Vk w a i t et m In at loi Hi )i .In '01 hi Vi 8 oj ia ul X) W n n iii or Jc a .V. Ill Jtl 30 h i n J' Qi ! rs I It tli it .,v I. . i " Q WILLAMETTE FARMER. VllSCEULNEOJs. "LUCK." ItV Ki:V. W. M. HTATHAM. What's Hint j'ou say, Alfred, "8otn fellows neer get on, Iweait'-e they never got a chance, nnd other fellows arc always naving jony goou iuckv fcJo, you are begining to put down your failures, are you,to the fecore of chance, comforting yourself with the foolish idea that the goo.e that lays the goldon eggs has never laid any in your par ticular garden;; and that you have had no oporttmity of making even the pro verbial mistake of killing the Mild re nowned old goose? I tell vou what it is. my dear fellow. you aro mightily mistaken about this Name luck. If you tako the trouble to study human lifo, you will find that God helps thase who help themselves. If you go as you aro doing now, you will be a second Micawber waiting for something to turn up. While nm ing about on tho meadows of life, in your hours of ease and star gaizing, you will be like a precious old sheep that mils mi its nreclous old back, and can't manage to get up again without somebody's special aid and interven tion. Life is not like a game of whist, where you don't know what will turn up trumps, for duty, laitniuiiy iohow- K1, tlty and in value, for it is evident that I they do.' Some ncr-on- llnd a luind-j u.mit" a... ...',.i..,i.i,. ii vn' i.r. ns t w 1 bo -eon that Servia i- onij V' 4I.IIM ' VJ. '. ..-. "-- - , ... . I Historical Sketch ofServia. JSv referrin-' to .lohu-nn's f.iiiiilyiit- sons would tell you that their diilleulty lay in choo-lng amid thee vtinetie- Dutofwhat ti-e are a hundred gate I ... l .i.i.i ii... iiki.1 nf iv-im-vl HOUIIl uiltJ-lllir" ' ; i ' vnnln. mill in noitiiliitioii it number-. I le.-s thanJN'ew York City, and llrooklyn Land for Jmmigrants. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE. 4,000 ACRES, Ti f-A a - 4 n . w uiwAnn aab owning to admit the racer, mile- lie ' " the ";"' ?'a h, ,V VrT '. 'V e can run? or the warrior, unless he can , Jl"-' wi-t i,vh amid 'm ni. J' oon Af'HEs.dne ronth mnd ajoiniugthcn.n. fight? or the painter, unless lie can I inhabitant-area ,r' !.;; u,. "L ;iUr.,.,i i.eK.t.ts.Wm. an under cuithation, nnint" nr fhf. n iv-iemll unit-- he call i t'm, excepting 1 10,000 Wallack-, -.',") ai.dMiltar.li for minor vegetables. ii" till i.?li'.t i miV. I... mi i IL-A l" &vi)-es t.i.OoO Turk-, and other peo- 046 acres. r.,nrtnik-ioiithniao. saicm.on cure? or the leader, unle.-- lie can lean, uj ' -;,, J ' ',ri't,,", ii,)uiM-int- were "' railroad, with Mill creek- mnni. thronRh it.- When Peter the (Jreat learnt .-hip-, pie. I he original tniiaoiunr- ', Thi-1, the ehf.Ueat farming land lu barton comity. hiillHini hr iliil lint hclieVP ill llli'k: I '1 lira-Mil". It Wit- eOllUUeri'If t ItO- ,h Hnetprlnef. ti.nlHm: In part of the nld Hector DUliaing, lie CI Hi not '"'-; ' '" ,:.l ,llHMv !lnii (lriML' the Ciirl er per Oil or donation rlm. on wWoh IralScd the jireeent year lind When J'alissy loillld OUt the art Of llian-, anil (llirillfc li ,",.. IIU-riMimi mirl.u.hflf ofwhratand three tone of timothy per notion', he did not uor.-hip hick; ant the empire found a ;irt ot iu ruuiii. BrrV ,-,.,, ,, , ,, erl.r talfvA on psrt'of WniA ! .11.1 t,!! I t.l.iv Jin. violin In- It Was overrun bv Him. O-trogOths tM. iHiMlm.amredilm-tT-ronrbnrtel per acre, praln raganin did not piu the IOlin ) 'I1 , J, ". lVi "riall nation- bllt-Ub-e- ek-I.ed and ;ronnd chained by Mr. Alrred Btaaton. luckf The fact is. t latyoungiiien who "nU otner lierrurwii nauon , oui ui t tfbaicm. Hnn'l rl, ,l,,l.r rl-i.. nnlv thnv are MUeilliy WH- tinner D. amine ruir ..w... WV" V 4.A . v . . ,Vj --,- -- - i .-, , .... .... ... ".. I, y-, .,.1'i.lttll 1.1 a II- nM rr.Q,!,- ti,7. v,.iinn- r crk cim't take i me -iin mi eany n mr r-. ...... v.. 1 . -. .. o ... ,.... ...V.... "T ..-.... B700 ArKKS oforalrle and lluhtbnifh land. with tlmoer for fitnului; imro'ip, boanded by the Willamette ri.cr lor fnnrmllep, beautiful lake on the t ..rL flL'nt!ili.i1 it. pl'hi. . . ' ... i .... i. f I... ii... tiufl.. ii ef, bct lai.dlns all along the rher, rommencing Vvars were driven nut b tlie ."-erb-, a f,lr' mM ,i((rtg of Haiem-,ix ola.oi.oo , always turns up a good trump, and alwavs holds a good hand. Circum stances may, indeed, .-ometimes favor an idle, loallng set of waiters on Prov idence; but what value are the circum Ntaucos, if the man i- not right himself? 3loney may only help him to a quicker ruin of his digestion and his reputu tion. A more iiromincnt position may only be what Young c.ills "(he height winch Is the gibbet ol hi Freedom fiom the claims ol iiniy only feed a longing which tempts Jnto unlawful indiilgeiiceiamiutl which is not toned up to work. Happiness does not coti-iit in what u man has, but in what ho i-. lake your-elf an earn- c.-t, educated, well-trained man, and you won't singa miser.ilile ditty to the (iodtie-s of Fortune. You would think it lucky, perlmps. Alfred, it some di-tant relative left you a largo fortune, or if .some plenty crowned merchant gave you his mer cantile husiucv. and belongings. N'ot nt all! There is an old philosophical distinction between caiiio and condi tion, which I would have you very carefully ponder. If you put a marble into the giouud, instead of n melon M'etl, not all the rain and dew, and suti rthine and good soil, can ever make other than a marble of it. The con ditions are there, but not tho caic-e! Anil if you .-urround a la.y, indifferent man Iwith all the best opportunities which the golden favor-of Fortune can enough for me..' Certainly not! If I cannfford it. I'll give a guinea to the man that takes the tooth out well, rather than a shilling to the maun ho "screws " it out. If a youth npplie- for any situation, and make- hi appear ance with a dirty collar, and .-melting of bad tobacco, don't let him lay the) loss of the place to bad luck, but "other than thai.' S:ilvii iuintu. u'hnse 111(1 tllO KOHllin Krjaln lnnrl-the l.rffed and vaott unit ... . .w .'vu,'..., . -- . . ,. . TTT . . ,. . . . .. . , . ' , ... .?-......-...- ..-' to tie piircbnd by a colony To be fold from $16 to , vs per acre J me lane will an ne immediately re in the be-t part of the Willamette Tallcy, near the ciiyoi Kajemnncj mtnm reach or the best social ad vantage", ai- well H( tnoti faiorably located with re- toeet to mhrket,. lrrealeranvantaue. on mnm favor. able tenw, than thev can ever expect to realize apaln. THOMAS CBOSS. Salern. Nor. 1. IKS. foroicn correspondence simply becaiiM he hasn't cho-en to spend his -pure Umi. fnHn.c.a t.a..nili iit(rltill Don't let him, therefore, complain of hmperor Heracllus mil : n okt . r le . ' i.i.i.. i... ;.i- .. (li'ixitiiiltf.fl retrion- were alotttsl by miirh n?hn in wnrth ' " ' the eillfieror to the Serbs and Chri-ti-Uejd.ndcanrsaol(Mnlat;cror jmalleriiarccK mucn as HO IS Orlli. .,:,,. t.,ii Viu-lrh.t-iitiliiitr lofiilr rumhueerr. It ran be ubd vlded to the be?t If tho dentist can takeout my teeth ; anny IntrodticeL Aotu th-taiunng 1)f f ibie adThn11Ke .,ndi can offer any pcr-on or Der- Nkilirnllv I'm lint itiinr? to -av "Yoll. i -treniioiiseffortsllliulefor independence Uin".orioloiiyof perrons, deelrlm? to pnrchafehomei my deaf sir. are a dentist, and tliatV ervfa remained a niiistme 01 me in 10M, it becamean independent prin cipality and extended it-sway in the fourteenth century over the greater part of Greece and Turkey. In HIS, with the tli-a-trous battle on the plain er Kosovo, .Servia's indejientlence vn- Io-t. I'or nearly tbrte centurie-Servia was -iibjiM't to Turkey, but a part was trans ferred to Au-tria at the clo-e of the Turko-Au-train war in 171. In 17.'!', at the eaco of Helgratle, Turkey again a timed -way over the ert- and sub jected them to great oppre-don. Fn- kit i eiu.v vieor-r tney roe ag.un-i to pi.nn.i-. TlHllot(.llliP.l) MKItlNOS. mid as. the lurks and nciiuired their liidoocn- ' l' i' i-iiinn-tc.i timt tiivycan, ami win cn- tlenco in lMi'i. 1-Jight year- later the JOIIV !INTO. WALTKIl A. AriAMS. give him, you cannot alter him through them! It is the old story of a bramble Juish from which you cannot gather grape-, ami of a thi-tle that will not supply you with figs. I fa man is not an nbio commander, it is of no u-e to give Jilui well-traiueil armies to Ieatl to bat tle. It certainly did not make a man a true bishop when, in the olden days at Milan and elsewhere, some popular favorite had the mitre conveyed to him by the iiivlaim and shouting of a wild mob. I'ltnes-, that is tho great lesson of all life, and when the door of opportunity open- you can enter her place with a -mile. I'laco a man in the foremost position of tho forum, let the auilionce all turn attention to hi-nre-mce, but is ho an orator? Clothe him with profe ioual robes, and put him in the academic i-liulr, but can he teach? Open all the doors of opiKirtunity, is lie lit to enter anyone of them, and claim his place? Luck, indeed! How many have been ruined by this -elf-ame, so-called good luck? or the poet laureate's wreath? Tho Tact is -Imply, this Alfred, when you see another man's -uccess, envv .sometime- ,-ay.s, "What a luckv fel low!" lint study -ay.- there must le .secrets of power, per.-evereuce, skill mid will, that ,ou have not noticed. Fancy Turner's .supremacy in paint ing attributed to good luck ! Look, too at lloynoltls, who .stayed sometimes thirty-six hours before the canvas- at a .sitting! 'Hiil luck may r.ii-e a man to a fitl-e IHxdtlou, but it line- not keep him there; er, even if it does do that, it niakes him riiliciiloii- wherever he is. Ye-, there is a law of .'ompen-ation in tho universe, 'iinl the poor soul pays heavy penalty for this s.inie good luck. His bail grammar would not have been noticed much wheie he wn-. but now he Is knighted by what you call "a lucky tlnke," hi- IVIeiiiN neirly choke over their wine when tho try to hide their MMbo of rldli'Ulo-iiv. With simpler Mirmuiidiiig- his ignorance would have been hidden, but framed in gold the pk'turo is too prominent to be paed by. Luck! Dues a inuii ever learn navi gation ny iiickt or waior-coioruraw ingy or tho way to be lupp.v? (Vituiulv not! Character, culture, a giMd con-ci-once, and a good name llie-eaie not the gifts of your "Jolly good luck." o nnd I can think of nothing more con toniptablo than tlie epre ion, that a man i-, "down on his luck." In nine ca-os out of ten, or ninety-nine out of a hundred, tho real fact i-. that ho is "down on hi- laxiuos-," or "down on HI ignorance, or -howii on hi- con t'elt," or "down on hi "down on ins iickicuc . There is u large cla-s, c-pecially at tho present day, of youth- who are 'loungers;" and one wonder--, a- one, looks nt them, what the world want with them at all. Who are you my young sir? and what doe- the world want with you? How much would the world be poorer with out you? You think many things that have good, name." honest hard work in tliem are "hor- indiistrv tsii." nut are you not the norev reo- iiiuuiiij . .,.,,, , ..-i,!.. n.ll. 4I...1 Iiu umi.ui; uiiij iiiiiiK inai i''i( thing they look at goe- round. And people thut are u-ole eiiough)iu them selves think everything a bore, except ease and pleasure. Luck! I warn you, Alfred, to look tit the results ol this bitute uoliel m luck. It often means sweep-take- and gamb ling, and a sulky sort of beliel that you are a more valuable article than you are. Look around you at the enor mous waste of force in this country; undeveloped science, invention, -kill, art and industry and do not let u- be listening again to any more talk about chance. Mr. Ituskin tell- lis that "Turner got In his earlier years half a crown a day and his supper, and he learned to paint upon that." Kxactly, and I believe that there is no hope of our exorcising the conlemptiable spirit of envoy and desire for other people'. "lnck" till we face fairly and candidiv Ihe fact that the first great call of Cio'd and the nation to us is that we be faith ful to the powers within us, and then await thi) possibilities, or chance if you like, without us. Tlie happiest, Copartnership. TO. WALTKIl A MINTO & ADAMS. HnrKiiriin op MHRIXO SHEEP, irIMi: plia-in InoilirlnL'tii the Wool Growers of , 1 unumi i.ni! tin MMntmiisTrrritorb" the chance Sftoclx JiWrtiscnunts. CAPTAIN JACK, THK THOROUGHBRED Stallion, Will .land throat April and Slay at mv farm, ten ml n. routh .of Solnn. on tho ro.o Iradlnf from silm to Iluena Uta. at tho follow(m: low rati-: tin for (Initio en ice. $15 the neamin, and -Jli for lii'uranre or I will breed n limited nnmbcr of marw on fh.iref i.nf1 "f AS-? ' "J1"1" ""y-"'"' b,,,K 'nim-,' tall, and fret. If Hftfcn and three-qiurttr hand hi-i, tinST""''5 '"1 we'sh. ne fat. about IM PEDIGUKR: n8J'V.Ji?ck,?rt,',.,!lre1 Tack Mln": d.m Katr Bnrnttt, by old Rifleman: Kraod dam. Klora nnrnctl by CoMteraatJoii, "r.matt on llii- Horo": . ?m?ohr,;dVMrr.een0"nSer'he M'mM"' " & Farmer, try a thoroBRhbredcroju. Q. Q. GLENN. May 1. ItfJtj. I urk-were usr.iln nia-ter-, but in l!)I.' the standard of revolt was ajmln r.ii-ed and tho Serlr-, led by Mllos Obreno , vitch, u-taiiied a doMiltry war for : twelve years, when Turkey granted them virtual independence. Prince .Mile-, the lilierator ruled up to is:i!i, when the army forced him from power and ilaced in power hi brother Micha el. Another revolt forced Prince Mi i ch.tel and his relations into axile, but in 1s.js Prince 3UIos was recalled to the throne. Dyiiifr in lbiid. he wa- succeed ed by his son Michael, win was as-ai-uated in ISO. The Servian National a embly. soon after this occurrence, elected Prince Milan ruler, when only fourteen year-! ol nj?e. During hi- minority the conn- try was ruled by a rcfrency. In August IsTl', the Prince obtained hi- majority, and in 1S7." married Princes Natalie, i ikiii-'hter of Col. Ki-ehko, a Ituxjan , ollicer. Ho-itilittes between Ileiv.e Kovin.i, llosiiiiinnd Turkey a year ao created much sompathy in favor of the in-urents airain-t Turkey, but the Prince favored a neutral policy. Tho Liberals carrying the election in this Kail, a mini-try wa- formed from their party and which i- still in power. The distrust between Turkey and .Servia ecnn it greater after the election, and lor the war. ent an army ilnMn in. mi -I. ii ;i nf On-Minie iialllyftud a!nent VI i II I 'IIP. -vl'l'lt HM'h- thin i-uch can poi".blv In iiiiihu ul. I -K"'jiinli(ii. .'iinl (oti)inriiii uitli olli' ir -"ii i mi, mi in ihu iimiUri an-conllsllr imltcd. -'ililii- M1XTO i: ADAMS, Sulom. Oiiirciu. . II. -Tin Kami- ami Ham l-amli of the Hock ran hcfc-mon the l-I.ANI) FARM, odjolnliu; Salem. The twi- run he men nt the parae place, or nt the 11II.I. KAHM lour and a hall mllie couth of the city. Suit m. Si i-ember 10. MC'j. noblest lives, have not been what tin worm calls "luckv" ones. We have to remember, after all, that i tlie Serbs besan to prepire to do Clod's will to render faithful I The Turk- to otf-et this, .-( service in our day and generation, ami, , above till, to bo true men anil women, i valiant for purity, integrity, and right ; to be unselfish and brave, to bo thank ful and contented, to be ready for the everlasting rest hereafter these con stitute tho aims of every worthy spirit, and are matters not of chance, but of faith, and duty, and integrity, and loy alty. 1'as.s it this Wa .Mis. Hisow.n. Mr. Ilrown kept boarder-. Around Mr. llrown's tea table s:tt Mr. ISrown, Mrs. lirown, Mrs. Andrew-.the villiage milliner; and Mr. lladly a Hour, feed and lumber merchant. Mr. lirown took out of his pocket-book a ten dollar note, and handed It to Mr.-, liiowu sav ings "Here, ray dear, are ten dollar towards tho twenty 1 proiui-ed you. Mrs. lirown handed it to Mr-. Andi'ew tho milliner, saying, "that pay- for mv new liounet." Mrs. Andrews -aid to Mr. Jordan as she handed him the note, on my STORE. I HAVK I'URC'HASEn THK ENTIRE Intiroct of Mrmrr. Yeaton .t l.ouahary In the Fiimttnru Store on the went plcleof Coinmerrlnl Street, Snleiii, and mi ill keep on hand a GENERAL AS SORTMENT of food for the retail trade. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTER? t'lii'lor A: Cliniulier Sets, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, ROCKERS. &.C., By the set or lnle jilt ce. Repairing and Jobbing HONE IN THE IlEsT MANNER, And nt rui-nimble price, ii" I am a practical workman JOHN CRAY. sakm, .Inly is. 1-M.y JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer In iiuer meiutatious 01 ri n uttt r MnnnTinTrn irritation gradually AUJLXXi 1 UrXLUUiXlll!iO, TS0R0t70SBHX!X STOCK. B.E. STEWART & SONS, iBtportern and lireedcra of ThoroughbredShortliorn HOLSTimr CATTLE, Pure-bred Merino and C'ttwold Sheep, Berkshire IIoss. AND Pmoy afo-vtrlis. Our firm? are fltuntf one mile from Nnrlli Yamhill Station, on Oregon Cent'al Kiilniad. Adilrc. Nonh Yamhill, Yamhill Co.. Ore-on. G. W. DIM8CK, Hubbard, Marlon Co., Breeder of Shorthorn and Devon Cattle, Berkshire Pigs d- Light Bramali Chickens. r0UN(i STOCIC, OP ALL KINDS. FOK H LE .t. for ca h or on time, witli food (-tcurity. urn urove ohick rarm. July 31, IsTil. ap:i to the frontier. I the Powers the -ub-ided on hotli -ide.-, but owin to the failure of the Horlin Conference to etl'ect peace, ho-tilitie- were revived in Servia. The grand Vi.ior of Turkey demanded an explanation which w.i replied to in a firm and ni.inly tone by Prince Milan, who -bowed that hi iieople had been provoked to It by Tur key. The impatience of the Servian forced the Prince to declare war and nuke common cau-e with Ilo-nia, Jler- egovina and llalgaria agniu-t tho Turk-. ! The I'uitod State- Senate did uell to' unaiiimiou-ly adopt a joint re-olutinu ; oll'ered by lr. Siiernnin, of Ohio, j takinir Almiirhty Clod, in the name of, the people, for hi- -ale guidance through the century ju-t clo-etl, ac knowledging Iheir depi'iiilence upon Hi- divine will, rccugniiiugtnc -ervice ol deorge a-hiugtoii anil In- eomp.i Crockery and Glassware, Wooden ami Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, CmiMUKriAL. STnCET. Salem. Apr! fti. Is-;.',. ilAwtl ti.il .iiijl .l....l.ii.i. llii. in. i. ....I. ..I I 1. . . itr...n. -.. . u nil, nun nil i.iiiii. mi imii i'i.-i in nil "lhat wil pay you for your work I tWll ,,,, , tlu. 7,:imi.'f the people i" counter." Mr. Jordan handed i i ,....!..,.. ,i .... .,1 i.i '......-,. 1 , a r ii ii a it - i , in iioiii'M l' Vi iinnnnn in in m- no ur i mr, nancy, me uoir, lee.l ami ,.v in tu. viiv (l W'hiligton. The lumber merchant, reque-ting lum to f,.'.,,!,,,,,,, direct-the emmittee- on give him credi for that amount on his , (mlllll. buildings or the two Imu-e- to unibor hill. Mr. Jladleygiivc' Uw note i .,.,.. ,,. proper legi-lation nece-ary back ti Mr. lirown, ni lug," I ha pay- j (..Varry this piirpu-e into ellect. l.Jt ton dollars on my hcmnl." Mr. I roun tlu. .-00,i U(irk henceforth a br.ivelv Jrt k i . ii'?'" w,,lh U,,'n" " In the heart-of the people there inipuilemv," or "Oh it'.-f all very well," you kv." to It-claim iij,'.ilu-t luck, but tiiere i- cuch a thing a- luck. Kveu the Scripturx--av "Hy cliiincc there came down a cer tain prie.-t that w.iy," mid "Time and a'hauco happeiioth to all,' i:actly, Alfred; hut a very ilitl'otvnt meaning ha-- tho word "chance" in tho-e m-. ngiw fnmi that which you attach to it; and, reinemlH'r, my argument 1- not that opiHirlunltios ilo not vary in ipmu. , marK that that nam her the twentv dol'.iirs had ho promi-ed. She in turii paid it to Mr. Illack, to ,-ettle her bread and pastry account, who handed it to Mr. lladley, wi-hlng credit for lhat amount on hi Hour bill, he again re- lllrililll' it In Mr llnmn nilli tli. i i. mark that it .settled lor that month'.-! board, whereupon Hiown put it hack into his pocket book ecbiiiuig that he "never thought a ten dollar note would go.-o far." Thus a ten dollar greeu biick was made to pav a ninety dollar. iudchtodno. iu-itle of live minute-. Who.-ay.s greenback.- are orthle V H7;.i'(( Vi.. A I'liii.o-mMii i:'- (. i-tio.. When I'yrrhu-, Iviug of l.piru-, wa nuikiug preparttiou- to wage war agaiu-t liome, I'iuea-, a wi- and good man, asked him what were the ccc tatious a- to the n -ult of hi- career up on which ho wa- about to enter. "To Mibdtie liiiiuc, nu-uoivd the King. 'Wind will you do mt, .-ire'." "I will couiUcr Italv." "And what then'.'" "I will -tibjugiite I'.uth.ige, the whole of Africa and tirecce." "And when you have conn uenul all that you rcin coinpicr, what w ill you do thcnV" "I will .-it down and .-pond my time in i-eace:uiI comfort." "And, -ir," .-aid tho -age, "what prevent- you from sitting down and -iH'iuliuir vour time In peace mid com fort UttWV" WM. ARMSTRONG, BOOT-MAKE J, Soxxlli Salcun. 1.1MIMKII- CAN LET C0WT HOOTS maiii: TO nnl r Inr $7.00 COIN. Give Me a Call. For Sale ! j1. TIIF. I 1ST ItK-IIIKN'f'l. lorlnror Cim-Pe jjjj. i In Him O v -hmi lrlel-. In ili'-ntble -Im itu.i . ISUfaiii'h hiiui hi.'i'. well ilnlnheil, awl eomeuleni. H iiit,in.'iil. ai.it 'riiijiiil- tanttl'ally oni.)meiiiil. Will h -ii. il very low and on aecomTci laili'e urm- Aiir ii, J- i.u wn.Lis.rr" in'l CattonV llloik state St.. -ilei .1 CENTENNIA L. 1770. 187. PROCLAMATION. Chicago and North-Western Railway. Tlie 1'opular I&oute Overland. 1ASSKN0ERS ron OIlICAfiO. Nlapira Fall, . I'lttflinrj;. Milladelphla. Montreal. Uuchec, Ne ork. liniilon, or any point East, thould buy their TKAMSCOVriNKNTAI. TICKETS Via the IMonccr Route, THE Chicago and Northwestern Hallway. TniS IS THE J1E3T ROUTE EAST, Its Trai k N of STEEL 11AII.S, and oulthae been ruailo the FASTEST timo that haj ever been MADE In thin country, ny thin route passemsern f..r point? east of Chicago liau'choUc ofthcMolloulnj; liuea from Chica go : iiy Tin: I'lTTMii'no, tort wayne and Chi cago AND PENNSYLVANIA KAILWAYS: 3TllKorGII TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Pal aceOirii ilironh to Philadelpnia and New Yorl. on each train. 1TIIIS0UGII TRAIN, with Pullman Palace Cars to llalilmoro and Washloston. HY THE LAKE MIORE AND MlOniO N SOUTH ERN RAILWAY AND CONNKCTIONS (NEW YORK CENTRAL AND ERIE H.ULHOAD&): 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Palace Draw in;: Room and sihir Tulace Sleeping Caie tIiron;;li to New York. HY THE MICHIGAN CENTRAL GRAND TRUNK. UREaT WHsTKIIN AND KR1E AND NEW YORK CENTRAL KAILWAYS Q THROUGH TKMNS. with Pullman Talace Draw- u inno'iin ana Meerni: ork, to Niagara iinKrit fall- Oiri. tlirolliih In Veil Ilullalo, Rochester, or New 1- a reverence lor lite mime ol uli iu";tiiii which they will rliully have omliodicd in an enduring inemori.d form at the -cat of national jnivern ment. Snoirr Horns rot: f'xNvnv. A I'tti.idiau firm ha- recently miivlia-cd Mow Park farm, near Toronto, Canada, at the head of which lirnt i-the lion. (Jenrye lirown. i'Voir, the recent -primr .-.lie-, and liy private treaty, Air. William A-hburner, of I IvorMou tlieira'ent in Kii;luud, ha- U)ii;lu ."ill oftliehe-t Hate- animal- in the Tin ted Kingdom, l'.'i of which left the Mor-oy on Thur-day, tho I-t of. Mine cm thuMviim-liii Polyiic-ian, and will form the nio-t valuable cargo of live -tiK-k over taken from thi- coiiMry. Tho purcha-c prico of the lifiy auim.il is upwards of tattoo, and lor .-ingle female- as much a- Sol Hi guinea- and U'OOii guineas has U'cnpaid to the Duke of Devon-shirt' and Colonel King-cote rcniocti vcly. Ktujlhh f't'i CENTENNIAL MEMORIAL MEDALS. HY HU.TIMOKK AND OHIO RAILROAD: .7 THROUGH Til 'N DAILY, wlih Pullman li. aJ ace Cur. for Ni Histk, Zaui'svllle, Wneelmy, Wai-h-Inzlon, .Hid llaltlmore, without chaLse. Thi- U the SHORTEST. BEST, ami onlv linn nm nliis the Ii.1iiiioii nlchralid I'-tl.ACU SLEH'ING CMts AMI COAl HE-, iiiuiHilln- willi Union P. cllll liiilrciiil at 0.MM1A. uml from the WEST, W Giui.il .liinrlluii. Slur-hill, LVdar Rapids. Clinton. t-Urllnv, and Dln.n. mr CHICAGO AND TllK KAS 1 . Tl.U iiotinlai louin I- uiii.iiriiq,.iiiil far sM p.-.m. fort, iiml Saelj. The rniouili, well hallastnl. and pirleit track or tei 1 rail, the celehraleil Pnlhuaii l'il,iceSliipii!yC.ir. the perkct TeUcrjnli S)(trm of iiioi In.; ir.iii,, the reKUfirity w 1th whiih they run, llonilmiraiilean-Riiiremcnt for mnnlr.i; through ra-n to Chicai;ii froni all pointii Wot. sccuie to pa'senuern Hlilhecorafurti in modern Hallway 1 ravelin;:. No cLaiii-ip of Cam and no tediotiij delay at Ktr.lir. I'wr-nser will ml tlekiti- ila thlf riniltc Route at ihe Genmi Tlcku Ofllce of Ihe C.nti.il l'aclrtc Knlroil, S.itranienio. Tlcktt-fur aleia all the Ticket Ofllce- of thi Cm irt raiiac liai row. W H, STKNNETT, Gen. Pa-. Ak'fl.t. , MIRTIN nUOlIirr, Gen. miii. 1 II P STANWOOO, lliMierai Ajein, 1S1 Vol t I giimi'rv ftnet, S.iu Uiii.rifCu. an?;if 1 MO UNT A 1 N BALM The Great Oregon Riuncilv for CHRONIC COUGHS, 'COLDS, j n ivriiFK DiscnhCN ol'tlui 3L.iiiij-w. TS PEHKECTI.V lURMLE!--CN.OT IN.IURE I A Hie mot delicate The pure nrup-a lieHiiilfm i article rilia-ani 'o the tanin r-in.rnl w'lh jji.at rare-rcn he had at I.n'h 1'MEHMAN'S and CliX .t HEI.T's llia.'ftorpr salem fil.'M -inn 1, uh.l .ippianinie. lhaii Plan , eiiiiat wi ir ami roior. in Moa.ii sii,, t'.n on (WM), pni nt.nj a inri.ti of Itanllfiil IirMi.N RriiLr. Then- Miilalari larger thin a SlUer Trade Dollar. Inch in dtniiii ler, limuliiomily put up aid I II Plainly .it rlbl The :iiii CHlimhle sout ruir- and .11 e infiiioa nrr luril. I.O'JI' IIiKVTjS II IAT47I In tifrtt IVitm.t lomi in th I . ami f'iKii.'i, iiirCo'ii fxilmli; h,rit i uiH t ttr-fu it ttrfiittl. RET Ml. PHUK-'.-JVr the Allwl MUer. irt . liiH, fl.ln fmry Imv l'ilil dUivuut in theTrudr. V i-.mplele nnint nfmi.'uillceut simple- foren1. In Milu ii- ihet Inuii nturocx.rae, eiiiiiaiiilni Six jiiiWl-. diflcreu' difl.'li-. one lt. miiiMe fur .lew . Iel. him wilidou. ftc . epl on rei-llit of draft or When you relied that tit picnic- one C mn "" " " '"" '"" i. . Illllldrcd VCUr ago it W-.l- theCltOIII Dc-erlpme c irriilar l'rlc I.l-r and imr Minpli- f.ir III.. ,rlrl I., .i.iiul ill. in ii r.in- uml muI iihmi rvrtlpr uf M cip imuu-ii'e iin.il'r. filU lor (lie girls III sltllUl llll III U 10W .111 , ,iM c..rr.tondrnei- HcHnl. liiiorniallon 1 let the muii kiss tliem all good-bye, all five. hstenMre tt'M fur mtcn'ruu Abdu ai: I thi.- ontliiislasmalvout imtioual progress VrTuwtnli 1 mv um trn...,.r 1 . ...... . -v 1. . . . ...1 .1. . I .a. .tlKO.tl.Llll i 0 21 1 Ilroaiur, j sccnis to bo u brivc mistake. j i, o. iipx aio. ntw vork. Di-iioi'C'uuH.i:. A dlp.itch dated (Jtioboc, duly 21, says: Mishop fridge of the Pacific coast wills to-morrow for Knu'laud as the delegate of the deform Oil Kpi-coptil Church to the convocation , of tho Free Church of Kngland. REAI ESTATE LOAMS. OKKGO.Y AMI ASI1I.(.T0 Trust Investment Company OF "MOTLAM), riinis Coniiam ir preptrrd to nessJtUte kin Is X mni Imra -,Jitoi.rKl .einrei over 1MPRO ICIT" PROPERTY and KaRVI LANDS, for fixed pcrlodr of ap, or rrmiable hy half iiarly in utallniiKtr. Forterin'. apply to WILLIAM RKID. MiiC'ir, noilDr ;i Klrrt street Poitlai.il " J. O. SHSX.TON. XK. .. PiiYNiriAV ami Miaaiih, siik.v. Oregon. OCire, fnint rimni on -nird Door r.t the N. O. Parrih hrirk Cnmmiril ttrt km dence, corraeart ro-t.er I roni and liiiUiou "tri-cl,. IWinca graduate or the 1'Ly. In-.Medical, or Cnrtlf Colkcii, ClDCicnall.Oh'o, we are purvly te'otm Ir.imi practirv, diatardlrv alike both mlLeral and vi-rtbl. yoisoM 23x 3S1