Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 11, 1876, Image 4

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Salem, Friday, Auir. 1 1, 187(1.
mwiyq iMinw iniiiini m imiiiiiwi irmirwj
State Grango Deputies for 1876
W Q,1fr. hs)rti.
A A Matln'w
, fooi.
J Henry hhriH-iler...
I)S ItlJnlck
Looking (II.I-K Ito(.burK
Arlilahd Jack-onv llle
Win Ilrimn Maker Cit)
.. Haker Cltj
40f I'lllNK.
WinW I'ldler ..
II N 11,11
eo It Haioerrley,
l'orcoe Knox
..luiirtlon City.
.Camp f'reck...
. .Crcewell
. .. Jacksonville
..Junction f Ity
. f.llagvnii City
Wm Cyru .
HA Irilno ,
J II Smltl ,
i: i: Moor
II Nkliolli-
UJ (Jrant
II A Wltel
Jl 1' (JiKtlumnn ..
.1 J Charlton
ror k.
J II Stump
VA Henry
Jlobcit clow ....
.1 J llentleroii....
A H Henry
l A-IIINuroS
V I) lliiuiuhrc)...
11 II J'linnliiir
A It Shipley... .
N V Kinilall
J Johnson
John ." -u
It Miii-
.1 II iioiithll
1) II Itlnihart
I MAlll.l.A.
1 S While
Marion Station
, Klnir'a Valley...
..Turner Salem
..(iooe Lake Jacksonville
, .Hurl. a VlBla.
..La Kajette..
. ...Coriicllii"..,
....Oi'Ml'l.'o... .
Oregon Ut)
Oregon Ciiy
i:it I,orthiMl...i:a"l Poitbind
..I lie Da"t
..('anjnii City.
.. Canyon I 11
Ai-tori i
Norlii Ynr.iliill
1 I ATfOI'.
A II "lie Ahtoria
'Ill I.AMOOJv.
II I' llolilen Tillamook ....
i or i miiia.
(i W.Mii-ll f'lilimiMit ity..
i: W Conj cr Klin-kunlne'
i MO.
Nil Itue ''"'
W M Shelloi V.all.l illl...
I ol l MIIIA.
Ccorjjo llunti r Ilijton
.W.illa Wall!
Hiuryspnlillii!.' i:'irl!-Ml.e
. t'..iri
hi' (illlllaiiil...
i ni.n 1 1
M , (io'nlal
I'll. in K.
S.S MaiMiam....
'III! llIOV.
Ml Ali'mlt
i: Loiigiulri'
Illlux Iloilon...
I i.w n.
M I'lelMiu.. ..
! Cool
lO I It..
John S lluirtli
I I.VItk
VM Dniilill. .
lil II MIA..
.uo Miller
..It'liii... .
. .Kllui-buitf.
..Pi kill.
... am oiner.
. . .IPjmp, i
, Sl.tttb
Kllkllat City...
iiiaiio ti:i..m nm'.
l'ai nlNi-Vnlltj.
Mt. Idaho
lJ.ii-ii Cl'
.1 s Houalil ... .
WC I'lelou ....
I. roirteo
11.1 Siiillh
M Ilnxell
mi uoh-
.1.1 uli-lnn
In any county when' Ihe Dipuly a, poinleil I not
t liu nio'l KiltuMe, :u il Hie (ii.iu.i ol ihe locality ill
piopeil) InJInilolonH'.i rholie, 1 will lie pli'i J. lot
In niiiiyliiftimi'K I Iiiimi heeii nblUeil to nnke up
loll liuenl ullliuiit kiwiUi!ie.
Maeler 1)1 et'on Slate Oiaiye, P. of II.
Cl:ii litiiiiiiv Coiinty CoiiiK II.
I'lie Click mil" County Collin II nuil on i 'niiilli
1'ililiy of i i"li nioiilli it 11 ii'ilm k .1. pi. Plate ol
ineelliu, at .1 (I. Tiulliiui'i"!' in II, near Ihe 'tnlirol
Illllcel N. W. I! lli,l ill, l'li-nli nl. . Niiliul''. lie
l'lrrliliiil; W W. 11 Sam-on.Sii ii lai. P (I , Niiib.
J'.hll Hill!.', Tumkiiii'i. 1'iMllk . n flu, Ul siew.inl.
N. It. II mi ill. ilMraJiil. Win lll'ir, lliukeiper
.lullneii In noiiil 'I niillnu ue imlteil in met I nlih
Ity oiilei ol Ihe t oiiiull
W. W. II. Mos. Sic'y.
'I'lin Ciiimt I'liiKtln ol llliirniiiiy NScrnliiM,
wllii'll In nil Iin iiitllltliliml tonics ulii'tlitil
tu I hut of KIiiu'm IMI, i:iilniniiiim; l tl.o
tilillllN l)r It Illl, liDlttll. S IlltO tM'llllllfS
Chionii' Klitjiilii'ittsiii, t'liiriir, iio.HHN li:
t lut kln or spine, hi i'l l'liliii'in ny l'ni
tiiiiii l"i), iinttiii tics Iron) unit mnl tlio i-.inic
stltlri't', WllU'll in 11 linl-UIUdll pill I'lplll In llin
liiinmn fcytli'itl. (iviirt'i.uio tlin u lixiiuit iln
jiriiityil tli't svsii'iu, nut u ttunpVU' instn-
1 1)1 lOU t'l Xllllllll lltullll It pO-'Olllll, I'll if till'
rmiMi npJli wlili'ii Hit) ilH'ii-ti tl 'piui'U Is ri'
nitivi'il, u cuiti iimt -I iii'tis-'iiv li)Uo,iio
limttiir tiinli'r hut Mrtii tun tll-i'iito iiirtiit
JoslH tlM'ir. It U lit'iuiis" .1 iv !' Alii ui'lvn
li potit'-oOil ol tliH p'Hiliiir jlll'ii'v llml It
l Ml (It'linlllll.V M.t l ill 1 111 Ullll'iv lint v
lnitii.v iiuilik'iiiiiit ihtuH-jini II liostin.Ns Urn i
iii4 of priui'ipln irnni Hhifli ilitiy oimuiiiti',
liv niiloriiii; in.o (!iti t In uUtloii, ami hoiui;
"inititl ltli tlio lilootl lo the mhiuti'-l lUuvs,
Irlxlui; nvMiy p.niiil til tlwttn-tt lioiu thn
.yti'iu. 'riit liett inltii)t'' "I tl'i ui'tv I io
.Mind In tlio tiiHtlmoiiy n lUtito wnolino
ili'il i(, mnl lititt oi'iillliMlHH urn plvi'ii nt
mit-lh in tlr. .1 lyin't Mt'ilu'iialiii.uui', toln
mil ;titN ol' .ill iiHt'iiM
KsimuKMilM'. Mr. It. II. I'unor, lio
l4 in tlio hills smith of s ileal, inl.ini'.s us
Iihi lin puri'hiisi'il u I'.iu ul lltitlt.'4 ni'iirri'l
tlUOII 1)1 Wl'lltlllUllllll, Hllll lllll it MUlktllt
OlltlV lIl'slUU'llllll ID tl'll llllllll'l Illl' oio
t-strovliiK hlsurriln I. lull iliwoixos tlio
hiiiuiiI " l'ltriulimtoi," Irnni hi .M'nri
ui'o, mnl M'iy t""' K""lls ol It nusiu-r.
SMAI.l.-roN in Poiiii-VM' A Cllilinillllll
ivliitt mill-J'0 s liuiilihl tiMiu thu John
Stephens lst wot'U. On Siturilny. u umti
iliitnl Itli'htril Nli'holii, il tlmynmi), lt ItiB
INsi i'onliiml, uh.i Mis sUk, ms pm
llllll'lil llV tilt' IlItl'lltMlli: llXsU'HII til llHMl
till ti'x.iiuVl on M.uu!.y vvlitto uimuomll
ol.rttuit ot Iln' Imusti in ii tit ul tltiliriiiui,
,li...iul lulu thn livnr. lin una stHin !ivs.
i fil, mnl pi)'irly .mh'iI for, but It is iloubt.
il ho rwoi'it.,iii -r bcliiRn tlio aior mi
M, 4 his illsiuso .i (inrtiouurtHi to up ot
ti)li)liniiuil Mo'mju's. tliti clJ-SwWonpil
& , I.. '... .1... 1 t.tlt tk (tTumlAffl.
Ul mnl o'hw olnuuiioini klu llro
ul In limr tun ", wi'mmi uwimw
hloiuai'li. by t;ieiitrifu(iuuriii hio
it c.te,rusl auii uwrbaUv.
VV 1
A Chapter of Steamboat History.
At the present time, vhen tho pnople of
thu valley are so much e.erched over the
prospect or low prices for breatl'tull's and
high rates for freight, and looking about for
Homo mentis of lollef, It limy bu inteiestluif
to review tho past, lr for no othor reason, to
consider whether It is probable that the peo
ple can ever b made to realio v.ha. is the
public interest, and dci'eui that Inluiost by
united action. Oregon history will at least
show that tboy have signally failed to do -o.
The construction of the canal and locks at
Oregon City introduced an tra of loi lrelgbts
for the (list time on the Willamette river.
The enterprise proved a ijood speculation
for tho State and a poor one for the private
capital invested in the locks. Having in
vested so much in those works, Goldsmith
it Co, put steamboats on the river to run in
connection with them. I'p to this time vo
had never known succesful opposition in
this river trade, but now we began to realize
hippy times lor tboiproducer as competition
worked In bis intoroht. Of course tho con
test was destructive to tho rival interests en
gaged, and tho stoainboit companies last a
great doal of money.
This was not a healthy state of things, bo-
causo tho public health rptiuiros that all cap
ita) shall earn a reasou'ibli proiil.
At this time fJuldsmllh A: Co. wero public
bonuftiutors, for tboy built more boats and
prepared to do all the freighting that oflered.
Wo repeatedly preionti'il tho ci-e to the
readers ol" tlio l'Ai'.Miin, showing that ii was
necessary lo utistain the dual A Locks Co
by tho paymont of lair llvm; rates "'id tht
il tlioir bolts should not bo lUsUI'iud the le
Milt would bo that wo would b.i left, without
competition, to the inori'.lp's chargts of
odious monopoly. Mr. Uoliismlth has al
ways said, and wo have no nuson lo iloubt
it, that if Ills company bad reeked a living
support tlioir locks and bonis v.ui.M never
liavn been sold out, but v.-otihl have contin
ued to do the river busiiu-ss at rean)iiablo
rates. Certainly bo nindo a g'lllant light iu
tlio intoiost of the pcoplo, contiititcii if, for
years, niticb to tlio advantage of tuo prodtic-
ors as a class, who roiped hundrmls ol thou
sands of dollars' bandit from his buterprlsu
and persistence.
What wo need is cninpnM'ion in freighting
to insure reasonulilo rates, nd that is what
wo have had under the Ooldsmllb manage
ment, but tho public suppon wns not rIvhi
to it. (Joldsmitli's boutH had to carry troight
us choap or cheaper than any other, or they
could not get any business.
As a consequence of this neglect ami re
fusal on tho part of tlio public to pny tboso
boats n fair living rate, thn Locks I'oiupDiiy
having kept up a gallant lljht for Ion.; yearb
and touuil themselves hundreds of thous
ands of dollars out of pocket, gave up thd
ntruggle, soltl out to a combination whoso
face was brass ami whoso oul iron, an llnuo
lull tho ptoplo lo light it out to suit them
solves. Wo have no caml and locks, or, il
wo have, wo have got to work and piovo our
inlniost in tbutii; wo hao no competition
and wo don't desui vo anything bslter, simp
ly because wo preferred h " penny viso and
pound foolish polcy" to one thatpromisod us
fair ratoi of lrnlghting tin tbo Willamo'.te
river for loug years to come.
Some peoploaio blaming (Joldsmilii for
selling out tho locks, and blanio Scott A Co.
!ornotruunbij;iigiinstth3 iiowconibimtien,
but they h.ivo no right to bl.imo eiilur, as
those niiin are no more buimd to light the
peoples' battles than tiny render ofthkiU
liouud to build s'.oambouls and cGtahll'-Ii u
clniap .system of freigbls. Tlio tiutli of the
miittur is that notio of lis mo bound to 1 e
public bonofictors.tbutit islho public at large
that In such nntters should work in its own
iutiuest, ail of chlch ttoiiud vi ry well but
mom ory lilllo, simply b-causo ttnio'i atnl
harmony of action is not to be ifudlly sil
ent nil. Tho public s3iim to want to be
plundered, and Iho way tl o Goltbtuitb Co.
wsalloived to go down shows tl) it the pub
ho is blind to lis own intuies s.
So wo llml oufsolves btiuttl band and loot
and no pimpi'it tb'it nny i:cccs!,iul tllor:
can bo m.i.lo tho iircionl S"as..u to Irco us
Iioin tho lilglt t'lolgbt tatill imisist'tl on our
ilver trallic. Wo revert with some suislhc
lion to our poMtlou sonic i.iur yom slue,
tli.vt tlio canal and IojUs it tli" la!:.s uhoultl
ut u lo.v-'Onablo piico lio.'tiiut' '.liu property ol"
tho.ato. We llu'ii asslimrtl it ns probal lr
t'u-.t llin tluin iv. nltl come w lien tho ilflit ol
IhoSMto would 1)0 iguori'tl and a strong cor
pora' i.Mi dety the p)plu. Tint thus sceuis
to hvvocoiuo.ilro.iily, an.l .f no rolif is if
forded pim llly.tiit) protiuc rs of the U'lllmn
otto valley will bo tobbed ol unut;ii within
u tvvelvit-iiioutli to piy the purihuse price ol
tholtWks. 'litis is r.ilhor a ctutl portion to
1)0 iu, but wo aio iu lor it.
Wo hiivogivutt tliisoli.ipiiir of sieimboit
hUtory lo ptovo two things; i-'irst, if j ossi
bio It) In luiil at a tiuson.ib o valuniiou, tlio
Mine should own an) eon mI ttioto io-i.s.
This valley is Mint illy Ore.: n, ami is pros
perity tb-it ol thuS'.itu t larjo, ll'soiuosuo i
iMiiiplicatioii s to silsai'tmilniullv, it vv ill
vvoity nud cost more tciu tlia locks are
vvor.b; also wo tlosiiu thu it should b.)
m ido uv litent tli.it moll of oiplul .'.inniit ill
told to establish river iMinpi'iltioii oxpiK'tlng
tiio public lo glo thorn a.nistimd naMiuabln
uiioit, hwiiiisM ij9rit'in'i' h.ts shown ih.it
n,,, mhllo Is uoitlior just nor rt'.ioirl)lo.
j TluiSl.iUiSmtois tliu proper ti.Minr .uul ous.
U)liUn of tin. I.hKs iitt it tli jhs.. wrut
I . . ii I
Hr iH.uipolition kopi up. tliey niiisl tmllil
I sit.'.t...Uui.s lor lluuiiiohi'-t.
i .....,...-
rnr.M Dkad. Uarnum Svtiul.,vho llvoil
iiBur ltr.iw n viUe, ,is lnuiul iitJ in tho
niouutiiliu nuar iioo Ae, on WtxlnesiUy
of :tvi utsjk. 11 e hf.il ;.ou with iwuue otb
n to iwbtM: btiv kWrien, and nut jrtevl
i. cm itiuui. mill, wbvii louud wjuie haunt
anrni, b wan la. Tlw liy w.u
MVUitut tu W 11! holt 'm on l-unnkuv
Miyui " .
A Look of Easiness.
When over in Yamhill county, a few days
ntro. anil s nco writing toe iirsi eumiioi,
we learned that enterprising citizens of
that county have taken the monopoly bull
boldly by "the horns, and have determined
to solve the matter of river navigation for
themselves. Wo have beard so much talk,
and talk Is so cheap and uncertain tin article
in business relations, that wo despairod al
most of seeing tho people come promptly up
to tho realization of their own interests In
tills icpect. But Yamhill county, and wo
suppose chietlv citizens of the legion ap
ptoached by tho Yamhiil river, have al
ready incorporated a company with J12,000
capital, the stock of which has been quickly
subscribed, and we are informed that a con
tract has already been entered into wllh the
Messrs. Paqtiot, of Canemab. for the con
struction of a staunch freight steamboat,
well caculated for that important trade. The
directors of the company aro Messrs. Henry
Warrrn nn.i V. T. Vmvhv. of McMInuvillo.
.lobn'-'ampson.of Lafayette, W. Chrismau,
of Amity, Wm, Savage, Sueriiian.
In looking into this matter lot us see how
tho pr;duters of Yamhill will go to work to
protect their oven interest; iu tho llr-t place,
to 'eeuro rssrnablo freichls, and in tbo next
place to prevent a ruinous competition, for
tbo last is a gioat evil, being tho means con
solidated capital resorts to destroy reasonable
competition, and piotlucera must guard
against that evil as well as other.s that aro
more apparent.
It is to 1)9 supposed that as the eub-if'rip-tiorisof
stock to tho above-named company
nro limited to 1U0 in any one instance, and
as tlio nifljority of ptor'.s'ioli' rs tlo not tako
iivr half that amount, thit a majority of tho
prcduceis of Iho Yamhill river region are
ititerfc.led in the stock of this company;
thereiVrn it will be easy for each one so lu
ti.resleil lo place bis grain in tho bunds of an
agont who will dlsposj of it, ilcltveialtn
Poi Hand by their mm bo'tl
TH3 wheat-buyer
from abroad, or his agent In Portland, will
not stmi'l upon that ipiestion if ho needs
wheat to load his vessel. It is therefore tho
simplest pcuslblo matter for tho producers
along the Yamhill river to unite their in
terests ant) i tin all competliiiu out of thoir
Tho next question that arises is, what
freights shall be charged? which l oaslly
answei-jd. ChurgHH good living rate, enough
lo insure aeainst nil ordinary losseu, and to
guarantee a good profit on tho years' work,
Stoaiubo.iting is a perilous business tbatcan
not bb conductHl on as narrow a margin as
liiuc'i oilier business, Tlnn, besides st
cnrlii reijihts at ieasou.il lo ra!f.'. sut-h
oimpitiiies will be certain to make a good
dividend of piofils on tho year's work. Tl o
baits cm bo built for fioightiug, run at sefo
speed, m3ingsd with all caio and prudence,
and there are plenty of txpe.i-ioneed steam
boat men to uo found to command them.
Then as to the canal and locks. Tho
Y.imblU boat, when ce niplcted, will apply
for passnuu through the li cks, attho piico
gtiarai'lotid by law. Iho ivinal will only
hold one boat i ntime, ami if tho Yamhill
boat c.iunot pss, no other ctm jet by it. It
can speml the balance ot the winter thereto
good ltd vantage, perhaps, sLowing the
would-be monopoly that tl.ore are "more
tilings in heiven and earlli tb'ui aio ihciuut
o! in their philosopy." 1'iv.b.ibly as good a
way io bring these men lo t-rms v ould Ijoto
thus nb'itruct the passage at ILe looks and
throvi- tl.o work of law ing ihe matter upon
the sipotihlors of the lock proprietors.
Hut il tin1 looks aio found stint it i ill bo a
temporary eipedicut to bfNct tran.sportilior.
a rou mi "lie falls vni tie Orepon Ciiy fide,
olthor by wigon or iniiroJid, uutil iho J r.s
sage i.l the locks can bs seemed; but to d(
tint, we must have beets both above and
below t'ro lalls.
What wo need is good grit ami svni en
ergy, if tlioe pooplij llml Iho jiioiliicors of
Oregon .no in eiri.o-t, they can make no
long-conliniied ojipitlliou to tLoirjustrigiita,
and vvo i.tlv.iin'o il.H opinions of one ot the
liiu.st ubio busmoss men connected willi the
graiig moveiueut when vvo ay th.it tho
statu should iop.iy ihoso men tho money
tbo lock have i. dually cost them and
take posses-don of them, and so place iieo
ii.ivitpii'uii bej mid qun-tlon.
Not li iu s'lue wo vivvu couiiiiiinlcation in
ilitt on'j.iiinni thitl er brieily set'iued loio-ii"t-t
unkindly on hoi-nuiiuctaud nioiives of
Hon. A. J. Ihilur, vho is now so eltkimitly
repre-ciiling Ongou a! tbo vjre-it Cen'cnniil
l'0s..i)u. It is iry i'.iy to cist rellej
nous and nnke iii-uui ui.nis, and tbo man
lines liu;. live Willi ill i;y inn. i"i niauii iho rniu-
jijct f ilieui, for ir is pusaiblo tuiough to Im
pulo interi'sled ino'lves to the iuot pure
mindi'd and di-iiileiesied itrson. As to Mr.
lluiur wo ceitaiuly owe it to bis cuit-rprite,
oiiorv..1 anil t.tct (ii.it Ou-on baa any such
repit'sfUtailon as is iho i'iim. We nwo It
o'lislly to him ttia: our productions h.ve
bmia paMirred mnl ki warded, and his good
taste has croupe'l and dispbi.ved our uiodtsl
cjiititbiiiioii .) ctl'eitlvoly that nil tho woild
slops to admire mnl praise It, Wohaoboeu
alwivys wishing tliat some opportunity
would i il'tir lo make our losouit't's knivvn
totl.splay our products to the eye of the
world at laigo, and lot their excolUueo be
uuiM'isilly kiiuvvii. Mich an opportunity
did coiiio In this groat Centennial t'ouuuiJ
sioti. Yerv tortttuately wo bad in
the M'ting I'ontemual CoiumiMM0U8r i
an iiitl.vutual who hclievid in Oresou '
ami JuvoUhl all hi life nnd roul'rt energies I
. . .. ...... i
to ms mill;; uir iiirsou!i'ioii tuere, wiio
so much mu'eai that wo are ourselves great
1 v M!on;Ued at tho uoctMs Holl'.evdti. I'll-
der tliism circumatauecii we oaunot att'ord to
vent unklud criticUm of the liimj who Uo.s
for vt-ara uaM devotiKl bU time to thu ;naUtr
vv . . ..i -Uoo, and who bow npr-
gents us faithfully at Philadelphia, at his
own expenic, faking tho chances of reim
bursement by the State.
Mr. Dafur his always given full credit lo
those who have assisted Iu tills work, either
with time or money. A few prominent citi
zens of Portland have promptly aided him
with means, so that he was able to collect
his material, and certain other geutlemen
who wore intimately asioclaled with him as
members of tho State Ceutonnlal Hoird have
receivod due crodit. Tho chief among those
, , ,. .. , , .. ,i, ,,(, u'um
who aided in gathering our products ro
Mr. C. P. ISurkhart. of Albany, and lion,
,. ;,n . ,. r . ",,i t.-ooro In.
.il. vviiKius.ol l.auueuiiuiy. wttit ,.t, ...w
firmed that both thoso gentleman, at the es
pecial requestor Mr. Dufur, are soon going
Kast to render him such assistance as he
neds during the closing weeks of tho Expo
sition. What ho needs is tho assistance of
practical agriculturists who know how our
products aro raised, and otherwise thorough-
i ly understand our resources, and these gen
Uemon are just tho ones to render him moat
; v.-iliiabln alii In that connect on. Tho nrdll-
ous duties ho has impesed
upon himself
have been almost too much for any one man
ami tue presence oi uips0 genuetueu .. i
Kxpo'ition will bo a grostrelief tnhlin. Wo
know of uo other two iPfn in Oregon who
... ... -.1 . .,.
could do so well, becaii'etbey fwo he.ve been
for years csociaied witli Mr. Uufur in his
work of preparation.
t.r i . ,.,.. il ...111 .,,. T o
HKiinuuniiiuaiiiai l.i.v m.inMt.
lair showing of our productions for tho pres-
out year, which will provo to the worm mat
our exhibit was not tho result of nu excep
tional year.
Pitting Stone Fruitt.
We lately bad yimo dealings wllh Mr. A.
Lillle, ol Portland, who is the successful In
ventor of a michine for pitting stono fruits.
Uo accomplishes this by u aus of two ciiou
lar saws, that tro adjusted to tako bold ol
the fruit iu futl through a hopper. Tbeso
, saw.s revolve towortls eieh other; lake hold
of tho l.-ult, gripping tho stone and holding
it as it pa"ea downward, in tho grip of the
teeth, and a kt.ifo Is adjustod to separate the
meat frcm tho stone while it moves down,
and when tho teoth lot (to of the slouo itfalbi
in one dirte'.ion, while tho moat goes in an
other. Any rovol vhi; vvlutl with suitable
teeth, would answer, and Mr. Lillle uses
small, ciicular sawo Ltcauso they answer
tho purjitiiQ and are n-ady made to baud.
This mioliineopeia'cs equally well wilh all j
s'oue li-uits, from a peach to a ciierry,
During tho cherry seasiou be oxporimena-d
willi his machine at Iho Willamette nursery,
Uaw-ego, and ). W. Wa'ling .'c Co. attist its
ojpachy. Aftei winds ho look n to hutlliug's
nui-eiy end orchard, at Millwaukie, aud it
was found 10 work to excellently, that Mr.
Luolllu,; engaged the nj of it for tho sea
son, Tlio machine inn through cherries st
the rale of eight to tho second, and wo aro
informed that Mr. hiielling places i's prob
ab'o capacity, when fully worked, at two
th(uiiud poiiuda a day, of orioiritw. Of
coui-eH w ill woik a imii'ti greater bulk of
peaches or plums Tins macbiuo woiks so
Pt'lfBcll.v and supplies so great nwaiitin that
tlirtciiou, ibat we tnnt Air. hiille will In
tinia bo well lovvaidod for bis enterprbo and
A Fault-Fiatiuijj Farmer.
Mcu.ai.i.a, July ?2, lS7i.
III). 5"ia::iaui. Wo lalte the WilliniHtie
FV.i intr, it proiesshM to be a neutrat jioper,
buc it is contiiumlly pu'.IIuK in little pieOHsio
help the ItHjiubllcuns: sometimes it is n
liisjioich, stmiftimea an exttact, but always
on one .side. It publishes a sketch ot tbo
li:e ol Haves Hie nett wc k altr bis uoitit
nation, but it waited nearly a inoutli before
it 'inuiburi'd Tildnu. Mr. Clarke has n
portecc light lo bo a lie pub! lean, but bo has
no right in promise fanners a neiitril paper
:.iii! thou not give it to them. Faioiku.
Tlio only iep!y wo have to nnke to this at
tempt to connect this paper with politics is
that wo have given all sides of evey subject,
hitherto, as lumo m..tter ut news ol a general
chniuor, and challenge any pt-riou to do
find tbo politic.-, of the editor trom muthii'g
vve may publish. We piopo-o to be fair and
Iiiiinrtltl In compiling tup news at,il regiet
that any ptraou has sieu fit to connect our
:auw with iartl-ar.ship at abovo. Thoo
who live in tho same rowii with us know
tout vvo ;.ii:po-ely ab-Um 'rom alltetive
pirllnipuitoii wl'h )'liti.vtl mnvenit-nls. Wo
sliall.i'itais vote it) suit our own cjuvi.'lions
of catir-o.
IIo.im.UMs Pi'Miiinii. Ini PiitUv. n
('lliuani'in, in Stlmn, whilst iwliii; wood,
wtis ii-Miul'oil bv it lot of voting bo.itlluuis,
Midb'tllv Iim.i i n bv .lifiii. Tint n xr. ilav
tho cll'iid'n.; b iys .vero arre-ted and taken
bel'oro .In'li'i II. A. .lubiison, who impeded
i line t 1 il mil tiis's of nipt uo'-n t-a"h.
I'heir niiiiii's are, Cliarles Kelly, lMw, Her,
Wnlifi Watle, I'luyion Djiauy, Jo H.irtholet,
ml I.eon Snrth.
ik-n scya: sujt UwAoaL,itktLM-niaw-niaaTtijLLivnaBBa
Modion.1. Departroent of Wil
lamotto TJnivorsity.
fSIMF; :LKr.T!I llt'r.l LMt I'Ol'IlsK OF LEt'-
l. mi " of the .k'lictl liepirimeiit ot vv 1'Wiiieilo
I'ulvt r-itf vsi'l open on
n Monil.ie,
Is, 1st'
'he to'l.m.n.-tilmia rit'iestirs:
Ii. I'AYTnV, Jl, P., PiMle-i-r of Ob-letric and
DImi.s.'j of Won-eii ai.tl f'lillilren.
e'. II. II L1 , Jl !., l'roiefor of Principles and
Prstticeof Mtilicine
.1 W Mi UT.B M. D I'rore-sor ot Pccrlpllve
and Miviial uainmv
I. L ltoWI.ANl). M, D. 1'rortor of Phiulo.'
ami M'erorciipi .
1) M JoXK. M !).. Proleorof Mif.tra Medlea
UI..1 Tneruye'ttii "
A. sll.VKl'I.KS. M II. l'mfe,or of Pi'iulplts
wid Prstiiiw of Mirier).
is 1). DiiANIl, M. 1)., Prnle-or ol l"'.ie.ir-trv anu
Tov. iiilivy.
lion. Ul Kt MM.I.OUY. '."iii'isl stll. , i .uut
t:anwy. Prvfenor of JledU-al .lun-vri.tt' i o
11 leller of 111 illitv -U.'uiil e n'lil'. . I 'i t i
D. .HI 1. I'.UTilA, r;i. !., Iliilll.
,su!-m. II v ei. All.'. I, lv.t. ...I
Dr. L. S. SKIFF,
E"1 TH 1T -XT m V C5
jsj jj iv t- a. vs
- ?
AssiitiJ bv G. F. Tucker.
tiao Z3nzias.,
- - OnEfJO.V.
SAiEX, -
rinm n Ih'mnh'iti".
" Avtiocii, fi l., Dec. 1,
, istt.
"Mer' J n. It ). i'lni
"Jly wile lias, fur a .ouc time b'tu a terrible stif.
' lerer nom if neiiiaiiiiin. )" ua' inrn ui-iuy purl1!
i d,,,,,, ami mai.v rvmcdli?- Th j only thins: wilch lin
i given her nllif ll eiitmir Liniment. I am jircpnreil
to fay ihleha enrol lur. lam ilolnir nhjt I tan to
extent! itf sale. . H. IIIMJ.'
Tbl a ramnla of many thou-atul testimonial re
ceived, of wonderful cure-" vuVctcil by the Centaur
Liniment. Tho lui;re(lient of this atllcle are pub
Hfhed around each bottle. Il contain Witch Hazel.
Mentha. Arnica, Hock Oil. Carbolic, and insrcdlent
hitherto little known. It Is an Indl'imtab e fict that
the Centiiir Liniment i perforrnlni: more uiaf of
Swelling, Still' Joints, Kraptlons, Hheiiraatli'm, Neu
ralgia, bclatlca. Caked Hre99t, Lockjaw, Ac, than
all other Liniment". Embrocations. Eitraitf. salvcn,
uinunen . a:io i-asier, now in nse,
lm Too'u ,cllt'' J'iriciic. vv eai: ijjik, itca, s:nj fu-
' .n. ......... T.. .....I.... . 1. I.. ..Ih.U.1.1.. It .,r..j l.n.x.
luiivuu? i.l ui'Liiiiic, ii j-- iiuidiinuii. i. vu.tr- tf.iiti-
and cild vv itlinut 'i ar. Evtrarls jioi-on Irom bites
"HI. .V..
, atl(i Mine, and b-al- fuwt bite and cMiblafn. In a
fuin tnie. Xo family can aiRinl to be wliliout the
Centaur llu'.ni'tit, white wiapprr
The (Vnlanr Liiitiuoiit, Vdlow IVrop
per, is atlapted t tins tmi'.'h skin, mti-cle. and ilesli
I oi iiie auiei u eiea'iou. tin uutt upi-ii -ttt;ii; t.i?vi
' ,.t t.,.,. i.. v:........... il.,,i r-nit m. 11., i, I ...11 Poll
"' ' I"" '"' '"-' '".' " '"" " -"-. ,....
Cvll.are little It Ml..m maive-ouf.
ieitri. j. jt.r.nrc .. Co. Dniif- ttf. cor. Elm arat
I'ront Greets. Ointh i.ati, 0 ay:
"In o ir nllibor'n'iol i number of teamster are
I usln,' the (''nmurLtiilni'iit. Tht-y pronoune It Hi
I pcrier to .unLliii. Iliey have ever n-tsl. We 'i-lliit
h gha four to Jie uoi'ii bottled per niontu to then
Wi hsve thojtirdt of fimlUr te"tiinanl.ils.
For Wo'indit, G iU, Scratches, liliigdjone, 4c anil
for Screve Womi l.i "-hec;), it ha no rival, rarintrf,
Llvery-:ntn, ami stock u!er-, hive in this Liniment
a t tilted width ! worth a bundled times Its to-t.
Laboratory of .1. J. Hosi: fc Co.,
hi ljnv St., N'kv. Voiik.
Pitcher's Castoria,
Molherf may have red aud thtlr babie may lime
health, if they will u.-e C'a'oila lor Wind L'ollc,
Wuiiiis, l'cveiislini, feore Mouth, Cioup, or fcton
ach lomplaiuts. It is entirely a vese'able prepara
lirtu, r.iul toi.taiut n-jithvr mineral, morphine, nor al
cohol. It ia' plea-ant tc tske as honey, and nel-
ther ,;aj; nor grlji
Dr. K. Llmoeh, of Unpunt, O; ki:
-lam mini; l'aloifa in my pracilce vv ith the most
signal b..re'Uii anil happy remits."
Ttil is lut every one tajf. Mo-t niir'is In Xtvv
Voik epj u-e I'.ie e'.is'toril. It If pin) and by Mtusrs.
J. 11. Ito.i- ic Co., 4 i D.-y ft.. Mivv York, fticcttfors
to sai.iutl Pltcliti, Jl. D.
ascBcntrij:' Notice.
f KTIil umleuliueil ba been (inly appointed execu
t. tilt ol tile li-t wl I ami iiMHim lit of Mjles Sle
I) maU. liti'iif Marlim toul.ty, Oie'oi,, deceassd.
All pt.iMins h.vlu,; tlnlnis aai.'.tt siid tuate will
jileasi picu'it iltin, vvitaln f month lima this
tUto, to int.'. at MV itsldeiice ai &t. Paul, in tald Ma
lion county, Ortnoa.
anna si, Mcdonald.
ba.!em. An?. S, IsTUh 1 Eiecutrlx.
Kotico of Pinal Seitlamtsnt.
MI!s twnin stIUNG, eieiutilx of tlio ts
'ateo' III' icl sii.i'i.'. dect'a- tl. Mivini' lue-ent-
I "d lit'i ntt'oiint aud i-t.ivlnir I'll a ilnal -etijement ot
!-..!... ...... ... u........ ..I. ..... ...... ...... ....1 1.. . .1.1
SJiil 1--I.I.I- - lilt I li-, ;i 1 jit;; -fii- inn ii-rtvii ill rtiiu
ei it" iiul.ii'b nrtliUd tleit aitl application will
be hc.i'd intl d. i-rjiliied i: Hit t'uuH-hiHtM' In Jlari
im tii.ui y. st ite of Oii'irun. on satiiitlay, the Pth d.iv
ol septfiuber. .V. 11 lsli', at 10 i.'e'otk a. m of said
dv-. Uv onier of Hon J. ('. t'CliULC-i, Jiiiigo of the
e'oiui'v e'tnirt ol said rouuty.
s.ii. i.i, Ai,.-u-i ,s. loTI.. Sllivl
from 'S'lireo - Vtilliltis id I'nil - Kloml,
in 1.H s ,.i -i ii I'l.ieiivM p.
a.., . t.. .. i .i .i j.-. oro.ii.
a ; kill
33 353 r2' c Z 3 3? ,
Assisted by T. T. Shaisr.
Olllcoojipoipe lliejman'r new store,
Aii Oregon Institution.
yirv mm: '.'.n ofpiii foi; sale at urn
I u.n t'Oitc- Woilf,
CIiti:':ss, .1
ju-rtjjis, iiv.
rJCl-5.l3ixiS, whlrb villi keep
and nea lil.y, (ree from virailn, aid
. no vtooii
your wa'ei iu
ial torever I -i
i ui i -ii ir. is in n. aim' ei. cheap, dint
2Tivo XS-x-icls., iSoxvor
From t'i-i
the bt.t
i's. KKl'ir-sKALhUS,
- . ,i ' ' ,r n-n. r- v nh
l ' 'U.OIlr, nr
ssj t II A. !),
'iiifiii, Ista Or
Ac. . i -cbea.i
Xojy Range lirwch Loadii
?ra:tic3 Pistol & Targets,
Carries a , in U lull w.tli ac i
ttey nlty lwt. without ikWiler i
iHrcuupu. Vr Imtt l Loir trifc.r
Ly dealer By mail tive u r 75 icut
luuititt tmmunitiou u- t.ir-v.t rirtu
,. ..- ..,. .,. i. .
hu tvi bimiiiu -'iik ui ttuorj,
A, A. OJUIIAJI, C7 LiKrtj Viw.!, w Verb
i m
"J CX. P 5
l .r Jin
w ih r-
t i-idtiurff.