WILLAMETTE FARMER. i i j ii in nc or tli. of mn Jill! In. inn 1110 ch ii in it JUKI (('( lirot lfoi, Jo. year tlioi It'SsI ?(J If Jilni. Willi, ors, o J suae fow j iliotl, brotln Mm. yot l J'aujJ .vmiiitf HOII sj Durlni vhlUl v n very Julo tli who o 1N IK , montlis ) rort hit uity wc time ls.i OS till) III lltO, lll( lUftlirtt. fuiiiuaiti i mffitigtSfW&D m&us&mm SUMMER PLEASURES. .f -J J&K i.TT!i'W -VKC-VT -&&r!- "4ffr? Salem, Friday, July 28. 1876. State Grange Deputies for 1876 A A Mathevv 0O. J Henry Hhrordcr. .IAC KPriN. DSKIIiilck... lIVhFll. Win Brow n ilaki r Clt) jii'fnnsK. Win W I'lillrr . II Nihil lieo IE Hamirslcy I'o.toe Knox lltktOjlit.1. .'sjntti, Looking Ma" Itoscburg Ott As lilahd Tack'orivllle .. Baker Clt) Apil'rit'" Jacksonville .Junction City... Junction City .Camp C'nek Kltgchc City ..CllSVVtll The harvest time that brings extra labor ami eollcltudo to the tanner, briugs dullne.s to the town. Midsummer brings a longing lor change of scene, anil from tbe cutor of tradeand manufacturing interests many oyes are being turned towards the sea-shore, which we know lies beyond the not distant coast ranges, or to tho towering rldgos of tbe greater ranges that lio to the eastward the i grand Cascade Mountain", wlio'-a sterner bights are almost Inaccessible, but whose not-distant loot-bills abound In romantic scenery, charming valleys, iuteisperse.l IISN, Win Cvri. It A Irvine .I II Smltl IIRSTIIS, I' i: Moor y it NiiiKiii'.... .".J (irunt MAIIIOS. II A Wltll ...Scln . . .I.i lirinoii ....Iluriishurg ....('orwilli ....Monroe .. King's Valle).. .Marion Motion Uliimy ilarri"burg Cirva .Turner halem li V Cnstlcmiu lluttLville. l.Akl. .1 .1 Clnrllnn (loose Lake Iiik-onville pin k. I II Miimi It.iena Vista. W A lluir) Zcna. jiooLn i m.. nana, VASIIII.l. J .1 llender-or. Amity A II llcurv Lal.i)il' V. A-IIIMITOS VI) lluini.hrev.... IMIMinro Hlll-bom II I, rantiliii.. 1'oiiitllus I.AI KAMA". A II Milpln using Oiegmi Clly N W Itamlall Oregon city Ml .fHUMAll. .1 Jntcisiiu Kai-t I'tirllHiul. . .I't I'ottlunI Inliu a" ' It Mini- Tjjrl .1 II llouthll 1'ppuOiho IIIIAST. 1) II Itlhilurt Canjon City evi vtii.i. v. IS Wlill Wi-lmi I I AT-OI'. A II i-.ik- Ulorla Til I AM....:,. II F lloldci Tlll.iniin.lf.... N ( ..LI'MIIIA ii W Mtwull Columbia I l!j.... K W I'OIIJIT" Khisk'intnc . I IO. N I! Itus I'o.i' VV.VSIIIM.TON" IKIUtllol!) . .'I'lo- Dilles Canyon City Wi-t.in Astoii.i i.rtli V.imlilll to be rich la due course of time, though It strikes us that the prospect of tbe complotlon In course or years of the Mlnlo Pass wagon road promises more for it than do tbe un certain richness of its mines. It is amusing to see a Salem family pack up for a camping expedition. There are the bidding, the provisions, tbe kitchen furni ture, and tbe etceteras, all to be stowed away, aud still leave room for tbo folks and the children. How it is done Is almost mir aculous, but wonders are accomplished, though it is safe to say that iu tbe majority of cases some of the baggage Is left oor. Thnr.t t liap.ll.. ...... l.-o. I.i thn vuhtnln I'.vr among the projecting spur", with shade to be ,, i-.i . , ,.!. n....n ,, , ' , i ,,i ...I . . ,, l 'be tet or tbe occupants, but when finally chosen from the desp dell bidden by tall . , .... , . , ., ,u. ,.,.i.. , , , . ., ! , , i , , I loaded up and on tbe road, aud all tho wriu- alder torests to the higher benches where k,fls ,ltl()olbeJ tutt. eawe wIlh (he Iron be yotii, firs are lormlug groves that are bltf at bowers for the ten s ol wayfarers. In I . ,,.,. , .,.,. ,il.w. .,.!,. ii..r... r.. .,.,.......: ,, Iis 'levuloped. W ben the journey Is ondec'i :;:r" .r,.r::",': , !' Kround .elected and the domestic ar , , , , , rauKoments rompletu. then thu luxury of UftUil tin imi tmniia rriArimr finin tin ttl umu . . ' . ,.,,,, , ., ,i,T 'uu'UJe'" climate and mountain air and water in their beds where these rapids impede , aro ,ea;eti their course, ami the small creeks that feed ...v. , u' ... , ,. . , .., .. , . . ,, , , t.oyoud bmitu's terrj-, a mile, we have a fio larger streams come tumbling down the ,rH,., nf ,.,, ..... .,f',.i. n, ,i, l.lllu l I,IM, ), I,. ...... 1 1 -".... IUl ."" " ... . .-- """'""" c,".j -r" .. romauti.. with tho practically useful. There sleeii pla.'es, causing such walerlalls as tbe . . .. , , , , . .., . ,, , iu u v.-horo we rusticate and our friends can Milliliter tour st loves to visit. ... , ,, . ,, ., , ,. . , , . , ,, . i hi"i us. A small cabin answers when the Smith s -erry in Mmh.ii county, twenty- e.ltler u ln,lement a llne pastlue fur. six miles east ol balem, is at the crossing of ..;,. ,.,. ,'. ,... .,. a o.i I luiu'o tu jiersua.le them to be quiet. There wns a merry party tbero last week, with their tents gleauiiii through tho young lir groves, and such a spring close by as we read of. A yooil neighbor, not lar abova, i lurnlihes Irom his larm mu.'b that Is no- cesary in render lllii aprctablo nud all'jrd j .UrlIV t.k tlta. I..I.I.. "..!... ne u ir.il.u ril I I 7 I 1 1 l lurllle valley of tho North 1-ork. a vallev 7' .? "."".. ...T UDI ItJI tLiail II' IIHI1V fllMI. llHITtllH LUHV McCORMICK'S nipaovED PIONEER-1843-REAPERS AND I0WER5, The Leading Machines of the World. THE ONLY TRUE COIN aSFsTANDARD OF VALUE In tho neaping and Mewing Machine lino. The Best is always Cheapest. There Is but one Best, and that is McCORMICK'S. to l.o punerlortoall utliirx. e propose to allow r.-ioi'U le I armer tc wlihanv or all others, keeping tliat which ult tlicni lu't. Knowing thR McCormk'k Machine1 take our Machines on trlul in the fleld T, J, MATLOCK. P. of II., Agent fcrOresou. anJ Wa-hliiton Ter , Porllaml. Uu-on Stnto aschth: the North l-'nrk ol the MautUui. just bnlow where tho Little North I-'ork iwolls that stream. Across tbo river is I.lnn county, and thriuh tho dark river bottom, Mth its huge foif's, acioss the stream, looks unin viting, wo know that beyond it, aways, liH acharinlni; country that extends eastward for many mile", forming the beautiful aud T. 11. WAIT. Ai;ent Salem 1'. C 11 MU'liit JS UO , jtgeui inny M. U HH! I.. Aifent Corinlll? MAT1IKW WaI.MS. A'ei.t KiiL'die City .1. SI. SCH'ilMNO. Aifoi.t llarrl-l.iiru' .1. K. II iLI'Sro.V, Acrnt Iiincilou W. M I'OWKKH, Agent MieildV H'M. P. CTUmitf. Agciit Wilbur WHERLKK 11U0S.. Apvntt .1. I.. WILLIAMS, Aceiit WINOATi: A. CO. Agents .1N0. 11 ri'SIBK & CCAvenl-... W. O. COflOIX. Agent IIANlisSn'l( A DniLCIINIIi:il, IJEN. S. ('iis'KIN, Agent .1. A. UAHiOWI'lZ A CO., Ag nt. Agt- ...Oakland . .Koel.uig Walk, ...UinMlll.n llllle.v , SloMMIie ....I)au.-n I.s llrande June -). ml ..Walla Walla Will 1 1 Wall .. Al I A .1 Al l.. W.M Million III l Ml.ll. ilso-gi'lliiiilir II i loll ..IIII MAS. Hi nryiililliu KHiiilfillle Ciiirux s ! lillllianil Colfa I'ullax I 111 II Al l'. Kl III t .Clielial! Point. .Ohmpli ..Velm... ,M lilllllM ru m i. ShM i.khaiu.. . rm rroN. 1,(1 Al.'.olt 11 l.ongiulii I. ISO. iillui. Iloiton N'jtlV ll.UIf. 'M 1'leri-i Cl.iiiiato.. I akim i. J P Coin. Kik'in-lnir,;.... UIWI IT. .ii.iiu it.. ii in pikiu. rl MiK WS Dniitlilt V.iurniiUT .. Kin Ml A'. . fen .Miller Kllkllat City iiimio iruniTi.M ,OIllipla . bealtle Mr. TKIl. . .1 s IIiihuiiI W 0 I'lir.on Alll. 1. 1'Carlie 1.1 Muilth M Kiiwell Itll ll.il.l P.ira.lln-Vallf). Mt. Idaho Uoi.eCliv .Leul'ton that is all settled up and pioducthe, known lor a low miles as Fox Villay and then changing into King's prairie, tho-o baiug the nami.s ol barlj-settlers, Settlemulits extend up ttio ihors for liileen miles, and will go in liiilhnr as civilization iu time shall uirnish ro.uls a'nl lacilitits. Suiith'a l'erry mid vicinity consiitulea favorite resort tor Salem jieojiie. The aitrac tious aio various. At the lunv If-oll Mrs Smith cm get up a- good a mta! as hem could vwsh, and besides that ha-i a pleasant nud cheei lul way that suits us all. Sjtout cieek comes down Irom the Kern ltidj-e country In tho north, allordiug good trout-1 ing, while tho tourist can be lewarded for I ul prospo. ting its upper branches bv discover- lllir lUUllll lilL Hi.lt 1,. .) t l . I. A !.... li., .1 ...h ni.OTiainillUOTIUIIIl 1 11 ill O J H I rail'Il H,1(J jU,j,e, wniiiu uavo uiougiiitwico auotit. I lie main river atlords larger trout, but tha big iellnws are more wary. The sportsimu ca i ilul birds to invito his aim, and timo was, not very long distant either, when deoraudelk weio worth hunting, but now they have re ceded because civilization has become too near and ly dangerous. We have not yet uuiid jLinnvtj hi me iiiiin important leatures ,.1B 01 nie in ttie 'oot-iiiiis thealrand the water. The elevation Is supposed to be nearly l.Ooo feetabove the se,anJ as a cousei nonce is lighter and purer than the luiaMiiatiu legions of the lower Nalleys; tlio water guslfos out fiom sjirlngs as cold and pure as fabled uoclAr. Tho touutalus of Mount )i,ympti wen. not more rolreshiiig than thospiings Ihat Mow irom alt tha nooks and corners of this region. Such as it Is, Salem imople are ....Wer-er Psji'lle In mn ro'inlv where Hie Il.s,uity , polnU'.l l not 1 1 e in. ! -'lital.le, al d (lie (iiuiuei. ol Hie loiMllty ill l'liuieth luilliale to men iholie. I will lie 11I1.1 ul, Tut in man) I ii.taiii-c I hiM-ii.-eii uiiiimd to nuke "1- I learning to tlko It. and inauv invalids tl...r !... liu.',,,- t.lihn.,1 knoMge.iif ,, ,,.,, w-u M elovlllMllli Ma.lerOregi.il Slate lii'ange, p. .if II. I Another us pat Ul advantage this locality ; pososses Is the excellence ot the toads that appioacb it rroiu the wet. Leaviuu aletn, crossing the track at the depot and paising up Mill I'roHk, through Heireu's a and thence to Turner's, you tlieu lullow up the valloy of Mill Creek to Aiiuisvillu, crxsin. have the sauce of a mountain appetite to give flavor to substantial viands. On Sun day last, in company with liieuds Mr. K. N. Cooke aud laiuily we drove down to the leiry, ciosssd to tbo l.iuu county side, and vi-.iti.il tho lauiily of Mr. Oeo, II. Jones, who bjsaieally line farm In l'ox Valley, about two miles from the Icrry. Here we were ina-ted and oinertaiiiod iiniii evening, in tbe mean time driving up the road a mile or so lurthbr to make a tiiendly call ou Mr. A. D. tiarduer, who acts as agent lor the Faumku iu that vicinity. Mr. .loues bus comlortable summer quarters constructed iu a beautiful grove near a vroudeilul spuug, aud there lamily enjoy themselves by spells, whenever they lire of the round or social dullness thai alkcts balem iu the summer lime. 1 As to the lutjire or that loot-hilis region, ! it is safe to predict that it will become Inoro ' and more popular as a summer resort, aud that in a lew years hundreds of those deni .ails of towns who consider health worth -seeking will be louud wltu their families either camping out, or boarding wi.h fanners of thai region, many ot whom are becoming pleasantly us well couilortably fixed with all that makes life agreeitule. It will be a lavorite region always, and brcause tamp life is inexpensive mniiy will try it' who cannot go to fashiona ble watering places. ACJRICUL TU R A L DEPARTMENT, XJOXlTXiii.3vTI5 233X2k.XCrCIZ, XINFOBTH, KELLOGG, & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealeis iu Agricultural Machinery and Farmers' Tools, COIiXEIt VAJtniLL AND FHONT STKCBTS, POItTLAND, OHEOON. ALFRED SLOOUM. Agent. Clin kmiinii Coiiiil)' Council. i'lie Clmkaui'is Oiinly C1.11111II 1111 -t on Hie Inurlli Krlihi) ol en-li inoiilli al II i.Moik a. 1.1. Place ol niii'llic at .1. (1. 'I'mlliiui r's mill, neai llie until of llie ...iiiily. iilllier--N W. Haiiilill, Pie-l.linl. NliluK VI.e Pn itleut; W W.ll tsaliiM.n, eilet 11 v. P II., N.'.sli; .I0I111 Kin.-, Tleisinei, Prink Jlvhl, 1-1 oienaid; N II, Daiuill, -Misti-niinl: Win lilgge, llslekeiper .liellneii III good l lulling are liiUle.1 to nieit with 11 . I.y older of the C.ttnii II W. W. II. soi.s, Me'). ISollcr 10 I'ntroim. I'lie P.i.t Dillie nil.lri- of S. P. lee, Tiei-urer ol tlie Mule ilraiuei.l' Oregon, U iluiu'ed Irom Oregon l'hiiuoN. Tho following petition to tbe Legislature Is beingexteusively ciiculated for signatures: 'lo llie Hon. Senators aud Kepreseutatives of the Oregon I.egislaluid at us Ninth IJi- entiial Sesaiou: Your petitioners would very le-pec'thilly reireent that the means ot transH)rtatiou and travel in Oieguu are under tbo control of thiee cnrporaiiotis, to wit: The O ,V (;. it. It. Co., llie W. T. A lj. Co . and the D. s. N. Co.' Hint -aid CiisnatioiiH have tormed ' a cimuiUt.lwii o' interest and work logettier , ill tltllsilll. I.V Wliifll ll.MV li L, m li,..ru-...l f .u that stream uinu times 111 its winding cum, raios nf treiiihtimd farce, and charge lor the Wm. Anson Wood Improved Eagle Mowers and Reapers. Slanufactured exclusively I. v the Eagle Slowing aid Heaping Slaeblue Coinp.111), of Alleiny, N V. One liiimliLil Hut claes prizes tor ac'nal iMiperioiity In llie Held. lion Fr line, tioug and dii'alile. Light Uraft. perleitly lMlaiieed by the weight or the dilier. l'cw holts. Pitiimi held Iu p-itloii I1.1 a Strong Isnring Unard. easily depicted by the operator Kiilfe with Swivel Head, which . . h iates breaking either kulle or I'llinan. 'I'll" plinple't. hest and mii't dtirah'e ."Machines in the mniket, at a price within the reach of all. Iloti arc ol" Imposition. The name ol ' Wm. Alison Wood" Is uioulde I on the liunu- of e.u li nmiliinc -none others are genuine. Russell Peerless Mower and Self-Rake Reaper. Ihesuneilnrlty of these (Mediated Machines s u Us Lightness of Dra't. (Ireit Mietig'li. and Ease of Handling. They hive a rear tut. thus avoiding the many accidents that iKsur ve.irlv wlih a tiontiui. as th.v diivei 1 an see an v oh-tim tlon in time to avoid it The wheels aie lnoi.l and high. The ililier inn easllv ihiow It In or out ol gmr. Material is mostlv ol Iron and steel. Has ,t coveien lop, thus keeping out all the dirt and dut. lias an ea.-v spring seat, wlikli can be ihsuged lo light or leu. The SKLP KAKK is entirely under the control ol the driver diOipiug a idieaf ut wlivie he pletses. gatli erliiga full sheaf where the grain Is light. We 1.111 say, without fear of tuc. esslnl coutiiulktlon, that the ItllNnell lien per is the s'ioiiges and 1110-1 durable machine In use. 'J he Old Ki'liable Cliic;io Pill.s" Scinuator.s and Hure Powers. Mahufactured by II. A. Pitts' Sons' Slaiiuiaitiiring Co , Chicago, 111. I Farmers and Threshermen who hive for the past Thlity-llve Veirs piinliased aud employed thei.i. coiitiinie to speak In unmistakable terms of their superior lueil s for thieshlng Wheat, oats, llailey. II) e, i't-a, Tim olh) beedand Flax Seed lit lor mirket. aud costing less lor tepalis llun any cxlier Sepaiator In 11-e. The tiep.irafrs liave for the Calltornla aud Oregon trade, a new and imjrsved bndSliakc Mute, vastly uprior to any In this market. A large array of tistlmonlals on die iu our ollieo proves the tiiilh of Ihe'alioie asst-r-tlous. HAINES' GENUINE HEADERS. Until lion and Wood wheel .en and twelve loot cut, maiiufnclura! and improved e.presfy ur this House, for this scafon's hntvect PfJVery Important Impiovemtnts. Sweepstake Header. Iron and Wood wheel, ten and twelve foot cut. The reputation nf this well known Header is too Welles, tahllshcd to ltiiuiro comment. ALSO, (iarden City Snlkv Hor'e Hakes, II y Mate bulky Horse Hakes, Wood ltev olv ing Horse Hakes, I Oialu Cradles, Siylhes r.od hnaths, Haying Tools ot all kinds. I Oiauyeraud Cahoou Seisl lowers. trWcnreiisnccoinmodatlii(jand liberal an any house on the Coast amine our S ockbeloru "Hiving. Orders solicited and pioinptly filled. Liberal discount vv ill always be .made for Cnh. USNeud lor'tlluktt-Hled Circulars uiil'("ntulouc, and Frlcc I,Ut'. Kuriners loukto juur inteiests and ex- ltoxx's Q-rolc3L Horse-Po"wer OOMTERBALANOEVIBMTING SEPARATOR. 9. On your left, close at hind, aru Waldo Hills Irom whose gentle sloj.es ripening grain fields look luxuriantly .1 vvn upon tlm traveler. Aiiuisville is lour tulles Hum Turner ami twtlve tioin Salem; live ml e latlber the thriving village ol Slayion is" h aided to Portland. llNl.ilUlKl.. Till. (VlI'Mflllll .llKI'IIOT, pul.llslio.1 at .Mniimnuth, has boeti unlarnwl rt-ceully, aud lis form changed to that of an xlghl-pagu paper. Us aprauce Is very much iiuprovml, and its new editor, Mr. 1. T.Nlsnloy, Is just beginning to ut bis baud Ik, ill running an Oregon uewopipor. l'ios. dent 'V.Y Csinpbt.ll will nMH be a coutribu ti.r In lis columns, us asiHtaut t-dlior. same uch a price us grently Iniuren tbo best iiilcrHslsoi llie people ol tbe-MatoofOrfgoii; and believing mat this monopjly is ileroga lorv totbe vita lutHreitsof the psople, coil tiolling a-, thyy do the portagws ol the Col., iiuibia uver and tho locks 01 the Willamette river, which last named were built at a llHUV V S1I.HI.W III tl.rt l.kO.ll 1 .if II... Sl.t. widening and e.ipaudiug, leally astonishing and iwliovun; there Is a ilisnositlou ou the one with lis successful growth and its maun. I1" " sh(I corK)rallnus, and a coucertrd tacturiug euleriirise. Hiir. 1, 1 u rd p dii.i v.. a ...it. .11 , the spurs of the Cascades growing planter to in be obtaiuci without lejiisluiloii, and be- ellort aud plan tociiuiKil the eople in pay kili 1 :.i .1 1 111 1 . m"w luca.i r. 1111 nun irnnnildi iij 1 j ie jur Clt) to P.Mllaud. Kiiri-piikgis will also he lor- 1 -"" iininic me uuis wb pusn slw4iit, trausporiatiou: aud beliuvi.ig that 1,0 relief L - 0 view and llie Wakloliillschangiiig to a tuder cliaracter, a spur of the mountains that Is known as Kern Klilgo.on whioh many set tlers are making excellent farms. Soou vve have a ridge on each side of w, the valley uarrows, though vet beautiful ami always fertile; the asHct of nature assumes a more romantic tinge; the tills and crocks Irom the rem Itnlge region an. mote Irnpient, ami all the while tbe madwa.v is over a gravelly soil that makes smooth and excel- lent travelling. 'Ihe road s. ems level, but Having lurther that the ntoole ouadi'. ami iu justice have a right to demand ucb relief as will insure lo the greatest uutiilwr lbs greatest go.xl, aud givj to every citiz-u a just ;-uiva!tui tor his labor aud not be made to pa v mure tl.au a rvouah!n an. I fa'r piicw for trauaiHiiiatl.lli, thertby uiipover ishlng linn; we tlixiMfiiri very lexjctlully askul your Hoiioraile Udy that the l.egis latum eiuuta law ai its next regular sssiou leguUtiug lares and treights over all the railwajs 111 th.s S.aie; ami vour pen touis as in iliuv bound will ever j.riy. lla'.el Jnl.v 1), l-7ii WK r prepared to niiiiuiac'UK and till all orders !or these uniivaled n.ailuues. All our worklsluliy l.!...l paruiulars, send lor circular, and price list, vvhkti will be aei.t I.) mail as Toon s pib- 'lit,rM" ,e,0ou '"' 'Ad.i"s"'.a.r'y' '" '"0,d di"l'l,olu,mi'1,t' "e w' mauufailurt- prli.ili.ally on oi.Krs fot PELTON & SAVAGE, Salem, Or: I.bWIS RAVAIIK. . PKLTON. .mh'iiniil uu hrulayoi last wnek the clouds burted full oneratiou ll.r-e oiiit-r inb.. will inn eou:ByLcr;Ii' , m- -"r rr,Bi ::n urge bis t-aui to tbe 111 most lo.- some distance , WkMplrmiilM.ingoverukenbylbBWateron, V'hx: tin; Hi. 01, -It i, a established .1 ,'", .. Al u",l'Ut'1,l' ;fr rose fact that a very large class of disorders can su l)t III .0 minutes; t Heirou's nlara.. ' 01.lv l, ...r.l l. ,,i, . ... ....;..." , '. r . .. r . r" ' ". .t it-uiuuint nt win r-ii er I lie (..'urge . l.ldcr, the new steamship 0011 10 oi iiiii't'ii ou ine 1011111 oeiwHun an l-.aucisc-, and IMr.land arrived at the lor tbe while vve., re making a gradual ascent. ;"".. , TT '' ,'-,"!' K ' ' "' ;' '.".., acr., baling u,t 'a "peace vZXZm1, 111..1 port ou Monday the ! hot Julv, mak-' a lad ihat 011,. pcuelvi s more readi'v wh-ii l,'""'. rt.niriit..! ..11 -lit. Itv. u.r. "f f-.tj . -xs-cnng every moment 10 see the only can the reuindv Iw oro ,h' iuti. mine In.; the p.s.Hg,. from New N 01 k. around the ' burning how much ossier and ..nicker the ,' "" Us ' ''"" A Ms'1 '" ""' l"i:'"''-' !otU''''uL',':''r.'',' i'".' 'or!uu'4":'- il l,iJ J''" with tile di-e.vse? Toobtaln tuw Horn, iu To .lavs. , ill ptobablv ba a r..niru trip Is undo .ll tha wav 1...1.1 1"u"""" '-'. I..ll. C i . w i I r-r .,, ; ", "-,. J' ,,7i . 7., "1 r . J"" lil",'!T ' Jesirable end, no ptHparatm,, has ever bi-eti f i T;;: V,, Illir..- I.-Aih. l'..I.i Jl " hi.: """ so,a.i,.li..,.i. pull, but a road that Is "V al WuM Vi:'1 '" ' '" ,:,,wl, !,ul" "" "l"'"rMdrt,.. Caucerous Tun'mrs. Vh.!; "woC ? ! (ielicral liowa.d his iciposcd the Couutv Jiiiluo ul I'n.oii i i.i.u'v tn csiism t.,i ,ii.t s( lit I'luley and Mi Nail, who ki.l.d il.i. Imlin. Ill llie Wallowa sll.-v, slid 1. iv.i the.ii U ir.l hi the Ulstrli't ('..i.i' 'llie lit-mrsl n: "11 llie cltlnlis o llist stviion desire lo pte- t'l He llii ss.si, tlniv li Us', show to l. Ill hiis and the Stsli. Ilia! Hggis..iiis and nun- In- lis Mm vv liltns sb ill be fi.led b,v prompt and sulllilei t punishiumit." The collegiate von Mr IsTil 77 i.i tho VI. I nil.. He 1 iiiverMtv will iviiiiiimiiisi !' llrst Motidiv in s.'tiiiemb..i ecu. wl li tbe lol'.iw. Ini: cups ofliMchcis. 1', M. ii.iii h, l'rsiii.iil ami I'rob'ss.ir ol vientul nii.t Moril I'.'i.lo-o by; 1. .1 I'owell, l'r,vf..ss,vi ,, M I'l.ellllilcs anil Nstural ". lei.ee. lliuilv Miaituck, I're 'iiptitfss and leicherul Mo.Uru l.sugiist.s; Klli'll .1. Chainbullln, teacher iu Academical f lull tllliuil; illauche (.. I'.ittcrMiu, tuichcr of Itlaliumtuital Music. Tboiatcsoi tuition imiiuo Irom Sis to $i:i per icriu. Tbo lolluwlng is the exocuilvei .mniillc Hppoliitei! liiiiiakeHrrangemeuis l.o the state IVac'ieis' lustitiilo, to iiitwi iu ihisi-ltv mi ibtaj;id, tilth ami .'.'li or Augusi- I'mi. Tims. II, Crawioril, Mis, IiUiicIi.. ... 1'siim ou, Mbs Klleii J. Chaiiibiirllii, Mis (llv '"lUliilid. Miss Moilli. .s'uiitli, .M.s Itoie snd .Mh Ada, A, Jones. lovt I ami almost ,iwv MiiOoth, so that a , tcstii not ovi'i .a .e.1 cm move along at a ' rapid pice. Ibis .u-t of availability dds gioillv to tlie s pularil.v ol iln Smith's lii v kii.ni iti.l vlraws ihltlier u great many p.. ip.e, cli. i tl.v in. iu saleiu, so that List .sun- iUy w. isvnuio.l up eighty ol our o.vu ac- 1 nuaintui cos Unit wen. camping out in that .leligbtliil .Iction. We drove down, alow div s mii e, Horn tbo feiry to wlem, Jo miles, iu les ihim tour Injurs, w ilh .piite a load, so it can besrceive I hnw esy of act-tv. that legion is. Ano In i advantage possessed by this local i v Istlut ss In to It is retired ami dnlight.'ul It is still surrounded by settlements ihut sup. ply many wants, and at Smith's Kiriy a1 toin iiftw exists wlicnv the vvaylarei cm u lrili bi "arder. l"p the Little North l-'otk, also, -no mines of ftbuloiis riclmoss that uly liid leveliis'liieut, nud ciovsui;; at Nlllith's iM-ry is ilie old road to '.'utruville, trod so -anguinely, yuur. .vgo, liy so many gold hiiiiicis wbu piuntsl their taith aud tlietr money to llie minis oi tlie" White Hull,' ins v eir.ennu!. iir.u geulleiiieil eipr.-s tbeliisHlves Mglilj pbn.fil wbli ibeir irip Kl, and say thev saw mote at the iluat Kitilbi'ioii than they ever esptc to again' see Iu this world. Miss MU'.id 1'owo.l, te.i her, who leli Ore. gou las'. Mil, for her old t.ouiu iu Illtuo.s, ritui'iii'd to sab iu by the last ., earner. Aio i'omi Hovii; Hun. Iitvnl Mump and .laughter returned also ircm the 1.M U-t steamer. I'lir re.i leis vv ill ullliut iivret bis return when they know tha; i: will Si . I'w.s )io coultaotors lor building Hie wing duos in the Hiauiette are readv I. r woik, in l will isiiuuiHice operations as oun s in . I pper WilHiuntle has sutllcieut ly ie.-eded, w-i.icu wn i.e sometime next vvirL. cue p.r.y is ai Half Moon i'.jnd, aU.ui three miles l,0Uiw Corvallis, and the I "'her is at lloena Vi-ta Hir, about M miles I alaiv e .-a.Mii . The surv eys lor proposed riv. er Improvements will ha commenced abjut tjt. middle of lx: iii-iuili. On ii.. i', nit. Tin Isi-iuu should a ship caul be cut ncio-s tiie Istuniiis oi Dtrieu a; j,, iuiiow est point it vv mil I lie iuimi.iui. u,,i. ,.. ami would if-iuue a stm.-tuuuel ij-, i0Bt larguientol he M..ii,, i lirmuc Kbeiiinalisui aua iiout, U'lipiive lue,esi t,e skin, U!d ami lndoleut Cicuis, (i .iiroiiswellingH, ot the Ihroat.A-c , are cuieil Willi a ceriHintv which hasatjiii.b..i , vviv liehobler It if, D-si.jes, line ol the m.-i pleasant an ides that cau ba taken into tbostooiacb; operatingas a tonic, it receives Dvspepsia aud Netvoiis Atleoiious, and impr.s a glow ot aniiiiat'on and heslui un. .( u !d l,v anything iu tbo whole Materia Siedi-i. Numbers of imguitl eut s!tMmshli)s ai lyln idle iu I.ivH.-pool and UlrkHubead lI.Kks. J. is liupitxfl,,! , ,), l,.,orv fl- coiiiiuerc, and the pu bsbilltv ts that tlie Tl I 1 fill lAl t 11(11 I ... ... . caiiso hi, letu-rs lii wsso, though we hope to l"K' u,u eveuiuiie miles in liiijtliihrniwh I m"",'or wi" 'u'r---' - ..... a.,. . , onn Kwtui: irnni Aha Vnr . j .......... .. - - " " 1 J.XI Til. I lallt II-I-XI-sIl Ilia near irom nun stui turtiier iiimerniug exp.tteuco during bis absence. his areat exteru- .1. V, Weaiheilord lis gonu to pftid a fow dvvs with his family at his rural relreat ueir Miutb's Kerry, but the drug -tore is lefi in olurgeol Sir. l'ratt, and the business v, ill bo attended to (he same s.s usual. iu .-no I I.VUCISCO WOll.ll S.1VI1 IllO.ijl ... Ilu ... ... .. . '." sa.linand could allord topayatju oVCkk ' , " ,1 " ' V. riVi? ",!""Uur P. . wu..vr- la. I I. .... " ". -7 .---. l,."Autoii It is eI ll-H IKI,.M. So vou will poux'ivo that this region is luted building a poor houso tor f.',i; .. Mi.v i- a Cnv , .Inly ..:. -The troubles , the (lubleti i ii:o. mo all settled, and St V ikildwm. superintendent, is to tl.,. rw.",..' i-i . i i i . . astaiu, usuiueil bv" nil the miners and .!.. I he plumber and sas niter has .sy.ipleted zt.Us , l-",rv lew. Jr. llaldw n .; Ill "ow be s contract ou the ".slu-e House. 0, stfrv lie in m iwiml- J.Z 'iiJi , " u,.7. i i ,.....- i.i.i f -.-- n ..tJ IHK.I.VM, ur .' iii niuiu w if i iiu (uiurau'L lor .sburihcwoubts-ivejjiswat ,PJ? c.i d, t "UV'i " ', ',,1"B of '"" '"" imated that ilo work would ,! J' 'Ul VOU "'" r" " otno liii.ls of Indisus I.,,.,, the nibe, (i,st or i In, uioin,ii4i.,nu, making arrac-ements "go and ngnt (tie Mou.; two n tbe.NV. i:r:,M:.r,H " ' "i"si,gnt,a,i ratig-miius preparatory lo siartiug up the woiksot the Ui. deu Chariot, and when In ' were killed 1 ?5ra" SaJ.tla, jx-timt, , Salem Oregon, dealer iu .t,ri.UMe, ...,. s,.rH. . irvffrV&tor:,fa,tae luw-l". "' lU I'.k; Oil M