3 WILLAMETTE FARMER. no on tin of 1ii ntn inn lru Im 111!) fli II ID It JUKI l)rot .l0(l to. 5'onr tlioi lostl whle lilm. while oru, o J.ilWO few il lkei- brollu Mm. .vot in laiull. .VOUIItf ion -Ji Dtir.ii! child v ii vory J i) to til who q this 11 lUOIlllli rJicl hfs "Ity wc linio lv JMto eon " tho a tato, ant rtiiiM. faiiioum c OESfOflDEflCE. Knrth Willamette Partner. Integrity of Character. It In more advantageous for the youth to obtain Integrity ot character, than it Is to try to hoard up this world's kooiIs. Finance, without doubt, Ih good, but let Ilia youth llrst obtain Integrity or character and next vvoaitu. 1 cannot too deeply impress upon the mlntln or our young men the importance of abstaining from ever; thing that will not have a bearing in obtaining lor them the conlltlence and estwiu of the wNeaud the good. A young man tuny be unfortunate, lie may be poor and pei.nlloMs, but if he (oi nessea unbounding Integrity, and unwaver ing purpose to do whatever is honest ami just, ho will ectrn Irittiuls and patrons, wliaUiver may bo the einlMrassliinutM ami oxigoncles into which he Is thrown, 1HHI citltfeK of uifiiruioiiutable heights nny thus be passed without a stiugple on their partH, and the young may thus -ecure a cap i till . of which none of ihe misfortunes and calamities of life can deprive them. Youths have riMiti lr,m ienury to tlio UnPed Statos Senate, and oilier olllcos f-'itial'.v us high, and why not tho youths of this day? llecausti fioy lack the energy. Tliv do not pr e in tegrity of character highly enough. Tliuy do not enter lite with the ilulertiiiityll'iii to bo strictly honut, iiot .industry. I.oucsty, and Integrity of charaoter ho your loremi'-l inottoo, and jon will he sum to bo lor most In tlio i me. lor liuiio. .Men have -tnlilon'v SrJEEf ND Woou. THE OBOWINQ OF MOHAIR. The Spanish proverb, " The hoof of tl e sheep is gold," la true with the British, for tuny teceive annually from their sheep the sum of $150,000,000. Ooeof the most valuable features or tie present Centennial Kxhibition is the careful I preparation of statistics, by experts, relative CAMKOKMA MOIIAHt. Tho Sin Francisco Commercial Herald k'J Vi ' V M C 1 1 1 . I lua fit' ituttw t hiniHi on.ito ," V -"'"" -" "" "".0tl,o nistirlal prosperity of various couu has been pro-ecuted In this State for ioverl I , , . ...... ii.,i,io .,.,,, I., i tr es. Ihey will constitute an Invaluable years In the teeth ol many obstacle-, aud ,. ., ' , " l , , , .,,. ,., i , . , , , . , . , ., collection tor future reference. Amongtho?o would have been crushed out but (or the' , . . """"' .",..ii . . . , ,., , . ,. , already made is one of South Australia, perse; eraneo, lalth, and Ntreuuousetlorts or ,,, .... . . .... . . .... .i I ,,.,., which was sett ed on.y lorty yoar ago a a lew gentlemen who comprehended its val- I . . ,. ' ,,f,.MA wnr,,l . 'ijj uu.v..j ivuunu 1A, IU v...'. w - 'The autistic, prepared by Mr. JosUh Hoot buy, show that 53,000 men support TrfE Dry. u and trusted to the future for its full devel opment and recognition. They not only had t's contend ngaiust that natural prejudice which attaches to all new enterprises of this character, but also to overcome the unpopu larity creittd by those who had engaged in the business tor swindling puriKises, and to th.it end nail disseminated erroneous infor mation which it was dilticult to correct. Our attention Ins been again directed to this ub jeet by a letter received Irom II. M. Farr, thrice their number of women and children, occupy 200,000 square miles of pastoral coun try, ami possess (1,000,000 sheep. They own 11,000,000 acres of land, grow 12,000,000 bush el" or wheat, conduct an external commerce of $t41,Oi50,000, aud raise 45,000,000 of reve nue, wtiiou is a pretty good snowing iora lorty-j ear-old colony. Mr. Cialk. tliH nntlinr of John Halifax. hod of tun " Karr Alpaca Company," Hoi- (iat.tlemai.,' is erecting a drinking fountain yoke, Massachusetts, together with three ' "."der a railway arch near ber residence In liberal samples of 'Angora cioth tor dres.se", ' ing to die sliortue-s ot tlm staple, hn was omitiollti In work in a considerable percent ile of onJmarv v,ool. Wo mint., -mni. iw.r. become reduced Irom allluem-e to ...uiy by j t,Ils , ,,, , ,-,.,... .. .,.,, N ,, t.uf..tillII Mi.tio overwhelming i.is,rtune, which they , ,,,!,,, nuikti lor it ,t it ...... t,..m.,. - n- " " Kent, with the hiucular Addition of a con- Mtffllt stlltttllt fit riArtMsrr lnanra (trirl ft llliiriHV " mohair serge," and mohair figured oat- i 0.. 'the 1 Iki is that wayfarers will pay f. r liuinns," ll mauulactuied from Calilorlila what they tako. mohair. Those sHinnles are extremelv nrettv ' and duiable, showing beyond .piestlon tin suimrlority ot the tlt-no obtained Irom th. Angina ,;oit. .Mr. Farr ays, however, that ' (Hlicc oil Tlrst Street, the inaterl'il tioui whicli the "ample wero made was but of i.nlin.iry iiuality, and, ow- !;: W. L ADAiVlS, M.D, A.M. LL.D., A Batter Maker's Experience. I keep sixteen co wk; am milking ten thU Winter six uewinllchs. 1 make sixty-three pounds of butter a week. The cows am mixture of uatlvo with Jersey; but I piefrr they be half of each, .'or the reason that the milk Is Just as good, more In quantity, and tho cows more hsrdy than all Jeifey. Of course the native cows should be the very bost. Hay is given three times a day, and a quart of cob meal and shorts twice a day. I add to this meal two quarts of skim milk. Tho cows are supplied with all the salt they will eat. Water is given twice a day, imme diately after eating hay. lied the cows twice a day thoroughly with line shavings and sawdust, to keep them dry and clean. In Winter, card them regularly once a week. I tieat my cows with great kindness, belcg &J&.JD 2D JLm 33 tt-ST, KAUNKSS. HAVI.VO I'URCIlAsKU '"IB INTKltEST Oi' .Mr. Wnlklii'li. In lh.-t.ld i-Uli'Minl lmue in tiij ihi.vi' line. Hie sttuiitl.ui i'f tlii'miiiiniiiiUjr 1 tllud l- the ftnek nl' Harness en lisnJ, nlilt-li !. i.iln-sl nt lti'HIj reil .1 rate. SADDLES AND BRIDLES At l.inr't (IlalU'tT pllie". Hardware, Whips, Robes, etc., To fiiit eveijlioily. R. H. DEARBORN. SHlem.Keb.Ja.lsi3. wtM Mrs. Rohrer's New Remedy POn THE X.VX7GS IS itKKl'IXO 1177 WOXVKIth'L'l. srcVKSSt very pernio with them, as such treatment haHairreat deal lo do wilh aeenerous llnwot mills I'fltKI.Y VEHI-TAllt.K 11KMKDY II VS milk, imring tho milking Mm my ,ou ..ralodWnl","' wZ& ?XwC$& favors thorn with his bet whUtllug, not be cause ho ever heard that cos are partial to such music, though lie thinks "our cows" X li.itsi.lll ill I'll" It'lluf lillil rillt.' "I t'mull". (.t.sl. It". .Vc. II h t- prndui ed -i.'iu' r. in iiI.iiI.Il' . Ultf. M.li. hi- ilru-fji-l" wnujlh I'H-psicil milt I".' Ji. :. Itililit Hi:, Mi.i.i.ii.iiili, or., Tn hIi.iiii nil If'tfi" el Ini-nie -l.oul.l lie n.Mi.'-vd. , i utwueii Taylur and Salmon,) POIITLAND, - - OltEGON. fJAlIK Dm 'or l hot curin' chronic Disease" hi h- Ji. el lo con- could neither fn6si nor pre'. cut to day thoy are j.rosperoiis, to mot row ewiy jiri." poet hllglitid lln-ir business .one, I heir prosperity (,ou, and they Ic-el that till is gone; but thny pisses i onu tre.isuio , lileli nothing can lal.o hvv.ij itilegrity of cliarac ter. Il laises tiicui up Irieints, nuil prccim s lor (hum pf I'liiiTiry aid , w illi which lo cm Inoneo 1II.J once nioro 'uniler nii".iciiiiis eir cuiustauces, Iutotfiily t.l charuclei! who over possessed It that did not del Ivu untold bonollts from It? It is richer than gold, it is of mora value than rubles and all precious stone, and yet evory ono may possess it, the poor may luivu It, and no poer on earth can wrest it Irom them, Young men, pris Intcgriiy of chara'.'ler above all earthly Kilts. 1'. S. S. Letter From W. R. Dunbar. Wai.ho Hii.i.s, July bi. '.. l-'AitMim : Our jolly crowd of masters co.isit.llng of Orla Divoupoit, Ola Davis, Louisa Deguiie, Julia McGuro, Adda Wol lord, Nettle Leonard, Kiln Leonard, Kloia Clark, Lva Coolldgo, Alex Clark, Johu .Scrlber, Walt Davenport, T. it. Leonard, A A. Leonard aud the "other fellow" got back to this place with Hying colore and happy lioartH, on the evening of tho 1 1'.h hist., Inv lug been absent tram home on the Yaqiiina trip something over two weeks. On the evening of the l.'.tli lust,, those of us belong ing to tho Uond Templars orgaui.iilnii met with Silver Lodge No, :',ii, on which occasion wo bail ono of the best Iodise meetings that it has been my pleasure to participate In loi mute lime. A uuuiberof viMiois Irom other lodges worn pieseut and added largely to the interest of the meeting. Among whiiiii 1 would mention l'rof. T. II. Ct.iwloid, ..tin wiy elllelniit (l.Sec ), his wllti and sister, Untile Itowker ol'Caplul lodge, W. I! Co-, L. It. olAhlipiu lodge, and Adda Woltonl Mid W. J. Davenport (who vveio totmnrlj H"tlvemiiiuberN of this lodge), ol Collax lodge in W. T. We re all glail to welcome thu.se old momhora back to our hall again as well as to meet the other visitors ptesenl, Silver Lodge is prospering nicely at this time, and A. A. Leonard, ti. C. T.; Jam, lUnisby, W. V.T.J Klla Ulnckerby, W.S j ula Davis, W. M.; Oliver Hibbard.W. I.U ; Henry Karneat, W. O. U.j ami llev. It. v. Itamsby, L. I)., together with all of the oltl cera and memberw em to take an ittterost lu the meellugs and look upon thlsorgaiiti tlmiHsoneof the moat ellective lusirimiHii talllles with which lo combat the rum nun.l i in our land. Our Lodge gladly welcome visitors fiom Lodged at all time. Hrothem and Slsteis from neighboring Lodge come and nee us ofUin, These fraternal visits are productive of much good to the Order aud thocjvusn. Yours fraternally, W. It. Di'sim:, I in ood li'.aiityj but tlietu is a wide tango ot 1 v.iluo I r it. The "Inn, knmjiy stun is al most woithless I iri'iiutblii, while long hair, iMinpaiativly lice itotii konijt, will -ell roaiblv lot -51 tho pi.uiitl. It would, thero lorit. bo tar mote piolii.ihle to ral-e the best, .iinl rai-eis should giinio tliem"elvo accord .ttf,ly. iheio aro tnreu jioiuts that -hmild not be lost Mglit o!: Kit st. and most mpr taut, leilgtil of staplx; wecolel. lusler; litltd, quality or liiibiiows ., lulr. I have worked some i me i aiiiornia .ngora goat nalr,anu i viiiei seen samples of sol oral other lots, some ol wni.'ji welo lair, and others too short lo be I fu-u hi IJertid Incuratily, hy new and railotnil iiiu'tle. Is of treatment, on moderate tetnt". lie he I.e..'. to no "-eliool" of mrdlciiie, but, admitting tin ru l -".lie trnili In Allouthy, Ilydropithy, IIo n.'opith), ii.d .Me-ineiism, he rejsts them all as a "hole, hi lining tro.ii etch w'utever experience has prim-n 'o be li-neilcl il. Ho hold" tliat no iimii. how eu wi-ll r-id in I'detice, cau Mire thoje cbronlc dls-'ii"i- vvhl. I. now hnlle the -hill of all the jcliools. In.hss hi, oil, r re-ources than those ohtilned hy r.'i lln,' ill the iiu ill al hook" et public lied tho "Hc le lie ' sutli nitles not excepted. Bat he does hold tint t.v lil "y-u m ol' Medicated Electilc Yapor Hath", ind l.v lining on the hlood, the brain, and spinal lime- hi loiinter-lrrltunt" .ind hannlri." tned'clnei, eveiy dl-e.i-eil organ In the hody can bo restored, vilieie there has been no ;utho!oIC9l evolution re "iiilln ' in an entire Io-s ol ini.cliuu. He lias demon- irsu'.i mi- in very many lntsncp". bv cnrmir evei-v i. . .... i ...'...i. ..pt . i . . .... - i .- ua . in iv.mt i.oi'iois not uiiMiimi. io lame Sli O..U- hiulii r r. hi Ii. .1 .ii.... ..i U. ....til.. C- X.l. T.hn...nd ' . , I -." - i ..iiii', i'Lll..ld llliriiu.9' ly urt'H your goat-raisers to .ici up U, imtl-1 H"iii, Cuii-uiiijitloii, llrliht'" Kidney, Urop'f. Liver ilu in linn iimii Ii'ilw.v .1.. iiiU - j ! '-'"nipliint. I'lij", Aneiirisnii., Tapeworm, Turners, if V . II.. a il... I s. it u,ey do this, SUCCO.SS is , wuml) tr..i,l,I . I), .,lei,la. brain diseases. Ac. when I imp; but if they do not, thev will certainly ' """"J1"1 ,JI "P""' va't sums or iimtieyciu eminent ! bo disap.oliited in the returns they will ob tain lor their mohair. There Is scarcely any other pioduct of the farm In which the dif lorenceiu value is so groat as betwean a good and bail at tide of mohair." phy-icl.tns, all to no purpose. The Dr. claims to iiiive-iiieeeiteil la nmillry iiic i:alviilm soas to mike It take the place ol animal niiiguetlsiii, brain life, vi tal force, or the il w.tlcaiilr milura which, whtn assisted, heals all enable legions in the body. TUis I" "-nt Ihro'iirii the liialii, aud over the eiht pairs of nerves to eiery inrlMe ol tissue in the body, while the patient I" ps'slii.' tlimugli the bath. Tbls bath is . iiu nr. own niv.Milii.il, aiut, coiuhlniiu all the ail- I 'iuti.,'e" ot ihe Tiirkbh and oth'T baths, mid being devoid ol 'heir evils and .Uuirers. Is pronounced hy I.. Mi i tlio-i" Him hive tried the best baths In Kuro.ii- tint Los Nietos, has received the I h-"'l!ll." j ",-"'' -'allloinla, and Oregon, far superior to "j - .. Out of I AMIDltVs IV lil AMlhlilts. The Santa Harbara l'ress says: Mr. , I loisaiils, of ! lollowing letter from Messrs. Laiiilriim ,V Ko.lgers, of Watsonville, whuiii we know to i bo sl.illlul, intelligent, and thoroughly rella lile breeders and importers of Augora goals. The Mar reports that Mr. 1'leasants, at tho second and third minimi talrs ot theSotithoru Dl-tric Agilcultural .Society, made exhibi tions ol line Angora goats, and was awarded premiums limit for. The Star alsoackuow ledgm Ihe reception Irom Mr. l'leasatits of ' xovuiai beautllul a eciinens of tleeco takeu fiom io mecf bis annuals, as line as satin, aud nearly a font long; also sonm specliuons ma l into in ihalr cloth, which has a texture almost as line as silk. Ini-t of cei (locates as lo Ihe result of his tieatiiieiit wtilcli could be iiuhlished, the following are otlered tu "iiilerera. They do nut embrace, how ever, the most r.-inaikable uf his cures: OliltTIKICATKS. 1'oiiti vsd, Fel).MS7il. I "ii.lerel four years fiom lirii'M's klducy. enlarired pro-irate sod c'touIc catarrh of bhdder. 1 tried ev. eu dm tors, uot worse, aud gavti up to die. In Moil last a IrleiUpreialled on lue ro call oq Or. W. L. Ad ams. I was so in iclicved of sutlerliur In .July was able to work lu haive't. and have worked ever since. 1'i-el i tulle well and hippy, tie. Adams certainly -ave.l in llle. niLTON' BoNsiK. 1 or Imii .veil" lia nil-erable surt'erer from syph ilis, eiilirged piostra'e gland, and rheunirtlsui. I spent two thou-niid dollars on doctors In New York ind i in h iaiicicii and iliiirirt much, if any. reliet. ... ., .... ' niiallv li.iiiliiih'ittotavelheadvicetliat.ludL'olIum- VV AI-d.svii.i K, t a I. , 1 b. 1,,, is;.;, s-oii iie me h-l lill. ami ulaie myself under the Mr. M. It. rieasaul lleat Mr: Yours of eaieni lr. W. 1.. Adam-. His treatment astonished the. Mil lust is at hand, and c tnieuts noted. ' "I'.i 0'?". '' If' eliew pain, and have been We hav e sold our Hee.-es every year lor tho ?X!tiVi&SV&&. Ust t.ineor I..., vears. It l,t, been sold el- di ,.-,.. .1 .-h, Mr rVa.n,,..7e,mbnc villi .": tiler lu l'liiladelpliin or New iiirk, except ' der-l mil 1 do n..t ,-lie uiv mil name. K.U C. the last spring clip, vvliich we sent to Hall A 1 .. Tin tier, .laiiiM-towu.N Y , and had a imrl nf v . , """", odstt. Feb.lt). ls-fi. thagr.,.s . ;,lliri,esi. Lncioyou ui:r:::'z will lititi a.iiiniileof me goods. Thevgavt. liean -o that III- wa. a le.rdei.. I 'iiialij wenl "to Us s . celils prr pound for llrst. class llowtrs, mlaiiJ. mil wa- cured by Dr. W". L. Adams. lam which vveio woiih Jl to SI '.ilj but we made I "".V,"'" liom lulu. .andean work ban) all dav with 11 p t lis dlrtei etice oil . h sa . of the good.- k'IL 'i '.''if, "'t, . u'.V '"'", V"" I'!'1' .' M nVtt,a KllchingsA l,.,N,w York city, hae sold I UoWnioie n!'n,e'inau,aUhe1lo,UJ:'Nv,a,,,,m '' most ol our rtesiw lor several years. Tel- O. 11. Ainus katnph A Kltcliinas was the olJ llrui. Tiiv ' sold our lleeee In lvls, , n. Hint A Co.. , , , '" ," Vyn.W. T.,.Mn. 3j. istii. ' .". j t-ivv-- wi -n-ci, a irut;ineiii 01 II pen- tiisieil my l.-ii ,.J0, I went to Pnrllaiui, suiliriu ptliiihit I 1an11.it ilesnlbe, fur mellcal lid. After ei-rl iti 1 tur- examined and uiunseled, they told aie Ih it 111 v . in unis( be t ikeu out, us it was Impossible to save It. and tin' II I nidii't have it taken out I would lose n.e other . loo Ou my way 10 the hotel, a .! M-inr 1 111 -idvlsed tup, betore cousentln.' lo I e ..4.. .1 -n-.i, 11, -i- ir .lupins, 1 ci'u so, inank CctHi and lie "ou r.-lieied me ot piln, took the ateel Irom mi eye. and 1 ure.1 Mie- "avini; my eye. savin? me iniiii LT.ai -11 le.ln,', iii.lsavlne me several huiidr.'. 1I0II11. I l.-l mere s.rteliil towanl him Ih-in In.. .-iiwcmsii expie lit Mir Booth. relish it much, and expee; it iiioriilug nnd night. Dnublbss I: lias a -nothing' fleet upon them. My usiures are newly cleared, hilly aud rocky, with u vvc-tern -lope, and pretty good; the other older and more level, but productive. I Invo about twenty acres of mowing laud, and cut trom tvvouty to i thirty tous of uioa English hay. My farm is on a hill; eoll deqp, strong and product-1 ivc; lirst crop cut early. I cut several tons. of stcond crop clover in August. We) mmIU i ITiOTt UL'YIM; .. J. ,. ...,. iJC New Yorl; v cnir inuix, ur ueHi u, iwiiu a. nay, mini me j Cepe Horn, all llnd middle ot October to Juno 1st, in u tin pail, over a kettle of boiling wider. Tho pail will hold what I put into tour pans, about three ipiarts 10 a pan. Milk ctiuils thirty-six hours, then sl.iin, In Wiu'er, keep it warm in a rooui wanned by a mapslooo Move, io that the temperature is about the same day and night iioin fifty to sixty-lives degrees, j IJiit Tl. ...111. I. ...1 ,. n ..ln I.. .l.i... ' A HO 1.1. lit in cv, Ull l.U I tlUtS, UlilUll 1.1 11113 way: An upright, square post, eight left long, six inches Mpiare, pivot in each end, slats across seven iuche.s, will tot thirty two paus 011 each; skim twice a day, and churn three times a week. Cream Is kept as cool as possible, without fiof.lng. When ready to chum, it is warmed, by pouring sweet milk into tho mass in the churn, to tompera ture of sixty-f.vo degrees. The butter is washed in three waters, having the chill ta ken oil'; then weighed, allowing one-halt ounce of salt to tho pound, lu Winter we lump the butter Ihe same day it is churned. ' no iiuup it over wnu a uiiiier worKer, weigu j P. O. SUiSiSxTAIT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ui'imv iiui'm:. .!.r..t. S. K. eertier. at beiit of st ois. fel2jr SUCSTTa 53I.aa, Successor to -I. M. IthbiKii .t (., 05 IiUii-rty (., - - m:U' KIIIK, Coiiiuiit-niotl Vji-iit AND l'Ol:VHPIN KHOJt Istiiniu', 1'jcillc ltallrold, and ol Meii-h-.u li-e, end tor theetle of Product- I -untitle! l'.'.clllc.iua't, lor tho colli etlnu 01 1.101 ev. vV-c netsft JONES & PAfTRS0?J faiims For sale AMI and Soil City rrojjerty. REIfT XIOU32S, NEGOTIATE LOANS, ANll Make Collections. AGENTS FOR Mutual Life Insurance Company OP NEW YOItK. Union Fire Insurance Coinp'y OF SAN l'KANUISCO. KEEP ON HAND, KOIt OKATLMTOVS CIItCtT latlon, their "I)errlutlve I.snd I'ln ular," am! 'Dcaciltitive Circular anil Wi.ither Hecoid ol Or- RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR Profitable Investment. Hail-StO' 111. Sviiuil IKI.li, Lank Co., July 1.1, ISTi, Iiu. I'aiivicii: 1 will endeavor tonlvovou 1.11 account nl a desstruclivo hail .storm tint I Nksnd throinih I'liesluu- uclltliorluud ou XVetluesilay nlK'ht. Itoltiie ilaik, the clouds I 1 itiiu In lis,., in tho ,,ast vi lieuul d.s'.iut tliuiulei; lUikuess ciimo on, nn, tlm lllu niiiKs liejrsn to Hash; about niiiii 11VI01 k -nil 1. r.i l...lu,.i. .ulll l.a.jll.. .... . I ........ ... 1 ' h . .-....-.,.., n,i, uniiumjuui llOOCSf, Rail and return you the pnx-eecU, lews their com missions and I'ralKhls, just as if it was sheep wool. Kive Inches Iouk aud over is lone , coiuIiIuk staple. The shorter staple is -ild for liiuraiu carpet etc, oto. You can sell HiiylhiiiK'that you cau shear otr, accordiu loiniality. Tim lrer fiom keiiin. Iiuts. and other impurities, tlm higher the price; aUn, I Ilia loner the staple the more the value. i I'ure-lireeil tleeee varies tioui niirht lo fniir- I teen ineliHs In Uuixth, and slmuld bavn no coarse hair in it, abort or Ioiik uutlilm; lull 1 pure ll-ece uioliair1. All low irrades hsve Kempiir aisntrsn uu.ler roatlmrnl hair. The I blither the tuw.l, tint itwr frmu keiup. We ' eil our best puip hreeds at $.'ini h,i head, I uuie or iniiisle, and duvv 11 lo Jlmi, nccoriliui; 'to piiinls ti. mem. We nuaiaiile.s every I Knit to hi jii-t ti wrt lepitisent it, and we eaiiiiic sn, nil alum tl tlim we LMIsrsnte.i to bo v Hist class nut tin-less ilin 517. lu S-.'Cii I il any nice. We have t,oait that wecm-ell l.'Wer vv lieu a lusu is 11 ne- mid makes his 11 vv 11 sjiei-uuii-, ,n, ,, ut , js Knlni; liMiorn he il,iit It, I. nt km until rtliv select inn s'm k iitii-selvus ,uid hip to nr.lci ihi-.uuli Wolls, I .11.1' iv l it. - l Cl.rn-S. 1.1 -HVt iiVIMII.rt MY ltKr. ESTATE OUtri, nil (rtvm.iiT ttu.ir 1..LM.1 l.,TTw-D III nAV ., . , . , , , ,,,,. , ,-,,' .., ., ,,1,.-, iiulq x 1.1.1 j. ib iuicj uuo puiiuu uiunse;1, lump 11. y.iuare 1 o'vi.n.,n. cig.ciui. ai.lt.v Mill butter snatters, thou stamp and send to luaiket. I soil to a llrui in Uoston; have sold to them tor four years, and Ri.t tilty-llve cents a pound this Winter, express pttid by the firm. Cor. -V. '. TiiLunc. A farmer in the Eastern part of the State of New Yoik buried lour or tivo jars ol bolter last suinuitr as an experiment. He removed one jar the other day and found the butter as nice anil sweet as the day it was buried. His plan was to get a touud jar, till it with' butter, fie a cloth over the top, bat ou a lay er of Fait about an inch thick, and lie a s'rout; cloth over the mouth of the jtraiul burry it four leet under ground, mouth i down. I 1 OFFEIt KOIt SALE AM. JL in e iii"cii iii-ini coii-l-ini.-of in v orl 'Inil limn. 11011 eiiuiii. ou l.evl and e'larke river, iini.lstin.. f M,c 11 nuiii-i ncre", im nnrus tnie-mnit nn-aaovv. ae kliowleil.,'H,l t ,e t. I,,.., -i.,c.k 1,-lailii III the count). Also, a larifu Inte.-e-t lu the Upper Town ol AISTil- ia., a porllo.i ol.-Iuhii Ail.nr'" ilvi.atluii claim, ln- '. '. l'L(,Whlt. -'-s i Mm in'. I Ul.-'l.l.ll . qnlre of the suh-i-rll.er. Asloila, Aturcli 1. 1-T0;tr KSTAHLIMIKII ISSr,. 1.10,000 DOLLARS io ti:l Oregon Farmers Aiiuually, bj tho Mvages and depredations of GROUND SQUIRRELS, That tun be Sated by using Hodge's Gopher & Squirrel ii.11.1L. , .'" viik.. 1 o V T "eh. S, ls7ii My liiilll.e-t hah-, KhUti M.-I,.heil elijllt aud lliree i.iarlsr 1...11111I. h,u I10111, fell oirto eveu tsiuud" suds lull In ' hree mouth-, as it lue) never retained a pirtl.leoi iiiilko-i lis .iiiuiiih, hut lived he uckti.' u.'ir tied uplu -iilolh Ii heiaine u sutl rliii; kcf toil ai.d ilirtl.iiltie- et ii tint threatened in kill It Ina ie .Hi- M iiri.-liiural.. "Ilon'i Iske It to 11I.1. tie. iii.liiMiirri.il -us it; it w onlv.liethe -iiiiin-i cine pi-i.on I, veier. udihcd nieio take it in I r v.u ii-. ... l',irt:aii.i. 1 i,.,'.in. I did mi. aad in three ini.iiili- il ke a ut, hniliellis; linv, viel-ldli-I .iiri.eu p.iiinii. It ln-jan I,. Hie ,,, inlik from the tune lr. ti.iu- iHvati tni.-e.il II. I lOii'lderlt al-mi.- a iiiniiiiiiei-cue jnd -o dn olhei. I make mi--1 nun iiiinriln l.-iiert. 1 1 oilu- ruilerer. Mil! ill J W'isllHl ;. THIS NKWI.Y DISPOVKHKD AND PATENTED teuiedy . the re-ult m years of tufiy. and I to supply needed vvaut and iihtltutc for the much usi and often Aui'iTLEarru MnuiiMKi,' thedan Iterous use of I'lnisriiimt-o aud other chemical. The remedy Is carefully put up in quart tin rant, and. used aciordiii to directions, will prove a SURE DEATH of W -.imlrril". Kuril ran is rented vvllli oils of ............ ... .11U.U111111, nc-ii Kiiiivvu to irappers tor th-ltaltriiitloniifuiiliiiulstiibalts. Ihl" ireiaralioii is iMiaiiinieed inperlor to anv kn.mii, lortheohjects immisl, as a slni-lc dial will rouviiiie, ' "'" Ask vour store-k.-epei f.,r It. If he has rot cot It. mai,uf!i!t'u;i,"sU,'r " f"r uu' """ U dlrctI of ,he HODGE, CALEF & Co., WllolcNIlIe OlMlfi-JS-IsstK, apTuil l'rlee O.Si: UilLl Willamette Nurserv, G. W. WALLING & SON, PKOPniETOlW, Oswego, Clackamas co., Oregon. Growers of the Ctiolrest Vlrletle" of rB-UITTKUESdi aBRtrSBBB.7 Particular attention (riven to 1 l.etrj, prune and Plum trees. it! I'OIITI.ANIl, Or. vWlh ili-coiiiit tn the trad.-. II LEBANON HOTEL. 1 run.,.. .... .... ' ' r 1 1 , . I ff, e'LYl eurroN. - - . rrunrinor. Salem Flouring Mills. BK8T FAMILY FLOUH, BAKBR'S EXTUA, XXX. 8UPKHKINK AND UIU1IAH. MIDDMNOS, BltAN, AND SHORTS. COHMtlllltly oil IIhimI. Hlfirlieeit Prieo lu CAiHI! Paid for Wheat AT AZ.X. TIMES. K. I.'. Kl.N.N'KY, 8eptJ3tf Ai.s(lt h K t.t, E. SHIEL, M. D.f PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, .S4LIM1. OKE;.. sPKC'IAl.TV Clii'oiiic ZiaoAso lleail. , Tlirunt.' CUvst. :iu. nisesl- lc 0 1 trans, ami ol i;n- Xer- vuiiN xynii'iu sTeiiL-raiiy, oriu .. coniincicial Hi.tel. Mliy MRy. OGDHiv; in roiini -nut , M,,.,.t, .. in . . . . . - . . .-. 1. 1-..1, . .. . .niiiii" ucfiaii 111 rise 111 tlm vvii-t, iiu.I tl.tiii- tlm IHilclia.er. Wo mw. , ,.s,., ,, , ur . .,',"...,.. '"-"'' wiu-i imui pay-irims ' 1'" ''"""'Ve;i .iiim .i,,n,.,,ure to iheilti.M.s ,,r i aiTKII nd PI I'l'KI! ot Ivnit---' ...... iliir. I.anti....'l..,. l.s.iiH.lt.iiisol ,rtm , Jn "' "' ''' l'v I'... l..;-l. Vs htve hU t -e ....s.. lue . ., -s ,, ,.., '.,.,', r,.,leVl.,, .l'f I h Is well k Hi..,,, ,, .v , n, ',rr; ' ' I;1J INlVlAl. ,,",,'. ',r '-VV-l1-',- vl" ''-'"" ''-- . , ', 1 'in mi Ilkl IihuI .if ii,i,.ii(, km. - I us -i-titii-, ' 1 -veiuj oi mm, le, ... Mi" . M '"it-iiUIii.. prepiredto ammiiumlote ilii.s, ii,, cut hi- 1 is ir ,.J , 1. , ' K '.' hl'-N' ''' al1 lld" Kail to imtlor 1.11 111., roup., hii.I mioii then, ami tliev aie lieatui.,- .. lll l .' ... . " nvwr ulni .t'.' a .ill. In il m . u, . ., , ,., 'T, ;".r.. ' '". . .' v.r""" :" '"-. si s ...i. l.eKsnailiillloartl.at was I , . ,B, m -1 v,. v.-.t si iciiv ss,'i v .,1 sv 1 ,... -, ,,.r , , V'"" v?AM.rcU7- ',! hts,' ",Z',7. 'Ft"U", r'"1''-v "",I',UM '"' ''' a" l "'"1" ' '..',,,. I, "i.n.V'a.Y'w JfV T"' u,,,s,t lh .......... pi...!.!. AtedcvoiioVhck..,,. - '-' , "- .w. wS &. "KM Moilili'tlilu. Hail stones I..II of th., v-.iit .-. , IM'III u A ll..n,i.i; u-.. i -.- in n .... tl.mli worms, and heiimrrhve. t-l'eclal pun. ,! t. r.,i,ei. to pris-ure .oiii'orisi.Ie ' " ' m -I liuj.r- 1 ,,-i. -. ,, Mm 1.1. inn.. ...ill stoics leu rt. t. ,i no. tliiest s,,,,,,,,,. .eils lor fl 7 . .,..,1 il, , ' " ' '.'""."V'1 '"" ' ''" ' M.rl ,e the) ,-oul. I ,'1"l.,lsNtt'll,r".,r"-4 "l-hli, .0 vl.lt . e -Ol . rvn t. c ' .iiu L'uniu Mr . .11.. ..... 1 ...1 . 1 ... . -..i lint . II ti 11.. Mnu i...ni... ... II. ..I i..-.. tl'lfINi:t If ..!,.. I. . 1. ..?.... ..v.'' Cvfin T7 C JI llv i -- n - ..- .-,.... ii.ii.i-.iii. .....iiuc'-, ll l- in.e i mr I is i itir V Hill. ... .-.. . 11..U. i ,.i, .iiiiiiis ireai- ' ' - , -.....-, mree inner ironi Li iiiti.1.1 - a. u,ul.., i.. .1 "ie in. in i . sun uii ii. i ..... mi., ....... . nucit-c is ue.ni ...-.ill ,.....i ... ---.., . ii. " ""' e piei-mlly 'v i o ! H trl)i,ll.l;arllMtls anil otciiarils itiul iMttlui; fern anil itralu to tlie jjrimiul vvlinui II went. Tlm liall-htoutis lull mi liar.l at to leiw iheir prluLs lu tlm liuiil niail tli.it Ii til lieeii tuncl ill lor Illte'en .vtsirs. 'I'liii bell ol hull w.it alKilll half a mile ... vvultli, tunl -es Sheep Husbandry. s ii. v limn ii.i-.it hi- -i.-iiii-.I to me io ait ah.iusi mir.i,'iii.,ii.i. .. passed diiriiiir tin Ii I 1 r lleve.1 m lu.ir'i eieiy paillrle.if in) tn.-l'lile I V '" .' ... . .... -..,, I, i.e- ,;,.., , nfi, tre-atinrut I lee , ..-. .1,.. . iiuiiii .ike in ri-tomiueuii utner "iiiteren I xtrjct froilia ri'ir reel nt uiwllin; of -'- ivr, I and iimiij ,,tt..-ri did aud gm n-I.ef. Ill" crillout llearil ol Aitru-llllille. hv K. A. . i.i.n:.i vv . - ivi, lVrl.ul, ut 1'omllcl, Vt. II I'l.vi liltTON . A.I An Oregon Institution. U" ' lrkf; l' "rfM Illi! nW.k VTl.ru IT MlUlll 1'i.llK.v U'n.L. ' V4 "l " "-. -V 11 t I.ii -. SALKJI. oitKfiuv Ofru rear the (il, r.iu.t.ll,,,,... To Farmers and Others -.. (!- ..tis-. uif iirt;rriiiiitlllsl si.il rtruli , ------rf..w.i-, . li'liivi.' ..... . MM... I. . . . ... .---- -is-.j . 'n.tin.in A K A Ml ( l,. m,,,, .. follow tlm oi.tir.es ol (I.e. l....K'lou. Hv.r. ,',,,, V'..r I' I ,U,,,1"U,,l "" "l .uul I ""' '""""'"e. ... I l.leei.i he done fur.u.ha. J.1US. .ll'CJS, Kl'TTKU - IMT it f. M,," V "" ' ' "' " " ih '.'fV.; .. ! . m, u,.5 now ,, r 7r tiio,,,,, .lout,: ,s .t sr,ri tesi-.xs&-. i u:xz :r::;: c "w-i-" ' S?:;'?'-"; :SS Iim.M llMllMorill lli.il over vist,.. H. Hi'imtvl olu.i.f vv,.,. ul UWI.Ifll IIUUN.- ! ; ,',, "A "" ',, " """'"' ," " l,1 1,'""',r; , -' '" t . "Io v uhn ' '"' """ """' "' ' I'-'- I'lea-e 5".?., ," i'. "...?'AVi",f '""T1" "" "ur i"s1is.,...llmi;rouu.l. !.. W. t..i..v i V'.' v s alsiut ,.is,l..v.k ' h"'". node, eptlon. no M-ehooJ, no I.,.,.,- WSVer-Pipe, HinliXrd'i!:!?"?" " ''"''. ". sn ' II.LK mil .1 l..rjist Il lilt Mr isiiiii.iv-.it ''...iiu,- to...-liw.ple'. uiunei. Ilj unto other, a. I""' '.'.. nrtvcii n . i,,. ..fT,... .... J...... "?''. "'""-. An-el ', ll.ni.ti.. T i.'..i!.r.e fcll K-tlnv T.vil. I.iuit.viu Tin. I i'.iurl.i.i i. in. iv ilk'Hcil I., rnu.civili tile Ins I.skihI fur'li.urti ilin slaln l.llir.cre lu I'c.-iiiatii'iit im ui In i'sU!p House, I'.n !,. iili.1 leiiiuU'loii oi tint ni.,,,1 s,n't, ,, unia . us. ntoii.i,ivsi i i,M to'ai niiniiwr i. kl..'i In tlm Itri.isl. Klmiil. Is ji 'mkhmd -i;uluil 1. llitik'ri-iliutst.tts.iKoi.iitrv- In ilio worJeJ In iuiiHirttoti to Its cultivat-ii laml.-. 1. mi tld h.t e-.hem do I.l iou." is a rule he I. trvl... to Inr upu. V l.a.i) i.lvvi.). in Hie unti-r, lo .U In lic-Hll.if V omen. J'i...-vu, Varvb, Isiu, uhnif tne I..-.I slvo Sriclt. Scwor : ",uuM '--ri''.cU. 3?ll30, H.OWKI5 Pill.-. Hirir-KAl.Ki:. I ciH'sp 11 in In rile. I'eim. w.tti xuii .,.-,. ... -ci.utmleir to ,. ,i. Mil r i, . ,-. ' " I il.icua I uuij or. j jvsceimt . V .ii.Ll . . I. Pli. I'. liOMl-MITII. II. M. I'liltltirrr 1.R.nk.vwhi:ei, blal.r'.r-m. V'aLlAM "Kll'. ration. TOT