3 ,4 P '-)tti:52iJJSrt1 " "i-rtrnTT1 "Tr'ARivi'p'J-('; $2,50 per Year. SALEM, OREGON, OCTOBER 27, 1S7G.. Volnmo YIH Number 37. Arti Passed at the Late Session. Belownre try toive an iDtelltgeut idea of tbe nature and purposo of tlio bills passed by the late Legislature, that have btcoiuo laws. bllXATIt HILLS. 8 BNol5, Aniouils Incorporation of MnrU field, Coos Co. SB So 30, Defines and punishes tbecrimes of kidnapping and clilld stealing. SB No BO, Amouds criminal coda as to penalty for bulling or giving liquor to minor:1-' SB 'No 58, Bepoals act creating; ofliee of State Geologist. SB No 73, Appropriates $1,2(10 per annum for clerical aid luStnto Treasurer's olllci. 8-BvNo 10, Itieoiporatea North Browns- Tills. SBKn'J, Fiovides Board of Canal Com missioners and for the tmssaiin of boats thfJiigh canal anil locks. The full bill was published in tho Farmkr. S B No US, Pavs Patterson, latn Slate Pi Inter, about fNOO for printing roi ort ol Investigating Committee nearly four ears Bgo,"ainl intercs,. ;B B No les, Incorporation of Astoii. "SB No Transfers military luml, for tlio 'purpose of equipping and arming military "companies, (but ilioie is litllo or no militaiy ; 8 II No 21, Authorizes Jacob Flelschner to construct water works in Albany. 5BBXo41, Appropriates $10;000 per an num, for two years, to linls.li and furnish State University, to add to extent of ground'-, and embellish the Bauie. . S B No 51, Amends tho Coda. S B No 03, Kopeals law relating to print ing laws in nowpaper, and limita tho sum for same to f 100. Last time by stiarp con struction of tlio law tho Slalo Printer tolU ot cd $I,2C0 or mora, whero formerly only $100 liad been paid. SB No M, Appropriates 312,000 for sup port of Deaf Mute Seiiool. 8 B No S3, Appioprlates goO.COO ont of tho swampland fund, etc., for Tho Balleaaud Sandy Wagon Road, bonds to be receivable in payment for swamp lands. S B No 101, Itepeiils act for construction of Siuto capitol building. si ii in, Appropriates is.uuo ior support of State School for ibo Blind. S B No 12d, isolates to valuation of proper ty for assessment. S B 127, Authorizes the construction of locks on the lamhlll river. uouti: BILLS. II. B. No, So, to permanently locato coun ty f,eat of Lake county. "No. 2, to change location of county Beat of Jo.sephlno county. No. il, legalizing election of Justices in Monmouth precinct, Polk county. No. tl, rslnoi to liens nn boa'.s and VOSft'lH. No. 10, proUW s drodgiog for oysters in (hallow wi'fr. No. 20, l':iorj. r.'"6s Browosvllio. Ni. 21, appiop.-ltot.!) money to pay ospen-C-3 Of l.','illU o A' sein'jlj'. No. 30, rtlale-3 to tr .i!s rf-ui w.-ler cour.stu No. SO. lucr morale? Hillsboro. No. bi, provides fir iai-vnarallon of t'.ltr- judlclal district for judicial purposes. ii ii .o na, an act to authorize tno city ot Salem to Incur an indebtedness of Hfty thou sand dollais for tho purpose of buflditiga bridge across tho Willamette Kiver. The Yaquina Kail road Bill. A Bill passed both Houses to appropriate 523,000, or .".30 per mile for not more than SO milos, toward the construction of tho pro posed narrow trcek ro.nl Irom Ynquiiia B.y to Corvallls, It was claimed that this much, added to 8'." ,000 cf private subscription, wculd Induce capital to build the road. Thls.bill received tho Governor's veto, nrrd his mo.'saRo gtvis the following reasons: " Arlli'loXI, stciion T, cf the Constitut'on piovides a" follows: 1 ho I-ogi'dathe A'M mbly shall not loan the credit of tlio Siatn. nor in any niavier cicatii any debt or liabilities, widen shall sn.gly or in tho aggregate with prclotia i'tb or liabilities i scent the .sum ot j.VJ.rco, except iu cace of war, or to iept-1 liivps!ou,or mppitss iii'iiricfJon; and every cotniact of lndi-b.cdiicss inliicd into , assumed by or on I'c'jTlf f f tlin Suite, wheii all its UaliilitieM and dtbti amount, to sa'd sum, ahall bo void and ol no ctl'eet. It apptars to mo that tho fffrct of (IiIh lull is to loan tbe prod it cf tlin State to tliis railroad, by ti;o ismo ol l.tjiids in iisfavnrin such a dirict mode as to be foibii'den by the first clause of the section of tho C'oiiotituliou quoted. Again, Oia State is n' w in dtbt more than tidy thousand dollars. 'J'h's biil is Mh 'efm e In conllictvi.h tLe !.sl ciniso of Ihostctioii quoted; in which it is declared that " i.M'ry contract of Indebtedness tnurtd into .i -assumed b.v ! on lifbalf of the h-l.'i'.c, when all its liabilities and debia amount to said sum, shall bo void and ol r.o effect. " I iherufoie return tho bill to your honorable body for further consideration ," In bis biennial rceasatjo llio Governor has Ihe following: " In the prespnf condition of our State fi nances, no measure, utisuntalnI l).v special provision for rciiciiiiev to meet tho e.pi'iidi .turo r(qi.iici.t by its enicimLiit, Kill meet wuu i.w.uiuive approval. " This bill made no rrovllcii for itvcnuct and we ltarn that tho tiiinds cl it n.l.intteu it to tho Uorcrnor, wl.tn intrcdur-td, and received IiN opinion that it was not constitu tional as it lutm stood. As ILe pcition of tha Oovernur wa3 fully advanced bofortlittiul aud directly exprttccd wkhieaarillothooill while iondii-.g, llio friends of the measure seem to !ac tnly themselves to 1. la-no lor Hi failu . . Iia f-..li'io is to bo regrotlcci for general leasous Ka'leque Lyiislallou. , tii.' ary, cliarlt.iblo and L-snoroleni hisil'lutions (I'ormeract was Utlcctlvo ) No. SO, rolatini; to rams vunr ing at larg . No. 'JH, relate to se!o of proj city bv o.xhj utors or adiiiiniitintors. No. 112, to rezul.ilo tho S3lo of iutoxicuing llouors to minors and others. No. 22, to author":-.'! llio lTnlted States to take private proper.' f' r lublio use.s,wlien needed ior jm'ilic hulhilUKS, foils, lljilu house, etc. No. til, cuti oil mlleajro jf Asra--sors. .Limits thorn to per diem. No. ll.rolitu-i to suits of HtUchuiont, No. 57, creates r-rnds of iinblic erement. This, or a former ao:, provide for osnstruc tlon of tr.illi, (in i:iount-ln reglmi- for in stance) to tin ksp; in order as count v roads. No. SI. imp )-iug certain duties or tjovor nor of the Siato. No IU, rop mN 111 mills bounty tax, and provides tnx; I mere-it on the -remaining bounty and relief bonds bo paid out of Gen oral Fund. No. 105, relocation oT county sei of Polk count v. No 164, lovios i mills tax for SU'.o purpos es, and ii mills tax to. pay principal and in terest on outstanding warrants. No. 101, appropriates about g-lTOfOO for the ordinary expenses of thu State government uutll 187K. No. Xi, relief or Grant county for J500. No. hi, incorronitetf McMlnnvUki. No. 100, relates to damage caused by man egoment of steamboatsand water crafts. No. 6, to legalize defective acknowledg ments. No, U.", relates to service of summons. No. liS, authorizes GeSlpooU Bo&m Co. (3 uso tii at stream. No. Jlli, relief of Justus KrumberUi. Pavs LIuiSKO for services in locating State Capi tol Building us engineer. (Bather much it strikes us.) No. CS, makesall male inhsbltants subject to pay pall tax, and inukidts Ch'oamen of course. Na. 7S, relator lo writ of review, No. i J, relites to Injury that may be caus ed Iu mauiigemeut of steacn beats, or .other rafr. i No. 102, exempts liie Coos and Coqulll as lue lirst of Januaiy. It lo-.io ti 'V nttiBu l!k bin.'-rir.elo us, to ieo u Ugislat'.tra gt.t tor;tl!..r and votk over a iiinltilwl.) cf more or . Innporlgnl matters, r-.i.d ihbn Su.-ainj, leaving tl.Pin in coinpleto, when tn. or tlrey da.vf)' time, well oxpoi'do't, wi. iW clent the calender. It !..o l.bgiblaturo did, very lit " ! ..ven-eivte.)iiso :oi inutil; bu .t Is&''j true thu' ,. mul rs went oy (ielmilt in Hie is truotha tlo harm, rut v fulness In tt.a!, litude nl ii.au. w'ud-urt. Wo propose to i -ivion' the imuinor Inwkleb nn Oregon I.r.'Mdtuio maiwgta to ;.ut In Its forty days. Tro lirsi two !; pass with out uiuob nu.re being done ttiim to Introduce biV.H. Just as th session L-uIns to leok like Wflrk tlio.St.it') lair comes und tho members aw as wild (maay ot liiem. us ehildieri to at tend tho sIiok. Very lit'.lo is d'.ue Fair ., and iiui miiLh tstrio lemainw after wards. Sundays are counted Is inako up tho forty (fays, and the three first v.oek-i ofthe session i'otii linusei ul)ourn ovei from Friday to Monday, geiwrally toMnday alleriKion. The late L-jgislaluro was in session only thirty-two dsys, m.a If fe, could have remain. od m session lolly forty working dr.y,, bus iness would Aivi- titon ileaned of. tho Cm. teuuial Bill ud that to amend the lucorpo- cation act cou'Jd liavo been pa-sod, and othsr tieasuroi that wore hurried throuRli could liivo recoiveJ'a.ui'ii! s.tentiou. To prevent tho Huei-eediue LectUatures from being oiserabie farces wo utl somo olango from she proaen: sj'stem. fur one' tttug It is evident thtt the I.tK'sJaturo J IHE SIOUX WB. Letter from Lieut. Schwatka. 1 r Cam v at Custi'.u Citv, D. T. ") In the Black Hills, V Sept. 20, 137G. J Deah FATiir.u: After writing you from the Yellowstone, wo traveled f.outhwitrd to the Black Hills, and just north of them, near a place callod tho Slim Unites, on Babbit creek, had a slit.it and decisive tight wfth a band of Brulo Sioux, undiii llnii'ui Noso and Ani cricm Horse, number.iig irom 100 to 200 warriois and Ihlily-.evuti lodges. We had 12." men of tho ;.d c .valiy, under Col. Milla, who had been sent forwtud fiom Gen. Crook's command, on Sopt. 7, lo obtain aud send back i.itions from tlio Black Hills, as wo had only two dais' rations lolatt ten days, as italturwsrds lurmdout. Wo had four of llccrs cf tho 3d, in tho light, which occurred at daylight on Sept. P, Col. Mills command ing, I.ieuts. Ciavifoid, Vou I-uottwlti'., and myself. Wo llrst discovered tlio Indian ponies grazing, about tlnett o'clock on the afternoon of tho ath, on n blnll, proliably three miles away, and wo viithdrow immedlaloly under cover mid watched their movements until dark, and thtu further withdrew about a mile to a deep wooded canyon where small tires wore bulit, tho night being very cold and rainy. In tho meantime a morning at tack and turprisool'tho vlllagohaving been determined upon, at two o'clock In the .Homing we pulled out from our camp, tho darkness being intense, and headod for tho villaga. We were In three columns, tlio two outside onosof liliy tutu each, under I.ieuts. Crawford and A'on Leuttwl'z being ilU mounted; the center column of twenty-five men, under myself, beln.?, mounted, tho In tention being to approach tho beau of tho Village, and, when in sight, tho dismounted coh.'mus to diverge and surround it, tho inonnlu? I,arty to cliargo through and stam pede the poii"'a) nu "19 wholo outfit to then uso up tho illHr;s affording to tho most ap proved fashion. In tho darkness wo h-id a'.,roftt (,adl r dir Ikulty iu finding our friends, t'"' rmllch ba ing llio first di.scoN ert-d as on the day' 0l''o. Jus! as wo approached the crest of tho h "u" ierl'-oklng the village a small herd ol po nies stampeded Into It, ai.d us for ov pla-is noihi.ig was lo.. Lut for mo (o charge, and yt!liij at my men In draw pis' 0s and clia-r..-, til X (.'Ut, 1 must say that I felt n 'tillc ut.' iriiin a to what Iinl-;litfxpeut,for .',ekue nothing whatover of thowize of tho village auj hr.il been following tlio frail four ci-iis b. fore, of I roil 2,000 toU.OOOIodg- thil had pilt up, and probably the village ahe.id of m whs 'be couccittnllcn of.thh splitting that t i- tr ha.l .-o neluoklly dashed into, two iu j.hIis bftlbi.i on the litllo Bi Horn, Thei.j sasn't tine lor any groAt ctnoiuit ui" refleetiou, nowover, and I wus .soon ribl in to the vHhgo with my men, yolliui; and llr iug jil' ".it - smack :: to thu'r lodges. Tho day anil iii,it had linru very rainy jnd llioy iiad l ' ( th;r ! Oaci sc closely that m untie I them win uoi itssiticd by my cliargo. In ia.:: v.hei. t,r.it daylight lolt us In uhuigeof tha village, we feu.d that nearly every lodge I ua.l t sou nppod open by knives to assist in i tlicir ex.'.. I f, unci bti'. little trouble in get ting away v.!ili ibnr herd of 200 ponies and hersos; for wtion twenty-live cival.-y men make up t.jelr mimls to ereale-i linrful din, I will not lipsitato In pronounce it tho moslpr fect biKrtis on reconl. 1 had often sbh Indi an porno., Mauri m).)kly and view tlio hide ous yelling and commotion generally, or the Indians in their m-iiiy war aud scilp dancts, andnVvtiul lliey would bo equally unihakon when I st.oi.m tiy to frighten them out; hot iu less ijjim three si ends auer I llrtil the first sh.t I was s.kimming beautifully out of tho olhorend of the village, the air jHjrfoclly wirtir-siUuratua with Hying lariats and wood- ' en picl.i' jilns. Ah my fir tiica out, that of the dismount ed ctrbiics, following close v after, ivelln.i shattering his right knee, his leg bolug am putated abovo tha kneo during tho aliernoon skirmish. We captured two full days1 rations of dried bull'.ilo meat, a god-sond indeed, for we had to llvo for four days afcer it ga o out on uo thing but pony meat, without salt, bread, or anything ilo whatever. Half ntarved, we reached supplies on the Hollo Foutcho, from tho Black Hills, and wo are now about tlio center of the Hills, awaiting the remit ol (Jen. Crook's consultation with Uon.Shcii dan, who 'is at Fort Isiiamlo. ' I'liun. Wiutl Storm at Barlow's Prairie the well as (he Willaito'.te rireis, from operation nl too nuo Uim act. No. 1IU, locitlea county teal of Tillamook .county. No. 127, Incorporates Ualsey. a so. m, requireu local ienisot tno uuarci fi ivjho.sl laud CuUluiUslonofs to give bonds fanii uiflk.' reports. 1 No, IW. to iiret-ei.t and punish camblin?. - -No. 12, to bond the remainder of ilodoo invir ciauiir. k xmi uuii. ST. I.tl .a .l.K '1.1. n. .. l , . 'VI i '!f It ' '- l.ldlltv IV V up into a w.iid roar that I knew would give should not be lui.tana the m,,,. n,., s,m """" " " ""! " uauco lo wllliout Ftir Is held. To secure t;ood work iui.l to ""' ,, "OU I0Ul",'aiul,i n,y IJ ""1 Joined beliltiite mallutu ,-,i.era1!p coiinected with ! t,",lr',m,r r-ry om tie hill near tho village theState GovemuiL-.l. iLh Hn-nolai. imuu,. i wl,,rh "as lw l'ou. Gen. Crtik came Ive and cxeculli.. ear sUould commerce I Up '-,u;"' " '"" ",al" e''"'n)an.l,and It wil' net be easv to . u? "'"'". Po"wy irom a neiglilKirlng The following aro some additional aiti.'ii laisof the recent wind storm at Bailnw's Pralila. It occurred at 12 o;lock on Wed nesday last, aud in llltcon minutes, did moio damago than can I in lopiii'cd in many years. Over 100 npploa, and other .i.ilt tree j, ami eight laigo walnut trcsa now lay uprooted or broken down. A new v.arohoiiM), built last Summer, aud coiUalnlng u car-load of wheat this point and From Coqmllo. Ccijt'ft.i.r. City, Oct. 13, 1S70. Kn. FATtMifti: An epidomio of singing soeiablos is now raging in this town. Many of the young pooplo "have It badly," F.veu tho County Judge has become UlVcted, and it 1 begiunlr.g to spuad inlo tlio country. Buslnoia :'s pomowl.r.t impiovcd lieie. The etliict of direct, trade with San Fran el co Is lnaUing il-cif fn!t, and pooplo ato Hiicoiiraged in vuw of tho beiietioial effect on thegtiKial business of the courtly Yi'bi'.'lt inns! grow cut of II. Another I'ac'.oi iu tlio liiCUM'O of cur local trade just now, is, that tho roads being in good cond'tien, more teams than ustiiil miino in over tlio Co-is Hay wugon road, and with the com pletion ol tbe iitiproMinents which are bt lii'; made on the Cur-uiiiUhim Creek road, we expect, another sc.imiii , to sio a huge in erec ii of Undo ni d trn(i I elwcrn this po.Lt and Douglas eoutitv. With I'teigtits bolwetn San l'raiieico, attlio si'inif and tons ol salt could not stand tliestonn, so i i u.... us irom Coos Citv, (tho present ter- fell, tho remains covering tlin railroad (nick i i.vniis ol the i It. W. uml.) we only lack and vlcinitv for some distance. A train of cars just osi'iped tho storm, having, from "mm impulse, lob tlin "seeiin'' but llireo miuutes bofiire. A man on a load of wood was blown from his wagon, his team became fiightonod and dashed away, almost, kup pare with tho wind, u:il they reached a place of safety, wleno tho dilver alio 'wards found thorn. No damage done to wood, wagon, t am or teamster. The wind was very much lorkod, passing on nil sides ol Mr. iUrlnw'.s dwelling lions-', lireakiiiihiwn B cherry treo only a lw ffot t.om thu di ir. It spired nothlutr that c.itno in its iMiirso, and is ono of tho most Mivoreover witncnsbil In Oregon. A man weighing 1 10 pounds was- blown from tlio ground three lent high, alightod on his head with but few scratches. Kocks, boulders and llmlu wero seen in tlio air, as high as tho tree tops. Tho loss of the fruit trees is irreparable for some time: but tlnotigh the generosity of Mr. Birlow'u kind neighbors the loss will bo repaiied in iar as practicable. Sixteen men met at his placo Thursday, and at 1 o'clock lo-day tho ware house was up, nnd on Saturday was ready for the reception of grain ui usual. Damago to Mr. Barlow in fiuit trees, building and fenc es Is probably $100, while Mr. Bun's loss Is considerably Ihss. OivfoHittn. CAM'Ani:-, Ca-ai.. Col. J. M. Wilson re cch od adlspalch yesterday from Washington to the effect that the amount appropriated by Congress ( j'Kl.OOO), for tho construction ofthe Cascades canal, has been allotted, and that surveys aro authorize .. The work of mak ing neec-mry surveys will bo eoiiinienced as soon as practicable. Thtio hasbei nsouio telegraphic coin -.poudetico bntweeii Cob Wilson and a gentleman now In i!m Fast, 'wi l.IW till, 1-mtlH.ltlnH t.l I, Mini' :L v.iTl hi: til. V. , --'1 cxpeiiiuiio oiu'iiitti, and oun well (Hiiili'leii of tho work well iniido ru.ul to coiunote siieitss- fully,n.s wo have tlio advantage ol seer.il miles less distance, and letter couitry to make a road over. Wo are now having our usual yearly iall roi I talking ami tluurimr. It. iiiiii-easis con stantly, and w ill ,u lust caliuinalu no doubt, In in actual road, a tanmblo lenlily, com-po-ed of solid Mihsiaii.'o, and not "all gass," Whortleberries t ho u-oiii'.t.iiii viuii ty,) aro to be had, in bushels, ior thogalhuiini;, wltb'n half a ii'ile nf Ccipn'Io City, nnd or.o of the most diili:!i'.lnl iT.mlile) possiuio ' to goto the near uills "liuckielmrryln;; " No tour of this valley is otherwise coniplotc. Oct. 17. A heavy r.lu to day, tlio llr.l of llio season, muiuury at Mu tins inoiniiig. Kike tho old woman aald of tho "far west," that it was "u Heaven for men and dogs, and a Hull for women and hort-o," so this rain is gloi ions for the grass aud cabbages, but rough on lato poti ties and bonus. Ttie-o are Important ciops lioio, and tho "potato rot" Is ghing us n good deal of trouble. A hop yard will bo startod hero next spring, which will lost tho adaptability of this valley lot- the viuhUik of Um, m. Fruit should also become n staple crop here, as tlio country Is exceedingly well adsp-yil to raising it, and the facilities for shipping aio A No. 1. M. ) liiKo personal iilpeiliiteiuluiiey s soon as prelimln.iiy ai "it" .Ii i ! 1'iir.i. ut imi it tfl'i rangomei-.:. are , . ,,, rommeuce making f. -,,iiit u,Unv (),;, stan'.lil oporatlons sp, "" "'l"'' '-"" ' nian. Till! I'lU-MlU'I llAKVItsI r.l'S - 'ri0'.,r!'l'' ouiun't, leporter of the jiro 'cediiit,!, 'J, '"" lu'o Stale Fair, assotts In that pupur (.. '',l Mnnd.iv that Mosrs. Ilavvley, Dodd A (' ' of I'ofiMnJ, lojk i ho firs', pieniliiui on. ha'VTh'e.s. In this itateni.iiit ho in ei eviiierjiiy ju vr;;', ..., Mr, T, U. Walt, of tliij oliy took firs', pnv.iihim on li-.o MeCrtmlck hnrvtstira exhibited by l.'u.i, nitlHo srs.T, Cunuingliam iV Co. al.-o i thii city, toou tho se.c.ird premium on Ihe! Fror.e'i .t Adams' harvtstcr oxlu'.itod by tlmiii. These premluniH wero uwindol alt; . a thorough trill of tbe-o luachii.is, wble'i was witnessed by llio coiumilti o thai made tho awards. ,1iiriti i. t Buat Si'nk. Tho sliMiner lionaiiivi mink I last Weduesilsy inoriiing bout 7 nV'oek at i tho head of Hock Islui.-I. Shu luil just I started from the inink, where she had laid during the nigld, when ibo itrt.ck a lock. Slio ivason her way lo i'oitUnd with a lone nf wheat for a Portland llriu; Tim O -eident went In tho soi mi Um f h mo lu'iiumg and took off mo.'it of tlio freight. The limit has since floated away, and Is u total loss. Ci.acica.mah CotiNiY. Wo copy tho fol lowing ilouis fiom tho h'lilc ijni.se of last Saturday: Last Friday morning about I o'clock, Mi. K. S'rieklln, residing in lllghiand jii-u'lncl, discovered his li.uu to be on lire, but ex-lingulslit-'d it wiihi.ut any serious ihiuine. On examination lm Ii und : h.u shin uiiis. s.itiir.ieil ilh i'iibI oil, imd b.iui phi. mI ilgci'iist ll.o '.iii t. ol tbe Imi n .mil had just b.eii i;;niiiil, and a l'w moments mote won Id imvo (s'ii his dim imiimiiNs ol II iinrs. The I'llli was built n sbijit tlriiu sinen lit u com of tfTOil, and cf.nti.ine'I all of uJsiiopi and 1'iniiiiig i in ji'ciiu n:s, l.aityeiir at this tiniij our slreels wi ro iilivo wiih fanners bringing their w beat lo market, but now, irelghl being j2 per ton ! ofween ll.ls city iiml I'tirtland, theyuiu m.W' lummy bv hauling It. thorn. This Is mo of i.'.'" benefits derived from the jilesent uonopi.ly. '-, (.("lu tho follt.wlng liuni the Asses s.ti'n I'o'nk'j in ""fard lo il.n iifcsifsniiitu of Cln-kaiiiasiouiilM 'l'0tH amount f pio.. Mil v. 2,111 l,....o i-l; mill, "UllCb", tl'ttn.'iWij ixomp'lon, jiil,.'ll. Tumi i.ouui vt la. able pi i.iilj, ?l ht(i,71H li'i. Tn V.iiiilillt boat w.iSNiiuiiessIiillylriiiiicli ed at Caneiiii.li last Wednesday 1'llertii.ou, Hun. Ilenrv Warr u and hcvoii.l gontlemeii liom ainliil1 weld piesi'lit t witues1-hei deliiit on tho Wiil.imutto. Tim naino of llio new boat Is Tlio McMiiiuvlllo. Mr. 1. M. Itineaison was fortunntu enough to got imiiv witli eleven pieuiiums on Iru'ltsand vi-gel.ibltis at ilioM'i'u F.ur Till! UuNA.N.A A TuTAl, Loss A fol davs since, says the I'orlaud lhe, of October 23, wennted the. linking ot the steuiier ISoiiiiid'ii, near ltoek I-I.iiid. At that tiinn it ui.i sun- poed that she could lio raised without dull- ,. , , ,, . , , iiti iiu iiiiiii tn'i i."v ui'ii ii i;intn n cully, and such wi.ulil have been ihe case,,, r,,llary machines In uso. T had thu river roiiidinnd ni the atage t then t Wrtl) , Uui ,,perailou with mi was. Hut owing to the ripld rl-e In the liv-' V i,i ri,i i knowing tlin er, slio lioa'ed oil it about two o'clock was dashed to piecea on the rocks at Ihe loot of Bock Island, she Is a total wreck. It Is possible that mhiio parti of the riia-liiiinry may bo saved, hut It Is very doubtful, 'liie Ilouar,. i wps built last 3efr osptcluily 'm the grain trade, a id vvas of iiir, luris .r"gister. Sue was owned by tlin W. 1. it T. Co. Ksr.U'Kli.-Sherilf Wllllnmof Polk Co., ws In tho city this mornirg In icirch of u Pltl.TilN'ls.Sl'.lAllA'IOlt AMI IfllisfJ I'oWI.II, At lint Slate Fair .Mfssis. I'elton ,V Savago gained hnnois lor Ihe exhibition of I'm Potion Hoi so Power, and also fir I lie IVUi.u Supinator, iich of which tool; llr.st jiremliiinh. We Ihi.im! it I'orlland merchant, one of tho oldest In the Agricultural mar-hiuory tuide, award the prelerenne lo thu llors'i J'oner, adding that the only otjectlon lo it would arise from the taut that ii costs mure than ',1m ho Separator tiro hiiuoes. ttrlilit Itt U it.ttJL' i mr lliul lli. .1.1, t.i., and . eblnes are iliai.nf!iii'iiiitil In I Irit utit nn.1 I hope to sen Mr I'elton istabllih a hrgo nutl I riuccesfiil I.iiisiii..i,s hero. locality, tried to oonleuj with us in the after noon for their lost posvosloii, hut a slight Kitiu lab boon diSfTuhUU the m and itey with drew, 'J'hw number of ludiatiN klflid it l-i imiK,s ,..,,,,, , . .., n Bir.-ureioi.v iioct riaiu, Kill ifjrjy were ,i ' ''t81:9 i-iuitnde.'iwt,,,,;; -,.,. .Uu.i. omu.wniutHwniui,. , our j.auijsj. We lost thrto tje-i get tlio people to cuteml tLo lonuth of the session, bu it tulsl t bo jo4.iUI.. to accom plish Uit end by prot Icing I hat the eeislon shall couiiist of 'or:y .c:uai workiii Ub, which would secure cijer week. To meui uuu,,,,, .j, jm, 11JruH w0 (,kCrl.., l0, too Polk county Jail at Dilla.t ,i,l evemnu. ...I. w " Hre, 'forgo W. HiiwklriN.iu J-rank Wayne. Huwkius Is tlm ,a'i .. rwa BMUDLrji ill Coo, Lak,, valley, ft, I MAliltlnn. Mr. A. I Ihii.l.lii',hm,ollhls city, has just returned from Iowa, bringing Mr, Buckingham bck with him, Mr. II. Is well known In tills vicinity, un,l his lato (rip Fist hat disappointed many piedlotloui (hat he would remain an old bachelor. Man ' Iu wlnhing that his mairiud life , i.t , -.,,.. .lnr, uiuuifi i im'jx irri ii liiiiii' iv f i ,.i- .' Llsvlllc, Polk county. .nr'LVMV..:., V n' 1' '' .0,,witu of Irnm runt Wi. -,,,. i.. .t. i .. . ,'uay he Jong n,i li.,j,y. H'I.IX)w ..jjpH.l." "-. The bl'W'l lit'"1 very lire. 11 aii'.i essence of usties tho from him. Watllll Is lltn In. II.. I 1?.. i . " . .. shct young lUrh MitonrVW""?.njr ilinu, ..,.! "7 ' ' ' -Hi-fi , " "rt", '"i 'iivj nivij I,' l! for thoe oii.-ns, ,.. f , ,.,,,.,. IuikIiIi an t ii .. ...-.- .. lb Mi, boiio miKcic, uwivn awaiting tii' .Mom. Jli.il run (V..S.M.M,. .(') i. day evviiiiiv. tin, .: Aiii.t r.n... . ii . ....i... . rT :. ' ., i. qkiiiij ard '"'oti irom the Oa'cidos wjtl il..vward .- .1oll.n a day, ,. ,., w.uIJ ghe q-lt. .0 Leveu.wound.d, arnong vhc-m Vn u voice of m hd of l?lZ '" fX Ibe V ! - fWf fvxuct matter. J yon i?,yUu t wborWlV;Jgevef0 weund, I ' 'Ii', '"4'1 ,yr t,'sl rCinm-v Hro's., AV 7 ' ' "',1 .ir'i. , firm with In four iUriii..iuiit. M ''.it stouuc i Is tlin ap- iiis the ar:erics the ill' rlhu'.ots and llio tiHimeslliechnnii'ils by which thnviMe, ..... i. ..o.ri.. i .ill', t'lion Um slomm aaiiit. I bo. el, Ibe-so medicines tt nlmulliuiM.iNly. 2icent per not or pit. McCor.-.iifit's II uiviMKi s.-W't iihould havo iiienlloued in our State b'alr rejwttlut Mr T II. Walt, of Salem, hud oti.oxbljiltlou. one or hit McConiilck lUrve'r,, and tlist It took a tint premium. Su-. ut WV ir.',. . m 1 i .i' r'l 11 r " IT?" r '3 r -" :4mmr -u"-s.w. m,m,w.i