Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 03, 1876, Page 7, Image 7

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MP i n i ;' I ' ' ' " .' " "' i irri"TrirT'rM-iniiiwnii.i in-' .-.--. . .-. ?-, minium iw ' i
Agents for tbe Willamette Farmer.
Albasj JF. lUnnen
Amity 0 K Octchell
Bethel LB Prazer
UuenaVita Wm Wells, J W Uobatt
Hntte Disappointment S Hundfaltcr
Brownsville W It Kirk
Dnttevillo Jf Bachelder
Canyon City D 11 Klilnehnrt
Canyonvllle O W Colls
Cole's Valley W 1) Clarke
Cottage Grove -I II Shortrlilge
Core FMioemaker, UK Kendall
Corrallls E Wod.ard
Creswcll Hosroo Knox
Clackamas W A Mills
Camp Creek Gltllnmmcrsley
Dallas J D l.ee. D M Gntlirio
Drain's Kruweon & Drain
Damascus K Forbes
Dayton E C Hadivny
Dalles S It Brooks
East Portland Jacob Johnson
Empire City TD WlnchcstiT
Elkton A B Haines
Kageno John Mcdiing
Fox Valley A D Gardner
yalrrlcld ,1.1 UIcmidb
Forest Grove S Hughes. W L Curtis
Goshen J Ilamlsakcr
lcrvals sheppanl & Gaines
Greenville J 1' Fierce
Ilalsey T J Black
HoodBlver WP Watson
' Harrlsbmg Hiram Sruilh
Hlllsboro ALnelllcR
Hepner Monow & Hcrreu
Independence W )j Kodiln
Junction Smith. Braefleld & Co., W L Lemon
Jacksonville M Peterson
Jefferson W F West
Kellosir's AB Kellogs
Lewlsvllle J 51 Bewley
La Grande S Ellsworth
Lafayette Dr Poppleton. A B Henry
Lebanon S II Claughton
Meadowvllle It K Lansdale
HcMinnvllle A Reld
Mitchell A IIBrcyman
Monmonth W Watcrhonso
Needy Win Moreland
New Era J Casto
Newcllsvllle PF Castleman
North Yamhill DC Stewart
Oakland J A Merlin:;
Oswego Alt Shipley
Ott J II Schroedcr
OrczonCity it Bacon
Ochoco JII-Doutliit
Femileton W A Whitman
Peoria SD Haley
Portland S P Lee, Agent State Granso
Prlneevllle O II 1'rlnglo
Perrydale JlcGrcw's Storo
IUckreal FA Patterson
Bosebnrg Thos Smith
Scio lnlucfc Morris, ThosMnnkers
Sllverton Alah Brown
Shedd's WM Powers, Clt Wheeler
Springfield AG Hovey
Sprinirwattr JHLewcllen
Sublimity John Downing
Bweetllome Ben Marks
Sheridan JB Morris
Pilot ltock K Gilliam
Ten Mile RM Gnrney
Turner B A Witzel
Vancouver SW Brown, BBDenure
Wheatland LC Forrest
Willamctto Forks M Wllklns
Walla Walla JF Brewer
Woodburn Jlatthlot Bros
Waldo JC Elder
Willow Folks ACI'tttcys
Yoncalla J It Ellison, RS Applejato
Zona D J Cooper
S Qofl", General Agent for Eastern Oregon.
Prices to Suit tlio Hard Times !
Woodburn Nursery,
A Choice Selection ot
Shade, -
Vines, and
Pium and
Constantly o:i E3a:s:l.
Send for circulars, eepKtf
Screw Worm.
Parasites that infest Sheep.
Improves the Health
tW One gallon It enough for t ne hundred to tno
bnn-red Sheep, according to their ee, trength, and
It U put np in FIVK-OALLON C INS-Prico, 13
per can.
Send for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co.,
Wholesale AeeuU for tbe Wtate,
Or to Tonr nearest Retail Dnutsitt. mrr)
roa ma
"$An tefii MANUrACTUS"j:yv?
Patrons of Husbanclry.
Front Street, near Flanden' Wharf., I
.TERTIANS, - - - onEGttlf.l
Addreu all cotamonlcatiooi to B, Y. LEE, Asest. I
S"Let tho suflbrirjgnnd diseased read the
fl"Let nil who havo been given u p by Doo
tors, and spoken of as incurable, read too fol
lowing. jEflIiet all who cMn bellevo facts, and cm
hit vh faith in evident'", rtad Mih follnwIriK.
Know alt, jibn ijy tiikmi mrsKNTS, That,
on this, the Twentieth duy tif Jone, in the
year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hun
rirod and Bixty-six, personally otivie Joseph
Hnydock, to mo known as Mich, and being
duly Mvorn, deposed n follows: "That ho is
tbu solo ccnernt agent for tho Uultort States
and ilfpendoncieH thereof lor procurations or
medicine known us Dr. Holloway'H Pills
and Ointment, and thitt the following certlil
c.ue we verbatim copies to tho best of his
kuuwledgo and heliet".
L. s Notary Public,
14 Wall Street, Now York'.
Junij 1st, IS60.
Dr. IIolloway: I take uiy peu lo write
you of my great relict, and that the awful
pain in my side has lelt uie at last thanks
to your Pills. Oh, Doctor, how thankful I
atu that I can get some sloop. 1 can never
write it enough. I thank you again and
again, and am sure that you are really the
friend of all sufferers. I could not help wri
ting to you, and hope you will not take it
amiss. JAMU3 MYERS,
110 Avonue D.
This is to certify that I was discharged from
tho army with Chronio DlarrhrcJ, and have
been cured by Dr. Hollowav's Pills.
New York, April 7, 1SG0. 21 Pitt Street.
The following is an iuterestlug caso of a
man employed In au Iron Foundry, who, in
pouring melted iron into a flask that was
damp and wot, caused an oxploslou. Tho
meltod iron was thrown around and on him
In a perfect showoi, nnd ho was burned
dreadfully. The following certificate was
given to mo, by him, about olght weeks after
tho accident:
New Ycihk, Jan. In, ISliS.
My name is Jacob lljrdy; I am an Iron
Founder. I was badly burnt by hot iron In
November last; my burns healed, but I had
n running sore on my leg that would not
heal. I tried Uollowny's Oiutment and it
cur'd mo in a few weeks. This is all true,
nnd anybody can seo tno at Jackson's Iron
Works. 2d Avenue.
J. HARDY", 119 Qoerch St.
Extracts from Various Letters.
"I had no appetite; Holloway's Pills gavo
men hearty one."
"Your Pills are marvellous."
" I sond for another box, and keep thorn in
tho hotio."
"Dr. Holloway has cured my headache
that was chronic."
" I gave one of your Pills to my babo for
cholera morbus. The dear littlo thing got
well in a day."
" My nausea of a morning is now curod."
" Your box of Holloway's Ointment cured
me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of
your ointment behind the cars, and thenoiso
has lea."
" Send mo two boxes, I want one for a poor
" I enolose a dollar, your prlco is 25 cents,
but tho mediclno to mo Is worth a dollar."
" Send ino five boxes of your Pills."
"Let me havo three boxes of you r Pills by
returu mail, for Chills and Fovor."
1 have over 200 such Testimonials
as these, but want of spaco compels me to
For Cutaneous Disorders.
And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment
Is most Invaluable. It docs not neal exter
nally alone, but penetrates with tbo moH
searching effects to tho very root of tho evil.
Invariably euro tho following diseases:
Disorders ot'llio Klilnt'js.
In nil diseases uflbcting tbiho organs,
whether they secrete too much or loo little
water; or whether they bo Blllicted with
Hlono or gravel, or with achts and piins fet
tled In the Joins over tho regions ot tho kid
neys, the'-o Pills should bo taken according
to tho printod direction, and tho Ointment
.should bo welt rubbed into the small of the
back at bed time. ThU treatment will givo
iiliuos; immediate) rll:t' whft "lt other
means havo fatllod.
For Klomnclis out or Order.
No medicine will tn effectually improve
tho lone of the stomach as theo Pills; they
reniovo all acidity, occ-Monod either by In
ifiuperanca or Improper diet. Thfy reach
tbo Jlv-r anil reduce it to a healthy action;
tliuv aro wonderfully fiftlcacious in cases of
bpasm In liict they nover 1ml in curiug all
uitoroc'is oi me liver una siomacli,
lblloiray'i Pill ate the Ust re.ixU'j Inoicn In the
icoiiiijvr me jotwuiicj uueum:
lilllotli Com
plaiuts, IJlotoheson tho
Bowel Com
plaint, Collet,
Constipation of
the IJovhiI",
Liver Coin
plaint?, Lumoauo,
Retention of
l''oiiialo Iirogu
laritlCH, Fevers of all
htono A Gruvol,
Veneral Affec
tions, Worms cf all
Weakness from
any cause, iVo.
Scrofula, or
KIiies'h Evil,
Sore Throats,
None are gonuino unless the slfrnatnro of
f. Haypock, as agent for tho United Htatcs,
Bitrrounds each Ixjx of Pills, and Ointment.
A. handMuno roward will bo given lo any
ors Tfmilt-tintz such information as may lead
to too leiocuon or any party or parlies cotin
lorfeitliK the medicines or vending the
sains, kuowing them to bo fourlous.
V So'd at tho Mnnufactn'ry of Professor
UowriVAV A to,, ov Ymk, and by all
rail ectablc Druppsts and Dealers In Medi
clno throuRUOut the civlll.od norld, In box
t at 'Jfi neutx. 6'i cents, and i each.
ir There ft conIderablo eavjujf hy tak
ing th larscr iv'zes.
J JI DlrfctiOiV for the guidance Of pa
'lentf Ja every tlfi-'udcr are attixed to each
James Davidson.
When n Rood man (elides to the land of
sleepers tbe community loses an ornament
a benefactor, and a citizen. Leading a long
and useful life, respeoted as a citizen and
honored as a man, our loss seems a double
one. When, however, the full-blown rose
tails, we weep nor, Decanse It nasfulnlled ita
mission. So tbe good man, in passina from
n world of sorrow lo one of ppaco. James
Davidson was born lu 1702, in Kentucky, in
a then almost wlldorness, known since as
Barren county. He passed his youth nt
home, on tho farm. uer now G1iikow, and
re celveil the rudiments of an KagUb educa
tion In a log school-house, tho only kind
then that adorned the wilds of Hear Wallow,
Mammoth Cave, lUrren, and Green Klver
regions. In this splendid couutry lie passed
his boyhood, inheriting a line constitution
and a tlno intellect. Foroincst with tho ritle,
foremost In school, and foremost In tho chase,
he grew up with n vigorous physical orKaul
zitlon. In tho war of 1S12-'15 he was among
the Kentucky volunteers who fought tho
Btltish aud Indians on the Thatns, in Can
ada, when 'fecum'eh lell and Proctor ran
away. Ilttiruhi home, he etigaged lu the
active service of life, btcomiug a vigorous
and efficient business uiau. In 1817 he mar
ried Miss Amelia Anient, of Blue Springs
Barren co., Kentucky. He, with his bride,
moved to Qreensburg, on Green river, in
Green county, Kentucky, and was actively
engaged In building up the then littlo town
of Groensburg. In 1823 ho wont with his
family, two sons and a daughter, to Nash
ville. Tennessee, where he bought property
and built extensively, and was making mo
ney fast, when his oldest daughter, Lauret
ta, died. Disconsolate for the loss of his
child, he went to St. Louis, Missouri, in 1829,
but01slikedthethon,Bs it was called, French
hole. Iu 1830, he went to Carrollton, Illi
nois, where many of his relatives were II v.
ing. He purchased a farm near Carrollton,
and lived there for six years.
In 1S3C he was amonc tbe pioneer settlors
of Burlington, in the Black Hawk Purchase,
now Iowa. He was .Ttisdce of the Peace
there for souio years, discharging its duties
rightfully and honorably. He bought ex
tensively of town property, buildlnc a lino
brick block m the most central location of
that now splendid city. He also bought and
improved a tine tract of land in the Missis
sippi bottom, twelve miles north of Burling
ton. Here he and his family lived several
years, eiifoyinir all tho blessincs afforded by
the rich alluvial toll, inndo by tho dobrls of
tiiat great river, tno father or Waters."
Though this was a noble f.u-m, it was sickly,
and hero ho lost a beloved daughter, Mary.
In sorrow for bis child, ho returnod to liur
llugtou, buyins nineteen acrci adjoining
town, making a beautilul "rural home."
With this and his fino brick block iu tho
city, ho lived comfortably, educatlnc his
sons and daughters, Bnd rendoring himaolf
useiui in evory uocorauio way as a citlzon.
In 1815, his two sons, A. F. Davidson and
J.iuios O. Davidson, being lull of advonturo,
started for Oregon in April, and, after a long
and arduous trip over tho plains, airivod in
the Willamette valley In September follow
ing. A. F. Davidson traveled tho entire win
ter of lSlo-'G through tbe Willamette valley,
drawing maps,and making notes of tho 'Gar
den of the Pacltlo Slope,' returning to Bur
lington in the fall of 1S46. Thero he deliv
ered lectures on Oregon, the route, Indians,
etc. The result was, a tine emigration camo
out In 1847, called tbo " Iowa emigration. "
James Davidson, of Burlington, was weal
thy, and splendidly situated, but sold
his ' rural home" and town property,
and in tho spring of 1817 started for Oregon.
His son, A. F. Davidson, having been to Or
egon, and knowing tbe route, no fears wero
entertained ingoing to that then far-off coun
try. Haying made all tho arrangements for
tho trip, Mr. Davidson, with his wile, his
sons, A. F. Davidson, Charles H. Davidson,
and T. L. Davidson, n boy, and his daugh
ters Laurlndn J. Davidson, and Fauule, n
child, and W.S. Barker, who had married
the oldest daughter, Aurolia Anne, all left
for the Paoiilo slope. Leaving Burlington,
Iowa, April, 1847, they camo over tho long
journey with mulo and ox teams, arriving at
Salem, Oregon, in October following, mak
iugnearsix months on the road. Now, tho
"Iron horso" snorts over tho plains in a
week I What a revolution! All in thirty
years! The routo to Oregon then wasardu
ons, requiring energy, patience, courage,
and groat command. All thc3o noblo qual
ities Air. Davidson possessed In a high de
gree Ho enjoyed tho scouory on tho long
road. Tho MisHOiui river, tho prairies of
now Kansas, tho lteptibllcau and Illuo riv
ers, Platto river, Its plains, its slmllow, Msn
dy waters, the buft'.tlo, antelope, and other
game, tho littlo dog towns, Ash Hollow, the
Sioux Indians on Platto, tho Castlo Chim
ney ltock, ScoU'a Bliiir-i, Fort Liramle, the
Black Hill, tho ltocky Mountains, tbo
spring?, rivers, cieeks, buttes, ' toapholes."
Swbotwater, Its levl plains atnnui; the big
piles of granito, ludependpuco ltock, tho
Dovll's Gate, tho I',ieilio Spring, tho South
Pass, Wind Itlyer mountains, Littlo n:ul Big
Sandy, Green Klver, Urcenwood'd Cut-oil
a forty-mllo stretch of sand and bills with
out waior, terrible on man and bo i Hi; Hoar
Jllver, boiln Springs, Fort Hall, tho Ameri
can Falls on briako ltlver, etc., clo.
And, then, another portion of tho route
deserve 'i cur attention. It Iscallfd IhoSouth
ern, or "Applegato's routo." This route Mr.
Iuvldfon camo through to tbo Willamette,
At a urejui oillod then Cigar Creek, two or
iMinpj below the American falls ot Sriako
uner, mo umilonui road turns oil couth,
and tho Oregon road keeps on down tho reeky
plalu to tho FiHg-, and down Soafco ilvor.
'i lie California road passes tho hoadwatoiHcf
(Joo-ocrtok and Hock crtek, thenco down
the branches ot Humboldt Into that splendid
valley. Tho Humboldt was then a wild laud,
lull of Indians, sago brush, tall grasi, and
huge masses of granltn. It has every an-
peiranco of being an old bashi, far olderthan
tho mountains around it. Thiazide of tho
inl: of tho Humboldt, the Oregon road runs
oil west, over a mudy, rocky desert, for foriy
milen, to Black ltock; thence to Canon oroek,
Goosb lake, Pitt lake. Losl river, Klamath
lake, Klamath river, Itoguo river valley, a
lovely country, then Grave cre6k, tbe Can
yon, Umpqua; south and norlh forks, the
Calapooia mountains, aud last the Willam
ette, ino uHauiuui laua. The reason ho had
for going the Southern routo was, he desired
to sen Humboldt valley, Gooso lake, Klam
ath, Itogue river, Umpqsa, ito. His curiosity
was gratilled. The Indians were quite bad
on Humboldt, running oft nd killing some
cattle. At or near Black ltock many cattle
were lost In tho night drive. Some of them
were found next day. This wan an awful
drive, terrible on men, women, and chil
dren, and death to many valnabln anlninlii.
Black ltock will long be remembered by tho
emigration of '. At Klamath lake, the In
dians attacked tbe company in tbe night,
wounding many cattle and shooting Henry
Williamson wlih an arrow In thejwriet. The
company wero attackod by Indians in a lit
tle hollow near Grave creek. Tho arrows
p4od through several wairon covers. Inlnr.
nig no fine. Several dojr,s wreeton tho In
dians In tho brush. Tho Indians left, but
the dogs came back with arrow in n...,
Arriving at the celebrated Canyon celebra
ted for woe endured by emigrant nr M0 tbe
company camped and every able-bodied
man worked for three days on the road
tfan ufcb tbe Canyon, and In the one day tbe
most of the company came through to South
Captain Scott, an old pioneer nnd settler of
Umpqua, was tbe pilot from Fort Hall to
tbe Willamette. Scott was a good man; full
of energy and from his knowledge of the
route, of great srrvlce the emigrants of '47.
Mr. Davidson was well pleased with Rogue
river valley and Umpqua; and so well
pleased with tho Willamette that he at once
pronounced it the "Garden of tho Pacific
Slope." He settled In Salem and bought
largely of ton u property. He settled inba
Inn and bought largely of lawn property.
Hn also bought a claim of GI0 acres of land
ntar Salem, lived on it for four consecutive
years, and procuro a patent from tho Gov
ernment. Ills son, T. L. Davidson, now
lives on the old homestead.
James Da vidjon tho man, James Davidson
the citizen, James Davidson the soldier and
patriot, James Davidson thn plonneorof Or
euon is no more. Dying in Salem Soptombor
17, in his 85 year; be will long be remem
bored by bis frionds and countrymen.
A. F. D.
Citlor Wine. Tho cider for tills pur
poso should not be mndo until Decem
ber, when it should bo barreled and
placed in a vault or a cool collar, aud
left to remnin there until February or
early in March, whon it should bo bot
tled, using champagno bottles, woll
corked nnd wired; the cork should bo
driven down to an eighth of an inch of
tho mouth, so that tho wiro can grasp
it. Uso good-sized copper wiro, which
will require only onco passsiug over
tho cork, provided it is well secured
around tno head of tho bottle. Then
return tho bottled cider to tho cellar,
laying tho bottles, on thoii sides, and it
will keep for years. Bo sure that tho
bottles aro thoroughly clean, which
must bo attended to just boforo tho bot
tleing begins. Sonio persons and it is
tho method of tho North Jorsy "cham
pagno" cider makers filter tho cider
through sand boforo putting away in
barrels. It is truo this removes all sed
iment, but wo cannot porcoivo that it
adds to tho ilavor or keeping qualities
of tho cider.
Fig Pudding. Eight ounces of bread
ctumbs, six ounces of bcof snot, one
teacup of warm milk, two eggs well
beaten, four ounces of llgs, four ounces
of lump sugar. Tho llgs to bo verv
finely minced and put into milk, anil
placed by tho ilrosido until tender:
then tho other ingredients to ho well
mixed together and boiled four hours.
Servo with a sweet sauce.
Half-pay Pudding. Tako n quarter
of a pound of llnoly chopped suot, tho
same of grated breadcrumbs, currants,
raisins nnd Hour; to thoso add two
tablespoonfuls of treaclo and half a
pint of milk; all of which must bo woll
mixed together and boiled in u mold
for threo and a half hours. Servo with
wine or brandy sauce.
Grape Jam. Soven pounds of grapes
and three and a half of sugar. Stem
tho grapes.woigh, and then wash thorn,
put in a kettlo with about a pint of wa
ter, over a moderato fire, stirring occa
sionally to provont burning; in forty or
fifty minutes or less tho seeds will slip
from their skins; then rub through a
colander, and return to tho kottlo with
the sugar. Boil from one to two hours,
according as it thickens; stirring it all
tlio while or it will burn. If it is do
sired to make a sauce for cold meats, to
this quantity add two tablespoonfuls of
cinnamon, ono of cloves, and a half pint
of vinegar just on taking from tho llro.
Any kind of grapes will do, wild, culti
vated or green.
Crab-applo Jolly. Cut out tho eyes
and stalks of tho apples, liulva them
and put in a preserving kettlo, witli
enough water to provont burning; cook
until soft, thou strain through a sieve,
and afterward through muslin bug; to
ovory pound of liquor put ono pound
and n quarter of sugar; boil gently for
twenty minutes.
Queen Pudding. Tako ono pint of
flno bread crumb or their equivalent
in bread soaked and rubbed ijirougli a
colander ono quart of milk, ono cup of
HiiL'tir. tho vnlk-, til" four "L'M liiiitiin. u
pieco of buttor tho .sizo of nn egg, nnd
tho grated rind oi one lemon; boat tho
bread, milk and eggs light, thou bent
in tho other ingredienls, and h.iko un
til done, but not watery; whip Iho
whites of tho eggs to a stiff froth with
cup of sugar anil tlio )tiieo of ono lem
on; on ton of tlio nitddintr snreail a lav-
orofjelly or jam, then tho whites of
tlio eggs; brown slightly and servo hot.
It may bo mndo without Jelly, and eaten
With haul sauce.
Tho Death of tho Eirat Napoleon.
Tho London TVwie. puhlishos Iho fol
lowing story told by au old wUllue who
was ouo of the guards of Napoleon I.
at St. Helena:
"Boney was tho fattest man I over
saw tho calves of his legs, and his
clieeks too, you might seo them shako
us ho was walking and yet ho laid not
tho ruddy, healthy look ourpcoplo had.
Ho would carry u stick, about us thick,
witli nn iron spud nt tho end. and if ho
saw a weed ho would always spud it
up, nnywnero no went. jour niglits
out of bovou I was on sentry, nnd
would full asleep while walking, und
stray off tho path; and then my hair
would stand on end with fright and
rniso my cap, for I know if I woro
caught napping I was safe for threo
hundred lashes. I havo heard men
say that tholr sufferings from want of
rest in Ht. Helena wero more trying to
them than tho hardships of a cam
paign. "Napoleon died on tho fitti of May
1821. Two priests wero in attendance.
Wo who hnd to lift tho body wero not
allowed to touch tlio coffin until a priest
had sprinkled us with holy water. Wo
started nt threo o'clock. Tho coffin
was vory heavy. Wo carried it six at
a time, and tho men that wero lowest
down In carrying him suffered all tho
punlshmont. I was ono or these. All
tho garrison was twseiubied about tho I
Emperor's quarters and followed him
to tho grave, tho bands playing a dead
march. It was reported thnt Napoleon
had requested to bo buried with the
honors of royalty, twenty-ono guns;
but tho governor ordered nineteen guns
to bo fired, tho number assigned to a
general. Wo carried tho body whero
a cart with oxon could not go: but in
certain parts of tho distance tno men
wero relieved, and tho body drawn
upon a cart. Tho Koman Catholic
priests who had boon in attendance on
him conducted tho funeral service.
Tho actual funeral took placo at about
0 p. m.
Nine or ten of us lind been employed
for three days in excavating in tho rock
a cavity seven feet deep nnd eight feet
sqare. Tlio rock was blasted nnd where
tho powder had mndo tho sides unoven
it was filled in and tho cavity and
smoothed nil nround. In tho envity
thus made by sappers nnd minors, as
sisted by my own labor nnd thnt of oth
ers, flagstones wero inserted In tho
rock anil formed into a caso or box
which received tho coffin. Tho coffin
was covered ovor with a largo flag,
stone, and tho four corners wore bored
and filled in with melted lead, which
fastened them firmly togothor. Tho
romninder of the excavation was filled
in with tho rubble nnd lovoled, nnd a
mound resembling a common gravo
raised nbovo it. An iron palisading
wns placed round, nnd sentry kept ovor
it night nnd dny until all tho troops
wero withdrawn. Thoy wero grndtt
nlly withdrawn, nnd our rogitnent left
six months nftor tho funeral.
Pkkxch Stkatkov. Whon tho
Frencn wero in Mexico tho stage rob
beries in tho vicinity of Monterey bo
enmo very frequent. With tho practi
cal common senso for which tho French
wero distinguished whon they go about
killing people, tho French (Jonornl nt
Monterey dovised n plan that worked
like a charm. Ho picked outahalf dozen
.ot his smallest Zouaves and dressed
thorn up ns females and put them in
tho stage. Each unprotected fomnlo
had a short bieeeh-loading enrbino con
cealed under his pettipants, nnd thoy
covered their deinuro faces by veils.
Of course tho robbers surrounded tho
stage, and tho ladies, with an excess of
feminine modesty, climbed out of tlio
vehicle, and fell into lino with tho rost
of tho passengers, whon of a sudden
an epidemic broko out among thoso
Mexican patriots, for each lady, on nn
nvorago, destroyed about threo of thotn
and the rest lost all tasto for femalo so
ciety, nnd wont away disgusted. The
Indies returned to town in high glee,
but for a long timo tho Moxlcan ban
dits ontertainod such a lofty vonora
tion for tho gentler sex thnt an old bon
net or shawl displayed conspicuously in
a stage secured it Immunity from inter
ruption. Eighty Ykaks a Soldieii. On tho
15th of August last, Marshal Voti
Wrangle celebrated tho eightieth an
Diversity of tlio day on which ho re
ceived his first commission In tlio Prus
sian Army. In 1005 Fredrick William
II was King, his famous undo hnd been
(lend but ton years, General Bonnparto
had just achieved fanio by his Itnlinu
campaign, and Washington was Presi
dent of tho United States ; Jonn was
ten years oir und Wutorloo ninoteon.
Iu tho interval Prussia was to bo re
duced to a third-rate State, her arm v
limited to L',000 men, and a French
Emperor was lo tako away tho sword
of I'redrlck tho Great "from a nation
unworthy to retain it." Tlie.io gloomv
day.-, passed away; but Wrangle was to
live into another agu of troubles to seo
a Prussian revolution. Fredrick IV re
fusing tho Imperial crown of Oormunv,
and a now French Empire menacing
tho unity or tho Mithorlnnd. Finallv
lie has lived to hear or tho wonderful
event of 18711-1. Tho life or the veter
an has extended over more than half
tho duration of thu Prussian monarch v,
which is not yet I7(J years old. In Ids
youth ho might havo conversed with a
survivor or tho wars of Miilhorough,
and oven IMouud to anecdotes by an
eye wilno-.3of Krcdrlclc i's coronation.
Modorn naval architecture has large
ly borrowed from tho ancients. Onlv
within twonly years America and Eu
rope adopted the ram both for oll'ensivo
and defensive purposes In modern war
fare, hut tho war voxels of tho Greeks
and ltoinuui wero built on tho same
principle, ami the extent of the navlos
of old Is wjinothiug remarkable. Tho
tonnage of tho British nay, th larg
est of this day, is about iiuu.UUl) Ions;
but the Athenians, !i:iryonr.s heforo tho
ChrNtian era, being u Republic- with
less than li,0iw,(;(ii) of inhabitants, sus
tained u navy of -111 rams, with a ton
nngo of lo:i,r,77 tons, with (m,O00 mon;
and the Romans, iu a single naval
battle with the Carthagonlans, brought
Into action :i(ii rams, of l!);i,!)U7 tons,
manned by 120,000 lighting men. Tho
fleet or Xorxos, which tho Athenians
dofeatcd at Salamls, consisted or 1,207
rams, or 280,027 tons and mannod bv
oiu,ooo men.
IIouhkmnm) Hinth. A correspond
ent gives directions as follows: Make
tho elder us early in tho season as possi
ble. When tho barrel is filled lot it re
main whoro the sun can shlno on it
part of tho day. Leave tho bung out,
and insert tho neck end of a bottle.
This will let tho air in, whllo It jKa
keop tho flies out. Put into cue' . ,
rel ono shoot of foolscap papp-. ' u,.'r
pint of white beans, and a' ''"'
good brewer's yeast-or r;thor' least
that is ns good. Also if v,! ?,.ii
put iu it pint or mul sl- yMm . In
his way'and you wmCvoS n
will make gp)(i vinegar.
Tho titnl product of
tho precious
motulH from Amorlcan
amounted to $81,000,000 during tho i ast
year. ' uu"" UI l,aa
mines nan
JhlWM-UtM ! &