Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 05, 1876, SUPPLEMENT, Image 11

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rv -f
Manufacturers and Doalers to
Sash, Doors, Blinds, and
And all Kinds of Scroll-Sawing.
latest Improved wood-worlrini? roachlmry to
manafH"nif tin nbnvo articles, will offer Inducement
to cu.toin-r. Also,.
In 'l It varieties.
Or dor 9 from the Country
Promptly attended to.
Office and Manufactory, cor. of Front ard State streets
hurt RA.LEM. dwtf
W. L. "VVA-DE.
cd nfiill assortment or
General Merchandise,
Dry Goods,
Boots & Shoes,
Jalcnlated tnt the Cltyand Country-Trade. Bonpht at
'ow. and will he sold at as SMALL A PROFIT, at
.hose who SELL AT COST. P-y-Goo-ls delivered tc
viv part of the cltv fre ot chin-e Novfcv
The Highest Market Price
Hides, Pelts, Deer, and Elk
And nil KlndM or Fur v.
Ocr. 1,1873. S-LEM.
Screw Worm.
Foot Bot,
Parasites that infest Sheep.
improves the Health
JST" One irallon 1- enough for one hundred li ..
hundred Sheep according to their ago, strength, an.
It is put up In FIVE-GALLON CANS-rrlce, $12
per can.
Seud for circular to
T. A. DAVIS &. Co..
Wliolesmlo Aceut lor the Ktntc.
Or to vonr nearest Retail DniKSlt. mi 6
JMjixiDiiio fcsliop,
B. P. DRAKE, Prop'r.
" Rcapeta, Pumps, and all kinds and styles of Ms
;hluery made to ordor. Machinery rcp-ilrcd at a short
notlco. Pattem-niaktncr done In all Its various forms,
ini all kinds of Bran and Iron CastluifH furnished M
"iort notice Also, ninimfucturer of ENTERPRISE
SHAPKRS M'iv4wtl
J. O. 3HEI.T02?. I. B..
Orecoit. Otllce. front room on second lloor c
the N. O. Parrlsh brick, Commercial street Kmi
lence, nori'inst corner Frout ai-d Division street.
Uilnira graduate of tho Physio-HeiMeal, orCnrtl
Collide, Cincinnati, Ohio, we are par"ly refotm Inoni
practice, discarding alllm both uiluir,il aril vegetable
-.oisons X3j
To Farmers and Otherc.
by eery steamer In cearih of employment, and
the board nnddltbciiltyln Rolling MH'jncits for them
We therefore earnestly request Farmers ai.d otters
who require Fain Hands or lubor of any kind, to im
mudlutl' communicate with u and we "111 ulaflly
supply them with such labor free of charse on our
part. Pliase statetbc wires one red, the class ol men
you want, and for bow Ions employment will be
given. The Aarlstnt Secretary Is in daily attendance
st the Board Rooms, Aukenj 'a DuiltiluA P rlland.
from 10 to S p. iu each day, to whom all letters
should bcaddiessed.
W. 8. LADD.
Htata Commissioners of Immigration.
For HOME ns and fot HARKRT In ItlKIT'H GAR
DEN MANUAL pracltcal. vinted ami ttoniigh
cnnta'nl'i;ohe,bnIfasiiuch matter as $1 i books on
the subject. Oarrieneis throughout tte country com
mend its practical labor-nviiij; methods as invalua
ble to them. Sent for 10 rents, which v ill be allovt ed
on tho nrst order for seeds. J. B. HOOT, Seed Orow
cr. Kockford Illinois. UllwM
iajjC.willlNCrCRODT ft'col
nt Itsrnhlns hnhit shftlaMr fnd
sisllyruml.rsinW.i intiuh!lfity.
ntlsntplnrrnimlar. IJr.Cjru
,100. IS Viu!iluJltMbt.,KlkAfp,U,
Ullll for I he llellerorSetilerson nnlluny
Wamunoton, April 27. Tlmlilll lutio
tlmxtl by Wlggliitoti to-day for the icllct
of suttli'r on rallroid lands ullhln the
limit of Kohnd gmit, HwmUIiiih oimty,
provliloi lliat wlnn the CXmiIihI Pni'lllc
Kutlrond Company linll 11 1 e with thcrx-o-tetnry
ol the Interior a release of all
claim to nil I.iihW within tluM'Xtcrlor lim
its of tin: Kiiland Kiiint. In- li:ill Is-ne to
said eiiiiipany serip lor 34.000 iH-rv".. In
eattahli! upon any pnhllc l.-u.d. exei-ptlii);
iiilmiiil mill llml'ir l.tniN, mid ttimn -ucli
telhiiini-linicnt.ill it- riht. title anil in
teivt shall pa-s to tlwM'ttlvr and the par
tioto whom the "oxernnient Ii.k mvi'ii
the title. A pieatnhle reeltvs llt.it tinder
the I tiling ot the Interior D.-pnilmelil
many persons have svitled on lhee land'
ii.ialo valuable inipiovemetits and In
tntiiiv lii'liiiiee mill the izoveriiuieiit lor
iKiteiiN to them, tvlilvli. under the tleel-
oii of the (.'.ililomia Sninenie (Jourt am-!
Uniteil state Circuit Court, uiu now de
clared to ho held only in trn-t lor the rall
toad company, on tho cronnd that the
land twed to the railroad voinnnny. Up
on the recommend.itloi) of ciUI Kolanil
Grant. J. K. Scrlevener. ot Stanhlati.
j.aughlin, wlio holdii the rallioad title to
tliee land. He say they are worth, on
an averactt at least $15 per acre, tint that
Melitililin have given the settleis n con
tract to deed them all hi title upon re
ceiving tlie land seilp proposed by till
l.itl '11... I.tnlj tn I (i.ftiiiiin t-t ll.it ntirl
Ullla J IIU 1(111 LI 111 JlllM IIIVIV llllll J in iv.
tliu Jloqnelemas "nuit though in tho same
piedicamcnt as the lands above named,
are not made a part of this nrrangcincnt.
ArlimiHKH Ilepiilillciin Contention.
l.irri.i: Kock, Apiil 27. The Kepnbll
inii state i-onventlon. held to-day. waoi-
ganlzed by tlie election ot the following
olllceis : Jo-eph Ilrook, I'rtldeii ; CJ.
II. ,Tohnon (eoloted). V. A. Grace. N. 15.
Il.itton. Vice Pievlilvnts : II. 3t. Cooper.
. A. Dawson (colored.) J. P. Jones, (col-
oied) St errtai les. I) iwson and .ln:ies tie-clhiL-tl
toeivc. and Ed. Levy and J. II.
Smith (colored) were stib.-titnted. Mr.
ISiooks had been taken very siuldenlv and
violently ill. and It wa impossible tor liiin
to be pr'eeiit. On motion of Senator Hor
sey. General Uphmn a declared pf rmii-
ncnt chairman. A committee was ap
pointed to whom all resolutions weio tel
crred without debate. Tlie committee on
resolutions then repotted a series ol iho-lotion-",
the i.t-t ot which dcclaies Hon. O.
V. Mot ton the choice of the llepiihllcans
of Arkansas, lor President, and Instinct
the deleiintes to vote for him alone. Sena
tor Clayton poku ngalnt the adoption of
tins resolution. iiionj:n .vieniing to no
man In admiration of Jlorton. lie did not
think tl e amendment would make the res
olution sti oncer. Kiiltou replitd he be
lieved there weio men hi tint delegation
who weio liieiids ot Mr. Conkllnir. A
for him-elf ho would not stippoi t Conkllng,
lie wanted to bend them to vote for Mutt
on. Alter a dlscu-sion as to whether tlie
tesolutlons should ilcclate strongly tor
Morton or not, Mr. Vk nipple otlered a sc
ries ol resolutions as a substitute for the
series already presented, leaving the dele
gates nnlnslrnittd. The original te-olii-tiou
were, liowever, adopted, ami the
convention acljonrncil.
Uilcn Coin en I Ion.
Utica. N. Y., Apt II 27. The Demo
cratic State Convention reascmbled till
morhiui! recoiruizeil the Tammany dele
gates 1 1 oiii Jfcw York astl.e tegular dele
gation and gave seats on tin lloor witliout
it voice to tlie anti-Tammany contestants.
'J'lie u-uftl comniitlees were appointed and
,vho conxeiition took a recess immediately.
Oil tho adoption of the repot t favoring
Tumi'jaiiy 1I1I. 'he aiiti-Tainuiiitiites leit
tlio coiiviiiitlou. After tlie recess. Krancis
J. Human, Win. JJouhelnier. Henry C.
MlUidiJ and AbraJiains tf. Hewitt were
r ')ll UVIvS'ite'iH. iis- l" ",v; """
clio .,,' '"dp rfliO.'tu'ions lu-tructed
conveiilu. ' .Wtj0 to'l-'ils !l ,lll't
the uatloiial ik .u ...in Cl this tnajoii
iu iiccoidaiico w iiu . .J" r amuel
tv, and suggest the uouilu.it. Vuni-ev
J. Tilden, tor President. John &
in his argument iu favor of admitting
antl-Tammauy delegates Mid, you maj
let in hi or not ; hut let mc tell you. it
'yen adopt the majority report admitting
tlie Tammany delegates'.you will see moie
distinction In New York than you Imve
yet seen,
Mr. I'ltell"H IMinioiKls.
Vashingiox. April 27. The House
couimiileo on ways and means take the
ground I hat as the bill lelatiugtn the Fitch
jewels telate to revenue it must originate
hi the Ilon-e, they will theieforo pieparu
n new bill. No opposition Iu tlie measure
Is expies-ed iu couiuiittee.
Coble ;: eentlic UiiltedStntetiniiil Asln.
Tlie hill iiit'oduceii by Sargent to-day to
eiRouiage and inoinotu telegrapli'e iiim
inuiiicatiou between the United states and
A-ja aulhoil.cs tlie Ainericiu and Kast
Indian Telcgiaph Co. of New Yoik to
1 ly, land unit opeiate cable on the Pa
ciile Coat within the jiui-dicliou of the
L'nlied stiles for a pcil'odof iwentyye.u.-,
provided lliu company shall begin opu-i-(iotl-,
In two year and shall havo at least
one cablu luoH-ratiou (torn till- coutiueiit
to i he Asiatic colonies within lour yeais
fiuiii the eiiiiilmciit of tins bill. The gov
ernment is to hae priority in the n-e ol
the-e cables. The right to alter, amend
or lepeal. the act 1 leserved to Congie-,-,
and the lest of the bill tiuthorUca the Sec
ri'tary ot tlie Navy to detail one or more
steam veSM'l to assist in tlie smvey and
soundings, the laying ot tlie cables, and
the transportation ot mateiials and gen
erally to a Hold assistance calculated to
promote the success ol the cnterpii-e.
Imuenrliswiit Trial.
Wahiimiton. April 27. The galleries
ol tlie (senate chamber were again crowd
id to-day, two-thirds of the audience be
ing ladles. At 12 1'. M. the legislative
business was suspended and the impeach
ment trial begun. Lord submitted a mo
tion that tlie evidence relating to (he ques
tion of jurisdiction of the Senate sitting as
a court ol Impeachment be given belorc
the arguments relating thereto are heard,
and if such plea Is overruled, that the de
fendant be required to answer the ai tides
of luipeiiihmeut within two days, and the
House to reply, if they deemed it neces
sary; within two days and that the tilal
proceed tho neat day after the joining of
Carenti r, of omntri for the accused,
moved lUl the trial Us potpoueil until
the first Monday of December next, and
asked that the time lor Lite discussion of
this motion be Used nt two hours for each
side: request granted 18 to 10.
lllalr addrcsM-d the Senate iu favor ol
the motion. He nreilcd that it was Inmo-
sllile for the Scnato to do Justice to the
great mid imputtaut qtie,lluu Involved In
tin i ca-e. on account oi ii.oiutvnnccu stage
ol tlie session, ai d counsel had no time
to make Investigations or for perfecting
thi'in-elws to argue till great question
igatn. The House wa even now making
iui-ti;atiiufw'ith a view of presenting
additional aitleles of Impeachment, and
tl nut additional charges weletohe mad i
cim-el for the accused wauled lliein line.
1'liev Invited the closest scrutiny into the
ollicial conduct ot the licensed, lie reljr
i til to his life, and stand he had wen his
way iuin the council of the uatiop on the
Itel'd f battle. Another reason why the
senate -lionM postpone the trial was that
it count cut! i- elf directly with political
pait'n- that weiealinosl eomuiittod to Ids
de-tin. thin.
Judge Hlack followed In support of the
motion to puitpoite. He spoke an hour,
and dwelt miiiiii length upon the
political excitement against the accused,
contending it wa so intense that each
p.uty was committed to his ruin. It was
lniHithlu for lilui to have a fair tilal,
though he mighc not have a fair trial,
though he might havoiiu hone-t one. He
al-o intimated that hi defense would be
paiutul; tint nothing but feeling the abso
lute loss of his teputatlun could move him
to it.
The Senate retired at 4 o'clock to con
sult on I lie motion to postpone the im
peacutiiiMit trial. At 4:1)0 the Senators re
turned, and the President pio tern an
noticed that the counsel for the respondent
for a contiiiuaiico of the trial until Decem
ber had been oven tiled.
The Seuato sitting ns acouit adjourned
then nt4:40, went into executive session ;
altera -hoir time tlie session opentd.
The conference committee lepoit on tlie
ilellciency appropriation bill was agreed
Mitchell called up the approplntion bill
giauliiig the light ot way through the
Iitibllc lands for ti wagon rotd over the
ilue iiiountains. Oregon ; passed.
Sargent introduced a bill to cucoutage
and ptoinoto telegraphic communication
between Asia and tlie Paelllc Coast, whli.li
wasielened to the cosnmltteu on com
merce. Booth presented a mcnioil.il of the Cali
fornia legislature In favor ol the adoption
ot suitable measures to protect tlie valley
laud and harbors of that state 1'ioin In
jury by discharge of detritus from the hy
draulic mines : relerrcd to the committee
on mines and mining. Adjourned.
Deteruilulned Sulilile.
San Kl!AlCl?CO. April 27. On Tuesday
mottling Andy Tyler, a saloon keeper at
wa-iilui;tou coiners, committed ulclilc.
Tyler lost his wile about a year ago. which
had caused him much despondency, and
this, together with other circumstances
may account for the deed. On the morn
ing mentioned he went out to tho barn and
attempted lirst to sever the jugular vein
with a oroken bottle. Falllii'' in this at
tempt, but leaving a hortiblo wound, he
next tried to hang hlme!t with a rope,
but'hU feet touched the floor, and he was
again unsuccessful: Tlf-n he got an ax,
and proceeded to cash his forehead, strik
ing himself pcrliaps lilty times, cutting
tils lace in a most gnastiy manner, fan
Itirr in tlie third mode, he, in the most dc
teimined mauner,tookn razor and tiled to
sever the I.ugu veins In both arms. Again
lie tailed, and finally with dctct initiation
and will which were most surpi isiug, lie
took a razor, and with a tremendous ellort
cut his throat, laying it open clear into the
spinal column, and leaving a piece of the
razor I hue. It was one ol the most de
teiecl cases of suieido on record.
Owlii!! to tho increase ol tho rates of
fan; hi horse cars, a line of new' lir-t class
busi has been established on Mi slon
and .Market streets, which is meet li.g with
gratifying success at live cent lares.
S'jKtcmiillu Swindler.
lil'MNOl'i.'.I.i', Olilo, April 23. JoTin T.
-' tt lid J'!3 hi thl clly. is carrying
Mm -"xi'iiy fl'il' extensive swindling
ouasystei. . M(w ,s ,cad(iiaiteis
atsp.iugleldaud Cln .,3 0fJ fl0m
goods and pioducts ot vni. '! iiiil
linns iu all parts ol the Unltetl t,, 'I''j
Canada, teteiihig them to hankers ..
oilier hiislnes men of lids city. When
the goods ai rive they ate immediately ta
ken from tho cxpicss olllce, or freight de
liot, 'Hid tiaiisloired to oilier pirtles fir
any amount Mori is or Ids coufedi'iate,
can get tor them bu-iness, Mirny etliiit
h.iyu lieen made by the Spiinglield news
p.ipeis and leading business men to expose
tils piactices mid warn the public against
him: but iu plteol the-e eli'ott. he seems
still to be doing a very laigo business.
JInrny Vtlllinius' I'uiiei-nl.
Ni.w York, Aiill 2rf. The fiuieral ol
Barney H illl.iuis took place to-day lioui
St. riteilieu'.s Cat hollo chinch, which was
tilled iu cw-ry pait, while lhu meet In
limit was piicktd with people unable to
enter. Kveiy actor iu tlie city and many
li oiii abroad wcie pi cent.
liolii iiikI Sloelis.
Ni.w York, Apnl 2S. Uold closed at
125U?.4; money dull ; (Jovernments dull
and sli-Hily; stoiksactivu anil un-otlled.
Ilemoeriitle liisM-naloti In Ken York.
An Albany special says Senators Blxby
and Moiris-ey. who have returned liom
the L'tlcn convention, say that theiiutl
Tamiuany organization will not go to any
mute conventions, but will defeat the
Statu ticket.
afciirua ItoiKl hwliMlle.
Nkw York, April 2. some four years
ago a number of bankers and brokeis in
this city were swindled out of sums ag
gregating about $07,000 by means of
counterfeit 7 30 United States bonds
These brokers scut to the treasury de
partment tor redemption and received the
proceeds. After the bogus character of
tho bonds was discovered I no government
instituted suit to recover the amount. Tho
iiim) was tried Iu the U. S. District court
and resulted In a verdict for the govern
ment apportioning the amount as follows :
Jay Cooke and other, $10,005 ; Central
National Bank, $3,528 ; D. B. Hatch, $5,
410 40 ; Peter M. Meyers, $4,255 CO; S.
V. rermilye,10,233 20; Win. M. Bull,
11,022 20 ; J. Brewster, $5,525 20, and II.
A. Ccasar, Jr., $8,72S.
rirat Attempt to 'AtMnmlnate PresMcnt
Tho Trihuno's Washington correspond
ent says : An Interesting Incident which
has never bten printed lias just transpired:
On the day when Lincoln was inaugurat
ed the second time in IStfG, and Jut at tlie
east poitico. a ms.ii, recognized by several
peroii8 to be John Wilkes Booth, pushed
hurriedly on through the assago
leading from the Senate chamber to the
rotunda, and in nu exeind mid deter
mined mamiir broke through tlie Ilue of
of policemen, which kept the crowd
hack Horn tliu precession and made a de
nci.ttu attempt to reach the c.itepi door
of the eapltol. Ho w.t discoveied by u
uieiul'l'l of the capitol police who ilzed
the excited stringer, and utter n .severe
stiuggie siicicidid In luieing him hick in
to the crowd. Booth had already been
iinliiril by nt least two person who knew
him, and "saw htm pa huirledly Iroiu the
direction ot the Senate chamber toward
the rotuudii, and otne idea ot Ids ili-tei-initiation
to reach the Inaugural may be
formed fiom the fait tint he Inoku awav
from tlie man who III st seized him, and
but tor the closing of the side door would
pinbtbly have accomplished Ins ptupose.
whatever It was. Those who stopped
Booth, and who. iu all probability pre
served the President's lile, were notnwaie
who tlie exeiti d stranger was. but the im
poitauce of their action can hardly he
nvei estimated. Tho man who stopped
Booth Is named Westfall and was made
commissioner of public bul'ding and
gtounds, and was teceutly dlihargcd by
the House. t
Hexleiin ItoDbcm I'leiwirlnc for ItaUI.
San DiKdO, April 2S The last three
days have been unusually wann, the ther
mometer ueingns nigh as suegiees lit tlie
L. M. Mcndclon. n merchant from San
Itafael, Lower California, an lved to-day.
He s.iy there wasa rumor thero that a
band of b-iuditti. lorty stronrr, wero organ
ized on Leoloando, in eoiitempiatiou of
mi-chief somewhere, hut l.o had heard
nothing of tiouble ucarCninno.
The people ol S.tn Iiafaol arc dlssatis-
lied at the removal ol tliu Headquarters ot
the land commissioner fiom that place.
At Tin Juana, near the line, several po
litical meetings had been held, and consul
crablc excitement prevailed.
Fotuiilcr-4l nt Sen.
Brest, Apt II 2d. Thu steamer Ques-
ant has foundered at sea. Twelitv-onu
lives wero lost.
I'reneh Intereal In Ainerleu.
Lyons. Ant II 23. Tho Council General
has adopted a resoiut Ion opening a ciedlt
ot if-l.uuu lor sending a delegation ot worK
inen lo the Pliil.ulelphia Kxlilbltion. The
Council has al-o appiopitated 2,000 to
wards tlie fund for the election of a Franco-American
r.iiropciiii (Iritln Market.
London, April 2S. The gtain trade
remains dull, and only tlio-e markets
wheie dellveiles aro scant)' aio llrm.
Kuglish wheat at tin. leading exchanges Is
steady, but lorelgu is nhout a shilling per
quaiter lower. Bailey and oils at pro
vincial uiaikcts mett with fair de-
iiiand. Pi ices are generally inaliitalned.
Maize, bonus and peas either neglected or
nurcli.ised ccantllv nt six iienee to n sliii-
liug per quarter decline. Tho mouth of
ai.iV win not hick a lair supply ol lor
elgu grain, It tlie ships due ni rive punetu
ally. Nearly 000,000 titiirters of wheat,
25.000 tpiairern ot maic,- and 50(1.000
quaiteis ol bailey, am expected. .Nine
teen si. Ipsaic duo within the Week liom
the Black Sea, Sea of jzot ind (lie Dan
ube, the continental maikets aro gener
ally llrm for wheat, Hour and rye. The
latest Paris prices ate nhout 4'Js 2d and
Hour 49 0d. In Mark Lane to-day all
branches of trade were Inactive. Wheat
nud Hour weio neglected and lower.
Maizii is unchanged, hut buyer. are holding
oil ; oats eiithely lost; bailey steady, and
beans and peas unchanged. The weather
lia been changeable, but favoiablc to wop
LivKiifOoL, April 23. The lending
chiular say with the genial weather ami
vegetation piogies-ing siiilsfactorliy. tiade
generally rules extieuicly dull. British
wheats supplied in unlimited quantity
weie saleable nt extieruu late, but foreign
wlie.it continues slightly to decline. There
was a small attendance nt the maiket to
day and a small demand for wheat. Choice
nnlv maintain Tiii'tluv's limitations, s,,,,-
CnHi.y-')' quilitles inlliig a penny, and all
"""is (it red iroin a penny to two peine
'.. L'lOll' Udilllciilr of sale, and Is
.V. ini i m.iii, Winuhat lower terms,
again olliiiiiif, .,t , Xi;flay' curren
Coin iu lair icqu. " c J1
V.iniltytillt U3lli
NlAV Yoniv, Apill 2'J.r-CoiiimudMO
Vaiido hilt is sinking f.'.'-t. His pliysliiil
constitution is rapidly j;oing to pieiis. He
Iri'i Millered (roui hemor.ige liall hi-) life,
hut the i ia I, cause ate more deeply seated.
Ho has dlease of tliu bladder, and liorulti,
it is lea led, ot the bl.idor is ulthuato anil
not distant. N'auiletbllt being noti-il lor
years, lias been prep'iud to ielgn his po-t
mid o complete ate alt his aniingmeuts
iu this ti'spect, tint it is helieved. tint
notwithstanding his gie.'it luliueuee iu tlie
allroad business of the country, his death
would have but Utile cll'ect In the stock
luntki-t. The ttnek whiih ho liolds In tho
New Yoik Central and Harlem Itallroad
would not It Is said, lie thrown on tho
maikct within one year alter Ids death, il
at all,
ClmrleH O'Coiiop mirt I lie ForreaC !:
vone cnse.
Xr.w York, A pi II 2'.). Tho tribunal
selected by tliu committee ol tlie Bar As
sociation to investigate the charges against
Charles O'Couor, in connection with the
Forret divorce ca'e, met to-day. Kx
Goveinor Joliu A. Dlx picsided. After
tho secretary had rend tho citation seivcd
upon the proprietors ot the Times and
Sun, but to which they did not respond,
to appear and substantiate tho charges
published, O'Connor presented a loiter
from Mrs. Sinclair last evening, in which
she states that she now. us well as always,
bore the same feeling of gratitude to Mr.
O'Couor. and lelterated Iter asscitlon that
the artlclo published In the Timet was
published without her consent, against
her wlh, and after a solemn promise had
been given that It should not be. Mrs.
Sinclair alo says that she never made any
charges against Mr. O'Couor, and had no
Intention of doing so ; then-lore, she did
not intend to avail herself ol the right to
appear beforo tlie tribunal, as she did nof.
r gard herself as In any eno a party to
tlm unpleasant eontioversy intruded upon
tho public.
Henry Sedley. the brother-in-law of
Mr. Sinclair, lead a protest against the
couioslti in ol the committee, iu whose
orgKiilration he claimed only one of the
parties tu tlie coiitiovry lias had a voice,
and whou decision, whatever It may lie,
must consequently 1 u'k tho moral author
ity which can Mifsfaetwlly dipoo of tho
di'pntid point, and iys tint before a
tnhhnul mi con-iliiited that It sin. II repre
sent both sides an I -lull tnrnlh gnaiMii
te tint, it cannot lie iiiected of idlllla
tlon witli either. I shall hu ready at any
tune to appeir and contiibutu what I
rightly can in the evidence on which
an impartial jndguie.it must necessarily
he founded.
i O'Couor icplli'd tin' lie did not Intend to
notlio Sedley V piotest; but wine prepared
to verity each null .-very statement con
tained ui hi meinour, anil that probably
be anil Mrs. Sinclair k.iuw most about the
litigation. IIc:ilii!iid lint the whole
mailer should be -ifii d to tliu bottom. He
stntedth.it tlie whole amount obtained
li inn .Mrs. hi el ilr loi 10 years profession
al servlics w i- 1 4.000.
Chief Justice I) dy te-lillcd that at tho
conclusion ol the riuii't case he was
waited upon by a number of ladle, w ho
requested lilui to pie-ent a llu-r vae to
O'Couor, tb Hiking and complimenting
him on tlie able manner iu which lie had
conducted the ca-e.
O'Couor lieru -tated that tlie sliver vno
was near at hand, and If tliu coin t decided
lie would produce It. chop it up and give
it to the poor, if ho had done a dishonora
ble action hi receiving it. O'Couor then
gavo a general and explicit denial of tho
charges against him. enumerating ail tlie
letters received by lilui from rations par
ties concerned In the ease, and also all
bills lor money received by him for Ills
sci vices during the 20 years Iio was con
nected in tlie case witli .Mrs. Fonest, and
handed to the chair all tho papers con
nected with tlie case, orgtcatcr pan there
of, and left the matter in their hands to
abide by their decision.
'Inn .Men Killed.
CA.Miiitmr.i:, O., April 20. I'wo men,
named respectively Long and Turner,
were killed, and a boy latally Injured, by
the tall of n building upon which they
weie wot king.
St. Loru, Apiil 20. Tho body or a
young man, named Beiuatd Bailey, was
loiind In ids ro'oni with a pistol shot wound
iu Ills side. Hu was very tespoctably con
nected, and had been clerk of u large bus
iness liousu iu tills city. Ho leaves n
lather lematkablc letter, for the hcnctlt of
physicians, which describes tlie mental
nud iiiotal feelings of a suicide. He also
intimates that tiuiequlted love causal the
'I'llileu'M I'rospeetH lur (ho I'rcnliloncy.
Ni:w York. Apiil 20. Tllden's pros
pects lor the Democratic Picsideiitial nom
ination nie considerably Impioved by tho
action ot tlie New York Stito convention.
Tlie ripple of tactions opposition amounts
to nothing n iilVocling the decision at St.
Louts. Tilden is clearly tliu choice of Ins)
party, heie, nud It nominated nt the, na
tional convention will get the entire party,,
vote of the State. In till respect III easo
is the ievero of Ooiikllng's. who-u nomi
nation would divide and not llulte tlie lie
publicans. Bayaid says lie cannot expect
much fiom New Yoik, when it has Tilden
to offer, whom he legaidsns a man of un
questionable ability and believes lilui to
be so regarded hy tho country.' Various
journals iu the South heietoloru hostile,
now admit that though Tilden I not their
lirst choice, he Is mn-t avallablocaudidate.
The ihiglng dcclatatlous of the Utica con
vention and ter-o Syracu-u platforms
of 1875 and 1S7(J me iin'dei stood to be the
ot work Mautiin Muible, editor ot tlie
Blaine's campaign continues to progress
favorably; as Call Schurx -ay of llil-tinv.
111! cmt.no.il t'mlit liU imiil lintll of siMllil.lt
ntiouger than befoie. Kven the editor
wuo origiiiiiuv weie siue-i mat me notioni
facts In the LI tin Bock bond eau weiu
ft !. fiill t.i I tin In lll.iliu. l.itts iniioitt' lliiilllll-
ing Medlll, of Crdcago; Bicliaul Smith, of
Ciiiciunatl. anil Sam Bowles.
Coiikling deviiopc little lidded strength;
but If Casey, Packind it Co. succeed
In-their pending cllbit to scciuo lilui tho
Louisiana delegation, Its reacllnnaiy clt'ect
in the Ninth may ptue inoiu disastrous
than it failure Smith.
Jiiilgii D.ivi lor the Itunocritlc uninlua
tion is les tnlktd of sincn t tin New Yoik
T:io Jlorton 9s,in,()(l0 .Veiilldal.
Wasiiimhon, Apt II 20 The fi lends i.f
Senator Moilou expicss ihuinselvesii-. con
lldciit that bo Is nbln fully to meet tliu ie
cent elnrges ngalust Ills integrity in con
nection with the $-2.V).(H)()hitieci'iid liom
tliu giiMirnuient Iu the -pihig of 1SI1:. Of
this amount he cNieiided, n- (loveruor. In
bcliall of thu state. M:i.l.:i00 I'm military
pin poes, for which the suite settled with
him, and thl-animuit was paid hick to tho
gou'iumoiit by the settling of a like
amount 1'ioin the payment of the enliiu
sum to Indian war advances ma In to tlie,
government iu lhu beginning ol tlie war.
The balance of thu $250.000 iimm-ly..
$115,000 he did not tHc, but. returned it.
to thu government. Tho settlement was.
entirely clo-cd vi:h tho government iu,
November. 18(11, and Senator Morton lias,
now tint original papers which show tills,
tact. It appeals lh.it a lew days ago lterr
rosentativuSpilnger called at the Treasury
Depaitmeut and wished to examine thu
war account ot Senator Motion while he
was (Joveruor of Indiana. Thu Secretary
declined to permit such examination un
less Senator Morton, or somti filenil lur
him should be present, and Inlormed Sen
ator Moiton ol these tacts. Senator Mor-.
ton called on Springer and said to him that,
ho had no olijectlHii to have an exiniinv.
tion of his entire war expenditures, bnl,
desired to be represented in such exainln-.
at lou by a tilend. Morton immediately;
telegraphed to General Sturm, who wa
chiel ol ordnance, and General Terrell,
who was his military secretary, to coino
to Washington, and both ol these gentle
men are now here. Morton will tale an
early occalou Iu lhu Senate lo fully ex
plain (lie trnu-actlon regarding It, and will
afford all necessary facilities for a com-,
plctu examination of the subject,
! fr.