'fns 2 WILLAMETTE FARMER. TO DESTROY VJ5HHIN. mop- I'ul (o ix cup of common alcohol, such ut is u-cd for spirit lamp-, nj much aurn camphor ii- ft will nbsoil). and -ivnMi any part of tliuhou,-oor hods that ins: ucuii inii'ici wmi mi. it will kill (ho Imiki nml destroy tlio vitality oftlic cgKi tfuvery 'pot where they Jiave hecn concealed It thoroughly sU tirutcd with tliN iniYtuiv. Tlii-i is n)t (INagrconljIc to linniHe, tuirt i-i stno. Keioviic is often quoted as 'me r etenninat') vermin; Hit wo have -e'-n it dropped on a hiA-bux, and tin- little miNriirt' became ?nohsi lilc uik' then appjrntly dead, n t in a hhort'iiine he iev'od and m aslive y a- i'ei. 'Mi j .Journal o'f CliomMry -jjlvos the lollnw iu- as fati'I to all bortsof vermine Ihut aie a vexation of spirit and jrief of iieiut to thc'liou-ekceper: "Two pounds of alum drVolvetl in thioeor luur quarts oi hoiling water. Ijot it i (.'mainover the fire till nil the alum Intel (l.svilved. Thni apply it with a Ijiu!i, wliile Iwilinp liot, to every .joint or device in the clo-et vWii'io suits' mil e.'ocl-ro,u:4i-s intrude to all the pan' ry shelves .int' to the joints and erodes of bedstea Is. IJrush all the ciackj in the floor and the IjoihIs with this mixture." Wlien tormented with (lies or 1110s quiloovwo '""o assure from -oort siu thoiity that embolic acid sprinkled over thj clothes, or -evaporated in a loom, t. 'ill keep the-e two familiar tor iieutsat a s.ife distaneo. CayLiine Topper, is tho moit ofl'ect n, il in eiiriliifr ants and cock loaches Jiom the Iioiim' of iuiythintr we have heard of, and aKo greatly distill lies the r.ilsand mice. Wet a lair in a strong holudon of Ciyeiiiie and stud" it into any hole wheio rait or niico are sup-jio-ed to be, cover tli" hole,ith moitar or wood, anil no tat or mouse will at tempt to e.il through that uty to "d near the pintry. Water I'.ti's alvnys follow waler liipes, and only by constant caio can (hey be kept liom taking po--cssion ol (he hoii-e. Keep poudeiod bor,iscat teied on shelves and in drawers, under (he paper with which j-oort housekeep ers will cover (hen,, putting on lie-h jiowder when (heii.ipeis aie cliaiif-od. J'.iit beloie ( acli change have the hlu Ivc-. and ilr.ivc. s (benched in boil ing hot walir. That will kill btifs and VKX- IdKclher I'd Ii the hot water ileiitilallv in(o every nook or device Mheie they will l likely to hiiibor. Hut it is necessity to be const. inlly vig ilant. We haNOMiiueulioio seen lho follow int; m maik-, bat aie notable to tell I'ioiii what piper ve clippid it: ''A waler-bus come wheiever wa ter pipes abound, mi bed-bugs conio of (heiu-ehes liom Uio (Itistatid diit that naluially accumukile in bcdiooms and tin nit mew alehouses, and the only way to he-ceuie liom ('hem i-, louud in per pelual cle.inllness. The unseen phues in our bedieonis s.nd bedsteads need ilu.(Iiiif and cleaning eeu nioiocaie fully than those that aie seen, because tho-o insects seek daiknes lather than ugai. roeuy woif t Kill llie-m, M-ntl-nient is lost on the,,,, bailed thev tniivooii, but hut v,jj)sim in upoateil and pleiitilui doses iiiut them foi ever." Alum and bnrav dissolved in water, and healed just ic.uiy to boil, :ml used lo wasli bedsteads, nhehes and lloois, will clestiiiy almost eveiy kind veiniin. fs(iunkle powdeied boia over Moors, alter having washed tnem with the hot alum and boiav unler, and moths Will U I the i u pet alulle. A an ul oi i hluii le of lime and pi. Will led alum Usui lo s,.p (lp -,u- nine-, aim nie war am conn is ishe,l will liiiiii'il hut away rat M.mv ing. J5o1onging to a H-hool of stales men Which believed that the great oill cial. should bo well paid for their pat riotism, and ought not to bc-ciupulous tf'i to the mode of payment, Talleyrand was naturally astonished that the man who had controlled the finances of a nation should be so poor 111 to be obliged to work hard to support his family. Hamilton wus so poor at his death that his projicvty was not sulllcient to pay his debt'. They wore paid by -over.d of hi- friend'-. Actum in I):ij l"AiiNr-r. Tlio little old theatre in Albany. .. V., has been made the s.vno of many curious thcatikal storie-. On one occaMon J'owin I'orrest, then a young man, and moic famous fw his mu-cle than his genius, gave u tremendous display ot really powerful acting. He was sup posed to represent a Roman warrior, and bo attacked by six minions of a de tested tyrant. At tho rehearsal, 31 r. Forrest found a great deal of fault with the supos who condescended to play (ho minions. They were too tame. They didn't lay hold of him. They wouldn't go in as if it were a real light. Mr. Forrest stormed and thleatened; the supes sulked nml consulted. At length the captain of tho supes inquired in his local slang: "Yer want this to be ti bully fight, Oil?" "I do," replied Mr. Forrest. "All right," replied the captain, and the rehersal quiody proceeded. In die evening tlio little theatie was ciowded, and Mr. Foi rest was enthu siastically received. When tho light ing occuried the great tragedian took tho centre ol tlio stage, and the mx minions entered rapidly and deployed in skirmishing older. At the cue "Seio him!" one minion assumed a pugilistic attitude, and struck a blow sti. light fioni the shoulder upon the note of (he Honi.in heio; another rais ed him about m. inches lrom the st.ige by a well directed kick, and tho olheis made ready to rush in for a deci-ivo tussel. For a lnonu nt Mr. Foiiost stood astounded, his bioad chest heav ing with uige, his gieat eyes like Mash ing Hie, his stuidy legs planted like columns upon the stage. Then came a leu moments of powei lul "ting, nt the end of which, one supe was seen stick ing head-loieniost inhc bi-s diuiiiin the oicheslra, foui weie having their wounds dies-ed in the greenroom, and one, lluding himself in the flies, i ash ed out upon (he roof of tho theatie and snouted "Hie!" at tlie top ol nis voice; while Mr. Foirest, call before the cur tain, bowed his thanks pantlngly to the audience, who looked upon tho whole aflai.i as part of tlio piece, and "had never seen Foirest act so splendidly." ci ici.s ami nctl with (he abnv inen- illlin ii'id bo i i, i ill diive as well as ltjsei Is. .Voilllg ladle-, on Ibei Imn liom IbiMiaintry this f., will ,t, j,tll (o know iliat Mime huio-iailisi gr.iied into a uip of mill a-ir milk -let it stand I J luaiM. then strain and nimlv two or tlllee limes a diiv- w ill leiimv.i Horn Iiainis or l m in a sboit Abstract leniarkshy Mary C'lemmer, pel haps li out concieto inspirations: "Fordid you ever see a man so holy, so learned, or m Jofty, that ho was not exhilarated by the praises of a pretty woman'. Ministers, as a lot, mo a (on- ceiteil sol, and take on tlio most iiisiil ferablo aiis of condescension to women; yet theie is no oilier class in tlio woild w ho subsist so utterly upon the support i.) I women mental, moral, emotional, nialeiial. J ii fact, women havo slip polled thorn over .since the woild was made, and probably will to the end of il, and it is women who have made thein the conceited and auogant crea tines they are." Scene in a telegraph oll'uoat Vienna. An operator takes out his watch, and yowning, iv-:-Too bid 1 iiinnot goto the lonceit to-night." "Why not'."' a-ks a lonipanion. "1 i,m waiting for lho dispati lies fiuiii liclgradc, and they geiii'ially ilnii't lurii up till about mid night." The otlur opt i.itor thinks i iiiuinoiit and then, Willi a gleam nt light In his eves ho m,. s; '-Il ive ,Viu reieivid the I'oiist.intinople disp.iuh esV" "Yes," lejoins opeialor .No. I. "Wolljiist write out pieiisely to tin lontrary, and go to your loncert. t's fit nine, wr, lino olliae leiuon jtlli o mix ed with a quintet oi adiachm ulvor i "ed boiax and ball a ili.u bin ol siigu Will also leuiDVe lieckhw. Keep this lotion ill a glass bottle ooiked tighllv i low dav s hoioio using mid npplv (n the Hoiklos ouiisionall-, and it w'ill mioii leinovo them. f , ,, t l'uau. 'IV I I l. UAND's (l. Mux- oj- J VMM - ton. Talleyrand, the groat l-'iench diplomatist, visited (his eountiy in I7'.M. Ho made tlu acipiaintaiu'o ol our distiuguished statesmen, and the one wi:n made tho stiongo( iinpi(-s-upon I. ini was Alevander Ilaiuiltoii. Talkiuj- with Mi.tieoige Tick nor, ol ltoston,.'u isp.i, Talleyrand san( that he had kiiin-n neatly all the markod nien ot his time, but that ho had never know u oik in the w hole equal to Ham ilton. Mr. Ticknor, as much gratilled as he wassmrprisod at the compliment to his countiyinan, modestly suggObted (hat the gieuU'onimaiidois'aud htates niiMi ot l.urope Juid dealt with larger masM's and whUr Interests than Ilaiu iltoii had. "lint, monsieur." Tallev-1 rand instantly replied, " Hamilton morougiiiv itiidoxstood l:uiope." sito-eipioiuiy, wtien anilus-ador b i.nglmd in sji, 'ralloyr.iiid -.i1 (o i.oid Holland that t nil the di-tdi-jrushcil nien he i.uji met with, the thiio most powotiul .intellects wou Naioleoii, rhailis .Imi.viv Fax, and Al t' x unlet- Hamilton. Hut what most excited J'ullevrand's wondir was tint H imdion, having lid u M'ctelary of the (ieaU(iry. should bo poor. "I have beheld one ot the woiuiiTsorihe woild," said the Fr.-nch. inan. ! i,n,i seen a man who has I Jllilde tho foiluno oi .i natimi lnlwn-!.L' Jill lllgllt to smiiiolt his fuilllv " ... ' '' ""'I had oi c.i.lon to pa-s lam-! lHon's law oitue lute.-n night and earlv an nut morning, and each (lino .aw the Jump ol the litird-wutkini-lawyer burn. Theie is nothing so sensitive to ini puiiiies as milk. You can tell what sort ol butter. t man makes by simplv going iutohisdairy. Fvory one kno,s the iuipoitanca of scalding the milk piils and of keeping ovciy thing seru-pttloti-ly clean in the dairy, bat less at telllloll is p ml to inipuuties liom the atiuoqiheie. I'igstie-, stalls and si . blos.iieput clo-o to the diity, and 1 know niinierous instances whore hoili choose and butter aie completely spoil od in consequence. uMnr; 7.t. . The famous horse Fthan Allen died full of yeais and honors at l.awieine, Kansas, on thoiioth ult.,at the ageolJT. lie was In oil by the late Mr. Joel I lot comb at Ticondoioga, in this State, and it is said that he was got of Hill's lllack Hawk. This however, was often been disputed. Ills dam was a little grav mare, reputed to havo been of Messen ger descent. t'l'iti. rouoi.ii sours. lioil toL'oth- erov ivr a Mow tiro one ounce of ciqiper as, two ounces of rock silt, twoouines ol liiiseeil oil and eight ounces of ino hihM's; when cool add halt an ouiiioof vittioj, liiir ounces spirit ot turpentine, and thieo'iuiues of tar. Mix well and Uu s.ihc li 111 for ue. Jtis lather staitliug, ami to llussia must bo not a little alarming, to ilnd how nipidly Anietican wheat Is sui or- K'ning tiussinu in l.iiglaud. leu yi'nis mm l'nshi exHirted neatlv half the I'ltMii iiiiM)rtisl into Flighted, and America uuly an eighth; now A merit a furnishes naif, tmJ Uu.ssia only one-lifth. I The puiirin .-ectloin of Southern l Minnesota ate fjst becouilui. lovered v, lib a fiiHh K't'Uili since the (ojUMge ol'''aiile lite-. Willows, wild apple, Ims-ol, w-nlc ami u.-'pen vive up .ihiii. t:'.!'cou-ly. an oriNii.i.Tri:ii-oooi) news. Indepcndcntltepublican -Democratic UAMIIDATJC 1 or lteprccr.ttlo lu the nili Conrcii of the V. S. of Amtrlcn Ai o. for one of tho rrc-ldcntlal Elictor- at large for tuo state ol Origon. s. w. Mcdowell, m.d. of thoCaiaal(,lt. bubjeLt to tlio will ol tliogcoil pooplo, and tho k-gal voters of tlio citato, at tlio en suing election, to bo held ir-u Tuet tl.y next siter tho Urst ilonday In November, A. li. lsTO. ItcniBmberl ail votes must bo written, or printed on plain liito paper, ilhout any marks or designation, anil ail votes roeclvtd or recorded contrary to this, by Hie judges or clorks ol election, sball bo ol no eilect. fco srtj s the election law. Voters, jou liav e tho ilrfintomako jour own ticket, on plalu w lute paper, writing tho name ol tho ulliea and tho candidates plainly. Xow it joudo-f-lro to sustain tho boctoi by jourvote, then place his name on your ticket, legally under the headingor oUlco jou wish to sustain him lor. You cuu voto for him lor : Kepresontatlvo in Congress, audalso lor Presidential Uector, using his name iu fho proper place or lor one only 11 vou desiro lo do so. ami you can scratch or erabe lho numo on tither ol tho rwity tickets you do not wish to vote for, and write tho ujiuo of S. W. McDowell in lieu. Now. if vou wish to know his atro : about half a contury, ono of tho best-lcoking nion in tho btate, lair complexion, jjMJ'-oes, portly, about si.x feet In height, Vroij-ht 'ZOO lbs, inclined to baldness, and gray; tlio son of u carpenter, brought up one, aud is now following tho same; so vas our barter Jesus; and wo are not ashamed to onn oither ; studied medicine, graduated M. I). at tho Willametto University, March, lsu'Jta Doug las Democrat, and a true Kepublican ; no secessionist or corruptlouist j l.onorablo, iruthlul, sober, ptiro in general habits, a be liever in alt Christian uoctrines ; never hav ing indulged in the use ot alcoholic liquors, tobacio, cards, swearing, or vicious habits ol any kind; a kieper at home. A candidate lortiioabo'o ollke, without money, fraud, bribiry, corruption, or whisky, etc , hut in lavorol genual reform in the national gov ernment, hard I'mio a legal tender lor.mj amount, n nood piper curreiicy it par in (oin; Kii il tuxKliuii sil valorem; lsvemio lurill; Irco schouis; jiubiii) improvements ol harbors, ilvnru, Jock1, earals, railroads, wucoii loiiis, brldpev; homoitoads to actual seniors ol iatid to citifltis; opjiosdl lo mon iipolleSjUlilneaoslaveimmigintioiilo United "s ales, ir servitudo of any nice cr people; t(ih(cund lato lawieis lining all tho public olllcos in our gmernuionl, and drunkards and skin Hints lor Iteproaentativcs in t'on ress. Seo ildiiry Wanen's lottd to Divid Now oine, iwd J. W. Mct'asl n's lo the daily Mcicuty, and piitiilt ripcils,etc; Ipcts, vox pupull, tlio voice el llio people siy so, shiiuio, slumo on jra voters, Lo Irco men, aud.do iou.-ihitj as cititiisnt tlio polls. I'iedglng uiyi.hH il elected to f'ougies.s lo carry out lho will oi my constituents and llm iuteront ol" lLo Stalo at large, or otl.or wiso or lesion. And If cl( Cod to tho IIl-ctoi.il Colleco of this Sstiile, to voto Icr lho per oil that receives tho majoil y rr plurality ot llioeiectoial vole loi Pn-ideiit and Vico l'resident ot the United Statoi ol America, and in cuse it falls to mo lo decide, then to cast my electoral voto wall tho popular voto of tho United diatcj, lor xaldollke. So h!p me Clod. S. V. McD M. D. Wo nro opposed to sudi jui'ons au J. C. Cartwriplit, U A. Cioiun, I., 1 J.-vno and SI Plery-I)ick Willi tiriH, but in lavorol licm sly unit sobriety ,elc. Vex popull .-ay anion. J'dltois intpri-slrd please copy t'Jeaso clnulato and dkstilliuto to your nolglibor Hiid at the polls on election day and nso tlui lullnwliig ticket il it suits you. I. S, MiiKe v our t lection lickots as fol lows or similar : l'oi. PrtMiiLMiii rue Tom, S-liitoof Orejon,S, a w. viitiiwiar,, II vX'KI. ( Mill' PI..MM, Mlltl.'KLIN'. I'oi '.pun mil ii in Dm -,tli t'mieri.s ol the Unliul mm ol America, (AM W. y.iDOW ULL. l."t Dr. .1. W. Watts represent tho noilh and western put of tlio Stite. Let W. 11 1. ism ell leprt'sent tho oast and south part ol lho Statu. I.l s. W. McDowell, "M. D , rep irsent lho Snail at huge, ui. n mxz inraxfiZTz&itjMMtztanmsrMnxssEmuKma NOHTH SALEM STOEE. yv. l. -wJDii:, T TUK BRICK STOnn, HAS JUST K"CE1V i. cil a fail artortmectof G-eneral Merchandise, Dry Goods, U-rocenes, Boote &L Shoe3, Hardware, Clothing Ca'.cnUted for tho aivaml Co'inrn Trarlo IV -iiil.t 1 1 'ow, undvill bo f j1l nt i b.MAI.I. A 1'I.OHT, it those who ShLL AT TOST. tTOw ' ittliMrid to iny Dirt ol the ritv free ot chuve. KfABv STORE. i HAvr: l'L'ncn pki thi: r."nrtE ' tort-t ul 3ter Vuto'i .t tiivhi-j In the FurnUurobioro on the wi?t tae ol Commercial Street, Snlem, i-id hnll ki-cu on hanJ i (IENLI! L AS- bUHTMHNT of fruoil" lurthu ritiil trade. FURNITURE & UFHOLSTERy B'nulor ft Ciliuuibor Sets, BEDSTEADS, LOTJUGES, ROCKERS.- &.C., Uy the st or finale piece. Repairing and Jobbing DOKI" I.V THE KEsT .MANNEtt, And at rei-'oaiUe price, .i I m i n practkal w orkraan JOHN CRAY. boliri, July 13, l7"j ' The Farmers' Pump. W)OJ PUMPS. v.-iziTiiEnrinn. i. v. in-AriiE. POEE. Wholesale and llctall Dealer? in a SSI .CVf-C s.- O VV HB IT f Q UllUSlb, EATHERFOBD & IO.,. PAIIKr OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines, CHEMICALS, 3R r X-vl m ery TOILET GOODS, Etc., etc. PURE WINES and LIQU0R3, For Medicinal purposes. i ,-Yi Medicine-; Compounded, Proscriptions Filled. and Weatherford & Co., 'u MVKH'Al ri !!.'(,. AT rilB JHLL Cm "il liimbirlii- t'liniiun.. sAI.KVI. .1 Win tin Piiiiii Unit Is -uinrlir tu .1111 nrln-r n r rnuk In thli-si lti.iniikln, n-e of tl c She inrs' lx pfrlcnci L'llmd In ilr inuuii.clii i- I rre in nu the piilillctln l!ct TiVooili-n rump rii'r riinilo. w 1 h hud w joil 1 impiiu icnt lor (h p unsir to wnrl. hi.llicnpp 1 "loci, liclniafil in Miuiotliir wood to pin nt l H'k.iu' 1 the 'll'l. All p.in)ii Ml-hin tn pnul ! a VIItsT CL V-b I'l'VIJ" aio Imliid In 1 ill mil look it n 1 -toe1. Piimi- (Icllu'rcd and set iij). anil arrant, ctl lo v.orh Hill. I'll! i:-'ia lor lli't iv hi fuct iilu'i il.c ti.i fmc ; ;. ' lint- pir lcot itltu Hut. Sal. rr. .Tu'j 1I.1SI.. A. PJSlKSrOTT. Jai.C-y Commerclsl street. IS I Ik? I, REAL ESTATE LOAD'S. 01II:GO. AM) WASHIXf.TO.V Trust Investment Company OF St'OTLiM). rilllls Company I preiiiicd to ncsotlite loan tn .A,el;'rom"'"Otof.iOOiciiiri!i mei IMPIJO VhlJ CITV I-ItOPfiinv ,d FAJtNI I,NI)i, for .,, l'-r.Iods'' J1"'-, crripa'able by half jiarly in. stal'iauit-. For tcrmi. ej ply tii JOHBT G. WEIGHT, Dealer In PAHCILY GHOCBHIES, Crockery and Glassware, WooJcn and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, . co-ur-ij'nciAJL. strkht Salcri, April 20, 1ST5. ll&Mtl novl'ir u 11. i.i hi jiwui, .".hi a"cr, ' t'li-lbtrcit IVrtlard. GEO. C3. VAN WAGNER :iAjjrr.cuTHES Tlio CoIeliatetl Alterative ,1 To Purify tho Blood uso nr. jnj noN AKruiilM'. It .icts iliicctly on tho Mood, stiinul itin;; tlio absorbents, ovori'oiiiincttlioobstiiutostatool tho poics of tlio skin, nml tiiipaitinc; a liculthy j'low to tlio roiu'iloIon. l'liiiplc), l'ustulcs, 'IVttor, nml .Skin Diso.ips ol all lvimli, Mi'ictui.il AlVootions, Tuiuor, nml all vauo tios of I'omplaints misniT fiom ilc jiravcd or ilisonloi-eil blooil, aro of foctually tu.ulIcMtoil by this icmcily. Scrofula in all its Forms h mrcii by tho porsisti lit tlso ot Ilr. Jnj no'i Alleiiillvr. It destroys tlio poUou ons prineiiilovvhleh oiigm.ites Seio lul.i, nml ultiiiiately ilimvs It l'roin tlio Hystem. It v ill rcniov 0 onl.irgo meiits of tlio (."Kinds or Hones, and is a sifo reincly in oason of Ulcers or Sores of .ill kitnU. Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings .no olleetn.illy curoil by Ir. Jhjuc's .il. lernlUo. lly Mtinmhitiiig tho action of tho absorbents till vuitery or eal cMreous depositions aro jrr.idnally carried otV, tonlinr up tho intlent.it tho xamo time, by t-tieni-tlioiiliii; tho ilij-estiio orp.itii and o-ecitlng tlio l.iver, Klilnoy, ,:o to perform tholr functions, I'or Dyspepsia and l.iver Complaint it lias proven a reineily, anil it has established enu in cases of J'pllepsy. it may 1h safely relicil on by any ono needing a mcilieino o build up tho nv stein, clo.mso tho blooil, or to rostoro tho normal action of tho Sccrctiv 0 Orj-nii!-. l vv is .t at ?aasn & Cutis' Fanning Mi. 1 .), """inn I-:snci-, SMclt-rc rrnsues, .T.iiiiini.i,;s, lid'iors, ., . -ruirol su.oa,i j, Hlt; flu MP ) 1 rt ll!'i'. 01s Valuable .anus for oal i-11. rni'iiili-; nul 'irnr.ljit; IM11 poses. Thi'e li 1 Is tin v.tiiitul ' Wasco, Grant, and Baker Lonntii hi, nn diiriU I r t.ih i- f.uh -i, d imt iiitU-tliai pumr - a- iihIh ,i d, ,,, lliu 1 (i.l ili-il 1 nn.-i rurnil.k Oi purl nun ,, ,,,, uUriii.aiiis.idrsM'iKit.- liorji. acd I . nricui hiid, to i pn 1 1. .11, ., , ,., ,, ,.,, , , t ,, ,' "'c,-u "hi-. Iiiuri'cxridi.iu. r Mrni'ii.- 111.I ,. uu-. J n 111...I ..f Hi. trau 11.1 .rii. hit .. , r ot ,u 1 r 1.41V tl.mii i.i. lin.lnrplm.li,.. . n.pi .Ite ' -r. ,,-a ol ntitri i. u ,.r- u.i, rs tlw tip) ,,!,, ri !,i-,t'"., . it,. H.l.ll ci.t.r..-..MU in HhA.,1. .', ,i u.ttoi: lati.U ili. .'ii'iiiili lueviiUpdiiailc thii UYhijr Springs and Streams Wati j lh.' Im '. in i iri m. dinct'ii Tjc iiiar.!. inu lie put Into crojs !ia 1U1 1 .o-t ait. BC. V. CIIASIC B'nn-'ip-iS01. .tatebnritconlT.S. Volantiers, OHich. Du rbln'a b'oclr. au sU' re. itf V c. w. amWK, Hubbard, .Marlon Co,, Breeder of Shorthorn and Devon Cattle, Berkshire Plt-s J- Mglit Bramali thickens. FOR SALE rlty. ri; YOL'Ml STOCK, OI' ALT, KINDS, JL furonth or rn lime, with pood mh. Oik (liovc block 1 aim. Julj si, P,ii. Mi JOHPJ RINTO, nnKtDtr. o ISO 8HREP. r H" I f s j.ln-i-rc in n-U 1 Iiik K One.. 1 .mil I'm ;ii'i. I m" .1 . to tl 0 VVcol (.-ov or ot 'I , , 1 !......., . , . , . ... ... 1 . . ... , . , ' , ....:'" ,v" mi 11,, iu ..'.. v.. r. iiiwi-cii i.nw r.u "U-WMis, and a. Mir.'piniP.,i,llHtilitM,t tiny can, jnlinl ir- 1 1 in,. 7, .'','" "vl-o tl.'n Muh i.-n lo-lll Ulmi iiti-l I mi In itimi and ecu nuns. 1 w'tm li crshoip(i!oudi. tho 11 nrl.ct u.. i.i.ihi vitci! ICI.I.T v.l.Ml', , t, , . a.ilun, Orc'o.l. Il I:jpk irilnnl.ml,. ,,r.i. rt -1- .- 1 n II j I-I VND PVH.M. r.ill .li.in . s,i, ' ii n it nit me nltec. or it tho .dilitr I.'. 1! - he m '1 lc i: ! i in 1 I,' m J';1. '";' ",' " h"" railt'' "",h " n-c -i- Tisori!.oii-ra-3:sx3T:-ax STOCK. B. E. STEWART ft SONS, ImixirtciH iin.l tiionlcis oi Thoroughbred Shorthorn AMI HOJOSTEZET OATTZ.E, Pui-c-lM-e-1 .iJeil.io una C'olswolel Sheep, Itcrlishlic Ilog-s, in Xl-U-Oy I'o-vscrls,. Onrf insaro Unite nno mile from North Yamhill St it on on Drejon evnt-nl ItHilromU Addrirj, orlh V.imhill, Inmhlll Co., Oregon. T A. Ori'iin holt"4lr Auiul. IVrtUnd "IS 11 i J. i. STIUTl'O.V, Attorney at Law, SAI.KM. okeoon: 01c;i.: i'o'Uc t, ii-i0!ini th; u.-vt To J' or io"m '.inii Mtm&clorj uiura I'jrttcuHr'i PKellKs i'Uvi. OI! VPE I'LKs fifHs. ,,,,,1 ell I-lit, lfs, . , -. sM VI i.Ut MlllT. uu I,,. Viown .1. a-djiui. j lie 1 limine1 ni l.rtsteni N icrj Jl.iiltlilul. Klainh ij (own art local. 1 at mw rortratilr thv null, aru 1. . ilar v c 111. . uui (hnt i.s i n and 1 ti ... ri..i t. -ni. rud) i"ib.ihid .H.iii..' H fa-nh .1 tr p 3Eci- Sale: In.', mind .- m I urlm.. Al I Infill .1 11 IKhMs I lull) a . f -ri .1 I 1 r I -r un v tr to I'r. c II Port ai ,1 i. .' 1 r a 1. 311 1 upar I. ii 111:11 1 iL'rri'ti m 1. ' 1 vla.D: t.l , o o ) 1 1 1 1 rs-v o m ,n .n .ir- , ill. I, (lllltl . 1 ., , , in, Miru t . im 1- r nt a . Pir.t, P. LflNGELL'S ASTHMA i CiTirf H RCREOY. tenlifvi &aa Jeath iih AS I,txixnmeatc4 by comnouadi: r bo 'V MMIriOll .iJln cs.ri -. r-... . . .- .a :r ? Tr-:---- f" -.. mil MU uttuij iae art-uciac ftlltffS&i ' CATARRH, wlr- lcr ?m!l il.OOrwrtox dj?..j ."rSOEuL, Arr"j(Sf.Ot.0k w;a. s. r.riiljt- J st a. 3ac JS. ...Contlnlni; o' ... ritiioripuoiiBuini vrench and srwisn r.tWIo31-cc:0"t Amrrlcmn .Tlprl n ' CJc,""'7-Clcl, KTO-CT7- AI I HP Wil.CH "VILI, HE OI.l) AT LO'.V no un ivraf n.idc r (omit the M-ncs hlp to Jm bo i'.cllml al ncint point on rlv. cr r rtilrtud trft nf charro. My KKK.Ni II JlKHIXciKs re of ihi- -lock hro.l,t ";'? &VJ. tMit,uD' u' Cal'fo"-1-' "- - Mj-WV- "