Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 11, 1876, Page 6, Image 6

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' 1A
PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY ' ortn Yn,n111 ''' a 0,,!u'lful country. 1'uu luriM are llllrK.; that ourtdree, are Iub most
" . i V I T I 'M1 'Vl ' farmers there anem to liave used judgment wrjtched cor.dltiou i that public Improve-
OFFK ICItSorilir .VATION.Mj (.HAM.,:.
Vtuf'i .Tnhti T. .tune, llarlou. Phillip. Ark.
.." 'f"H I.. I. Woodman, p.iw Paw, Van lljrir,,
. tuit-i A. It. smedle), Oie-ro, Howard, la.
iiei'tmi i.. j. t auirtiit, .tit'tupm. iruu.
In the management oftlioir farms at least myuts are alinot wholly aiiHpoudod ( tbrt
they are ahead for Rood clean orops. Used
I vllle is a xtation in Wo-shiDRton county, no
ticeable only for the fine farm ol'S. U. Heed,
the tino-Htcck ratcor. This well-arranged
farm riresents a powerful uotitruNt w ttli other
(arms iu tho alley. There I w the best
l7.Wf ( Mi.rtlmor Whiuhiad, .Muldlebii-b, j Held of wheat on ray route. Any firmer
'iii H. It EMI, hiirindlioriiiiuh. Wirien. O. wuuiu no well paiu lor Ills tune aim tlouule
n,",'' "f'Ii1K.MlV"'V."it-I?letKHt,"Uben, N' V-! ,(y tbe le-ioui ho would learn in k vl-.lt to
null A;-). iilmtfddli" o"r Ii mi i.iuif, hid. j thi. tarm.
'nt iii. .innil I lie", Jia-mn, rnilliu". .VII.. Takillir a " lilr.!'.i.vn vlmv " f nra.mt, ' l'm nt ... ...
to-Mr. Snmui IK. Adam-. Mrintli ell.,. .Minn ! iaK1" R DIM s-eye iln of Oregon (.ost of do's
hmuiim. Mr llnrvpy .uldurd, North i.ranby. t , rarm, it i plain tn ha hen that there h support ot criminals
tint our vtnntt nie tilled witu tliou
thousand of hal'-.iarvod uibu, women and
culdren; so loutf as tha work of tho devil is
carried l'i rward at an expense of $i),000,000
lo i',0 OOU CKJO In cish, and an untold number
of bo lies and souls of bum in belnga!
Talk about hard times! A high authority
gives the follow lus; list of uunewmarle.
with the amount of money annually ex
panded upon each of thoiu, in tbia country:
7U.0OO 000
Ml-- Caroline A Mall,
Lri'J't Aitttlt Atttl'ttt
Luiu-tllli, K
exe'L'tmk inwmrr.
I). Wjait Alkm, i'uilrmli. Cokerburj, ta. C.
IS II. Shank and, iJiihiujut- Iowa.
Dudley T. Cliff. ( larr-mont. N. II.
Alnriii (, .lili-r, Km k Fall., Whlte-lde, III.
VV. II. Chamber", Urwetclirt , Itu-eill. Ala,
Olllrirn iil'OrrKiin Mute (iriincc.
Iii..i -llii'lill lurk, 'all in 1'. (I.
f'I'tiUi !. II. "Mllltll. J I n 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1,-.
Untfui W in. t'yru, v iu.
I,rl,iin K 1,. htulth, Oltmpla, V. T.
t,,iiiiil -W M. Shilluii, Wulla Walla, W. T.
Il.dii srnitiit -. M. I'liwtif. .laiid'fi.
' itiAiH M. lNMi ruin, .lai k-uniltu.
1'iKi'iit'i "i. I'. I.ii'. I'dillniid.
(.nil A'.k; A, A. Mollii'U-, LuiikliiL-da-i".
t'ii Mr Jul ! Orii", c(.
I'litiiM'i Mr. .M A. 1'imw r. Shuld.
ri;m Mr I.. :. Ilwil, Mi'MIi'iiIIIh.
I inly 't .lmnnl Mr-. I.. 5. Kuli-mn. .Itilirtinn.
fntiiliii- lUitihitln- DhiiIiI (lurk, "ulclii : S.
i'.rimn. ton uimr. Vi T : I , E. .Mini', Cnuallli-; II.
II Hill. .Iiimiiiiii, A . .siiiiimil. llniHii-nilli : II.
n . Ilillj-. f. (;. t'linii-, Wall i Walla. . T
ililh llV'llnm ij.lil S. 1. I.i-c, rnriiaiid
The Grange.
In Kiioiklni: nf the (iritne orniii.ition,
Ma-stor T. It. Allen, of tlm Mlwmri State
rniiKi'i HKyt-t lly lreiUiiitly mcotiii thoy
Iibo not lietter mijualnted wltli uai-li otlier;
Hrijiiiilntiinco has rijuued Into Irinndsiilp;
ciiuh ha (llm-ovortxi in the other "od truts
l cliHtiicter, that belore they hail no Me
tliutliit.y pDnceisedj Jeulousy
have both else n away to a butt
lelini; lliat of mutual conlid
palhbtlc leelinx and a luailliou of ,iu iiltn
nty ol iuleiest, in lai't a leelin "I fraterni
ty. Now, they am nut only noiKhbot", hut
Kooil nclglibor-i, iishiuland kind towartlcarh
nthui, i-o are tliuir famllinM. Sow, they tan
Iielji uiii-h other, co operate toi;ethur lor ion-
dial liuiihlil; they have no iilHioHitiou to ;;
much room for lmprovomeiit iu the man
agement. I'.irmini;ls an occupation rcijuir
jing brain-work as well an uiusi-le, and not
j UDtll farmers bexlu to alutly will thoy roach
the maximum productiveness of the soil.
jS'onie do not harrow their humiuer-fallow,
whfi.li in u niialake. It Khould not be !
I lowed to dry iu great clods um the plow turns
It. Some Ie.ive hay In the lield for iveeks af-
( tf-r ctiltiuif, exHW-wl to the nun. It should
he mowtiil as soon as dry uuoiiih. .Some
have lot the foul growth " et tlio best " of
their crops. Some do not drain properly.
AH theie K' to show the imioiance or lazi
ness of tho manaKorH. It coits nearly hh
much to run a farm mwi; as it does to run
it i iijhl. The dillc-reiico Is iu the pi-ulit.
Gi.o. M. Mii.i.i.n.
Correspondence from Ohio.
IWIInr iVIllaini Hi- KaniiLr:
The I'onteniila Kourth ol July i-.iiuo liem
as iiNewliero, and Delewure deleriiiined not
to be outdone iu patriotic and commemora
tive nianilViii.itioiis. The ood people of tho
surriiutnlini; country were all invited, lail
roads run at half laro iltiriiiK tint memora
ble day, and, IhouHli an oiiinnuis, dark
I !'Bs of litluMtiou ---''.'KX) 000
Coitut InbAcco and ciitara 010,0011.000
ImporfUionof liipior .'iO,000,lHHJ
Support of aro-sliops 1.500 000,000
Wiude co-tof lupiur li'JOO.OOO.OOO
Surely this does not look like hard tlme.
What an incalulahle amount or good might
Imdoue lor tho human race with these vit
sums of money properly extended, whicli
aro now wore than thrown away J II et
'i'ii Htir'tl.
The diphtheria is still ery prevalent in
Polk county.
W. L. ADAMS, M.D, A.M. LL.D,
filNcc! uti I'lrt Mret,
iliohicuu Taylor anil Silmou,)
mill: llnmr I
JL i-it-i con-idur
no rnrln Chronic Dint-a-ie lit h-
leriil lufjralile. hy nuw and rational
ni.;lliMil ni tu-ai-iifnt, on niwlorati ttimH. He hi-Ion-"!
to mi mIihuI" of medklue, tint, ailiullliu
tlii-n- I -no., tniiti iu l!oialli. Hydropathy, IIo
niijiipilli, md Ms-iiii-rl.m, lie r.jei-l tbcm all aita
vrhule, re ilnln-.' fr mi t-acti nraleer eperleuoii liae
proM-ii in hj tii-iii ili.ii!. lie lm d that no Him. how-
cloud liuni; heallyoHr the fcene-, an if i ''Vl'r "-'!' ""'"I '" "I'l'-nce, cau i-ure tlnjie rti runic ill
aud pn juiilce tjf) KnU )( l0,tI,.WMi ,ji,(iHA,Ha wl)l tUu eii- lu ii now Iwilk- tlw HI of all the whoo',-,
.Htti-r Mate ol , ,,,,., ut IiVl ,.nlurv hi,, ,INlUln. "'"''' "" r r, -ur... tl.ni il.o-e obtained by
unco a M'lii ' ., , ,, ., ,',,," rujdlii.' iilih,-iii,-.li alli.uk. ntimliUhhisl-the-Kc-
" :, '.' "" '""-"'l-'S ioiraKiiiijio-i..,l"a..tl.,.rltieii..i..,re,,.e.l. Bat l.e does hold
new,. with lirc-crsi-kels and bad wln-ky, j that bj hi- .j-teui ..t MedTifd Eleclrlc VaporlUlli.
ct at an early hour the city and saloons and by u-tin.' mi the b'.Md, the liniii, ami ciiluiil
were crowded, ami noise and tumult lire
ailed, lliisliieis linns had, at Rteat ex
pHiine, jircjiared wagons lor the piocossion,
and nrery li.du-tiy ol the city wan si-rubl-
it.. ...1 ..!.. .-
Inlaw with each other about Irixal matinr,. I " """ -'''""" r ''l""se.i.e. t.auy
but a,e willliiK loHeltie their dlilorei.M I """"" "ImN were .lhii.(jr here and
when thev do occur by arbitral-oil in th8 '' BK r8ti,l ui.rcl, ibiough
i.m..K... They still .litter ... opinion on ma-! ',1,B, j" ll,,l,,-Ml "'I""'' or tho city.
if subis, f course, but thev hold that j "V tlMUn"n wbtHN- 'oJ ro -"
..,..,., ,., iimo.j' wean ui iruui iwene to
an hontit-l dilUreiicoul opinion is not acrimo
'I hey ili'ciixs these dilloroucos, lint not in
liilleiiiesi.f sjiirlt, but coolly ami dispass
ioiiaiiily with a view, f rotom-lllng them by
nrrivlnr at I ho truth which jirobably lies
Miiuew'liere between llmin. They are Imcoin
ilk' ..line and luoro tolerant ol tucli otluu's
iuws noil opinions on all Mllijtu t: they are
ini'ourH;lui; and euiulaling tacli other to
woiyhy lljrla and deeds lor tho common
wellare: to ruadiiu Htid In study lor the nc
(jiiisillon ol OHOl'ill knowledge. Whata wou
iluif.il change is thin! Can any mm estimate
its value lo the nelliburlicoii'.' No. it ii
not pnsHible. ltut multiply lliis by two
IhoiiMtud l'ir MiHMouri, and for the whole
i-oiiulry by twenty. live thousand. Ihen,
I twenty charters. Tho everal Iraternities
I (all -ave the crusaders), .-toed in marchiufr
j order, headed by tho city police who looked
I as if, iu their hurry lo xet ready, thoy had
j knocked (lie faucet out of n beer kej; and
' bud stopped to Luther up tho contouts. Hut,
hark! there was a sound as of rushing,
I mighty waters, and the windows ot the
1 grwit rei-eivoirs seemed ooened. In one
brief moment this chivalriu procession waa
too damp to iron, "i iki lralenillies nathered
up the ras which diitinnuislied them from
other people, and " cut stick." I'lacs wliich
Iwlore were aily tin icriut; in the mora su
tle brtwe, were torn fioui their lslenings
Hud rolled in tlie mud, AwiiIul'i chuib
Warts are very troublesoine aud dUtlgur
iug. The lollowiug is a perloct cure, oven of
the Urges', without leaving any tear, ills a
KronchmanN prescription, and has been test
ed by the writei : Take u Mintll piece of raw
beef, and sleep ic ail uuht iu vinegar, cut as
lias ri Mulled from it aliiimlv ?
Notes of a Trip through the Valley.
I hi. Kaiimk.i
Mo.iv .t in, ii, -J, Is;ii,
llavlm; jiut niade a trip.
w ho will undertake t..eslimal the m.od that v" ,luwu. l'-ntl...es enveloping Uis.
( coiiiiiieii paiue in ii.air clammy rolda. It
was windy, rainy, funny lo ee how quick
' patriotl-m dissolved and ardor cooled. The
rain omimltteci had to wall two hours, aud
at last busine-ts cumuieuccd ktthe wet end of
1 the programme. Impersonations of Wash-
I il.gtou and his Mail', iu the costumes of 177d,
rode to the Inuit and gave orders lo march,
auil, to the music ol the .Stur.SpaiiglJliiin-
through tlm WIllauiHtie vallev, fioui Ihmeue or ll,u " 'y-'apttml proces.oa made
tJlry northward. on theuwi -ide. lofoi wllia. ' l"t'k"- ,J" hallowed rilrs, such as Yankee
llniuce.on thewe.tslde.li. Piiitlaud, througli ' K"Mlrt t)l,r ''ounlry's Hag, Tho Star
the fa. tiling iKirMui of U,n vallov, I have ; l,ll-!e'l l'nn.ji, Hall Columbia, and Zip
n.ailethelolliiwlng iihtrv:iou: llui A,. , l """"""' l"""ti'ui uuroii. Alter this
genu is In good tn.slui.ss mmdilloii, and, 'l.e mulo racing, the ollmbiug of a greased
kincttUiH Uulrerlt.r debt his baen guara.i-; i",Ib wllb ,ll""y top, the catchlua aud
HhmI, lliaisiuuty mil of debt and lumls in lite j '",,,,Ii,h' of rase.l hogs, followed by nok
treasury, her peopU !iav roaeoii to tw la( J rA''"l ,I,M 'oJlug ui the Declaration of In
nver the bouutlli.l harvest now almost ready ,,Hl',"1l"-,,i and au elo4Ueut prayer lor our
lor Ibeslckle. In I ho foiki ot ih ViIui-i l,r"I,H'"lty imnre m run as it has lu the
-tj many HwKU ar loul with cvk'.e and i U"' '""' yvAtH- Wno will ay vvodlduol
wildoaLs, holng that all tlregon farmers, ''"''''""'"orale our natiou'a birthday, or
have not jet reatiliad tint iandard of M(rleo- ' drl,lk u U"r u,,ltl1 wl"' lly-seTu kegs ol
lion iu the luauaguiiiHiit ol rarius. In I. Inn r-'l"m 'rrl of dog-leg whisky, ami
county, on Ilia wet laud, crops will I light, i "" 1"J "' lemouade wlored lo ault. the
sod wild oats nhww mint prumluentlv iu u',lM S"" U, J""1 '"Uht think that' I
many fluids as far north a.s Yamhill county. "" 'rt,,,i'u ' uojbci wim levjty, 1 will
lUrrislinrg iiwmus lo be about holding i'ls sy """ wl',, "'" IJ of M'1 ' ' -'ou'J
iwu" by way of luiirnteiiieul, yet that.. "'" ,,l'h',)Vttr 1"uu1' patriotism lu the whole
mhmii lit he no deort-a iu hiMiufl.. lll.v IM";,r' IK,r ,,d ' Ihluk the matter will look
l growing raildl.T, fm a "dry-land " low ii. u'" f"1""- to hMorical narrative.
i nene- b ro'jicei liritct- lud harnil-- inedfclaeis
every itl-e i-cU oij-ati in tht iiody can be-re-torisl,
when- there lia iwu no niilmlojlcsl evolution re
"inline In -in entire In- ul tiiin.iiii.i. He lian demon
liaie.l till- In ir-ri Uiiiv lii.'ance-, by eurlun every
i-a.e ne h i- ha 1 ol i nat do- tor nol nuknowii lo fame
hid jirunouMvd "Incuiiiile heart dl'.-aie," be-Ide
tiiviu,' rucliedia-. - ni -miMM", Xororuli, Htii'inua.
til-Ill. I'oll.'jllllllloti. ltllMhl'i. ICldiiev. lli-oti.r. I.ivi.r
Coutdilnt. l'lie-, .Vin-url-m. 'I'aie worm. Tumorij,
wntnh troihle-, I).i.i'i.i, ',i ilu dlma-en, Jtc, when
-uiIl-ilt- hd -pint s-t - en- ol luniiey nu ' emlneni
phyrlcti'iV alj t.i mi ;iurHi.e. The lr. clalni to
haveii'ce.ilei lu mo-liini,,- iralnnl-iu ini a to mske
it tjke the tdat- ni suii,i'iil ma.'iK-ilaiii, brain life, vl
tal force, or the w w- . jlm ini'-irj tilth, whin
as.teil, hells all cirihle i.-!on. In ihe body. Thin
is eni lhioin.'h ihe b-nii, .ml merttie eL-ht iwlri. of
nerve to eery turn. 1.-oi ttue )i the body, while
the iistleiC 1 iia.-iii."liMii,'h the bath. Th1 batli l'
Ili4 ll'.'ii iiwiiiiiu-iitlnii, j'ld, eoiiibinluj all Ihe ad-vsutsje-iol
tln-Tiirki Ii ami udi'r batli. and tx-i.-i,'
deioid or tlieiriviN sii.t dii.er. i iirnniMiueed by
tho-e w 'hi hate tiie.1 Hi- be-t ba'liK lu F.irou;, the
hu'teru iitie. Calllii-iili. ui.l Oreou. far fUDerlor to
auyoi them.
Out or a hn't of eertliliatesa. to the result of his
treatment which maid bj publNhed, the fulloivliu
irviodered to mclerei-.. Tliey do nut embrace, tio
oter, the mo-t uini.k tblc of kU fure:
lMllTI AMI. I'.-b. .V ISTi!
I i. i.l-'i'l l.mryea-. Irom Hrl.-hf- kidney, enlarged
iniii.iteii.l i 'runic ittvnli or blander. I trlvtltcv
eu do. iur, irot wore, nii icafe up lu ule. in Aiirll
last a irlviw prevailed on nie lo ea'l on Ur. W. I Ad
ami. t wk oou related of fudariair lu July ttai
able lo work In iMitert. aud ha'.e worked ever tlnce.
Ki.el iltllte xttll llui hiieir. Ilr .litum i,l.lnlu
-ateil nyllfe. Hilton 11osh.
lli, eulir.'ed piM-ira e "laud, and rheuuirtl"iii. f I ten millions of years old
upent Kiitii.iu-uei.ioi'ar- on di-ilur lu New York
tud Sin Kiam icn and didn't ei much. If any. relier.
I tliully iiiialnje.l In taVi'thea.vlcethat.liid.-e Jlnm
iuo'i irate nie lj-i Mil, and plwe niell' uudi'r lha
taieoi Ur. W.I, ViUun. lll trratuii'lit a-doulahod
me in it re'ili I am in e fivm Jialu, aud have been
Iik . the thl'd diy slier I be.'an Ireatiiient. I am. In
fact, a new ml i. jiid ,-ne Ih',. n alement lor the btue
dtoi mh.-r, lioijh. iur tra.oni ihepub'lr will on.
iii;rtau'S, 1 tin no ; iv u full n unit. F.ll. O.
l.V IlEV. TlIltRUN 1IROW.V. (
A curious ponvovultii, fiitb thaif)iiiip
of Canton to the Jardln d'AccllinatWi. The
tlowrr is bluo in the morning, n-f at Moon,
and white at tilghl
Uom of tho sod of Kathav I
Thy leaves angol-writfii unroll.
O lalry-bud, dreaming of day,
lJloom out of thy beautiful muI !
Wake I From thy wouderful Kvst
Comes tho sweet ' Kphihatlm' of morn,
And tho sun-sire steps from his mist
Kissing his own ttrst-born.
Smiling? Ah, marvel of sleep
Trial hid In thy baby eye
The bine of the inlmlte deep,
From between the stars of the ekj !
Aud tremulous tints keep tune
To the sun as thy lids uncloso
Till, ilushed in tho glory of t.oon,
'J he uiMiro is turned to lose.
Fairer. Hut fairer and beat
When the foil-blow u vestal of lifcbt
Leans low with face to the west,
And the blue and the rose aro n bile.
So the late of a life is told
In a vi-lou that need no tongue
A soundless soul' ininilold
On the M-alo ot thu lainbow sung.
And my f-pirlt to mu may loach
Tlie parable of nit day
In the wiotd tri-colored "spepoh
Ot thu'.lil'j tloverof ICathai !
The hues of my prime I'.ul fast,
Aud tho noon IU hts westward tall;
iint sunset, purest aud lunt,
Iu glory will blend them all.
When the bi'autv of youth's sweet whilo
Aud til (i man flush melting in gray
.Slime ripe in the death-white smile
Ot faith looking farther aivay.
Not alone, ) wouderof flowers,
Tu thee is tho uuiid given
To gla-s the turn of Ihe hours
Aud dial tho tints of heaven.
Kor mirrored In hum m bloom
Shine all the seasons that be
Till tba rays of Timn melt home
lu tho beam of Klerully.
Seer of the wocrts ol light,
Whus9 robe ot its Hi reads is spun,
Still icddeii anil whiten, and write
The throbs of the near.ol tho sun!
My life's last u jlor of earth
.l DM I a purer sun relino,
And toy changed mill hlossom to birth
lu the ltistreuf day divine.
Mr. W.iiklndi In the old optablished houte in lite
above line, tint attention of the uiramauity i c'W
t thu mock of
3E5C5i3.23LO 23 S
in hand, which 1 uilen'd at Kreally red'iud raten.
At lowest (lran'er pih".
Hardware, Whips, Robes, etc.,
To milt everybody.
Salem. Feb. 1-J, Js. wtfd
Brlrs. Rohrer's New Remedy
X iii) niuul hi the relli f and rnre ot 'oimh, l'old,
vtnnia. Ilruiiohltli. Crouti. Whoonln C'oinrh. Mr.
elee, Ac. It h i produced rout reniaikahle curen.
I Sola by ilrniTiil-ts 'jenernlli J'rep irud nnlv by
! itlfrs. ,. IC4ltlCIClt, Moiiniiiutli.Or..
To whom all Ictti'i-id bu-iiieM' rlumld be addrr-'od.
P. o. sraftxv.A.iM-.
S. E. eiiriier. at held of i.tali. felty
Luoiua E21.1,,
Succci-sor to J. M. Kkeleb A Co.,
95 Liberty st., - MJW YOItK,
OotnuiiMMioijL .Aront
. New York via 1-iIidiui, I'arlile Hallrnid. and
Cape Horn, all Mud? of .Mm liaudlse, and tor Ihe Mile
of Product lroui the Patlnc coast, for the rollectl.tn
in money, itr, ni'tsti
Boy and Sell City Property.
Make Collections.
Mutual Life Insurance Company
Union Fire Insurance Comp'y
latlon, their " Iieierliitive I.jml t'liiulsr," .vid
"lie-riiptlve Circular uud W'eaiher Knoid ol l)r-
much as will cover the wait aud tie it on it; j )ttlre on L-nund iUor, OPKIIA HotE MLOOK.
if the excreNcouco is on the forehead, lasten ' sbBM. "BEQOV. VJl'L.
ii on wiiu sirips oi siicKiu-ptaster. It may
be removed in tho day and put on every
ulfc'ht. In one fortnight, the wart will die and
peel oil". The same prescription will cure
Am: of run YYuiti.n Sir W. Thomson, It
seeui", has concluded, Irom ditlerem lines
ot urKUment, that the age of the earth, at
laasl tj n body of material uuol euough to lie
habitable, cannot he much neater than a
hundred millions of years. Hut a much
lefcr limit of time has been advanced b)
Prof, Tait, who thinks the world is about
Profitable Investment.
IVorlaaml forvallis seem full ol bi'slne-s.
but hate nut the pHnratice of liupnive
inellt, .Monuiouth, I'nlk isitimy. Is notul
iiinrii for lis educational eulei pi No aud mor-
allly than lor aclual lu.simv.,, tt iheiown,
lias the pKifal)i- of Mwtily growth, aud)
M'teral new ivsldetices ate heu. built, Ii i i
Vlllaue w liitsa iiipli msiiu to hste lelired I
from hard loll aud hu.y llle, and ael.leil ,
Itiwn here, on this (hs.iiI knoll, lo fur- '
not in light, or .lau.i.r, or -.lual and tta.le.
John Wat Kits.
l.i.OMHli in nu, July IT, ltM.
Is II trim that, as a peipie, wii are sutloriiiR
trom " liard iiiiim"? IKics (simmerce ltn
Clilhr Is trade ilulIT I. lui,uie.s., pruspcr-oil-"
Areour inauu'ai'iories closing, otvlnj;
lo thrt siriiiKency nl llin time? Aioamleul
turai luirsultssuituriii.? When si I ,ok j
t I ..... 1 . . . i t
i'to. ('atllllii.il, l'i,N. of t l.rislian Col """' ""r "' "'"'" "' '"" l,r'iMl aW
I.K. w t.uy .Mkli.K i. U.H iMM.t hsi l?,H "M""d.l..rc., th,.v ar, ,,w i lu ,,,
.UslillllU.U.toM'llevell .. deb. a.,,1 ,,V... ". -,M"" W,M "''' '""T
i on a llrn.iir basis. Hi-. n,-,v depri.d.
II I ..III I 111, ..Milton!.. I Ii At .... ..t .. .... 1. 1. . ..
.,1.onctlucatl.,..,,llof.vu.e.l,; people ol . ' "' ' ''"( '" " '"'-"IC
orient de,lre.okw:. pace w,, ,l,rt ,L. o, T "''" -Mauled auuually
.i i i i .i . lor I'lunr ov in e a tvi,
I Iim w.irl.l lu Him ni-., r.. i.i ..l i. ' - v w-.
luoraiily " ' l' '""'hnite'l tuat lietten fviodooo and I
.ix'ir,ir.l'olk,s...lv,U.hu1rdiaar " lk" "" "w -M"' ""Uslly. ... this
den MHit, and l....M livelv. Anutv. Urn "J ':"' """""'. v. "'"" wii-
lull iMUUt.v, Is a unlet plan., iul n little inure
YaKi.iLi.r'ofNTVi Feb. 10. ItTti.
hortmi'V jen. I taa -uTeier IMiu i h'rmlc rtieu-
nutl'm i(liiv-.ii.,- pile., and palpitation of the
heait no tint L.v w. a harden. 1 anally went to
I'viiIaiiiI, an I ia i nnJ bv Jlr. W. L. Adam.. I am
now tree from inm and in work hard all da? wlUV
rut belli tired alilmu.'iikd year- u'd, I feW like a
t)Tiiln. Th- It -ui tit I ot ft nu bis IreatnientU
oita uio'e to uis i'uii ail the .tiJd iu Nevada
O. It. Adivs
, , I.iTri Ftu.s. vr. T .Tin 51. ISM.
In ln.ii.iter ii a iiitxrgr lod. a tia.'inttit of It pen
etrate.1 mr Ion eie I wit to Portland. Ktirlcrluf
paluthatl rannit d orlte, for lumlkal aid. Afler
.everal dd (or. evasiln)d an.l .-.inn...!,..! l,e tla m
that my i j i tmi.t be latieu cot, an ti wan ItupuwlblaM
itavu It, and trut u I oidn! have ll takru out 1 noW
loeihe,illirey , i,i On my way to the hotel, a
i:od Sjmar I in sdvis-d ma, be( we couwntlrur to tu
iiliheieil. to ..-e Ilr Auanis. I did n. tbauk Ood
and lie i.n.iii r- il vrd m of pain, took ttio twl froai
uit eye, and mreU tu ving uiy ev, ratluv me
from real nil lining, ai.il Kjvtnv ui n,..l h,.nju
voillar I leet nure. jraitefiH totvara him than Ian.
filacer in i-ti e-- llr.vat- lloolll.
MHJtn i o W T.. v-eb. .V ISTd
My tninue-i Ih'k-, nith ft-i.-hej el,'0tauj tlite-quu-l.r
iiun. t.h.-u :.u-u, ttU off lo aeteu pound
"';"ii i'i iii'een.oiiiii., It Iiad n.-fer relalDtsI
pafliu-oi IHMk iu . .,itu.tll, but UlHl l iUClllllir
jtar tied un in ti'lolh ll eciu- a full rlu kef
eton. and diitK !iiu-tii inn 'Jireaienl tu tiuii
in a lew d iy .My iif.'lii.ii. .aid, Dou't Ut. It to
a d'X. r. ii i ,1 or uiu ..tt j Ii : tt will only die the
umiu i . tin.' h '-,.ii :, etvr, adtUtsl oietolakelt
to Ilr Ads U", ot P.uilaud, oret.Mii. I did o, al lu
uiree iiiiiu'ii- u s rat, u nun lu buy, weUnaur
f lort's-n pu'iiid. Ii b-i-au in nte on ml 1 rrmn the
time Dr. x.lin. b-.u to trtai p. I nHi.UtvIt al.
iui-i i uiusui"U- eni-e, ami .) i'o nthem. 1 uuk
t!it tteuieiit mr Hi. iK'iierl .4' iu!u- -uirerem.
Msia J, Wasuni'RS,
3P. .4L. JElxaxltXx, .A-r-tlaat,
Satetn, OreROti, dealer iu Stereoscope aud Stereo-
OOU 111 V letV.. Mild Sl'IIUM llf SmI. m .,,.1 llirf.npiiini.il.
nz eouutry. Llfc.sUe I'Lolo.-raBh. iu India InL. nil
or Water Color.
.IseuU far the Willamette Parmer.
Uuena 1sta
Butte Disappointment.
Urowns vllle
J E Ilaniinu
(I Ktle.cheU
.Wui Welle, J W llottart
S Iland-alier
W II Kirl,
-I W Baeiieldfr
ranyonyllle y w odvi
OottagaOr, J ll phortrlibte
Cote F Shoemaker, B F Kendall
Corvalrls EWiaxtwaid
(weell Kosroe Kuox
.iIkiii. "iisrd tunes"
musi tw
stiam and
l iiuauo, Feb. 1, tsTil.
f-er lilihi' nlled tu .-nf j0y ri-ilernuiu pU)U'lillm
heu'l'irsu iinkuuttu tro'iVe, t wrote to Ur. diii.
ul I'liiiiuid, iirej.ui. i'ltln ti) "rmptoiuv lie sit
me iiie.li. me Iur i tsu-iru. It'i-"'u rrtletist uif of
uue i.tn't ur tlil"t letl lou. Mln 11. H
I'unrr .vsn. Mini) 7. t-sia.
I am unv '.s ytar-t old- have u!tered at none but
my.eli Unu't. -nice I ttus tl year, old, with imipm
iiv.lir.'" lu'U'w, tl-iuli, wurui", and betnurrhie,
lil. Ii e.iiln. ni pii. Irian. Kaal aurel melheye.iulj
not esre. I V it i non Wen und.r Or, Adama'a treat-ni-iiioiieiiuiuih
snl feel IlUe a new man. III. treat
rueiii In. .ei iurd to uetiiarlaliuii.t rolrafulourly. a.
I its. nil. tid ul nrarlt eterj p.vrlifle of my trouble
Ina ten hoit iliueailert hetran treatment. IfeeU.
llio i.ii I wihiI i live in iH-iimniRCd other tttlertr'. lo
u tt lere l ite. null) oihrie did and rot relief.
ItColiilK VV. SW4.NK,
In. Ainv. wiiii. nu pre.Mlpijon, and rirely
lillliMillll.V. lsK.ineipia,-P, HIM nllltli.iu.ire. ., , .,,ll i ,r , I 'nd out .uMlcl ie,j, little cau be dope for not a
thicUly-clll.M than the country al-.til ,i. "" ""'""' -M-'ll Mr ailmls. , .,, lBl. ., ullta,. ha n Uw lue ,,,
St.Ji..ph, the south lertnln.is of the ,M- ' '" '"-"N circuses, nettio mm- under hU...n.tani watch aud fart a. the trvauaent
slilii rallivud, is all Uiat can lie expected of a
railroad xlatioii, situated as it Is between Mc
MltlUV llle and 1 afajellc, .1 id onl two and
a half n i os limn escli, 'llils rallrtiad Int.
not smst-ciliHl well in buliiliiii; lis itt n
Uiwtia, TliHlriu'L isexceedinulv Mil.'li.nihl
iii'i'i '"in mr mo iiuruiiasHiii cnc.1 i wp rt-. -.l.-.n.... n..u i i -... -i-i.
. - -'-. .--.....-. .....j It.tci? IVUMMIIMA ri.lll'F, kl .U
sllk, -tsuis, jswjaws, leathers and Iriui'., jniptoj,. and a. Vlnj for an opinion, will be ar.fwor
ami preltv thlui; to weir, we Icitn to con- i "' 1'i',nt' mi) re!) upou Vene dealt fairly and
Jc-uicr, hut the .mil total nun: ainnnut , ; ""v'"'l Ui no deeeptluu, no til.ehooj, no hum.
MiL-rii iiiiiii.in.iiiore. luislu,.. to-iinw,iie- money. "lv unto ether a.
,, , . . , . . -. u-4i iitie tueui utiio tun, te a ruitf ur i. trying
.1 1. W.l.lll 11 II lit alt 11.1 . ......... ........ .1. .. ' - .
ot-iiiiiiMit,iii un iiiii-.e'ineui'o tint ... ii.,, ,,,
itnr ..lit iIkiii I- .in.iui. i.. ... r..... i-. .Lv.. .... ...
the train u,v,.,h. ,our ho,,,. In In, lC": lt t ""
f vim St. Jo lo l'.irlUi.d-lbrlyi.i(,'ht tii'ler. unsiilj that our jails, isrorhous mm as,. , "0V7""" y "h ";"'
iu aa.Ut
Dal laa
East Portland..
Klkloo ,.
Fox Viiley .'....
Fori t tinite...
June. ion
Mi-Miunville ....
Needy ,
New Era
North Yamhill...
Oretton I'lty
stteel Home
Pilot lloi-l.
Ten Mile
Turn, r ,
Van.'tuiter ......
Whtatland ,
Wiils-n. He fort--WalUWalU
... .
VVlU.itt Fork,....
..W A Alllli
U K Ilammeriley
J U Lee. D M Ojtluie
Krewt-ou Jt Drain
K (.' Iladawuy
s 1. Urook.
Jacob Johnaou
T D Wlni'lmicr
A 11 llaiuee
A D trnrduer
J .1 Ultivaun
M llitiihe. Wl, funis
I Handriaker
heppard JC Halne
I I' Pierce
TJ Illark
WP Waleuil
Illhini Mnlth
A I.u-.-lllurf
Morrutt A llerreu
W I, 11'Hk.ii,
Liuh. Itra.iltld .t in., W I. l..iii,in
M Peieri-un
W F We.t
VII Kel.)
.1 M llettlet
s Kll-xurlli
Ilr Pimplotiiii. A It Henry
S 11 riaiii'iio-i
UK Lan-Ule
A II Urrjiimi
W Waterhii'ice
Wm Miirtlnid
J ra.t'i
P F t'u-l Tit I p.
DC "leu ar
J '.lerlliif
V It Mil)!, t
I II s,ir,,,r-r
: M llai.in
I II Diullilt
W A Whit'iisn
si IMetS
" I Lev. .Vit'llt o.alel.rallje
o M Pilnde
lleilrew. stoit.
..II Pan. mm
In t lai-op i unity, iiiii'lMiiiitt mv original Dona.
Hun I'lalin, on l.ewl. and Clarke rlter, miHli-lln" uf
atulmiiilre-l aeie-, two ihlrd. t'de land meadow, ac
knowledged to be the bet -tuck ilalm In the cunurv.
AImi. a lire intere.t In me L'tiuer Tow a of ASTli
IKIA a portiii i ol Jnhu AdairV dntatli n claim. In
rjllll'our the "Ub-irlber, n i, JJWltIl.
.v.ioria, March I. ISTiiitr
Willamette Nurserv,
Oswogo, Clackamas co., Oregon.
I Growertof the Choice! Vailetleayf
PaUITTB.HES 4l 8B&trBSZ31l7
Farticular attention given lo Cherry, Prune and J'.aa
triief. isj
Salem Flouring: Mills.
OoiiMntiitl.v oi llaiid.
IZiJflMSNt lvl'e In CASH
Paid for Wheat
H. C. K1N.VKV,
Seft Mtf Ajteut 8. F. M l,
MEl.'lAI.T :
Clii-oiaic 3Diseao8
or nit
lletid. Throat, 'Im?. it ml tllttexl-
Ue OrariN. intil ul fiat .i-
h,n .-vjsiteiti Keueially.
Oriii r Cmiiine-r'a! Hotel. JeK
Ci lie' of Kivir i and l. i'M, furtlautl, OrM
Cill-IMi.Uil JII1W! or I.VIHK.S' n. C1III.
' dr.tr--Milt. ,iiter M' Ciirl". .Mvxiel.) A no.
Hl'VMI'INil .Ll llMi.MMl iu all It lirauch
IMI'lALi iiia.liMoonlr. P.Cl fKltSs ui all kind
'ul by niea-u-eiu ul ) r.,m. i Ui lt 4 dl.tm,,
nan iate ihe luteal al) Ir. in Min Mateilal houeW
an I -jii'k-upun irveip ul In-tund wal.t niea.urr
Otli-r i-li'ii In diiiieuua rea-oitihle C'ljuul-.itiu
.Muiiriilii . msd m i In !l fi.iur.' tu-l .. Bj;
'V t t I) 1 ts y nt JL, n -iy ,
lllBr. rr Ihe III! C-irl-Hi.i..,.
irViu;.-.vit.;;r'i.'. ThMun'",1'! To Farmers and Others.
Alt ih Hrowi. I
W Jt Po'ter. Oit VVheeVr MMIlill NT M(K vlK! I.M! 1 I'llETATE
C,X," "',,, ' VVI -I'SMI.r Ml -,. I. .luplu.t,,-!.!, u,(
.Jit 1 ettelleu , Hie Hoard ''.id oil tu'it in -i in. . i. lurirr tor thrm
..Hen Mirk.
J II Morn
i C i.UIUsi
11 M liuriu-t
HA Mh .'I
... . W llniuii. It II Ileum.
I.i' Forre.l
M Wilkin-
I F llrew.-r
Mjlllil.it Urn.
J.' Eldtr
...J It EIUhju, lt Atitde.-ate
m oorT, Oeticra) AkMitfor Eteru Oregon.
vncurii . v av ll l ' si I l'i
..lolui Downing j We llurei.ue ta-u
r.-.i,i .' 1 ..in. r. in .1 ..IIi.a
u re.iuire r s'hi iuin.,ir la'ur ol ii t liiuj, tn 'la-Ulrdlsli-lr
isi.-uliuniiale wnh u- aud we till yla-llv
.uppl) ihem with .Ui-Ji Iirj.tr free .if . iu-i,i on nar
lia-i. I'lis-e .laiethe wa-:.. urT r.-.i. Tue rli. ut men
Jim ant, and Iur t.uw lun mii'iiuent will be
.-i.en. The A.Fifiiut Nrcretart 1. In dnilt jit.jnl.nco
t the Iloanl Kooni.. Ukeu,, llai'.lin p. rtl.j-l
fiiiiu 1(1 In 8 p. tu 1.11I1 C), tu nlwa j,l letirra
thuuld bvaddieintt.
M'. s. LDI).
state Ciaim!nioLtri of Iiaial.-ratloo.