob.inrtlniiM urcnl
iiik mi objected to, indivll piipma uccoin-1 "yn epnlillcrfimayaliiMt, thy lull lorcounllnr
iun III" tlm Mime. Imrnt) nr unit kiich nl be I tho wiKk. One In bv IhoMi who Kll lli.it (tie
tlniM hIiuII bo fori Ii Willi Kiibinltttd lo nld ' l now exitltic, irexe;uto'I,ulil certainly
uivntnn i-roMiiiiiiuvio iiayi. limy oppose
thn bill ti(ieati(i they pay 11 In Rhine up e
Mirniy fon-ointthliit; tht le tineeriain, and
they rotnark iftlie party ultuatlon hhs exact.
ly revorM-d, no Democra. ooulil I in found
topiinneiil a moinnt to abandon snch an
aiHatilapo as the ItHpubllrHn-! pniifsM Tlm
iiecoiiil (iluN nl objeotlons 1 to the blP It
thotiph norly all the mombers wy thoy do
It tinder protest.
The KaiiMi deltgatlon will support the
The Pennsylvania delefiatlon is eidently
Hpubllcaus from tbo South aro almost
ttiiHiilmiiiiM in opposition. It requires the
coniiiiiplou to i;o behind them by n quiring
them ir Hod who, in fact, was Oificted.
The 'J'lintu' WasblnKtou specihl mys the
electoral bill has lost toino strength. ItU
to dav rsported that no more than four or
five Kcpubllciiip, bjvld(v the rnembcraul
thecoiiiiuIiUe, liavo absolutely determined
ttnotol'ir the bill. Hi-publicans generally
am iinii-conimiltaland anxious to avoid do
bale, though it Is more than IlKoly tlm
lnesarc will pnes I lib Striata.
Tim Tnbutit'a Washington srwcHl siyn:
On tbo electoral bill no member of the Ohio
(Illegal Ion in the Hnue lias received from
tio Haves any expression of bis views or
desires, but the fact nf their relations to him
li'lng closer than those of othor members
ed I17 thn member of mild roiutnlrsinn
ugreelngthnretn. Thereupon the two Houses
shall I'.'-ulu meet, and siicb decision shall bo
vote shall bo entered on the Journals of the , r,'"d und entered on the journals of each
two Ilouaeii. Upon such readlnir of nnv
auob oerlillcato or paper whom there shall
lie only ono rotum from nHlato, the l'ronl
ilontot the Neuatu shall oil for objections ir
nuy. Every objection shall be made In
writing, and ahull auto clearly and oonulaol v
and without argument, thn ground thereof,
auid aball be altftied by at least one Senator
lid one member ofthe Houn ofllepreion
tativea, before the aauie Bhall be recelve.1.
When all ouJiMtlona ao made to any certifi
cate or paper from a Htatu shall have been re
oelved and read, the Senate aball thereupon
withdrew, and auoh nhjeatlona shall be nub
inlued to the Benate fjr Ita deolalon, and the
HJ?.k.,r..f '" -House orjtaprweaMWca
to the BouaenT RepreaenUtlvea for it decla
"loo, and no eleotorial rota orvolee from any
Htata from which bnl oaa return baa bean re
ceived aball be rrjiuted, except by an affirma
tive vole of tbo two houaea. When the two
bouaaa nave voted, ibey aball immediately
again aneet, and toe presiding omoera aball
then aanounoe the deoUlon oftlie question
Heo.2. Tbat If more than ono return, or
paper purportlnc to be a return, rrom a Stale,
aball nave been received by tba President of
(be Senate, purporting to be certificate or
olectortal votea given at thn last preceding
Welioafcr President and Vice President, in
auoh State unless they shall be duplicates of
tbeaaate return, all suob returns and papers
aball be opened by blm in tlm presence of
the two houaea when met as aforesaid, and
read by the tellers; and all such returns and
papers aball thereupuu be submitted to the
iudgmeet and decision as In which is the
true and lawful electoral vote or auuh State,
or a commission constituted as lollnws,
namely; During tbo session nfsuoh House
ou tbe Tuesday noxt prrcmliug the Drat
Thursday in February, 1K77, each Utilise
aball by a viva tocc vote appoint llvo or Us
members who, with live Associate Justlues
fifthA Nnnrama f....r! f !. tr..li.l u........ ...
- - -r wr.WH.w U..1I. k W. ...V J ,111,1 oiitii'n i, 1
K UlUHAltlail am l.AK.l..ur. ....... 1.1... I ..1...1I
ww ..mmvu mm kimuiiiniini 11, mru, BI1H11
constitute a comuilsalon for tbe declsinu of
all questions upon, or In respect of, auoh
double returns named in this section. On
Tuesday neat preceding the llrst Thursday
In February 1H77. or as s.,011 Ihercaner nH
way be, tbeassooIatoJustliH ortbo Supreme
Court ofthe United Status now innlgmul to
the drat, third, eighth and ninth ulruiills.
aball select, in such maimer as a majority or
tbam aball deem lll.nunthur nssoolato junilco
of said anirt, which Ihn persons Hhall bo
members of said cohiuiImioii, anil llio per
son longwit In coiiinilHilon nf said f.vn jus.
unniiiaiiiiii presiueiil ill said commission.
The members of said commission shall re
spectively take and subscribe lo thn follow
ing oath : "I (Blank) do solemnly swimr (or
adlrm, as Ibo case may be.) that I will im.
partially examine and consider all questions
submitted to tho commission of which 1 am
A member, and a triiejudgment glvo thereon,
agreeable to the constitution and laws, so
Help me Und;" which oath shall bo tiled
with tbe secretary or thn Senate. When tbo
oommlaalon aball have been thus organized
It ahall not belli the owor ofellhor House
to dissolve tbo same or lo withdraw any of
ita members; but If any such Senator or
member aball die, or become physically tin.
able to perform tho duties required by this
act, the raotofnuc,li death or physical Inabil
ity ausu 00, uy hami commission, Poloro It
aball proceed further, communicated to tho
tSfluaui or Home or ltepresenatlven, as (he
Dtae may be. which bodv shall Immediate! v
and without debate prcod by a viea voce
vote to nu ine piece so vacated, anil the per
son ao appointed aball take and subscrlbo
tbe oath nerelnforo prescribe!, and bocnine
member of said commission. And in llko
aoannar, If any of said Justices of tbe Su
preme Court shall die or become physically
iaeapable of performing tbs duties required
by ibis act, tbe other of said Juatices, mom
MMofeald commission, shall Immediately
Appoint another lustlco of said court, a mem
at soeb commlaslon, and In audi appoint
jnenU secard aball be had to theimpartlallly
aavd fieaafom from bias sought by tbe original
appointuaonU to said commission, who shall
tuereiipou iiiiedlatoly take and subscribe the
oatn neromuoiorc. pre.oriueii, unit imcome
a member of aald rommissluii to till the
vacanoy ho occasioned, All the certlllcates
and paeiH purporting to bo certilioaien of
electoral voles ot'ouoli Stale, ahall bn oiienotl
J 11 alphahetlcnl orderufHIates a pmvldcd in
epti'uu ono ofllila Ml; nud wlieu llioro shall
Uiiiise, and the counting ol thn votes shall
in 1 hi iinimftHnnatil V eivn tn united OtitlOSl
seir us an unconstltutionnl or an .Impolitic tl-ui on tneir part great weight and slg
limnMiirf. 1 nlllcancn.
Demiierats who oppose the bill do soon, Washisoon. Jan. IM Bvorlv Nash, col'
thn ground generally that the arbitration j oral, ot Columbia, testlrled before the bouse
would lake tlm Presidency frmn tho grasp ol committee yesterday thut he was one ofthe
j ....., -...m ...T.jr rj ,. "uutu iiiiiui-ii iit-itri iiuyeH cn-Ctors, also n lueuiiwrui iijezienait-,
for thn Democracy to have Hayes declared thn't 011 tho day the electors met L. 1). Childs
President by the President nf the Senate than President of thn South Carolina National
have tholr candidate defeated by a tribunal l'ariK told blm if be could get three republl
tbat cannot be attacked. I cm claimants of seats from .Laurens,
In number dispatch the Times sav llnnnb.
licuns generally am unwilling to pluci thooi
proceed In conformity therewith, unless, selves on the record, while the stronger op
upon objection made thereto In writing by at
least five sonators and live members nt the
II oii"0 of Representatives, the two houses
shall separately concur In ordering It other
wise, in which case such concurrent order
shall govern. No vo'ns or papers from any
other State shall boactod upou until objec
tions from any other State shall baro been
formally disposed of.
Hu, a. That wlillo the two houses shall
IwJn'soeetlug as provided in this act, no de
bate snail bealloned, and noquestlona shall
bo uu-m,tb areaidlD ofllcer exceut to
either kause (7) ur a motion withdrawn, and
ha'abatlbave power lu eirsaarvo order. J
nee. . xnaiwnenthe two Mouses hepar
ato to decide upon an objection tbat may
have been made to tho counting ol any
electoral vole or votea from any State, or
upon objection to tbe report of said commie
slnn, or other questions arising under this
act, each senator and representative may
apeak to auoh objections or question ten
minutes, and not oftener than once; but
alter auob debate shall have lasted two hours
It shall be the duty of each Home to put tbe
main queatlona, without Jurther debate.
Sec. 0. That at auoh Joint meetings of the
two hoiwos, seats shall be provided aa fol
lows: For the President or tbe
Senate, tbe Speaker's chair; lor tbe Senators,
In the body of the ball upon the right of the
presiding officer; for tho Representatives, in
tho body of the ball not nruvldad for the
Senators; for the Tollors, Secretary of tbe
Soiiato and clork of the House of Represen
tatives ut thn clerk 'a desk. For othor officers
ol tho two Houses, in flout of tho clerk's
desk ujxm oanh side nt' the speakers plat
form. Such Joint meetings shall not be dis
solved until tho electoral votes shall be com
pleliiil and tho result declared, and no re
ofss shall bo takon unlets a question
shall Inn o risen in regard to counting any
such voles or utliouwlse under this aol, iu
which case It shall be enmpetont for either
iiouse, acting separately in tno iiinuuor
horelntolore provided, to direct a rocess of
such House, not beyond the next dav (Sun
day excepted), at the hoiu of ll) o'clock In the
loreuunii; und while nuyquostion is being
cotmldered by said commission, either I lotihe
limy proceed with its legislative uud other
Sec. II. That nothing in this act shall be
bold to impair nr allect any right now exist
ing under the Constitution unit laws to ques
tion, by procoudlng to the Judicial courts of
the United Suites, the light or title or the
person who shall bu declared elected, or who
shall claim to bo Presldentor Vice President
oftho I tilled Slates, If uny such right exists.
Sec. 7. That said commission shall make
its o n rtiles, keep a record of Its proceed
ings, and shall have power to employ suob
porsoos as may be neuessarv for tho trans
action of its buaiiioss, und tho execution of
us power
position and warmest sanDort are found on
the Democratic side.
Tho President said in conversation he bad
not had timeto oxamino the bill carelully
and critically, but on general principals ne
npprovedor a measure of tho character al
luded to, and If not objeotionahle in detail,
nr if it did not contain provisions at variance
with Ihn spirit and letter of tbe constitution
ho would accord to It his prompt approval.
He said from the begiuiojr be had felt no ap
prehension as to the final result, as ho Imd
always had great faith in the intelligence
arid, patriotism of tbe American people.
IhMBJiaye en tbsaatetwca and -incipient
violences, of revolutionary purposes In some
quarters, to meet which be bad taken propnr
means or precaution, and for which be will
keep-prepared until his responsibility is at
an end. lie said be was much encouraged
by tbe prospect of a peaceful solution of tbe
difficulty between the two parties In Con
grear. Tbey are wlllingtotrnst in the hands
of a commission nearly Impartial and bound
by an oath to decide according to tbs consti
tution and laws.
WA8IUNO.TON, Jan. 21. The Bouse Judici
ary committee to-day reported a bill provid
ing tbat any woman who aball bavo been a
member ol tbe bar ofthe highest State or
Territorial court or Supreme court or tbe
District nf Columbia for three years, main
taining good standing, and have good moral
character, shall on motion and production of
such record, be permitted to practice betore
thn Supremo court.
It Is believed the House was disagreeably
disupnoluted by the surrender ot tho Western
Union executive committee iiiraliist whom it
would not bavo proceeded to extremities leleUorai bill has tbe approval of the Demo
'rtini-n Tt 111 l.o niin,lA t !. TI 1. 1 1....I-'. '
."V "... u iuuciu T liuu IU, JUUt-lI niut, U
utspatclies are disclosed. Tbe haul be dry as
In Chandler's cane, and it isexpicted to show
who issued instructions to kesp the State In
doubt uud who wanted 10 buy an elector.
Democratic members of Congress from
Lotilssua.Avho, with Col. Burke, yesterday
called upon the President aud had'a cctiyer
SUtlon wlt'j blm about Lniilsana nllalru. ..v.
Plots thomselea nerfeeilr natislUd with tho I in, ,,..... ,n- ,..,..;., u. n, .11., ,..,., i.i
-- --.- 1 iuiiiiui;ij vi n ui(jcu w s.LO puui nuum
result of tbo interview, the President having purity elections uu give us a better class of
...........u ,.u cu.utuiii ins puiicy reKruiug public olllelals, and tbo State would bo
lioulanuii. , , , , , Iboum'tid by cnnfsrrlntf the right ot suf
It is asoertaiuod to-day that tho Prosldent 1 trag upou womou ; this movement was
bassuld it is his intention to slgu the bill Ur0w lug vear by voir, aud had alreaty pass
providing lor couutiug the idectorlal ote, od the period of ildlcule, balh in thlscouu
lu case it passes both housosof CoifKross, iry and llugluud.
Co-MANil.nrM, Jan. lb The Graud
Council ol the Ktuplre met to day. The first
three houis ot thn tittiug was occupied iu
Kdceheld and Abbevv ille counties, he could
' get money for so doing, $100,000 foreacb one
secured, aud then said there is an electoral
ote. ll'jouwlll agree to vote for Tllden
you cm get 1000,000 and $400 000 more as
soon as tbe thing lv consumateJ. Nash de
clined tbo oiler.
W. 11 Lasswell, ono of the Oregon Damo
cratic candidates lor presidential electors at
the Into election, testified before the Senate
committee on privileges and election tbls
morning. He went to tbe meeting of the
Oregon eloctoral college because he under
stood the Republican electors were going to
take the electoral certificates from Cronln by
lorce. Witness understood Secretary of
Stele Cbadwlck to say as he banded tbe
envelop jxintalnleg the oortltlaitee of tba
electors lif Creator ,'Oentlemeb,'bere are
your certificates." He beared the Republican
electors ask Cronln for their certificates, and
Cronln replied: "I will see hell freeze over
before I will jjive them up!"
New Yokk, Jan. 22 Suit was commenced
ou capias in toe United Slates district court
against Samuel J. Tildeo to recover 1130,000,
alleged balance due Income tax this after
noon. Tbe capias was issued and served on
Tilden, returnable the 0th of February. U.
S. District Attorney Bliss say a be was direct
ed some time ago by Commissioner or inter
nal Ken euue Kautu to commence suit tgalnat
all parties wno naa latlea to dst tneir in
conio tax, but delayed bringing tbla suit on
account of tbe position of Mr, Tilden before
the public.
TnnSTuX. Jan. 2a John U. McPherson.
fDntn 1. i.lstn.ilivphnwti IT. S. Memitsir hv
one vow over Fred T. Frelinghusen, (Rep.),
tue present senator.
JJuw Yokk. Jan. 2J. Tne TiMca' Wash
ingiou special says it can be stated that the
erotic caucus
Wamii notox, Jan. 20. Sargent presented
a petition of nuile aud female residents or
UHlitoruu asking tbe uujptlou or tbe six
teuuth amendment to the ooustiuiion of the
United States to prevent the disfranchise'
metit ot peruonsou account of sex. Holer
rod to coiiimlttfu on privileges aud elections
In preseudiig the petltlou, oargent said the
Thelulluwltiii'Dontdlclifkiitresareannmiiiced I
lor the Pacific coast: Postmaslors appointed I
.ii..r 11 r:..io wi t....i. -.-..... 1. in .... ...... '
...... , uH.s., kj,, v UBC j.u, inuiuuitvuill
Secretary Chaudler denounces as n delib-
oruto lorgery the following alleged dispatch,
W : liSsT if i,.J t . ,i,iii 1 . ' rt-adiiijj u statement ot oxeuts which have
m lib liavTnc TrC L e nr L n l uo-iu""! '"-e -" outbreak of the insurrec
bin- B written or st nt by tl()u itJ il4,r7t,KOVUa. Mldhat Pasha then
San Fiianoisl-0, Jan 20. Rain has ceased
throughout the Statu, but tbe renorts from
tliu south indicate another storm approach
lug. Tbo rainfall has amounted to 1)$ to 2
inches In dlllerent localities. Tho storm baa
subsided lu tbe mountains, 'lbo snow is
deep, but not drifted to Interfere with run
ning trains, The rain has been sufficient to
start plowing In southorn counties where
crops Had not beeu sown aud greatly im
proved grasses. In tbe north whore grain
Is up tho prospect for a good ylold Is excel
Nata, Jan. 20. The late rain amounted lo
3 0-1 100 inohea. Previous rains, 8 72-100.
Total iorthoaeasou, 12 2U-100 inobes. Farm
ers are Jubilant over tbe prospects.
Of membranous croup and dlphthorla, A.
II. Rockwell, Jan, 7th; Perry Albert, Jan.
17th: children of D. L. and H. Ureene. A. U.
Rockwell was born near Pontiao, III., Oct.
11, 1H74; Perry Albort was born near JefTer-
sou, Oregon, Feb. 11, 1H7H.
mileage papers pieasu copy.
It is now dlsolofod tlmt lien Hill. In reply
ing to Feruaudo Wood's llery uut iuellectlvo
speech In the Congressional caucus tho other
night, said : "Perhaps tho gentleman from
Now York does not understand tho conserv
ative ellectofa fifteen-Inch shell with a lute
In 11 sttuo of com bustlon ; I do."
HKW OllK, Nov. b
Jo lioreriwr Stei n: Hold Florida tor
Hayes and Wheeler, Money and troops will
be sent you. (Slguod) ,. Chandler.
llOMTOX, Jan. ll).-aeorgu F. Hoar was
elected to the U. S. Senate.
Nahiivili.i:, Jan. It), James K. llalley,
was elected U. S. Senator for the short term
Nkw Yomc, Jan. 20, The electoral bill
coutluues to Challenge great diversity ot pub
lic sentiment, but while a majority of parti
Hans of both sides appear to oppose it, busi
ness men generally approve it, because they
bellcvo It will render an easy and peaceful
settlement ofthe Presidential muddle ao cer
tain as to immediately stimulate tbe revival
of trade.
Nkw York, Jan. 22. The Graphic's
Washington special says a canvass or the
Ohio delegation was made tbla mornfng,
with regard to the compromise, All the
Republicans but four aro opposed to tbe bill,
and so are a majority of tbe Democrats.
Koater received fifty letters from Ohio tbls
morning, every ono being in opposition lo
tbo bill.
The Iowa delesatl an is almost solid In favor
oftho compromise.
With thu exception of Hanks the Massachu
setts delegation favor it.
All the Malue delegation except llurllug
ton opposos.
Thu Vermont delegation are solid agniust
Tbo Illinois doles at Ion will all vote for tho
bill, wltb but three probable exception, al
iunde a Meecb. Ill the course Of which, bo
gave an ai count ot tho Turkish counter pro
iKjsul.s and concessions which the Porte, 111 a
spirit ol conciliation, has made upon points
where the Constitution would not thereby
bo infringed. He lUelt on thn gravity ol
the situation, and spoko of departure
ot tho plenipotentiaries and tbe
possibility ot war, the horrors attending it,
tbe Injury it would do In tbe Interns affairs
ol the lountry and the iuipwsiblllty of pro
curing lunds for a war, aud the tact tbat
T11 r Key could not rely upon any alliance,
he. eral speeches followed, tbo mort note
worthy being made by (ireek and Ameuian
patriarchs. All tbe speakers repelled tbe
idea of accepting the European proposals,
Mldbat Pssha again pointed out the gravity
of the crisis and lbo distress wblih would
result Irom war. After bearing all tbe
speakers, the council nnauimousiy rejected
the proposals amid shonts of ''death Lie lore
The dangers of tbe situation were fairly
laid before tbe council by the Sultan's
brother In-law, Abmand D.imad, as well as
by Mldhat Pasba. bafoet Pasba dwelt upon
Ibe peril of braving Europe, uud remarked
tbat tbe Rusnian enuadrnn now in tbe waters
otlbeUuiKd Slates, might stop the trans
mission nf arms aud ammunition which bad
lieco ordered In that tountry for Turkey
Tuohuudrid and Ihirtv-nmu diirnlttuloj
and ollli'liila weie pr.'sent st the council. A
protocol 01 tne prcceeuiegs weieuraAliup,
lo which all who took tart In the council
affixed their signatures.
LONDON, JtUl, JU ltlU JtmCi iiH 11 is
VoPamc VIII Number 50.
vol to be assumed that on account of tho
fillureuf the conference war will mcossarl
ly lie made at once The dissolution oftho
conltrjnco will prol ably lead to a now
phase, in which the western powers will bo
lor n time inactive and tbo three imperial
courts will once more concern themselves
with the business.
Tho )fi .Vfictsays tho breakup ot tho
conference onds tho old fashioned folk-,'
which accepted Turkey as an hereditary re
sponsllililtv of 1'tigUnd. Hereilter Turkey
mus" pilch" tip its credit the best way sho
ran and debt hr own bittles.
Sr. PiTMiMiriKi, Jan. 211. Nodrcular tiai
been lsucd stating or inUnutlng that Rus
sia ccnld not undertake a warlike policy be
cause Kumpo wrnld nnt support her and
might form a coalition against her. It is a
puro invention.
Lostiov, Ian. -1. Tho Ilorlln correspond
ent r the 2'imc telegraphs that Russia is
lieglnniDg to represent to thn Powers that
the demands or the conference having been
rejected, It dorlves upon Europe to take
mnie forcible proceedings. Should Europe,
as is certain, find it impossible to agree on,
joint "lton, KiiRflia will be able to declare
ibat the failure ol the conference Is the de,
feat of Europs, not of Russia. Meanwhlle
it appears that Russia wishes to make an ar
rangement with Austria respecting tbe joint'
occupation of lltilgaria, and Bosnia. Couut
Andrassy will not hastily agree to this what
ever ho may be driven to do, if Russians?
act ou their own responsibility. The steady
reinforcements o tbe Russian armv proba
bly means no more than tbat the Russians
will cross the Prutb, but without any imme
diate Intention of crossing the Danube. It
Is probable that Turkey would tolerate tbe
presence of Russians in Roumania for a short
time, after which the financial strain, caused
by large armaments which she baa been com
pelled to keep up, would compel her to
choose ber course.
London, Jan. 2.5. Tbo lHics' Vienna spe
cial says: Notwithstanding tbe departure of
tbo ambassadors, no apprehensions seem to
be felt of immediate collision. On the con
trary, both Turkey and Russia may attempt
to Incite diplomatic communication. Tnr
koy, through ber ambassador, has already
sx pressed the bone tbat tba failure of tbe
eonrerence might net alangatfier terminate ,
negoclation. Russia's Initiative on tbe oth-,
er band, would tn tbe first instance aim at
ascertaining tbe position which the various
cabinets mean to take in tbe various cabl
cabinets mean to take in tbe lace of Turkey 's
refusal.with a view to uniting them for a com
mon movement against tbe Porte. Russia
will only act independently if common ac
tion should prove Impossible. As for Rus
sia's acquiescing In tbo failure of tbs confer
ence, it has never been thought or for a mo
It is now certain tbat the American ship
George Green, Capt. Wilcox, has been lost
with all on board. An Inquest bu been - -"'
held st Kingston, Devonshire, on a body
which Uns been identified as tbat of tbe -captain's
London, Jan. -W. A Paris dispatch says
the recent hostile opinion of tbe German
press caused a very serious impression there.
French Journals advocate n strict attitude of
non-interference iu regard tn foreign affairs.
They deny that any extraordinary measures
of army organization are on foot.
The JiUwtIant'8 Paris dispatch says tbe re
cent killing of a German sailor by some
French seamen at Smydln is magnified by
the Germans into an international difficulty.
Thn French government has ordered an in
quiry nnd will give every satisfaction. The
allajr is tbe result of a drunken brawl.
The Jit's Berlin dispatch states that tbe
feeling of resentment against the French be
cause of her supposed hostility at the Con
stantinople conference continues unabated,
both inofficial circles and among the general
Pauls, Jan, 2J. It is stated in official cir
cles that Piince Hohen'ohe, German ambas
sador, has lost no opportunity of assuilug
Duke de f'asis that tJermany regards tbo at
titude ol Frantn In regard to Eastern com
plications with good feelings. Notwithstand
ing tbo attacks of the German press, tbe good
understanding between tbe two govern
ments is uninterrupted.
Stadk AcciiinNi . As tbe Drains and Coos
Ray stage was crossing Elk creek last Satur
day, thu kini.- bolt came out and let tbe body
of tbe stage fall Into tbe water. Tbe horses
swam out oftho creek with tbe fore wheels
ot tbe stsge. Thn driver, John Barker, let
thohornes.ro and made every exertion lo
sate thu mail and express packages. Ha
succeeded iu saving the mail in a damaged
coti'lltion, but by doing so lost tbe clothes
he had ou. The water washed him among
the brush near tbe bank aud be extricated
himself, but had to lose bis pantaloons, In
tho pockets ot which he bad tXO gold. The
stage when last seen was making good time
toward tue ocean, mere were no passen
gers in the stage, This accident will not
interrupt travel by tbe line, as the lost stage
has been replsced ,liee.
Tbe Watchman says: "Seven years ago
Pendleton , tbe county seat of Umatilla coun
ty, Oregon, was but a small way station, A
hotel and a dwelling bouse was all tbat re
lieved tbe tben desolate soot of Its solitude.
To-day It is a lively town, with over a thou
cand Inhabitants, blessed with churches and
schools, planing mills, blacksmith shops,
stores, one ol ihu best tl luring mills this
sldu ot Portland and a printing establish
ment, and, with rapid strides, moes for-
warn aim on warn."
A horse kicked J. II. Fletcher, of Yam
hill, Iks; wiik, striking ono of Ills ears in
nub k wey as to out it uearly oil'.
TLeOicgou S.ato Woman Sutfraue Asso-
ciitlnn will iiitHat Albany about tho mid
dle ol libruray.
jrjyi ffft'lrt "',J'' " ' Ct
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