Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 16, 1876, Page 7, Image 7

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To Friiit Growers.
tllt 1 &! 11 111 u tl II font nm It un 111 ul ll I lit fll.ll llRlii
0 different tli-e fur rale, nil Ihrnm-n Hie fiinini tiiihI
1 lull. on rtMMMiHltli inrinccomnuMlniln1' tern?
I Therr miclil ir inn-txhlliawl anil "peril'i-cl at tin
Stntc J-Hlr ol l;j and reci-Peil n tliiMonyli ui.ttoni
I tnont from n tinij.irlty of die Pimm oi Miirt.tsi-r- of
1 the Mute Acr.iiilntral -ocli't. uh" jirtfu Ir wlnervul
fj , ll iiorkliii.-.
V Ttii-y will lie made off nltahWIr Tor ne In fund
J lli-i-. or lor clrilii.- Irmt mid ti"-ttnli t on a lnri.-c
O ' -talc.
'(luytlr) ap-ilc- ill for market In to hnnr amln
H half
O'l liry arc oiK-rated Client dltHt n'tj lift den and a
lilt l- lillioi l ir M-luk' lo iXllill lo linltlllliulliru
, i tlrli-i Hull.
p. i Thvj nr hI'IiIh lln- mean, of t-ti-ry fanni- ninl n
W cm-iany nrnatiiii it wlili -mill-cipltiil cnn i-iiiiIum-A
, Miunlmi ludii h hrjc tMilin f-.
lit Tin-Inu-ninr lei- ni-olf unl-lt-il linjiniM-nifiit-that
JJ uhlbe nnhuilU'd ti inu nttui.tnt-- In uu iiiHiifii'tiiriM
! till- i-cn-on
I 'I lu niiciiine opiraoil nl the -!,-, Fairer Is.. wrt
j told lo ill. U t W'ji'luii: ot srnii: Vn lty. I'o.k
0 ' oiniti, mid ojK'niti'd -ma rln ly l .Mr lotto.j. lu
i I- IntrroWil wliu her In li" ouiiini and It- pieaim.
, i and the-' unlore It a- mtiut) -iKtr-rtil, ir.otiri op
fl tratid under urnil 'lliilcPik- and tliu iicl to un
(J . ll nini li inou' miTf"! illy llo- ioihIiil' -oh.
i 1 I 'III.' Halt nmiii'iictiiritl lit 'Ir ' ollnn. dried
T p!c-i ii Intuy i-nUi ly ihuuli .V. Co . JOT finnt -I
. San r'rmici-io, mil' dealer, toi 14 it ter pound.
anil the pioi.omitt- I a pi d hi iUIi.
i All fillet .-rimci- and iition- iiiti-ritt'd in Iho drv
fj ' In.r slid pti ' rill irm lni't-. wiri'iabli or tnt'tiK. nie
JJ linluo loi'iirrc-ii mil ilh mo hi riliil. ni par Im-lin:
n tl-t- m.rlitiii:-.
0 Order In ii.ii.iii'". and dcl -nn'lu;; time of tl.'Ilicry
I ol lliu maciiini'-, Hlil ne intuitu i ly ilti'd.
I All M.t'lilm? warnm oil to do 4 o uik
c. L-t KKE.
sl,K o'l.
S. A.
Ap'H -ri. l.-v;
Manufftitiirtri iid 1chU' Ik
Sash, Doors, Blinds, and
3V3C Ol 3Ll33. : J3 ,
And all Kinds of Scroll-Sawing.
lHtct linprnvt'd vnnil-worklnt: Jtinchinury to
mutinfacturr the ahorc arttclei, will ntfer Indnit incut
to cntimei. Alo,
In all ! varlctlce.
Orders from the Country
Promptly attended to.
Office and Mannfactory, cor. of Front and Htate ftrcctt
nn 8ALKM. 1wtl
OL cd a full afcortment of
General Merchandise,
Dry Goods,
Boots 8i Shoes,
1 'nyrnlAU-rt for the CHy nnd Country Tradi IionirbT nt
Vw. and will W folif hi ha SMALL PHOFIT, nt
, hfp who SKLL T COST. IGnn! dehverei! tf
tr ifrt nt ho rtfty rro o( rh"l' V.y'-
l rtKrf"WV,'rKMJi"'W.1
i tlllMl I lllllllll I lllllll ll i ill
-j3 h.
i Screw Worm.
, Foot Hot,
, Parasites that infest Sheep.
rr h safkh nnTTEi:, and vastly ciikap-
! Improves the Health
gf Onn tllni If t'riimh for otic hnndrH rn iwo
him red luf itrrnnl.iiif to their nuc, r!rtni:th, nt d
Irii'itnplit PIVBOAbuO.V CAN Priff. I3
nd f(i Hrrn'.ir In
T. A. DAVIS A. Co.
POUrL,M. iHO.,
Wholtnio A tie lit iiii tftt lalr.
m Hir iM-rt'-t IMftil lri!,i1-t mh
n s
P. 23HAKE, Prop'r.
ASEf'HOTK op "WintsTKii. "When
Daniel Webifer hnd reached the very
topmost height of Ids fume, after his
great speech in reply to Col. Ilayne, of
tsouth Carolina the speech eommonly
known u. his "Constitutional Speech'
lie paid a visit to ids old home In
"ev Jlampshire, the lielghiiorhood of
nis boyish years and his lirsl manlv
a-pir.itioiis and .struggling'). A well
known cili.L'ii was hit companion.
Alter going tip the rough mountain
ro.ul-i for a good long while. Webiter
pointed out the nearness of the old pi
rental roof-tree. "There" said he, "is
neighbor" Jones we will call him
"there'.- our old neighbor Jones. I'll
stop and talk with him and see if ho
knows nit-." fco Mr. Webster got out
of the wagon, ami walked on ahead.
Soon he met the old man Jones and
'parsed the time of day," as they my
in good, rural New Kngl.ind. Webster
walked lazily, loitering along the lotd,
ami dually turning, said to the seamed,
gartered, ragged old farmer:
"Wasn't there a family named Web
ster onee living near you? I knov
"ometliing of that name said to live in
these parts."
Why, yes," said Jones. "Welnror,
yes, our old neighbor. He had two
likely boys. lti icej Zeke, and ihen
there was what's his name Oh, D.in'l
D.in'l, Webster!"
And. then Daniel, leaning on the
fence, engaged in a long talk with the
farmer about, the Webster family a
talk quite unnecessary to reproduce
here. Tim farmer was very enthusi
astic about Kzekiel. Ezekiel Webster,
it should be remembered, was a young
man of rare promise, of even greater
promise than his famous brother, us we
believe the latter admitted in riper
year.-, lie died when but a young
man. The farmer could not say too
much in pr.d-eof'Zekiel, to all of which
ol' cour.-e, Daniel listened with bound
less s.itistajtion. 15ut finally the latter
"What become of the other brother
"Oh! I don't know," said farmer
Jone.s. "lie went away, and, I believe
is a kind of a Uwyer, down in Iloston,"
Tim: Fkkuinc ok llousns. The
Michigan "Farmer" says: Almo-t of
more importeuce than the form in
which food is given, is the frequency
and regularity of meals. The horse's
digestive organs are not constructed
for long fasts. Long intervals without
food produce hunger, and hunger be
gets voracity; food is bolted, and indi
gestion and colic follow. Thi-. is doubly
true and dangerous with horses doing
hard work. They come to their Iong
delerred meal not only hungry, hut ex
hausted; not only istho food bolted, but
the stomach is in such a state as to be
incapable of thoroughly active diges
tion, and is overpowered by half tho
amount of food it could otherwise di
gest. The preventation of waste is al
most attained when we gvie a proper
form; but there are two points to which
it is right to devote somo attention
the form of the mangers, and attention
to the wants of the individual animals.
The manger should not be less than
three feet long, eighteen inches wide.
and twelve Inches deep. They should
Ifave an upper border or wood project
ing nhvards for two inches and a trans,
ver-e bar of half-inch aero-s the
middle. A piece of two-inch hoop
iron, on the top of the manger, protects
it from damage by the horse's teeth.
This simple arrangement prevents the
horse from throwing out his corn, and
the provender is not set in ,o thick a
Liver as in the oidiuarv narrow and
.-hallow manger.
lV.orrr F150M oni: Ho(i. I bought
List June, a young ,-ow for ;s.-i; about
July 1st she had her rirst litter of pig-,
six in number. The mother was lat
tened and killed in November, weigh
ing 1!I8 pounds dreed. In February
the tirst three pig- were killed, weigh
ing respectively, 121, 122, and i;!l lbs.
The three remaining pigs I am now
holding for u March market. The
mother weighed llfc pounds, sold at !)
cis. or 5,1 1. bz. rnree pigs. Un pounds,
at ( cts. brought s;!:!.7.. The three re
maining pig- are worth at least 6S a
piece, -.24. This gives a total yield of
is7-j.7o from ;, in lens than eight
mouths. The hogs were fed on slop,
from the kitchen, apples which have
IVillen from the tree-, short corn, and
followed after cattle. They were fed
very little sound corn. In fact, they
.-erved a- .scavengers and paid liami
noiuely at tho same time. fJ. ('., Stone
Mill, Va. -
I Care of Poultry.
Tho care that poultry is entitled to,
to make It profitable, is not near -o
much as one wotild think. It is ju-i
lifco any other businens it needs daily
attention, not one day in a mouth, but
each and every day. If you epect 11
cow to be profitable you attend to feed
ing her regularly, give her good, com
fortable quarters to protect her from
cold, storms, Ac. 2sow the poultry
shonld haveequallv as fivorahle tie.U
ment as any other stock. Construct
houses, not too large, a- you will per
mit too many to crowd together Th-y
should be about eight feet wide, -i-teen
feet long, to accommodate each a
flock of fifty fowl-, fronting to the
south, with largo window-, -o placed
that the fowls m ly enjoy as niii.-n .sun
light as possible, Have It perfectly
tight and ury, excepting means for am
ple ventilation, without u p --ll)lliiy
of 11 direct draft reaching tin- fowls at
night after going to roo-t. A fowl will 1
take cold while a 1 op, as easily us a
person. Keep the roo-ting apartment j
clean; sprinkle a little air Licked lime '
and ilry ashes under the perch ; have
the house thoroughly whiiewahed, in-
siile, three or four times a year
a i.vri:itixiivi oi:i:oon i.Krri:u.
Wo clip llic following letter written by
nut- tow usiiiati Mi Midilnngli. from tin- Ari-vi'itUerpulili-lied
In M'ui-tlelil. IVimylv.i.
nl.-i. It contain- iniiiy v.ilmlilo llgtiic
mil .iiggr-tioii-.
It h.-i- been :i Utile overtoil month- -Inou
I :iiilvcil in Om'l'om. :iiu 1 lu qtie-lloit
mine, fiiiiii Mnn-tli-lil tieiiiently. "Hmi
In j oil like Oii'ooii:-" Weil. I Mill mt.
'i"t my opinion, ninl I hope you will let
mylilital- know ilnongli tlie" Ailveiti-er.
1 :ittlveil In S.1I1 ill mi tin' "Jiilli llivnt
l.ty. lsTii.iiml wiLlit-ii'-iliiiilttllleiMM-i-k.
In Ine I yot .1 tin '- m k : lint "Inei-llint
'line I li.ive luel "no ilillluilly III getting
wnlk ;lt ijl penl.iy. ultliwty 'iicomiioiiig
pin-pi el- iiIii-iiiI l.H llii- -011011. I cm do
iiineli l.i 10 1 In te 1 -ii I could lu Miui-llelil
'nt i fir 11- vmiiI, i iiiiici'i'iii 'I. It in iy no!
in- In-hit m 11I1 1 i-i one. A -Inltlli--l.i-
v in in nut -f.-im- in leu vi II 11- tl'eicJ'ilt I
I gnnil l.i I 101- 01 1 11 III h lllll CUl Jl'l -.' I
pot' month uii'l Until tlnoiiuliont tin- M-.-ir.
or illl'it pi-r jimi iii yoM coin. Tlu-ic
I plenty nl nim.cv ln'tc. Mm) Wo know or
heir nl' no tun! time-. Woik l-ci-li lien
peiloriiieil. Mixer I- a ding. :intl liti!ni
nf exety kind i- llooiled itllIIvei' coin.
Hold i. . leiity. P.ipt'r money I- wotth M!
icnt. ninl n-eil omy :i- excli uigo lo -eml
:it : lliugovtiiiniciit u- it lor liond siiid
tlinf tliov liiiv-i. froi iii-i-iMS to tilontv if ' iotl
iinro frn.li vu.it.. i- .it nil times ili.n't file cliniiltc U V.-l V mild
force them to drink the drainage from
the barnyard ; many eases of cholera
have been caused by thi-. A lew drops
of sulphate of iron put in their dunk
ing VeseN occasionally, will be 11 bene
fit. Sprinkle the perches with coal oil
and scatter sulphur in their nests and
dusting Doxe
Afmiv 1'itit-lu ilin fi-iim -mvorn colflj i. I
......... ....... ... ....... .-. .... ...... j. v. J
celved by roosting in expo-ed places. (
Of course, every fowl that die-, it is
said, had tho cholera, when probably j
hiifl of them were affected in thi- way.
Cor. CiiiL'inn.itti Times.
Sagacity of Shoep-Dogs. '
The following remarkable instance of
sagacity was related to the writer by
Charles Hancock, the celebrated aid- ,
mal painter. Mr, Hancock said:
"1 was once staving with Lord Kin
naird, at his seat in Scotland, whenhis
Lordship exiresied a wish that 1 should 1
see some of his prize sheep fetched up
as quickly as he could. Tho shepherd .
whistled, when a tine old lief p dog ap
peared before him, and seateil on his
hind quarters, evidently awaiting 1
order. What passed between the
shepherd and the dog, 1 now not; hit
the faithful emi'ure manifestly under
stood his instructions.
" 'Do you believe that tho dog will
bring thv sheep to us out of the Hock'."1
I asked.
'"Wait, and y..u will see,' said hi-i
"The dog now darted off towards tho
sheep, at the same timo giving a sig
nificant bark, which immediately pall
ed forth two younger sheep dogs to
join in the mis-ion. Accustomed as 1
was to the remarkable sagacity nf col
ley dogs, I was amazed at what now
took place. On ono side of tho hill
was 11 river, on the other sido a demo
forest. One of tho younger dogs, on
arriving at the foot of the hill, turned
to the left, while tho other darted off
to the right hand. Tho lornier station-1
ed him-elf between the sheep and the
river, while the latter stood between I
the sheep and the forest. The old dog I
now darted into the middle of the flock !
when the sheep M-ainpered to the right nl
aim ion. out were Kept at nay iy the
two watchers. The old sheep-dog
speedily -ingled out the particular
sheep desired, and in a few minutes
the three dogs were quietly driving
tliem towards 11-.
"Within about an hour after receiv
ing the instructions, the dogs brought
the sheep up to the door of the
The -iinini"!'
V':i dellolitlnl. 'i'liete i- not IlllU'll inln li
ter 1 In- llrl ol -Iain- mill) tin- lit-t ot ."n
vcmlicr " tliiiinli'i didn't lic-ir ir thun
der In -t -uninii-f. Apt fl nnd Jlny. t iinder--tini'l.
.-lie iilioilt tin- -.line ,i- nt M.m-lleld.
1-tut in min I-,11111-1-1 ned. lint nincli unl
et liete. l-'iotn Xii'oniln 1 1-t to M.-ihIi 1-t
It tain-one li ill ol 'he time mid I- clondy
t lit- other li-ilt not :i inontlnif ele:irie.U li
ef m live month-. Hut the i.iln'e'ion I-
t nut 1111plc.-1-.1i1c. Tim lain 1- waim. nnd
I tliete I- not nincli lnil. Then- iveiv llt-
I tie w hnly ue.itlier heie, nnd .tot initclicild
no lii-t In -ipenk ol'. In Nmeinlier hut
one fio-t ; In Decenilier. nlioiit -even lio-ty
night-; in .I111111 11 v It held cold long
I i-linllgli In l'nee Ice one inch thick, wlihh
1 -non loft; hi Kiln any 11 id Mniclillieie n-
one liixt 111 e.icii monili. not enongli to
fii'i e Ice. Snow fell on eight often diU'er-
ent il.iy-. lint the gunind Ii.k not ln-eticov-
I ernl iiU'i' twenty l'nur lioius the pa-t win
Thcie has licoii plenty of vegetable- in
tmiket -inci' I'Vliin.iry. -in-h as onion-.
ii'leiy. bout', inili-lio'." p.usnlp., leltlliv.
I lot 1 1 'nnd -evcr.il other Kind of gti't'iis.
I l'he-e veoetnlile- nru r.il-ed here, mil the
. prlci" are not high. Will give the pi Ice of
oiitiibli's by .-eniliii' llm qiiotntion-of Si
lent imitket. (An e..imin.ition of tlie-i-
pi'it-itioiK ilK-lo-i" tint iiunily nil -t-iplc
irtiele- of food nrcllojitly lowerllinn liviu
! Ill .M.iu-tlelil. Theiu lire ,"1 fi-'vexivolloiis,
I however. I'otntoes .-ite I'nmi "."i cetS jo
; per Im-licl ; hams iiiu ill cc,Jt3 i)(.r pound.
-l-.ii' Dry j-ood." Hot lilgh twelve
yiruioi calico for ?J A.-.
"Wh'.it I- tho pi lncip.il crop nniang farm-cr-.
anil pnys bo-t ; ll put in the grounil
propeily in Oototieror November it will
yield Iroin ;W to ."ill bn-hcl per ncru. Hut
t.liiiil 1 1 l; U not hall doiii! In-re. mid tho te
nil I hull crop. The night- n re too cool
lor corn. Vegetable- of all kliHls do Well,
nnd fruit cannot lie exivlled no wormy
li ult it U perfect. ISeriie- nil- veiy Inrgi'i.
Knriiihig U a good biKliH-K here. Men git
rich woiklng I. mil. Tin- nwin-r- give two-third-
mid l'ninl-h Inll'lliu-ei-d. le.iiiH nml
iiinclilnvrv lo work with, or onclmlt nnd
fiilld-li nil the -enl. te.iin. Ac. I know of
men miiKhig $2. Dot) I ft year working Intnl.
I want to -ay In-ie tint any una who will
woik and goHlieaili-.iiiiio'well hut I would
advl-e Inzv and 'lutlle.- one- lo -tnv o.-itt
lor lliU le.Kon llieir l.rlne-s liu'rc.Mi's 11
liuiiilreil percent here, which 111. ikes them
Ml piiiles thai conit! line 11 ro not p!en-
1 li.ive eeu -nini! n liomclcK lieouln
j a- 1 ever -aw in any coiiiuy. anil tliey an:
home-lik il thev le.ivn lieie-lor they uenr
' ly nil ciiiiio hack ng-ifu. A good, hone-t.
iailil-lrioiK in. in eml lietterhiiu-elfby coin
ing to Orcgoii.htu In.y one hnd but keep
iw.iy. It make, no dllt'i'rence what pio
li ion or ir ulo a in.-iii h.t-. there ,-ue open
j nigs lor lihn. Ve are well ple,i-ed w llli
j Otegoii ; none of 11- have been homesick
1 yet. ninl have no notion ol coming hack.
Theie In- hieti a good deal ol slikuu-K In
roitlmiil. Mlein. mid Alli.iuy Ihl m-ii-oii.
owhu to n old -y-ti'iu ot 'uwerage nnd tlm
want of miliary icgiilalioiK. I -ee no le.i
011 whv Oiegoii U not one nl t'li-healthk-t
tales in Iho Union. I In-llevo I !.
Vegetation now i what If will hn hi jour
. C. Meeker, of Greeley, Co!., says
that Oen. ll'izen was wrong to stigma
tize "the barren lands" as being all
that between (he llith meridian and the
Sierra Xovailn-. Militiii-c inou don't
know aiii-tliino- iilwiiit 1u, ntri-lonlriirnl ! niit'of Iho coantlV the l.i-t of .Mav
value of tho land, says M. Meeker; 1 I would notcnu-iileithliconiimiiiicatioii
they have their grain and provisions , ,'"i'l'''''" without -peaking of ihtt colony
hauled from the state- to tjie posts at a V"1 ,lll,'lr '"J-'"'''1'- ' '" l'";,"'.l"k." '. "
ciKt nf tic.iilv i-ont- 11 11, iiil tl.Ii.- -nrl" tlli'llltier I re dly i-all-lli d Willi the
t hoi L,b ,,L ',1 .' V I . I"-'"1" ' !'" 'I'"'1' li'ver. ami nt tho -nine
nli - ,, " thPJi "U ' ' '.' ot """ '''"' viy "iin In U-tte.eil 1,1
over two cents n pound right under ,.,.. i,v wmUti, , 0,ego ; H,t thev
their own guns. Irrigation solves tho ' 1)I;IV ot .,-f lt.,ill,e il.ls in viar or two
necessities ol the region, and lie jioints ,i peihapsuevi-t m Ihvid lilver. think
to Colorado to prove it, estim itiug that , tin- locating committee- or I!m I'.iiklim-t.
. s h-na'., Pump, and "llklndf an'l i?vt of Mi
I .i"icry mide tooro f. Msrhfnerv re)liidat a .hmt
I no'loe. Ptltcni-ma -Ing (tone lo all li TiirlonK fuini.
(ii ' nil Rmdci or nr&i ixnn iron caniine nniii-flcuii
fio't notlrf Alo, -annnfiirnrer ot KNTKHt'lll.-E
-irBie aiaviwu
Brooks & JVIoFarland,
(Sncceiiforii to Trunch & To.)
General. McfchandisE,
Comer of Second anil Wi thlnxton treeti,
M. A7.D.I HB,
Dealer In
rs-oiiinl M'i'-litwitllo.
A Mastodon Man. They have dis
co, cred a giant out in Tenne-see in tho
ii-r-on of a man named James Horner.
Ho i- a citizen of I'err.v county, one of
ti family of eight children, none of
whom had exhibited any unusual
trails. At eighteen years he was a well
grown man, six feet high, and weighed
i.sit pound-. At twenty-one he was.-i
incites taller, and weighed 21U pound-.
He cea-ed to notice any growth after
that until he was twenty-l'ourye.irsold
and then only by the sinalliie-s of his
clothes and he then measured in his
stockings h feet, nine inches. Since
ilii-n ho is imu Ihli't v.inii' vo.ii-, of
age he lias attained dio height of obliged to taki
seven leet, nine incher, and is still
growing at the rate of two inches
when the irrigation law shall be "dot'
initely and wi-ely" settled, Colorado
can support 2,0,'i:i,lMKi people, New Mex
ico Arizona and Utah each the atme,
and .Montana a,0tU,0l)H.
. "K" KKI" A Kl'f-I. STOCK OP STA1 T.K anil FAJf
W iV rr U..-I-, llothlnir. Hirdvr(rr, Un vlt, Uookr
s'.WsKTf.kxe. ULLM, Or,
John miys no wonder those girls
never got married, for n fellow could
never lind one of them alone long
enough to pop tho question. What he
siiid to one must, of course, be over
heard by all tho rest, and " who on
earth, " says John, " is going to trust
four women at onto with such a nrc
eious secret J"
A writer in the Fortnightly Review'
(ell- what Egypt actually i. It ap
pears that the Viceroy'- couutiy is a
Tuskish tlc-poii-ip in all its monstrosi
ty. In the lir-t place, slavery is. uni
versal and maintained by the will of
the sovereign; second, tho laborou pub
lic work- is forced itud unpaid, and ihat
on the Viceroy's estates is practically
unpaid. Conscription is conducted by
the pre gang, and confiscation of pri
vate estate.-, cattle, and goo,!-, is haliit
n. il to the Viceroy, the owneis being
in payment what an
olllci.il, anxious to plea-o his master,
may determine. Taxation Is terrible
in burden and in manner of collection.
An employee who doesn't liavo his
hands washed und his coat on, ready to
strike for iiome as soon us tho clock be
gins tolrik twelve or six I not en
terprWng jn.'ugh to work by the day. j
Dr. Holmes says, "We count the
broken lyres that rest." 15ut were tho
doctor to go to Wushihgtou and under
take to count the blasted liars that
flrm'f i-n.t li.. (v.mlfl tjL-.. f... ,i..u
...... v .7., ,.v mphiii n.iinu ill. III.I-3 ,. .... . ......
waeea-or for hornet-in less than ' liVt:r: "'! the lui.l mvind iy Mr. Co,
lu." I,n.lr. ' i i . ai.oii mal h. l..mltli.l worlli iiioro
muiiours. , tlinnall thouH of tliecntlrulloodltiver
vii'ley. 1 l.e above pal lie, hn vn llni! pl.i.
ci-. inl-g IrnlU of nliiKHt everv kind anil
. wii-linlly ilurixel bv panic- at Hood
ISIvi-r. A-tar i- .Mr. Adui wm concernoil,
in wa- a In.itik. nml wnii'd hive -aid Hie
lop of Ml. linn I would do for a loloiir
triiiu eni. iflhey wotiid' pay Id- expen-e.
mil fitiiil-li III 1 1 1 with pciichc mid tr.tw-Im-iiIc..
I'.uile nr Hood ISircr.wlin own
l oi ila ol all the good la nil. would take
Me-i-i.. I'ukhui-t nnd Allen In a wagon
I iinl tnivi-l n'ldiy mid -hmv tliem a veiy
1 ii tii- -i-ii'oii o coiiiitrv. mid not go llne'e
tn l it-- fioni the -t'litlng j ohit. Tim ei!oii
i ot coiitmy vl-lled by I lie couitnitt( I- pui-hi.n-.-d
in four mile--ipiup.iii -till tliev
w-i-ti (n.'il lliev were ill 1 X.dley of tioin
'we tv to tliltty-tlioii..lml .lire's of I ind,
wli.-n fonr mlio-ipi'iii; would Mki! in eve
rv available acre mi the W( I idn nf jlood
IMvei, -ay lll.'JIO ncie-. and ,i,(i(!() ncie
ih.it would ii'tt.ile white hi-iiu.. I knoiv
what I .un w hg.for I win them iibout
s wnk-nid xas on nl out eeiyiii'io nf
'.ml on tl.u iirM side o; Hood lEiver, mid
"i- on a mhit wheio I coulilew (hneii-t
si le ot the liver. It did not look veiy In
Milng for n Hcttlenicnt. .Six tnllujoiin
sti.dght lino Iroiu llm .ste.iinbo it Imnlliig
on tin- wet .Idu or Hood l.lver.wlll Mkun
m III ."i.tiOO feet nbovo tin- level of Iho e .
IIoimI Itlver v.dh-y Is n plateau Irum four
in i-ix iimiiirni led iiwnc the Coluinliln
A 1'reslon man took Ins team anil
went wood-chopping Sunday, and was a .ui.ill -pvcle of i-ittlu su.iko,
inucn surprlseil when sonn'lHxly told Tliaciouy in r.dluii'. nml would Invo
mm wim i, uuy u was, jxv saiu no neon hnd Mr. iMrkhurot liveif; ami partU
jiuuu i seen anyone piaymg oan or i nt noon i.inr nru re-ponIUIelorlt. M)ia
going gunning ail j thought it couldn't n ay iy there ami do wel'. but they aro
fuw. 'I he won
their mUtake
sooner or I iter. Wen 11 -vnipntlibe with
Mr. 1-Htktiii-t nnd liertanilly. I think no
lK-tter man ever lived tlinti 11. S. I'.irMiur-t.
lint Hn-"nan- (Ml ties that deceived I'liu
will deceive niiyone cl-e. 5l.uk tlio n--eiiloii!
Any -en-lble man who will go ((
llnisl Klverntiil t.-iy -ix weeks will nil.v
lilin-elf that the iibove t.itciiiiiits me
tut. I have no interc-t In pio-enllng
nnvthbig but l.iet. bcciu.e I Inve v2." on
inteii-t In n town that U In be built lu the
cuter nf Ml. Hood, for lint I- the onlv
vl-ltili' pluv left, a-ilio pntle wliiignrc
he font liilmli, . .i,-ii-. Ii.it (. cut it down lo
eventy-llvo and cui't gixe n good deed
for lint.
And now i a- I li-iro given the -ie and
dhiieiKlii'K mid uul ivorahle le-iture-.
will ohe the i'ivoi.iLIo points. Corn can
be r.ii-e-l on nboiit -evi-ntv-llve ncio of
liml -iiiinteil iiimi-iIii-i oliinibii rlvir. hut
1- inceitniii cinp. ( -ibbage and tonii-
loc do well no the low Inn), n ton- the I o
luiiibl''. A 1 1-1 t-t of 'mil -lopin.. and boi-
u-'ingiei tin. .-.in,.. ic three mile- long
.mil thieclnintli. nf , mt,. wide. 1 the
onlv leal vain ihlo land !-i the a I ley. and
will pi dilute a- line i ciche- mid gr.ipe n
.H'V othii'oii ihi- Aiiieiicui coittliieiit, bir
thev do not ninl , iimnt do well one III 1
lloiil tlii-ie up lloinl Klvi-r. I do not be-llev-
th.lt cache- or gi ipc- .: be i-iUnl
aiivwhi'ie .lien lully illor voa p- tvn
mill'-fiom the (.'olnii.bh i'ivit. I -.iv
uotlillig of n-hi't- litnt-, tor fiiiil- ate j..
nciv niivwlieie in tlivgoti. rcache
nnd gtapi . a. a oeiiet.il thing do better in,
ti... .i... .j. ..?
tin- -mii in-i ii ji.uiiii i in-r-i.nc.
Ilnoil Klvi r Is i-oliicd, ,-md the onlv w.-iv-to
get to or fioni theie in the winter i'o'i
i week. I-by mi Indliu tini!: tin h-i'-.
mice ot the "cur bo.it-i tun up the L'oluni
bli. Tlie iiionopolie the hii-ine--. ninl
chiige i-iioi mini, mti- for fieigh'-aud pi
.engei-. I'liu dl-Miice lioiu Portland i"
-Ighty mile I in- s.1. meal. l. - would
i-o.f ik miicli to .lilpn w-.igou iiom I'm t
liud to Mood lthern- It would u cor loul
lloiil Chicago lo -i in l-'r.iticbi-ii. I believe
lint a colony of 1.1HKI tiiiillle- tnlghr Im
-i'uvc fullv Inc.itnl In Ihi vilb-v bv gel
ling iie.u-ilf loot-bill-, ami hoc a hf.iltliv
lnc.it ion mid do wi-ll.
lu conclu-inu. I think thi- ciiniiitiuica
tiou will an-wcr niiiiiy ipic-tlnu-. .mil -el-tie
the miniUol a -ju'-at many with leganl
to llm Hood lilxer colony. The lnlc
iiiuiiU I have lii.uli- ate .nh'-tanilally tine,
II. If. Mtlinnuiii.
Siilem, Apiii I. 1S7.I.
tiitcitir coiitr.
lloiiliniii. Jiiilc
lr.i:Tt:i!M; juiic-1-J. Isrif,
The l'iillnx;'n, pP1v0 wvra (irlw, (mIy
einpu',,c1ca and sworn as and .fury,
tllcn for the pn-ent term : Win. Cooper.
Foreman. Oilier Iioei. I., t,. Dayton,
Win. J. Hubbard. .I.n. M Mimker-. Oco.
W. Put-on. .Inn. X. D.ivl-i.
Until A. Kyl'ir v-. Oliver A. Kylar. .ult
lor divoiee. C.iu-o cnutiuiieil mull the
next term by ngi-ement of pirtlc.
Jltitild.'i I'l-tniiu v-. I,. D. l'etmin. -tilt
tor divorce, (.'muu ri fericd to Unlit. W.
Wll-ou to take nnd lepoit tellnuiny.
J. W. McC-i-llii v.. Klr-t 1'ro.bytei inn
Chureli et nl. -Ameniled motion to sti Ike
out p.iitsof,in,wer ; argued nnd submit
ted. K. Clii-m v-. Mo-es Ditpp and Allen
I-)i ijips. Xmlou to -triko oat put of re
ply ntgitpil and Mihiniiteil.
Kihvlu Cailiight . Alfied Savage.
C.iu-r continueil until next tci fcnuit
by ngreeuient ol panic-.
Kli.i Jclll-nn v-. K. M. .lelh-ou ; i-nlt
dlvnici:. Delpudent granted leivo In
w idnlriiw delimiter In conpln lot a ud cau-e
le'eircd to K. li. Williams to take mnl
leport tc-liinoiiy.
Sii-.ui I'.ilne v-. T. 15. Illclimonil.
Ciiii-o ili-uil--eil at pl.iinf ill- cii't-i.
Sun. M. llnlcli v. Uichi-I K. II itch.
Default ol defend Hit eiileicd and nni-e
referieil to I,. I-'. William, to take ami re
port te-tlmoiiy.
licglun X.Cox v.. Aitliur M. Cos.
-.liili' ill t inn ns above.
Wm. I'otter -v. C'Ii.k. Swegle. Deiiiiii
rer to complaint iiiguid nml -u-t lined,
Mouti.ivillo Ki-k vs. S. .1. I.. White-in-ill
ot nl. iniler 'lllde granting leiveto
coiiii-t degiei: icndeicd nt llle l-Vhtuny
lei ill of Is"!.
Conit .-iiljniiriii.il to meet at il a m. to
nun tow.
I.'imiiI i'tm liniii tin- Hindi KOI.
ClllfHIO, .Imu; II. TIli'TI ' III-
uiaik iw? d -aj s n t i.if n of tweufc-exi n
wagon, nailer coiniii mil of Don- siet-eii--on,
iiiilvnl hoi.! i-t wiling liiiui the
Deai.xooiI mines m- -applies, I In y
liioilgllt ill about $.. I II II) In "iilil iut.
I'll!' -feanier Yellow. toim al-n .iiilteillu
Vi'sti'ldiy mill I I im-'Iit ".'I.(MIII hi dll.l.
hiving -old hei cii'-n of .uppllps iuiendi i
I'm-Mom, in. i to the Kl.uk lllll 1 1 In nt.
l-'oit Diet re. train . loading to-day
10.-the leluiii nip. The day n Her Nim-n's
anlvid with .applies the I'ln'ik w n -lil nt
oiitX' llonr s-Js ,i -,uk, mnl oth, i-gnm. In
pinprittioit, ll Is ('lliii'itid llmt linin
I. OIK) to 7. IIIHI mi. let's inn in Iho I)-' lil'.i mnl
legion. (ioo! city I- locitcd III iitile-we-t
ot Ileal' Ituttii nnd D-mlwonil en
tiilli's not lit ol'Ciook Clly. DmiIwouiI
(iiilch Is ihout tliiiti mile- long. Kwiy
poition of it is hiliig in liked Willi il din-,
wliicli piy fioni ijO'iOio j-."i ii iliy, wiih
occ.Kioiially pockets ylulillug much niote,
I-our iiii.-ii Ion!, out In nun day llltceii
pouinl- nl gold Il.iiOti. Another clnhn
ylelileil fioni ij..snu in vJ.-OO per day, two
gangs of leu men euli beln employed In
milling day mid night. I.nigu parlies Invu
gone to the Dig Horn region fiom llm
lllii'k Hills. Tho head of the l.lttle Mis
sourl is nl-n being pnvipecteil. Of 12 men
who cmiiu hi ypsteiilay, noun uru dlssstis.
lied with III iik Hills irisioi-ts. and uoi.c
express fairs ol Indians. Many rich pros,
poets am renoileil from llm rapid i-ieek le
gion. So Indlilis went .run by tho pnitv
on their way In, nor by the last lew nif
ties which lull here, hi going to tlm Jtiitk
Hills, pot- hive any hern -ecu about Dead
wood sin,-,, the iliim the in illti 1 i:Xx'dltii'ii
lelt Uiicnlii .mil otlirr jHiiuts lor tin,-Yellowstone.
A fall line ol siniiinur goods jst rcn-iv.
cl ami for -ulo 4t Ilreyuwii Urns.