P.x. W' MmSteitunaxxM. -ttwmmm MB&KWtfffgJfflKiRSSftiagtfir: ,JZ hiw'l i That Knotty Tobacco Question. Editor Willamkttk PARMEn: My friend Hpnry Xott'o apology for tobacco chewers Htil rmnl-rrs rs minds n e of an apology mx(l by h preacher in behalr of Noah for ret ting Uriiuk. For amusement, If you can glvo r. om for It. I will furnish copy of the ser nif n as pulillnlied hi the Independent, lor Jiiiiw u.u, 1873, and agtlD, by request, for March Gth, 187J. Wm. Porter. ciiilnlarciit-vs or Sonllicrn Pulpit Elo qilPlMt. J1Y It. II. D. Iiitlint-utnmnol 1830 I attended a Metli fulist ianimihitlrjK In iho Interlorof (leorgla, Hint har(J a nnruimi which I have never been nliln in describe. At the earnest solicitation "t frlmlB, I t-ive HitPinpteil, several timet-, to write it. Hut It cannot be put on paper. j. ue main iorce 01 it, was ill 1110 sunning aim Dpuuiig auu groaning anu iioinm-Micr-n.-lo.-c Kirt ot yelp unci wbiue, to which no pen fun do lintiiM. It uitixt le intoned to lo ap preciated, I have preached It a thmiNiud times for the amusement of frlemls, and have been satlstlwl w itti inv effort, I have used It as a remedial agent In oxercHng the demons of hypochondria, and hao net or tailed "to senu them down to a steep place Initio nob," or somewhere olso, to tho great relief of the sufferer. The speaker had Jut lioen licenced audit was hi flrnt Mtrninu. In person ho was small, bullet-headed, nf a ftlr, 'sandy com plexion, and hl9 couutenanci) was indicative of slucerity aud honesty. His remarks oviiicud great reverence for the work of Ood us umuiioted In zoology and natural history, uinl "whs Inking up the Bible In rngulm order for the tlrsi time In his life." He hud Gotten as tar as the history uf ab,the Ark, the Flood, etc. JlnloVs, "juxt before his conversation he bud b-wn rending Gold Miiith's 'Animated N'ainr,' aiid the two to PUhnr, liv t lie aid and aslslauio ot the Storit, had led 111 m Into a powerful train of thinking as he stood at his work b-mnh day in and dsy out." But whatever his sermon rosy have lieon, it wa his own. The text whm. " As It was in the days of Noah, no shall tho coming of the -Son nf Man be." After tonituenllrjg upon that portion of O'on esis descriptive ot the flood he "warmed up" Miuiieniy, anu uroKe out in mo louoning strains: " Yes, my bre'hren, theheaens of the windows was onened-ah and the floods of tho great deep klvered the waters-ah, and there was bhem, and there Ham. and there Japeth-ah, all a-gwlue into the Ark-ah. Aud there was tlieolopbatit.au, that g-r-e a-t an-imal-ah, of which Goldsmith describes in his ' Animated Nater-ah,' what is as big as a Imiii-o ah, aud his boues as big as a tree ah, depending somewhat on the size of the tree ah, all a-gwlne into tho Ark-ah. And the heavens of tho windows wasopened-ah, aud the Hoods of the g-r-e-a-t deep klvered the waters-ah, aud there was Htietn and there was Ham aud tliero was Japetb-ab, all a-gwine into the Ark-ah. And there was the hlppopotamus-ab, that g-r-e-a-t animal ah, ot which Goldsmith describes in his 'Animated Nater'-ah, what has a g-r-e-a-t horn-nil a sticklu right straight up nut of his foroward ah six feet long, more or less-'ab, depending somewhat on the length of It-ah, nil a-gwino Into the Ark-ah. And there was the slm tl'e-ali, my bretherln, tuat ill contriv ed reptile of which Goldsmith desoribes in Ilia 'Animated Nater'-ah whose tore legs is itwenly-Qo feet long-ah, more or less-ab, depending somewhat on the length or 'em ah, and a neck so long he can eat bay oil the itop of a bam-ah, depending soraewhht on tue hlthe ol the baruah, all a-gwine Into tho Ark-ah. Aud tbe heavens of the windows was opened-ah, and tho floods of the great deep klvered the water?-ah; and there wax Hem, and there was Sham, aud there was Japheth ah.all a-gwine In'.othe Ark-ah. And there was the zebra, my brotherlD-ab, that ixautiul .animal or which Goldsmith do Hcribea in his 'Animated Nater'-ah, what has three hundred stripes a-runnin right utraiKUt around his bodv-ah,mnre or less.de pomflug somewhat ou the number of strlpes ab, and uary two stripes allke-ah, all a-gwine Into the Alk-ah. And thore was the Anaconder-ah, that g-r-e a-t sarplnt of which tioldsmtth describes In his 'Animated Nater' ah, what can swallow six oxens at a ineal ah, provided his appetite don't call for less ah, all a-gwlne Into the Ark-ah. And the heavens ol tho windows was openeU-ah, and ii, n.milsnf the sreat deen klvered tbe wa- lun.ih. anil there was Shem. and there was Ham, and there was .lapheth-ih.all a-gwino into the Ark-ah. And there was the Uou, brelhren-ah. what W the king or beasts, ao cording to Scrlper-ah, and who, as St. Vaul mvs-Ui, prowls around ol a night like a loarlndovll-ah, a-seekln' If he cau't catch honietiocly-alii all a-gwine into me acn-nii. And there was the antelope-ah, my brethren-", that little frisky critter or which Goldsmith describes in his 'Animated Nater' ah, what can Jump seventy five foot straight up-ali. and twice that distance dowu-ah, provided his legs will take him that fur-ali, all a-gwlne into the Alk-ah. And tbe heav ens or the window WM opeued-ih, and the Hoods of the great deep klvered the waters- h, and there m Shem, and there was Ham. and there was Japheth ah, all a-gwino Jclo the Ark-ah."' ... Jut at this polat he stopped speaking a lw moments, wiped his forehead, turned luck his wrist bands, ran his lingers through his hair, spit and rubbed his foot In It, drank a little water, commenced on a lower key, and proceeded as follows: "Hut time would fail me, my btf thren, to descrlbo all the ani mals thai went Into the Ark-ah. Your pa deuce am' 'my strength would give out before I got half Ihrough-ah. We talk, my breth rln, about the faith of Abraham and the pa tience of Job ah; hut It striken me tlinv .llilis't an much ahead of old Noer-ah. It took a tliiht smart chance of b'ttli lo gather in all that iroulierwood aud nitch and other truck for to build that oraft-ah. I am sort of a carpenter mvsnlf, and have some Idee of rim inlt ah. Hut to hammer, and maul, and sw. and split away on that one things bun-, dreel ana twenty years-an, air iookiu- ior his pay In another wnrld-ah. I toll you, my bretherln. if the Lord had a sot Job at that it my opinion be would a-ttiok bis wire's ad vice, iuslde of ttlty year ah. Besides, no doubt, hl righteous soul was vexed every day, hand runnln', with the tllthy oommu iilcatious ol the bU-phemloua set that was Mwajs a-loatnriii' and a i-onterln' around hIi, a plcklu' up his ttxiU and a mlsplauln' 'aiii ami a-o,liin' him an old fool or sorue- thin' wore ahj and to clap the climax, lie was a preacher. a u naa mat ongouiy gin eratlon on his lisud-overv Sundayab. But the Lord stood liv him and seed him through the Job ah; and when everything was readv ha didn't seud N'ner nut to scrim mru ami 'anniir and bunt all over the wild wor'd for to git up the critters and varmeuts that he wanted aavedah. They all come to his hand of their own accord, and Noer only had to head 'em In and tlx 'em around In their placea ah. Then he gethered hla own family, aud tbe Lord abut him In, and tbe heavens or the windows was open-ah. Hut, mv bretherln, Noer had use tar patience ar tef tbla ab. Think what a time he must a had a-feedlug' aud a-waterin' and a clean- In out after slch a crowd-ah. Some of 'em according to Goldsmith's 'Animated Nater' h, was carnivorious, and wanted fresh oeat-ah; and some was herblvorlous, and a anted vegetable food-ah; and some was woriiiivorfniiN. nnd swallerod live things wholoah ; and he had to fed evory thing mo coroln' to fits nuter. ueuce, we view, my brotbron-nh, as the nater of the iinimals warn't altered by goln' into tho Ark-ah some of 'urn would rosi,and howl, and berk, and bmy, and i-queal, snd blate, tbe whole Indu rln' nlicht-sii, a drlvln' f leep from his eyes and slumber trom his eyeleds ah; and at tho first streak of daylight tbe last hoof of 'em would st un a noie aecnrniu- tons nater-ah, and the bulls of Bashsn warn't no whar-xh. I've often wondered how their women stood It. Scrlpter Is silent on this pint ab; but I think I know of some thst would a-bettu vnpory and nervlous nnder sich clrcumstancas-ab, and In an ouguarded moment mlunt a-enld something besides tholr nravers ah. Here the speiker stop ped aalu, spit, took water, etc., and hasten ed to a conclusion. My brethren, said he, one tuiro word lor out woer-ati, anu i win draw to a cloje-ah. Alter the outbeatlu' time ho bad, first aud last, for so many bun- urea yesr-ali, ir lis uiu, uv ar-cioenior inner wise, take a leetle too much wine on one-ee-casiou-ab. I think less ort to a-been said about it-ah. Besides. I think he was entitled to ouo snree-ah, as be made the wine him- seir. and, according' to Scrfpter, it makes glad the heart of man ah. My brethren, as it was in the tiiys or Noer-ah, fo shall tbe coming of tho Hon of Mhu be-ah. Thu world will never b drownded aglu-ah. It will be tot a tlrv and burnt up, root and brAiich, with a fervient heat-ali. Oh! what will wreushed, ondone sinners ck) on that orful day-ali? They wont feel litfortollve, uor lor to dle-ah They wlih be put to their vlt'rt end, ami knock and straddle-arouud in every direction ah. For,allatonctrmy broth-iirlu-ab, they will behold: the- heavens a darkutii'ith, tho sens- a-roarm'-ah, tbe tombs a liu-tin ah, the mountains a-inelttn'- ah: snd exery thinii. I think. Willi be In a C'liifu.-tHl an unsettled state. May the Lord add his blessing. Amen EASTERN OREGON. Ni:au WtaroN, Aprlli22, 1870. Kd. Fa I! me it: We are having a very back ward spring, with an unusual amount of rain, although everybody is about dene seeding. The great iMiufall assures us of a good crop. Nearly all tho farmers In tho hills around Weston are plowing up their pastures In order to eiow- a large crop. t wheat tlil falli In a very- few yours the na tive bunch grass will bo. entirely oxtiiwt in the immediate vicinity of Weston, although iu the outskirts or the settlements and on the open prairies- the gross is as luxuriant as over, except around watering Dlaces. Tho- sautrrels are not troubling our grain to amount to auyttriag yet. They seem to be migrating, as there are more in the foothills than ever before-. We are having some oases of-diphtheria, in this section Tow sons of Mr. Krafces, the oldest 17 yaarsof age,.died with that disease within thelast few days. Kt-SherltB A. W. Nye was iioked by sustalllou a fewdavs-ago, breaking His cheek bono. At last aoeoants he was doing as well as posslnie vnaeir tne circumstances. Several new houses- are building iu Weston, and eserythrag. seems prosperous. Steps are being takeiktv organ i.ti a Lctlgn of Odd 1'ellows there. More anon. Hi. KM, ' MiuhjiUj, Wasco-Cd.. 1 April n870.; Editor Faiuii-h: Stock men axe In better spirit, as a numier of Urge buyers In cattle have iade thola appearauco In this eastern country, and many ahousajul bead will change bands, and at better prices than the pass year, ami as the eattle are being driven toward tbe Eastern States it will establish a good market tor the future. Winter being lahly over uw, we can say thai we have haa ouo of tho ftuHt wiuteM known for years, nnd scarcely any stock has died for the want ot feed. Pilltics are beginning to get warm now; the Democrats have nominated their ticket and the Independents will do so next weok. A. H. Breyman. FUTKUNMILK CKUEK, April 22, 187ft. En. I-'armkr: Although tbe Independents have no Statu ticket this year, In this (Wasco; county wo nomiuate a full Independent ticket. Our primary met to-day, and as the proceedings were an Improvement, as I think upon the old manner of holding pri maries, I seud you a short account. Dele gates were given verbal and written instruc tions, the latter in the lorm of resolutions. These reolutions were discussed pro aud con, and adopted oue by one. Then the county ofllces were taken up, ouo by one, the merits of prospective candidates discuss, ed, aud a full county ticket nominated. A list of tho candidates and a copy of the reso lutions were given the delegates, or course, this do?s not absolutely bind them to any naHliMilur iviursB. or anv set of men: but It furnishes them a full and free expression or the wishos of the voters, lo.take with them to the county convention. It Is certaiuly at tho primaries that reform must begin. If every one iu the State would follow something of the plan or this one, more or me wishes 01 voters would be respected at county aud State conventions, Ou motion, the secretary was requested to furnish a copy of the resolutions to tbe Wiixamkht Farm kr aud tbe Mountaineer tot publication. Tuoy Shellky. RESOLUTIONS, Kesolved, That we are opposed to any in crease or the fee bills or this county, and our delegates are instructed to bring this niet'.er betore the couuty convention. Kesolved, That, as near as may be, the ofllces should be distributed throughout the couuty In proportion to representation Kesolved, 'lhal we are opposed to cliques aud put-up Jobs, and that we will support such men, aud only such men, as are hones: and competent. Kesolved, That we are opposed to the compulsory school-book law. tl. H. Hahnktt, Chairman. Troy Siikm.ky, Seu'.y. Oh, give mo a cot beside tbe hill, A beehive's hum to soothe uitno ear, A little rill and a flutter mill, With many a fall to linger near. Where tbe swallow oft around ray thatch Shall twlttor rrom her olay-bullt nest, Aid the pilgrim olt shall lift the latch, To share my meal, a welcome guest. Where the lark shall soar on downy wing, And the humming bird shall alp the dew, While Peggie, at her wheel, ahall alng, In russet gown and apron blue. JOM ATKAM WAIUILK. Fern Hills, Cliokamai Co. Soicday Ecnoot. OBOANI7.BD. Ed. rarmers The people of the Rickey neighborhood have united together nnd organized a Union Sabbath School at iho .Rickey School Honee, near Salem. Officers In attendance, Mr. IMvfd Ulack superintendent, Mr. Mothbom assistant. Teachors, Mr. D. Workman, Mr. J. Wingher. Mrs. M. A. workman, Mrs. X, Culver. We extend h cordial Invitation to all wbfnro interested In improving eoclety and brirxrlnsr un their chlMren In the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We kindly ask your assistance amryonr prayers in this good eause. How, If the editors have a word nf encouragement to sav for our success, we tenderour slnceie thanks to t hem ao. Mrs. M. A. W. The Republicans of Bititon cotintv held their convention on Wednesday, ancjnoinl nated the fbllowing ticket: For Represents Hves, JamoH Chambers, Pi A. Bensell and Tolbert Carter; HherifT, Nol Klnn; Chunty Clerk, Bi W. Wilson; Treasurer, Jrtibua Mason; Superintendent of Schools, 32.' B. McElroy: Couotv Commlmioners, Jhmea Jlncles, James Kdwards; Surveyor, George Mercer. W. L. ADAMS, M.D...A.I. LLJT,, Office on rirst Street, (tlstween Taylor and Sataon.) PORTLAND, - - OREGON. mriB D'ctor-it hot cnrlnz ChronlC' Disease hi W. A erto corjd:fvd incurable, by new- and ralloLiii methods of treatment, on moderate teims. He be longs to no school" ot medicine, bnt, admitting there Is some trn'h In Allopathy, Hydropathy, H' mcropatby, and Sfesmerlsm, be rejects-them all as a. vholc, retainlnpf from each whatever experience 1ij proven to be beneficial. lie holds Hurt no man. hor ever well read In science, can nire those c'ironic tl eases which no baffle the skill of all the schools who has no other resources than those obtained byi reading all the racdl-al books ret pnb'ihhcd the "Ea le'tie ' anthorltlts not excepted. Bat ha docs holii that hy hts syitvm of dedicated Electric Vapor Bath, and by actlnz on the blood, the brwi, and splnail nerves by counter-irritants and harmless medicines, every dle.ispifor(5in in the body can be restored, where there has b("n nopatholneictt evolution ra suitlne In an eatiro In of fnnctlon. He bat demon. strated till- in vorv maay Instance--, Sy cnrlne cvcry t-ap-j lit, iiii-i am oi-van iioccors urn awnown co lame, had pronounced ' inci-.n)ble heart disease,11 beeldra- navmz reached onsi' or svpnws. scrjfnla, Kheuma tlsm, Consonmllon. Erteht's Kldne-w DronfT. I.irer ConiDlalnt, Maes, Aneurisms, Tape -orm. Tumors womb trnuble-3J)ypejMia, brain dlsotses, Jtc, when siiiierers uaa 9pni,vi sums 01 money on -- eminent phy-ictans," alt to n purposi'. The- Dr. claims "n have Mtccceda-l in norfiti'liz ealvanlom so as to make it Uke the pice oPanJmul mauneti-m, brain life, vh tal force, or tiiv lltt injdlcall-lr nnurM whlrh. whpn. assisted, beiUeall oirablo legions in the body. Tbli It sent thronsh tho bmin. and over th eieht natrs nf nerves to evsrjp pariHJo of tissue In the body. wh'Je. me iiuiieu-- it. nassin inrnuen ine nain. 'rnie Data is theDrs ovnjnvenvon, and, comblulnc all the ad-1 vantages ot the Tur'tifh and other baths, and belnz devoid of tholr evlls-and dibzers, it uronounced By. tbosu wholuvo'trlcJ tho best ba'Ltt In Rnrope, i Kastern cities. Calirarala. and Oreiran. rkr snnt-rinr ta any of th-3i Out of iiho.toti certificates as So the result of Ml. treatment witch could be puhlleoed, the ibllowilw are oUcrecitQieulTersrs. They do not embrace, haw ever, the aiast reraarkable of his cares : CBRTI FIOATES. PonTiiND, Peb.S, 1ti! I full'irtvt fnairyrarg from HrluUV kidney, enlarged Drostra-lttand c'-i-cnlc citarrh of Ulndder. I tried. sow. eu doctani, not worse, and gave up to die. in Anrll last a fiiontprciailed on me to i-All on Or. W, 3. Ad ams. I was soon relieved of siiVering In Jul wag able to work In, baivest. and ha worked ever since. Feel utMo wtll and happy. Dr. Adams certainly savecVay life. Hilton Bo wan. Few-four years I was a miserable sufferer from syph ilis, eularzed nrolra e "lani and rhenmtmun. I spenotwo thousand dollars on doctors inNawVork and San Francisco, and dldn'oizet much. If any. relief, t uaally concluded to take thj-advlcetbaj.luifjo Ilum avu gave me last fall, nnd lace myself aider Ibe caw ol Dr. W. L. Adams. IMs treatment astonished ma in Its results I am free from pain, and have been staoo the thl'd day after I Lt pan treatment I am, in rut. a new man, and g-o this s-atement f the bene. Itof others, though, for rsa'ons the public will un derstand, I do not gH e my full name. If. O. C Yaiiiisu. Tountv, Fl). 10. 18' 6. For mar y years 1 was ii suflerer imm ch-onlc rheu matism, dlstrc'sing piles, and palpitation of the heart, so that life was a burden. I ually went to I'ortland, aud was Hired by Dr. W. L. Artams. I am now n-eu rrom ualn. and can work haul all day with out buinz tired Although 6li jears od, I tee) like a boyaain. Thobcmiitl got from Us treatment Is worth more to mi: than all the gold Is Nevada O. II, ADAH J. Little Falls. W T., Jan. a. 187(1. In hammering a plsce or sieel, a fragment of it pen etrated my left eye. I went to Portland, sullering pain that I rannot cV-scrlbe, for radical aid. lAlier sfeial dcitois examined and counseled, they told me that my e a must bo taken nut, as it was impossible to save It, ami tlur. if I oida't have It taken out t would lose the other cy, too On my way to the hotel, a good hamar.uu advised me, hciore consenting to be butchered, to sec Or. Aoams. I did -o, tbauk Gnd and he soon relieved me of pain, took tbe steel from my eye, and cured ins saving my eye, saving me from great suffering, aud savin" mo several hundred dollars I leel more grateful toward bi in than lap guage can express Hinhy Booth. Cmrkki'o.. W T "ct. , IsTit Sly jounsen babe, whicli weighed eight and three quartr pounds when horn, fell olt to seven pounds and a half in three mouths, as it had never retained a particle of milk on Its stomach, but lived h rncklnz sugar tied up in a cloth, lt became a full ring skel eton, and dltllcultles set Iu that threatened to kill lt in a lew diva Mv neighbors said. Don't like It to a doctor: in doctor con sat U; it will only die tbe sooner..1 One pcrsou, h wever, advlecrt meio lake It to Dr. Ada-lit, of Portland, Oregon. I did so, and In three months it wa a fat, bouncing boy, weighing fiurteru pounds. Itbegau to live on milk from tie time Dr. Adams began to treat it. I consider It al-mo-t a miraculous cure,, and so do otheis. I make this statement for ttlv benefit of other snrtorers. Sarah J. Whiibubn, Ciiieicio, Feb, 1, loTtt. After having failed to get any relief from physicians here for an unknown trouble. 1 wrote to Dr. Adams, of Portland, Oregon, giving my symptoms. Ho sent me medicine ror a tape-worm It sonn relieved me of one twenty or thirty leet long. iliss U. M I'oiitlnd. March 7. MTfl. I am now 3S years old -hive sintered as none but nijsclt know, since I was H years old, with protaimt !, targe tumors, llstula, worms, and hemorrhage, which eminent physicians Eat assured methey could not cure. I have now been un ler Dr. Adams1 treat ment najuinomh. and feel like a new man. Ills treat ment has seemed to me to act almost miraculously, as I was relieved of neatly every particle of my trouble iu a v.'ry short lime arter I began treatment. I feel as though 1 would like to recommend other sufferers to go w here 1 and many others did and got relief. atomic W. Swank, Dr. Adaxs vvrt es no prescriptions, aud rarely sends out niedlclnV), as little can be done for such as usually need his aid nuless he can have the patient under his constant watch and care as the treatment advances. Only letters containing stamps, giving sympto-us and asklug for an opinion, will be answer ed. Patlenta may rely upon being dealt fairly and honestly with uo deception, no falsehood, no hum bugging, to get people1 money. " Do nnto others aa you would have them do to you,1' I a rule be Is trying to lite up to. . A Lady always In tbe oaee, to aaalst In treating Woata. roiiTLAMJ, March, 1870. mhntf The Sonoma, Oil., Democrat says: "Ever since the discovery of tho J, 100 oound beet In one of the southern ccun .if9 nf this Stjife. the eardeners of So- noinn. who nevr uilnwanvbody tobeat them In the size of their vegetables or the prolusion of their yield, nave st't ulxiut taking the shine out of that bent by producing Mimetliinga little l'.void it. Among others in the field, Mr..lak Hardisty ia growing t n which he fond ly hones will, in the i-our-e of ten or L twelve year3rstirpa- atiyi hi ng yet been. ills neet statins now uwiui. inree leei out of the gitHind, and If no cow get inside and eats the heart out of it, will eventually accomplish all' tliit is Hoped for by tho-enterru'I'dnp grower. Importation op Cmtttlb. The Treasury Department has modified its order prohibiting the importation of neat cattle and hides of neat'cattlo from Great Britain and Ireland, so as to allow the-importation of blooded stock from said countries when accompanied by a certificate from a United StrUos consular offlcor thatsuch animals are- at the date of exportation In a sound and healthy condition, andi entirely free- from the hoof and moutli disease, or any indica tions thereof. Yo-un Feet: Young man), if you should see yourvgirl gazing intently at Vour feet, don't Miifc them about un easily, or draw them ilp""and sit upon them, under the-iuinresslou that she is overwhelmed iy tneir immense size. She is merely taking their measure, inetitnlly, for a pair of slippers, on the toes of which she intends to work a luo dog with a green tail aud scarlet jars. Jerry Black chews up uiapMsof to iacco avery six hours, and expectorates ;oplously. A Harrisburg lawyer once said to him, "Take my advice, Judge, itnd keep away front Africa. If Htanley ever met you thre in tho dark he plight mistake you for one of the uourcesof the Nile." i 1 As tho spring swlvances, the Mephis tophelean countenance of the base-ball i-eporter widens ami crinkles in a sar castic smile. He- is thinking of how tnany telegraphic dispatches will be crowded out to give place to -his pro ductions during "the season." i A bust of Horace Greeley amarble one will soon be-out. So will the me morial committee out of funds. It takes -several thousand dollars of con tributions to got a dead man. a $(i(J0 'monument. BUY A NO. 1 HAND -MADE -AT JOHN W. GILBERT'S, n!2 8ALK3I, OR. tf It Pays ! It Pays I WHAT PAYS? IT PAYS every Manufacturer, Merchant. Mechanic, Inventor, Tanner, or Professional Wan, to keep Informed oa all the improvements, and discoveries of the age. IT PAYS the head of every family to introduce Into his household a newspaper that Is instructive, one that osiers a taste lor investigation, aud promotes thought and encourages discussion among its mem bers. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN which has been published weekly for the last Ithlrty years, rioet this, to aa extet beyond that of any oth er publication, in fact It is the only weekly paper pub lished in the United States, devoted to Manulactures, Mechanics, Inventions, and New Discoveries in the Arta and sciences, Every number la profusely illustrated and 't con. nra emhrace tbe latest and most interesting infor mation pertaining to the Industrial, Mechanical, and Scientific Progress of the World; Descriptions, with Beautiful Engravings, of New Inventions, New Im plements, New processes, and Improved Indu, trie of all kinds: Ksefol Notes, Rcc- tpc Suggestions and Advice, by Practical Writers, for Workmen aud Em ployers, lu all the various arts, forming a complete repertory of New Inventions aud discoveries; con taining a weskly record not only of the progress of the Industrial Arts in cur own country, but also or all New Dlscovriles and Inventions In every branch of Engineering. Mechanics, and Scl'n." abroad. 1UE BCIEN1IKIO AMERICAN has been the tore. most of all Industrial publications for the past Thirty viars. It is the Olde-t, Largest, Cheapest, and tho Best weekly lllus'rjtea Mpcr devoted to Euglner 'ug.Mecnanlcs.ChemUtry.New Inventions, scleace anu Industrial Progress, published In tho World. The practical recjlp's are well worth ten Unies tt.i subscription price. And for the sh'p aud houso will save many times the cost of unbwrfp'iuu Merctunts Farmers, Mechanics, Engineers. Invn tors. Manufacturer. Chemists, Lover rf science, and People .if all Professions, will Ann tho SCIENTI FIC AUERICVN useful to them, lt should have a place In try Family, Library. Study. Offlce. and Counting ttoom; in cieay R.-adlng lionm. College and Scho 1. A new volume couiuiencrs January 1st, Ajeir's numbers conttln R-12 pago and several IlnndredEngrutiugs. Thon-aiids of voln esaie pre served for i ludlu. and reference. Teiius 41 so a car by mall. Including postage. Dlsconnt to clubs. Spe cial ciraulars irivlngclUb rates sent free, bingle copies mailed on receipt of 10 couts. May bo nad of all New a Dealers. In connection with the 8cl eatidc Americau. Messrs. nnu A: Co. aie suiic'tors or American ana roreun Patents, and htve the largest establishment In the world. More than 50,003 applications hat e been made for patents through ihelr agency. Patenta are obtained on the bet terms, Models of New Inventions and bketchea examined and advici (red A special notice is made In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN or all Iiventlons Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Patents are often sold In part or whole, to persons at traded to the invention y snh notice. Send for Pamphlet, containing lull directions for obtaining Patents. A bound volume containing tho Patent Laws Census of the U, 8., and Hi Engraving of mechanic. al movement. Pries 25 cents. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patent, MU.NN Jt CO. 37 Park Row, New York, t ranch Of fice, Cur. Fi 7th St., Washington, D. C, BALEM FURNITURE FACTORY,' At Mill Crook Bridge, .LIBERTY STREET, - - SALKM, OREGOJ. All kinds of f mtrTITURE ON HAND, And Made to Order. THE TBADE SUPPLIED On the lowest terms for CASH. P JIO'B WO-ltK done, and all kiids of TVHlf INO Orders promptly Attended to. Otoda delivered to any part of the city, to tbe ratl rsad, or wharf, frbx or charoe. PARMENTER & BABC0CK. Anrll 30. IKS. wtf Mrs. Rohrer's New Ronaedy FOR TBE IiUlTCr 18 JIEET1XG WITB WONDERFCL SUCC338f Tats puninnr vegktable iohbdy has no equal in tbe relief and cure of Coughs. Colds, tsthma. Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Congh. 3ies slcv. &e. It haxproduced some remarknMe core, sole by rtrnffgWts generally. Prepared only by ATrM. K. KllllllKlt, Monmouth. On. To whom all letters of bu'iness should be addressed. f. a SUXJWVAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0P2RA HOUSE, SALEM. E. coner. at toad of stairs. feljy 8. iitrosiTs Binvx,, Successor to J. M. Kxelkb Cs 05 liberty, at., - - NRW YORK, GommisMloii A.(gont FOR BUYING AND FORWARDING FROM! New York via Isthmus, Pacific Rallrot d, and Cape Horn, all klnds-of Merchandise, and for tbe sale of Products from the Pacific coast, for the collection of money. Ac. nctftf JONES & PAITERSON HAVE FARMS FOR SAU3 AMD Buy and Sell City Property, ZU3XT HOUSES, NEGOTIATE LOANS,. AND Make Collections. AGENTS FOB Mutual Life Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. Union Firo Insurance CompV OF SAN FRANCISCO. KEEP ON HAND, FOR GRATUITOUS C1UCU lation, ihelr " Descriptive Laud Circular," aod 'Uoscilptlve Ciraulnr and Weather Record ol Or egoa." OtOre on ground flaor, OPERA HOUSE BLOCS. SAfcHM, X)R6GOJ. nulBy Farm, for Sale .T, WILL SELL MY FARM OF 320 ACHIW. V 70 of vjiiali are good prauie. i.nncr good onltt vation, with good leiicrs. piineipatly tedar rails, two grain barns, one laru horse ham and wagon house, a. good dwelling liDitre. which cost iM-500, a good or chard, and all tin needssarv lmnrovements for a wood i home, und in as healthy a locality as there is- on the b coast. My market is. nuly one and a halt miles, school n boils' one Miirn of a mile, two stores and postofllrer (three and it half miles, from my house; cbnrcb, two ana a nan nines. 1 e rirm could he divided to au vantage, and uiako two good lurms. The farii Is simuled near tbe center of WHI1BY ISLAND. Island couuty. Washington Territory. Tho Island la foity miles long and fle or six miles wide. .T. O. KELLOGG. Icastf P O. address, Counevllle. islandao. W T. Salem Flouring Mills. BEST FAMILY FLOUR, BAKER'S EXTRA, XXX. SUPERFINE AND GRAHAM, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND SHORTS. Constantly on Hand. SXiabefst Price in CASH Paid for Wheat AT ALX. TIMES. . C. EINN8T, Agent 8. P. M. Co Sept IStf THE WEEKLY SUM. XKW YORK. 1S16. . Eighteen hundred aud seventy.six ! the Centennial vcur. It is also the year in which an Opposition House or Heprosentativ , ibo Irst since thp war. will be lu power at Washtnzton; and I he year of the twenty-third election 'f a President or the United State. All of these events are sure to be of great Interest and Importance, especially the latter; and all of tnem and every thing connected with them wil bulully and freshly reported and expmindet lu The 'un. The Opposition House of Kepreseutlilies, taking tip tho line ol Inquiry opened yejrs ago by Tub Sun, will diligently aud sternly ImiMilaie the corruptlcn and tnlsdaeds of Uuant's admluisttation; and will, lt Is to bo hoped, lav tho foundation for a new and net ter period in our national history. Of all this Tuc Sun wld contain complete and accurate accounts, tar nishing tu readers with early and trustworthy infor mation upon these absorbing topics. The twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it, will he memorable as decldlnr np on Grant's aspirations for a third term of pn er and plunder and still more as deciding who shall be the caudldate of the panyof Rarorm.and as rlfcilng that caudldate. Concerning all these subjtsts, thoce who read The Sun will have the constant means ot beiuic tnorougblylwell inlnrmed. Tne VVrEKLY M.'n. which has attained a circulation of over clbty thousand copies, already has Its readers in eet-v State and Territory, and we trust that "he y;ar IS70 will see their numbers doubled. It will con titiiio to ne a thornm."1 mewsp.iper. All the ceueral news of Ibe day will be found In It. condensed when unimportant, at full length when of momenrj and al ways, we trutt, treated lu a cl nr interesting taauner. It Is oir almt make the WrEKi.T Sun the best famty newspaper in the word, and uc shall continue to give In it olnmnsa large amountof miscellaneous reading, such as smiles, tales, poems, scientific In telligence and agricultural Information, for which we are not able to make room in our dally edition, Tbo agricultural department especially Is one of Its prom inent tenures. The fashions are also regularly report ed In lis columns; and so aro the market of every kind. The Wikkit Sun. eight pages wllh fifty-six broad coutnns is only (1.30 a year, postage prepaid. As this price barely repays tho cost of the paper, no dis count can be made from this rate to club, agent. Postmasters, or anyone. The Oailt Sun, a large four page newspaper oil twenty-eight columns, gives all the news fortwocents A copy. t-iibrlitlon. postage prepaid. Mc. a montta or su,3ti a year, isuncuy canton eitra, J1.J0 per year. WefueuOtrae!lngagent. Address. TUtS8UN, New York City. $ipK