Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 16, 1876, Page 8, Image 8

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Says tlio rmlcpmilenti " On Tiie'tlny ovon
hiK tlio I'liiloiunthcan and Guiuuiu Siutna
xoclotlos ot rorcit Orove had tlioiroxorrii-os.
Air. Smith rielivoml tlie opening address,
which was good. Mr. 1). C. .Latourotto fiave
the larmvoll address to tho craduatlnir cUsh,
which is also highly jiraiseil. Sir. 8. Walker
road a poem commemorative) of old coIIokh
days, vvnlch was excellent, n real Rood poem;
and Mr. Tamira read an essay that briitlod
with "d points and was full of h'ttnor "
Littln Nelo, son of Mr. NV. Cary .loUnron.
had tlio inlslortiiim to lose one ol his Iiiikoih
last bund v. Whllo ho and his brother woio
playuii; with nn nx, tbollttlo lellovv, by nn
Hicident, cot his hand on ablckof wood
which his orollior was chopping, and is now
minima little linger.
Int irmatiuii is wanted of John L. Ilmimi,
who li It Iloslon 15 jtars aco lor Oregon. JIo
is about Id yuira of ape, nnd had n wllo iim!
thieo chddron when ho left for tills hti'o.
Ariyonn Knowing his whereabouts will cott
ier a lnvor by addrosislvg his agod latlior,
Henry II. Henson, Uoston, Mass.
Tho pooplo of Jiehalcm have boRini work
upon tlio Nohaloin wagon road with a deter
initiation to coinpleto it at thoir own cost ot
Jarjoranu oxpen.so.
Tho tlsliermen at Oregon City Iiavo had a
Hplondid catch of salmon lor the pant woek.
Onoortwo have been caught which weighed
between iO and 50 pounds.
On Monday a Ron of A. J. Fllpplu, in
HeiivorclHin precinct, Washington county,
lull Irom a ladder and broke his collar bono.
Jlloction day passed oil moto boiiteroiiHly
in Kosoburg than any other day tor year,
bavenl lights occurred during tho day, nnd.
'tr.inge to s,iy, no ollicers nppoarad to bo
about to nrosorvo the peace or arrest llioso
violating law and order. One party drew
his pistol In the crowd to shoot another per
.sou, when it accidentally went oil, tho ball
tearing Hh way thiough his hand, graced a
second p irty on tho back, glanced oil oi tlio
head ot a thiid, and sped away through tlio
Tho ollioiil vote for attornny in tho third
district, shows .Ramsey's uiHJoritv in Linn
Ail), la I'oll;, 78; YBinhlll, bl; null in Tilla
mook, 'J. Total, 1JU. Ilurnett gets 512 ma
lonly in Merlon, which gives him a ma
,101 ily lu the district ol 'J2,
Two young mon at Jeilerson, Tluirwldy
night ol last week, had u little lmploixniit
noss and shot at each other a couplo ot times
apiece, but fortunately, without doing oach
other anv damage. Of course the difficulty
was about a lemalo.
IMvvard Alkln, of Joilersou. steps to tlio
lront wltli a sample ol llax known as the
Hiisiaii variety which measures twonty-slx
inches lu height, and is but a lair a orago ot
a nity noro neiu.
Tho actdGinlc year of tlio Uinpqtia acada
my closed on Friday of last week. Tlio
graduating c-Ihs-b consisted oi Mr. A. Mires,
3Ir. I. Uhapmnn and Miss Kinina Chapman.
Ono of tlio men at Kastport, Coos county,
was badly hurt recently by a uank caving
upon him. His arm was broken and ho was
otherwise injurod.
Thoroisu man up in Sweet Home, Linn,
whocaiuo Into that alley ten years ago a
poor man, and now ho owns 1J dogs.
Messrs. Jlarrot it JJeed havo established a
regular stago lino betweon I'mplro City and
OAi:rv.j;i Juno 12. l.bio Hansen who
was arrested l.iht woek on a charge oi grand
liiremiy, and was tonllned in tho county J fill,
died this morning Irom thoellects ot selt-mi-jiosed
hanging. Last Saturday she said she
would Mituier diothiu go to States prison
whoro her huoband isoonllned.
Kiigono U noted lor ono thing it semis
moro people to tho depot twice a day, upon
tho arrival ot tho trains, than any tow u in
tho fetatc, upon an avorago.
lliocrop of wheat harvestod last yoirin
IJmntlll.i county is about disposed of th it
orop aniouiitoil to 137,711 bushels, according
to tho asset sor'ti report. This year the crop
will, accoidiug to tho same authority,
.inioiiut to not lesn than ono million bushelH
or at least it ought to.
Sineo thu snow has melted tho road aerosi
tho llluo Mountains is said to bo very bad.
Ono te.unstu- liad to lash hlsiiiuiles togotlior
witlirawhldo to Loop thom in sight. Tho
wagon limiucmilv struck bed rock, but no
doubt hi) is ej.nggorating it a littlo.
Mr. Moorohou(.orolil matilla, Iias2i)0acros
ol growing wtnt, which good Judgna h iv
will yield sitv bushols to tho aero. Think
oi'tlmt 1.2,0am iiushols ol wheat oil ot -AM
Waller Montoith, tl-.tj., tho first noltlnr ol
Albiiiy, Oregon, died at that plaeo cm Sun
day, Juno Uth, iigidiO oars.
'J ho citieiis oi Aunisv ille and Jcliiitv mot
last Sutuidiy and mado tho noeossarv ar
rangements pru'mmtory lo celohratlng the
l'ourtlioi July In tlintownol AuiuhvUIo.
J art ol tho prograiunio in basket diuno-,
spoaking, music and base lull. A goneral
111V itflfltltt lu 11 ,..... ..1
WAsntMiTON, Juno 8. The House com
mittee cm appropriations to day derided to
insert in tho army appropriation bill a pro
vision lor tho reduction of the army to the
extent of two regiments ol infantry and two
ot civilry.
Tho President to-dav signed tho ac grant
ing a sita lor an observatory to tho trustees
ot the Lick University tor the astronomical
ilntiaHninnl nl tho TTnlrmItv nf California.
Tho majority of the Senate committc-e'on I
Indian Jilalrs to-day reported adversely on
Mitchell's bill for the sale ol tlio t'tnat'lls j
reservition, Oregon, but Mitchell succeeded
in gotlln it recommitted for farther con- i
Klderation, and is sangulno of an ultimate '
favorable rpport. i
Tiio recelptH of tlio eovernment for tho
lineal j ear ondlng with the Juno etimato,
areas follows: Irom customs, si Hi, Mi'i , jij;
intertill rev en lie, f 110 !US,C07; iulcel!anfou,
?J1.1 03,1)3 1.
Hvpendituros, fiO.S.ljS.'-'il Tho receipts
shoe a decreaso Irom the estimates from
customs of over 10,000,000; Irom Internal
rovpimo of over 51,000,000, and an increase in
miscellaneous of over $!.000,0(X) Thoe.
ponos aro considerably over $5,000,000 loss
than the estimates.
Tho Senate committee on Territories to-dav
considered the bill to establish a civil gov
ernment for Alaska by making it a county
ot Washington Territory. The committee
took no action, but indications wore that the
proportion will be reported aderoly.
ThoSenato confirmed Sykes as consul at
uarulll, Kutan at I'lorence, and liane as sec
retary of Utah.
Ni-.vv York. June 8 -Win, A. Herus. nres'
Ideiit of Amherst college, died ot paralysis of
tno tie irt. tills evening, at springneiu, wi,
London, Juno 0. It is verv probable
VVinslow will bo liberatod June 15th. It ap
pears from tho correspondence submitted to
parliament that thero is no likelihood of a
supplementary treaty covering the case.
JPaiih, June 9. George hand is dead. Sho
was conscious to tlio last moment, but un
ablo to speak for some time boforo her death.
MADiaii, Juno 0. During tlio ileimto
yesterday in tho Senate on the now constitu
tion, Bishop of balamer said that thoSanish
prolatea would always oppose religious tole
ration as incompatible with Catholicism.
1'aiiw, Juno 11. The funeral of Georgo
Sand took place at Nahant yesterday, and
was attended by thousand of persons, al
though n heavy rain prevailed. Prince
Joromo Napoleon and Alexander Dumas
wore among the pall-bearors. Paul Meu-
rico read an oulogv written by Victor Hugo.
London, Juno 12, Tho oxnloring expedi
tion to Northwest Africa lelt Kngland Satur
day. Its main object is to ascertain tho
feasibility of admitting tho water ot the
Atlantic into a portion ot tho deseit of
WcrtUrto the Furncrx ami Trade gci.cnllj the I
slinvu Lnrlvalici Machines, and vvc dcelie to call epo-
ciaiai cnllon tnnur
TIIUESIIEK Nciihcr aln nnr evptuvo has been
'parcel In iicrftciln-thl'iiuivThrMhcr. Ihe Imontor
and imniifHUinci. .1 Miller of Canton, Ohio, having
P'iMiiI thi-Iift i-on In our Oregon harvest llekls.
stuilyln,' the ronuirimcnt", Jnd oveiy improvement
ucnuindcd Th - .Vachliu 1- cniiroly SBW IN UK-
TAIL AND libNEKAL KEATUKE, and Is to ho In
nci via) conlnundtd null tho old stjlu Ilullalo Titts
Challcii!;i.r TliR'liti, which is an entirely different
machine, made uii"cr dlllcrcut patents liy dillurent
parnc. and t di-imiiar in ncisn anu acians
IT joti iinnt (lie 11KST Thresher, ultli nil
the Latest Improvements, lie
sure ami get the
Mllh Triple Hitch (,'car, Knd-sliakc Shoe,
ultli Slat-cleaner, Hetny Spvcd-u heel,
anil 1'ivot Utailimcnt.
A It - Implle'illn thenimo,
It Is the ClI.lMHrtt' ortlic World:
t-end loi bticcl ll Lhculars to 1IVWLUY, 1JODD,
.t Co. '
Euckcyo MoAVcr and Ecapcr.
Too well aril favorably known to need comment.
Tho nuivep"il verdict of Tanners contrail is in Its
fivor. Hi j t irsln coiistniitn'oha proved It to bo tho
mot simple and durihln Ilartctlii(r Jlnehlno vet In
vented. It is tho 1'IIEMIU.M HAltVKSTER OF THE
WOULD. As a htll liako Reaper it is uncqualcd,
and as a Mower tccls them nil.
Haines' Genuine Header
With Special Improvements lor leTii. We havo two
-tyleMoi tho bvinn the lllgla nnd Double OLar, It)
and 12 it cut. Wo havo alo tho now stylo Adjii-tnblo
Keel with Utlici stjlo .Machine. Also, tho Patent
t-pilni: AdJii"tnbloIlcim toiculato tho cut.
The Elward Harvester,
The newest and Infest Improved Machine
of its class.
G-ari-, Scott efts Co.
Over 1 1(10 M tlicrn In lino
Throughout the Grain Kiild of tne United Stntos. It
is tho only Aileultuinl KnsitiL that U'cs the pitent
Fulhlo I'hu In the Nirivtu sheet of the holler, render
ing EVl'LOdlOIsH JMPOSbinbK! The economical
audeflLctlvcmanuti or using tin. otcnm, tpnhles our
Ensiuo to do One Third More work than others of rtl
atUosle. Send for Special Clrcilirs.
Taylor Tills-y B.als.0.
Strnngt-t and mot durahlo Hake In uo. Cot sa ed
in ono season if ii"cd In tho whiat Held and mtnlovv.
.ellls' Harpoon Horse Fork,
rainier .1 Walker's Horse Forks,
Humes' llCHihliiR Hay Hakes,
Horso Ton ers, all stj les, I'arej .Mount
ed or "Donn."
ll heeler, llelllck i Co N Threshers,
Endlexj Chain. Koi lio iMiises. vlih Ijitest In
provements Amost nfirnhlo lnmhliK. Ini tholar-
mei who (Iols hi- own won,
three hands" aro needtd,
hut two hoi-vs and
Celebrated Sciiulller Wagons.
IIlMl In Uhc lllikcric I'
And in this way tho work of tho harvest Held cn
bo Chen ly and quickly done. It is va-tly nluad ot
the old -tjle llarshllnrve'tci. No irriln can lu. wast
ed, and It will cluato clalscs ol itniu, at all stac
and hl-litsel giontli, hlj;li or low .
I Icon.
) inih I.I -lit 2 hniso Wii"on....
..'.i " Jlidium " " 12S
1)., " lluivy Jhnri Ill
" Medium -l hoi"o l.VI
Ench Wilson complete w llh Pprlnj bent and Call
Inrnla liroku. Idr Track clra, J"i. npSltl
A man named Arnold Miller, enitaired In
K.iirburn'a camp as logger, near I Dion City,
Mason county, V. T., was crushed bv a Ior
and immediately killed, last Tuesday. He
was engaged In sawing n lop; on a hillside,
when it became detached and immediately
commenced rolling. Before he could get otit
ol tho way it caught him and passed over
Ins body, breaking his limbs and crushing
his flesh in a horrible manner.
Juv itatiou is oxtonriod.
THJ'HOAY, Juno 1.1.
J. W. McCasIln h, I'irst Presbyterian
Churjh.et nl. Motion to strlko out part of
.msvver sustained.
Jj. NV.lt ii soy vs. li). R'untaitaret ill. Mo
tion tn strike nut pari, ut uunrvur ovorru!ed.
J-eave. granted to rnply.
NVut. l'ortervs. Chario SvveRlo. Motion
torhiaro to tile atnoiitlwl t uuviilalnt oim
ruloil, Henry OINuhlsi?or vs. Margtet OIla.h
lager. iiolault ol dotiuident onternd and
CiusoroUrred to Hulmrt Wtlsou.
l-'lias. tiw.ii!li. vs. 1'AlilliM l'hltips eta",
iielittltci: adult dofunditiiUs otUored andt.
I.. IVtililt. appolnteil (wiardlan.
Order w utu nutborlEJug tho Work to opu
all deposiMins on tlio.
Gram! .Ury roporled tttimbKIs as follows:
iwie oi uregon va. Kph Olluger. State ot
Oregon vs. John Doe.
Thomas, I arley vs. 1. O. rarket; jury
euu'ttiinoled ami ohiiso on trial.
Tim forneltus corrohpoiIdeiitTojfitUo I mle
jtcncoM Mivic To-day is unci long to bo re
uieiubcced. A a school innutlng Uolil in the
Jackson school hiiusn, distrk-t SJo. i(i, there
was on.w u largo miiliuncn. TitoVittaiiMactml
tho liii-lt.os lor vvliluh tliey uiot lu a vy
paolllo lakiimir kci mlj ottriiHd. Afuw vvhli-i!
siieoting the school 'inuiiii' oiT.ired a ihuk.
Jilalnt to tUo trilHtos against the hnv. -
.iiiii inn uiktier wnsi cllsciused Utvoi the
trustees, u-hool 'uirni' and Kev, .
'I'lines gut k. little (cm hot for Hov. , and
lio Hod tor rofugt). 'Uio crowd theu lett lor
Wtht iileiuvjc where tsliwht halt w mado
at tow lr ,V .vm's slurs. They inad u null
or XV. K I'urkur's bljkmitli shop. Tim
cioor.uul htrestfc in Irone of the shop wwrn
cratuojod aini huiiihhI eUook..blouk with
men, women atioU'iilldriui, all Jtbberlug mid
jablicrtug at oiK'n. Tho su,rm abated, mui
to-ilay it is calm at.d olwir, iuiJ It la IiomM
by th good people of till plwcund vicinity
that uuh a fciorni wilt never visit Olenw
iigain. Wonder vv hat wusup!
l'oter Johnson, lishlnir for Horiiii A- fi.. of
Antorii, Isronorlod to liave caught tho !
gent and smallnst balmon of tho season, Thu
jornier neighed W jioiiiuls nud latter 7.
William Coogan, Irom Watertovvn, Wis
consul was recently killed by Indians noir
uapiu uity, in the Ulck Hills. Ho had
been traveling with n party of 120 men, who
went iu on tbe Fort Pierre route, and on the
night of the 10th, started out ahead ot tho
party, intending to walk to Rapid City. Ho
was well armed and confident of gottlng
through, but the Indians killed 111 ill, scalped
his head and face, and filled his body with
Tho Sioux Indians nimo their babies after
events transpiring at their birth. For in
suoco, lted Cloud took his name from tho
fact that rod clouds overspread the western
sky at the time he was born, while the ca
v or tines ol a fractious pony furnlsliod tho
nama for Crook's adversary, Crazy Horse.
Felton's S-roica. Horse-PoT7er
The Wheat Market.
The advance in freights lias caused a de
cline in wheat, at this point, from STA to 60
cents or bushel, and the prospect Is not
ll-ittor'ng for tho next season. Thero seems
to bo a larger amount of wheat in Oregon
to-day tlmn at tho same time last year this
is tho opinion of persons well posted. Tho
crop prosriect is encouraging, and, with good
growing woather throuch this month, we
skill have about as much wheat lor sale
next year as this. Tho season so iar has
been cjuito favorable. Our San Francisco
correspondent ruruishes valuaiilo infortun
ium concerning the wheat market and its
luture outlook.
Tbe Wool Ilarket
Fifteen oents a pound Is the highest price
named by wool buyem here, ami but little
has yot been brought in. It has lo bo a
good, ciwn article, to bring tho price named.
Wo learn that as good wool as is raised In
tho Stats baa been contracted for that money
In fact the finest met ino iSeeces fioui flocks
near tills city. The disposition ofuiauy is
lo hold on, but there seems to be no specu
lation hi (lie market. Tho stock of woolen
goods on Wand in tho United States Is said to
equal the demand to bo expected for ayear
to come.
WE arc prepared to inamifacl lire and nil all orders lor these unilvilcd machine All our work Is fully
llsliul "a,r"",uI- Br I"":llu,l!lrs. ""'I ' ciiculais and prici. list, which will bo n.ut by mail as toon as mb-
n,V,r0,7' Rhou,a be e.nKln carl' to avol(1 disappointment, na wo will lnanufactuic principally on orders for
European fltain Uadcets.
Im notsr, June 12. Afvii . Lane Kipi es3aya
roH)rtH oflho present condition ol crops ore
topeTul. The woather during tho past wek
lijs been fln, and hi every way favorable to
agricultural operatlonH. The artiearance of
ths wheat plant ia,jmerally healthy. Under
tlw Influence rtli Improved appearance ot'
i.ir..iMunry sua ime conmueraniy uoreasel
urn km xuppiKw, our local trade Iiaanssiiineil
a tit-ioter tone. Arrivals of IndUui wheat
ha vn.J)rtaii largo. Unless some new axpects
or tlm I'aNteru nutwtkin or hii unfavorable
ohailtM iu the weather nIiouM ulv amir in
isptsuilulou. It is pralmblo tracVn w HI continue
(Mini a4.l lifeless, though thohnrt iu(tjiiyot
-iii4iiiiu wniHu win uecoasiraia luoconciuu
anco of a stauly detuaixl lor ooiisumpciou,
incrisiseW at times. The receut favorable
wCnds, hav4 brought Into norts of oll a fair
tiuuborof t-argots, which may be held, es
peifallyas poll'lcal ina'terJ remaJn In aucsli
mi 4incMrUln state, nun thejioMlbi'lty of war,
tvh iiU although uavcknowledgevl hy many,
still looks up (ii the lixi'k ground.
Lmtimior,, June J.I Itwolpts of wheat
for the past Hire days vseie J.1,000 quarters,
of which Jl.tXM q natters weru Anicrfcsn,
Hivtfiptsol vvhe.it or the past woek fro ru
1'acliin porta were 7." W0 quartora. Ilrcmcj.
stulU in r Lot quiet. Kbeat, Hi lldGll) Sri'
imrieutal tor average, Crtllforula whu", ICm I
iJL.H)i oil for Club do. I
Weatherford & Co.,
Wholesale and Kctail Dealers In
Patent Medicines.
je errunaery
Etc, etc.
For Medicinal purposes.
Medicines Compounded, and
Proscriptions Filled.
Weatherford & Co.,
Janti y Commercial street, RALE.TI.
1776 1876
Centennial Medals.
Allmtn Plato, IllgUly Polished.
Etul In Wear and Coler to Solid Klher.
Size 1 -0 lucliea In diameter.
THK obverse lunl roverso nrerntlns: appropriate
diduns eoniim-niorntlii!; iho ono huiulri jllimnil
v usury ol our nation's birth.
Agents Wanted.
Larvo commissions Kxtenslvo fields for ente'rprlM.
bamplca and full Inrbrmatlon sent on rtct-ipt of Silcts,
VM. KleAJilllou Co , P.O. Uov 5270, N.Y.
Pacific University
2Tox-'t Grove, Oregon.
n.Tin? ii1, ,M H'.W,1, n-P" ITcldent, nnd l'roress
01 ol Tnnlluitiul l'liIliKopliy.
oH,!1iiV',Xl'i: LVMAN' A.M, rroltsaorofKliot.
one ana JIi"tnry, '
UUK ii. COUJEIt, A. M., Profett-or of Matb
ni"m' T' C0XD0N- A' M- rnifosor of Natural
Crick." '""" M VK8U' A :5t, Pro,e"or f Lan nd
Mr."' -J!0,1.11, &.?luVnw l"' of Academy.
Nv.i. M. 1'. bl'ILLElt, 1'ri.tiptn.ss.
Tho school jcar consists or threo terms. Ixglnnlii"
sriraiiA,;wi,.,:p,t Wu,ne,,ln5 of ,n,m'
artvimc. y 'lrJ0.ir-piiublJ per ttrui In
Board can ho had 11' fiom ) to t nor week,
humiliations lor admission will bo held en fa
tenibu 1st. at ') j. m at the C'ollc.'n.
icrnirthtr Inlorinallnu, address tho Prosident or
any other nn-mbers of tho Facnltv. '"-""'"
Tonic Vermifuge
Worms in Children or Adults ara
thoroughly ilostroycd by Dr. Jnyno's
Tonic Vormiriipro. As a rule, all
chihlron aro subject to theso pests,
tho indication'? of their presenco bo-
ing so varied, that thore is scarcely
a complaint which they will not
oxcit or imitato. The symptoms
should accordingly bo watched for
and promptly treated with this Ver
milugo, which not only kills tho
worms and expels them, but dis
solves tho slimo or mucus In tho
stomach and bowols, which favors
thoir production.
General Debility and Dyspepsia aro
usually remedied by Dr. Jnyne's
Tonic Vcrmiriic. It will bo found
to havo excellent tonic properties,
strengthening tho organs of diges
tion, roitorinp; tho appotito, and in
fusing now vigor Into tlio whole
systom. Tho weak, broken-down
and dispirited will dciivetuo most
beneficial ollects from this Tonic. .
Intermittent and Remittent Fevers
at 0 favoi ably affected by Dr. Jnyne's
Tonic Vermifuge, nnd it is a cura
tivo likow iao for Fover and Aguo in
children. It should bo taken in con
nection with Dr. Jayno's Snnativo
Pills lor thcao complaints, and this
combination will bo found to bo
equally serviceable iu cases of re
ordered Liver.
Patronizo Homo Manufactures!
Stove "Worlis
nenti. uo in.
iiMniiHcmnii;: stow at
The Lowest Rates.
.Ma IIOI,t,nNY V'AllR. and l KTOVTJ KXTBA8
cast on order Nve uin,t rt'spv-tfnlU solicit ourpJt
romo f.ir tqo Doxtor fBtovo.
PnKTLiriB, r., n rroprlptors,
Proul bl.. l:tvv . iU'u vxi Mid'.Kuv. uit:iu.u
XX now kmiIo. and llw latest (uiprav ci lents.
iiiu;ais to hu imij:
Spring Trade of 1876!
(siiicoesors to Iltrman .v. Illrsch )
Navo tow on hand
A Complotc and Well-o!ecleil Slock
Sullel lo tho Country Trade,
i,0c70,,!wIrcu',onK','au(la11 0,hl! that theso
Bouglit Low,
The; aro prepared to elve
For Cash in Hand.
at'bf ih",1S C,1"D:: ontllem"l vp tnou 1 bcrc-
'InprlccatfiarriccUcoaodthoEtt., . ,
S.,'im f. ,-.
T A.
DAVIS, .t CO,,
Wl olcalo Aseiiti. PoiUjihI,
John Deore IVnlkliiir, Onus, and Sulk)
Itolllii Coul ter; e1inltler nndl'.ol II,
The Best Portable
131 st sr I r s
J. Tir. HOKU)!
.llcroniiick'M IiitiiiV4'1 Com hi
nt'd Adiimcti .Hvii-iakM ICvaiicr
aml .llouer. Pilxu Mower, and
I in pro veil Ilni cstcr,
KAltMtlt', Call on vonr brother frnn'. lu oro pnc-
elhi.ri'. C'li-li pall lor OATS anill
(XT t'OMMBUOlAL STRKKT, under the
saicin, ren. zomu
farmer Ofllic
of Husbaudrv.
Front stictt, near Fhnderf' WhiirC
AilUre al coinnnulcatloii8 to H, I', LEK, A?tnt.
illanwttc Mixxmtx.
' yo;a""'i.s AKp VBOr-RIETOU.
.Ai,ilKI ,D. W. Vlt'AKi.
"It ...
'leruin ol Snbk, rlniloii.
Ooaconv, U mouths iaimiab.r.) II;:""".'. list
,mmj tWwMui" i I'm
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