-X n feKSSHJefea j RfiM IK B U cm ivfrXAtgsxr:i-jf'ti. '-am, m. .mvipKb a- w, imsv mw m&s. v,,i.i ,. v?---& 6 vvaww hv w9?& $8 d MM4 tfirjri wii c.yMWMT BBS VI aWT k W IWa ' IBI AT' VV 7 . . T. -- " WKl H V JKT fcff Kfl Jttffir -. tf fl ww vii 1" i-MJ A-ir? o' , wi 1 . . , nuj .. iirc nu iiv m iirw 3r KJMS --r - rt v r-a--r -x:fl 52.)0 per Year. LATE DISPATCHES Washington, July 27 In vien of the published expressions ol Yarjrm, the Pres1 tlent has been atiliu, for lil inn profie Hon, to hk jHsU.oti til ilienr'.lnil ot tJi 'let no guiltv tiliu escape" ltttei. Untold Wilson informed ilia l'residnit tli it L is ie ported it was on IiIh in the office ot the ".olic iior ol tlie rrtHurv. but it could no' be found. List evening the late sol fit ir had three Iiomjs s-a!ed up, siui (iire ted to It I it -lord Wllon, bprlnpllfld. Ills " It v ,w ie iwttoil to tho Vieslilftit this i:iarnluK tliA" seeral tclpKiains in tlio liil.,v oisft pro UlissInK, binl that Wilson hsul iinuv rnplis ot ImportHUt diu mnotits uiiule, nnil iIhj to Atrt uiisiii(;, rtm I'resiilcnt dlrco h sc teiAry Morrhl to ht the 1oms i-ppned in tljo p'resfUM oi Wilson. This was ilnno in isplte ot hN protests, ami th letter so ni. iouly cUfin-d liy Urn I'esldent anil i op us ol important pp-rs baarim; upon the Wii ky tmuds nere louutl Wilson in tlio ln!iiri "tn be allow id no acptss to public tlocu nifntf, except by current ol dcp.trttnoni of ti iaU. The Secretarj- of tho Trrasury has loppil the i-olnapo ot tiAdedoIlais at Philadelphia and Carson mints and ordeioci Shu Kratu tseo mint to coin sulUcieul (juantitiis to nipnt ap tual export, Tno mints will bo run to their lull capacity on subs'd'ary coin and necessa ry coin coin. Official returns made to tho bureau of stn tltid show that duilntr tho U'cal jeir end ing June 30th, lhTii, tliore arrhurt in the United States ?2,'i72 Chlne-e imungrints, ol whom only 2"0 uite females. UuriiiK the correspontlins! leriod ol 1S".", tho total liiiiui eratiou to the United Statta Irom Chlua was 10437, ot wliomS-were lemalps Alter reading tho journal lUjard said I am sure the Snnte and cMitntiy will be defrly atTected by the announcement ot tho uielancholv event of yesterday, the deith ot our late friend and brothel. Allen T. Caper ton, Senator Irom West Virginia. I move ab a mark of rennect justly dua to tho nio.n orv of this excellout and hononiblo mm that the Henate stand adjourned until to morrow 11 a nt. The World'a Washlntston special says: The report of tho special committee hii 1ou ilana altairs promise-, to be an important one. It will probably be tho only report, so jar a known, which will lit hr night into the Houo to openly and iliiec ly censuie the Vresident. Tlie'Ooiiuniiteo tin-1 that the New Orleans Ciinnm-bmi-H has bjf;i cor ruptlv manail bv Coll'oi'or Cxsi.i. the l'rrfrldemM brother in law; ihat thesh abuses were fcuiid to be n itWrltnj tun jnnatn, by iueKicatfon, that the remov 0 ot Casey was recommence 1, and that uudi the pres sure then made lie did tender Ills r situation, which the President refined t adept, and tlureby declined to interfere with theierri ble maladiiiini-tra inn ol altairs nhlchhas cnntined toKrow nur-c, bo.li In Ktdorul and sjiate matters. Mutiny the pat.t wfel: -l"i7 leatlis hae oc curred in tins n, ; in llrooklyn the number was lii Ipsa than'during the p"revions week. The births in this city nunibtitdtl llt The llliuola Democratic Mate Concontion met at Springfield on the 27th, ami nomlnat jewis Mewart tor (ioiriiorHinl A. A Glenn for lieutenant t.nvernor; S II. Thornton, secre'nry ol state; lolin Kie, iatp Auditor: ce. Oerudelaitn, Trenniirer; and H Lxnch, Attorney (ieneral. Willtoni htirniKer was nominated lor re-election to Congress from the'lwelfth lilstric' .-ah vrrciA. Julv 2 Tilden arrival this C'teiiiiiir M the lT. s, hotel, lie was foul called on by Hendricks and the. , witu Lieut. lo licirebeiiuer, went nut li.linu'. return Ins lu lib jut tour hours. They swtn in lull AO-nril. having rt Rood underhtaudin',' with t-.uii o'her. and emphatically denying al! rei'Oit- of dlsairreenients Smi Yoitlf. July 21 The 7Mfj' Saralrga epe ll savs: Gov. DuriihefMier, who is here. the letters of acceptame will certainly not t'O ready betore nxt wefk, and denhs an "ther reus in for delay Hum that Tilden lms liten t'Mi bi)y with tlie alTurs ol his Ol'i e to uive proper a'letitlon to the matter lhe Ti tbniti'x iaratoi spttill si the letter ot nuepanivi Mill be harmonious, Hendr ck I i inc In. ti reported as hai iur in d-it me ajhai gol heart pu thocurr-ncj H i.in n B -Tii.N, Julv 2S Tne polhe In il iv mm lllelli el tlie ellfnre. IIIHtlt ot Hit- ilcmie Nil end nnmeiotis m uresnl liiors unremile i M ll v nniong tlm i nor. r u ns s "r Iuri, Jnli .11 All c.iMlrv now on dotv in Miutherii Kaiis, Texas nnd linlian 1-rii' rv hai e beenorderid in j dn l-n Te'r or Crook, and will leave lor Iheir ilrsfiiiHiion at ohi . WAn:MiTr, lulyai 1J1 r.cruibjure to forwarifed in regimen's In Iikiu and C 1 urmip. and a m Hen. Tern'- c tuiniud 'I nrt-e hiiiidred soldiers leiie Xew Y nk in jii'irmv for the Indian pmin'rv Tties c,i. larv of Vr lis sent to the House ,i ili:.ou-'j of lro Mirlil in lei1 iiiiineiidiiig n 'iirre--e ol 'he niiupiiie or tie 21. Jd, -itn on hihi 7th I'aialrv o lin men. as it Wa- Imlnm, tn retflineutson the ISin Uramle. ami ubmi'n au e I'll e for uiti requrd in ad laun to ttie 2 .'t'O men authorl il or law. Too number required to ill ri-ititUMnt of cavalrv n the frontier and In Texus tuthemtiriiii n of Ktl men fur each company will be 2 ".), and expenses gl,iiJI,7,J Ue hberinaii ro Jr recular enlistments P volume'! r. Pai'l, Jul r ft Order hiiele-enl!!-fttl troiii il.i artiiient hed''iarer liere Inr oil lompany of infintrv fiom J'oit "si eltinj;, and eno'her frim Kort Abirtronihie, to pm n ! ImniedlaUilv Lii fOandinn Kie-k Ajtkicv, In poaslivnce nt nr'tT rei-ei ill M-.ter.Ny s.iiii.ii Js'iitlil ill, UKi".? nun aryc'iiitrni ' tr.iou iiHiio wsand IreJtini: 'li"ljieiit !"iIimi m. t ntmie, to dirin mid .(eprlve thtu ( theli ptnlHnoncoiitliitr lnor-.,d-av. li c to go on', vet lo bs rrrted ai il he'd a jvruoUfrs of ivsi, 'Jte c-amjiAUiUiKorUo..-i i' " l' Ci , - - r - s-- -j 1 the 'jfannliiB Kock, Cheyennp, aiul Lower Buel agencies have boon intormed of these orders and notified that they can have all tho tone needed for periormlng the same. CoI.umiius, Julv ') John Hseves, for 1J ye.irs employed in the Columbus postoilice, was urresteu this morninjr luropeniiig letters atut nbstiactiug contents. More tn.m silk months Ant losses in tho mails vvereieportcd b the Columbus oflice to the depariuient, and since that time bpecial Agent ileiirv and tlie l ostolliceolliciais have been eoKaued in au investiitfuu. At lAst suspicion fell on Beeves, and he was shadowed and watched ttroit.li perlomted walls and Moors. He adioitli avoided a (treat many, and although detected two or throo times ol late in open leu let'urs, was notciuiH iu the act ot ab stractinir monev till tuis moruini:. When ebnrged with the crime he con tossed, lie has been likiu to Cincinnati tor examination, llo was an active tueiuber of the Methodist cuurch. Ciiicuio, July 31. Tho fluctuations of tiio wheat market liurluK the past week have boen ripld and (treat, amountitiK in two day to six cants per bushel. Tho cry ol hot wheat has been raised by the beats and the heat6d term (?ave lise to tho possibility that ttie elevators were out ot condition to an etent that has kept prices down to what many regard bottom tittures. I'iiii.MFMiii,IulySl 'lho mulatto man George, who recently asserted tl at Charley Boss was alive and well, that he could find him, ha. suddenly dlsappotred, it is snppos e I m oiiseqiieuce ot Charlie's lather tolling lilm hocouid have him hunt;, which appai enlly alirmed him. Boss believes Geuro has seen Charley since his abduction, lie did not seem noxious to (let money now. Slid it would cost about lorty dollars to go to w here the child is. About 1,000 workmen mot in Tompklns v llle i-quare to-day. They deolareSO.OOO men out ol employment lu this city, dally search ing lor work without success, and are living on the charity of friends and neighbors. They lormed a procession and, headed bv tltfeen policemen, marched to the mayor's otlice in the city hall. The longshoremen sirink today for an increase of wages. Pollen reserves are out to preserve the peace. Lionion, July 27,-s-Tbe raco for the Good wood Cup to-day was won by Xoiv flbllarid, Templo liar 21; Preakness, Jd, Six horses ran. Tho race was magnificently contested, and up to to the last quarter it looked as it Preakness would certainly prove the winner but in tho linal dash New Holland forged ahead and won by two lengths. Temple Bar, a great favorite with betting men, beat Preakness for the second place almost at the tiuishing line by only a head. The excite ment among Americans was simply indes cribable. Mr.sjanford has proposed a match botween Ills horse Preaknoss and New Holland, win ner ot the Good wood cup, on the same terms, exceu. the weight is to be 2b pounds higher. si. Lnuis, Aug. 1. A tornado passed oiei Casn county, Missouri, yosterdry morning and dentin ed several buildings, and seri ously injured crops and other farm pro ducts. Mrs, Geo. Webb was instantly kill ed, and br motber-in-law fatally injured. An infant belonging to Jacob Heiuor was also killed. Pim.AliKl.i-HlA, Aug. 1. Colorado washed lMic2Jc, unwashed, slj(lhcj extra and Moil no pulled, 27o0o; No. 1 aud siier pulled, 27Q.j0c; California and nudium, UCy 21c; COarsp, 147r Ciiicuio, Julv .11, The In! ir Ocean' x special from Washington ys that Prot. beeleye said this evening: "I haveread every nord of III u ford Wilson's testimony aud I think tiie Presiilen', to one who knows him, s amis better lhau he did before" IUjsion. Aug. 1. All but two of the nom In "us ol the prohibitory party ol this Mate have declined. It is stated another ennv on lion mav bn called to rill the vacant les. PoursMoUTii, Aug 1. The Kepurlicans elected their mayor to-dav by 3.1 majority, and (onni il by a strong KapublicJin gain nearlv.MHI Wasiumiton, Aug. 1. The debt state ment bow a imitation of Sl,13ri033; coin bilanc-, .VI tij,300; i.pe Ml deposit lor re ilHiiipti mot certificates of deposit.! i2,81o,000; on stanrlliig legal tenders, $.;ii,'Jl!,223. T lie wy mid means committee to-day xuthorifld tho chairman to report a concur rent resolution for tlie edjnnrninent of Con gress a', noon on Monday net. Turkish War. Bvulsa, July t0, Vd vices Irom Slivonlc -ourtrn i uiiiirui lho intelligence nf tlie com plKe (li-li-at ol the 'Jurk-, on the 2S!h Inst. v:tr I rliza. The Montenegrins captured ..no Nvals, besides Osman Pasha, rive guns isudnHieral Hags. T'tio Turks attacked the Montenegrins at Hu'clii, but were rupuhed, I "5-lim Pasha was wounded. ! Paiiis July .11 Vienna intelligence as. 1 ser tuit lursey and Austria favor th Pre I lender Karei.iigeor,v itch dtclsres thai il PriutH Milan returns to Belgrade vanquish ed he wj be ilethromd. 1.i.Msj., July 30 A Xtnntlanl special from Kalaial,sys tho Turkish army cross ed the tMrviau frontier at Bussa. baturdav. I A great battle is expected. There Is great ex iteinem at me seat oi war, among i wins iians,on aoxiuiit of a proclamation of Der 1 1 .h Pasba, (be Turkish commander iu li-isitla, prohibiting quarter to Christiana. A INtUia dtsfiatcti sy MonkhsNr Pasha admits liming 10,0X1 meu iu the light with Mon enegrlns. A Pestn special aiv the annexation of Botnu bv Aiutrta Is coiiteiupNt.H, Tn Courier' rtKial telegram gives da tails of the niassecre by Turks in Bosnia. Tbrei liundred Chris'ltls were tortured and IroMued In the iIIUrji of Pervaii and Lunar. Twelve women ivere cut to pleoes 4tl'ii six y c'Mldrsn irare etoncd to dmuh at UoUUt.j wdI fe hundraJ and SALEM, OREGON, AUGUST eighty girls wero violated and murdered at Sackaloon. The Tclegtaph's Vienna special speaking of intorvemlon savs tho initiative will be taken by Kngland at INlgrnde and Coustau titiople, with tlie approval of tlm powers. ITio bellgereuts are favorable to peace uoyi tiatlons. London, Julv 31. Tho Oaman Pastmcup tnred nt Verbi.a Is not tho great Turkish commander. The Turks engaged Friday noar Medutu munliirod 12 000. Thev were driven to Podoriti, and lost two guns. The support ing bitirtllon. were annihilated. The atro cities of Bashi R7.iuks cause Intense fei ling throughout Gropce, and hor relations witn Tin Key are becoming alarmingly snrlous. UvtirsA, Aug. 1 The Turks lost in are cent battle nt Tre'ierg, Sflim Pashi w as kill ed and Osman Paha taken prisoner. Tivo colonels, three llnutenant colonels, seven majors, and from 5,000 to il.OOO men, includ Ingtwo battalions ot infantry and one of Casseurors, wore destroyed to the 1 ist man. All the battalions engaged suffered. A num ber ot Turkish interior ofHoera wero killed. A strong pursuit was continued to tho widls ot Bilne. The corpses were thick iu the road bsfore tho cltidel, besides artillory and trains. The Montenegrins captured 100 horses and an immense number ot arms. The Turks are greatly outnumbered. News from China. San Francisco, July 31. Tho steamer Belgic arrived to-day from Hongkong via Yokohama, bhe brought but l.'xi Chinese iu the steerage. Tho rebels in Western China hav e succeed pd in defeating and disnersin; the whole imperial army the leader of which commit ted suicide in consequence. Prolonged drought in lour densely popu lated provinces has destroyed crops over an extent of eight hundred square miles oi country, Inhabited by seventy millions oi people, who are t'ireatened with the horrors ut (amino. A disastrous Hood at Foo Chow and tho surrounding country has devasted that re gion, causing immense loss of life aud dam Rge to property, over 5,000 tlaarL'nodies hav o been found near Foo Chow alone; aud, alto gether, the Flowery Kingdom seems to be in a v ery bad wy. Tho manifestoes isesued by the Chlnrss companies here have had great etlect In dis couraging immigration to California for tuo present at least. Impeachment Trial. Washington, Aug, 1. Belknap has beon acquitted, the vote standing 35 for conviction and 25 not guilty lets lhau the required two thirds. At noon the Senate bean to vote upon tho articles of impeachment against Win. W. Belknap, late Secretarj ol War. Upon the first article nt impeachment 35 Senators vot ed guilty, 25 not guilty, for waut ol juris diction. Those who voted guilty were: Bayard, Booth, Cameron ot Penusvlvania, Cockerill, Cooper, Davis, Dawes, Dennis, Edmunds, Gordon, Hamilton, Harvey, Hltclnock, Kel 1', Kernau, Key, McCrpary, McDonald, Memman, Mitchell, Morrill, Norwofd, Olesby, Randolph, Uinsotn, Uoherteon, sjargenl, Saulsbury, Sherman, Mephenaon, Thurinan, Wadleigh, Wallace, Wi.ytu aim Withers. Those voting in tho negative wero Antho ny, Allison, Biutwell, Bruce, Cameron nf Wisconsin, Chrisiiancy, Conkling, Conoier, Cragin, Dorf-ey. laton. Ferry, Frelinyhuy sen, Hamlin, Howe, Ingalls, Jones ot Ne vada, Logan, McMillan, PaddiK k, Patterson, spencer, West, Wltiilom and Wright. Jones ot Floiida declined to vote, on tho ground that the Senate had no jurisdiction. Tiie presiding officer announced that two thirds had not voted guilty, and thorntore tlie respondent mi acquitted of tho charge in the tlrst article. On the second article, 3il Senators votd guilty oud 25 not nullity. Maxo), who did not answer on first roll call, voted gulltv upon thosecond article. 1 hose .Senators w ho v oted not guilty repeated their reason lor do iiig so for wai t of jurisdiction. Jo let-, of NevatN, said he did not mean to loto on tho question of the guilt or inno cenci of the accuse d, but he voted no, guilty on the ground that the "ecu id was a private e illen, and not liable to im p-iaclimeiii, lint llkn any other cllimi lishie nelore any ordinary court where ho hud been mdli.ed ard was now nwalilug trial. Upon the third and fourth aitlclos (he vote stood is atiove M volinj, guilty, 25 not guil ty. Before the roll e all on the lifth arlli'e was finished, Morton, vviio bad been de lalned on account ol a neveru fall this morn lug, (Mine in and voted gulltv, tlie vole u tlie article being 17 guilty and 25 u : guilt v Twolhlrds ot tiie Senate not having vo ml in I ivor ot sustaining the articles of im p.iacnniblit, it was ordered that a judgment of acquittal be entered, an J the .Senate, sit ting as a court of impeachment, adjourned aim ttie, Smallpox in San Francisco. 'Un FiiANtTeto, July 31 Seventeen lams of smallpox roisirted Miturday, nine Sunday and ten to-day up lo noon, with live deaths from that disease In (lie meantime. Tlie crowds at the health office Increase daily, and physicians lu at eiidaiKe are overtaxed, Sa.s; FliAr.c'1-c'o, August 1, In the Isiard of supervisors last night, Dr, Meams, health officer, was in attendance and gave as his opinion that the le-st hoii. will soon be ot ' ciowded and more loom required, (Her IU) nates of smallfKix have been reported at li.o liealth office, of which number 12 have been HrtCt to the hospital, of which bH have died. There wore 112 raaea aunt to the smallpox hospital this uioclh, and UJait week. Forty- ifi.' V. J - - : lX.iP 'JVV 4. 1870. s.vendeiths from sinallpos liavo lnen re ported this month. It Is probable addltioml l.iciliths will lie provided tor rentov in and caring tor patients. siiiHittON, July .H nnllpo in a mild brin madu its iippeatanco iu this 'ItyTuew diy nt last vvctk; live case ate reported this evening; health officers taking eveiy precau tion to prevent the spread ot the disease All necessary sanitary pre cautions have been taken by the bnird ot himllh. Phvsii litis report tiie dispiso thus far ot a mild char acter. Correspondence from Ohio. Killto- iVillime'ti' Pamir Ireidothlgliwator.it Poitland, Oregon, Shrevpport, Louisiana, aud Pittsburg, P.i., but listen now and I will u tale unlold. Last winter was clnracterlod by being the wettpst winter in sovonty-nlno juilrs, lu my lormpr corropnnelonce 1 told voti about tho mud. Notwithstanding all this, spring catno at last, and tho over-reioicod husband man proceeded at onco to till lho rather-too-mueh lructilied soil. Ills iuuow broke tho stubborn globe, and every energy was taxed to lusuro ourly crops. But, Ala ! Those v. no had seled time by tho iorolock, soon had to release that hold and grasp him by tho tall. Plowing was Incoming difficult and Imril, and some kuow so well wo vvoro going to hai o a drought imp ir.illolad, bocauso tho lain all fell last winter. Well, to be honest, I thought that looked reasonable and 'talked knowingly about rutuie prospects, I niyselt. It was Friday afternoon that n i cloud (somen hat largor than tho otio soon by tho man sent up by Elijah the prophet), hoi o up in tho southwest uud bnro steadily on until It enmo and stood over where lho weather prophets wero. The rain fell by plashing tits, and tho earth-rejoicing drops came down. Tho dimples on the stream did not circle out of sight, nor the amber colored gleam of parting light break forth from eith er east or west. In twelve short hours, all agricultural pursuils were silenced, and rain more or less for eight dajs, rendered tho cultivator's task Irksome for tho present season. Foxtail, and othor vile growths, sprung up spontaneously, and, Irom tho twelfth ot May until the fourteenth pi July, It has rained three-fourths ol the time, ren dering it almost Impossible to take caru of crops, especially the hay crop. Thursday night, the thirteenth, and Friday night, the lourtooulh, will long he romem bered by thoso in the vfoiniiy of streams, winch, perforce, and by reason nt the rain which te.ll during that night and day, over leaped their banks and in their lrreslstahle march carried ruin and destruction. Coin psrtd with some of the streams, tlie Cataract eif Lodoro was nnwhoro. I ine papers ure inn ni ino neiiaiis oi iie- striiction of life and property by lightuini', and on the eighth ami ninth Instant, niimeious largo and brilliant meteors are reported mil in Ohio, Miihlgan, Indiana, and Illinois. One at ld ion, Ohio, was vis ible lor one hour and live minutes, or the trail which it made iu its passage continued that long illstinctly visible. Hume say these phenomena have a direct reference to the woids ol Peter when he said: "Nevertheless we look for a new heaven and a now earth," Ac. But on tills point I ehull maintain doubts unti. the weather change. But I hasten to mngrntulatii you on jour editorial success, iik a reciprocal eouliuiiity ot friendly feeling, hope you may live to celebrate another Centennial before going to the happy hunting ground., uud thus I close. John Wai his. Li on vitn nt'liei, July 17, Is7ii, Misstatements Corrected. The I ill xviug luliur wo copy from tho Law rill i (Kansas) luuuinl. It was wiilltm by Mr. diaries 1 . Lert, ol sublimity, Ma rum Co t ('"eg in wh i came from Ivatisisto nr.'gou lu IsTI K will lepiy perusal. LiMl'iH I.. i us l -In your Issue nf May s, s,i,, J i,i i iniiueei rai is Irom a letter written by Mr s. laloreii Aiiiiisvllle, Ma rlon Omul), Oregon, lorinerlj Irom hausaa, iu wtilch he makes some very harsh state ments, to say tho least, about Oregon, aud as I am itlno from Kansas, and now live lu Marlon Co , Oregon, and within a few miles of Auiiisi llle, 1 woiiul like lo correct a lo of ni. statements lor Nar my old Kan sas Iriuiids will I e led to bellevu Hint we live in a veil pjor dud lorsakeu country, when on llieeoii.iary, woibliik our esiuutiy hard to be boat, taking all things Into i yiisidiira tlou. Iu the hrt nlfco Mr. Tajlor snjs, "tie rainy season is near'v eiver, I) il the neither in Mill tool Nj wo am all w II. Ill .( to ad mit lliat our rtiny sea-mi has broil long and tedious. I'fiM rainfall shim the 20 II of at October has been git-aler by lr than ever known before iu ttie sami length of time. Bui the weather ha beau mild all tho win. tr through, and we did not have Treat 1C- -&. frw'(V:S.?H, -crtm V ? . Wo V VoJiinio VIII Nuniber 25. enough to stiqi tlu growth ol our pvuuresoi to liee1 tho inidilg potatoe. Mr. Tajlor nnt sus "I think this is the nuatipst plato l evu 'stiuck' in my lile, and l shall leave i' .is feiou in l can cross tho iiii.iiutiiins ' Now IT Mr. T. puis this threat into execution it v.ll! undoubtedly be a great loss to Marlon county. But I suppose look ing at it Irom his standpoint, vvbut is our lo.s vi ill i'.i his "eternal gain." So ho ought to be. luppj. , , lletiiithiir snis; "Times aro getting har der all tlie limu" in this country, and every lout ot land is liu sale at sonio price." I can show von hundreds ol fat ma all through this county nm! right here in this "meanest ot all pistes" that are not for sale at any pine, and men all around mo who last yoar ollered lo sell their larnis Im $20 per acre, hum within I he. last tew weeks refused oilers ol lioin!s22 i'J to j2. per acio tortile sumo. ' People who own even large farms are cursing lho eountry." Wo havo olten re marked sime living liere that wo wero never In n nlui-ii Imr.i ilwir.i was so little growling and complaint among lirmora about their "hard lot" as hem. llo not speaks nbout tho larmerH neit bo ingiiblo to plow for some time yet and not gelling their giritn In until the tlrst or June, and ciiuiot liari est until tho inlddlo oi Au gust. Now Kiippnsp wo don't sow until late, with tho nil o gentle showers wo aro having every week and he aw dews at night, we are bound In make a big crop. I saw some splendid whi'at hm vested lho llrst week in sieptiinihor, lnsl jear. He lnilher sijs; "i wish you coulel sro lor youiselt how pisiplo liaio lied about this country." Now, Mr. IMilor, 1 suppose Fomo things hnvoboen e aggorated about this uiiinlM, bultell met eit another Stale In the I'uloii wliero a man has so longa tlnio In put lu his w heat as bore, you eian begin put ting in (all vilioat us the middle ol August and keep it up all through tho succeeding fall, wilder and spring mnn'lis, uutil tlm llrat ol Juno ami be sure ot a good crop Irom boginningto end. I claim that one man can put iu more acres In Oregon iu one year, than two men can in Kansas or any oi the States oast or lho llocky Mountains, and iu place of Oregon having been lied about In this re apoct.tthe half has not been told. Here in lho "hills" whero we live the ground never get two.wxit-.io .plow, but you can plow twelve months In the year. t Tlie next startling s;t.teinrnt be make in, ( this: "1 havo never seen leod of all kinds, so scarco ns it Is here." Surely Mr. Taylor must have been raised lu a favored locality. It Mr. T. is scarce of proper loeel lor his stoe k, whoso lault is It i "I am sure timothy , clover and orchard grass grow rank anil tlirllly in all (arts ol this valley. I haven meadow on both, low ami high land, anil botli are equally' good, and if Mr. T. will eoineoyer I will sell him both oats andjhay that I kept oveir, for I had more than mv horses anil milk coivh could e at. M young stoe k mid shoe p i nine through tlie w inter lal on wild pasture, (which Is so very short ) lie fiiitliei tells his brothi'r that horses, eatlNiiuil sheep have been dj lug nil at a feailul rate; that Is something I had heard nothing ot until 1 was lavuieel with reading Mr. Taj lnr's leitfer, anil my opinion Is that if Mr. T. was n huvaiel anil Mopped his wings over Marion iciiiiily, ho would f.nd slim pi -king. Now Mi. Keillor, I lived In Kansas nine teen j ears and a good share of the time on the farm nnd have larmed It in other stales. But I have neviT seen n plain iu III V life whine I iriuers make as easy a living as right hero III Marion monty, Oregon. .Steii k ol all kiuils reepilies but little attention; but a Illumine man Is kind lo his steick, and here as elsewhere lho old aelagn comes In play. "Make hay while the sun hIiIiiis." And when a mini iindertaktis to put In a crop with a te mi that lias to depend fur a living on fend pit ked at night on a pasture that Is probably sheeped to death, lie may woll draw a long hinath iu April and say "1 havo gen in v horses through and they aro safo now, Im' they have.i hard lime of it," and I suppose Ids horses will sgrso with him. A liiHii (hat Is willing in gei In work In this i euiiiiry e mi hale hay and grain ol all Icliiels in ahiiudane o, and liilit nf all kinds until ho Is slek ami tired of (licking it. Lint season thousands ol bushels ol apples lay and rot tid on lho ground line ausn the people would mil pick them lor a bit t bushel; whereas I liaio seen K.nsai farmers plow eiiru all i-iimmnr, husk it in the lall, and haul It to I, i -.weiii e twenty tulles al 12' e ts, per bush el. But whatsoever a man sows the suuo shall ho ul en leap, ami If a mail sits around and growls instead ol sowing grans-seed ho win hardly rp timothy hiy. .Now, Mr i: lltor, I him not drumming up omlgiau's for On gnu, but I do not like in liMin i ur country misrepresented lo my old frn nils slid in Ighbois lu Kansas, and I hoji'i you will Im as willing hiiiI ready to publish this lein r as jiiii wi re thai ol Mr. Taylor. 1 in. nam joins, em , C it im is 1'. KeiiiKiu. juhiiiiii , Man in Co , Oregon, June 21. Sim. I MvKtistn Secretary Cliadwiek and .State I re murer Brown returned on .Sat urday Irom Huge nn City whore they went to examine tlie building Mr State University, T liny report Die building worth eighty thou sand dollars, mid admirably adapted to the (in r (nit.,, ur whlcn it na. eonsiruu'ed, Th" II uird of Stain I. mil Cmiimisslnnsrs will meet on T uosdav next and formally recall tho woik. Tl.u Oregon ( liy nlnjnue says; " Hon. Ilenrv Warren, of aiuliil coiinn, was iu town last week, llllei V Inwing the IO it build ers In reuard In (iiiialiiicilug a li at to run on lbs Yamhill river. Mr, Wanuii saj-s the farmers of Yamhill mean business, and will not submit to the present axtorll' ll.W rates, of the W. B.T. .V L. Co , and thai they lu t nd to have a boat a aooil at possible.," : 'J. 1! re. ISC