WILLAMETTE FARMER: , : 5 ' ! . iJlll WlrfiM.O --Vrt-J-yT -s-ii5(V'T,NVi-fr- Salem, Friday, Juno i), 1876. State Orange Deputies for 1876 libit OJflce. Erpm. nova la. A A Mathew Looking Olas Roseburf? roos. J IlenryShroedcr.... Ott TACKSON. 1) S IlDutck Ashland ..Jacksonville IlA.iKIl. Wm Tlrown Baker Clt) Baker City JO'LI'IIINK. Wm W FIiIliT Applegate Jacksont We LAMf. KM Hill Junction City... Junction City Unl- .rimii Creek., ....Crcswell ,...Sclo , ....Lihanon ...Harrisburi..., ...Corvallls ...Monroe ...Kind's Valley. .Eila'iio City Marlon Station Albany ....Ilarrlsburs , Corvallls .Turner Salem .The llallcs Geo It llaiuer-ley J'o'coctuiox..., I.INN, Wm Cyni - 1A Initio .7 II Smith BKNTIIV. CE Moor J) Nlcholl.... .JJOrant MAItlON. n A Wltzcl Ji F Caftlrtinmi llutteville, LAKE. , .1 JCharlt'ii (loose Lake Tacksonv.lle t'OLK. .1 U. Stump Bnena Vista. "V A Henry Zena. Hubert Clmr Dallas, VA1IIILL. J J Hciiderwu Amlly A II Henry LaKajetx U'ASIIIMITOK. ,,,,, , TO Humphrey Illllsboro Illllsboro L'K Kannin Cornillus CLACKAMAS. A It Hlilnluv Osweeo Oiegon City N tV Randall OrcjonUiy XULTNOMAI1. , .1 .ToIiii.iiii East Portland... East Portland John tioore UASCO. Jt .Mays Typl .1 II Jluntni' upper uuocu I1HANT. ,, J) IJItlneliart Canyon City Canyon City rmTii.i.A. J S While Weston Weston II.ATMII. A II Sale Astoria Astoria TILLAMOOK, II P lloldc Tillamook North Yamhill COI.t'.tllilA J W Maxwell Columbia City J. W Couyer Klaskaiune I'MUV. ;t 11 lice Cote Washington rumiiTonv. WAI.I.A WAl.l.A. W M Micltwi Walla Walla Wal'a Wallai rillX'UVIA. ((O'KvIIiiuttr Dayton WHITMAN. ,, IIi-iiryiMldluir Eitartstlllc Colfax ft 1' (JIIHiand CoUa coital IIIKHAMS. JIZ IIiiihUIii Elma VIKULE. SS Mi kliam... THL'llHTW.N, L! Abbott . 12 l.oiiynilro .... -.i-'i. .. .., 7iillns II irti Scati'e Seattle 1.1. wis. T.M t'lersim Claqnato VAKIMA. CI Com Ellcnsburi? ro I.TOS. .InlmS. lloarUi Pekln (I. AUK. WS Dmlhlt Vancouver KLICI'ITA', . e Miller Kllkltat City IDAHO TEllltlTOIir. ...Cluitallf- Point., ...Olympla ...Yilni ..jOlympia Paradise Valley., Mt. Idaho ..Lcwlsto-s NES! PKllCR. J -Mlnwatil WCl'ierton aha. I, K Carteo Boise Cl'v KJSiulth " " V. lloi Werscr Kllltubb Payette Ill any county where tho Deputy a, pointed Is not t be most suitable, and the Oransos of the locality will piopeily ludlcalo to mo a choice. I wlllboplca-eil, for In many Instances I have been obliged to make ap ivili.tiucuta without knowled-jo. DAN1KL CLARK, Master Orcyou State Gramro, P. of II. I'lacknuiaa County Council. I'ho CIackma County Council meets on the fourth Friday of eaeh mouth at It o'clock a. m. Place ol meeting, at. I. CI. Trulliugcr's mill, near tho center of tho county. Ullli-crs-N. W Itandall, Prcldcnt; A. Nichols, Vice President; W. W.II Samson, Secretary. P.O., Needy; John llliis, Treasurer; Frank Vaii'liti, 1st Steward; N II. Darnall, 3d Steward; Wm UIbk; Gatekeeper. irelhren In i;ood staudlns are Invited to meet with ii. lly order of the Council. W. W. n. Samson. Sec'y, CENTENNIAL BATES. We are advlaed that tho old plonoer line Lotwami Omaha aud Chicago, Tit K Chicago V Nouni-WKhTKBN IUii.way, hit nentafull mock or Heduoed Rate, Round Trip Centen nial Kxciirslon Tickets to their General A Kent at San Francisco, for the use of the clt i.eua of thla coast. Full Information as to routea, ratea, etc., will be cheerfully furnUh nd all who may apply to U. P. Stanwood, (ieneral Agent Chicago it Korth-Weateru Hallway, 121 Montgomery street, Sau Fran ciaco, Ral. Mr. Stanwood la supplied with a atouk of tickets by this old relUble Hue, by which he otu give a selection from seventeen hundred and elghty-live (1785) roulen to Philadelphia mid New York and return, for visitor to tho Centennial. The tickets ready by all con- onivable ronton east of Chicago, and enable ii person to go by oue Due aud return by an other. Wrlie Mr. Stanwood for " The Uutite and Rate Uook of Centennial TicketD," over tho Chicago it Northwestern Railway, uiul It will be aeut you i te of cost. KARKIED: In Portland, June 1st, 1S7U, by Rev. V. C. L'liatttu, Mr. George K. Onod, ol Salem, ami Miss Carrie Wilcox, of Portland. In Polk couuty, June 1st, 1S7U, by Rev. P. S. KuUht, Mr. John lllgglns and MUs S maiutiii leller all uf thai county. Compll lueuu received. SuuiKHGl. Poison, T. A Davis i Co., of Portland, advertise with us that they have Wakelee't prepAratlou to poison gophers and (iijulrrels, said to be the best nude In Call. Jornla, and endorsed by Mr. O. W. Uibsou, of Fraukllu, Ltuo county. It Is very neoet nry to clear tho country of these postu, aud eome of thesa preparations will do it. The Yamhill J.vor(iTayn: "Mr. Hraly bring us lu a sample ot wheat, pulloil from ii hundred-acre tleUI, which measures S'.' inohes in length. This U about tkio avomtu of the whole llold. aud It looks its healthy uud rmuk aa tvo hnvo ever seu any groin K Commencement Week, Willamette versity. The close of (he College year was celebrat ed with the Interedllug exercises usual to the occasion. The graduating exercises of the Med'cal school took place on Tuesday evening, May 30, of which we made some mention In last week's issue. The annual address was de livered by Hon, ltuftis Mallory the charge was given by Dr. A. M. Belt, and the de grees were conferred by President Clatch. The Aurora striag band furnished music. On Wednesday evening the reunion of the Alumni took place la the University chapel, and was attended by a largo audieuco Til moil Ford, K i, pieslded, music was in torsnersoJ through the oxerclses. II. H. Hewitt loir iductd the class of 187(3, and Mr. Ford dellverod the welcoming addrts, which wvs fallowed by an oration from Hon. II. II. Ollfry on "Socrates " In whien he de picted the pu I lie career, us well as tho private lite and tcoldlng wife of the Philosopher. Mrs. Nellie J. Curl delivered a poem of some leL(;th entitled " Hesperia," which was writ ten with good command of rhythm and measure, and showed Puetlcal tasto aud tal ent. Many parts of It were quite xuperior, showlutc thought and careful study. She alluded to those graduates who were df ceas ou very feelingly. Miss Mario Smith's es say on "Sky Parlors " was well road and received and whs also well wrlltrjn, being, In fact, one of ti e best things of the eveuing. The " Annals " were read by Syl. C. Simp son, and were quite humorous as character ske ches. The Commencement exercises proper took place Thursday, and were attended by crowded housos, mauy persons standisg. Tho chapel was decorated in good taste with erergreens and llowers. AilUrcss-cs were de livered by the members of the graduating class as follows: Fank M. Johnson deliversd a very well written address. Subject, "Dostiuy." Frank P. Mays had for his- theme, " La bor's reward." Wiley H. Allan had " No Theme, 'and so it proved at the lirst ellorr, but, on a second trial he iiihcIb rmite a subject out of "No Theme," touchinc lightly ou a great veriety of mnt tei st hut would have furbished themes if desired. Albert N Election News. Mcores discoursed about the "Mongolian," tv hubject that has acquired considerable prominence of latai. Miles T. Starr syoke on the progress of civilization, choosing for the title of his ad dress: "Still it Moves." This closed tho speaking. The music of the afternoon w:ut furnished by gentlemen aud ladies conututed with the institution by I past aud present ties. In the evening the largest audience of the week assembled lowltness the sloso.and list en to an address-from Judge M. P. Deady,, who spoke at great length on the career of mau, as opening, to the young graduates. The Judge's address was carefully written,, many passages being culled from the most renowned and poguUr writers of .prose audi verse In our language. The degrees were then conferred by Presi dent Gatch, and the beuedlctiou being pro nounced, the academical year was over, and the last of its duties fulfilled. On Wednesday evening, at tle llms when we close rmr record of the week, the returns from the election are not conclusive, but we give the most reliable concluolona to b had. In tho Seeond Judicial D'strlct, Watson, Republican, seems to be elected Judge, while In the Third Judicial District Jt. P. Boise Is probably elected Judge and Bnrnett Prosocutlng Attorney. In the Fourth Dis trict, Stott is eloeted Prosecuting Attorney; in the Ffth District, McArthur Is re-elected Judge without opposition. . Marion county elects theenllre Republican legislative and .county ticket, average ma jority over 400, Linn county elect the entire Democratic legislative and county ticket, averago ma jority 250. Polk couuty, It is thought, elects Bsntley Independent, by a large majority over Hay den, Ddmccrat." J. B. Stump, Independent, Is elected to the Home, and H. Staatsnnd Hayter, Dom's., are also thought to be elect ed. The county ticket is probably mixed. Tho Clerk aud Sherlfl are claimed lud. Benton olocts (with Polk). Palmer Joint Senalor. The Republicans claim the rep resentatives. Douplits county Is claimed to-have gone Re publican throuehout. Jackson county Is conceded Diunocratlo with exception of McCail, people's ticket, lo the Legislature. Lane couuty is divided, Whlteaker, Demo crat. belDg elected Senator, it is thought, and A. D. Burton, Dem., Representative; while Republicans claim Hamilton,. Scott, at.d Bond. Reureseutatlves, aud roost of the county olllcers. In Yamhill conn y Democrats oraim Brad- shaw, Senator, Pentou, Repiesentative, und the Republicans claim Henderson, aud Lampoon, Representatives; Dale, iMmocrut, Is re-elected SheriH; Rogers, Clerk. Washington couuty elects a mlxtfd Legis lative tioket Morgan, Republican, for Sher lfl', aud Luelliug, ludepeudent, for Clerk. Columbia os Demi cratic, as usual. Clackamas re-elects Jobu Myers,. Senator, Democratic, and it Is thought three Republi cans and a Democratic Reprosouliitlvo are elected. From Eastern Oreson, Wasco and Umatilla are claimed to be DemocraMo. The Democrats claim UioSta'e Legislature by a small majority on Joint ballot- 3-El nr 4TTT"riITC3-X-2:.A-Jaa. cR3 -C- OF"KH JOR THE HARVEST OP 1870 THf- CKLKBRAiKD ADAMS ANn FKBNCH HAHVESTEK, ' ' Oondueror. ' 9 WlthPperlalTmrorements for tMs be't " a-rntert to be the XJJEST HIDISQ and BINDIStJ Sarvoatox- ixi tlxo Xvorldl SUXh&lSLS Wm. Anson Wood's Celebrated Mowers and Reaporc, BUCKEYE Mov-Mrw mid Ttipi-M, BRADLEY MOWLRS A.VD Ki:PUR.S, SA.VIMf ICM ilIOWEnS SINGLE aril DOUBLE OBK. with nm and special luiuaoveintnt. 3EXJ?T'J3 'ZZIa.Ycmfitxm OX'S, ot TnitEK DIPPERENF STYLES. At a meetincr of Nortn Yamhill Orange, No 33, P. of H., held June 3d, 1870, tho fol lowing resolutions. were adopted: Whereas. It has nleased the fireat Master of the Universe to remove fiomouraildstby "death. Sister It. K Care a worthy member of North Yamhill Orange, No. 33, tLerafore, - xvesuiveu, I nan uy uer ueai." uui uruar I has lost an honored member, aud one of its best friends. i Kesoived, Tnat,.wnuewe wouitt suuratt io an ail-wise i-roviaeuco, wo uiiim nur worthy Sister, andhert-by tender to the be reaved aniily our-sympathy. Resolved. That this Granee bo draped in 'mourning lor thirty days. . Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions I be tendered the family, Abdotie.be spread on the minutes of this Orange; also one to the ;Willamkttk Faihmkk, and OUUvator for publication. J. w. stkwart, B. E. Stbtmakt, M.J. Hhdhix, Committee. Lsttes from Tillaaook. Kn. FAitMKK: As this Is a dairy country, and the inaiu business is makiug butter, and the price of butter has coioe down, I would like to turn my attention, to cheese, and would like noma of your correspondents, to give the system aud process of making cheese. There has been considerable said about the protit lu the manufacture of chMse, hut no instruction as to making the article I am Ignoranfof the art, and no doubt there are others who read jour valuable paper who would like to learn the business. Se I would like a reply to this request. Just hero 1 would say a word for the bene fit of itumlgrauts. In Tillamook couuty is pleuty of good government laud to take up, brueh and timber, but the land is as good as can ba found lu any country. The climate is mild warm In winter, and cool and pleas ant In summer. There is au abuudauc of tlsh and oysters, and clams and crabs, aud geese and ducks, &o. Improved prairie farms can be bought at reasonable prices. Persons wishing to come aud look at this county might do well to oall ou me, and I will give all the information I can, I live on Long Pralrld. JosErp Gisauul. Tillamook, May 20, 187(1. The California Fruit Erjer. Kiutoh Faiimkk: As quite a number have made it-qiury of me, and there ate ma uy more interested, I deMro, with your per-inK-loii, through the columns ot your wor thy paper, to give my experience and opin ion of tliu California Dryer. We bad every dixadxantage to work against. We begin afier tho heaviii-t rains commenced. The Dryer had to be put up, wood hauled, ap ples cathered all Initio rain. Many times, irom the copious showers and poor roof the water would drip right ou the truit while dr lug. Hut, lu stiltn of all, we dried nearly a ton of fruit. The plau is ou the rixht principle. The shape of the machine renders it very handy to operate, and is within the reach of all, as it uosts much less than auy other with the same capacity. lu short, it is Just what every firmer needs; and, if properly built and run as It should bo, It cannot fail to be a success aud give satisfaction. Moreuuon, C. K, Cotton. The above notice by Mr. Cotton, who reuts tho orchard of Mrs. 12. A. Walling, of Spriug Valley, Polk county, is voluutary ou his part, aud we uudorstand is also the oplu Ion of Mrs. Walling. They couslder they mndo a success of fruit-drying with this ma chine, and they bolleve It is so easily adapt ed to i farmers' use that auy penon of ordi nary Intelligence cau operate it to advantage. It is sain to warrant tho machine to do good work wbeu properly put up aud handled. 3. A, UUHKIm Agent for pregtn, In Memoriam. NEWTON WAGONS,, Maile exprpjf ly for thl maiket, and warranted to he the VERY H33STC WVe3-KTQ4 ever brought to the Pacific roast LARGE AXLES; deep rlnw, and teavy the, iaw Improved ea.t. Ac. KTovrton Haclui ond Oarrinsoat, niac for Oregon trade, wlt(: Patent 8avcrn Wheel, sollil Collar Aile;, Oll-timi end Snrlrp. Patent IIndlci ami sati. Seud Tor Circulars of all tfae atiorc-named Good, whlrjit will be mal'ed Iree to auy addrecs. T. CUijIGIIAM & CO. 8 41-EItI, June 9, 187. EAILROAJD. LANDS. tiiloxiil U?eniI ,OW IHICK.r ItOXR TIIE! VOW WTEBESTI THE OaEG0N& CALIl'OUNIA KAILROAD 00. irer their Laudi for cale up is thv toll-iwliu? libe ral term: One tenth of the price In cah; Interest on the balance at the ra:u of seven per cent, oue ear after s lie; anil each foiluvvfiur yar one-tenth of the principal and Interest ou the balance nt the rate of seven pr cent pur annu ". U.Hli prruolpal ami inter est payable lu (. S. (Currency. A discount of ten per cent, will t-c 'loved for cash. Letters to be addressed to P. SCIIULZE, He. retary f nnd Department. O. & O. R. K , Poitland. Oreiron. The tug Gen. Canby made the run down from Astoria to 'JHUmook in lees than seven hours, aud the return trip in. six hours from the Kay to Astoria. The Evil P suits or Weak. SMcUou. There is no pathological fact mom clearly ascer tained than that the most formidable phases of ner vous disease are ulrrctly traceable, to. Imperfect dices tlon. Insomnia, lth its train ol direful consequen ces, proceeds mora frequently f em, weaknees oi the stomach thsu Iroji any other Cairo. Mero sedatives are powerless to-euro nenousiitsis anil soon ce-ise to palliate Its eymyioms. The trio way to atrengthen the nenous sysiein is to luvlirowte the- di0estlve aud assimilative orpins, upon w haw uuonstractrd action tisequlllbrlum7labsouluti-ly dependent. The dally use of llostctter's Siomich Mttero will do more to brace and soosae lh weakenoa and Irritated nerve', and Induce souid. retreshlni; slaep, nature's grand ca thollcon then, all tho so-caUad nervines to ne (oumt In the pnarmaeoputla or out of it. A wincglassful of the Bitters should be taken etoieeach meal. MRS. M. A. HICKS, Dress - Making Rooms, Old Court-House, ISbIcbi. XT Ladlea from the contftrj can here get their work dono lu latest style. Catting aud VlllluK done, and Family Pat terns cut to order. PRICES VERY ItEASONADLK. myHfltf Squirrel and Gopher EXTERMIWATOK. Tho Best in -Use. .4 gen Is for Portld'til, T. A DAVIS &CO., JcJai'l 71 front street, 50 CENTS FREE. SPECIAL OFFKR-FOR A 8HOKT TIMB ONLY. Will si-nd, 1-osT-rAin ran to each new subscriber of Tur. New York .A hints' Uomthlt, a ma.nlilci-nt CExrtNNtAL MKMom.L .VKDiL(lu fancy l-ux). struck in AIMta Plate Miter, larger than a silver trade dol lar 1, inch In diameter l-'rice SO cent each. The Agents' Monthly Isa handsome, spicy, lUpago pa per. Subscription price CO cents a year Send 3d cents, and you will receive the Aolin' Mosthlv for one year, post-pnid.and the ahme Metal gratis. .Vldre-s, PKNTUN PDBLHIIINU o., Jt9.nl ITUUroauwav. New Yoiik LEBANON HOTEL. 2.47M.VO.V, i.V.V VO. S II. CL.tl'CHTON. - - - Proprietor. mill: undersigned would announce to the citizens of X Lttiu and adjoining counties, and to the traveling public, that he has thoroughly reatted and refurnished this well known Hotel with sew furniture through out, and Is now prepared to accommodote tho. who my f.ivor liliu with a call, lu the most satisfactory manner, Tho Table will ba amply supplied with tho best the market an'ords, aud the utmost pains will be taken to please all. Especial palus will bo taken to procure comfortable comet ancestor parties Mtshlng to visit the SODA SPRINGS a: soJavillc. three mllea from Lebanon, w hero a few days ot even weeks may bo pleasantly passed during the heated term. . . .... Mar SO. B. II. CLAUQUTON, TO SHEEP MEN. Iloil'er for sale Improved Stcok: Sheep, HIGII-GRAUE CROSS FS, EWES-ANI LAMBS, as follows: CotHWOldN, French lllerliioes. New Oxtuvdslilrcs, Tliornugbbred French Mbrino Bucks, From the stock bromrht to Oregon by Jt Ht.Pattersou, or California. Also. HIGH-GRA.DE BiUCKiJ Will bo sold on fivoralile terms aru at LOW rates. Write to iro at ilallas, Polk coiiutn. r al at my farm, four miles south of there. D. M. GUTHRIE. HayS. 1870. For the Harvest ot 13.76. TREADWEIi'S FARMING MACHINERY A.t. Stocliteed JPrieew. FLANDERS' WAREHOUSE, FRONT STREET, PORT)LKDvOr. WE are pnepared for tno coming hartest with the largest stock ol Improved Machines UDd luiple-mt-nt cter tillered to the 3T3H-uc.oX"aBi ot Oreson. These Machines are widely known fii ureon and Callfo.iila as the LATEST STANDARD IMPROVED maalilncs or the country. Oar stock canslst of TUB JKTKA MOWER. Price. . to 11fl. Ktroi for which we always keep on hand. Weluht. 1.50 :es.: cuts 4 teel 4 Inches: has Double Speed ts the Kulte: and la the Heat Machine ever sold In Oregon. MltiA mr-KAKIC MU)K as K8HPKR (MIMRINK1I. Same as Mower, with SeliKake Reaylne Plat form and Attachment. Cuts 5 feel tl Indies. Price. 150 to fJWi. TreudwelPs Patent Single-gear Headers Made by J. L. Cac & Cm The bet evr sold In Or egon and Calliornla. Ask any nun who lias used one what lie thinks nr it. or, xliat is better stil1. Coni pare and TRY ours ultii any so-calkd Iniiirovwl Heaifer. and buv the oue ton like ben. Send for the Teaifuiouy nf itrcunu Farmers. Has the Patent Adjustabre Keel- Improvrd Patent Iron Wheels the Improved Pitman with Brass Uoxee-lniproved Ele vator, etc. IIOIDLEV ElSniNKS. utiimtlc. vailable n-tulstlnsnit-off. The BEST Throhiiighiisiue, either wnou or straw burners Send lor tut and new price liri. The KIKSSLICL, Slil'411 ATOU, With Lnufenburg End Shake lioe. 'rhee Thie-li era are the tinesi 'n the World, as can l,e te.teii by mail) In (JlUUON who imrcLased last tiar. Scud tor ruluced prices. I'ltt'n aud UimellH ?Iiunted aud Down I'OtVF.IIS. Which will be sold separately, or with Tlueslters, at reduced prices. The Celebrate! Whitewater Wagon. This it the standard Wagon of the Pacific. Coast. Hundreds told lu Oregon, Price, 10u and upward, accorktng to cr.e, Also, constant Header Rakes. Farming Implements generally, of the newest and best make, CC" A liberal discount for eisA. or endorsed mitt tSl-Citiasiorallour MaCHIN-RV US'" We keep up wita the litest Improtcnu-nts. adoptliirf only the nseful aud tiraitlcal -SI ))'." Ku'l' uothlns but idrt class goods. t1" t e ship goods prompilv. IV Our terras are cosli, unless otherwise agreedm.cn. ' Uf" We are determined not to bo undersold In same nnallty orgoeds, and shall be pleased to teceive yoururder, elthtr lu person or bv letter. auur- I., '. S. DOWNS. II Hot i5 i. ..-'.-"- .-..- .. . JIBIia'riT . constantly ou Inn I tho Paddock 8ulky Rakes. r'l'iucU. Hay Cntters, Revonlmr nakes, Hand .Barley lo-k. Scythci, Snaths, Plows, ana 150,000 DOLLARS to ti; Oregon jpazaers Annually, by the ravages end depredations of GROUND SQUIRRELS, Tiuit can be Saved by liking. Hodge's Gopher & Squirrel THIS NEWLY-DIRCOVEHED NI PATBSTKD lemedvt.". the 10 u't o ve.lrn of alutlr. niA U tn supply u m-ciled tviut mill -iibstltnfe for the much useu ana oirjii aiiultekateu mpychnine, th-don-kerniis use W Piopiiobl's and olh, r cnemlcals The remedy Is caieiiilly put up In qnart tin. ran?, and, used according to dlierili-n. wPI prove a SWRE DEATH or sno Squtrrela. Knch can scnted with oils of Oumln a d Rhodliiin. well known-to trapper for thotr attrai tlon of animal-, to baits. This prepwitilon I tin anteed superior to am' known, tor the. objects named, as a lii.rle ttiaj will convince. Ask your stnrc-keeper for It. ir he has not ami It. t and will nut ocier It lor. you, order it dlrect-of the. manufactured. HODGE, CALEF & Co., a'Vni3 POnXIAND,.Or. rrice ONEOVOLLAR, with discount to tlio trade. 0. A. BEED. T.-llicnxwrtMiD. RBKD & CKAWFORD,. GENERAL AGENTS, Fire Insurance of Hartford North British and Mercantile Fire Ihsuranoe of London and Edinburgh. LIFE ASSOOIA.TION" Of Amrica Hotsses to Rent, Collections Made, Loans Negotiated, Real Estate Bought and Sold. Parties hftirl B Inl furMill r,nn.i J.. KU.A..W... . place it In cur bunds. innii'jiams aiu invited to call and osamiite our list of laud toe sale. Jlt'UC?1t! ccd'" a,er Momm N. E. room. atheadof.lalrs. !.a,Jm.M!i.tf COME AD SEE THE HOOSS THAT JAffi BUILT Bring those Pictures that yon want tahave framed, to HOUSE TIIVT J4CK BUILT. You can find beantl'til frames, of all patterns at tho HOUSE TII4T JACK. BUILT. Settlrg Machine Nsedles of all kinds; uu, tor sa'e at tae HOUSE THAT JACK also Machine BUILT. Pictures, Mats, 8erews, (lord. Nails. Knob, etc.. for sale at tke HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. GILT, BLACK-WALNUT. H. O and KNAMKL- nu .uuuciu.M,, ui variety of pat tern, for sale at the HOU8B TIIIT JifU BUILT. !11INK for KltTem dollars less than the regular price, tor sale at the HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. Balance of Chemical Palm on hand, for sale at coot, tit the MOUSE TH1T JtCK BUILT. H3 3L -3? E3 S. has removed to thi HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. P. niylllmS Fhinoera' Wharf, Front St. t'ottiau'd. Or. tSitccesiior lo A. N. Gilbert & I'o.) C. UZAFOVAGE, ..Dealer In.. 7 BOOTS Se, SHOES, SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. Far-Siglitcd and Near-Sighted. (ShootlusGlaatcs fur SporUoicn, ST&KL. SILVER, AND GOLD FRAMES. 1 5Sffssg., suppliv?riAKVi1Ner',t look."