- r. : si WILLAMETTE FARMER. 5 I. 0. Q. T. I I X? 14 C X O K A'. (rnntl OllSrcm. ti. V ( T. -V P.. Dnnbnr. Silvcrtnn It. V . . Cmm Mr- y. C. A!i Clues, Cu-evwll. (. W. V. T .loiniii .'c llalla. (.. 6i e'j T. 11. rruMfoul. fcalem. (J. a. Sec'y -L. Mil im. Mnnroe. G Tn i.- Emmi hello.;, I'oi rliml li. Chap -Hev..T II N. Hell, Ahlimd. (!. Al.ir tl. W, Mrunic. lioeb ire. li. 1). Mar Annie K. I niliTMocHl. Ciitia'e Criive. t (iiwrd -Marvi'irturlulit. The Dalle. (t. !iii. T F. ISaiton. Aiultv. ti. Mi-. A. l.eomrd, Mlvertiui. 1'. li V. I' T. Tllinun Pord. ilem "lint. Juvenile Tunplari Mr-. M. E IIoslu, for--t (liove. Male Dcput) (i. W. . 'I"k. Col T. II. Oauu, Saltm. l;ev..l.K. N. Hell, A-liiiml. Wm. I!iii'i. Wcidon. ('apt. O C, ApplesMle. Llnkvllle. I!. II. Allen. llaWv T. II. Handle. Uill-bom. A-a bhreve, uiill i 11 V (.rtibbc. Wilbur. liiim II. Frii-li, ha-t Pintland. in. (irunt, Lilianon. lie. J. V. Allller. Mierldau. 111.. I. V Watt-, I.atavette.. Hev. E. AS. DIxdu, 'auon.ir.c. Itev.J. S AlcCalu, J Kk-iunlllo. Hev. I WINon, Kticne C'tty. Wm. M.IIand, The Inlles. Wiu 11 Caller, i nrvnllla. . b. .lame Portland 1, .T, Kou-,e, Mituiuervllle. IJev. II. C .lenklns, Dalla. II F. Kimii. ltldi endelue. . s. McMeui. Cunjnn ( itj. Petu l'atULt Oreijmi (Jit). T. II. I'riulurd, bilem. UlKirict Deputy li. W.C T. W. T. I:lcln, Titinu. I. Hurt. Ciievvell. W. II. O'Doaild. I'm Hand. .1 s 0ckilniir-e. Ro-ilmr.' Uuu .Ijuitd Ifender-hutt, Union. II. W. Lake. t'.iKleCml;. K. B. Fiuulu;, Illll-buiu. limn.- Code), - lien mailed to atl the ltepreteutattres and many I Fatal Accident. Past Heiiresentativcs who wore lu attoiul-' ance. As uo record or Past Kepresoutatlves 0,Fr'dfty e"lK. at the farm of Mr.Jobu ... . .,,,. H ,,, I Stanton, Uvln near Stiblliuity, iu this conn- present was kept, the G. Secretary would be ty, tliero occurred one of thoso teirible ac- Klad to hao such as do not receive a copy, ' cidonts so often resulting in death, from the to inform him of that fict. He will send to P"etsoi vvfiut is known us uamp in wens. all regular and alternates whose names ap pear on tho miutito3, and to such others as tie can recall. Lodges will be supplied next week. llUSTlCATlxo. (Irand Secretary, T. 11. Crawford, and wife, lelt last Monday aioru inK for the Upper Soda on the Santiain. They will return about tho Ilr9tolAuKUst. xe TC. Co. &iitioriliuut LiMlnc. .Vi .V'f'' ljill'lr It'iiihl, . .Ho-elittr V Coate- 'i KveMor W I! Cartel in r-lernMiit ... liNM-ett 11 .C.ipitil IlinA hde. . i.'..Mii'tuuniiIi lubu n(!aul-ou i". Will urn IK' i; .lllll-bm Stock Tiiikvim. The Walla Walla 1lri(ci(iiH says: It is pretty well understood, and generally "belle til among stock men, that band of well organized thloves have their htad quartors located at some point ou the Columbia abovo tho mouth of me Snake ri er. There Is u trovvitig uneasiness amouR stock uwu in that quarter, and thoy haobtit lit tie nssurauco that they will ever find cattle or horbos that have straytd away for any Ieugf.li ol time. This band wo understand aro believed to extend their operations as tar down as the Hudson Hay furui oo tho Walla Walla. A tow head of horses and cat tle aro occasionally itil&s!njr and are no: apt to turn up again. This is happening at vari ous points at brlof intervals. Thuse high have been seen swlniiniug small bauds ot c.ittin and horses acro.s the Coliiuuil where tho probabilitios ot tho owners finding them is more remote, while the dancer to the thieves is loss, and the cliMices lor working oiT are moio numerous. Slauv ot the cattle It seems that Mr. Stanton is diggitig a new well which is now down 12 foot, the lower portlou belug bla-ted out of the solid rock. The workmen had not boon in it for several hours, and a coutile of neighboring boys coming aloue, one of them, Win. Low Is, aged about II years expressed a desire to enter the well. Mr. Stanton lowered hlin down bv meius of a bucket and lope attach ed to a windlass. Soon alter arriving at the i bottom ho exclaimed,"! am getting sleepy. draw me up." This Mr. Stanton attempted to do, but the unfortunate young "-an soon soomed to love consciousness and losing his J hold ou the rone fell out of tho bucket iuto the bottom of the well ivain. Ills compan ion aud half brother, a son ofThos. Hmnett, a lad somo ton or twelve years old, seeing the condition he wis in, bnwely requested to bo lowered to his assistance. This was! douo, and in the hurry aud excitement it was i neglected to tlo him last to the bucket. He! succeeded in getting hold ot his brother and was being drawn up again, but the subtle, casses soon o erpoworod him, his bold re laxed and despite his will, the doomed I brother again loll to the bottom. Thosa at ' the windlass raised him to tho top as soon as i possible, aud none too soon, for just as he ' reached the top he, too, lost consciousness I aud lot go of tho tope aud would have fallen back aud shared the late of the other, had not Mr. Manton, obsetying his danger, caught hold ot liim aud thus saved him. All hope was now abandoned of rescuing young i.ewisallve. urappiimr uooks were oiu.un cJXJ3jrjri3Nrc3-3a:L3VE sa OF'-'EK KOI! T11F. HARVKST OF IK7 T1IK OKI.EItlt.UKD ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, " ' Oonq.TLieror, " 9 Willi Sp-plil !imiiiifii,Mi f.i' 'Ms s i-.iu Warrmleil in be the TIT!T HI I) INC. and BINDINO Uax'xrostor i3X tlio VtTorld ! Wm." Anson Wood's Celebrated Mowers and Reapers, IJI CliliTVJS Mowors mid litonpevN, ItRMtl.UY .flOtVCKS liI REAE'BJKS, SAMMVICII IIIOWKUS X3:ill23L&&, Headers, i:Ct,I,i: iv.l DOI 1II.K U1:aK. x.tthnew and special Improvement-. DtrI1,,I"J3 TllX'OSlll. or, Tllltl.i: lllFFKHKM' STYLES. via n.u uiuiuuuu ui'ju,. .iiau ui mo uaiuo , , iV - -, 1.1.1.. ,i it U thought, are slau,;ht0red lor sale to tho ml and alter so ne uno ho. rs and a hl his Indians, and Chinamen working In the ' w lifeless bod v was brought to .the miimw. mines o i the Columbia river. To avoid de- ou" Vllr!,ett:,tlj" .bM ,.Lai1,. 1 V.' i:1'.11? " M II .a i nidi I .I..rauti' I "i1m. ., i. Ito-a . . Ill Artxrll . U..MoinIu,' I : M'uioii.. ..AIIhwuikle. )" .t'Htint mi !.' .Hu-t I'liilland.. T) .Val 1'iiiiti- ... Mi Inh i I)a -i. Noiipan ll. ... i .1,' mi -t ir. .. ; .I'l n .A1imt me urn .AUi-Uii mi. .Aiuuiit iun .. llrn.ikUn . snuulju l)aun-(U. . .lluryCnek . t-'iirr-r l.rme.. A(adeni). ... .on'iiiL'ili'lil.. . .Ill'ie Moinitjlli 'd ,.. ulU 1"S..", ton 1VI .U(Ia in lid .Harmon. Um..I!ii'iii 17 ...'J he Cine. ... 171. I'miiilx 1,- Litml i;'i..l'ieldi. INi. .Mammoth lvl .Muiiiit I'l- i-ant lv-i. Kail Creek I--. .(i rand 1'ralrle IIS lis. 1! I I )j. 1 :i I ;7. lAii 1M Ku'Cinrg . . CoialH- . . Allnin Salem I . ...l'orthnd I I I'lunet . .OriL'nn Cits ...SII llump)iu llill-bnro .leiiule HtNilt l)all.i- ...(.toll llorrl ... I.aliMttu , ..1(1 Ullll-l) .. . .?ll(Illlll Dully M Windeneit ..Si.I(ni ..Hit I'oi Astoria ...GdltcHtli BuenaA'1-ta (i W Diuikk Hubbard . -lolui l'.uker E. l'uitlud ...lame? l'owell K. I'ortHnd ... 1 M ( la.'irett E. Poitlaud ....I W I'laltt .em ...T.I Turin II C.iijonCltv ..Air- !- TW Me ii n- ..I'ortlHiid ..(rtJFo-tir Clackamas ...All! McCiar Hiker Clti ...Iaii inE.erit- ...fiudlt'tnn . ..I W Piiliuatcer Aon ...I II Heed E. I'ottlaiid ...Albert Tanner ... .Sheridan .. IP Eatl Dinw-cus ...Alr-Marv lm;l(- ...t.recnllle ...r" (I Uuli'ird Foiest Oroc Oil) c L Mifl; Hi '-boro ...PA Kiuucdj Springfield .. AV S Burk'ev La Grande ...Kbeinei Hay- Hal-cy ..AVmliur-ell (ston ....111' .lohnsnu .lunction ....Wm Mliliell TlieDalle ...,W(I Porur Turner ....! Y McDuilel- Tin Cine ....I V NorWlle.... Siimmenillu ....I'l' PaliiH'r dLUttxuun; . . . AV W Catlicart Ci'ttttL-e Orm e ..I TKrakis Weston ..lobu Pi it v.. Cresw ell .(1 M Xcel Itur II F Ilond Jrvil tection the hides me either sunk lu tho liver , or etlectually put out ol sight by some other ' means, stolen norsas aro urnnti to lirltlsli Columbia, AVhero tho robbers can jtlorit to sell them at ca use prices, having acquired i them at romarkably low ra'es. LiTTULtjS Livimi Aon. Number liiT, for tho week ending June 'Jlth, closos the l-tuh volume of this standard eclectic w eekly. l-'i..-hUud ,A1 Heluftii ..Ashland l,i..KIiiiiartr.T.. .loliirMairner.. .hurt Klamath lll..I.iblh , ll)T..Kdeu 111'!.. Independent.. .. .tn..'l indent lliinar. vil .l'ortl'iiid .Hi2..Nurtli Yinililll... 4 11. da-ton J iT..1trIil'epmt JliL-Nortlierii &tai. . .l!t..Oi'iuiii.. .. .''... Kelial :n..L-.iiirt ... . ."7. (,i)lieii i s .Lake Jl'l.-Clll)!)'! .'.'U..AtrlI I M sniltli . AV D Cla jret t Salem Air- II D.lone- l'nu nix .Dl'l'ortir Miedd's ..I.I lleaid Tant-ent T M Freeman .. . Portland ..Mir) Uails.....Vurth A iinblll llenr AlcLeod (ia-ton .G 11 llluv Ualla- .1 V Cooke.... MiMlnuillle .(. W llirne- Prheiillo lime- I'iiUK -hii .Prnlile City .liobiit Ettkli Union II A Dlllard iu-lieu ..liline- Toblu I.luktllle s W !iltte!iiore....Ciinon.ille Jl. llani-bur . ." I .1 OUI llli .'j;...Mat-liilel.l Vi..liiu lid. . . i li .Pa-- I renl. .. Ml .Calapiui'a l',i., ebilioll .'I.;. swii t Hinn. . ."...Ks.ie Creek . ji'i Alta VII .Dlll.-tuie., .. V.-i..Mlltoi .'1 . llav'- Creek. ,'U. Con I'l eels .'.3.. Abi.ua si;..lrlnrllll c . ls..MleclU JI'i..&odavl!le .... '."u..BriJHiisTlll( vI..Ceiitei Mvitleluek .. Ilurrlsbiir ..YtiiKiil i MarshiielJ ...Alhali)' Drain's .. .Oakland . . .Lebiuon .siwiet Huiu- Ki.'IoCieek I Pilot llo(k Ili'ti.iner L Full. .. X A Auinro-e ...F W A Cui.. ...I W Proi-t... ,....1 W Kre-on ...1 A sv,en . S II Uiu.'lnoii .. I link- Cull .. ....lohll V tllii'tirll ...E illl.iiii i. . ii .. . ii . iii'i r, ii . . 4, 'iii ...las K Klrkliud Mlltna ...1 W Wimi ... . I iui)tiille ...ID Riddle ...Win JtCo-- .. ..siliLrtnii .Hubert H!a-s.,l.i iwlonl-l Hie ,W A Tlbb. It- . K'l."Mie Cltj ..lames Miller smaille ,T linwiaud !riii-lllt t! W HicliarJ-oiu. 'Mil n Creek Hit Ilauiiucr-I ..- until res' Vit.. uoiawi. i ii naniisij ,'iuuin il..bjenier l reek ....I A IlixUen .. zz Miinru" L.lMnr.... .'!. .Woii.lhiirn U I. iluiiiuy nearly -barim; tho late of ills brother, when our iiitoimant lott tills morning, was still sutldring trom nervous prostration bv mluil iug tho noious gases, and was iinablH to leave his bed. lie descilbes his sensation w hile in the well as slmplv iiuiiverpowering I desire to sle9. unattended with any pain or , other uucoiiitoitable feeling whatever; and its f llects were to completely lolsx aud be numb tho nervous svstem, lucapacltatlng Tim I physical action or motion some moments I i..t.s.hn ln !. 1 1- .Aiiiiilfiiritiri Wi . . ..( t . ., . t i (luiuiu luu (II1L1U in;. tunawiKuoupa, it m mouiaui iu.s iu j.roceeuiug weehiy Levri9, the deceased, is a grandson ol Mr. I number embrace The Keppols; Kilty yeais ' Krancis, a resident of South Saiom. !;- j of my Life, by the Ktrl ot Albomirle, jaar- tmi. tn-ly lUvicic; MuccinUy, Cumnlt i Our TlIK iuii.roai. Sm vsii-fl'.-TI.e railroad , Cakes, Queoi , Clarendon, Contciitpoian smash-up which occurred oue mile north til Ecntir; spelling, Comnil; Social Hepresen-1 Drain's station, AVeduesday aftertioou, prov tativo and tumbling Plants, Macmillian ; . ed to be more serious than was at ttrst sup Coca, Chamber's Journal i instalment ot posed. AVhile tho south-bound mail tiain "Jcnet Mason's Troubles, a story of Towu , was dashing along at tin) l.ite of 2" miles an and Country," " Fur I'itv's Sake." by the j hour, the axle of the tender suddeuly gave author of "Robert Holt's Illusion," and the wav. Heiore the e'lglnoar could briug his usual amount of select poetry and niUcel-1 train to halt, several of the carj were iauy. The llrst numberof July will begin I ditched, and woie pretty Udly im a new volume. For lilty-two number, ot i uied up. Conductor Stroud was severe-sixty-four largo pages each (or mote than ly Inlured; alto batrgago master Couser. A 300 pages a. year), the subscription price (?S) lady' passenger, Mis. Philbiook, had her islow, or still better, lor 10 50 any oue ot tho shoulder blade biokeu, and a little son ot American $1 monthlies or weeklies is sent Mart Tavlor had the boue ol ouo mtntrac- with The I.wivu Age for a year, both post- tured. AVe are uol in possession of lull par- uaiu. uniti iv uy, itosiou, are tue puu-1 ticuurs: uut trom all ttiat cau tie learned. Ushers. ! tho tram was badly wrecked. Mr. Stroud's N E W T O N W A G O N"S M ideexpuH lur tbi- "larket, mid uuniuted to be the A KHA ZEtUSil 7VyVG-03XTC ever liroujlit to i be Pint le coa-t 1. MUiK AL1; ib tp rim-, mid litavj ttu, tiew liuiiniMit suit. Ac. HiTo-wtoxx XXficlicsi nrid Crti'X'inscs, nnde Tor Oregon trade, vvlth I' item Mwrii W neel-, solid Coll ir A vies. Oil ttnij crtil prliiss. Pan nt llodles nud beats. Ncnil lor Circular of all the above named (loods, vvblib will be nintlid Iiee to auv iitbhe-s. T. CUWIVXIOIIAM & CO. NlLni, June ). 1 .,. Valuable Lands for Sale. CENTENNIAL GREETING!! uoo.ooo IN ACRES kantkkn okkcso1 Farmers are Invited Kim raruilng anil ;ra!ng PtirpuNCN. '1 lie-e lands lire -Ituatul In mo CAU. AND SEE THE IINPHKCEDENTEU X ly!ov prices id .ill our goods lot IS7H. Having Just ritiirntd Irom S.m Francisco with & Wasco, Grant, and Baker Well-Selected Stock injuries aro reported to bo of a very serious character. The car ou which he was standing wtien tlie accident occurred, was tnrowu down an embankment, and turned bottom side up, aud ho was assisted trom the car wttu considerable dlinculty. ills injuries Spiritual. Thero will be a Spiritual Camp-meeting at the grove lu Uorvais, com mencing ou Thursday, July 27th, and hold ing over Suuday, Good speakers and-medi- urns will bo in attendance from dlllerout appeared to be of an internal natuie, aud im parts of the State. Ample accommodations klian, 'oV IfiSSg? gZW. will bo made for alj. that, attend, .both In stroud is lying at CoulstockV, his condition town aud on the grouud. There will also be ' not permitting of his remov,it to 'this city, a return match of Hasn Ball on tho 27th, bo I One side appears to be sunken iu, and it Is tween the Silver B. B. C. of Silverton aud thought three oi his ribs are br,oken hssides the Nippers of Oervais, and a gi and dance i otller iu.iur'' Mr. Stroud is a courteous on the evening of tin 2Sth. i coutlenian and a faiihtul, jIIIL'miii employe MuKl.vi.m MlTclirJTl., ot tlie railroad cuinpauy. 'llie injuries siis- ' ' " I taiuei by the other pets ns are not regaided The Kan ihriumtH is mrormed Wedutts- as seriutts. ihtymtntu. day by .lolui .vldUun. iuterpieter ou tho Skveki: i.vn mils. The latest advices Umatilla lesfrvation, that the news of Cus- statu that Mrs. i'liillin.ok, the lady whose tor's deieat has lien received by all the collar-b'uiH vv,s broken In the railroid acci Indian", not irnin tlie whites, but trom their i dent at lClk creek last Wednesday alternoon, own uttaiis if loiututinicatlon; as Custer's is not expected to lecover, owing to the lad battle was loujlit mi tlie 27tli of last month that her collar bone pressed dawn into her only, we can toiin somo idea Irom this how lungs aud remained I lifio until medical at ranidly the Indians nt ono part cau trariMidt toudatice was icieived ir im Oakland. The Information to those of anothei. Melltnu i warm wi-ather it I also ltred, will prove la says that several p.rties from this aud other tal tn Mart. Taylor's child, who had its fore aeni'los ate making preparations to go and houd cut open and lelt under Jaw broken, join our forces against the Sioux. The UteM advices from the sulleiers by Umitllla I'10 railroad aicident near Drain's Station, state that none of them are so bully hurl as ,spt ui.,'rCree . .Monroe ... Win -a burn It'iVHrttiu ....Amity ....bln-iav. ....lVori W e-t Union 1 li.l. .iclideuie l.irvai- stur- alky I ppir A-torii Carllou Hetlul K Portl md Jaik-ouvilU . Kiklmru .. Ilaley Wlibir l o'e'-Aalli llelilVl.e . Woudvllle errr- in n nue- v I I bi riniiiil In ib!- dlreiiorv. It i- mine nnib-ib.r thi' -iime (blll-'e- in Lode Iltpiltie- luo- lie, n oidernl bit bine no mine to Imna. Pk i-e nullly nn urlj nl .lli riors or on i-ion, .. II (.KAwi'UHIi ! ..C'n-tal .'b..Auillv v:Vi..(ireeu Mo uiMlu viid. .PeotiR Vi I.. West Union .. .' Iiluiniik . .. . j.!. .lien ii Vnt, .Table Hoi. jno..l pper A-loila '.'isi.,1 ailtn'i . ... ii,;..ltei!iel .'iis,.piraii-e spiln. .iii...Iav -oni iln. .'.ii. .Mill C'ree ;;i. Like i "i" j, I. l itenul ii .. . S7 1 .Co'e- A all !.... :;i . .. .T. K;ue W r ... Noi r. No do ibf HI Wlluio . M Hllrowii . I ba A lljilow . H A Mi I aruiey ,.h.d C Kalinin.' . it AVIllta'ii- .1 Puidiim .. vl.ir 1nu .. . lUo-JH'i . siiunii r i air li 1. Neale . ', I e vl lto-eiit'ial . .1 W Dollirlndi . ..Iiibll Lllalli'ler . Ileue ll'uiu ...I lll.rubbe ... ..KTWiKlru1 . Clement Am mi A.MUHH'. Ni.v.- l.ont.K I'.ev. .1. S, Mi Cain orgaiiiod ltogue I'.iver Lndire, No, 27A, I. (. li- T , at AVoodvillo, .liicks u Cotiuty. July l..'.h, vv.ththa Ml'mving char lur uirii.b-r: Wm. "-ivdje, AV.C.T., Ada I'.irdseye, AV. A'. T. 1. M SMvag. AV. .- ; i.eo. Owens. V.A. : H, I. Oriiiu. U' I'"-, Mrs. I". Hird-eve. W.T.: A. Orum, W..A,;I Dora Hirdseyc. AV.H.M.j J. T. Hiilev. AV.C ; .1. It. lldlt'V, AV.I (..! AV. HoM-t.i.i, W i.; Hattie navat'O, W it II .; .onto hMtlni, AV.r,.U. ; i: 1. MiHit'ttj, l'.AVl'T. '. 1. Shetillu, J. 1. Fielder, M. 1'. Hud, J. i. . --syae, M. A. "-ivae. Sl'ATi: Hi. PI Ul. W. K. Iiuubar, li. AV. C T., has comuii-s.otied aildlliouil Mute Deputies as follows; Dr. J. W. AVattn, I.a Fayette, iiev.J. S. McCain, Jacksonville; I!ev. .1. V. Millir, shvridur W. . Jaiin-j, i'or.liud; Kav. I.auli Wil-on. Kugene: ' M. Haud, The DAllesj It. F. Itatiip. Inde iiMiidauce; Kiv. F. A'. iiju, I'auvouvilii. ". .n. McMfnii, Cati.MiU Citi ; W. H.Car:r. CorvallN: 1'rol. D. J. Jtouse, miuiiiip'-v ill; l'rof. I'. II. Crauiord, -alem: J. H. Frush, Kist Portland; Hon, Peter Paijuett, Oreoii City; and Win. Graut, Lebanon. Pud l.nu.M . The Proceedings of tho h-t -essioa of the O. U 1. O. O. T. hve bten List week Sheriff Sarjent of county arrested James W'ilsou of Butter creek, i-liariced with stealing a horso valued at SlOO, tho property i f Bauhel Yoakum. Wilson .vat indie'ed by the grand jury of this county in 1S7.1, but kept out of the way until last Wtsliie-iUv when arrested; he irave bonds lo the amount otjKK) to appear lieloie tlie circuit toiirt. Another arrest made at the ssine time was that of J. CJ. Wilson, charged with tUe seduction of AtiKAllna VnrlHtt. Wilsou gave boudi lu the sum ot $'00. Mm, KoiiiiKii's Ni:vv Hkukda for tiik Lt'Mis is glv iug entire satilactlon to the pub lic, aud the demand Is rapidly Increasing. No family after trviug this medicine can atlord to )ih without il, tor it is so pleasant aud ha-jiiln-s and vnt "o prompt aud ettectlvu that nothing can Knal it. Among I lie num erous testimonials received Irom those who have used the N'evv Kemody there are many who reooiiiiuenil it tor other di-ieanes, such as Scrofula, Djspepsl., etc. As P. nets directly ou the blojj, it is without doubt a valuable reined v for many diseases lor which it has not bMu rfccomiiiHiidcd. For sale t the ilritir sinre- (jinierallv, at f I ll'J per bo'lle ; no smaller -IO Jiut up. .1hiiiiuciihi-iI only by Mils i: liollltl.H, Moniiiiiiilli, Oregon. Hi sim.ss Noiil'k. . Friedman wishes the (iiiblii' to uiidur-tHin! that he cuiitem plates at an early dy inducing his business to levvir Vii it tins ol iiieiv'iandire and there furrt he vv ill clusi out Ids pie-out sliyk oi dij goods, carpets and notions at greatly reduc ed prue-, tacts thai aro worth knowing. jsvm.j. pi At UittTfu 'heiH havo been twocso-oi si, nit pj, anil oue iliiuth. DIED: A" ioir hou.c, iifir liucll's hap"!, 1'nlK cniiutv. iircgoii, ell lut'e lltti mid July 4th, l7ii ot d'phiiitrii. Alva, Win. J., and Mary '., Odoll, ni'd le-i'f -lividy oue, twelve, and ten ci. ' How prone we aro to hide and iioard Krh little token lovw has stored, 'lo toll ot h.ji;iv hourx; We Uy a-ul-, wuli tender can, A la'ti.rw! bool. . a curl of hair, A bunuh ol faded ilowern. When death his led, vvith piiUeleishaiid, (Jur dai lilies to tin rileu: laud, Awhile wuult lioreh; But tlins goes on, auou vve rie, Our dead beiug buried fr'iin oureyih, We gather vvlaat Is lfcit " at Inst repoitid, and that all are in a lair way ot lecovery. AiciniiM'Ai.t.Y Kn.i.hi) -(.in tVednesJayof last week, Mr. Montirnuiery, an Bgl gentle man, living on tli LuckimutH, whilst haul lug hay trom the Held, fell otl tlie wagon In the ground, striking on his head aud break ing his tifs'k. He whs an old and miiMcted cilieu of Polk county. A Ileallli'1'riMiiiillnc Mlloiulaul. Physlilau-, vibo certainly ou'it to be tlie be-t I JmU'c- ol -a b matter-, dei lire lliat wLolesume -tlm uhtioii 14 not mil) di-Irible, but mjfutlat In 'uany Inst am e. When tin leinpoiaiy xix"! ileii nl t i-ound -tliuti'jii't I- iiiiiilrme i ninl letidrnd p rma iiiut a-in llie i i-e i.r llo-ietii r'- MiiuiaiU Hitlers I by the aitlon of 'onb ind i.l1ilille prlnilpli - (oiii ' bluid "lib It, li beioini' lullnllrly uioti edit irlou afar 'iriiant ol ph,sli al eneru'v an. I a mrreiilve ol tlui-i ioiiIIi.o'i- ot iIm bodir wbli li llwlte dl-ei-e Til Hitler- iia.e nu'lvi'd llie einpliatl -alitlouol lllidiial nn li vibo hi nbei.ei (be i tin, i ,ii itiai popiuar -iiiiiul ttiie (ordl'll as a n iue.13 lur iveaknes lit! v ,ii ri - ilrpiila. ' oii-tlpillou 'liiellilly lit Me I 1 r, uiilano 1-levers, in I iiiiuy oiber dl-iirder-It ba-14 U rliuinlold 111 ttiepiire-l liipior kuoi 11 to lomui-Tii amt 11-elf pn- '.-iii.' tonli pioper.le of 110 iii an order A I'lltl) Kirr) l'ernn lltlereolrd. I ".oiild statu to my old and now customers and friends thai I huve roluni'-d m Salem, and fitted up one of ihe bust Pic! mo (Jalle. ries in the s to, on Mate sfreoi, a Jew doors below tlie llvnk New appsratus, irnvvgalle rv mid new styles of I'm ores altoitnther. Tin public will i!mih lnar iu mind that this gallery will lie ondiictod ou the name pruii'tple as niv Inrnihr gallery, aud that is, that no poor work leaves tue establishment Plctiliiis 01 Ml kinds and sizes taken; aud I also adhere 10 my fortiiur attention to posi tions, J. II, MOMIIOMIIIII, Juiv 7. -ml. Ilflll -Mlllfll'filffJIIll"Jff.MfSfJfJffilfMJfJfJfJfJfJJfJfMffJfJJM I untitle- and ire oilered lor sale In sueb si. ed traits. n it te-s thm ti.il n res, as puuhaseis may desiri. - I Here l-ailordtd a inn-t I iverable opportunity tn I in .iilirritit- ind -eitlers -i.'kln homes and low-pricid liud, lo auiulie lnth ou ttieinn-t reasounlde ti rms. The-e iaijisaieeieiieut lor laruiing ami m.iini:. iluuio-tot tin i-ieis no gru'ibhig or other pnpara tlou ol the land lor iilowlui' I- teiiilslni. A crow 1 11 ol utitmiim- jis-s eovers the uplind-, atlordiin the be-t ot pistuia,'e, while in the valleys and bottom 1 md-. the it 1- cm be tune. id and made Into ha. Liviiijr Springs and Streams Water the lauds Iu v nlons dluctlous. The uplands, or 10III114 liud-.i in be putlntoi rops with the uioi-t -atl-tntotv ii'liirn. Putliulaily PKA( HKS. I'M MS, (lltAPES, AP PtittS. PttAHS. and Cllintllli'.S, as well as lite SAIAI.I.KH I'KU'IS, 1 in be crown lu great abun d line. Tlie I1iiiiiI ol l.UNlccii Uregou Is tcry llealtliliil. Plouri-hiii town- are bunted at (Miiveuleut uoln's lortrittb: ibe nulls a-e ri'i;ular) ionviLil ttiroi';li- niil ttiat sei tinu. mil a prosperous population ism lesdy e-tabll-heil, nceuplnl In larmliiir. stock-grow-in, uiiuliig. and v irlou-ntlur pursuits, TKKMs ftl :', perin loan 1 upwards, uco-diiii: to iiiallty and 'iniuiliv lnle,ie-t ten per (cut. on de terred payment- I'm luriher liifo-'ii'itiou applv in pei-on, or by lit ter, to .KO. I. :i'ltltl, Agent, Crc s Hiiildlu,', stalk -'.., betw. 1 lontand first, Pniilaiid. Oi".on. iulnniii For tho Harvest oi 1876. TREADWELL'S FA HM1NC J MACIIINKRY Vl Kcdiicctl Pi'icoK, H.AMiKlts' WAHKUOtrti:, l'HONT fc I'l.KGT, lORri.4.I, Or. "11TK are pn pired lor the loinlni; harvest with tlm VT lanrest -Im k of linprond Maihlnes and Iiuple m.'iii ever otlen-d in ibu Farmoi'ta oT Ol'OCOll. Tliife Madiliiis are wbu-ly kiiiinu iu llre.'on and California us llie I,.TKST s'M)ltl) IMPHOA 111) machines of Hie rouutry, Oar lm k lou-l-ts of Till: IXVt MOWER. Pi lie, s,"t to 4- ll'l. K'lias lor vtlibh we always li- p on band Welch!, i-'s) lbs . ciitn I U -.1 t lurhes: ha- Iliiulile Speed t llie Ki.llo, and la the Hrit Machine ever -old in Oregon. f.M DKLMIUI MIIH y KMPKK UIMBIIKil -iiiun-Mirair, ultli Srll-Uake KcuiilUK '' Inriii and Altai bmeiit. I tils S fttt IiicIks, Price, il.Vllo .lsi. Treailwell's Patent Sim,rlt'-j;ear Headers Made by . I. I. Ci-eAln '1 ho burLiif r sold InOr eon and i ailloinla -l. any mail win) has usliI onti what he think-of ii, or, whit Is In ttfr stlP, 'oim pure and 'I'll o.ii-miiIi any mi iilleil liu-rnvid Header- and buy ib" one oit like ti fl. Send lor the 'IVslllltnil) nl Orruoii KaiunTs. Has the Patint Adiu-I line Jtiel- lluproii'il Patent frob Wlnels the Improved Pitman w nil ilra-s Hum- liuproud Kle lator, etc. IIOlUf.F.l K.Mil.VKS futiiiiitli vtiiiabi'' rt-uulattni ut n1 The KKVP 'lln -loiij Kiu'iiit e iher wimiiI nr straw b irners. s, ml or i ui and lie), u li e lift ' Tin 1(1 VM.I.I. SV.V 4lt (TOR, I With Uol li IM r 4 l.nd haki Minn 'I'Uesu T-Iisl. . r-are tm iIiii t ni ihe unrld as mn b 'etled by' many in uUr.iiON wh pur tu-nf last ytar. scud for ' n din nl inli I'ltl'f mid Ituisell's llttiinti ti and Dinili . l'(Al:lt-. I W'til b will be iii -i pin. mi) . ni w'l 'f'tiie-Uirs, ut li dm ul pnii - Tin GOODS! IM 'itlllASFiO AT A Kediiclion of 'M) Tor Cont.! Ciuipfil by tlit) 1.ullitlini tuU'rnf two luiro French Impurttni; tiun-i't, wo tint I'linblul now tOHcll LOWER. THAN EVER! Oilrbloi kiomlsts, its iimiiI of nil descriptions of (food- n-iuilly kipt 111 a well regulated KAIIMERS' STOHC. AVe. call partldilar iittentbiu to our l4II(.i: STOCKS OF DOMESTIC GOODS! OIIOIC10 D K E S S (JOOJ)S, OK KVHiO I)FCHIPTION, ParaBols. Tics, Gloves, Shawls. Tublo Liiion, do., CLOTHING, The Most Coiiiili'ie Stock ever in salem!! FUKNISHINCt goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, IIltlM 1111(1 OllH, Carpets and Oilcloths, The Only W.-11-Assorleil Stock in the Cil) ! ! GROCERIES. ANU CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. tVli'liraieil Wliilfuatcr Wiin.. PRODUCE Taken in Exchange lor Goods. Farmers, COMtNO TO '7DWN TO .MAKE TIIKIK Hl'HIN'i PI WilAHK!), AVI I.I. I)l WULL, KKFOHU III IN(.. 'IU CALL AT BKIriIAi BKOS., WHITE CORNER., CwaiiiK rcliil St.. - - MiUslu, Or uiayljiu ; RAILROAD LANDS. IUm-i-iiI TlSI'lUH'. lo fttiri'.v I.UNI. Tm - 'In liiiiiuril Vit;i (llfl llitiidiiils -oil III I'MVlll ujirt aril, ai otkiii o le 'instant 'in mil tin- PaiU Pr i llw I'ji llie 1. fWn ninl I'miK! ruou ik Milt)- Itaaes. 'I rui ks, lli.y CVtiers, Kemlr in. Ita.fd , llniu; 1'iks. siyiiiis, "u-lli- ni v, M. er ,it-i nud ovi:ieiiA.B Ki'-ojh'jumI for I STOKE ill) Davs! 'llll CLX KNOUS siHK IS dltlbWOMJ s .! k ulftll, r. jiejiWi 11. r lUlitr !) 'or i ti Im 1 riit or .Mr- Ili Ull xn XVO"V17 GrOOCl'3 I11 t ' ttiMfil, tadltH I'tlTlf Ufk VIM I'i.-I i i I 1 Li. MIJ I in (hit fiuu llfn lrjftllltli lur 'Ar.'41!l" "wi r tn sitcLJioi'K-r- of Hi 1 rvmi! niiKint tutt-'itJ j i Ni(fthurtfril lifltfiifl' MiifX'v. a lad I OlUOli Uu i'f.nunhy V of II wlU IttlcM l Ibclr iifttce In lUv clly f I'urlUnd, Utruut Auiiut SSth. 'u, al oui o 1 10 L p. in. J'ynUuJ, Jul) fe, l""''t vd HeuiUi llaki' lUrlit 1'tk. &rvU., u-Ui- I armin luiiiun ut iarall. ul Jn lt'l llttlkU f" liln ral d!- oiifi ftir"i ir ruiui t,i ,,, t?TYUu 101 ml on, MAt niNm i(!tiijM ' only ilw fui Mill pnn tu a) i .- VV r . j iiotuiiii; Uit Hfi ilflw i ,J,, t cv" V 1 pIiiw j,ihfi j;fuin(.iiv I rY"' r ' t-uri- 0AXX, in iitlMfMi" 1 dr - il j. a 1 j (t V ur itett ruihifil 1 ol tit to tiiiJciHilil tn 'diiin i.utt it isr 'o'-J, mitt lult b f urvd tu re m 1 otj uriji r, uttut tu m t ii of V 1 -H r Ao'Irw I-. . N . 8tOU S, , ' l I. $rl WbUWvf, I iiljl'mt l)4iiii i imr, l'r.l' - t ?uiUv,t j Mti rnr lo . N. U1 h rl A i o. C. X7ZAFCVAGE, 11-.. . . ' . iiVriiiti.v.v rcuii: iinin.ns .. r.w.iniit.NiA u.vii.iioahwi. m i ' il I I 'li l.iud fin iJb tlluK 'lie iiilliiwltit' ltl yiiir ( Wat i;il l.-.iii- nn ii-iitli nl flu liriii. in i b llili iifl "ii tlm bi ai i at ibi rate nt .eveji i i tent mi'f ywir in... .ul.. mill ..till f.iltiitt lu vear linn Until iirimitial liud Im '.( im tlie luljui e at ibu i.tt ur Ntneli (i I i)il per llui't ii Ikilli Him lial aid llvt r ml jit ibi' ill 1 . " uit'i i it n n.i i i . i.m i en; v ii iii- a n.w d fur ab. ifi i ,i. i. ii. ..iii,. ... a I., p n in i ti: i j, j A "1 ii a ' il li l'"ii jnd On SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. ii and ..'ur-Siiliti'il. i j VlATLOth Sec. 1U1 lll-d 'J V'iY-W Sllillillll (II M r vVl. .. i . h.l II MUJ I ' ;.(.Iiii.i Im Sxui uuteii. H VN.) i.Iji li I HAM1. I .e 111 I" - '" 111 all t)- I i i li n.'i k Hi k Man "i V ll(i' iiu JSOOTS cV sum;. Uv Ai IUI it Of 25 .1 day KJar i.fd u In- i.ar Wll AuKr . Urlllii. ilOO a "...iii' luili j i. i Vi'in "i" '" U, tliu Aic 1 tu iii.l r I e ) " I Itfi-