a!v 6 XTTT T WTLLAMETTE FARMER. 1 I I i ii it O II u ill ill Ih .St. Mil nil Ml I not U) Ibn fvi TE liKETS. Wheat. ConHldorablo now wheat has already come Into Salem Mills and Farmer's Warehouse; receipts being about 1,000 bushels per day now. The yield of fall-sown grain falls far below expectations, having been drownod out by excessive rains and choked by wild growth ol weeds In many instances. Spring wheat turns out handsomely, however. Both W.J. Ilerren and Salem Mills pay Go cents per bushel for now wheat, and the market, through the world generally, shows improvement within a short time. The prospect for the new crop is now better than we cxpectod, though wo have yot no rooson to anticipate anything like a high price. It is simply loss disastrous than we feared, and there is room to hope for Improvement. Wool. Mr. W. J. ilerron informs us that he is prepared to purchaso good clean wool at 15 cents, and that Is the highest llgure wo near or tor small lots. There Is but little wool left unsold. Nkw Vaiiikty ok Wiikat. Wo mado a note last year that Klnnoy it Co., of Salem, imported some wheat from Australia, that was n variety now to Oregon, with the in tention of Introducing its cultivation hero, and ascertaining If It retained the character it had acquired both lor quality and yiold. We have been shown ripened grains ;ot this wneat, sown ;y Mr. win. ii. lupuens, who lives a fow miles north of H,i1im, and lie also Hhowcil with It some ol tlio mlglnal wheat. The new wheat was one-third plumper than the seed nown, and Air- Steplious thinks tho yield will oxceed anything over known in Oregon, with erjuall cultivation. Goon Timoihv. Tho largn.it timothy wo boar of ctuno from Mr. IMltuer's placo in tho Waldo Hills, stood 7 feot 'IVt inches high, and tlio heads was 11 incites long. Who can boat that ? .San I'ruiirlsi'o Murkcl. lUV TEI.KUIIAI'II.J San Francisco, Aiif;. 7 riimr Onlilin (.nil-. etn Jn'iblng, $5 bV,i pajalilc In sllu i at slxtydavs. Wluut bund Inltrlnr grniliH $1 MKgl Hi, ship pine;, $1 .iWi 1 iiSX: w illi some s ilm of ihokc inllllnc jit 1 VI Oats ijiiktntfl :i3il 10. Ilarlsj -Ilnin, $1 ljil '). Lepil Tenders, Vla'iO'i Lhirpool whuit nurki t to day la odOs '.Hi for inirat:o Calilorula, 'is tdlus ;M for Club. California Markets. Wo ropy tho follow lug from tho San I-'mn-clsco ('iimuic)iiiil Jimaltl of Aug. 3d, 187!: Thorn H t'liiisldiirnblo ill&eugagod toiinago in port suuklng luminous, at tlio saiuu time thorn Is .i largo niimhur of cnxiIs now on tho l'. K. berth, and loading with dispatch, most of tliiim btjlug secured hoiui timo hIiich at ruttis ruling from (0(iu70-t, iiccordlng to timo and port of discharge. Tho llr Iron Hhip Hrj.ul arrived horn from Calcutta a low tlajH since, under n homo ch.nlnr to a ar.m ger nt CI Us td, but upo:: arilving hero was rui'liiirteruil to tlm Hmngurs' HiisIiikxh Asso ciation to load for LUorpool at CI 17h (M, Tho Hoot now on mule to this port from afar Hggrogitos upon 300,000 tons of icgistnred tonnage, about tho saiuo quantity ns en roll to ono viiar ago. At this writing lrtiight to tho United Kingdom aro entirely nominal way 53(i. i!0i according In tlio poit of discharge. Wo do not see any special ilnsito to make charters or to do any spot business at date Mhip owners' views still being llrm at 60 shil lings and upwards. Tho oxport trado in July (tho first mouth In tho current harvest year) was unpreco tloiituilly largo, embracing soinn twenty lull cargoes of Wheat and one ol Flour to Kng lnnil and tlio Kuropoau coutluont, besides considerable Flour to China and South nnd and Central America, The aggrogato exports Htand thus: Of Wheat lor the mouth of July, lil.i.iiOl ctls, against 'JM,or." ctls same timo last your; of Flour, .1.1,71 1 bills, ai;aiut ;i-,0'i7 bbls lor lU'orriiHpondlngpeiiodot 1875. While wo have madu this good beginning for tlio harvest your, wu are oncournged by tlio promised returns of the harvesters to bo lltiMi that wo urn to continue to do a larger oxport trado In August, and so cnntluuo tor lor tho year upon which wo liavo so auspi ciously iiiitiued. Since tho incoming of August prices for Wluut in M or pool huvo Mhon-ii u rising toiideucy, said to be occas nlouod by tho advent ol wot and i, liny wcath 4sr in Kngland, thus jeniiardirlug tho In gathering ot harvest. Whether this Im provement of -KiW'J in value is to bo poriimnont is yet quostloiialilo. it should, uownver, bo reiiiemliord that tho Wheat averages In lhiglaud for tlio p-tst ton years have boon about lis, and very rarely going a low as IN l iiimrter. Thus fr in tho sea- swill wheat deliveries have lioou free, the irillt or early contract purvlmsos. tteceipta now are liberal, and we oontliloiuly look lor ncnutluuam'oof tree supplies. Wheat Within the past lew days cable, grams from Liverpool aiiiiminco a rise of !(! s) quarter on average Calltoiuia cargoes, oc casioned by uiilavorable weather to the har vest In the United Kingdom. This advance lias been tho occasion of a slight iNe hern, yot there Is no excituineiit, no iqiculativo fooling among local dealers oi ipoiiers, the Knglish rise naviugltmiialioHd,vilisc.iuuted by shipiHTson this co isl, leaiu'g no iiutrgln for pro lit as yet. Wluut mrgnos costing liero Jt fi'J'j P ctl, Iroight ti, and excliaugo Iti'ad, make the cost and fieUht in l.lorool 'UN M l' nil irlor, and which is even mure than Kngllsli purchasing (odors will admit. The transactions lor the week solar as re ported iiggrepito as follows! JO.tHM oils prime iorexpiirl, private; 7,.'iOO oils do, f. i; ,i ,MKI oils do, gl o'- ,; I IWOt'tlH elinlcnold mlUiiiL'. tfl Hi'j I itt; -'.'UK) ctls Inferior (iii'tedl, ?l ll'Ol-l J i. l.OYi cilsery couiiunu, 1 i"; "JOO tons gisid Ntilppliig, $ .!',, 1,VH) tons prime hllipplllg, Jl K 'i. WoUll'lllit )IUMll'illhOt the l.lvoi iitvil ui irket ot August 'J I, IsTii: n tirngn, "i l! Ua'ls W; club, 'Is ,sd(.i.Ul4 ' i. ts; , nxoragii. Ills .s.( ij club, Ills UhUillsiil 17I uumgo, llri Jlfcills id; club, llsudu U's3d. Hops Wo Iihwi llttlii lo miv aliout our lioiiin uiiirUet: prkollHal 1c, Mller Mri'luilcx, I .I'.iiiinet Wells' New otli clrvul.tr ol July -1st wiys; iuo;ntlon uouilitii and price iiui'Iisiil'ihI. JIoiihi crop rviporls o less tHvorable Tim liot nistthfir l berflnutug to have a bid filed upon the vhietn hoineof tho important dU trlcts. Wo Imvo iMiiirJiluta of lice, lliiu vine, and slow uniting wit, the tendency b. lnBWMU.,...mi'-i: fruit cliiktora near III no ii.ps in iiiu j-.uss , riie miallty of a top crop l iifiiallv rt'i thntiKli In iiuaiilltv oonsiiUublv Uw t ln when thre l prolusion ol arum lo the vims'. iAiitilgii cnipadvlaw rfni null unM- voraliie. rue rHirin nan not ,.n uu iuwi uny Uvorable. Tim repor'i hd not jt pro iluisjd hiiv favorable iiilluoiu'e upon the trudo In iAindon. It la reported tlitt con tracts have been inaiie up lu (IiU Slate for the new crop at 20e. We would advise grow ers not to contract at any price. Wool Advices from the interior state that fall shearing has already commenced in the southern counties. With us stocks are very much reduced, and that remaining will not foot up more than 500,000 lbs of all kinds. The trade Is chiefly in best Northern and Oregon, of which there are free receipt.'. Tim liiut flrmrnn utontnnr hrmiirht down 1200,- 000 lbs. and much ol this has oeen placed at fair prices. The tact is, trade in wooi us been running very smoothly for the past six weeks, and within that time all good pwcels found ready sale, ho far a tew lots of iall and Lamb's Wool have reached market, and have found buyers at HfelOo, merely to test the I'Ust on this class. The parcels referred to wore more or less dirty and burry, anil tho quotations will have no binding influence on tho market hereafter. Sales embrace the following: liO.000 lbs inferior and hurry Spring, Willie; 15,000 lbs, Uc; W,w a Northern California, good to choice, lGi'-Oc: 100,000 lbs, l'JJC5 WJic; 50,000 lbs Valley Or egon, lUfe'-'Ocfor best. Kastem Oregon not In demand except at low rates. European Grain Markets. London, Aug. 8. The Marl: l.anc I.j pi ess says; A more lively business has been nau in loreign wneac. iiueniu"i' with increased freedom, and there has been no further quotable decline. Supplies or barley continue scanty and values are there fore maintained. Oats are drooping in ten dency, the imports materially exceeding the requirements. Maize noils readily at Gd de cline on the past week, with fair inquiry lor distant shipment. The iloating cargo trade l!w hum HnnlflnHlv Htnadv lately, nheat showing an improvement ot fully oil, owing Drobablv to the unsettled weather and some ullnlit ravrliral nf nnntinnntAl demand. I ri- oes on tho continent have improved lately, because the yield in France proves disap pointing. Nun- Vonir, Aug. (. Cleaiauces of raln from Atlantic seaboard ports for Kuiopo lor tho week were 500,000 bushel i of v he.it, in cluding about 150,000 bushels for the Conti nent; 1,100,000 bushels ol com, nearly all destined for tho United Kingdom; 59,000 busholH rye, mostly forNorway and Sweden; 118,000 bushels oats lor France and I nlted Kingdom, chiefly the lattor. SALEM MAKKET. MONETAIIY. Leual Tesdekb, buj lug, Sfii : eclling, 'n, ;c FLOUH, OKAIN &c. Wheat, beet wbitc, y biii-ln;! f M Oinr,v ha ::T.. Corn Meal, y O id; Flour, bet, V eack. (X barrel) 7i, -X: Uuckwhtat Floar, t? lb 4P, 5 Ilran, ) ton It- WKiu .. Sborts, 'on 2M)0ift .. OilC'aku Meal, V ton H04J.... FhiHecU, kt lb 8tf.... Uay, W ton, new s (,j ,, baltd, V tuu. H auocEitins. Busar, San Francisco rcflncd, ty bbl ItiXlil 11 Inland 11 II crushed 14iii lb powdered !IX& It' CMtiiilatcd li((4 l.'i blrup ?IkU HXB1 01) I'cn, Japan. V lb 6(kB1 iki Imperiil 1 45a 1 50 Colli.e, C'oHta liica, W lb , Sffiffa 27 Kin 'Vii 27 Ko'io 2Vio .. Java .'i5e t Silt, Carmen Island, per cw &l 00 Liverpool, coarse Gl 00 dairy ffU "" U'ty & b7 FHUITS, VEaETAIlLr.S,;&o. Applcx "3 SO dried, V lb Odd h Peaches, dried, V 9 lXi 111 Plmus, " " ID 12 I'eirs, ..c. pr bu Ui-nns. m -n b I'olatois, J) buhel 50(t4 75 Onlous, W m 'oA 5 Calibre, fl tin 75tol 00 BUTTKItriboS. Ac. llutter, rreh rolls, fl lb ; 2."h(1 ."XI picked 2IK0.25.. Kcss. Tjl dotn 2Ua 25 I'lu ese Ore ion prime, V lb lb .. Lard, B) 1. 25 OH.sT&c. Mneed Oil, boiled, $ irallou nv . raw, " v.kb I.a.il OU, V gallon 1 (.'.'4tl 75 Coal OH, " :i5(i& .is v.eatsloot Oil, $ gil 1 SOW! no Tallow, V '(& 10 LKATUEU, &c. Corrected by J. V. OUbirt, dealer, Sakm harness Leather, V B 'A'4t 40 Skirling Leather, " 3.'.7.Si llridle Leather, prslde I 5H4.W Ml FrenrhC'alf er iliu 1Vrt7f -iruich Kip, pr do. $;5fi(.UKI Cal. and On gun Calf " SO 4J Kip 43 . 27( H inta Crui bole, pr I) 2' I llldis. dry, .it, '.I m 6 . 15 211 .1 IXKitl .VI 1IMJ 73 green Deer SUiib, dry, pr 1) " drvssed, " Sheep Fells w. S. NEWBURY. lot and lln Front street, lOIITI.ANI. ... DUKIiON, GKNKlt.M, Traveling uud niaiiaglng .tgt'itl FOH inAHO and WASIIlM.Tl.N TKltlilTOltlES ami the STATE OF OHEdON, for FRANK BROS. & CO., SAN FRVNCISCO AND P0R1LAND, Impurtori tuul Dcfllort tn AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 'lit' InvinriliU' Tlirtiiiuu; Alacliine. THE LA BELLE WAGON, tlio S'aollio Coasr. FAKM. M'ltIM trik Kmeri b er nI'l!E ii i 1. 1 bo . Bid er nstnio Tllll flak. raiK but .uid i e. i. lib i. slu. in s I.OLI l.ltllllAKl IIIJWI IMI AUIMM'ED. I U.IIT Kur. i lull til i"i in b.' 'u ollbi lore ie lire is r. aud ibe leajeL bss tioeit iin nt of tie ilim.u el , I ililtnii' i buiri I'Hiiaii nib. r ai.on in the mtrkir ami nu.n leie to tl' e ro oiliett iMiiua- !Uhfer iban hii n,,. iiiiiile.ii i sine a Ueoi msii'ilAitiirvt , ' pr- . 'in u Irviui I ra patteiiif Htt.i cst ir.in the J tniliti i' Liki j-iit t,,piir I im xiui Inim lite ri i uer tiuuio- s ttu!i isir .kili.i. nu t Tlio TJnfnvr! Tinn ono' "'-"y'xiVrL-r" bulky Plow. ana 1. I'tll e -St.. dd tpiiti mi u (lu onlv ittiu or ,.4 ,-0 llJ ........-, Aliu a Fil'l I at of !Ue 1'iiiiiiiiiN HiMoril Illarlkhuuk Mnirli Pino. Ileiiiltlpt: au.l Milkj l!iki. suM Se.T DrllN U-n) 'orai.d a fu I line .if issl .ud su.l lKS. ind for Cata'e; ie ami IVi'e I ins FltAK HKOs n Fror.iluv W. j, E III It V, .iluaer. For l laud. ippiiT0, Storage, stitb e. or 2a:., G. SCOGOI.V. Yiic rnridint, fiaehn. M. WJLKXH. Pietliltnt, llauM'irg. Xo. 94 Front Street, -Dealers iii- WAGONS, CARRIAGES, REAPERS, MOWERS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, - GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF THE .TUSTLY-CELEBuATED XMCollxxo Wagons, " Tlao O-raugor's PavoritOi" AND ARE NOW RECE1V1NO A FULL LINE The Wheeler No. 6 Combined Reaper and Mower, THE IMPK0VED KIEBY TWO-WHEELED M0WEE, The Burdick Reaper, the A. W. Coats Lock Lever Hay and Grain Rake, &c , &c. Only Ginerr.1 A?cnts for Oregon and Washington for the sooil old " itanil-by," the Mccormick reaper and mower., &.c. Wc are Giangeis, ami .meau iiiinIiicns. beiiil fnr Circular, ncscrliitiu Pamphlets, ic. Ascnts in all the luiiRipnl towns in the Slate anil adjoin- ins; Territories. HoCOBKICE'S I3IPROVED PI0NEER--1843--REAPEES AND MOWER The Leading Machines of the World THE ONLY TRUE COIN AND STANDARD OF VALUE In the Keaping and Mowing Machine line. The Best is always Chearsst. There is but one Best, and that is McCORMICK'S. Kr.cmln? the McCormli k Machines to he superior to all others. c proiiose to allow responsible Farmers to take our Machine on trial in tlio ileld with any or all others, keeiiins; that whirh suits them best. .TA tll A ITIII.I.KII, tifllcrul AKCIlt. T, .1, 7IAXLOCK. r. of II,, Ajcnt for Orcson, and Wiithln-.-ton ler , Portland. Oitijoii. Stato .oxitss: T. 11 WAIT. A,-em Salem P. O. 1IMIPEK .t CO.A'-cnti- Alb my M. II UK!.f. Aeent Ccrvallis MAT1IKW WALLls. Auint Eu.'er.e Cily .1.31 SCIMOI.IVG. .L-eut Ilarrlcliur- J. C. II'IU-TUN, Agint Junction W. M POWEIIN A,'cnt shedd's W.M. T. I.TL'UIN, Atnt Wilbur Jui.cSJ, A (JRLC T L TC R A L DEPARTMENT, UNFORTH, KELLOGG, & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dculors In Agricultural Machinery and Farmers' Tools, COItNEli YAMHILL AND FHONT bTItEETs, POltl'LAND, OHEGON. ALFRED SLOCUM. Agent. Wm. Anson Wood Improved Eagle Mowers and Reapers. Maniiriiliircdevclnslitly by tin1 Eairlc Monluif aid Hiaplng Machine Corapiny, of Albany, N Y. One hundred lirrl ela prits lurac'eil Miptrlorit) in tin nerkitly balamid by the Milsht of the drher. I e (iiiiid, eall deprcsid by Iheopirhtnr Knlte wlib SuImI Head, which olniates lireakins either knife or l'ilinan. The tinijiltst. bot and rnot durable Maililnes in the piail.it, at a prim within Die reach of nil. Ilewaro ol Imposition. The name of "Win. Anon Wood" 1 moulded on the frame of each mi.ehlnc noneothcrs iremnulne. Russell Peerless Mower Thi'supirlorlly of thie Celebrated Midlines is In its I.l.'l'tnis nl Dra't. Gnat Streni-tb, and Ease of IlandlliiL'. Thi hauw. riar ci.t, thus noldiiis Ihc many .iicldent- Ihar occur Marh wllh a front rut, as tb.i drlMr an ste hi.) obstriutlon in time to aoid it The wreils an bread and hij;U. Thedriier tan i lsllj ihniw ll In o out ui iear. Material is mostly ol Iron and sieil. Hi a nuered toji, thus keeping out all the uiri uid iiui. jia an ea) spriu:.' si a', 1111 n inn oe iinui,'eii in rii'iii in icir. The sELK RAKE is intiielj iimli r the control ol the dmer dioppni" I sb i rim? a full shial whire ilieirrain iliidil We i an say, without fur of n.ciisslul imitiadiiiluu. uuraiiH nincnine in use. 'I he Old lU'lhibli' Cliicumi 1'itls" Separator ami Horse Powers. Mahufacturcd by H. A. Pitts' Sous' Mnnnlaiturlii!; Co., Chicago, 111. l'nrnurs and Tlirelicrniin who hae for the pnt Thlriv.le Yiars nnrihacd and Kmnloiid ihim. rnrilmm losjuak in niimi-takablntirnis uf Ihiir superior ruirl s lor thrihini; hiat. Oats, llirlej. l!e, l'lnsJ'im. otliv st.v,t mnl pih Mid lit lor niarki t. and cutting lee- for ri pairs than any inliir Separator In use. The Separator hae lor IbeCallfnriila and Oui;on trade, a new and iuuir.ed Kndshake Slioe, astly uJ,cio to anj in lhl uisrket. A law arraj ol ti-tliuoninls on rile lu our ollln prim the truth of the above asir- HAINES' GENUINE HEADERS. Hoth Iron nit'l nnd nluil ttn ami tuehe loot cut, mHniifactnrcil iintt iniproitI cprch fur tli!" Honc. fur thi nai'tiuV haricot IST'Very Jinpurtunt Iiiip?otrunif. Sweepstake Header. Iron and Wood wheil, tin and luehe foot cut. The reputation of this well known neader is too will es tablished to require coinuunt, ALSO, liirdcn Cily snlki Horse Hakes, i Uraiu Crrdlis, Su'tiis and nalh.. Hi) Male Snlliy Hnr.e llakis, lla)ln lools of all kind-. Wood I!eoltlui' Horse Itakis, I I! anitirand Cihoou SndSowir. rVWeareasacconimiulallny and liberal as an) house on the Coast I'-mm rslouk to jour Interests and ci amine our stock beinri' Tut) tnir. Oriters sollcllid and proniitl) tlllid. I.lbiral discount will alu js be made for Cash. CWeud lor Illunlraled rirculurn mnl CntnlnmH', anil Piltp I.IkIk. 3Pelton's e-rolc3. Horse-FoTer counterbalanoe"vibeating sepaeatoe. SSttsrsTw tfcTHJSs S&28Egs& -jjJJT WE r pr-p!i"xl to manufac'iire and ilil all orders n r these uuprtlm nrh res Al! onr w.rklsO'' y wairaiitid .'Vr (i.rtlcuUrs s.lu furnriuiJis udru; list, iiiib , K nut hj mail a. m...h a, pnb llsbrtl Ordrr should be sent In early, toaold disappointment, at wcwlll oaaufacture princla'l) on outers for Ihc loruln.-i.iux Addics', PELTON & SAVAGE, Salem, Or. S. rELTON. mhSiaOl LEWIS &AVAI.B. Commission ompiittj, T. .. MATLOCK, Sfcielati, l'OTttand. rouTLixn, OREGON, AND - April xs. laiu ii. W11EKLEU linos.. Ar-ents Oakland .1. L. WILLIAMS, iiLviit Roscburc WINOATE .V ( (I Asinu Dalks .1NO. II riibTFU i tO..Aienls Umatilla W. C. SCOGGIN. AL-int Dlllcy lUNliAiSEIt .V. I)EUCUNEIUEK, A;;te, McMMlle HEN. s. CD'-'FIN. At'ent D.ntnn .1. A. BASKOWnV. .V CO., AKCnts Li Grande mi Held. Iron itame, stroui; and (linable. Lisht Dralt, bolts I'llnnu held in pfllloii In a Htroni: Snrini; and Self-Rake Reaper. slieal lust where he please, gath tint ihi ltiisell Hen per ithesirongist and most Av?v le- 5seieiK55S' SES-.' .1??r .-e.-T-' --i-i-' -f Ague Mixture Chills and Fever nr pcrmancntlv curod by Dr. JIuyiic'.s Ariio JUt- turo. AVitli n little f.ti u on tlio part of the patient to avoid exposure, :md the occasional if-e of .Iaynii's Sana tive PiLLs,tiiis i rniod y will bo found to bo cei tain in its operation, mid rad ical in its effects. In many sections' of tlio country subject to Ague and other malarial diseases, it has nn es tablished character as n popular spe cific for theso liarrassing complaints, nnd tho number of testimonials re ceived show that its regulation is constantly increasing. Intermittent and Remittent Fevers nro effectually cured by Dr. Jnyne's Ague Mixture. In theso com plaints caro should bo taken to follow tho directions closely, and cspcd.il attention jiiveu to tho liver, w liich i.houlil bo nssistcd in performing its functions by Dn. Jayni;'sSanativi: Tills. T. A. DAVIS X CO,. Oregon. Wholeale Ascnts. rottLnid. oclGmi STATE AaENOY ron Tint Patrons of Husbandry. Front Street, near Flanders' Wharf., I'OKTIAND, .... OHEGON. Addicss all communications to S, P. LEE, Agent. The Farmers' Pump. IMPROVED WOO DJPUMPS. IA3I NOW MANITACTURING. AT THE MILL of the Capital Lumbering Company, hALUJI, a Woodtii I'nnip tl'at i st.perior to any other ier made in this state, making rse oi the tle years' ex pi rieiHoi; lined In its l lanufacture here to'io the public the ISi'Nt AViioiltMi Pnuip ci'cr made, with haul wool lompaitmcnt lor the plunirir tn work In, the upp-r stock bolnc caid In with other wood to Iireint i nicking b) the sun. Allnurons wishln,' lo purchisi a riKST CLASS PUMP arc Imlud to nil and look at my stock. Pumps ilclhercil and set up. and i a mint ed to uork Well. I'ltrrE 12 foi ilrt tweho feet liolow tho sur face; lT,"rf tents pir loot alter that. A. PRESCOTT. ilm Salem, July 11, liTfi. WAKELEE'S Squirrel and Gopher EXTERMINATOR. The Best in Use. tgents Tor Portland, T. A. DAVIS & CO., Jc'lm 71 Front atreel TVOI'IOE is Iii uh siiin that, piir'iiaut loan or JL1 dir ot the Cinult Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon louut). niide at the Juno term thenof, laid, to wit. on ihc 2UH1 day ot June, ls7(i. ina suit wherein S. W. IS. Jones wai- plalntlli, and Titer Hescr. John Link and Nam Link his wile. Chiilcs Edwards and Catliailne Ildttards hi- wife,.Io-eph liinct and ''rank Bluer, end Ciiianmit'li. difendants, wo will, on feuturda), (lie lillliday 01'AiiKUHf, 1S7G, at -Jo clink p.m. of slid clnv. at the Court House dool in ilcm. Marion county. Uresou. proceed to sell at uiiblicaiictlon.lo the hlKliest bidder lor cash in lund, the followlucdiscribed )rtmises, to wil: Tne dona Hon lind claim of Sosenh Binet, decensul, bcins claim No. W. in ccctloris -.', H, ill, and 11, in T. Ii S. It. i W. ol the Widauii tte Meridian, In Mcalon eountv Oreimd, coutaluiiv Mi acn s of land. JAMES WEBB. M, A. WADE, W. It. ItlSliO. July SI, lSTOw I Hefercc". 50 CENTS FEEE. Sl'L'CI.U, Ol'I EI(-F01t A SHORT TIME ONLY. Will send, ro-T-i'Ain fiiEt., to each new snbsciiber of Tin. New- Yoi.i, Ai.ssts' Montiii v, a mainirlcint CrNTisMALMr.'ni.ii.i Mioai. iin faun ii.i slunk In AlluMl'littsiltir. larctr than a silCir trade dol Iir 1, ini-'i In diinutir I'riie.Mi tents laid, 'ihc Aii'Nt"' Miistiii.1 l 1 kiuds".ne, si'io, lupi"e fi lter. Si'Lsirlptli n price ,v ceils a )ir su.d sn nuts, and )ouw'l. nci'in ibeAi.LM-' .'htiii. for one e.ir, iioi paid, ji n Hie lioe M.-n.il eratl-. Address, 1'b.MDN IM !5I.!s!!l; '.(., Ji',-nl II 'IIi.iHIjWa. NrW Yll!.l. RUPTURE. l p nn mon Ah iia 'lllkvt k ilk fiium kltirnsln. liuin lion lliop-ir-x 1 pm:i llr Lowe's Pat eit I.U'tic Trn.s is wop wnhi se and 1 ini'uit nl'.'ht ai.dilo). aim .i an! hi, nm. mitu mdliRl cu is wt.en .illotlurs 1 1 i 1,11 1. Urmr, 11 un an nip. lu-el, ! 0..1 of Hi ll net .iiulnil ll it eV'lic 1 11 1 bnces- )o-l w 11 n- ' ncril 1! !(..) r H 1-T.1 T.n Liimi'a .1 1, 'i- ei.uii in mi, t'rar.itsco I """' .- -l ,t chxlisy'r trl 1-. 1 f mil 1 1. 1 ( ij.i 11I1 irlis .1 . amfl '... 1., nn ... T n..i. . tos. jT lifaflj;vmi.,ujjj. 1m. $ftGfJi.,A M"'"-U- ! WIH s,,.v. 'Sfl 1 ,rti. '" ","- ''..i.i.rulialiil I'rs: VV J Olllll A 11,, i, J(iul,. Milfomittc 3farmrr. 2. CUD 'v irtp nr.nr rr.iPAT, r CLARKE Jt CKAIG, rrcumrm and rKormryiKs, V A. fLllllii: u, , -;t.ij. Term. 01 MibMrlpilou. One copy, one yenr(&tliiin.lH.r) J"..'il One coj.y, six mor.lhs (Vn LRmrsrrsl l.M Ou copy, three looutU (13 numleri) ?