WTT.T-AMETTE FARMER. 6 the da.y. Tlie Secret of Making Good Butter. WHItmlS l'rucllciil Hutter-lJook rives tlto process of nmldiif.' tin celebrated JMiiliidclplila butter, iis liillovvt : T! o priiifr-lniii-i' I- about 1- feet by - t feci. Ituilt (lstinc, Willi it foiiiiilutinn -it lt-op in tin- liill-iili-, tin- lli-or belli- about four feet below tin1 level of llie ground at tin' tlown-liill-iile. The floor iof oalc, laid, on -ami of snivel; this is lloweil with water In tin il"th nl throe inches, anil at this liciirlit tlu- water pac out into a lower tank at the lower Mile of tin -piliijr-liuu-o. The milk is trained into deep pan which aro .-et in the water upon the oaken Hour. Ilal-ed platform-or walk arc provided In the room for conveni ence liaiiillin;,r tlie milk. The wall-ol the 'priii,'-lioii-c are about 1') feet hiu'h and at the topon eaeh siileaie wiinlnw-i-oveied with wire I'loth for ventilation. The depth of the milk in the pin- i- aliout three inelie-, and the flowing water wliieli -urrounils the pans in iin lain a temperature of about s (ley;. Fahrenheit. The milk i- skimmed after sliiudiii- il hour-, and the cream i-ptit nitodeep UsEfdL lNpOFfrtyJIOfJ. TlIK IMilll'l.K Timi: TO Fi i.i. Ti.m Hint. .Some year -Ihce, I wrote an ar ticle for your paper in which 1 contend ed that utter the tree was in full leaf was the proper time to fell timber. Since then I nave -ecu an article -tat-ing" that actual experiment"! made by the l'u ian government had -hown that the winter was the be-t time to fell timber. Thirty-one years uro, I, was ena-aired in ilearintr up a liirsre plantattnn. and buiIdin'liou-e-, -table- etc, witli lojs cut from the wood-. I soon discovered that there wa-a differ ence in the lasting of tlitl'erent tu-es of the Mime kind. I alo noticed that, in killing the trees to clear the land, ome trees, would decay much eailier DlSK-AI'M AND lilHMAWK. illO lUissian Ulobe makes a comparison be Iween the-e two statesmen trom which we take an extract. Mr. uisraeii.sirivLs above all things to make .show; his pol itical surprises are only calculated to produce an etfeet on the outside world, and there is really very little behind them. Prince HL-marck, on the other hand, goes- to the root of the question he deals with, and cart's- but little about the Impression lie makes on the public." little The D.illa-i Uemizi;' savs: A eiiiiu of t'liaues i o, ni .c -' x.ifiiivi.K- i- !. .ubli'ct of .-ome interest. When he' was about to die lie told tbo-e A Ci;nti:nviai, Sioiit. A PhlLi delphiti i-orre.sVni(Ieiit to the IJostou Jiiuniul says: "I saw tlilsiirteriioiiliaiu a hor.se car on Chestnut street, iicui-iim- inedlv of nationalities. There were two delicato Spaniards, wrapped in lone cloaks, such as one sees hi .Madrid and Valencia. These. .Spanish exotics were ranged on either side of a blonde and burly German, who refn-e-- to understand their hints to change his seat and allow them Hi sit together. On the same side of the car were two young Swedes, dressed in short frieze coats with green collars, which the Gci mans and Scandinavians mi uuiver-.-ally adopt when they go abroad. l'heso rosy and healthy suns of the &J&.JD X I- 3E3 3F."5r , HARNESS. in attendance that he was going to -ee , Xoitli talked in loud voices, as al-odid M.: i;,,i. .;... i- u lui hail tueii a low day- previoti-, ami that lie would hold ner in his arm- unui pa ' , " -'", than others; and that trees girdled in I j?,. di..,j. mated Hi- burial suit and the the early -miner, lust before the bud- ....i,. ,?.,, !,, u-hicli ho was to be ding of the leaf, would rot oil' at the inJrjj, (.omidcring that this little place where the tree was girdled; and fellow 'was but live vears old, It was that trees girdled In August would -oou .. r ,i... ,mir ntlectinir deathbed decay in the win wood and bark, but .,.., i... ,vti ,.ver heard of. lie sent the Spaniards, and were naturally, the observed of all observers, lleyond the Swede -at an iOnglish youth, of downy chin, faultless umbrella and sixteen shilling trousers. Jn the corner was a darKey lolling hi- eyes, and opening his tuick lips witli wonder as he heard the Hab.-l choru-. and opposite him -at an Irish woman with a market lu-Uet. HAVIN'O FimciIANKII TI1K INTKHKsT 01" Mr. Wiill.ln.lK In tlienlil etiiblUhel hou-e In tbs ith.vi' Mile, the attention f Hit community l calitd t-ilhe -lock or on hutut. ulilch ( oilt-ml At :ruall iviIimoI rntfit. SADDLES AND BRIDLES At loue-l t!riui;er pilot Hardware, Whips, Robes, etc., To ull evoryli.dv. R. H. DEARBORN. Salem. Fell IS. ls wild Mrs. Rohrer's New Rymedy 2?0!R TEE LUNOS IS MKHT1XU WITH WUXHKltFVL SL'CCKXS ' that the heart would remain sound for for all of his playmates, and alsmi little This, atided to the American, croud rflllts. I'l'KKI.Y Jl 11.1 Hiim Iti tli VEC1TAULB IIKUKD1 II S vHt-t iiiitl (tire Di t im?h 1 iintf. V-llllllrt. bltHM'lllll-. t lOtlh, Whllilllln-r -Mull. Mva- "--. ." iciiian. -...... .... ior allot lus playmates, nun umhiiiuc This, added to the Americans erowd- -iiini, ui.kw-i.iu-. iu., wn iiu -11111.11. mm- years, i lie conclusion 1 came to was 0 . ; j claimed, mid hid them . injr t10 r.,n.ii,Ki,,r r iie.LMt 'inii lhei',e''.J:V- ?' ,",i,"",1iu-1',Ii !;'''"''''''-"''' that the pre-euce of -a,, in woo. cau-ed , a .())K,1)y MoTO dying. I ixi MldU h good vaK which T ' &"" x,. lClOUeca., JUKI lliat IllO sap It'll rM" ' amn mm im m n liMl mill I I, n. ..... ,iviur.rii.til in tli,. li.rhl..r T MiiOin all Irlteiv (it lmrll.ee flioulj ! wlilrrriS. i'imij .11 me ii ci yt in i.i; nit i.ii.f it inn making leaves, new s-m wood, and ... . ..,,. vessels having a capacity of about li! bark; and tin;-, at the fall of the leaf, yf j AUAIVlb, M.D.. A.M. LLJ., allons. Jt i- kent at a temperature of .'iSdeg. or Hi dog., until it acitiiie- a -lightly acid ta-te, when it goes to the churn. The churn is a ban el revolv ing on a journal in each head, and driven by iior-e-power. The churning occupies about an hour; and alter the buttermilk is drawn oil, cold water i added, and a few turns given to the chum, and the water then drawn nil'. Thi- is repeated until the water as it is drawn i nearly I iw ironi iiiilkiiit--. The butter i-' wiirked with butter-worker-, a dampened cloth meanwhile being lire cd upon it to ab-nrb the moistiiie and live it nf butteiniilk. Tlie cloth i-lreiin ntly dipped in cold water and wrung ilrv during the pro- 'ess nl ''w Iping the battel ' It J-net i -altod at the late nf an mince of -alt to three of butter, ilioioughly and evenly j incorporated by mean- nl" the butter-' worker. It i- then removed to a table when it i- weight d out and put Into pound print-. Alter thi- it goo- into large tin tray-and i- -et in the water to harden, loiiiaiuing until not morn- I ing, when it I- wrapped in damp cloth and placed upon shelve-, one alnive another, in the tin lined cedar tub-, I with ice in the compartments at the end, and thou goes immediately to, market. Matting is drawn over the J tub, and it is -uriouiidod again by oil-' loth -o as lo Keep out the hot air ami dust, anil the butter arrives m prime odition, commanding the Inglii price. thu sap went into the heart or body of the tree. If any one will cut a green tree after I the fall of the leaf, and put one end in a hot lire, he will .-non .-ee sap ooze out of the whole -tiel;, even in the middle; but cut a -tick after full leaf, and the t sap will run out near the bark. All timber that lasts well has but little sap at any time ; ail timber that decays ea-ily has a great deal of sap, -uch, for1 Instance, a- the -agar maple, elder,aud -ycainoie. All carapenter.- have seen iargt o;iio on J'irt .street, i lli-iw 'eu Taj lor ami Stimuli,) PORTLAND, - - OREGON. niVtK I! 'Cur t lion rnr!n C'liiuiile UIcnoi III h JL fit. i cuti'tliii'irii iiitiritMi. l.y itew tind ratlniiu? iK'tliuili of tri..!ii.t'ia. uu iniHlerate tciui. Ue lie '.mi;' to no fchool " o!' nii'dicliii-, Imt, ndmiitlng tlii-io l i-.Miitf 'ni'li in Al.i.pmliy. Itydi.ipatliy, Ho u.eopahy, ..'nl M-iiU'.'i-yi, lie ivji-cti tUem all :ia "mile, letnlnhi.' luim cwli w atmer t-xpcrlfnCL' lian timbers that were perfectly rotten in-own t., Ik-bi-iu'iK-iai. n boi.i- that iiamau.iion- in tne middle while the out-ide wa- aiip.irently -mind. Tills decay must ha o been cau-ed by the pre-euce of somobing b.'-ide- he.it ami nioi-ture. V- the out-ide wa- -mind while the in--ide was decayed, this must have been s.ip aim miming ei-o. T.tkly. Ark. .i. II. Muoni:. Scii'iiliiic . inu'i'ifttii. The- Glacial Epoch. l)oubtle.-s all of our readers have noticed lho-e iaige, round rock- called bowlders that lie -ca tiered over many -ectious of the country. These monu ev r whII iMd In "iliiiif, i.m run- thoe chronic dU-LM-i'i w lil. h now luiile tin.' t-klll of nil the tLlinoli", .ai i In no oTIu'i ifouritf- lli.ni ihuso obtained Iiy inidi.u' .ill (tit- iiu-ilt il li il; vol imhllrheil the ' Ec-1- Ik ' autli'iriili.'-n it t'Xiet.'.l. Hut In doe hold tint li h' v-tetn iift.l citPd KVctric Vapor IlillH, .ltd 'iv 'Kilii mi Uk' 1 ti-l, the bi.iin, and gpiual tn-rxe- liv i oniitei-iirllaut' .Hid hai-mli-isi nied'clnt'c, vwrv .a-ei-'d orjn;i In .lie Vi1 cun lioiri-Ptorud, . tvie intfie im n-n im iuinoii:ici evolution re u ilni; in an entlro I0-4 ..t tiMicifon. lie lia demon I -tnled thi- in ei v l.unv iiHtmi;".. It ciirnnr eveiy e le lie h 1-: li 1 J of ll.II .1 ' tor lini liliUlown to fume I h1 t'lomniiKed ' Iticnra'.li! heart dii-eie," livpidc- liivlnu reach-d rises of s.u!itlii, ScrjfnU, Khcnniu I ti-m, Cnii"iinitiou, BrljliiV Kidney, Drop',. Liver C.imiililnt. i'l.o. Aiwiiri'tn', Tune worm, Tiimo-n, . womli tio'ihl.", ri'pep.-li. hralu dlia-e-, Ac, when "uiieiei nmi -int it -uu 01 uio'iev 011 "eminent i,i..iii. t ...,.t l..v,...i,.. i.nm.i.U,. l.Al.l Ptiylc'aii,' all li. 11.1 in.piiw. Ihe Dr. claim to . . . . I. '- -.... o... ..v.... , :M within their stony breasts many secrets ATt' ni'-te.'ded ill tiUKilhit.j calvHltlltl ho a. to make u UK,' i:ie ,ncv .-l .11111,111 iiHu'iuti'in, iir-ilu lite, 1 lll'it s'lVint-; lv.ve lnni'i'd to knmt.- nnd I "' f'T'e. or the uu nirill'ifil)' unlunr uliich, whin iiiai aaui.-. nasi oilmen 10 Know, anci 1 3Mt,j. ht.,lN a c lra1ll. W0114 hl ,he ,,nd Toll it we interrogate them we can learn a i -en-turon.-h the hi an, :.nd oM-rti.e eitrht pair r Erlects of Cold on Milk. tale of thrilling interest. .Many 1 back, according to our ideas of time. . j but of recent date if we leckon by the 1 geological calendar, our earth lay I buried beneath ice and snow. Grim I winter hold universal sway, and where ' tropical Nun- now mmr down their rays then howled arctic blasts; whore now a prodigal vegetation prevails ! then reigned the de-olatiou of the poles. I Ki 0111 the geilogi-t we learn that dur- ! ing thi- Period a -ub-idenco of time-on- tineiiis took place, and with it a move io-iis 1 nerve to eierv inru-iH offtt'inie in tne oody. while '-"." ' ., I.... . I.. - .... .1. .u. ..... ........ mil- inrcr - Md--l.li; ...n.Hlfll Hie 'l II. I ll-f OSIll in tlr Dr. own invention, . .nil, conililniiii: nil the ad vintage ol the Tuikihli and other Imth and heinir diAold of 'heir till Jiid d-n.-er. i i.ionoiinced ljv tlm-e vtlin have irled the tvt Imli In Knrope, the tv.steni iltie. C'Jllloruta. and 0re'0u, far "iipcrlur to .vwyof them. Ota of a ho-t of certltlratoi a to the remit of hit tieitment wnich could piihilslied, the fnllowina .vioivle e.l touil("ef. They do not embrace, how ever, the 0111s lemaikaNeul his cures: -i;nritr'i:A-rKS. The following extract is from the l.ouiiou I .'.meet, which is con-idoied very high authority on all subject- ad mitted to its enlumus: The etl'oet- nf -i low leiiinei-iliti-i' nil ! Ullollls too ; p ace, allil With It a move- , . ..,..,, , ,. r ,', ","!' . , "re"-n V'"- 1 111- ti,i 1.1- ui .1 tow iLiiiiei.iiiui. "li 3 , 1 . . I "'iliere ' f... 11 ci- from HllnluV Udney. enlurired milk haw been carefullv examined bv "lent ol a-t tielils ni lie; and it i- to . pmnute .i,d."r.niic-.i.iriiot i.inr.ier. itnuuej .M. Kug. Ti-serand, who" reeently coin-' this -ource we inu-t look for bowlders I rtL;,V-Vi-t;VIli,:, .?" V. Jll ii?" w"t Si municated hi- olorvatution- to tl..and .gravel-beds As the-e inon-ter 2Va V"i.inVXw"lrf.u5irin "A 7; cadeniie des Sionee- He found moving ma-r-es plowed along thev wore ai.ie to work in im.vit. and have u.nked ever Bince. Hint if onw,' milk- Is. (miieiliiitnlv m- down the hill- and plailodoff the rocKs P '.'l1"'1; el1 -'"J I'-VI-y- Or. Adima certainly -oon after being draw ii, iilaced ill ve- leaving great iiiark-upon their -urlaee, els at various temperature- between ! v' m la-ting legi.le characters the ;or n , r year i ,-. .,, '''';'' wompii. . .. . I II . tii.lll .! . II 'I'l... i.iii. ili.H ..J-'' .....-,... ... . -., v nlUHlll UI1U 1 II t till IIIICII I. M. illlll dliellt t(i I In III Mill (lnl-nr mi ilnlnra in Vmu V.rL- iimI s,ui eram.'1-cti, mid (tliln'tet much, If any. roller. I rtn.li toiicliit'ilti)TiHfuTheadicethat.Iudgellnm-a-.tniriu' imIit fill, and u'acc myt?di under the IMlt 'li l)l. . I.. Ail 1111. lift f rulttiiiitif itjlnntjlw.rl the fact that uias-es are found u consid-1 u.,e ln i'" r:';u!''' ;im ':''' '10D' i'in. and have been ..isil.1.. .lUt.i...... r.-,i. H... iii.vtli,.,- ,.,.,.!.-. ?"." ,hl,,!,i ' ''" .,,r I'.iiilreti,iei,t. lam, in ' "- - ..".. ..." ....-.,... ,..... ,Hllt i n,. inn,, ,i li.irticiilar. Ax Ast)Nisiii:i Fi:i:.vcit.w.N. When the prneos-iou from the plait. irin i wanted to move into the in.iin building a multitude of weary people blocked the way, packed like herrring-, but the ' police lorue without a blow elcaiod the , I way. There were not more than a i hundred policemen on duty at this point. The crowd iitimbcaed at lea-t j (0,u(J(). The same scene wa- repeated i half a doy.cn times, :md still there was! no disturbance, and there was no one hurt. One of the French C'onini-i-ion-er.-, viewing thi- -pectaclo from the grand stand, exclaimed in amazement: "i!y heaven-! 1 never saw such a peo ple. A hundred policemen keep back ten ol thou-ami-. tt i-woniiertiii. in my country there would surely have been bloodshed." it was indeed wonderful; but that there Was no blood shed, that everything passed offipaiet ly, that the opening of the Centennial was a success, wa.s due entirely to tbo good sense, the patience, the coolness, the presence of mind of the American crowd. s. I". 0. CUIi)MVAJ?. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OI'KltA llOUsK, SAtKM. K. (..riier. M l.ei.l of -lair. fel2v I.N TlIK ACUICI'l.Tl'ltAI. IlAI.I.. The Canadian exhibit in this hall is particularly good in reapers, mower-, IATOIUS BIXX., 8uccuHor lo J. M. Keki.kk .t Co., !)S l.lbci-t5 nt., - .VKW Ot(K, OoiiliilirSMloil --Vtroilt iOR UUVING AND FUKWAKDINtl KHOM ' Now York via Iihinn. 1'HCill Kallroid, and Ca llortt. all kind of MeicbamliM. and for the att" of Product lioni ifte Pacific coast, for the collection of inonev. Ac. octStf JOKES & PArTERSOW FAJIM8 FOR SALE -iMl- Buy uiid Sell City Property. RENT HOUSES, NEGOTIATE LOANS, -AMI Make Collections. FOE. A0-E2.TS Mutual Life lusuraiice Company OP NKW VOHK. plows, harrows, root and straw cutters ' Union Fire Insurance Comp'y and horse-power-. The variety in I op ban kkancisco. lilowb is if anything greater than in our show, although tbo number nf plow.- is much .-mailer The turnip-drill in the Canadian collection is evidence of a,cttl ture ditlerent from ours. With a poor climate for corn, they make turnips and peas stand them in good stc.nl. i f the excellence and prolusion of iheir wheat, barley, rye, oats, potatoes) and grasses, there is no need to .-peak. Canada has also poi table engines, eider- pre.-ses, potato-digger.-, snow-plu w.- for 1 pwBurou ai.b all jiv liKAt. k-tate !. .i.i. ..i... . i i mi JL in b alM.oio uty, a.ili"ift iH.'of uu orlftlla Oona. breakinjr winter road-, irr.un-drill-. nr. i,j. ,, l,,i; . ei.k ni . J..ui....t tllld liay-llKkdor.S. Iiol.:uiiUo'li'it', t.vo thii.l ti.h' la.ud uira.hiw.'ai- KnolvJir'.! to Ik; tliw Hct i-fiuk claiiu in th: countv. Ai a l.ru Inlcii-t In tli.i Jiii.ur iimi.nl AHi'll. Ill A a. porlio i ol' .?ohii Adair' docation (ilaim. ln qulieol lU!llli-tlll)jr. T. v. ifOWkltS. At'o. Ma'in 4, lKJI.tf KKSI' OX HANI), POK OUATUITOt'S OIKOU iatlon, their " Ko-frii.live l.'ii.d Clroilar," a"d ' i.iitii' Ciinilai atid Wfatlii-r Kvo.i ol kOi eon iilBfH on around rluir. Ol'EHA HOUSE. BLOCK, SM.KV. 'iltKO'iv. aplhj RAEE OPPOBTUNITY FOE Profitable Investment. 31. A. SxulUi, jSxrtljmX, Salem, Oregon, deukr iu Sterco-copf and sierco. , iconic View?, aud Scene ul salem una thu Mirromid- liiL' country. Lltc.ize l'fiolo'iaih, lu India Ink. oil I or Water Color. ;11 Jieo.ing point anil '.hi- I-., ami Hie in itial temperature is maintained for tweniy-four or thirty i. hour-, it will do found that the nearer the toiupera tuieol the millc 1- to livcziug point the mole rapid is the collection ol .-leani, the inure cou-ideiable is the iiaiititynf ii-eani, theainoiintol bultor is greater, and the skimmed milk, the butter ami ehee-e are of a hotter qual ity. The-e fact-, he holice-, nitty be -vplaiue.l iy I'a-toui-'-ob-orvatlou-on ion. .out-, ,tml then- cil'e.-ts nil the iiiodia in which tbo.v IKo. It is prob able that the rel'i igoratioii arre-ts the sol it tii ni of the living organism- wjiich -et up fermentation, and hinder- the . Iiangt- w hifh are due to their growth. The licl- -tated indicate lunm for groat iiiipinvonioiit iu the methods of -toiago aim pro-crvatiou of milk. To Loop unlk at it- oilgin.-il ipiality, o. tri'iue cleanliness and n low tenipora tuioaie ab-otulely necc ary. hi the .North of Ihn-ope, Doiiinark, etc., the value of cold I-already locogiii.od, and in waiinercliiiiatvsthe need lor it,-m -i-taui-o i- greater. There 1- nothing impractiiable in the stigge-tioii, -ince iiiiinlng -tioaiu-eaii be used to aid io frigoiatioii. Where the (inullty of the milk i-ofgieater iiiiportuuce, ice may I.i' euiployod. TO MY MOTHER. Tiiuu lines ar lovlnirly lU-iLoutvU lu mv Hllgul llllhllfr. , iiiollii'i', dent- mother, ioium ilown, 'rum Din i.fiiuis of ilit. iiiiiruim: mint tiirlli, mi llio uliimlh y iliy Iuh uilieniiili'riitsti. nr ii kkiimhi rulurii in earili, ..t-l ttiy I'hllil, iiL, my luntliii-, lit, tuiiliu- lli iiirt-, Tilt) iU HkIU hihI iIki ktitss 1ih u lunx kmm n liU ra.ur. .el uitt It'fll thy KKfet lllllii.'tin xu-tv, '1 In. tiloain ol ill v li.iv liiali ittnie.l. My olireks xliitiu with iihiiwIu lilt h teir, In Ilio flir 1 Minn iiixy Im IhIiI; ', tli I'liilil imtli kmvti sin emce you to-f In llie Uis, Ami l.Uililiik Imx lidfii (.'ildf, nmi UU nitMt lias heoii Uti. 1 iiiicm ws thy fnvnrllH chlM, W'lioii tlio liinl ot mv lllo lt.ll lis lo.lf, My tompfi wns iyMiti hihI wilil, Mul otloii thti rau-o ol' thy until, Yet 1 lovml I lieu, my uiollier, ami httll.in thy nntiic, I'nr 1 UuowtliiU mlliiloai circles thy luow. l'eiir Mother, draw near la ihy hoy, In my pris ui thy loving wnie'li Keep, Till my ...iilieiit hoarl wish J y, t'l.iue lo me in .lleHiti ulioti 1 hleep, vVuh lnli;lit visions of hoaeu til slitlnm; I'llllltol, Anil laid i-luo to iby uosiim my sin-riven soul. A. II. Oii'!n ri'iilii'iill.iry. Iil-tory of thisora. The howidor- gravel adhei'ed to the ba-e of the glaciers, and as they melted were scat tered over the -urface. To this 1-due We can a-cribe the dritt and il- huge bowlders to no cau-e ,-ave moving ice. Thi- work is nowgoingon in the Alps, and a i Voids a tine illu-tration of what iran-piiotl iu the far off ago- of the pa-t torliarv period. The debris thu traiisported wasof all diinen-ious, Irotu the large-t rock to the -malle-t pebble. One at ISradfotil, Mas-achusott-, weigh l.oiin.iioo pound-, and measured thirty) foot each way. Tho-e ice-field- gener ally moved In a direction between j southeast and southwest. i l'orui.N'i. Ti:.. There i- more to be learned about pouring out teaandcotl'ee tliau most ladies aro willing to believe. If the-e decoctlans are uiadu at the table, which i- by far the best way, they require experience, judgment and ex actness; if i hoy are broaght mi the table ready made, it 'till requires judg ment so to apportion them that they shall prove -ullleient in qualitv for the family party, and that the elder meni- neissiiiiii n.ivo llie -lioilgcu is. HlOll u-ir t ed no ill a r-lutli. It 1....-1..,.. .. .,,,!,,.. r inn niiiuuitie -n in lint tlirvatii.i-d to kill It .villi r .ktlilt.t. ati.-nt.iit tor th. h.,uo. rtt of oilo'i. ih iu,'!i. im iea-oii tliuimbic will mi-di'1-t.in,'. I .... noi ,'ive inj fiilluaniu. F.O.C. Yvjiiiim. ' ot stv. Fell. 10. 1811. I urrn.iv uMrs 1 nj. i Mi.U'ier uom th ouic rlien ,nit in .ll-n.. 1 ,- nil.", and palpitation or thu leart i lint III, mi a inirden. 1 tninllv went to I'linlaiid. Jiid a- uiu'd Iiy Dr. W. I,. Adam,. I mn i.o.v Ir.-u luim i. iin, H'nl i.in work lni'd all dav lth-oiillK'iii.'tii-.l Mttmiuli 5(1 jour- old, I rui-lllkea li j.mIii TiiotK'iiult 1 irut IV..m hi treatment is m tli in iic I, i m; than all theuoldin Nevada O. 11. ADAM. LiTT'.K KaI'l. W. T., Jin, 5.1 18711. In hamnu'i n.-a p'eie ol leel. a tra'ineiit ol It prn i'li ited mv leu ie. lueiit to Portland, (lullerin,' piin that I . iiin.it dcrihe. tor medical aid. Aner "ai in mi- i-aiinii-u uuu loiiu'eien. tnev to a me tint ni) j innt be tat.ni nut, a it aiiupolble to lie ll.ni.il nil' il I.ildu't hae it taken out I would lo-e the .Murrey . too On mv ay to the hotel, a 1 kmiiI Sun ir Mil itllUfd me, before couentini: to bo lutilii'ii'd to e l)r Anain. I d il -o, thank God ' indheaon relieved me or palii, look thu teel from . nil i.j... mul i ii red me tini; my ee, t-avln' me Ir.im L'ri.U -ii'UtIii,'. .ind i.viii'. nie iver.il hundred t.iollirs I ti'.'l iiijic iiielnl toward him than Ian- ,'UJ,'eiai. ipn , IIinhv Bouru. ("i.Aitht Kit.. W T veb, 3, ISTii j My Miin.'e-I In'ie, niiieh wettTlnsl eiht anj thren. . iimriur iioiind ivhen horn, leil tl to i-even pouiid in.i a hall iu three ii.outh,, a it had nevtr retaluiil a , piriieiein iniiKoii ii toiiiarn, nut avid i,v nckiti: llor.-Olls IIOII1 nut ten. win, nut Iwiln.r , ttoti. nn aware that ihe first eitn istbn w-pak..sf:lurr',"..V.Ai:'t',,,,'!.''.?1'l." !?.' i?uo . . . ' " i - ..iuuuuii in uui'inr ci hi rav anil mat tne tea grows stronger s you 1 pio.veil, bc-tow llie iiooivt cup upon 'the gieito-t -traiiger, and give tho j -tronge-t to the very younge-t member i ot the family, w no would have been ' better without any. Where several cup- of equal -ticiigth are wanting, i you should pour a little into oach cup, ' and then go luek. insetting the older i asyuti till tbeiti up, and tlie stieiigth will he. apportioned properly. This is , so well understood in Kiiglaud than an .experienced pourer of tea wait- till all the cups nl the company mo returned . to her before she tills any a econd time thai all may -hare alike. oisiiiixnr i' nrvix Plants. o.its is a native of Xnrth Africa; rye came originally from .'siberia; enrn from In , di.i; wheat trom i'uinpe; buckwheat from Siberia; celery from iieriiuuy ; the union from Kgypt; tobacco from , South Aineiieiiitlie nettle from Europe; tha citron fioui Asi;1; the parsnip from Arabia ; par-ely from .Sardinia ; the pear anil applo Ironi Kurope; tho pota to Irom 1'eru; the horse-chestnut from Thibet; the cucumber from the l.ast Indie-; the quince from the Island of , rote; the radi-h from China and Jap an; the hor-o radish from South Ku- lope; theniii-k-iiielluii from Africa; tlie cantaloupe fiom Xorih Amurica; tho water-nielon from .Maderia, etc. it ! Tt uill illilv .lln ,1... -in. in r. Oiieiier.oii.li 1'iver. advised metotakeit to Di Adt n. nt I'oitmtil. t ii'tfui. I did mi, anil lu brov mouth' It ia a lit, li Hindu,; boy. weiithlii" I'.iirte.n pound II b.'j.iu to live on milk from the time Oi Ad mi. Ii.-au lo treat It. 1 iniisider it al m.it ii initJiuiou cme, aim o do othei. I'make till -I itt'ineiit fir thv' liviivJ.nl oilier mtteren.. Saiuu. J. WAtUGVIIV. ., . , , ,, , t'liu vim, Feb. 1, IsTil, After Invlmr filled too anj rellet ln.ui ihy,le.iu hue lor an iiukuowu trouble Ivvroteto llr. Ailiui. or Portland, Oreitou, trivlm; my .vinplom. lie rent ne uie.llelne for a tapeworm. IUo.ni relieved me or one tvvi'iitv or thlity feet loti. iUn 11. il I'orti nii. March 7. IsTil. lain now Is u'Jr old-hive -uttered an none but inv'elt kmm. itice I was H years old, with :m',ii.w ni,, lirM tiimor. Il'iula, worm, ami lu-uiorrliage, hlch eminent ph)iclan Jjiat auied me they could mil cure. I have now been under Dr. Adam' treat ment one iiuntli. and leel like a new man. Ill' treat iiient In ri'tnril to nie to act aliuii't mtMCiilourly. a I via relieved of marly every panieleof my tni'ihle In a verv ,hort time aner I betrm tieatment I reel a Ihni.-h 1 would like lu recommend other 'iirterer to ,0 vi Here I at.il many other did and uot relief. liLoiwE W. Swam;, Dn An t write no prercrlptlou, and rarely end out medicine, a little can be doue for such a u.iill) uieJUl aid iiue lie can have the patient under hi constant watch aud care a the tieatuient advance. Only letter couulultij Hamp, slIus )tiiptoi. and aklu,i ror an opiulou, will be antwer ed. l'atleni may rely upon belug dealt fairly and hoitiMlv with no deception, no falsehood, no limn Iniirglii j, to pet people' money, " Do unto other aa ou would have them do to ycu," I a rule lie Is tryiup; to live up to. A Ln it) ulvt:i)n in tlie OOlcc, lo ukaUt lu Creutlua; AVomcu. VouTLisu, March, l6il, mblTtf How to Oblula luteilts. KKTAIM.ISI1KD 1855. Any person ilesirin iuloiuuiiou tin to the mod o takln; out patent, can tend a ieo,uet to the Faiou ofllcu, accomp-uiled by a one-cent riauip, and will ceive by tuail u copy of the levired Futent law aud pamphlet containing lull liiraiuiatioiia to how iuv tioun can be tutciited. Agent lor tho Willamette Puriner. Aluiey... i... Amity llethel lliieiin Vita Unite niHippuiutnii'iit Iliovvii'ville Diittevllle Canou City Caii)onville Cole' Valley Cottage Oi-iio Cove Corvnlll Ore well Clackamn Camp Creek Uall.ia Drain' Umnacti Davton Dalle- Eat I'tirtltud Umpire Oily Klktnn Kou Valley Kslulelil Korf-t Grove Oo-lieu Oervai Oreeuvllle Ilu1ey IIoikI ltiver llarrl-bui!.' Ilill-boro ltepniT Iliitenelldell l JlllKtlou .lack-onvili. . leller-ou Kellu.'.''- LevvUvllle I.aOrmide I.ir.ijvlU' Lebanon ,. Me.id'lwvllle Mi'Mtnuvllle Milihell Monmouth Needy New Km I'wi'lUvlllo Nnrlb Vamlilll... Oakluid 0vi'-o Ott O recoil City Oclioco l'eti'lletoa l'eorla Portland l'rtneillle Perrydale ltlckre.il ltoebur Sclo Sllverton Shedd' SprliiKllelil Siirlnvrvvatr h'lbllmlty , weet Hume I Sherldau Pilot Kick ; Ten Mile Turner , Vancouv er , Wheitlind WllHiuette r'ork Walla Walla Woislburti Waldo Willow fork.... Youcalla Zona i .1 K ilaiiinm 11 t: Cetchell I. II r-'iaei' Wui Well, J W ll.i'irt S liiil'dMlkel W H Kilk I W Ilacliiidei , 1) II l.'liincliuit r. W Colli.'' W It Clarke I II shornl.l.'e ..!' shoemaker. U P Kendill I ij.K Wood vui.i &Uocoe Kiuik . ."..OVA-llil!1 Olt Ioililiueii.ev ,...'.. ..I U l.ee. DM fSiitliri'e KreWfOn .v Diaiu , KKoihc-f , K C Iladiw ex S L lit. .ok ..lacoli Willaxaette Nus-serv G. W. WALLING & SON, PKOPKIKTOKS. O&wego, Clackamas co., Oregon. Urowm-xof tbo Choice't VarieUwHOf rB.XriTTK.UHSk til-CRtr-BBSKlT Pattlcnlar intention given lo Clieny, Prune and Plnm tree ' IS". no cr's Prize Kli.errJ '(IO.KKS IMSTOX Market Vriahlc SJa 'I'll' i-lie.UH-t au,l lie.t eedi irnnrim Tir '" ""' ""'ket. Send two S. VLGETABLE ",".,-r'""i,'i,r"ii-i1''-"'' w ... lai.n.jujj,,! -s. ,IV. ,ricv. W. H. SPOONEH, Boston, jfxss FLOWE Rgi; SEEDS. SEEDS. J. O. SHSX.TOH. -US. Bv XHVNiriAN AN II StHkKttM, s A l.EM JL l OrriL'ini ClrtlCH. titiut. r.Him in. mihH Ifuiir nA Inlitis.i'i.riile N. O. PtlrrUli hrick Cininuirda1 titidt Kal ID W ii.ehe'te.i I deuce, nor 'len-t curlier r?rtiut ami Uivi'iou ftrwu, A 11 Mail, i Belli ltntduate ot llie ltv.vi.io-jiri.lral, or CnrtU A 0 tiiiittue ColUvtu, Ciiiiiiitiari, Olito, wo a.ie pit.iy reloiiuiuom 1 .1 Ilievan I practice, diK'ardinir alike both uiliieial and v.-trtabtt s lliiu'lie. WLOnl! ioion Vty 1 liaunfiikf I sliepiniil .tltaitH' I K Pienu T.I Uluk i WP Wm'.hh ......llll'llll Sllill'.l A l.u.liiiiu Morrow X llerreti VI. Il.-lfin .Smith, lim-rtilil .v Co ,C I. Le.vuni M Peter-on W F Wet All Kill...'.- I M Iti-wlev s KIIvvoiiii Dr Poiiplcl.iu. A IIHin-y -II Cl.tlv.-t.Ti.il UK l.Vu-iilc v A Held II llrevmiii W Watelioe m Morel in.i .) Canto ...P 1' Cihtleinaii ..Sl'Le Salem Flouring Mills. BUST FAMILY rLOUH, BAKKKS KXTHA, XXX. 1JUPKHKINB AND OKAHAM, MIDDLINGS, UKAN, AND SII0UT8. CoiiNtuii tl" ou HiiikI. FiltrliOfst. Price In OA..lI Paid for Wheat AT AZ.X. TZMS. Sewtlltr K. 0. KINNKV, AJeut S. K. M. Co MRS. 0(JDT!N; DCSIewait il.i'iieror r'omlli IMl A stus-t, Porllantl, Or.. ' '4 tljrJVi ! rrm:it and yiTTKK of LAIUks' and CIIIL- Ml ,.I'l ?,r' 'lr?"-.s,lt. lalU-rM Curtl-' Model-) Al-.s ... .Ill .'s'tifiij.'iler SrAMPlNCi ind DKsIiSNINC) 1 all It buiuhr-.- Vif.'i.0.'.1 INITIALS nndv to Older. PA ITKllXs of all lind ! ". 'v,',,," C""J' nieiuri,iieiit. 'ei..in llxhi.- at n .ll-tmitv " 1Vi,T..! I -" ''". Hie late.t lj l.- I,, suii Material liii!t "'.'..,',', ;,,. i'V ""? i"e 1 " reielpi or iiu-t and wu-t iiii.iuu. A.-ent state l.rni.'e i uthei-Tiiooi i. - .in , w.......i.iu ...,..,..i..i.. :":.i....:.:::::::vi:;"e-iVot v""r"'"-'""'- ni.i.i-.'i).,..!i-.'...n,v. jlmJ K A l'jtlel-oii .VuViuii'iwi.. ti' Mnki'i5 -Pure-Ered Fowls for Sale. ..v.'Vw'Mp:iVv;.;;;AcMVheeie'r'T.'G,1.,'r .NU, kahms. hukf co. , l, H.ivvv JLJ ehlli. Ilnmlauf, sv,.r in , iluid Spauyled Po- .IHLevvellen i'l1",'', " vei;Spiiii'liH llntiibun.', llhick-hreatnl ...lohn Dii.vulu', Hvd (..Jine. tiu.Uli Doikli,. WhltH Chili Oree, lien M.nk JtW ""- rurlti'Y. lien Kim.. :) per dom.- Jll Morri H" -'''"a ljeee Ejtf, j,s per doen, v. Cllliam, -o ts-j , . km r.iirnev' rurB-croa oneep ana woats. II A Witel .. .tj W lliowu, II HDeiiuie I. C K.uret M Wilkin I F llivwer Mailhlot llro 1 C Elder AClVtlej . J It Elli'oii, Us Amite.sue .u.il.'uopvf S Ooff, General Ak'eht for Esletu Oregon. btnl-li Mer uu. New Ox'oriMilir i.nd tot-wold Lri, ai.d Mviiuo l.radi-, Tl.oi..uehbris1 ami i.rsded Antfora l.oit. .I.I..lMUltls. salem Peh. IS. Is75. ,;m OEO. X. SHE1L, Attorney n t li, n v , SALEM, OKEOON, Office roar tie Old Cuutt'Uu'itc 1 !. ' '.f i .. , ... .Si-K3K&lv4.iJviJfc i, 4 .Yj-iwiaii- pjnia,r i