Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 06, 1876, Page 6, Image 6

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"A I. KM. 1'KMiAY, Ol'l'. ii, 1ST0.
I'i!irii:i.i'H,, Sojit. l."i, IhTfi.
di'',r VYII. imc'le Farmer'
J send you a fow uolas, Hiving in brluf my
trip here, nil vlinll liavnlftttrned since, Hint
is, s 10I1 h I think will bo of Interest to tbo
imtiy madam of tho Fahmi.u.
- I had a pleasant trip over, anil caw notlilnj?
'. oi interest till I reached tho North I'latto,
I where the country aHtiiiiod the sppoamnra
f of an agricultural coiiiiniinlly, with coni-ltl-
I crable hettluinetitu along the road lino, and a
! very fine holl, covered with a very hoavy
' coat of ooarso ( rso, but not rich in quality.
This brings ub Into tho corn district, and for
i tho llrnt one hundred miles after phhhIuk tho
l is .North riatto tlioru Is nolliliiK lelt ol litre
v corntlolds have a Mender Mom; the grass-
v hojioors had taken ovory blado and shoot,
(' leavitic untiling lor the unfortiitialo tanner.
K This contlnuod till wo (jut nearly to Omaha,
! ! when tho crops of corn i-oemed to bo tolor-
( I nbly good. Wo now changod cars. I took
tho rou'o thiough central Iowa, and was
vnrv much disappointed In several points.
8 Tlio funnem were plowing their M.ulililo 1111-
J der. Tiiolr trains are far below ottre, as an
j if Hverugo. Iliolr plowing Is or llio Mtiniiy
j i kind, nay three iiichen deep. Thpy do not
4 S ralso much whint. The wh(-at was nil hi
j H stack, hikI the in.uiniu- of stacking would
' rj make our Oregon lioya laugh. A 1-trnicr will
t ' -tack, say, Ion acres in (ivo or nix slacks, all
' i in a .straight row, and, from wliat J could "-ce,
5 I suppose tho stacks would mulio about, lit'
; toon or twenty bmliels, and the m.'chlne
) ,, having to Im moved at least onco to thranh
i the low of little Mucks. I told t-omo of them
j ? they had bolter go to Oregon and learn ol
; our Oiegou-iaN'-d boys how to ralso and
j lMiidlo wheat. Tho jHinpIii licio know how
I to riti-iif urn. In oiiiihI Iowa tho crop is a
- folium, lii muny ('uses llio vvplmIh htaudlng
, Hbowj thy corn, v Midi was caused by tho ox-
trotno wet In the fore pail of the sew-oii.
At Ciil(M;(li ma! Iiaving boon ltiriiislu.il by
r.ur e-ilootiu.d friend and fellow-citlrn, Mr.
, '1'hlelfeii, ot 1'orlbmd, with u Mler of in'io-
due ion to Mr. Stewart, Superintendent ol
Well', l-'.irgo A. I'u.'h Impress Company, 1
i ion loiind Mr. hteHurl, and .'omul him to
bo a goiilleuiau in ovciy souse of the void.
S'jeuiliig to act under the itiipulso ol tho nni
ineut, ho dioiipeil oMirylliiug and volunteer
ed his lime llio lemaliider of the 1 . .v to
Miort'lng mo through tho city, in such places
ol busiiiiisi as woio of note and of inteiest
tome. 'I'll is h Horded mean opportunity ol
gaining Mini t very valuable lii'oiui'Uion, not
only lor tu,SHt' but lor tho tunning commu
nity generally. Now, it is well known that
the American Kxpio-m Company, commonly
cillti.1 Wells, Kargo it Co, 'a Kipiofcs Co., has
been 111 opuiallou 11111113' yeais, and ha had
more experience in the care of horses than
any other. Mr. Nitivwtrt luiiodiiced me to
tlio very excellent superintendent ol the en
tire hoise trade, ami he also gave 1110 all the
iiiloriiiatlou he could In the horxu liuniiiesH.
lie showed mo something over 0110 hun
dred lioud ol hoies, some of which had been
In uftu.il service over Ion years, mid I must
say 1 never imvviv lot of horses ot that mini'
lir that wns Mi iiullorni, vaiyinjr Irom l.oo
to liiiKi pouiidN, Mini ot pieuhely the type
ot boisos ihut the firmer wishes and
111 ids; their work is ot the same nature iin
thul ol tlio latiner, combined strength with
action. I then inquired vv hat lii.s long expe
rience had taught him in io;'.vnl to blond,
that Is, what stiaiuot blood was ihe best for
their use, 11ml Ihivvhh very liauk In leplying
tint the Clyde grades vveiq the loiomost, 1
iniulil very readily trace the Clydiwlalo crosa
in nearly all ot their best horses.
Leaving Chicago, 1 took tho Canada South'
eru ll.illii.itd, and lit passing through Can
ad 1 1 Ic trued much that 1 will si oak ol id
some liilurotlme.
I am now at tho great Centennial, utid
have had scvctul tlit In look around, and 1
wdl not pioteud to describe anything to jour
readeis, us It would only prove u failure It I
did; so 1 will Jti.it nay that It Is wonderful,
mill lunuot bo compiehoiidcd when ton,
uuich Iiidh dtsorilitnl with the pen or tongue.
The itvoMgo atteudaiu'ii last week was about
one hundred thousand, and jestetday I was
, out depaitiiient, along w Itli Mossis. Dulut
and Dubois, itnd wo could not answer tho
pu siions and show llio v Ulttirs 0111 display.
Now, 1 liBVttmado 'uiiipaiUoiiB (.( our uni
ties with thoie of other Status that have the
bc-t, mill thelitis no such a. display on tho
entile ground. Wide sonic ot them nitty
have Minimum single aitlcle th tl is us good
k. our.", yet when Jim bring tlie colltvllon
of all our pi oducls to compare with all of
tin !, wt t)llttllp them, because ours Is all
g.iod itud uostsMiid rttte iiuiong It, mid It m
mlnds me of u lemark 1 made in iuy-MitHi
l e ore the Oiegon S ate Agiictilluial Society
lljrte ytars Hgo, 1 aaid, " I. idle and gen
tletniin.lct mo s.iy, not In the way ol Ibittery,
lull In c.indor, tlut 1 believe If our display
, here to-d.ty was placet Md) by side w 1th that
of imv Stalo In the I'moii, 1 believe that, in
j islity. It would entry oil' that gloilous om
Ut, in, tho blue rlblmn." Now, Mr. Ktlltor,
when I made that assertion 1 was in earnest,
fur my ualuial inclination to observe had
been o strongly develop! that 1 was satis
tied I was light: still, It had 110 etltct on the
hearer, ol the remark, lint, thauKs bo to
lllin who lilies the uulvtr.se that 1 have
lut'U Himrt'd the life and opportunity of oo
nig it testetl to my s.ttlsfiicllonuudtotlioglo.
ry oi tho people of Ore, on. And It the ihm
jiii ofOrtgou aio benetltttl by this gtutid
kit. wing, the.v euitaluly owe tliauk-s to Mr.
A J. iMlur tor ins ptitl in mis ginnui'iutr'
iiiimt Ins done inoio to f ur Hdviiuuire,
1 . .1 iv u our own country, but nbirwd,
,ut ul.t huvo Iwi'ii dono In nit'oio
(l, . : i:urucU tisv ttiwutlwiif many
tuwitru us. I am aked every day by men
of means as to tho dlirerent branches of busl-
nossfor Invostlntr tholrmonev. Tlitsenuos.
tlonsj came luroas well prepared as possi-
bio to answer, for I have long been of the
opinion that there oro several branches of
of business In manufacturing that should bo
carrieion with us that might hurt &oino
business houses of San l-'rancisco with
branches at roitland, and I hear that they
have been inclined herclr.l'oro to discournge
tho starting of mcli manulacloiles in Or
egon. Two or threo parties have spoken to
mo on tho mi Inject of starting n factory for
combing and spinning our combing wool?,
and shipping the yarn to the weaver and
thus bvo all wasto and lossas in freight. I
havo visited several lvoolan mills, and will
visit several more; in i'ict, I will make a
thorough Investigation of the wool matter
Now, all the interest that is awakened in
business men here from various localities is
owing to the great exhibit here.
Tho horso show was very good Canada
exhibiting the greatest number of good
horses lor farm purposes. There aro no cat
tle or sheep on the grounds as yet, but Ihoy
will bo hero on or before the 20th of this
' Tim .Inn. ulinof jluu unrtl It'.ill t-mirnvnlfid
about throo hundred on exhibition, ofallthe
various breeds, ranging fiom two and a hall
upas high as one hundred and titty pounds.
Yours truly, M. Wimcixm.
At tho Centennial.
The following letter lrom Miss Angell, of
Muskogan, Michigan, has been handed us
by her brother, A. (J. Angoll, who lives In
this city :
I)i:ak lii'.oTiimt: On our return I have
thought I would devote a little time to giving
you a short description of our Journey fiom
Muskogan ourouto for tho Centennial. We,
Kv.i and I, lelt tho nliovo named place, the
wook following the cIomi ol 0111 school, lor
homo. Alter n thioo weeks' visit at home,
sUrlod on Thursday morning, July 1 1, tor
the Hist, making tho Centennial, ot couise,
our objective point. Wo stopped in Eaton
Kiiplds, Michigan, over the Sabbnth, at the
homo of an old school 11 lend of mino, and
Monday morning left lor Detroit. A gentle
man classmato of mine, who know of our
coming, met us at the Depot, nud, in the live
hours which wo had between trains, showed
us much of tho best pari ot our Metropolis
city. Leaving there at six p. m., we encoun
tered a very pleasant party of Ann Ailur
kttiil.iitfu flirn,. r.f tt'l.f.t,, v, ...,. t.i t r. nt.il i-u
I.... ,., ,.:..,
tu.n ..j ,-,.. umn uit.u ,u nut. inn.,
ttuniiHiiippiHi hi, iMagitrn iue nuxiuiiy, aim
of course enjoyed the disappointment at first
sight and atlor wonderment when compre
hendlugthe sublimity and awful great
ness ol this marvel of waterfalls, O110 of
my Iriouds tells 1110 that 1 did not half enjoy
the grandeur of the (alls, because 1 did not
lie upon my back for a few hours, at least,
on dual Island, ami imagine, doliglittully,
that every momout the Immense torrent of
boiling suds was starling from its foundation
and whirling along with iltho little strip ol
laud 011 which I lay, or becausu I did not
cross the river In as trail a looking cratt as
over was the smallest row boat In which we
uaed to ride on Grand river, at a distance ot
about twenty rods below the falls. I assured
him I would bo excused from both expert
menu, and all the grandeur 1 could compre
hend would hi gotten in a perMtiidlcular
position, 011 Coat Island and 011 the banks.
From Niagara wo went to Albtny, whore
wo stayed over night, and next morning
took a boat lor New York. 1 never enjoyed
a day moro than this one, with tho 110 miles
011 the Hudson. Tho banks are iudesciib
ablv beautllul, nnd many points of Interest
along tlio shore can be roi'ogniy.i fiom tho
boat. Tho old houses of Washington Irving,
N. V. Willis, Audubon, tho great omitliolo
gist, Cyrus W. Field, ol telegiaphic reputa
tion, ot in my Now York business moil of
nolo, nud hundreds of palatial residences
may bo soon, West Point, Tarrytovvn, and
other points of Involution try rocird. Wo
wore in Now York two tlHjs.and -spent every
moment of the time, aside from eating ami
sleeping, sight seeing.
Wo v Isllod Central Park.rodu up and down
, . 1 1 ,.,,-. , , . 1
iiroauwity aim rum .vveime, visnou tuo
most interesting public buildings, and worn
thoroughly tired when we left tor Philadel
phia, nud had not seen h ill' wo wanted to.
Wo were lu Philadelphia ten days, ami
whatcau 1 tell you ot tho great exhibition,
tho ureateitt tho woild has ever known! 1..
a vvobk wo made n tour of tho world. Saw ' Gru" iuK "utrles or K.irope. Tho percout
the people In their uuivo dress, saw tho pro-1 a8M ol " 1,CHt- TO"'lwiod with good average
ductlous orthovari.ms countries, and had l'N"o thusMuUd: Hnglaud, S iwr cent.
tlio oppoituuity ot comparing tho various
exhibits, which wocouhl not have had, had
we tiavelod trout country to country. My
only trouble whs hetMUie of tho shortness of
my time and putso, l wanted to stay a
month longer, llowover well a person may
work, lu a week's time una can get little else
Ihnu a general Idea of all there is to be seen
The feelings enlorialned for tho North by the
.sooib wits sh.wii in the MMieitv m (,
soutlieiu cxhlbl'.. M'liiv
ot the Southern ,
Slates wile bardlv reiire-.pnted: -011111 nr
them did .veil. The State bulldhiL- ot Mich.,
was nuked with another as llMt lu the
quality of tho material, which was entirely
trom Mlchoiau. Tho exhibition gtouuds
have tho itpptarauco of a sma.l, Icautilully
laltl out rlti. Theio are mau.v l.inciliilly
built booths mid ptvilieuMiiade by the dif
let cut foreign nations, which, together with
the Immeiiso buildings cnilatiiing the gin-
er.il exhibit, built lu uoli tlittorlng ttj le ol
iirehitotture. make up a t;ri)Uiue v.holo
,...., ,.. ,, ;, , , .,.", ...
...it.I..;t. tt. ..t. .it.., . iuuukui 01 3011
11 nu.toie.i iiinui unit hishiw ynii tuere.
1 'the exhibit uf our ovu country coiuiurisl
very hbly with tatt from nil others, l JjJB o Mr, leller, nwr lJola, was biiruel on
-- ., J 1 ...,.1 r ,. .Aiih.i 'TltUMauy uight of lasiweoi;, wtthihocou
a. surpr.Kl ttud, of coor-o, dellsmcd. iH,Krtt!n.lmy.oto. lusurod thr fW-U
The rorfigu vouutriM havo bcn ttfraM ol jwn did not learn.
sending their best painting and plfcea of
statuary, hardly daring venture the reills of
an ocean voyage, and, as a consequence, in
that department thore is very much of a
I sameness In tho display, and Aroorlc doos
l not tako a secondary place, as she would,
1 had It bton otherwise The Main buildlne,
I with Its oloven miles of walk, contained
1 everything, I am safe to ..iy, and promised
abundant ploasure for tho millions
Well, I will leave the Kast, and bid you
adieu. I P. A.ni:i.i..
The California Fruit Dayer.
Tlio abundance of fruit In California the
present year has Induced many to go lutothe
fruit drying business and a great ntuubsr of
California Fruit Dryers hvo been manufact
ured and so.'d In that Stste In consequence.
The scarcity of fruit in our own State pro-
vents tho production of any great quantity
of dried fruit tho present year, so Oregon
will not bo in tho markot with any great
amount of it tho present season.
Wo find tho following concerning the Cal
ifornia Fruit Drjer In thoSicramento Valley
" Wo call It a pro3erving machine as the
fruit before us is preserved to a high sugared
state, unlike tho sun-dried fruit, and is
moist, full and plump In appearance. The
giapes, plums, prunes, nnd all ol her trulls
are ouroii in a diy heat that cures them Into
a preserved or sugared state so it will keep
in that condition an v Ioncth of time. Nearly
all ol our cranes can thus bocurod in a yery
high sugared slate, mid put on the maikot
111 a better cuudltlou and quality man mo lor
eign ralsms, A3 far as our observations
hye been nudo this drying machine excels
all others in curing all lruit that contains
oacclmrioo juices, and at a cost tr les than
any know 11 process. Our grape growers can
tako tiia dnor and turn their surplus lruit
Into tho most Miperior quality ot dried or
preserved fruit, that will bring the highest
prices in San I'racclsco and in the Ktslern
maikets, where it, is in constant demand,
To show our fruit-growers the largo prollt
realized In preserving fruits on this valuiblo
dryer, we will give the actual iiguios of the
lruit preserved on thoo driers. Mr. J. M.
Ciishlng, olSt. Helena, stilts that '220 pounds
ot French prunes, dried and prt-sorvul, net
ted 94 pounds of dried and sugared prunes,
selling at '2- edits per pound; Mr J. A Craw
ford, of Sobastopol. states that Ills dried and
preserved lruit will brine; four to live cents
moro than other dried fruit; Mr. Houtier,
near Sacramento, who is canulng'awi drying
Immense quantities of fruit, says that oveu
six cents per pound will pay for plums and
prunes dried anil pre-erved on the Dolt?,
patent. By actual test it takes les than three
pounds of Mhlaua or Muscat umufs to make
a pound of highly siuarod raisins, superior
to tliosun-diied. Mr. Chandler, ot Marvs-
vlllo. sivs that his fruit i suiendid and in
tends to dry all the dillerect variolic of
grapes on tuo rleKelson raneu, near ljin
coin. Mr. Grosli. 011 the UldwMl mmili, at
chico, sold aprltots dried on this drier, at :i0
j cents poiliui; .Mr. lir.cK, 01 JiarysvuiH, 10
ceived tlio highest piice for all tliedill'fieui
dried and preserved fiu.it sent to tho city,
and the couiuitsMou merchant writes that ho
wanted all that could be had now. This
shows that our grapes, plums, primes, apri
cots, nectarines and peaches can be sent
Kast to an unlimited m-tiket, and w ill not
ood payitiit pr.ces on account of its superior
quality, and k6ipiug any length ot time, be
ing (run lrom all eggs of Insects and din.
From the Upper Columbia.
It. 1. Stoen, Master of the Grange at Djy
tou, W. T., made us a call last Monday, on
his way to attend the annuil meetiug ot tho
Slate Grange at Albauy. He reports times
as prosperous In Walla Walla and Columbia
cmintlo, and Dayton ns particularly lively
with business. The harvest has been re
markably large this year, many fields yield
lug as high as sixty bushels of wheat to the
aero. The two sto-tmers ot the o. B. rv. co.i
earrjing about 12."i tons each, were notsiitli-
dent to carry oil' all the grain awaiting ship
ment. A new steamer, built by the O. S. N.
Co., was rt-ady to launch nt Celllo, and
would bo lu miming order shortly, Ihe
boat, being built by Capt. Stump, 011 the
Washingiou rm-ritory side, would bo leady
tor launching in a few weeks; and these new
steaiuuts would facilitate lue shipment of
gram to Portland. The l). :i. N. C 1. carry
wheat and Hour from Wallnla to Portland
for six ooliais per 1011, while I hey charge
twenty live dollars per ton on all freight
lrom l'oithiud to Wallula, thus tavorint: tho
j miners, while the railroad I10111 Walla
Walla to Wallnla is not so favorable iu lis
rates, discriminating against tho fannus
soinnwhat. TUe County Fair was being
held, when Mr. Suen lett, mid thoie wasa
flue exhibition ol tho productions of the
counttv, particularly iu fruits. Tuo price of
w 1n.1t hi litvion is .1,' to 40 coots nor
- " ' - - -
Tlio Wheat Crop Abroad.
At the meeting of tho Vienna International
Com Association, held tho first ofSeplember,
lopoiw were loceiveu irom au mo grain
below; South Franco, "Jl per crut. below;
North I'm uce, good average; Mecklenburg,
'.M pi r cent, below; Hadin, 10 per cent. below;
Wurleiuburg, ."1 per ceut. below; Bavaria
uul Saxony, good average; Austria, Hun
gary, Miulh and Cential Russia, good aver
ul'; Noun Hus-ia, TO iir ceut. below;
litis,, u Polai'd, lull average; Koumanla, 2
I"' ,wl''t- bfU,: Shserlmid, 10 percent,
below ; Sweden , Norway and Denmark, IS
I1 "lll "''" alul luo -M-ineriaits 01. per
cold, below . In all the eontiuenttl ctuitl.
tries, except Franco and Italy, which have
lull average, the crop of rye U reported oveu
shorter than the wheat ciop, tho percoiitncfs
til dtcrease varilng from five tJ tony, the
average decrease belug uot far Irom IS ir
Dvv ii 1.1 no ItfiiNun. The tlnoiesldeuoeof
Mrs. Uetler, 111 Mtinmouib, caught fire on
Thursday eveuiun of las; wtitk, and was
burned 10 the ground. All of tlm furniture
s aved. but the library and bedding vvero
ittnvtsl. Cau-u oi the tire, it dmoctlve
lUl0i UW) over j(i,x-iMmM for fJI.WVJ.
- - - -
U.vun Uuum:i,- A bsuuoua ulitoo belong-
Tub Lavvvkk V3. tiik Faiimeu. I ho
nitron's Helper, ol low a, complains that 2."0
lawyers out of f ho IO,OCO In the country will
g to Congress this year while nut of il.nOO -000
farmers perhaps twelve wilt go. It In
stances the shelving nf Congressmen Wilson
and Tuft1", for lawvers, as evldenco of the
fact. Here is texaliou will out fdtquato
representation. And yet tho tanners have
themsolves to blame for this condition ot
thiugs by their own apathy In polithal
affairs. Virtually, us the Scientific Varmcr
observes, "aiiioultura has no r presentation
In our law making assemblies."
CosrunriKci:. Il.e 1'nciQc Conference of
the HvniigolicHt Assoc! iMon, was hold nttia
Ipiii commencing Sept 2S, Bishop Dubs pre
siding After rmna'idiiK in session for three
davs, and trana-tc'lng busfnessoflinporlauco
to the Association, the following appoint
ments were made:
,f. Bowersox, P. R., Albany.
H. ileln Inner, Salem.
J. CroHsuian, Corvallls.
F, W. YorfMu, Stu FianclTO.
W. C. Kirituer, Yamhill Mission.
Accini:NT. On Thursday afternoon, Sept.
lis, a part of the nan brido now bong
built at Green' Ferry, near Jotforson, lull,
carrjlog with It a number of men. all oi
whom were more or list hurt. llurvoy
Miller, Nelson Uxipv and brother, Mr.
Crab ree, and A1 r. McQ men wmto injured the
"out, tho other no', btlog hurt seriously.
Drs. I'.tytou an.' .Snaiple-, of Salem, weile
siimniouod by telozrapb, and went up on
tho evening tr..m to attend tho wounded
men. At last acomnts all new doing as
well as could bo exp'v'c I. Woikwas re
stimod on the bridge 011 Saturday morning.
Suicim:, Mi-s Mary Jutiti Bilyeu, a
young Udy llvniri' at Mr. Jo. Tlioin'psoti's,
lu Saiom, commiiied suicide on Wednesday
morning, Sept. l!7, by taking strychulno,
She lelt a letter stating btr purpo"a, and re
questing her body to bo buried near hor
mother's grave, she lormorly lived near
Sclo, but her lather is at present in Eisiein
Oregon. Disappolntmout in love was tho
cause of tlio rash act. Hor age was about
nineteen years,
AlusnoNiip. The Xtafciir.im learns from
Mr. O. i Lltchrlold, vvtio has beea for soma
vears pxst the Indian Agent at the Al'oa
Reservation, anil who arrived in Salem with
bis family, that on the bkh lust., he vacated,
by older of tlm U.S. government, the Res
ervation, turning all tho government pronor
ty over to Mr. Win. INgley, of tbo Siletz
agency. This reservatiou is now open for
selllemeut. Quite a number of squatters
am already tuoro, and a number of the
moro civilized ludiius have located claim s.
Brunei's Thames tunnel has long been
thought a failure. It is astonishing, there
fore, to learn that work 011 a new subway un
der the Thames was commenced at Wool
wich, August 25. bv borimr on tho north side
of the liver, and it is exptcted to bo com
pleted within six or nine months.
Probnblv tho rarest and moit costlv mod
ern uih,ntelpiti:eovr brought to this conuiry
ts that which Harrison liav Otis is IiuvIlil'
put in his now hou-e at Boston. It Is of
black oak, stands owr six fenc.lsel tborateU
carvd with massive figures, and is known to
no 4oO years 01 u.
Salkji, Htpr. 21, ISTii.
The inintoouimittee iifiioluted bv th"iies
cut Legislative Assembly im the fish aud
fisheries of the Columbia river and other
waters of Orfcon, to collect statistics there
on and leport bv blllor otherwise, suitcost-s
that persons interested, and in possession ot
facia or information ou .he subject, commu
nicate by letter or otherwise with the chair
uidn or othsr members of the committee im
media'ely. AiuoS. WArr, Chairman.
Mr. Samuel Uurc.li, who was shot by tho
man Wayne at ISueti Vista last week, is
slowlv recovoring, and has been lemoved to
his hither's hou-e, near Ind)ndotice.
In Salem, Sept. 11, lS7d, Mrs. .Tosie R.
Auuell, wito of A C. Angell, aged 2!' yeais,
7 months, aud 23 days.
Pure spirit, thou hast tld
This vm Id of pain and strife,
And in thy vniitu and bloom,
Hast yielded back thy life.
We guzn niion thy f u o,
So frtir In death's ropose,
Aud'iisk If this cm bo
Of mortal lite the close.
lbil falrb tho mission sons
Ol God's great tinder love,
Hiding thy life with him.
In Jesus' home above.
Rest then in hope, dear one,
Till tho glad and glorlomi dav,
When God's bright amrels come
To bear thy soul away.
And hush each rislns sigh
And eeae vonr ftlllnr tears,
T were b,-tter far to follow her,
Than wish tlut she were hero.
3E1. -A-. SSzxxitli, -i3u.-tiEt,
Salem, Ori'ROu, dulir lu Merco-copea and bteroo
ncoiiic View, and scene of s'aleia and the furround-lc-countrv.
blld.sUo rUctuniplii", lu India Ink. OU
or Water Color. fell
Dr. L. S. SKIFF,
- - onr.co.v.
1)11. I. VI. BELT.
0ucator to Cox & D?lt,l
Druggists and Apothecaries,
.t'D lltALtS. IN
ristMttlritls'. I'ci'liiiticrs' l'tc:it
. .'iOllIOllH'S, I'lll'C luc
mill I.liiuiii's, ilc,
M.Hiie' HliH-V. Coiuucrciil srreet, SALEM.
iW JIVUKY I1FAK wt.: have have char.-e r the
Vrcuninioii Detsirtmeut ajll'f
Home ItTado aud Hand-Made
n o ojr s .
L you au N accoouuoj&tcd ty ctlUie;
.if irmtstrttnK'.H ntinp,
On t-o.-i. .i ,. i.tr,' witl.'S'a UmUi BTUKB.
Ali ,,... WHNti. I'.lce lliuuxxui.i,.
tloualrmz K'f'j ' nj.' um. Oirit a
t4 cuut w.u. Att.tis't ::oa?).
mj&JX 33 X 3E3 SL-ST ,
.Mr. Watklnrls in tlieold eslahllnlitd hotisc in the
ibovu line, tlio attention ol the conimimlly It cal'id
l lue stock uf
on band, which Is offered ot greatly reduced rBtef.
At lowest Granger pilcei.
Hardware, Wliipa, Robes, etc.,
To ult cverjbody.
Salem. Feb. 12, 1SS. wtM
Mrs. Rohrer's New Remedy
J. 110 raiuil lu the relief and cure of Oiin.hf. Colds,
Aftlmm, Hiunthltl. Cioiip, Wl'uoplng Conah, .Mtia
sles ic. It has inedneed romc rcmattnlile cures,
sola by dnugMit t'enerallv Prepmcil milv hy
, Jim. K. ICOlf HKM, Momnumli.'Ur.,
To wuoiu all letters of buin should be addr-ed.
S. E. corner, at head of stalm. felty
I.UOIU3 B32Sr.,
Snccessor to J. M. Keeleb Co.,
oa L,iDert' !., - - NKiv YOKK,
Coiiunission Vfyo3it
hi' Toik via l-thrati", l'acinc Kallroid, deiI
(.ape lloni, all klruls of Jlerc haiiilleo, aud lor the lie
ol Products from the Pacific coait, for the collection
of money, ic. oclStf
Buy aud Sell City Properly,
Make Collections.
Mutual Life Insurance Company
Union Fire Insurance Comp'y
Htlop, their "Descriptive Land Circnlur," and
IJescripiive Circular and Weather Hecoid ol Or-
J'fflco e" cro'ind tUot, OPKRA IIOUSR liLOCK,
Profitable Investment.
J!. In Clalsoii tirinty, touf ii-tiu," of my urlirlual liona
lion claim, on Lewi and rlurkv rlvi-r, consifilra of
tlvii huutlro'i acre-, tn thirds I d Innd me.idow, ac
MiOHlctLiei. tiibelliebeFisi t-k Llaim in the couut).
Also alirtre Inte-u-ttu tin-t'eper "111111 ol AS'J'fl
fcl a uortton ot .T.ilm A.l.iir'.. ..i f,i,.n , i,.im r...
iliuieoi tuo i-uuscribiT.
A'turla, v.utiii4, is;c,tr
. -...! . . -. "-.'-' -... -
T. '. l'oVV LRb.
Willamette Hurserv
Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon.
Growers of the Choicest Vanctlc of
Particular attention given to Cherry, Prnr.e ord Plum
trees. im
Salem Flouring: Mills.
Oouwtniitl.v on IIuikI.
Ultfliewt lrio iu CASH
Paid for Wheat
A.-cJt S. V. M
Sept 13tf
slwi, oiei:OA.
Oln-onio DiacnscQ
Head, Tli tout, Clii'ist, and nipest-
lc Organs, nud ol I he ivi-
oiin Sjolrm generally,
OrricE-Coinmerclal Hotel. jeicy
GEO. n. SlalUL,
Attornoy u t I., 11
OiuVe m"ar Uik Old Ceurt-lloiiir.
To Farmers ana' Others.
L t'v evtry fteamer in earth ofcniidovmeiit, and
he Ikurd KUdlmcHltyln penimr vacinclt. for tfceia
part, rieafe tatothe w--et oirtre.!. thi list.
ol ram
inn waut, 'ib mr now ion.- tini.luvwict will be
w s. i.vnn
11. i!ui.ii:.'.ith.
ii. w. 1 okuktt.
1 i mtwwHEit,
wiiLi.vv i t:m,
. P.i-ti'..tnn, t .. Imnt.-rttlf.r..
Execucors' Iotice.
'imlerfitrnft! har lietm t1n!r an,., ir 1.1 1...
-. t!i O.UIIIV lotirt of Marion uoi.ti m.i- . c".i
Sf"'?, H -v;pt.mlKr ternt. iv,,, rxttuiur. uf iha
UitHjUand unuiuen f Luowl- j-warvlct-. Me ot
ts. M.-Im eontr, .'Minl, An jiefa. luvU.--
U ' ','"." ,4-";":Lr'!".1 ' ,:" "V ,u-- ""'" a "
'I.. u'!ili.-iiMl.nt i-i.-ir rc.tt. ut . 11 Ann.ra. 'u rahl
eovii.1, W.U.U U tut Mb. lr..iIt tfc'. taie.
!. ?, UWt s- re laid ,lat?.
.. mtinuic vn.-ny nqcrn rainier, and rtberu
Lo require rami Iiandi or lal.or of n5 ku.d. 10 Im
mediate! commnnicate vtith at and vte vtlll cU.i!y
'-it'j ...v.., ,.,.,, fulii uiHjr ir, nr i r..-. nt. ,.