w I I t I 1 t H t n K II o 1L li M W( nr lit. C(( Jui ft1.! .ani J?rc Oil I of ttio a v.' will oi( tfci t A ?ra. tht men nau oliiti HkIii tiktd Ceu tbo p uioul Mil tb ixt Webs plow ttirou all (hi Salem, Friday, Juno 10, 187G. State Grange Deputies for 1876 Wotl Office. Ezprtes. A A MHthmv.'C.".' Looking (Ha Uoscburg f not. J Henry Sl.rocclcr, JAC KSON. DSRltiilck... lliKKII. Wm Ilrciwn Oil .Arlilanil Jacksonville .iiakcrClt Raker City Wm WKld'l"rNI" ApplogUc Jacksonville 11 S Hill!'.."?.'. Junction City... Junction City Oo It iluiuci.lcy Camp Creek Eugene City l'rjcuKii'ix Clean ell WmCiriV.'"!.".'. Pcio Marlon Station KAIriliiu l,i-liHmiii Albany .; II Sinltl;" lUrrlsbur,' Ilarrlsburg ' E Me.!!?""'!' Corvallls Corvallls li Nlcliollf Monroe.... . MJrant KlngsNulley...... MAllIOV. ul I! A Wltcl Turner . Mlcm f Castlcman Uuitellle. LANK. . . .... .,,.. J J CliaiHuii (iooseLiikc lacKsuiivuie riu.ii. J 1! stump Buena Vlta. VA Henry Zcna. Robert Clow Dallas 1 A 111 11.1.. .1 J Rcnder-Miii Amity A 1J Henry La Kayctie T.n.JSr:. i"'ijr "l""",ro L E l'amiiii.' Cornelius ( l.AI KAWAP-. ,, ....pi,. A It Slilpl.-... .ut';'ii VI,--i Oregon Lily li f llamli imii ... MULTNOMAH J Johnson John " va co. ..East I'oitliiid...En"t 1'orlland H Mays .Tygh. ...The Dalles J It llnulliii I Piwrutiiinii 1) I! lilm-lmrt.'. Can City Cti.yon City I'MATII.I.A. Wlton .1 S Wlillu VctMi Mlon A II m!':. AhtorVi Artorl. S'. Air ?: TIIU110..U North Yamhill 11 F i WMivui'll Ciilijtuliln City- E W roii)fii KlanUulne I'MlWi Nliliee Cuv WA-IIIMITllK ThlllHTOl! WA1 I.A WAI.I.A W Jl Mielliiu. .. lOI.I'MIIIA. iio-B'lliuilr.... .Wolla Walla Wal Walla .Djytnn II .-nryN.aMli.il Knaitevllk- t" x h 1- Ollllliiiid Ctolfax collax WHITMAN .Colfax i nt- iiai.ih K7. (iimilah Elma TIKHCI!, S3 )la klmm .Chelialis 1'dSut.. TlllJIlfTOS 1 niymila.. ..Olympla I, ! Al.hott... K liiiKinlru ..lLim... hIMI. J'illii.Horton... M 18. T M IMerwn YAI.IHA. ' ;! Cook i-nwl.IT, .J.tm S. Ilnnrlli ...Beatt'e Soattlo ...Claipiato ...Ellcntlnini ....l'cMn I I.AKK. W S Uouihlt ancouver... KI.UKirA'i. . HuaJIIIIu Kllkllat City IIIAIIO TKlllUTOnV. M-z ruir. ,) Ilonnl WClMisniHi aha. h KCnrli-o It.l -imltli M IIii.mi'I Kllltol.l 1'araillfo Valley.. Ml. Idaho lloUcCtty ...Lcwlfton Werner .... 'a yet te. . . . . .v.-.- v.- Hid mom riillahlc. null the (Irancci i.niio locality will propi-rly InUltale to mo n clioli c. I u 111 ho lilcauJ, for in many iiuluuce I liaolicon obliged to mahu ap th.il niiriit without UuovvleJo. UAKIEL CLAHK, Manor Orcsoii State Grance, I', of II. !Ukaiiia County council. rhe Clackiunai. County Cimncll meets on tho rourth Vriiliir of carli month at 11 o'clock n. in. I'laco ol niL-eilii!;, nt J. (1. TnillluserV mill, nwr the center of ilu rotllltv. Ottl(.cr-K. W. natulan. Pwiilent; A. Nlcholf, Vice rreT.lde.it; W. W. II Hamnoii, Secretary. P.O., Needy; Juliii Ulnir. Trcaturer; Prank V.tithi,, 1ft Htoward; N-H. I)arimll.2d8teaid; Vtn IHbk. OateUecper, Jrtthren lu kooJ etaudlns arc Invited to meet with Ul. lly order or the Council. V. W. II. Samjon. Scc'y, Notice to l'Rtrouu. l'lie Pot t Oltlco address of S. P. Lee, Trcamrcrof tho Slate Urangoof Oregon, lu changed front Oregou City to Portland. Expre8 packages v, ill nlso be for vnrded to Portland. , . California Fruit Dryers. 1 am constantly receiving letters in relation to tbeae machine, and am prepared to con tract for their couBtrucllou and delivery at times tobeatated. Letters addreed with regard to terma will receive prompt atten tion, i j The value of this dryer to the farmers of Oregon Is proved beyond question; tho pros pect of 'low price for produce makes It 'of great Importance to real I re the mos that Is possible out of our fruit crop, aud 'there is no way of utllUluglourjrrult so eerialu Inlts re turns as to use this dryer In dryitig It for market, a work so simple that unbilled persons can soon become proficient. S.'A. Clahub, Agent for Oregon. Tho Election.' Of a The 'late election denuniRtrated that the people ant Ueoouilug more andutortuolliid to votefor tho lueuthey llk. Thorn uhu a great 'ivwtuiilug of political eauectatloua lu cerltio oouiitle, so'tl.at nilxt-rt tlckeit weruelfctsd in many iualanoe-. "it lsvltii jKjibible yet to give tho otlloUl resnlts which may be oppeoied next week. The IMuo cratH claim both houses of tlio Legislature, tho lowerliimio by only a small majority, if any, Tho voie bulweoti the two kU11m1 parties in the Rtalo will be very close. When you visit Portland do not fall to go and ste Wood's Museum, with Its 70,000 cu riosities, Admission only Uo cents. Oo (vi:it, .Sovtral commiiulcatlous that hmi been In typo for a week or two are i bilged (o wait for another week's Issue, Thero Is Hoiuit prospect that an oil mill will t-con bo orected lu Douglas comity. The Late Rise in Freights. A very disagreeable fact stares the people of Oregou lu the faco at the presont time, vU: au advance of river freights to au eitor tlonateflfrure, that puts to blush the genius of Ben Holladay, and Is calculated to cause avastclmrjge In public opinion as to that disinterested patriot's past connection with Oregon affairs. We confess that wo did not expect, so soon, to see auy contingency ar)se that would make the memory of Ben Holla day smell sweet to the people of Oregon. In common with the great mass of eitlzeus, we have resented his attempts to coutiol onr Stale politics, auy yet we have always done him the justice to recognize that tho charges for freight and travel on tho lines- he con trolled hare usually been reasonable, an things considered, much more reasonable, as It proves, than are the rates established by tho corporation that now has control of onr river trade. The people of Oregon are paylus taxes : tho extent of 14.000 gold com, mutually, to maintain the canal and locks at the falls of the Willa-metle, as a safeguard against un reasonable freights. We all recognize that with these locks open and the use of them guaranteed-to the-public, wo have tho meant- to check nionopMly and insure reasonable freights, but we now see a corporation in possession of the locks that ignores the In tention tf the State, and advances rivar freights to correspond with railroad charges, seeming to defy competition, and-acting with .n mnnlMiKKiirm-fl ihat the community that is to be plundered is afraid to attempt tile remedy of building and owning Its otn boats, fearing that unscrupulous meant will bu taken to closethe locks, on fcotne preteiwe, aud doprivethe-public of thelrnjo. Whatever tho facts may be this is tho fear that attests tho public mlntf, n-napprehouslon thatsoxio thing unfair Is intended and tint capital wiil bo unscrupulously ned to wrong the pouttle. Thefaut Beensfttobethat the railroad rom pauy, finding no trollt lu alw) ownliiH. the old Holladay steamboat lino ;to allay join petlJim has transferred nil Itit river inte.B to the Transportation and liwka Company, for a contilderation not more than one-tenth what the boats and basin have cost, ar.d1 the iutthorconskleratlou that riwr Irulght.tHhal) be advanced to the same soalo as is charged for corresponding points on tho miivosd, which will of course secure tho railroad a much greater amount of freighting, while the boats, charging on an average more than twice what has been the late tariff, will also do much better. It will be sate to say that by this present tarrff the WiMamettee Valley and Umpqua fanners will be taxed about quarter of a mlllloa dollars jor annum. This la a frightful outlook, that too- witbfthe prospeot of low prices the coming season for all products. This arrangmsnt seems also to inolurle the Independent line of Scott & Co., who have evidently aureed to charge the schedule prices agreed on, tb surmise being that they were in a measure compelled to this course to maintain their standing upon tho river a' .c us an example, we find that general merchandise, that has been brought from Portlqnd at from tjl to f 2 per ton all the past winter and spring, Is 'charg ed $l..r0 to gti per ton, and the transportation of grain from here to Portland, which has been $1 .60 to 2 per ton, is advanced to f :l CO and wool to 'fS.OO and other articles in pro portion. Tills is a fearful advance and we now prooeed to examine Into Its neoesslty. It is no doubt trne that competition had ro duced freights below a reasonable price, in -some particulars, though that was not de manded by the shippers, but was the e 8Ul' of a contest for business between rival companies. We happen to know that Scott & Co., even at the rates quoted above, have done a good business, and a slight advance over their charges, with consolidation of companies that has been effected, would have yielded enough profit to have paid good Interest on the whole investment. But wo see Instead a doubling of rates,-boforo which wheat has declined VA cents a bushel here at Salem. It la plain, then, that while a slight ad ranee was to.be espected, and even desired for capital aanat have Its return for service rendered the 'present advance Is extortion, based on "belief that the people have no remedy. The ntit queatlon Is: Who pays this ad vauceT To put the matter plainly: the cbtrgeion uiercUintlUe from Portland to Salem is tueiity per ant. more than by the Ocean steamers, a three, days' voyage with a bea riak, ten fi'Mr.t the itii(ance from San frqttn'seo to Irttant. on the savc ffoo:h, Of course; the people who buy tbo good find' the Incrtsuted frblght tarltr tacked In their bills, for the merchant must add his fair iierueutage to oust. The producer, or inanii'aoltirer, and thkt relates back to the producer also pay tbecliarfPM on what goes abroad. It la a fair average to claim that ihUfreight advance lesseus the value of all (iraln'llve cents Vbusliel, which nn'foiiriiiil- iou UusbeU of wliMtt amounts to $200.000 and J4e.tx,.nn,unftlKut rutJhus Xi iest JJO.OOU. jijnre. ,..111 the canal and locks are really for the uetit of the public, let the publlo build busts and ue them. If the a.'t fur construc tion of the locks Is unoertalu In terms, then lei the next Legislature put a construction upou il, aud let's have legislation m far as ma be uecesary that shall do all that is possible to place the rights of the State ou n plain aud unmistakable basis. Pioneer Beuuiou. The weather" promises lo bo bcautlfii'l to morrow for the annual reunion of the Pio neers, w htch will come nil' nt tho hour our present lsue goes to press. There is reason to anticipate a graud good tlmo, aud the 15th of June Is likely to become a permaueut Oregon festival. WTT.T.AMETTE FARMER. LETTER FEOM SAN ERAQCI8C0. San FnAscihco, June 6tb, 1870. Kd. Farxkr: The wheat market is just now a little tlrm here, at about $1.65 per cental. Tho firmness hi due to war minors, principally, although something Is said about shortness of croj)s in Karopo. The foielgn spectators In wuea are saogulue that there will be a war between ussia aim England, on account of the troubles inTur key, and are giving orders here at full prices for oxport to the ContineM. The H very little demand Jbr grain to be shinned to Liv erpool direct. Wheat on the spot in Uverpool nuV British 1'orts is from two to three shilling less per auarterthan wheat forshlpoient. Thlsisaot i-r.ogether due to the anticipation of war iut a speculative disposition- on. the- part of British millers and grain-dealers has, in my experience, for years past itiado the average price nf grain- in Oregon and California, (with freights added,) greater than price obtainable after the arrival' of the- grain in Great Britain. Freights o wheat from Hero to Cork, for orders to Great DHtaln, have ad vanced In the last three months from .e2; 3s. Ol to .US. 7s. Gd. and are now very firm. On acrouut of the upward tendenoy of freights I am told that engagements are now belr-g 'inade for delivery at 1.577 per cental. It these rates of freight continue the propor tionate rate foi Oregon In September to He cumber vouU be about tlk 7j. SiU, and would put down the price of wheat in Port land to about M. 37 percsntalor 8 cents per j bobol sacked and put on boar-H vessse) lint it is not at all likely that present rates of freight wih'continue, Jbr- freights are dull all over the world and the- high rates now oJl'ariug hero are bringing agreataiany ves sels. The sjrplus crop, however., of this State for thioyear, will be immensely Urge larger than heretofore. Mo ouo estimates toss thau 70)0OO tons aa& many iiruily be lievo In ono-million toiM-surplus- wheat for the State of California. Estimates from ynurown 0ate are placsd here at a-little more than half cl last year or S0(000tsns surplus in wheat and Hour. Hrelghts. can not bo otherwise Shan tolerably high,, with such an uuprecedinted crop to.move, Ireni. this coast, and excelling there fciould bo a. war, prices must rulo-low for thbseason. Ships will be loaded- endrsfr ai Astoria quite as aiuch the earning season as during tho past season. Shipunistara Invariably speak woll of that port as a desirable place to load, if it were not for tb exorbitant charges, for wharfage to the vessel at the Farmers' or O. S. I. Co.'s doek. We hope this will soou be done away -with. As. to the draught of water on tb bar, the Samuel Watt, as you kxow, went out lately from. Astern drawing: 2& feet. And after pass, ing t-Ter the bar safely tb Captain wrote a notto his ageoii here saying he could haie corae out drawing 23 vkbt Just as well. As there are very few vessels that draw oier :'A''ifeet loadrf, and scarcely any (witheut it may be the Great Eastern) that .draws ever Gfrat loadeJ:t may b UiitlUiUwn niat Oregon iiuv. uo.-uwd any betteirfiea" port than Astoria. If Oregon alls up with tWpeople w need she must have facilities, for getting people safely and quickly to her, promising lands. She should have a railroad; but before the railroad comes it pleases me to think that we will soon have a good safe steamer to run between here and Portland : I refer to the Geo. W. i'.lder, whioh is due here about middle of next month. I was surprised to see the new managers of the SteamsnlpCo. still running the John L. Stephens. Human nature is the same everywhere though, aud those that have rotten steamers will ruu the vi as long as the people will travel ou them. It Is the duty or the peo ple aud press to opnenly denounce such boats as the Pacific and John L. Stephens, and then perhaps a watery grave will be withheld troui deluded passengers. If the John L. Stephens has a rating of any sort In any good book of shipping I cannot rind It. She did hare a rating or )i In American Lloyds sometime ago (a very low rating) but sho has dropped out altogether. If any of our friends about Salem wish to come to San Francisco take the. advice or one who has Investigated the matter and do not come on tho SxKriiKNs. Agricultural Warehouse. T. Cunningham & Co., of Slem, have their new advertisement of Uarves ers, Reapers, Threshers, Wagou and general asortmeut of Agricultural Machluery lu our columns tbU wsk. We have visited Ueestsu-lve wartlj.'UKvlu Itil-s c!?y, occu pied j i!il. fl.-ui, which art crov.de J aUL the uisohli e they sdvertise, and any pur chaser visiting Salem with intention lo pur chase, will be kurprUed at the Immense stock of goods they have ou bund, which speak not only of the gruwlug tuqiorlauce of this trade in Oregon, but Of the great extent of the llivluess of Cunningham & Co,, whote oii-uoiueraare Ibuud all over Oregon and also' through Washington Territory aud llrliish Colnmth. They claim to oOer their customers oue of the best wsgous ever brought fi our State, the Xewtou Wagon manufactured at Hats via, 111., uuderthdeon staul supervision of an agent of this firm. They have work shops, also in Salem, where they manufacture the 'Capital Cultivator," of which they have already sold over two nuuureu, ana wnere an me oreK rtq.iireil for the various vehicles they sell are made. liRONCillTiii t'he usual symptoms of this disease are Cough, Soreness of the Lungs or Throat, Hoarseness, DilUcultyof lireathlug, Hectic Fever, a Spltttugof phlegm or mat ter, and sometimes blood. It Is an inflamma tion of the tine skin lining the Inside of the whole of the wind tubes or air vessels which run through every p.irt of the Lungs. Jayuo's Kxpoctoraut Immediately suppress es tiit Cough, Palu, IulUmmatlon, Fovor, aud Dllticulty or Ureathiug: produces a tree aud easy expectoration, aud effects a speedy euro. We. Make a Change. Hereafter we shnll publish the Fau- mku entirely nt home, the printing of it part in San Francisco having ceawii. The present week we issue no supple ment, but horeaftershnll ivsue a bupplc ment nearly every week, (riving mat ter of our own selection, less in amount perhaps, but all' vending and no foreign advertising; We make this change in accordance with the wish of many friends,, andi expect that the Fabmi:u will honeaftorbe more-interesting than ever to our readers. The interest we put intothe paper will only be meas ured by the means-the public patronage places atour djayosal. Thk Wt Sho4k. The June number of this ).opiilar monthly is at hand, and the table of contents- will km found eli-uwbere. Mr. Samuel has succeftded in making a much better journal of this kind thsn we believed possible or probable, and at the low price charged it oan be sttbrnVil by evrey family in Oregon . For particulars of the June number, ww Ii adverlNement. Hh also promises two, Hiij.leniontR with the July utunben His efforts to make a valua ble journal are BjprecbUed and responded to by tho acquisitiou of a really large subscrip tion list. Oranrl.LarJgI, 0. G. T. The twelfth session of the Grand Lodge of this orJerf .met in this tity June 13, and whs cal.od to order lj W. R. Dunbar, G. W. C. T. As woolose our jaconl of the week on Wed nesday there is no opportunity to givo any full account of the proceedings. Commit tees were- appointed and organization com- pletodi Wo shall givu further notice next , weel: Piwxjiikbow. WoxjiKs. Mr. V. C. Myer'. advancement nf his Norman Stallions Whito Priace aud Jft-Jd- f Pernhe, appears in nuo- columns to-day with an excellent cut of Pe.-t cberon horpa and Alderney entile. Tbo. sention will be continued until August. Acting tbnounh the Pores upon the eotisv e of inllnuiuialion Glenn's Sulphur Scan promptly relieves the burning, Itching unci other annoyances ciund by Salt Rhi&ai,. Suald Uear,. Impetigo, lCrysipelaH, and oth.n tuiln ulseiues-and ultimately removes every vestige of them. Mrs. Jane Ross has been appointed post mistress at Mllwaukie, Clackamas county. Tlic-XvU Fruits or Weak lMgcsllcaN. There .V no pathological fact more clearly ascer tained than 3hat the most formidable pha-et ofinr-. voub dlttas4-an directly traceable to Imperfect diges tion. Insomnia, lth Its. train of dlretnl continen ces, proceeds more rrequmtly f nm weakness u. tho stomn'.h than Irom any other cause. Mere eitUtlvus are powerless to euro nerousi,ess, and soon vusa to palliate Us "-yrupton.s. The true way to strunglhcn tbo lianvoas-rysiera is to Invigorate the dignssive aud aeelmili&lw organs, npon whose nnobstructi-d acUps, lis euiiubrlnm Is abscnlutrly dependent. ?tis duilv use jf llcutette.'s Hlcmiv.h Bitten will do. mow lu brara and soothe th weakened and IrrllaloJl nervf. tmjftteirti rs!shste in o pnarmacopicla or out or it, A wlnsoJiMrul of thvKltlerj should bt- taken betoio each lueali MRS. N. A. IIICKft Dress - Making Rooms, Old Courl-Hoiiss, SalesA. QsV ladles from the country can !- get their work done In latest styles. Ciittlnu; and Flttlue done, and Yaailly Pat tenis cut to order. PRICES VKRY HEASONABLK. my36tf E. SHIEL, M. D.t PHYSICIAN & SUBaEON, SALEM, OItECO.. bPKCIALTV; OIix-omlIo Xia90asB0fi UK TIIK Ueml. Tliroat, ClieMt, aud D I gent- lve OrfraiiM. nutl ot the IVei- voun 8yslem generally. Orricx Coramer'UI Hotel. Jelliy AN ILLITSTRATKD PAPX1. pnMUhed t Tort land, Orrgon, devoted to Literature in getcral -and Ibe reinurres or Oregon ana Wathlnvton Terri tory in particular.' The aule.t writers in the State are tontrlnimrs to Its columns; tbo engralngs aroexe cutidh) the hading Artists on the Coast. As a fami ly Journal It (tandt at tho head oi Pacllc Coast publi cation. ' . PAny one having Imprornl or nnlmprortsl land to let or lor sale, can hate amrrtlseU tree of charge In th Land liepartmrut of lh W.t Siiokk. SuIi. criptlnn s.rear tl6U, Including iiosttgr, Haaplc copy JU cuts, " fc ' " L. H.iniVBL, Publlaher, Portland, Orcson. THE JUNE MVItlllBU IS NOW READY, and contains most beautiful eugravlugs oftheslHt-r cup and gold medals o be awarded us PRIZES at thn Cuutennlal rdebrutlou In Portland also a silecdld yie nf (iregnuC'lty, Caiitiuab, uLd the lotks or the Willamette. TUB JULY MI.mtKIt li now in press, and will he the wtT KXI'KNslVK IHMUKUF ANY PAPER KVKlt pnbli.hetl ou the PaclUc coast. It will contain a uut beautllul engraving of the Htate itihirrity at bsgu.o City, Tho H K. i hutch at Portland, and a number of other ngravlngs with ar ticles written by our wotl noted literary people lu the blute. TWO SUPPLEMENTS WITH THE JULY MJUBgR. The Declaration of Independence, With fac similes of tho original slvna tores reproduced byphoto-engraii.g from the original document on nleat tho Puleut Ofrlce in Washington. AIo PRKK to every new Bubt-crlbers a fac simile of jil. 1, No. I, oflho Oregou tpeclator dat, d l-'eo. 'Now is thotlme to tubscrlke;the July number alono I is worth the years subscription. L. SAMUEL, Publisher. Portland, Oregon. Estray Mare. J888HWH STRAYED, from the vicinity of Monmouth, about', Tn! preparation U guainuteed' superior to any the last or March, and last seeu on the head or known, lor the objects named, as .1 sini'le tila! will hoap Creek, a dark chestnut sorrel mare, star lu fjre- 1 mu. m, uiuer nne u.arKs. not (nqd no brads, rone ou her neck when lnt. ,.iiii ... .pc. u...i.u.. -. . jvm.d v.... buu uc-aiij in nanus uign. nao and dUpoted 10 be brrachy ' Anypersou who will takeher upaud notiry thouu. derslgued at Aumllle, Marlon Co., will be amply re munerated, tsue was raised near Eugene In Lane county. Anmsvllle, Marion Co. Junes, Is; "iw." Y' IMPORTANT j?o Horso JSLgicl ,, j,.,. ? $SiP ..f u The Imported Peroheron Stallions iUTlTimi TIT-VT7l AM) Pride of Perche, WILL mko Hie seaon until Aueui, as follov.s At tJuv-tanlu or IIKAN & lA'I!.'SON. Milem, oj HtottOy n in.. Friday y. m . and Miittii- diWUiiudnitliv stshlniir A. rl. MARSHALL. Al liiu.y, ou Tuesilii, AVclnc-Ja). and Tlltlri ilUy. u- ' l em n week during the season. WHITE I'KMNCE Ilasnimoohlmsell a superior stock horse his colt i.rehlgh'ti prized Hh'!recrseer..ind are, and will be for Kouie-tlme to conic. In dcnu.al at trooa prke.-for block purposes, 1RE OF PERCUE, Olio of ie horses I brought ont from the Rast.lhc nasi A.hter camo out In. in 1 msec to Ohio in :,. , Madu aw season of lhTS lu Wisconsin. He Is a l.-au-ti-iil uspple wr.iy, well lormed. villi good disposition, with a. grac elul. In e, easy a.tton that I he mier seen untied III any hon-e of lk six'. He will xeigh atuuwutily. In good coiidltloukl.H)0 pounds. Mji i)ef I has been to furn:h III". hno-brccdirs of Oneon ulih a c'ass ol licirn-s combining larp size aiutgrrai strength with gocI action, suited) to the waxts or the tanning community either for usoor sale, acd fur this purHisu 1 ha, selected I ho Pr.'ehuron skiik and after hix years' ejDerlenc they rove the i-5j,tteuce of my choice. Wherever their Progeny can. J found, they meet 'iSr fullest expectations if breeders of Ihat class of horse. .TBRM8 130 cat n.'orfsar mire for (IM, in U. R. gold coll.. I ho season, oiteptlsg White Hime 61 as, who will only I e bred, by special agreeaent. W, C. MYER. Salem, .Tune lfi, ISTUmlj Valuable Lands for Sale.4 (100,000 ACRES EASTERli'ORKGOIV, ron Farming and Grazing Purposes. These lands ore altuatcdlla Wasco, Grant, and Baker Counties and nr oflercd Tor salo in snch sl.ed trttls not Iifs than 113) acres, as purchattrs may desirt. Here is all rdcl a most Inverablo wportunlly to im migrants and settlers seeking homes aud low-piicecl laud, to acquire loth on ttic most rw.onable terms. These lands are excellent lor litistlng and gtwlLg. On mii-t of the tract no gruhtiln$ or other pr pai tli.u of Ihuluid lor plowing Is rnulsllu. A gn.wto of nutritious gr.sa covers the ulnuds, aJTordingtho bestot iiHeturage, while In the- valleys and bottom lauds tbo grass can lie mowed asd made Into hay. Living Springs and Streams Water tl.o lands In varln iltrectlons. The uplands, or in ling lands, can bu put lbK crops with the most satlstactury return. 3B,X.'UX,X", Particularly PRACHKI. PLUMS 0RAPK8, AP 1'l.r.H, PKAKS. and CIlXltltlKS, as well as lha SMALLER KHUITa, cat, bu growu iu gruat abun dauce. Thu Cllmale ol ERMtern Orear 1m very Ileallhrul. Klouritlilng towns aru located at caUTrntent r"i' lortraltlet the malls aru ngularly tuureyrd luwgt. out that st-cthm, nut) a unispcroas popylallou is al ready established. occ-u.Tcd In farming, slovi-grott . Ing. mining, ai.,1 various other pursuits. TKK.MS-tH miter acre aui upwards, according to quality aud quantity. Interest ten per tej.1. ou dc lerre-dpaynunt.. For lurthe-r lnfbrmttion, apply In pera, or by let tir, to UKO. I. CVUU Y, Ageui. Creu a Gnildlng, btark st., betw. yteutand Pint, Portland, Oregou. JtlB.ct, 150,000 DOLLARS TO THE Oregon Farmers Annually, by thu ravages and dipiedatious of GROUND SQUIRRELS, That can be SnTcd by using Hodge's Gopher & Squirrel XSLIJL.XEI.Ft.. THIS NEWLV-DISCOVKHED ND PATENTED remedy . the ru-u't o. years of study, and Is to supply a needed want and substitute for the much used and often Ant'!.Ti:s-ATEii Pthyiiucixe, the dan gerous USU Of Pl'Oxl lllinl'M xtlil nth-,- fti,.,nfi.ld ,rth!!,."!m,,,d?. ta!t,fu,!1)r l'"1 UP n,nri tin cans, aurt' Ufvd """rdl"? to dl.ectlons, will prove a SIKE DEATH or Sfkl Biiiilrrelt. Each can Is scented with oil, of Ouinlu aud Ilhodlmn. well known to thinners lor convince. ask ;our smre-keeper rnr It, irhohas not got it "" "HI ""I WUCI 1 lor VOll. nriipr ft tn., t r ti.t mauufacitirtr. HODGE, CALEF & Co., "Wliolosnlo Dria-jjltis, aP"m1 VOHTLANO, Or. Trice ONK DOLLAR, with discount to tbv twilc. -,fcM