SvijlLamete farmer. 3 CofESfQDE(iCE. for tliu ttliinctte V:i nun Judge Deady's Address. It Is to be leg retted (list n proiluotlon so a ile aud elevated as Judge Deady's address to tbe graduating class of the Willamette i'ulurlty, should contain such hu utter nilsippreheiislou as (lie lollowlug: " rite aim of tlio ftcliotur nbouM bo far iilmt u fit lit.. lli tit fill tun iilillnLnnlil ofiyiukllu. which imh bor.. luieMUIi.mii. iMnnr mnuiii iiigiini iiuiimi mil iniiw-'wuiij , Irult in the worship ot tlio creaturn m-lea lot ...... thHCrutior. and the ut.lii..tlot. ul tlm n lal tes v ill it py?' fjr the spiti.ual one, 'Is It riiit"'" Vole I'rankllnVeneraetio shade, llubod In the lightnings whtcti his hand aliajed, would hardly deign to notice an eiroi of this I kind, which is remind by every act of his I I lie and is In 110 wise l-gitlinately uodutiblo ( had three hundred acres In, the ear I was trom hla economic maxims or philosophy; ithoie. This is the way they plowed the bog: lor if he, while In Hush, could sit, uuniovod, As soon in summer as thesmlaie was diy In the Briti-h l'arlittnent and hear lilin-elf' enough, they went over it with pointed hoes slandered and abused by its ablest detractor, and hoe up the turf every two and tlnoe without deloudlug hlmxelt, certainly the not unkind allusion ot Oregon's chlet jurist, could bo b-ltj liko tbe pasquinade of the mIiii-Ivo i:.gllshiuau, to be leluttd by his blame!": Hie Intact the ,'Itldge's address, with Iheix- eptlon above quoted, could not be tetter ill.istntpd than by the franklin bust, and a lew choice extracts lroui the Franklin Ijiogt.iphy. Judge Daady lutes .sham, and it is to bn hoped that "lie bus suc-rcded in instilling some ot his hatted into the collegians, but w tie 10 mill I he have found a sturdier, stead ier contempt ot n(irt and a more quiet, uu-o-tenlatloun example, throiiuh a long lltt, "or preferring being to iaiit)ij," than in Old t.en I'rauklin. To be surf, rrankllu like Solomon was a toother fit ui oiiumVi Joa moie, he vni in diitiiotis, patient, tompeiale, trugal,d"eleren lial, s.iiicloiis, biave, devoted to dutj, a lovei ol plii!nupuy, a lover of bis cuiintry ui.d ntuiauklud, the furthest remove lroui a pectilttnr'or a man of pride aud aiugamv, iid how out of eu"li attiibutes "a low Mill lanau pulloopber" van be extracted, would be pu7.te to a'Oraper or a Macaulay. Just before (lie principal quotation, given bov e, the Judge speaks as follows: "The old rasuioued notion, that a man who did not provide for hlmcelf while living and fjrhU burial when dead, Is derelict in bin duty to fO'.tety, was right in the main, and .111 the whole productive of good results. It lisiiugiiUhed aud discriminated between idleness and vice ou the one hand, aud In dustry and virtliw on the other, bouoilug the Utter and discrediting tbe former." This is the genuine Frauklinlan doctrine, -till it would be very unjust to tbe Judgoas well as subversive of truthful statement, to -ay that the legitimate fruitage ot it would be "(Ac wuri(ii( othc creature tiuttail of the ;vuti." Judge Dtiady, like Ainerloa'a Hrst great philosopher, connects idleness and vice, In- ilustry'and vlnue, and this I in accordance with the received Udoia of ullages. Proba- bly there l no TlK)8ltlv e r connection, by lacillty, uetweeh luieuesa nuu viur, uuiy that idleuess is tbe DeVil's opportunity, and tl Fraiikllu could put a spur upon the lazy and improvident by jdecUring 'tbacUme Is money," he ougut uol iu ue consiuereu iei ;v wise beuetactor than tbe inspired penman i who wrotui'iie lhat;tllleth hlsJlaudBhall I have pleuty ol bread." i franklin's maxim is by far the most (ogout aud ctimprehenslve, and like all of sistlug mostly pa Leather.' Tt5 boti- are Four Hichard's teachings, eminently utllita- Irrugularly liUil't." In i)ltle,v illag'esti'jlroni ten riau; that thoy constitute by their tendeucy ( to tweuty lioifs'dHf'the'fa'imluy land iylug 'alow, sensual test," uubetlttiug even a ground is divided like blocks in atiiAU, aud ictiolar, is amply disproved by the career ol each taruier nwusliere a piece aud there a some ot the most eminent men of ancient piece, eat-d'dlvided b.v aiiirruVi'u;Ty,,nIu and modern times, and chiefly Jiy that til older times of tttle'Jeiida'l(y8tjiii,'.,wUeu Dr. lVaukifu bliuselt. His Vat bouovinnU) might was rlj;lit (t"austreuht),"peop)e liBd to liim what Qimlet veittai Is to Judge Deady tpliect hi villages tor sell pioiectiou against ud otker scholats, audjjau be nomore lltly tit lev lngkOTbarous.rAVery;-lewrfrtuers,"'are translated into WillltpVy? as It is uuder- reuters;fljrlVili3VJw'r?Teri stood iu a ineie money sense. His whole njakes aT0&'CmVi life was a devotlou to truth, duty, to thi gtt-1 huudred7drJu' Jtjll much wasle ling ol wisdom, to. the improvement of iilsi land in ihenililven oveii'to;tbe'sheepr"I understanding, and 16 tbe welfare of 'man- saw lauds lying waste, that baUheei! uultl kind. His republicau simplicity, bis Indus- vated betore tbe thirty years war, wheu tier trimis habits, tjs. Ideas pf economy, bis uu- uiauy whm mueh thicker setilel, and wjieu '.luchluir Irutbfuluess and integrity are. there was uo outlet to America lur its sur greaily needed, in our public Uen of tbe plus, resent day, eud It is best that tbe name of 1 have written much more thau I intended, 1 jr. Franklin should not be discredited. but I was once mure transported to the days r' T, W. D. i of my ebiidbootl'and tbe so ues ol my I vouth. and wandered again- iu tbe ureeu uFi I the. Willamette Farnur. 1 Buckwheat, Sees, aFajm-Hous9s in YourccrrespoudeutH.U. M.of Oregon1 t'lty, says it is impossible lor tbe bees to gel tbe hou-y out of the buckwheat, If ther$ Is in it ! I alwavs considered'liuckwh'eat a .i.o rnf lafM tinA niutiirn. and we have nothluii beltiT-nTbatTtlielbfts t-annb get; to i he bouey, is certainly a mistake. I bad a nitln huckwh'eat III xny Harden last summer, .nd i. J ruMrakeH.aj,MAI)tk io thy t therlaud' witUme' and1 there show liluil t hat I saw lorty or more years agoj be would never doubt 'buckwheat ft r bee pasture hgaiu. Allow me to give you a little sketch of a part ot the touutry in Loner Germany. It is Hat aud level, and inmli Is swampy, or as r bev are tailed Ihese, Moors. These morass- ssare to mrtouwd everywhere throughout .-. A.. ..A.... I ff tu (r.lll'l tllAlll lllMt fried hauled to the road and put In large ricks 'covered with d, aud hauled lu as I Km. w.v. --- . , ,..,.: .-.I Ti.a iurr Uiimriiown six iu oikui. iVaUlOli. -" . . , . ltttiu spots with roads len oetweeu, auu i.Owei uonii.w.'i ..... , ., , . 1, inuiiiou.ii.vt -,,v. r"-ll-r r-r.-, . -. t.ielisiirocured, (or tbero is very little tlm-, fui(lll.n their naturjtjtfy tyyjiu i How ,,uality or llpeuess ot Ualr, ,1 haye, worked 4 i ..n.n..i iIiaih It Is called turf, and' iaH letv 'm'i(i:ii tuese lutoierani uure: some otiue yan-ouii ,w , "- "if 9i :La u" n.m'rTuierouI Llv'e iu-, Who is it constantly bolstiuK cflW -W "'ich Te'r &?$$ XSSf&l 0 heaiotiB aud live inches s.iuare, and is just e'ency auu omer' inproncieiiryr oouoier- M()rt Ioueworked with adyaiitaKe. I would ; " . i ii'i-o i.rteU in the brlt-k-yard: Hint like, they swell and strut, and uplt. aud no. i most htronisly urif.vnur iroat ralner to i.-i "k", ,nt . aud when well Mc, hvIIc, no,IU: Aud. then, how nmart U' ''"' ' "L MM&XSl. irs course of time, furnish fuel ouce more, mid here too, Is where Jack i.'laiuorn make I liome, the gasaes urlMug from the bop holes luriilahiiiK tlio lmucrti. X ".' one place where the turf had boon durr awayelirht ieei, auuiuoroBioouuloret ot pluo stutnps looking us if burned oil on a Randy soli, They wero solid. The largest ol these swamps Ik In the eastern part of the Proc i luce Drenthe in Holland. Its extent north , and south Is as far as the eye can reach, and I perhaps twenty miles wide. This largo bog' 1 was 8iiriefcl aud sold to actual sol tier lu .. , , .. . iuuinK oi m, century and slowly i settled up. lint what could thev raise ou ' , . .... "' " "" kou-,....,,. .iIHi .,,. i,nr), , ,..,1,1 .,.,. ,,,. ..,., ,,,,. ., . 1..., , . . ., ! at the driest time? lluckw heat was the only grain that was successfully tried, except whom an acre or two had Leeiulrnlued, and there lite and potatoes colt Id be grown. liurkwl acre, but 1 vbeat then was town, not by the , bv hundreds of acres. One farmer feet. After this dries, some lire is set to it in hundreds ul places, tbe whole Is turned over lighllv, and;in the asbes, even while waini, the grain is cast aud harrowed in with bors- os whoie fdHiare provided with snow uo, I mud shoes 10 prevent them from sinking in tho mire. When In blooi 1, tho9 thousands ' ot acres of buckwhmt atlord pasture to I thou-ands of stands ol bees that ate brought herefrom laruudwlde. Up t this time the bees merely made a living, but Ironi tho nioort, they would eoine hs heavy as UO lbs. to the hive, fcurely buckwheat there, was good lor bees! While vo are in thecouutry, In the Father laud, would 3 ou step with me into one ot ihese fariu-bouos? They .-lie ditlereul Irom ours. The bouto is large aud Hat. It is the dwelling:, barn, aud stable all in one, the feu tie two stories with wide shed-i. Au en trance is at the end lor the wagon with hay and grain, mostly, little wheat or oats being sown. The Hours aio wide enough lor the horses and un-jtiu 10 turn on. Here the threshing Is done with Hails every liioruiug In wluter, and the litsb. sliaw fed to the cows that stand it loug rows oil each side of tbe threshing Uotfi . Tho horse stables aie to the riht and Iqir, In sheds built against the end. The gnilu aud hay, is stacked ou the tell, above all this wide space. Tbe root Is made ot straw from six to elht inches thick; a.liandy home for many small birds. Ou tliu top ot the ro.lf ot 111 in y a bouse, is placed an old wagou'whe'erfoFflle accommo dation of tue'lotig legged stork, whom the farmers, (called boon) regard will religious superstition. He, the stork, will make his nest tbeieon, and let urn Irom year to year to the same house. In the other eud of tbe bouse Is I ho dwelling, separated in soma by a partition lroui the stables aud 'threshing lliior, bui In most bouses there areiuo parti tions; only the bedrooms are .Reparoled. Tbe fireplace Is In the middle ol this space. an tliat the f.r's--itJ.ULjii-.m"-i r which is made of turf. Against the wall be hind the lire is a llxed bench, ,1'hls Is the privileged plate lor. Jthe shepherd .who has been out all day luthe. 'cold .winter blast. unuer.iuu ueueu suurus ins laibunu iin On' one side, iu a recess; is. the'lolig' deal table with Uxed benches around, dishes ot pawter Lor. wood, and spoous ruuud and large; for witu inese ure au tue meaisfanu'aiinosi tue whole meal eaten. Tbe farmer and his tarn ily work bard trom early dawn till n ght Hts stock Is well tak,eu care Ol;. ,horses and tows are scrubutockf sheep are' small, "fcub- country, released from city aud school re straint. Ou, how long sjft,!,. ' How dear to my heart are tbe scenes of my cblldhOKd, When fond recollection preseuts them to view!" Uknbv Mll.l.KH. j J Fin 'he Wlllametlii Farmir. Egotistic Writers in Literature. The world is full ol pretended tlabblers iu literature. Men who are no more lt (o write well ou any subject", evsu the most common, than au as, nevertheless are almost con stantly "Urayiuga laureate of tbe long-eared kind." Aud so consummately egotistical are these blataul brawlma that, whatever they do, their "ears "stick out lu bold relief. Still, they are! Ked pepper on a sore is nowhere., Salt, vinegar, hm! cayenne cannot touch ,,, """ UUW IUDY WHU, lam, AUU IJJUKU I l. I ..111. tl,A nlir.i Imluaan tu.fl llilfKira ". "" "- .; v...v- ...- ..B.., ' wave tueir uanu 10 tue rigui, arm pour a voi- time of smoke lioin their mouths like a lai kllu. Nosody else kuovvs anything. With a stQve-plpe hat, aud looklnu-;lass boots, wtio uiit llieun it is "iitu article," "viu composition," but "youra" is mentioned with a curled lip of contempt. And, then. they are so clear. Yes, aud so is mud. How these creatures hang around " lllera- ry ladles," and how they talk about the " tnooti," aud " stars," and the K'.hereal deep." WliVO-inuU 1UU irii I uniioi Piri vitril SI V. Oh, ye I Rtnltlo "gorgeously spinled sky," .,... nim... ... tlirt)wn lo lhll bm,fB ,, ,, a,.. ,. ,, . ,. , "i 'mares' tails." aud "mares' nests." too Aud, then, they are so well educated been tin ouijU college kuow it all and hav e ;i ml ualctlf Yes, and pigs Which gr.d.iale I through tuud-holes look just as uic, tud ' urtint in. mil mora iiMtnrallv. Well; vvlint next? They think they are veiy. very pretty! And are so well-behaved, too. Yes, and there are olteu w hole lamllies in the saaiu"ilx." Anything moie? Oh jos. These line gentlemen are si'icntirle.' Very. Just to see one of tuee .rttaf spread himself, and talk about electricity, astronomy, "the sublime science," math- minute nhllnlnuv A-i. wnnlrt nial u 1 Itini emaiiti., pniioiogy.ivc, wouiamaue a kitten spew or a dog Illug up. It would be a mercy to mauklnd if thee sell exalted, woitldbe lltetary characters' ujuid only learn a little r6)nmm miiv, and1 go to mauling rails, or grubbluH'. or digging n ' " " n up S 11 ill is, t.'oiniuou senso teaches men what tliev a:e adapted to, what they aie rit fr. (.'ouiu.nii sense lies low lu human nature COIN I1IOU sense digs deep, and plies high; common sense adapts means to end- ; cninuiun sense tiaces tlltuis back to causes, and re adapts causes lo prodiue given ends, Il tools had a panicle ol common sense, they would teae dabbling in literatiue. At.rtiv. SrjEEf nd Wool. ANGORA. QOATS. Watson vif.T.K, Cu,.. June:!, ISTfi. Kmi'ou Willamm-ii: Faiivii.k : ) Juclusod you will rind a cllppina; from the ban Francisco " Coinlneriilal Herald," which will be of some iutoiest lo many of voir readers. For the beuetlt of those who are breeding Angoras and have P'ohalr to ship, I will here state that G. Gresar A Co., of San Francisco, are rcodlvtng orders lor mohair, and will be as good' men to ship to as any ou this coast. 11. i. Flint & Co. also are large wool-packers, aud take 'great pride in han dling mohair. These two Arms pack and ship tbe bulk of tbe wool oi this coast, and take a special Interest in the mohair trade. Oregon has this season sustained ber repu tation as a goat and mohair produciug coun try. Tbe heaviest lleece taken oil' on this coast this season' was from a buck we sold to Horace Woodcock, of Josephine county, Or- egon- -JJ-1--"" ilRa lleece nine and n -.oii-jKiimns. we roservou"ami ..noice over him of the same season's kids, and It shear ed only eight pounds arid a few onuces. Tho climate aud leed made tbe difference. .lack son Lounty has beaten'all other parts of Or egon iu Increase, as lar as heard from. Ueo. Mace averaged 1 10 per ceut'.of kids, count ing tbe whole baud; thaVol ordinary seasous would not do lo boast of,' but this has been Oregon's wettest and worst -leason. Who cau beat tbat count in the Willamette? Let vtbcui not (all speak at 'oncer but cdlue out with their success. If they have made a rea sonable showing tbis'Vear,' they have no thing to. tear iu ordinary seasons. Angoras wertj never 0 popular herej iu California, be toie. WoolilfaHgone down, ailii sheep fol lowed, mull now the best uiutlou Is selling fur stl "u tier head and stock slieep lor $1, while dioualr is Uuchangeilf auif'thfl'KOats'j more in dtiiiatid at the name figures 'as be- toio.i '1 Ue lacis are; ;it win taKe tureo score and tell v ears to supply. tlJe demand for 111" uslr, ibe liesl l)la tan be douo.' As the tlocks lliereasc.' the demand-will also iricrease' iii like proporllori.l V':;a ftluow..- - 1 Mr. Farr's advlreii excellent'lnregard to lleece. Anyunau.itd taintjby'and see' it wm Ked, cau see at once tUafiho koinp can not lis takeu out (iUleece.of.leas, than. live infills in leiiglh, to;advautage.; If strjttly tree lroui kemp, ."-liicli stapUooiild be work ed iu good prollt. The iiiostnuiportant- point 1 is to get it tree of keuip; next, ilength; and, :id, liister.atid tiueuesaof fiber, s'fo I Itespeflflllly.jiv (.WHKlM.-JaANDKUM.u Noii::o.v am.oua woorV Tbe ftirw trpm.H. m. tetV,eb (ml Jl ft ma uas rtiyiy'-u aieuer l-'arr. head bf the "l'arr AlKata it Uhlvnke. Massaclnisstts."1os:etlie three lilerl saiirples ot "angora cioin lor dres-es,'t 'rnohalr serge.jl audifmohalr fig ured coat lliilugH," all iMiiui(iet.ured Iropi Calllorua iliobair. TUalleilil ,sys these samples are extremely p.retiy-and durable, showing be.voud.queuinii the snjierlo.-itv'of the lleece oblalued froui the Ajigojra igoat. Mr. Farr savs, iQweer, ;hat lbe material Irom, which the samples waie.hiade was but of ordtnarv itialitv, and owiug-tn the short ness of tile Hlanlf. hei was comiielltx) to workifi couslderaule peii-eiilageol ordina ry wool, We qnoi'(iiie p jloii of his re marks: "1'here W'uo fiuestlon of Undiug a luarket )or it if It can ba grown in good quality; tint there ia a wide range of values lor it. The short, kempy stutl is almost worthies lor toiiibluir, while long balr,eoni - riaratively free Irom Kemp, wni' wr reaauy tor one dollar jier pound, it wouiu, mere - tore, be lar more p'rotlwbleo rale ibe best, and raisers should guide th'emwlves act - orl - Inglv. There are tbrw) P9I1US that should not lie IOSI silllH 01; niainuii ...iv iniK"i llliortaiuly bo disappointed ill the letuniHi i m nlnniii tor their mohair. There is scarcely auy other prouu'. or tue larui in which tbe ditlereiioe lu value Is so ureal as between a good aud bad article of mohair." LI I IU. MI11.L M1 ISIIllir. Ullk il "'J " " wvj 1856. ZKlNAPP, IQURRELL & UPPER Harvest THR rOLLOWINO JJ'Or tl3L QBHlMFLBMENTSand MACHINES. 1 httnipliii. i:iicrunil MiiMfr The HI'ST tSiir. Iti.i-iniiiM.ii'il M.rtilnu In ihr Wnr. i .iiUiirml I in til .! liiiiiii- ri ot lull .lie lilmii .it iiwunln at nxlilMtluns snI Kuld T.lil, both In Knrone anil Ann-rill. In lSUatid IS"." -Iron!;, and wiltnble for ri i a willa- til ill. PtT" Si ud lor Chaiuplon Llr onl ir lieliin. ileddln vvhitlleaiwr tolmy. I odrr's Iti.iprr and Hnnrr. - ' Ohio" and " IJneh eM 'intent combined, with DoduuV Improvement, two !,. Viw. 1 and'i Caubci-it tocut ii'jlt. Price .r.itlj led iced forlSTd. Ilalii's llr,itT bvulnf "Singlt " end "JtouUr" fitw. in. i and It loot cut J'lie new Impmvdl Ittitnttt'ite Ve-rniul tlitm. and ntlui li.iprinenunts firl;ii Fii"ii'raieiaiittoiudai;aiut Inijln inli iloi "niu-tde" make. '"rn narvrsnr 1 rioRrowmj noiiii.anr 01 mi 1 ,ntlir ,..,,, ..,.,,., .,,,. ..,,.., tmitatur-. Imt lh VIVH.-ll siiu. sfAMls A'l THE HEM), not wttli.t mdliiir conlrHrx ?tstimont or coinpetlmr pai ttti1 wlui tuttt intft the MAlisll tOtrU. aftil coitltl mtl, -""ml l.-vr 1)icrl'tt' ttonV (niitnliilii.; rtiwrtr aittl Irtftitio i(thi'jinot fir the Vatkftottt ohr .tir jittiiiitti. am. no . 01 ot1 it. naic 10 itc.unue ' )!HI,.i".u.,,, h"u'i ",?"")' ,,ie1J"f ,hc ",(l '' i Mirh ' that limy hue lien nut- of tlne rc'nr.icil ti to iliomnki'i liniu'c thrvilidn tvlvvr.itl'fatiiiti We Imp tuo (,!7"., "amtii teet cut, tor a o. " lliiiJor, 111 tw to attacn a ,n mmiir vviien wanieti. I I If .1 it. litun Vltiupp UVv)iA Tmn 1'iiitnt tint li. ,,, ,,.,,,. .....j-w.hj. Will ill. l..!ti VMirk Mill! 11 I th',,''W"' 11 il 10 J"i7W'inovvei tiiintUii niijuiou, ... . , , , iii.iiit-ltinabl one oi t'li- best modtiute piuttt Mow- i ei. I UHpper JIuHtt Three ic. yiu ivvcnf. 'I tie Illinois MOintil'i "Ohio,") Milk) I'ek'.- i We lu "uiredi'ie Vuonc for this Haki aftir-att l-lxiiuoir-ieiies ol It fat tnjiruoiity over oilier wep known tnd ifttttijuit potmhr Kukiei H iltwii tut't nd llie teeth, ire o formed a to do ttu I t I po-flble ink n,' and rutttr tie least liiiih will inke I -eei. linliilil.'liei limn mini )(akis and hence uui lake Inner liiuulic. llS llon't lall to md for a Hike Clunlar. I HarnrV Hciolilns WnMr. Vovxtnl on Rminrru and lu linpioed tilppiu deice. Il.nss Powers VII l?e or the litfnlo Vttt latest 'Xeir iloo (.' bull "Vloiuiled" aud "Down ' 1 1m li;villi,i'nddi;rejtl) titlieM(e of ttitijt,t)tinit und ttiti ability. TsJCr.1,II7V7'E.ISTE3E:tL35r IirimtMiY WtiTtvrnr ',rttt tr'tuvinmi, o"ivtittr JE. of il. W1LKIXD Prttultnt, II'. O, Ihll I tbui tj. IVo. iV2 ri-ont Street, SCOGBJaV, Viii l'rtnlilni, t-at'oii. -Ucnlerti in- WAOONS9i - . , "(jARRIACiEfe, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, t a 3 "1 - GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I I-- I stitp k-n-KP rOVhTANTI.Y ON 1UND A FlILI. V . -i J TKT . w-kM IM nvtolixxo AKn AltK NOW REC1S1VINO A FWLL LIKE The Wheeler No. 6 Combined Reaper and Mower, THE IMPROVED KIEBY TWO-WHEELED MOWER, The Burdick Reaper, tbe A. W. Coats Lock Lever Hay and Grain1 Rake, &c , &o. Onlv tlnieral Agents for Dregon aud Wm-h'nirtoii Ion tho good old " ataml-by," .. THE McCORMIOK 'REAPER AND MOWER., &.o. wo ne-nhcern. and iiican UumIkcmn.' !i d forCircnUM, Ik-'frlptlve PamphlciB! A't. InsTerrltoilt. i. ctOJ fil JESTA'B&'iHED 185L sssi B) fSsst er c , . 4i IRON AND STEEI COACH, CARRIAGE, AND WAGON cMaterlal! AU the Latest and NeweaVGooa to.'H ECHANICS? iTOOLS, ou8e-Build?r8 ,Pardw?re, ?aimw:, , and : Gardaners'.Tool. ..I:. .v, iwroV.v.iniatD nnri 1X7ii.Qrnn.Mn.kers'. ,T00l8. Ol all, rrnllBe ) Blacksmiths', KTachiiiists', kinds' and the most complete, stok of Wagon and - Carriage,, I Make'rsrBardware- in -th - State, ipnoh, Ades,, Spnnga.and, "::.-v. A nro11aKlo loSfJastern Hickory Axles; Oak, Ash, andHiokory Lumber PLOW HANDLEtt and BEAMS. ' A.1X a,t 0-pptly Beduoed 3Ea:iooa S V It.-WE DO uXOTIAILll, JJf VAS'JWUN WAGONS NORTHRUP & THOHIPSON, " POBTZ.AMD, Wngou-Mak ingjmd Repajrinj JUli JL 9 WAt.OX t'AUJOHX, l1AOOWg myrn O ABAIUC AOBft Hlf A v. nif i:rnjih. 1 '"- " ,',",;'",,, , . ""FZZtoStw .irMoilvy, , Aw"., ISlii fl" be'Jfmann'eV'' ' K M( rtprllJ, miuM Dr. L. 8. SKIFF, DENTIST, Assuted bv 0. F. Over tlo 3 Tucker. SAI.KM, mlOlf l)H. V.. V. CHAHB, , B'tKVET!., lateBtweoiiU.H, VolLDUers, -OClCi, llurblu's block, ou Uiin. rt7v 1876. Of 1876, ' Its llutral I'ltts Htiillrnxrr" TT(Mirr evri-l itl mlirrs nnri l turn 'IHC 1.KAHIN& 1 IIK.S11EK. lho-e l.iiiortiil t) ui lmve utti. lmllt with fpeciil n li tenco tn tlm wnnln ot the t'aclfip Coi-t Tlio lift uninvtrwrnti lme l.cvn irttt trt J, anil to ilay it MtnndH wltliiiut n Illvul ir the K1X(J OF TIIKKSIIMth. Do not hrdtciivril ti the wlnillen pf the blnr" with their 'to allt-' fill Mnchlnc?! ljt year"" roionl of the "bHfeii'iUf-Cttlenff-titnihm Canton Ptttt' ' Thrihi'r l preuv tm'ral y known. It was .Implv (Mitt n'lna t" MAA1E ' Stn-tp'htlt-i" nf painting on aitattt ime tintfttt And liui irlnff to Pilla cnnftfidly Inferior Thriah (i 1111 the ureir repntatton tint the lliillvto 1'itts 'Chillcncir' Tlirtilitr hi nndc Im the inino'Tittn." Hii luil lie rtccetud. unit Ifjn.v wmit iThichei that will uirn yon Tlic mail" tnonn whh the Vi t cvpen-'e lo. .. inilrsnnd phe tUtitnt titartioii tntlm pante o.i tlnvh forennnlrt f)r the JI"!a'o 1'tlt -'C1II.-LSINOKH " and tnke no othit. who tin ve not eti n thi chiinpes an 1 liunrrtitnuiit made t.i our Sipnrntois aud tower theli-t two jiars will iwiai It ttu Ir tnnt Inttitet bj looklni; at llie " CHALI. hXlllilt" before hiijlng OhwIicic and OBSCUVK that the 'titvi ink' aie madowiw In liUFyALO, N. . CtyUenil for Tlirtshtr Circular for IsTil. HnrlfrAl! le , 1'nd'rMllialn 1 lire sBrrs. I.atet Iinproxtd Herso flat Forks,' Mm I'almerV XolllsV" lIar)xioi), the bist. MM r ratfs. Hay. Platform and Mill Scales a- rlo 19 sires. The MutMle'd I'urtaiile riisliirs None lrtter or tajei . Kan fills. -Olnrk'B lloulite Shake" lliclllf Mill. The only Mill lint will instate Unit from Whiat. "arm Waeli-, VVelnvethe jein-ralajeiiivof the celebinted and will known llAlN" WAOON', 1I111. wlilfh time I in it luifn I'llie for ' C'n-h" or ' Ciirilt," a tow nsiin Hint ilum Waoti Wide or uatrow triuk, iiucliiiit Sliflns Wusmu Wu an- maktin.' a peelnllu or this clns of Wiltons and luie nine h the fMUIKST M'OCK, mm i'" to tut from, in d 1 lie'tir rade Wuiron tt'iin all Ibe otlu r deiter eoinlilued S"heml for t-,LCji vVst'im tlriuui with price, ALSO, llafve'llns Tiad. Iliiblur & Leather Lulling, I!trafoi lucliliie. Mill Slom. Sickle ui cllons. Mout Maohlnep, Turbine Water V heel, l'uiln Jlachlne, etc. Lliiiiil terms to IheTrade. ror Descrlptlio Clrcu lafei and Trite, tiddres BSIVAM, KtfHR:iB. Si. CO.. Apastr ronfJt.uvD, otKoox. I t. .. axrr.ovK, trcuiam, fDrtlaiut, POnTIiANn, ORECiOIV, AND - .nnailt-ilii n n-ITIT. .ItmTt.Y PrLRIlHATRIl .1. aovjA u,-' -- .. i.i .. Tlio CH'.M.Sox"o35.strox'itO,' Afients la all th principal towns lnllio fatata an4.adJoIa- -, , ..,,.. . Hi, 3 p f skltfi. iMUbS. riUOKeS. iUIUB, VQ1- jHna'S - - VMMmmm WIMBLEDON Jaaij Jiamje Bra& Zoadlmj Practice Pistol & Targets. Cmles a tf inch bull with nccu-riu- ftv lent, without powder or ii.aH luti-rel. Iiftlr trleceri Ait iliier.' lly mall, Iree fur li isptj, -Willi lr mnit sinniunltlon for targot i-railtco ludoirs. and. fur "purlins eutofiloon, ACENT8 WANTED. A. A (illAUAM, C7 Wberty Htreet, tw qx1S, ' Dr. H. SMITH, DENTI SST. Assisted by T. T. Shaw. Ulllceoppoaltg Ilreyrnan's iie bturu, halkMi oni:uo.. ' ' ' rk. o rr , For sam