WILLAMETTE FARMER. i i i a d. Ol O, A ft th th th in ov 11a ) Un toi 1 tiot The Winslow Case. Tho Governmont which generally acta most boldly when Its action ought to be uiost cautious, took a dosperate Htep on Thursday in discharging tho prisoner Wins low from custody. This person, it will bo remembered, was arrested somo months ago at tho instigation of tho American Oovernment, and in accordance with the x.xirauuion Treaty of 1812. with a view lo writing it is dountrul if any of these vessels could duplicate their home charters at tbe rates secured. The unfavorable and declin ing tendency of the Liverpool market has caused hero quite a dead lock in the market, by reason of lessened purchasing limits for Wheat cargoes. Things seem to have come to a stand still at present, and rates entirely ' nominal. Tim now Wheat crop is now moving freely , toward tido water, and ships to Antwerp and 1856. 1876. 3HENAPP, ZBURRELL & O., For tJa.e OFFER: Harvest THE KOI.LOWINT. Alteratiwe or 1876, his removal to tho Unltpd States, there to be tho United Kingdom are heing loaded with tried on the cliargo of forgery. It soon dispatch, although Liverpool market advices transpired that alter his trial on iliis ground by cableirrain nro very liiseou racing to ship he was to be aain liminrlii in lnstfr.n lr.r w nor. Tim nvrmrr. ilntiiRtwl fnr 1'lmir isritilln political ollense, to which the Kxtraciition active uttho low rites ruling; feed grains do Treaty iloii not apply. A long and somo- not movo off nty fr-cly. unt angry r-orro&nomlnrirri accord Inolv arose bitwtun the Jlrlti.sli and American Oovernnifiits, In which tlio latter insisted on winsinw'H Kiirrend-r ttniler the terms f)l tlio treaty, and In which the former ro fused this, mainly reting its case on tlio fact that our Kslraditicn act ot 1S70 declares mat a prisoner " extradited " lor one ullunsu must not l)i tried for another. 'Jin pruren pnndenco having resulted in each party's assertion that it will not swerve irom "j!h orlginat position, tlio invnriimurit has taken tho bull by tho horns and allowed Winslow to seek lelugo in miiwj country where tlio United Statin authorities cannot reach him. In so doing it has put Itself and tho countr v altogether in tho wrong, and, if no won-b consequences ensue, it is pretty certain lo cause a loniiiiciatlon of the treatv by tho American liovr-rnmenl, In itself a .stillicietn ly grave matter. Lord Derliv had some hi. cuso for relusing to glvo up tho prisoner whilo tho Cxtrndition Act was in force; tint he had ample tlmo for consulting Parliament on tho subject and inviting It either to tiiko upon itself tlio responsibility ol violating tho treaty, or, as it would probably have been willing lo do, of modifying tho terms of tho act. An act of 1'arliainoiit Is of course binding on tho Covornmont until it in re pealed; but tho act has no power tocurtail or alter the provisions of the tro.U.y entered Into with n foreign iKiuor by wlilch it has never bun endorsed. Tlio Americans wero perfectly right in Itnlstitigon tho observance of tho treaty and in leaving Kiiglaud to find hh own way out oi tho embarrassment.1' brought about by its act. Tlio announce tiicint of Wiuslow's icloaso will go to thorn as an insulting notification of iho Covutn niont's resolve lo abide by a wrong headed policy, In which it is now, in this parfieula casc, pledged lioyond rodoinntion lv Its having sUt froo tho prisoner whoso surrmidor had been deirmuiled, and who ought clearly to havo been detained until tlio dispute hail boon properly dicided. It may be regarded as certain that the American Oovornmeiit will promptly repudiate entirely tho treity which the lirltixli government has chosen lo violate In ono particular. Thev can hardly with dignity do otherwise. Tlio immediate consequences ol this proceeding will bo Kravo and disastrous enough. I!ut farmoro woriousaiKi lamoiilahlii will bo its indirect consequences in fomenting an acrimonious fooling botrtoou two nations which ought Hpeeially to bo in harmony. I.iniitun l)is Jiatri. Letter from Coquille. Coqim.u: On v, July 18, 1S70. Kn, Faiimiu:: Tho Coos Ilav Waornn Itnml Is In Tair condition now, and toams frotu Douglas county aro becoming common. Tho long lalo rainy soason has kept tho road in u bad condition much iBtor than usual this year. Tho road from this place to tho C II. W. Itoad, is being put in good condition and Jioreaflor woo.tpect to have a good road to Jtoseburg, whenovor tho C. II. W. Koad is iu good condition, July Il'th. Tho stoam tug " KatloCook," which piios on tho rivor, wont out over tho bar on Satur day last, and reports fourteon feot of water, bho i brought up to this place to-day. a heavv load ot Hour and merchandise, which was DniiiKut irom miu franclsco, direct, por atoamor " Cuidella." Direct shipments of goods may now bo said to bo fairly commenc ed lioro, and around via " tho lWv," is about passed into history, or soon will ha. M. Mom; Amnrr Ciiakixy ltoss. l'hiladel Phla, Pn., J uly Uli. A mulatto nainodtioorgo from Utlca, New York, declares to members of tho Koss lamlly that lie saw Charley Itoss alive mid well three weeks ago." Ho avows ho was cook lor a gang ot thieves who operate in tho -South and West, and that Charley was turned over to this gang near tfM.lnlti.tiil! 111. I.. .... .. .1 , " . -.. ..... ..,.,,, .urn, ruKiii auer mo aiiiliiciloii; that subsequently he was taken South, where bis custodians constantly changed quarters. Charley's hair was cut close to his bond to prevent lccouuition. (ieorgosaysho had no hand in his abduction, that lie wants to earn tho loward, and If the facilities he asks are placed at his disposal, he will restore Charley within a week. lie says ho could have ollercd his services long ago, but feared for his life, ills answers to questions by do tectives seemed to support his claim toiecent knowledge of tin. missing child. Somo of tho olliccrs think the mini cray, but iio is very quiet, Miir-pussusNud, mid says his g.uig was a brunch of the one to which Mosder and Douglas, the abductor, urn itttiiched. European Grain Markets. I.o.vno.v, July 20 .The Murl J.nne I jirrs says tho prowpects of good crop- now Htem certain ot fulfillment. Hay ht lnon gathered in oxrolient condition, tlioiigh i: is not quite so plentiful es it would naie been with inoro favorable auspices. Crops am now sullorin,; for rain. Tho Krench and (ierman wheat crops are satistauory both in quantity and quality. The local trade exhi bits continued depression. Wheat ha de clined a shilling per quarter and will proba bly bo lower. Floating cargoes showfdgen eial depression nil declined Uf'ils'jd.butthe number olloring has been steadily reduced. Tho current low rates must check shipments. Portland Produce Market. We copy the following from, tho Oregonian of tho With : Wheat Kor fair avorage lots, $l.ujru 1.40 pr cental, sacked, Klour (Juotablo, best brands 83 prbbl.; outside and country brauds, Sl.fiOal."."; line and superfine, iMal.'Jo. Oats surprise, 70c pr bu; common i0. Hotter lOalWc; Chi-ese, IaUOc. I'.'ggs i"i to ;;oc pr do.. I'olaioot 10 to fine. Wool Choice Willamette vnllev. 1,'illic: common, llal'J; K.jstcrn Oregon and Walla WalJa, llallJc; all according lo quality and condition. FarmImplemeits and Machines. ska afii tjlisii .Sail Frantlsco .Tturkct. ii tei.ko!:ai'ii, hJii Franclco, .Inly 2Z. I'leur 1'rid's am uuihanol, ami matket sr,ft. Vt'lic.it C'lioirc old milling. $1 ,7X; tliDltu nc, J! V; shipping rjtu. 1 Ce, Oat Bsliuincs, f I -,al (,o. Ilnikj lire wing, ! llal . begal 'f'ciiilrra, 'iJiu'iri' Lhcriieiil uhcal market to-day 'i- lUiQ'K Id fur ntvrain! Qllifo-lila; 'Is tilQtl fur Cllili. 1 I hamiiliui draper and Mnmr Tin llEs-T Oi Ilaltc (oiiiliiiitil Jioiiiiiii tn tin Wnril. .i- nlii. nccil l tin lilt (it it liavni-' km l! (1 tl, hl.'lttp' m,inl iii IJhil.tiuns Km! I'i, Irl I'nrt . Ixifn tn mirupt M.d AmiTlcn. In lsl ami Is; s. ,(nl;. ,til(t -trtjh-i tui Hn as wUlns (.mlii iT "lih1 mi (. , iu;,iuu Cu n.laiii tiiloif!(l(.cldin.;itiHI lliapu Hi 'n 1'inUr's licaiicr and Jfnurr. "Ohin ' atitl "liitcl: t( patciits (.oinliimil. with DikIi'l'- lrnpi'i(.tnuiit. mo tx-,n. l and-.' I'anbi'-tt io. .." l'rin. t.rinllj rutnrt'i for lbT'i. Ilaln(" llrudcrit'iuiliie ";' " r.ml "ft;'A" (tuna, 1M, la. and 11 foot ml. 'i he titu intpioMd .lili'i'tuttf ,'tl mh Jif-'ir'. and other improxtnv ntfr liirl'i,. Farmer" an1 lautloiiid ai-alii-t ImijIiil- Infe tior "otitfide" make' Harsh llartrstcr Tlii'vrouln.' ponularlti ol ilii Ilareit(r luti inoiiirht out mam Imitator-, hut the .MAHMI Snf.L M'AMIs A'l THE HEAD, not ui1ht,irjding t ontiar ttatttiKiit- (d com)ieiinL' par ties whit htnl itt n, f MAIisali Ion II, Hint iwl'l n'jl. -"" S?nid for boeiiptHe Hook (oi.taiulns reimrls and liMlhnfint'tt ntj,ttfn or th Mtmh oti tithti tytt ijl Jni itrlot, and do not he In haste to rruynUe a .Machine as.. Iielng ' a-lly aliead ol the old -tjlu .Maisli ' that wiaj r.ae been one ol tho-e rilnrntilto the makers tiLC.'insc Uilj didn't siletati-laeti(tit. We ' liae tno ples, .jandiifie' uit, lor a ot : Illiidei-, maiie to attach h fell hinder whin nantid. I liaini'liin llonrr.-II "'' lion ) nun: ami I'u Itnl J'lttiiitii Vuiuitctiuii. til do bitlu woik and is Hie &tivntf, and JA, !)', uUr niou et In maiki t iJ M'lut for C'lnntpiuii Clititlai", giving lull de -ulptlon. -Sic lltiflnfi fins "UhHiikc " Trresticr ti el nil otli( and i i.nw till. l.tAItlM. n 1 cr.Jl l:li. rho-e Inip.urtd Wv it5 l.sve t.eeh lmill wtlli prciol re'fienci tu thi wuriM1' the rai ,i " I o.i- The n"r uiij ti,i it" t,ty lri, linn ' , "' ' and to d iv r Mn mis willioiitti Hl:il n the KIM, OF TllllH:.is bore .eu, .1 ly -U wi.dnt o! the Uowir- nith tfeh --i in'i-il '," Mm hliui-' bn-t ycat - r-iuul uf tht ".NtMi'tf -I hullniiji Cl'i iijnOf L'ihIoii I'll'"' I hre-inr ,-I'tettv LCherdl lv kno,i, it i;a- rlmph f'iitifiiim t't ..MK " ''lltp-fi It " MAj'f'f Uffl"' l'n'1'1"! ,'lh' I'ltlHttl and tliu-tiling o -ell a ioiili-tclv liileiitti Thre-h-ir on the "gieat reputatinn that 'the llnlUlo l'.tt" 'ChiJiuiLir Thri-biT h.i made lor the 1 nine" I'itt'. ' 1m not be duelled, r.i d it uu want n'llne-her that will larn von the ( ,o,yni;h the ' ' expense hint pair find p'it the l-e' n 'fin tti 10 tie' p.u ile um thii-li lur iniii!ri! lor the 1; finio I'll'- "CllAb LUXGtlt," aid nl.i ,'0 din. lliri'l'trmin who hnie not een the ihangcs and iiiij'ifiuin" 1 made in our p.irator- and Fouir- the la-t two jcais will ioiffii1 liih oun inlttifib) looking at the "CHALL KNIjKH' belore billing eisennere. attdOBKKVK that the fitsi is't' are made nli In llLFr'ALO, N. t2"s.end lor Threrher Circulars for l;il. WhrrlcrAll itnptoiul. Ifirs' Hat Fiirks. AIhi IJU1U s tltt r M-i.is, Ha. 1'li.t lion- -ll- Tin 11.1 . lir it I'.irtr.!) i- nglnis lo , EndlcstSlhaln Threshers.-Latest Xclll-'p" llnrjiooii, the be-t 1111 and .'Illali. Va- Xone I'ltr or hliragu Iran Uoncr. Minple In niechanl-ii and unquestionably one ol the be-t mnttttli juitnl .Mo,i- t'llfiper Movier. Three sizes. 1'iht nil' t.('. w. TE JACKETS. Local Produco Markot. Wheat has dropped to n;1, cts per bushel, which price Is olleaod at Salem Mills. At mu mill, Hour has dropped to $1 M per bbl., but feed romalus yet at the old ilguroj lrnflS, shorts $.V, nd middlings f.10. Old nits inn worth U) cts per bush, but it is thought the new crop will start in at i7'. COIltM, Hay Mtiges from Js por ton for wild oals to flU for lnwt timothy. There is an aliuu ilatU'o ot It ciiiMig iu. New pcitiitocs tnUU for at least gi,-, jir bush, mid inerelmnts are paying l. 00, cash. Ilnttor bring VS.' j cts sh from the wagon, and eugsin. TIuumIs no frul- in market. A tigclables .ir.i plenty. Wool Is woith I A .vnls per pound which out merchiwits are )ylng for it good article. Contention of WJicat-Orowors. Nax J'iiani iv, July -il, AUiut l'.Mdole Kti's from tho wluuit grnwim; couiitds met with tioldett (lat (J range last night to Uke inlo comddomLioii the transportation proli loiu. Souin tweuty.four wheat-growing iiltttlc.s worereprtMOiittst The privisHlltms vr Htvret, but It Is known Unit it strong Stbrt will lw 111 ado to brcsk the grain ting, by holding livk wheat fir export. TIih Sau KrutioUco tmi'icrrtij Heraltl, Juh '.Vth, nays; riiore is now an unusually Wrgo tl-Hif of amps neaiieii 10 nils cosst inmi all pin's oxttlog 'i slisi.Mif the WIiim' lurrying trade. 4mte a until l"r of tlicMi v,.,.!- Imio mic ue.t.. I '.n nbi'ilnlng clisrlcis a t'.'t and ill' u.i t.. 11... H..11...1 1.-1 1 . .. ' ' i l"' 1lllTU IV1I1KII in, yei HI (111- I S. NEWBURY, Kit aid IU, Front Strut, i'(iit1imi, . - - uiucco.-v, .kni:i:ai, '3'i:itctl3ig ;nnl Managing Agent I'D II IDAHO and WAMUNl.TtiN TKltl.'ITOIIIES andtheSTATK OF OIIEOON, for FRANK BROS. & CO., SAN FRkNCISCOAND PORTLAND, Impeller" and Dolcis in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Solo Pacific Coast Agents for tho Genuine and World-Renowned WALTER A. WOOD'S Harvesting Machines, Kmhrailiig ENDLESS CHAIN 8b SWEEP RAKE, Self-Raking Reapers, One & Two-Horse Mowers. MOWING ATTACHMENTS, HARVESTERS, AMI - The Walter A. Wood's unrivaled Harvester and Self-Binder Is llii' grvati-tl Lalinr Nil hii; Machint' in thu world. With this midline, one man with three horse ran rut and hind Irom is to t."i acres of crain per day, and two week's time sand In haiusihi'- a nop l) ue;;in. iilug In m'Hsiiii. It may he unil either at a Harvester at d fi It Hindu, ir.is a Hamster alone, Tho lliimus lonnnlij "0Hi") MllliJ llLl.f. -Wu hale seen ltd 'the Ai;inc lor this Itakj a I tcrs.it is Islyiiidoiiisiiits ol its ijitdl "imioitti oiei otln.1 11 ill known and ttnlnloi' ponular itakis. It t"inin twhr and Ihe. lueth are so torinid as to tlo the 11 posslhlu mkiiitr and '"Ihti llif t((tt Inhh will lake seven inches hlithi i than othu Hikes and himu t.m lake iaret liiiniiiLs. ; Don t fail lo send lor a Hake CIhiiI.1i. linrmv Fciolilnu IlnWr Mwmlni vn Rnu-, and has Improied lnpplni; dewiu. Iliirse I'uwrrs Allslrrnt tho IliJInln I'M latest '.V' JAs,',' lintli ".Vouniid and' Ilown. 'the hiijioitmait add urchtly to the (( ol tliulU-Uiitrjth and tin nihility. I HI' ' it s.-f'.i'k "Pi'llhle Wml.i'" l'afltie JI11I Tin .nil .Mt. I iM.il will . 'Juh Irom Wheat. arm unU ft .We haie the jimu-imI agency ol the cililni.ed tine uih l.iioti n illN U AlloX. than which tine "s ,.it .1 Intl i 1'iiies 1 i; "Ca-lf' or "Cieilli,' a- low us .it.i (I s t iiu Wj'uii. Wide oi i ii.inov. ti.'.il. H'.i pine. Si.'ri'.u Huiriiii Wc .lie ninklriir n s;ieclallty of Ihis il.t-sol ,auons and hue imtiii the LiVMlliST STOCK, won fttlt to -tin ltinti, and n hetlir rade Wa'.'on than all ineoihii dialers combined. JtrScnd lor 1-pciial Wamm Circular with pricis, ALSO, Il.ricstin!: Tools, Hiiblier & Leather belting, KMt.isioi Vtaihirc", Slill Stones, Mcklo Section-. 1-inttt Maihlnos. ri iiihlne Water Wheels. Flailing Iachlnc, etc, Ltlici.il term to the Trade, ror Dettilptlie t'ircti lats and Frke, nddiess KS.1PP, ItCRRELL & CO.. ap'Stl 1'OIlTl.AXl), Olll'.GOX. 3NT03F5.T,Ii3:7VE!,T,E3I.r pm3, tor;t0t, anb i. nmmission Of ZOL"., ompnn, To Purify Hie Blood u rr. .inynrN AltcrniUp. It nets directly on tlio blood, stimnliititit: the nl)sorli-nl. ovorcoiiiins tlio olwtiii'ilo state of the pores of the sit in. ami it'ijiarlinj; u hi'.ilthy plow to tlio C"oiiiiiKion. I'iniles, Pustules, Tetter, -itnl Skin l)ise:ies ol' all kinds, Jleicuri.u All'ectioiis, Timioi's, and ,:11 v.iric tics of couiilninls, tirMiiR from ii" jiravtil nr iliorili"Td Mood, are of loi'tiully cr.uiicito.l hy t!.! i retnrdi . Scrofula in ail iis Forme is cured by tho )i'i'itent tiso of Ir. .Ih.tmc's. Allcrntiic. H destroys the lioKon mis jirinclilc M liich origiiintcs Scro fula, and ultimately drives it from tlio system. It will rcmovo enlarge ments of the Glands or ttoncs. and Is a safe remedy in cast", of Ulcers or fc'orc& of all kinds. Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings are effectually cured by Ir. .Tr.ync's A! (ci'iithp. ly htiinulatimc tho nctioii of the absorbents, all watery or cal careous; depositions aro jrr.idtn'liy carried oil', tuning up the patient at the samo time, by htreii'-jthi r.imr the digestive oiji-.un and cjiciliuir the I.iver. Kiilnevs, iVc. 'n petlurm ihci:' functions. '(! l"siien,i.i imd l,irr Complain! it li.i-- proven iiicu.cd, and it It is e'tablished cures in e.:-.,.-of i:pilcpy. It may be s,ifo!y l ciied on by any nno liceiliiij; a incdii Ine 'o build up tho system, (ieaiise the blood, or to re-tore the normal ueiK.u of tho Secretive thgaiis, T A. DAMS .t CO.. Wholesale Agents. roitluiHl Oicsnii. oclUniS STATE AGENCY I'.T. THE Patrons of Husbandry. Trout Stieet. near Flanders' Wha.f., POIITIAND OHKI.ON. Addtess all communication' to P, P. I.KE, Apent. J. II7ZAV.V.V PreiMtnt, IlitiiUbuuJ. Wo. J3 rrout Street, ( 11'. 0. SCOUOIX, Vice J'liMatt, T. .. MATLOCK, Ma flan, JUtlaiut. POKTIillVn, 0REG05, Dealers in- WAGONS, CARRIAGES, REAPERS, MOWERS, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, The Farmers' Pump. IMPROVJKD W OOD P U 31 P S. T AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AT JL I HE VIT.I. of the Capital Lumbering ('ointtanv. .sAT.sM. Woodin 1'iinip that is rupcri'ir to any other cm mane in mis ?i.ue. nriKinz use ol ire nic icars ex pcrience gained in Its manufacture Lore to";;iie the public the llct AVomleii Fmiip cer inndo. with haid-iinoi LOinpnrlnicnt for the lilnncvr lo oik Iu, the upper Mock lining eased In nith other wood to prcient eiacking by the sun. AlltiersotiMiisliIug to purihasn a FIRST-CLAtS PUMP are lnilud toeill and look at my stock. Pumps dellu'rctl and set up, and warrant ed to norli M ell. Pltir-R-sl-i ror llr-t inrlii- feu '.cloiv tho fur. lace; :ii cents per Mot after tli.it. -AND- The Walter A. Wood New Double-Geared Iron Mowers, W llh ll.-iss Heatings, patent oil t'ups, and ne mill iuiproud lliisrds, aregu.irnilteed to he Ihe lle'lMnn ers oi thi iiorhl THE WALTER A. WOOD Chain Rake and New Iron Sweep Rake, Self-Raking Reapers, Are Uiel'csl silt ltUui: Itiapirsnn the earlli, and Mcarcnaittu;; or the niatnilio wlllden Itaiiilutie usiiilumt'tu tr) it against aujthltn; midi. r'.Ut.MKlW AM) PKAI.lIUs are c iiitumeit asainst a oliean .u.ii light numer otlered as a Mi'ivlinailiine, and pnnhanrs rlumlil lie sure Hint the) git miliums, stnuipej WAI.TUlt A. IVtlllll, As i one Htni'i an geiiutuo Tlit' lDvinnlilo T!ireliiiiu Marliine. THE LA BELLE WAGON, i.li'lle of tlit- Ia'liic coiiNti, HUM, M'lH'il,. r KM'UKSs. Ue or narnm traik hjsteri lieitnuil loi lm ., Ciltt unit tki-: rn W bed and t-o: . h Ith i allKinna Klll.t KI! UKAKI; l.HiHT IlltAl-T AMI WAUItANfKl) Kiery nlie.1 rullcl in luilin -on befou the Hie set am Ihe uagou Us stood thi test of tui Pmau ol faLlnrii a belli r ihsnai.i ntlur nageii In Hie market aud runs tour to tl,e h. ur.ml tnkinrl. ll,..i..r n..i, , other oxliig to urn uriu. a rkrui uunular.-uriil e pnssii lor us fruui tr.i lallerus and c'i Irom th irlrurtlril l.aki luvnir mu.iail rruin Lt nipeilor mauuiriu iiliich our skeliu arc n.-.. The Buford Iron Gang and Sulky Plow. Light .trull, n.il) mm, ted, alM h,. i,,j (,,,. , !ulkcy aibustiM lilicris or ibti,iihe run ou it .Mi lllll Klitl) Mar.-alltilllnbe Hie be.l wu onlli.t l'i. Itlc lu,i Alo a Pull 1 me of the ruinous IltHiiril lltavrlilumk .single Plow Iteiohlrg an,) ,sUlki Itiki.. sent s-iinr,. Drill'. lUtln yoik. uj nil line o. Wind nid st,,i lvi u4 fur lUlulivue ami Prir, ,i,t, MtA.Mi lllm.s , i Kraiiil.tti '. 8. MKU III UY, .1ii.r, PurlULil. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WE KKr.P CONSTANTLY ON 1IANI A l'Ul.L ASbOItTMEXT OF TnE .lUSTLY-CELnniiATED TVTolixio 'WnsonB, "Tlio C3-iva3.gox"s PnvoritO t" AND ARE NOW RECE1V1NU A TULL LINE The Wheeler No. 6 Combined Reaper and Mower, THE IMPROVED KIRBY TWO-WHEELED MOWER, The Burdick Reaper, the A. W. Coats Lock Lever Bay and Grain Rake, &c , &c. Only (leneral Aleuts for Oregon and V.'ii-hlntitoii for the boikI old "staniMiy," THE McCORMIOK REAPER AND MOWER., &,c. He arc Grangers, ami .lacan liuNluoMs. Ac. Agent In nil the principal toiins In the Slate and ndioln- April . l!i7f,-tl. Send for Circulars, Descriptive Pamphlets luir Territories. ESTABLISHED 1851. Salcra, July 14, lsTti. I'RESCOTir. :lm WAKELEE'S Squirrel and Gopiier EXTEKMIIVATOK. The Best in Use. Agents lor ''ortlauil. T. A. DAVIS & CO., je'iml Front utrcol. a., an mwk.m. IRON AND STEEL, COACH, CARRIAGE, AND WAGON Material! All the Latest and Newest Goods in ETECHANTCS' TOOLS, House-Builders'. Hardware, Farmers', and Gardeners' Tools, Blacksmiths', Machinists', and Wagon-takers', Tools, of all kinds; and the most complete stock of Wagon and Carriage Makers' Hardware in the State, such as Axlos, Springs, and Wrought and Malleable Irons ; also. fTubs pokes Rims. 7?el loos; astern Hickory Axles; Oak, Ash, and i.ickory Lumber PLOW HANDLES and BE.M". .Vll n.t C3-xofvtly 3El.oclaT.cocl 3?ricos ! .V. 11 WE HO SOT JAM. LV E. 1 STIUiX U'AGOXS XOKT1IKUP PORTLAND, TTO I II h. Is heiehy L'lien that, puroiant to an m 11 der ot Hit I'iiuili Court ot the htateort)rei.-ou lor Marlon enmity, mule at the June term tberiot, Isti,, to ult.ou the -'J'hiHvof.lune, lslil. iua suit wherein h. V. It. .loins mis plalntitl. and l'eter ltoeser. John I.inkand ainy Link hi- -liV. Clitik" Editirds nnil Cathailie Kihiards Ins ulte, Joseph Binet and ''rank I. met. ni'it r.iauaiii.'h. derend.ints. mi. llt , .smurilnj, the llltliday ir.uuiit, ISTtl. nt -in clock P in. ol mM dai, in the Court llo.ite doifr iu .ilim, . Malum co'tiHi-, ilre.'.in. ini.iceed to sell at iiiiii'Ic Hiirtlon, m tin- liii:liet oidJet lorrish in lunil, tlii'liillouln; deriilisil pninl-e-, to t: 'i'ue dona tion ind claim or Smeuli Hlmt, deciased, lieln i I'Mni Nn. .Vs. In seilioiis . ;t, pi, mid (n - ,. j,, j., S W. of Ihu Wi Ijtmlte Meridian, Iu Mcalon iiiui ty Oiijod, coiitalu!n,'3.sjaiiesor laud. JulyJl, lSWnl JAMES WKIIB. M, A. WAIIB. W. II ltlN(.l). lteleree. & THOMPSON, iil)-JSin:$ - - - OSSGON, Waiion-.Mnkinii' and Repairing. HW ll'fcl?" Soiilll Sill em c iPUnl n.wio.v Furun WAGONS AND OAHRRIAGES VAUt: TO OKDA'j: AX!! RKl'AWZlt. 4icncral IllarkamUlilus. AM iiork mvle of the HKt)"!" Etrru or Natiie uiattrlal. and iu the heit luauuer Dr. L. S. SKIFF, DENTIST, Assisted bv G. F. Tucker. i lam' MMPvaoHananvnuaaiMmu' snnwnMir-Yi Tp; W I WIMBLEDON Long liange Urccch Loading Practice Pistol & Targets. crriM a y inch lull witn ecu. ney flfty teet, without powder or wrcusilon. Uri btrrel, htlr trifgfr. l'or nlo y deilfrn. Dy mail, rr for S renta. with per- uiBucui uiiuuuuiuu icr large, prscine muours, Dd, tm aportlUR outofdoorj. ACENTS WANTED. A. A. OKAHAM. 67 Liberty Strctt, Xew Tort 50 CENTS FREE. bl'UCIAL OrFEIt-1'OK A MIOHT TIMK ONLY. Will send, rosT-i'Ain rnet to each new -Hli-crllur or The New Yom. Acrsts' SIosihlv, u maynltlrint (.enthnnmlMemoiiui.Meuai tin ranri i-oi, siiuek In Alhata Plate silver, l.irscr than a sllicr trad.' dol lar 1 inch in diameter-PilcoSU cents lam. 'Ihe Ai.ests' .Mostul lsa kanrtso'ne, splrj, lbpije fi per. bubscription price Si cents a lear fmd .In .int,L(l)ouwlII ri'Ceiiuthn Ai.pnt' Atovrun tor ono year, post. p lid. and theahoie Medal craiis Addrets. l'KNTON" I'l llf.lscr:i: .. J1''-1"1'1 ITU llniuuwAi , Xfcn ions. RUPTIJRE7 l se no more Metallic Tjnsie- No uorc -tillcrin" rrom Iron UoopMirMeel 'prims l)r. Hour's Tat" cut tJastlc Truss is wnril Mitmase and romiort ni"ht anddai. and iiill am' las iierrormed radual cipi uheti all others ha.orailid. itcadir. ir un are rur.. tured. U) oue of l)r Howe's lomloiinhle elastic ti. ii.lanccs' jou u.ii neu-r rccret it Howe Elastii Tm-s toiii'ASi iyi Sacramento st . sanKranclico rvl Slershlni, l,Bhi ,wM.i . issstiij, runj. r.n.iM t. imblidlr. si-nil lnin lor irtlru'r. I5r. Carl. .- . . ,'s.uiwui.,i.au.cu,iii. OPIUM tlxo 'rioir 23xx3k., OllCfiOV. OH. MV. CIIAJIK, rKRVirr U.Col., Ut8nrsioU.8. Volanuar OlUct. DatbLu' Uock. sp auin. Tt Dr. H. SMITH, DEJNTIST, Assisted by T. T. Shaw. Odce opposite Breyman'a new Store, 8ALEM, OREGOX. $250 1 .1 I 11 V-fc-fl'lllH h lllLnl a-.. "here. , Kn.ui.. hoiiiirjjln.l ,.', J' ioitpi,-,tV:.,,t rrr,V A.l.lrea w Ultra A CO.. .st. Luuia.Mv. (Mxltemtttc rarntscr. I.MCID ITBT miDAT, BT OLAHKE Jb CUAIG, rczuiuxna and rnorrtitTom. . A. auiiit; . . ru.iH.. Term, or Subscription. Una copy, one jearlM numbers)...;.. -., Uoe copy, fix months 3, numbew) ..' " i"!I One copy, ttree nionttt (is number") ....'., .' i$